Windows Server install on ESXi

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welcome to entrez in this video we're going to be talking about how to set up a Windows or Linux server in ESXi now currently we have ESXi 6.7 I believe you see here we have a lot of information that it could tell us we're running 6.7 dot zero update to have quite a few resources available so I don't think it should be an issue one of the first things we have to make sure we have is storage in this case I have local data stores and I scuzzy based data stores so if we come over here to our data store for my hard drives and go to data store browser we can click on my ISOs directory you'll notice I was able to upload a lot of these files if we expand this we can make it a little longer but not wider so you kind of need to know what the the name of your ISO is in this case Server 2019 ISO it's almost about 5 gigabytes so we see that this is here we're good to go now there's a lot of different ways to create virtual machines but since this is a Microsoft video we'll make it very simple for you so we'll just create and register a virtual machine create a new one we also have the ability to do open virtualization files if we have one of those or registering and existing if we have one in our storage already so we come over here we create a name let's just say initial setup we can choose our compatibility in this case all the servers in my environment are running at least 6.7 we could also choose update two if we wanted to we'll have to go through VMware's documentation to see what update to gives us as far as compatibility is concerned for now we'll just come in here and choose Windows and sadly 19 is not listed so we have to do sixteen or later we can also enable Windows virtualization based security if we wanted to do hardware virtualization x' iommu efi and secure boot options in this case i'm not going to worry about that for now we'll just move forward well then want to choose which storage we want if it's standard or if we have persistent memory in our box which of course I don't so let's stick with our I scuzzy SSD from here we can customize the settings for CPU we can specify the number of sockets and the cores per socket so in this case I have a single processor so I'll have a single socket if I was going to have a multiple processor system I might say one core per socket that way it kind of do its load balancing over the physical hardware but in this case we don't so let's just specify it's a quad core system and it's a single socket we can also choose an able CPU hot add if we're running a version of an operating system that allows this I could be mistaken but I believe only datacenter Edition allows hot plug so if you're running standard this might not work down here we have our memory now keep in mind we have to be wary of how much memory we have available and in use in our system so in this case we'll just give it 8 gigs hopefully that'll be good one of the cool things about reservations is that VMs use swap so if you didn't want it to swap back and forth to your physical disk we can reserve all guest memory and that swap will not exist this is especially good if we're running on an SSD system because you really don't want a lot of unnecessary readwrite IO on the system so we can reserve at all and you'll notice we'll take up that entire 8 gigs from here we specify hard disk and we'll just leave this as 40 but one of the big things you always need to remember is that it is thick provisioned lazily zeroed by default so if you want this entire 40 gigs to be taken up lazily Auriga lee eagerly would be good but I prefer thin provisioning because it just works and if you give something like 10 terabytes it'll only actually use what it's written to I scuzzy controllers will use the logics as I have my network adapter which is going to be an emulated II one thousand but we can also use single route IO virtualization pass-through if we have that capability or vmx net 3 if we have 10 gig as far as MAC address is concerned we'll just have it do it automatically and we need to choose our datastore ISO file that we looked at earlier which was in my ISOs directory on my hard drive datastore so we'll select server 2019 good next finish down here under recent tasks it'll create the VM and you'll see it is now listed here under initial setup so we can click on initial setup which will take us to the virtual machine page where we can power it on and open the web console since we loaded that CD in there you'll see here that our removable devices are currently attached from here you can also edit settings permissions notes and other various things such as powering off suspending resetting shutdown and restarting if VMware tools is installed now one of the black things about server sometimes is you might not have pointer accessibility luckily here we do it happens to me a lot with envy center where I can't use my mouse cursor but will just come through and do an install now wait for the setup to start and you'll get an option to choose the standard or datacenter editions of course this is evaluation so you get these options here but we have the core Edition which is CLI and PowerShell or remote only or the desktop experience where you actually have the GUI for this will do the desktop experience and hit next we'll accept the license terms a whole bunch of them and then of course custom install windows only because we don't have an existing installation the drive space can be an issue sometimes depending on if you have scuzzy drivers or raid drivers or whatnot but one of the nice things about VMware's a lot of these drivers especially LSI logics as are built into VMware and Windows so we probably shouldn't have an issue with the loading driver options from here we just hit next and we'll pause the video while it installs so after you're done installing and you put an administrator password you'll come to the control-alt-delete screen which you can come up here to actions guest OS and send keys control-alt-delete this will allow you to log in with that administrator password and it'll boot into Windows Server and of course starts you off with server manager talks about one of the new items within Windows the admin Center we'll talk about that a little later but one of the first few things you want to do here is local server and change the computer name change the workgroup name potentially change the firewall Remote Desktop teaming and of course the IP address in this case we have an IP address assigned by DHCP so we can come in here hit properties and we can change the IP address use the following IP address subnet mask gateway and of course the DNS servers for your local Active Directory servers for now we'll cancel this one of the things that you must always remember to do more of a best practice very good practice to do is to install VMware tools so under guest OS install VMware tools and it should mount and load if not come down here to the file icon this pc and vmware tools' vmware tools' does a lot of good modifications to the system and allows it to work a lot more efficiently so we'll come in here and do the Installer next typical is usually fine complete is also good or custom if you want to change the location of the install well next install and I believe it'll make us do a reboot so you see here it's installing all of the really cool drivers that VMware has such as vm x net 3 some of the video drivers etc once this is done it'll make us restart our system and because we are virtualized running on SSD this should be really quick it's about 14 seconds later do our same thing control-alt-delete and we can get back into our system so let's move this down a bit there you go once again we hit no and we have our server that we can manage now this will pretty much be what you get if you get something from entrance however we're gonna get out of this initial setup for the moment and we're gonna check out our remote entrez comm where I have a server ready to go so I'm gonna come in here I created this virtual machine pretty much for this video series here so so here once we connect into entrez training as a service most of the time you'll come to a locked screen or a signed out screen so if we were to lock the system here you might ask yourself how do we do a control out delete if we do that on our key bored it'll lock the machine we're working on so down here at the bottom we have a bar that is hopefully on by default where you can type ctrl alt and hit the Delete key that'll load us into our login however if you do a ctrl alt shift it'll open up this input method option where we could have the on-screen keyboard as you see here or the text input which I believe is a little bit easier click ctrl click alt and press the Delete key on your keyboard and you'll be able to get in make sure you either get rid of this or uncheck these options before you log in and there you go we are now in our remote entrez comm as a service provided virtual machine so you can come in here look at your local server and you'll notice that we have Ethernet 0 configured and with an IP address on it now having this IP address is pretty much for our system to communicate since we are using VNC try not to change this IP address or do anything with the service otherwise you will lose access and need a call support at entrez comm anyway from here you have your full-blown Windows Server so let's check out some information so we currently have an i7 1807 G running 3.1 gigahertz 2 gigs of RAM and I believe it's a single processor if we come over here to task manager more details performance that's what I've currently given this system single socket two gigs of ram now keep in mind you can get more sockets and more RAM might just be a little bit more of a cost but you have the ability to request and have more if the performance is kind of degraded now keep in mind all of my systems will be running on xeon processors this is just a test setup to go through this particular video series so it closes out of here you can come here at a computer name change the computer name to whatever you want tim dc1 I'd like to do that with my name so I know what it is me domain controller number one because this will become a domain controller so once you change the computer name it'll ask you to restart the computer to apply this particular name so here we go let's restart yet again of course because it restarted the remote desktop server will not work that's because of course the server is not running the box is rebooting and hopefully within about 12 to 15 seconds we'll be able to reconnect and there you go it took a little while probably about 20 or 25 seconds but remember it's got a reboot and the services have to restart so if we come in here and type our password nothing's gonna happen that's because we have to deselect ctrl + alt so once we login and are back into Windows Server manager will then come back up we can look back at our local server and see that our name has been changed keep in mind that server manager does and can take a long time depending on how many servers are linked with this particular server management snapping so computer name has changed I turn firewall off because I just don't like the Windows Firewall a lot of the times you'll use something like McAfee we have antivirus it's on by default no desktops enabled so you can RDP between systems if you have more than one and like I was talking about before we will always have an Ethernet 0 in the 1 7 to 16 network but if you have multiple servers and/or clients you will have a second or potentially third Ethernet adapter that you can assign an IP address yourself so yeah that's pretty much how you install Windows Server 2019 it's pretty simple straightforward especially in a VMware environment we just map an ISO create the VM install server hopefully come in here and set up VMware tools give an IP address and hopefully you'll be good to go one of the other things you need to keep in mind however especially if you're in a virtual environment is you have to make sure you have your VM on the correct VLAN now we'll get into this a little bit more when I do my ESXi course but you need to make sure your network adapter is in the VLAN or port group where it can communicate on that particular network with your outside network devices so yeah I hope you enjoyed this video if you have any any things you want to add questions hopefully this will be the start to a good video series I believe the next one will start off and those probably how to install roles features and Active Directory probably be a duplicate of the one I have already but hey this will be my new series hope to see you in the next one
Channel: NTRaaS
Views: 4
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows, server, install, esxi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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