WINDOWS 11 (still) sucks, more than two years later! [RANT]

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Hello, fellow Windows users! In today s video,  I will rant about Windows 11 and what I hate   about it. Yes, that s right. Because while  Windows 11 aims to be a great operating system,   it s definitely not a masterpiece. There  are many reasons why you may like it,   but there are also reasons why Windows 11 sucks.  Things that are missing and we had in Windows 10,   things that were better designed in  earlier Windows operating systems,   and things that are hard to do. Why is Windows 11  so bad that it makes some people wonder if they   should switch to using Linux or macOS? Here are  some reasons why I and probably many others feel   let down by Microsoft and why Windows 11 sucks,  at least in some respects. Sometimes, Windows 11   feels like an operating system that nobody wanted,  nobody asked for, and nobody needs. Windows 10,   even with all its mishaps and issues, looks better  than Windows 11, and in most cases, it feels   faster. The design of Windows 11 makes me wonder  whether Microsoft hired a team of preschoolers   to draw its interface and expected a bunch of  machines to use it. I don t know about you,   but having used each and every version of Windows  since Windows 3.1 to present one in question,   I find the design of the latter to be quite  inconsistent, confusing, and often annoying.   It s like they took many things that were good  and already polished in previous versions... and   threw them away. The rounded corners, the  translucent windows, the centered taskbar,   the Widgets that are confined in their own  popup window, the new yet boring icons should   I continue? Though I don t necessarily hold  this against Microsoft, another reason why   many people do not love or downright hate Windows  11, is its hardware demands. The company imposes   strict system requirements for Windows 11, meaning  many can t install it or upgrade their computers.   Besides what we d call normal requirements for  an operating system, such as processor speed,   RAM, or storage amount, Windows 11 also has  a series of prohibitive requests. Among them,   the most disconcerting is the fact that your  PC needs to have a Trusted Platform Module,   aka TPM 2.0 chip. Add the fact that its processor  must be at least a 2nd Generation AMD Ryzen or an   8th Generation Intel, or one of a few select Intel  Core 7th Gen processors. It s easy to call all of   that mandatory on paper, but in the real world,  there are lots of slightly older computers that   have enough power to run Windows 11, but they  simply don t have TPM 2.0 or one of the supported   processors. For example, I had an older laptop  with an Intel Core i7 7700HQ processor that ran   great and even had a TPM 2.0 chip on it. It  would have had no problem running Windows 11,   but Microsoft didn t let me, so I had to make  the tough decision of selling it. I m pretty   sure that many people are in the exact same  situation, and that sucks! On the same note,   there are many entry-level computers, laptops,  and tablets that theoretically comply with all   the system requirements of Windows 11. But even  if they do, the operating system s performance is   disappointing, as on many of them, Windows 11 is  slow, buggy, and unstable. I ve seen it firsthand   on so many devices. Long story short, and if you  allow me a joke, on entry-level PCs, Windows 11   freezes more than my wife when I turn on the air  conditioning. Is it okay for an operating system   to lag more often than a dial-up connection when  all you re trying to do is open its Settings app?   Does it make sense for Windows 11 to consume more  resources than a black hole just to keep Microsoft   Edge running? I d say no to all that and more:  if you value speed, reliability, and efficiency,   it s a nightmare to stare at your PC while it s  taking forever to load apps, boot, install things,   and last but not least, update itself! There are  a couple of specific areas where I feel Microsoft   did a poor job when designing Windows 11. Even  if, over time, some have been improved a bit, they   still lack in terms of usability and customization  options. And there is a list of things I think of   quite often when I say Windows 11 sucks. First of  all Windows 11 s taskbar is less customizable...   than it should be. Windows 11 s taskbar looks  nice with its centered icons and Start Menu,   but it feels like a downgrade from Windows 10 in  every other way. Windows 11 s taskbar can t be   moved or resized, it can t be set to show smaller  icons, and you can t ungroup the buttons on it.   These are things that you can do with the taskbar  from Windows 10, but you can t do in Windows 11.   Who would ve thought such a flaw would be present  in Microsoft s newest and most modern operating   system? Likewise, Windows 11 s Start Menu feels  like a downgrade from previous Windows versions.   Microsoft tried to make it simpler and more  focused on what people really use. Unfortunately,   they kind of failed. The Windows 11 Start Menu  looks a bit more like a smartphone s home screen,   but it s nowhere near as useful. The live tiles  are gone and replaced with simple icons, which is   OK except for the fact that I actually liked the  live tiles of some Windows 10 apps, like Weather,   Mail, or Calendar. Don t you miss them too?  Furthermore, instead of having something useful   in its bottom section, Windows 11 s Start Menu  only gives you a few apps and files you recently   used. In theory, it might be a good thing, but  in practice, I have yet to find how this could   be useful to me in any way. I ve never found the  documents I wanted to edit in this recommendations   list. The apps I regularly use are already in the  Pinned section, which makes the Recommended area   of the Start Menu pointless. Another issue is that  if you configure the Recommended section not to   show anything, it doesn t disappear to leave room  for other sections, and you get a Start Menu that   s partly empty. Is that a good design choice?  After all, in Microsoft s own Feedback Hub, the   user request to remove the Recommended section is  one of the most upvoted by people. And so many...   other things are not as straightforward in the  new OS as they were in Windows 10, like... Windows   11 s user interface requires too many clicks. It  might not be a big issue, but it s an annoying one   for many. Take, for example, the way you connect  to a Wi-Fi network: in Windows 10, you click or   tap on the Wi-Fi button from the system tray,  and you get to see the list of available wireless   networks. Then, you simply choose the one you want  to connect to. In Windows 11, you use the same   network button from the system tray, but to get  to the Wi-Fi list, you must additionally press the   small arrow button next to the Wi-Fi entry. Or, as  another example, in Windows 10, if you right-click   on the desktop or on a file or folder, you get a  contextual menu with options to choose from. But   no, in Windows 11, doing the same thing only shows  you a few options, and to see them all, you have   to make another click or tap on Show more options.  So instead of one click, you have to click twice,   and that s another reason why Windows 11 is  irritating to use, compared to Windows 10. Ok,   you can restore the good old right-click menu  from Windows 10 in Windows 11, but why? Why   it's not there form the very beginning? But let's  go even further with the missing functionalities:   for example, settings still don t include  everything in the old Control Panel. Do you   remember when Windows 10 was launched? It was on  July 29, 2015. That was the starting date for the   touch-friendly Settings app that was and is still  struggling to replace the old Control Panel. Until   now, Microsoft still hasn t managed to finish  migrating all the tools and settings in Windows 10   s Settings app. And the bad news is that Windows  11 is just as far behind. While the Settings app   in Windows 11 is more streamlined and better in  many aspects than the one in Windows 10, it still   doesn t have all the things found in the Control  Panel. In other words, the Control Panel is still   a thing in Windows 11, an operating system that  s as new and modern as it gets! Not something   I expected from it, and definitely not something  that I thought I d be saying almost 8 years after   first seeing the Settings app. Uh, and one more  thing: Offline local accounts are not available   for Windows 11 Home. Are you a fan of cloud  services, online accounts, and syncing everything   you can on your Windows devices? If you are,  then you probably don t mind using a Microsoft   account on each and every Windows 11 computer  or device you own. However, if you re not, or   if you intend to use Windows 11 on a PC that s not  connected to the internet, here s another reason   why Windows 11 sucks: you can t install its Home  edition without a Microsoft account or an internet   connection. Isn t that great? Only Windows 11 Pro  can be used with local offline accounts, and even   that requires workarounds. That s a bummer and  an unnecessary restriction on Microsoft s part,   one that I presume the company imposes only to  force people to create Microsoft accounts and   use more of its services. So, what's to be done?  Well, if Windows 11 sucks too much for you, as it   does for me, you can go back to Windows 10 like I  already did on my personal belongings, being the,   laptop or desktop PC. These were just some of the  things I don t like about Windows 11. Most of them   could be significantly improved. I really hope  Microsoft will act on them in future updates, so   that Windows may truly become the modern operating  system they want it to be. But most likely,   they might just release Windows 12 before making  Windows 11 better. Before ending this video,   please let me know in the comments section: what  are the things you dislike most about Windows   11? Did you keep on using it despite its flaws  and shortcomings, or did you reach the obvious   conclusion that it s simpler to just go back to  Windows 10? Well, that was it for today, thanks   for watching, if you enjoyed today's video, please  subscribe to our channel and see you next time!
Channel: TechniQualities
Views: 21,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech, technology, review, vlog, tech review, pc, laptop, gaming, dan cadar, cpu, gpu, benchmarks, graphics card, windows 11, Windows 10, TPM 2.0, windows 11 system requirements, windows 11 compatible harware, Windows 11 Start Menu, Windows 11 user interface, windows 11 problems, microsoft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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