Windows 11 Major "Moment 4" Update - Best New Features

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Wake up everyone, a new Windows feature  update just dropped. And technically,   even though this has a ton of new features, it  technically is not the 23H2 update that still is   to come. This one is being called the Moment  4 update. So of course I'm going to go over   a lot of big features and then even some of the  smaller ones that I think are still pretty cool. And I will note that this won't  install automatically. To get it,   what you do is go into Windows Update and  then either enable the "Get the latest   updates as soon as they're available" option,  or you might just see this thing for "2023-09   Cumulative Update Preview" and download and  install that. And that should give it to you. I will put links in the description to Microsoft  blog posts, where they go into detail about all   the new changes and features, because I'm not  going to cover every single little thing. Some   of them I don't think are important, but it  might be to you. So we can start off with the   feature that is being promoted the most by  Microsoft, and that is the Copilot preview. So that's the AI thing. Basically it's Bing  Chat where right now you'll see a new icon   show up in the taskbar, you can turn it off,  but when you click it, you'll see the same   thing that you would on the Bing Chat website.  So you can ask it stuff. It uses GPT-4 on the   backend. And also it can do some basic stuff  like changing to dark mode if you ask it to,   but that's not really any more convenient  than just searching the settings for it. Also, it can apparently integrate into some  apps like Outlook to help with summarizing   emails and stuff. Although I haven't really  tried that out. Fortunately, it's a bit more   than just a wrapper for the Bing chat website.  It does integrate a little bit. For example,   if you use the Snipping Tool while the thing  is open, it will automatically catch that from   the clipboard and ask if you want to send it and  analyze it and see what's in there, for example. So it's kind of cool. You can analyze  images and stuff. Now I don't really want   to spend a lot of time on that feature.  Personally, I don't find it very useful,   or at least any more useful than just  using the Bing Chat. So you can read   more about it if you want. I'm sure  they're going to be adding stuff to it. Now, the next new feature is one that a lot  of people have been waiting for, and that is   native support for all sorts of file archives, not  just zip files. It now supports all these such as   7-zip files, RAR files, tar.gz, tarball files.  And you can see here, if there is for example a   tar.gz file, it can extract just fine. Though  there are a couple of things I want to note. First of all, the first time you go to open it,   you might have to select to use File Explorer  to open it. It apparently doesn't set that by   default. And also it seems like unlike  zip files, you have to actually extract   the files first to open them. If you click  into it, you can see what files are in there. But for example, if I try to open this image while  in this, it just says corrupt until I actually   extract it. Next up, we have a new feature for  Notepad, which is now, even if you close it,   it will still keep your session open. So  if you have a bunch of note tabs open,   you close it, it will reopen them  when you open the notepad back up. So this is really useful if you don't really  necessarily want to save a bunch of note text   files, but you still want to take some  notes on something. It's a little bit   safer to do so in Notepad. Also, there's  some major new features in the Paint app,   and that is that it supports  transparency and it has layers now. You can see how I open up the image and  then I can create a new layer on top of it,   scribble on it, and then hide that if  I want, so it doesn't mess with the   base image. Paint even also has a new feature to  automatically remove the background of an image,   again using AI, and I found it to  be pretty decent for what it is. It wasn't like super amazing quality. For  example, I tried to remove the background   of this emoji and it did leave kind of a white  halo around it. So it doesn't seem to be perfect,   but probably for a lot of people, decent  enough. Apparently this version is not   rolling out to everyone at the same time for some  reason, but hopefully it will to everyone soon. You can check if you have it by going into  the Microsoft Store and then clicking "Get   Updates" to make sure that at least download is  the last one that you have. Also those signed   up for the Windows Insider program will also  get a new version of paint that has something   called co-creator, which will allow it  to AI generate images that you type in. So that's really cool. It basically  uses the Bing Image Generator. But yeah,   paint is getting an upgrade. But not  to be outdone by the Snipping Tool,   which is also getting some new features. Now,  if you take a screenshot that has text in it,   you can press this Text Actions button and  it will use optical character recognition and I think some AI, to analyze the text  and let you select it with a cursor,   and then you can copy it from there, or you  can hit "Copy All Text". And you can also   use this "Quick Redact" button to automatically  cover up any phone numbers and email addresses,   either of them. So this is a really cool way  to natively in Windows, get text from an image. Also in the update blog, it mentioned that  you're supposed to be able to now record your   microphone with the video screen recording mode  in Snipping Tool. I didn't have that. So again,   it's an annoying thing where they say, "Hey,  you can do this now." And then you actually   can't. And I believe this is actually the  same thing for this text analysis tool. You might not be able to get it right  away, but at least you can check by again,   going into the Microsoft Store and hitting  Get Updates and see if it gives you the   latest one. Moving on, there's a new  feature in the Photos app. If you go   into the edit mode for an image, you  can now click to blur the background. Again, it uses AI to analyze it, then gives  you a preview where you can adjust the blur   intensity. And it even lets you use a brush tool  to add or remove parts that will be blurred. And   for the most part, it got the main subject  right. This was a tough one because some   stuff is actually in front of him and the  background was already kind of blurred,   but at least it got the edges  of him and the main book right. The File Explorer has also gotten some  updates. They say it's been modernized.   One new thing you'll notice is the Gallery  option, which I think pretty much just shows   recent photos and stuff similar to what the  Photos app is going to do. But one cool new   little thing is you can finally now drag tabs  from one File Explorer window onto another. I guess you couldn't do that before, but now you  can. Also, there's an option for a new Details   pane that will show up when you select a  file before it was just the preview pane,   but now you can have it show more info,  not just the image or whatever. Next up,   there is a new Windows Backup app that seems  to be just for if you're like moving to a new   PC or something, I don't think this is  for like a full backup of your computer. It says it backs up your files and apps and stuff,  but from my understanding, what I was reading,   it doesn't actually back up the files of the  app, like the installation itself. It backs up   a list of what programs you have installed  and then the settings along with them,   and then just re-downloads them on a  new computer and restores the settings. So if that's the case, I would have to guess  that that only works with Microsoft store apps,   although I'm not sure. But strangely, it really  doesn't tell you exactly what it's backing up,   which I didn't like. And I have to  assume that for the files and folders,   it's just backing up the library things  like you can already do with OneDrive. So to be honest, I would not trust this thing if  I was wiping a computer and restoring it. Though,   if I was just moving to a secondary computer,  it's probably fine for just getting your stuff   over there. But again, it doesn't tell you  exactly what it's backing up. So I'm not a   fan of that. Moving on, the Narrator  feature now has more natural voices. So now if you go and search  for the Narrator feature,   it will probably show you this thing and give  you the option to download these new voices,   and then you'll have the option to use them. And  they do sound a lot better. They are the AI neural   voices, I guess. So they're more natural.  They're not just like robot voices so much. Next up, there's some new features in the  volume mixer. So if you go to the system tray,   click that, and then click this thing. Now  it'll show you all the sound devices. And if   you scroll down to the bottom, it shows any  currently running programs that have sound   playing, and you can individually  adjust the volume of all those. There's also a option to enable spatial  audio for Windows, which I think is some   kind of like virtual surround sound if you  have headphones. I probably wouldn't turn   this on unless you're like watching  a movie or something. Cause again,   it might manipulate how the audio  sounds, but still kind of cool that   you can relatively easily find that, if you  didn't even know that was a feature before. Moving on, another cool little feature is  Auto Dimming. If you have a device that has   a presence sensor. So this is probably going to be  either a tablet or a laptop. So if you walk away,   it will apparently automatically dim your screen.  And when you come back, brighten it back up to   save energy. And also Microsoft is releasing a  new program, Outlook For Windows, which is free. And it seems to be kind of like a replacement  for the Windows Mail app and sort of like the   Microsoft 365 full blown Outlook. So I  don't know if it has all those features,   but it's free at least. So it gets  you closer to that. So now let's   move on and talk about some new settings  options. Some of these are really cool. First of all, when you go into the Settings,  you'll notice that there is a new look to   it. It shows some recent and suggested  settings. It'll show you personalization,   that kind of thing. But one really new  cool setting is the option to add the   End Task button when you right click a  program on the taskbar. And to do this,   you go into Settings and then System and  then For Developers and then enable End Task. Just be careful when you use this because it  doesn't seem to give any kind of confirmation.   So unlike if you just close a program  and you were working on something,   it will remind you, "Hey, do you want  to save this before you close it?" If   you just hit the end task button, you're  not going to have an option to do that. So just be aware of that. There's  also a new menu for Passkeys,   which is basically a replacement for  passwords. I made a whole video about this,   talking about how to set it up with  Google, I'll have that pop out. But now   you can go into the settings and see which  passkeys you have saved in Windows Hello, you can remove them. So that's just  convenient. Also I'll point out,   don't mix passkeys up with the security keys, the  physical things. They're completely different,   so just don't mix those up. Next up, a really cool  feature that a lot of people have been waiting   for is Dynamic Lighting, which now lets you  natively support RGB lighting for your computer. You can find this under Personalization  and you can see options like setting it   to your Windows accent color. You can change  it manually to be solid or a breathing effect,   that sort of thing. Now, right now I can't really   test this out because I don't have any  devices that support it through this. They're adding more support for a lot of  devices, like apparently Logitech and most   of theirs will support it. And they do show that  a lot of companies are partnering with them to   ensure that most devices probably eventually will  support this. So fortunately you won't have to use   the often extremely bloated software that comes  with a lot of devices just to control the colors. A little bit more customization options  for Taskbar. Now you have the option to   not show the date and time, in the date and time  settings, if you don't want that showing. Also,   you can now choose to have it never combine  objects in the taskbar. So it'll always show   each window as a separate thing. You  can find that under Taskbar Behavior   settings and then the option "Combined  taskbar buttons and hide labels" to Never. And then it'll look like this. And also  you can set that separately for secondary   monitors if you want. And also a little  change, is now notifications will show   as a bell that's filled in, in the taskbar  bottom right. And if it's no notifications,   it'll just show as an outline. A  couple other random new little changes. First of all, the new update now uses  the fluent emojis that Microsoft has.   So they're kind of like 3D looking, they're  kind of cool. And also you can now go into   the apps list and uninstall Cortana if you've  been waiting to do that more easily. Finally,   there's a few business oriented  features that I can mention. You can now set it so Windows can log in  to a business account with no passwords   at all. So using Windows Hello, using  some method or another. Another feature,   now if you have employees using a cloud Windows  PC, you can now have it boot directly into that   using the Windows 365 PC thing. And  also if you're now using a cloud PC,   you can basically use the same way to switch  between that, like you will a virtual desktop. So it's a bit more seamless. So yeah, I guess  that's pretty much it. Again, this is not even   a 23H2 update. I don't know how many features  are going to be added into that one. If there's   a significant amount, again, I'll make a video  about it. So be sure to subscribe for that. If   you enjoyed this video, let me know down in the  comments, what is your favorite new feature? And if I missed any, be sure to let me know down  there too. And of course, if you liked the video   again, be sure to like it. It always helps out  with the YouTube algorithm. If you want to keep   watching, the next video I'd recommend is where  I talk about all the new tools in Microsoft Power   Toys, which is like a suite of really cool  tools that you can download from Microsoft   and all the new features that they added for that  one recently, so I'll put that link right there. You can just click on that. Thanks so much  for watching and I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: ThioJoe
Views: 303,815
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Id: Q3qSrrzR5q8
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Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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