Window Restoration w/The Silent Paint Remover: Part 1 [Full]

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hi welcome to silent paper mover calm today we're going to jump right in and start restoring an old window before we get started let's make sure we have everything we need a silent paint remover a respirator several sharp pull scrapers raw linseed oil aluminum tape or foil chisel with roller and putty chisel as you can see in our workshop we've built a custom tabletop for window restoration to catch paint dust and chips for easy cleanup whatever you use for your project make sure you can clamp the window down securely so will not move around while you're working adding raw linseed oil will do two things first reconstitute the old dry paint and second bind any paint dust you may create when scraping if the old paint is acrylic you may need to score the surface so the oil can penetrate into a putty it will then soften easier with infrared heat ideally cover the entire surface and let the oil soak in for 24 hours use whatever method you prefer to mark the location of the glass as well as the top and bottom of the window frame aluminum tape is a great way to protect the glass just cut the pieces to fit if you lost the back and apply directly onto the glass an even simpler option is to use a piece of cardboard wrapped in aluminum foil position it wherever needed during heating process always read the instructional manual before operating wear a respirator for your own safety and don't forget to utilize the weight bar to angle the tool to corners flip the green power switch turn the unit on its side and allow the tubes to heat up and turn orange this usually takes two minutes or so it is very important to operate the tool with the side shields fully extended use a sharp long-handled scraper parallel with the surface and pull towards yourself if you see the surface bubbling a lot or see smoke it is a sign that you have heated too long heating time is often shorter than you think the average is 30 seconds depending on the thickness of the wood the type of paint in the ambient temperature if you are using a good scraper the resulting surface requires little to no sanding in fact standing should be unnecessary start with the exterior side remove the paint first exposing the putty line which will act as a guide for your chisel with roller rest the roller on the outer surface of the window and follow that edge with the chisel separating the putty from the sash now let's see that again the ease with which you remove the putty all depends on what materials were used in the past try to scrape with the grain of the wood and feel free to move around the window to find the best angle take your time with the interior of the window the window blade is especially designed to follow the pattern of grooves in the wood but the pattern varies from window to window so you may find you need to use several different scrapers to remove the paint from this area this is by far the most time-consuming part of the paint removal process but you're almost done you may remove the glazing pins with pliers but there is a real danger of cracking the glass instead run your scraper along the glass and pull the pins out gently like this a slight pull and the right angle is all you should need clean around the edges of the glass removing any wooden spacers that may be wedged between the glass and the inside of the sash now you will be able to easily remove the glass with very little pressure make sure you haven't lost the location markers you made carefully remove a glass from the window frame and set aside here is a trick to remove any excess paint from the window apply a little more organic raw linseed oil to the wood heat with the paint remover and use steel wool to gently scrub the surface paint residue may be left in the grain of the wood this is fine and will not be a problem now that you've heated the wood go ahead and remove any putty that is left as you can see an earlier restoration scorch the wood probably a heat gun or a torch burn marks cannot be made with the infrared heat from the silent paint remover we have achieved a beautiful bare wood surface immediately ready to be painted with a Lebec organic linseed oil paint and this old window will last for generations there are many ways to clean the glass you can use a pin like this and soak them in warm water and a little bit of linseed oil soap or you can apply the soap and water directly onto the glass using a non scratch pad like this one it's a good idea to use a microfiber cloth or a non-skid material like this behind your glass when you're scraping with your glass scraper to clean the edges like this remember to keep your markers in place so you can place each glass piece correctly later we don't need a perfectly clean surface right now but the linseed oil soap will leave a little residue of oil so using non chemical cleaner like soda some dish soap found at cleaning chem free Calm this is also where you'd want to replace any broken or damaged pieces of glass but we'll cover that in another video well I'm happy to tell you you're done with part 1 of window restoration look out for part 2 it's silent paint remover calm or solvent free paint calm who's that
Channel: Earth+Flax Studio
Views: 290,238
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Keywords: Window Restoration, Open Can, silent paint remover, linseed oil, window, restoration, the silent paint remover, infrared, paint removing, non-chemical, scrapers, do-it-yourself, how-to, home improvement, Construction, Repair, speedheater, paint
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2013
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