Wind Waker Randomizer, but we CAN’T FIND A SWORD! - Pt. 3

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AH has a terrible record at understanding compasses.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/Cuofeng 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

The Randomizer episodes where Michael makes absolutely no progress are the best, it’s like Rage Quit never ended. Michael’s reaction to getting the bigger bomb bang is probably the highlight of the series so far.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Mikecall 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Loving watching Michael and Matt play these randomizers. Its a highlight of my week seeing these two sit back and do a chill play through. Thanks for the content.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/FlackBeard 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Why send Link with a Master Sword when you can send Glink to yeet pots at the bad guys?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Oh_no_its_Joe 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

It would have been nice to see the compass they were talking about at length

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/llloksd 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Watching Michael not understand how a compass works is... Frustrating

It turns right when you turn left from north because then north is to your right, not that complicated

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/ShadowShine57 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

"the game never tells you to use the grappling hook for treasure..." and now we all know why they thought that!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Ilotoyoubve 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2022 🗫︎ replies

I commented on it in the first episode, and I continues to be more likely: all the swords upgrades are really fucking out there, and Matt knew that when this started from his comment in the first episode. He’s torturing Michael.


👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Lucienofthelight 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2022 🗫︎ replies
this is cold i don't know old people get cold all the time they do like they're freezing when it's not cold you're standing out here short sleeves i mean look at the you could see the wind that's how windy it is imagine a world where you can see the wind you're going ah i feel like pollution would really like wind to that right yeah dude but i'm i'm just banking if you see wind probably god all over the place or not and people are in for a rude awakening well i mean something you know what i mean yeah it's it's either man has fallen so far there's no recovery then you can see the wind or gods are involved right and there's no recovery yeah i just isn't that one isn't that usually kind of synonymous where it's like hey you don't see the wind but you know it's real it's like well there's the wind right there so i know it's real i know it's real where's the other thing you're talking about whatever it may be off oh no we screwed us wind how could you do this to me wind earth easier we represent that you're circular we need to know now we can't all be going into outer space and looking at you all right what am i doing here but they've done that this is part three you haven't done that i'm saying we as a people but people can say whatever they want that's propaganda matt that's you know what i guess you're right if you can see the wind you as an individual goes there it is i can't look down and see a round earth okay we got these we got these geniuses [ __ ] standing on a skyscraper going look it's flat i can see most of the earth from this building and it's flat most of the earth look i took a picture and it doesn't go down i've solved it i figured it out i'm a scientist now let me get back to banning those books now that i've now that i've solved everything let's stop teaching things um i'm can i just keep going up should i do this or should i abandon this can you can you uh is medley up there oh no she's in the poo what she's in the poo right isn't she you're you're past poo point i'm on past poop point yeah if she's up there you could [ __ ] and duck i mean because you have the grappling hook what does that mean i can duck because she if you take out your wind waker in front of her she's like oh my god right i know i know what to do with that right but she might not be up there but what does that get uh it normally gets you a song okay that's what i that's what you refuse to say to me i'm sorry there's always there's always something you have some information and it's like give it to you for me eventually you didn't give me [ __ ] i just keep going and and you're like and you can talk to her and it's fun oh and you get an item i don't see [ __ ] she might only be out here during the day oh [ __ ] but i don't know she might not i was just throwing out that i know she hangs out over there like she's a friend of yours i know she hangs out she might not be there not usually how video games work the person is where they're supposed to be or they're not or they're walking she's not there she's gone sometimes she hangs out there i checked her bio and she likes it what the hell are you talking about it's because this is in like a different world where it's like it's half done yeah this is your shitty world it's true this is your shitty world that you wanted that you cursed me with uh you probably can do some stuff in dragon roost like in the actual dungeon but not a ton so where is she um she might actually already be at the wind temple or the wind temple or the earth temple why the [ __ ] am i gonna get an item from her might already have had it what [ __ ] there's a couple of things that uh that you got to you know represent like the wind waker songs you already have yeah so there are some checks that are just already completed which ones could be that one i don't know tell me right now i don't i don't have the list list is over at my computer i probably should start like having an idea of what to tell you do you think i i think it's kind of premature for that right okay i guess it's true you haven't really exhausted everything yet the way uh i think so that's the way i could just jump uh i don't actually don't think you could there might be like a wall up there it's it's weird games is weird right games is weird [Music] she wouldn't be able to breathe here a bunch of volcanic yeah i'm with you while the also uh pretty [ __ ] hot yeah it ain't cold you would not really be able to function being close to it as long as you don't step in it did you overshot that yeah oh no i didn't no i think i did they just gave it to you and you gave it to me they didn't give me that one yeah they were not as generous let's blow [ __ ] up [ __ ] wait myself yeah i definitely thought you were gonna blow yourself up yeah do it for granny link nothing but net [ __ ] it's spilled bubble yeah no she's fine it also is kind of shitty that like they go in here pretty frequently the the rito but they don't fix the entrance because they fly yeah they can fly well they gotta keep out in like invaders you know temple robbers like indiana jones keep his ass out what the [ __ ] the fire truck you look like i was high that or i was standing that or i was inside a gas leak he could have been in the gap it looks weird and smells funny all right everyone line up uh give me your weapons give me your pots i'll be taking all your pendants and your belts and [ __ ] that's mine now oh god okay okay you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna need to move a little faster than that granny [Music] at least you can target them i'll get you now [ __ ] stick there you go and for the first time in part three i have a weapon it's not even like a permanent and i've dropped it and he got it back and i feel like it didn't even hit him it did but like only once yeah and i lost the weapon that guy's dead though so now you have a permanent one the hell is in the room what the [ __ ] is it uh it's up there it fell a little bit higher wait it's blue what the [ __ ] and what i didn't realize when i it would change the color of that oh hit the [ __ ] beat him over the head show no mercy hit this man how is he not dead yet i don't know sit still sonny gave you a good flapping on your behind there you go that other jam straight up disappeared what the orb oh yeah i just took too long to open it i had a lot of [ __ ] going on no i got you all right so you can get a check for sure now if you are lucky and it's a key to this place there's more in here but yeah i'm sure those odds are greatly in my favor i'll be happy to not get a goddamn rupee or a [ __ ] the word collectible isn't even right like material because collectible implies that there's limited well and like the material are at least good in that you kind of can use them eventually yeah but again it's also not unique in any way i just saw i just sucked two pendants off of these fools that's true all right let's get a root holy [ __ ] that's good okay i didn't expect that i i wouldn't have either but that's a good get that's at least that's a real good get that's something that's uh we can do something with that we could do something with that yeah okay all right can't go further but i mean that's all right you rotten old sack of [ __ ] you got some iron boots i think you can open like maybe a fairy fountain or two with those i um we also have the c chart you do have the scene i was like next time and then i forgot uh it's fine you'll still do it this time i'll still do it yeah i was just not ready to start and i forgot and it's and not only did i forget but it's the same day it's like minutes later i think all that happened was like you went to the bathroom bathroom um and then lindsay told you to tell me something oh yeah i forgot and then but i was here they could not see me buying the tv maybe i'll assume that yeah you don't know i didn't really understand why they well they could also text they they've we all have that ability it's okay you know wind works in mysterious ways true true that's why you can't see it you have to believe in it um i don't believe in the wind i think it's ghosts [Laughter] there's evidence it goes who plays my piano at 4 am that's true that's me the prize if i if i could i would trust you [Laughter] like at least one night okay one of them one of the ten most things the one yeah it looks like it can i even get in there though yeah you can get in there okay it's a pain that's like a bomb thing right like a white uh there's like there's like a fight in there yeah that's what i'm saying uh where's that where can i work uh is it near tingle it's right in your tingle shouldn't be it doesn't deserve it that does not deserve it you need it when you're like you can't i love it you got to be in the boat yes yeah right it's incredibly inconvenient you need it when you're doing the triforce charts if you had a slightly bigger wallet you could do the triforce chart now too i mean okay before i go get this chest that's going to be more rupees now should we go to the auction house real quick probably just in case it's more rupees you know just when it is yeah you can stop staying in case you gotta be in the boat that is just not clear no i know it's it's just funny it's like twice on the same clicking with me you would i get why too like you kind of always want to be able to teleport from wherever right yeah and most games you can you were doing auction house first right yeah i'm just looking around he'll out i'm sorry gonna make me forget that i can't teleport i'll relax matt don't be so stressed when you're in that comfy achievement hunter summer merch it's true i'm free right now yeah my arms aren't aren't held back you're so free that you were like i'll put my sweatshirt on and then i just forgot what's the last part you forgot to do i'll tell you what god damn i'll tell you what it is normally i get cold but i've gotten cold like granny yeah like like brandon you know i have a shawl yeah no it's just it's a nice comfortable temperature today what the hell's in there potion shop oh worthless yeah aaron's on the move say jamming yeah he's sending his bird out to snatch some more two of those kids kids that don't look like zelda sometimes that bird is on point other times he's just like someone's in my eyes the game opens up with him snatching your sister and you're just kind of like okay whatever and then when you find out why you're like what yeah i mean she's blonde i guess but oh i'm freaking out what do you think young granny exactly like exactly like this [ __ ] yeah she's always been like this she looks like this just smaller smaller than this yeah she's bigger than she should be i'm just saying but she looked exactly the same was there ever a middle where she didn't look exactly like this i don't think so maybe her head was the same size and her body grew into it she started with that size head maybe she's not done yet maybe if we wait a little longer the body will fully grow into that all right let's just try and get this thing huh yeah that's it's gonna be rough is it gonna be rough i i think you could get it without going over 200 but it it will be close because they kind of only do like you know a couple rupees here i mean they're doing enough oh yeah they are they're doing that i mean nine nine nine [Music] saved one [ __ ] you all suck sucking my farts damn look how surprised she is it's a great looking skin i don't know why her head's bigger i i think it's just because it has to match over link and link is a bit bigger oh maybe but her head is substantially larger it is she reminds me a lot of cotton oh yeah yeah like she's got like but more than once she does have more knees not like bull knees you know but more do you want 111 ooh that 120 right one maybe 121 just to be safe just be safe yeah they want to be calling you a brat too you want to be safe your grandmother yeah that doesn't make any sense you're someone's mother everyone where's link's mom pirates yeah she probably isn't tetra's mom did it um i don't know how much time is left i wasn't paying uh i would just do it do it twice yeah i just do it twice [Music] 13 seconds yeah well let's bury these fools well don't bury them because they'll get surprised they'll break out with three seconds left all right i'll bury him again okay did they get turn order before me uh no they wouldn't no barry from matt [Music] okay [Music] we're gonna get this on the e yeah you you should be able to get it like pretty pretty cheap here there you go fools don't know how to auction they don't they they gotta go um i mean do whatever you feel comfortable thanks [Music] i feel comfortable oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's mine the foie big king oh nice all right so is there anything left to get here then or just uh rainbow ruby but did they chickpea is that it uh that's all i know i mean that should be there well there might be if that rainbow rupee is its own thing then that's all but it's hard to say why um because i just don't know why is it hard to say just say it all right here's what we'll do look at the log here's what we'll do what are we going to do when i get more rupees from the next treasure chest we'll come back and get that rainbow repeat just to see what it is yeah i yeah i'll give it a waste all right now let's get the treasure chest what tingle and then down um maybe to the right i can't remember it's near it's actually near you um it's near this place too tingle's only one away though yeah tingle's like right there right take out your chart i think it's like it's all the way down here oh okay well never mind you want to see it okay okay or you're good teleport i knew okay i wouldn't you wouldn't listen i'm sorry hey i got a text message nice answer one dog a lot of good ones yeah spam basically i've got i've got like this uh service where i instead of paying people yes instead of paying people to come mow my lawn it was like cheaper to have a service that has a robot do it uh-huh but every day i wake up and i learn what the robot did at night other than cutting my grass [ __ ] are you talking well i've got like a little robot that goes around my yard to cut the grass but it sounds like it doesn't well it cuts the grass but like this morning i woke up and it had died in the front yard because it got stuck on you got a roomba for your lawn i got a roomba for my lawn yeah that's the the service i'm basically renting it from them and they they come and service it it was it was cheaper than like everywhere else that would hats would do stuff wild right like yeah we come in like you're you're automating people's jobs kind of yeah but i'm still giving them the job to to work the robot that doesn't mow your lawn but i got a text about it because they're like from them or from the bot well the bot texted me too he said i can see you if no it said i'm dead please help me uh but then i got a text from the people being like hey can you go fix this and i'm like but i need you to fix the problem keeps falling they got you bro oh dude i hate those things the sea hats surprise give me your [ __ ] uh this is bad oh they're gonna they can each other they can stab each other yeah if you found that oh and you just keep stabbing each other it seems like that uh they can uh he dropped the sword no they wanted it yeah he was like dude joe get your sword i hope you don't have to shoot the cannons here too dude those swords are awesome [ __ ] fell off yeah now you're like me [ __ ] you can't convince them to uh like kick at you and they'll fall off that's a lot of effort though it sounds like nice guys okay this track is like a whole other thing with it i don't recall ever hearing this i used to listen [Laughter] that's so funny it's a [ __ ] calamity bro it's a calamity and this guy this is the guy that doesn't have a weapon he doesn't know i don't think i can kill him uh that you might be able to with that barrel i gotta knock him off well or hope he dies hey he died it's fine and oh that would have been the ultimate reward nothing yeah that was crazy all right i'll mark that down uh let's see work dude the swords in one of these [Music] chances are yes like at least one sword because there's like four swords though there's that many swords yeah well because there's your bass sword uh what's the base sword is that the which is the sword or is it you're talking about all the different master swords are different yep that's weird well you have to have them like it's just how it does it i mean that's convenient though because that means there's like three swords for opportunity yeah we're talking about the things opening and [ __ ] like the triangles oh yeah the triangles different like it's lighting up that's great that's great for you getting a sword yes it sucks when you need them all i don't understand why you need the mullet you get the last one oh no it's progressive so like the first one you find just gives you the sword and so i can't just find the masters no what if i ask nice if you ask nicely [ __ ] perhaps let's just go it's just it just depends on how they feel i don't want to talk to you who are you going to ask your boat me and your you yeah that's true actually oh oh i think you got it now you went a little bit over i think you're probably all right you got shot yo i got blast yeah they'll never hit me twice not after they've already lined up the shot there you go that's also been sped up i think it used to be super long you can carry more arrows do you have a bow no but i got a quiver baby what the [ __ ] i mean i do right i don't even see it it won't show up until you have the book okay but once i get that bow though you're set all right on to the next c chart that's really that's allergic to the c i am [Laughter] it might be the [ __ ] up island that that narrows it down what does that mean the the one that gannon destroyed no that's the one again destroyed that's not it oh look it's a map of [ __ ] up oh there it is there it is the flat toe aisles map [ __ ] up uh that's right by the uh forbidden woods great i'm not going there you could go to the deeper i don't even have the leaf though but you [ __ ] there you can get up to the d23 though he gives you something doesn't he i don't know he gives me a [ __ ] bad taste in my mouth because he looks like i'm bored you don't like him he's a [ __ ] idiot he's a [ __ ] idiot in this game he's he literally is a dope with like his two things he's like i think he looks like don't [ __ ] he looks like the adult version of the one that was in ocarina right but that one's allowed to look goofy because it was a baby sapling and then it grew majestic great deck of trainers like whoa sometimes people grow up weird what do you want he he grew up the way he could yeah what happened worst way what happened to him in his life no you're not [ __ ] you you're too busy [ __ ] on a tree [Laughter] uh a lot happened to that dude in his life you know he went through a lot i get it he he got like uprooted they pushed this confuses me oh it's a little confusing well it's like backwards it does seem backwards it is backwards like blue is where you're going that makes no [ __ ] sense because the tip is clearly like red yeah i got nothing i can't explain that that's why i keep going in the wrong goddamn direction it's i keep thinking no i'm not okay this this confused me because i thought that was it yeah uh i wish they did a little bit better job of showing some of the islands on this on what just like the base map before you zoom in oh yeah they don't show you [ __ ] yeah it's over to the left coming in oh got it nailed it i i like it so much more when there's like these waves you can kind of give them [ __ ] tonight yeah we're staying on top of these treasure charts i will say thank god we got the grab oh yeah if you didn't get that early one i wouldn't be able to get any of these in two then i'd have to do like 50 in a row i'd so much rather go around getting one or two at a time yeah hey you know what's up not bad i mean i i i do have three hearts um do this i think you probably need the hook shot i have the hook shot no you have the grappling hook same thing kind of uh hear what she had to say i mean if there's a weapon in there for you to pick up you technically can do whatever might be in here find out you technically can do whatever might be in here i don't know if you can get everything you're saying so many words i i mean that's all i can do i can technically do what might be in here wow you're that sure huh i am not sure i don't want to give you false hope okay i've i've learned trust me you never give me anything i certainly do i absolutely i give you so much hope and then you get upset you just give me wrong information no give me lies and then you're like i can't believe you didn't like that i lied to you [Laughter] that's right there bro i i just don't know if you can get to it what the [ __ ] you talking about all right i i hope i'm wrong i just feel like there's going to be some weird tentacle things that oh yeah they'll pop up they're already pop bro god they look sick i mean yeah like disease they've just been covered in paintballs yeah that would that do for you [Music] yeah there you go yeah i remembered and now you have a weapon i remembered magic did you get a magic meter or just did you start with i think you started with it i already don't remember um yeah i can just smack with this thing yeah you've got the weapon now that thing also lights on fire so but it doesn't ever get burnt up does it no it never gets sprint up these are are different than the past yeah evolution yeah like you're mad you'd think that the fire would really [ __ ] it up [ __ ] even just not just [ __ ] it up but fight yeah because it might it should no like i'm weak to that wow that stays in the plant huh yeah dude you think the plant wouldn't like that either [ __ ] but you got it like you use that you know what to do that's in a bad spot well they dropped another one right oh yeah you're fine just let's just do that over use blue stick i didn't know it would change the color of the weapon that's pretty awesome i knew it would change the enemy color but i guess the game technically sees them as enemies that's how i get out yeah i can get that chest down there though where is it right down there i don't know yeah you'll need to you'll need the leaf i think i hope work opportunity that's true it is potentially opportunity um yeah you can go by the way it came um there is another thing up there but it's not necessarily like gonna be a thing i mean is it a check i mean i can't get there so it doesn't matter yeah it'll be a check you can't get there right now though sir unfortunate but hey sure you got 10 bucks getting all that money back oh is it so loud over here the the water let's oh is that what it is yeah it's water pouring it sounds weird it sounds like that sounds weird bugs just shifting around it sounds like water bugs you move my boat what the [ __ ] magic come on oh what a weird island sometimes the boat does move to you i don't know i'm saying it's a magic boat yeah you know be more magic idiot all right let's see where you gotta go i like after really like learning this i enjoyed it yeah it also is it's so much more enjoyable because we have every oh yeah map so we can just do this and um we also have the warp already yeah it takes a while to get there talking to the fish 50 000 times is not not the most enjoyable you got to go to every individual square except for like the major ones there's a couple freebies they give you there is that it i think it's the go down i think that's probably it yeah um but every other one you don't have you gotta find the stupid fish jumping out of water and beat him bait and then he scribbles on your map what it looks like he does also tell you like some secrets yeah that but you figure him out anyway get [ __ ] yeah i would rather not talk to him than learn secrets uh i'm trying to think paw print island has some stuff you can probably do if we go to great fish we can't get out of that can we are we in something no where's great fish great fish is the one that gannon um why are some red women the names at the bottom uh i think because they were supposed to be more important oh um great fish really isn't but i don't even know why i'm going in there where does it want to go southern fairy island that if you go north should take you to another triangle i you might also be able to do the fairy fountain to the sword i don't know what you need to get in but i know a lot of them there's one fairy fountain you can just walk in uh and there's others that have like different [ __ ] i feel like you should be able to beach this thing it'd be really funny too and the king's just like please kill me why would you allow this [ __ ] well this isn't the one you can just walk in need a ball i've got an idea dude oh what's up damn a couple more years though you might break through you saw some wood chip off just keep at it did that did you get your rocks off making me get out of the boat just check that out there is one island that you just walk into man i don't know i would tell you we go this way uh double check no okay i'm gonna eyeball it that might be that might be the reef there's a sub over there to the left isn't that all fighting uh most of them yes i i'm just throwing out there some of them there's just you know nothing you were also going south i don't understand i don't understand the compass either like now the compass made sense yeah it did i don't understand how it works i it doesn't make any sense to me what [Laughter] just [ __ ] say just put the goddamn letters on the letter yeah i don't know i didn't really ever use the compass that much like i probably should have i just didn't i i know how to use a compass and i think that's the problem because i don't know what the [ __ ] is happening with this one i don't know what exactly makes it change but like i've used the red and gone the wrong way so then i use the blue so now i'm using the red and it's what if there's a halfway point i don't even [ __ ] know me like you it switches because don't compasses work differently on like the different hemispheres bro that would be really don't even get me started on the sphere really stupid to do that in this game you know but that could be weird i have no idea i'm gonna blame the randomizer this sucks what all the sea hats over here yeah but there's the thing is that the thing that's the thing is it really it's it's really that that's not true what else could it be nice god i hate those things [ __ ] i nailed it look at you [ __ ] see that [ __ ] came in like a like a jet that's what i love so much about the swift sail it's just got it i got it damn it now you can go to the ghost ship what do you even do there [Music] i think there's like a check there but you have to fight a bunch of ghosts so do they drop their ghost swords don't they drop the ghost swords that's that'd be a toughy all right there's [ __ ] i mean that's that island you were just at the well it's a thorn ferry what i just checked that one i just kind of do a drive-by didn't you say i just went here it's a different one this one looks different because okay i guess i tried are you trying to get me to go to the same i did where is that submarine that south uh yeah it was south i just happened to see it when i'm looking at the reef so it might be over there to the left a little bit left of the reefer right left of the reef left of the reef one i want to say left laugh hey there it is or it could just be an island i'm gonna see it you don't see it no you not now i briefly saw it there's a couple of islands you can do um oh like candy island yeah can do well uh i know eyelet of steel you can also kind of force your way through you're supposed to kill something but [ __ ] that okay oh that's not a submarine this is like just an island as far as [ __ ] too this first [ __ ] there's a platform though a little like raft or whatever oh this is angular i think i'll tell you what this is worthless impossible yeah why did you make me come here i'm sorry i thought it was a submarine does this look like a submarine you know now that we're up on it i don't see it i'm gonna take a picture of this and then hold it up to someone and go oh hey either way you can get up there yeah why did you say that i couldn't it looked useless from that side you are i'm i'm losing you're just a wealth of knowledge there you go pull that one out i'm pulling it i just didn't if i had to like get something yeah i i honestly kind of thought you uh you push it down yeah i thought you would need to have the hook shot because there is another thing here you can't do but actually i can't do it well yes you cannot do it right now [Music] i can't believe we finally got the sword what if this is it wow that's that's actually kind of crazy that we already have two of those that's really [ __ ] insane to be honest uh hey just like it's blue yeah that was the blue one that's the rare one that's not bad now just like what 14 more yeah it's a lot another check uh all right hey i mean i think this was a great submarine yeah we did a lot here um ice ring you need the fire arrows you can go visit the deku tree um the boating course is a boating course i don't remember the boating course has a reward for doing it there's also a platform out there i think not wear or a raft out by it that you can at the boating course at the boating course there's something out there that you can do that will give you something else that might have a check on it too the raft um you know what i think it's kind of the same deal though you gotta kill them some of them have checks others don't what's up it's [ __ ] east and west is swapped but north and south is the same well like the the red rain points to north and south but but the red pin doesn't do east and west right no i mean like if you follow the red pin there right it would be west but we're facing east right see what i'm saying yeah it turns the wrong way it's like north and south works i'm north now and when i turn left the pin should turn left but it doesn't it it's [ __ ] confusing i don't understand that's why my brain was broken what if it's just following whatever you're doing it doesn't it doesn't do it right no okay no i understand god damn sense some some piece of [ __ ] is gonna be like it makes sense this is how [ __ ] off i've used a thousand compasses in a billion games this doesn't make sense you're saying kill these men yeah sometimes they're stranded sometimes the raps have stuff but i'm here to save you i'll [ __ ] miss don't worry they'll do it themselves uh if they attack you like pretty frequently they just fall in the water i don't know what that guy was doing he's got telescopes oh yeah see that guy just decided he was gonna jump in the water but he can't swim so that guy went back to telescoping yeah he got tired he got tired of it dead [Music] all right well nothing spawns here sorry i just know that like i have had randomizers that i had yeah i relied on one of the things in the raft and i didn't know that was a thing so i just i don't want you to skip them yeah and that be what we haven't forbid there will be a day when the raft means something or not i don't know all right um do i want to go to the boating course or just go to forest haven uh i mean you're right by the boating course i don't know what it is what is the boating course it's a kind of a race with the boating um okay you have the swift sail so it will be better and worse what's that uh when you're in the boat you'll [ __ ] fly when you're not in the boat um you'll [ __ ] die would i ever not be in the boat voting head to the right real quick those rafts are you kidding me i'm i'm not [ __ ] you which rack those wraps were over there we just went through this i know we just played this but i remember that these rats had something we just played this game i know i know we played this game michael this is your last life oh for fun see yeah but but why did you make me kill them all then and not just say oh there's no chest leave well because sometimes there isn't a chest and then it makes a chest god though where the hell is it this is very weird i think this one just has the chest good because i can't kill that guy i get you yeah there you go that that could be the sword probably is that guy is all wobbly yeah he's not doing much either yeah the whole lot of talk oh he's sleeping he's just more intimidation uh this is for the future of the boating course but um eventually you're gonna need the hook shot because i know there's like a seat you've made that abundantly i know i don't have the hook shot we know i'm sorry you can't just be happy about the things i do have you just gotta constantly mention the hook shot how the [ __ ] do i even get up here uh there's a little way over to the left it's a little slope i can go up that slippy slope yeah like a sloop let's sleep my way up there i would believe that like glink wouldn't be able to at this point i mean glenn can do anything thirty i don't i don't care about goals do i just go chances are yeah like you you need to get the the roof i don't i do i mean it helps oh [ __ ] that's what i was saying it's like miss it it's great and terrible okay but i have to get them uh you might not have to why did you say i had to then and also it's not working the wind doesn't work here yeah that's the thing you didn't tell me any of this ahead of time you you took off and that's the other thing like i said you're not gonna like it when you're not in the boat hit this place i don't know why i'm tapping it yeah i i i get you this isn't a race at all uh don't don't go back for it just forget it no what the hell am i supposed to be doing uh i suppose just try and finish but i think the rupees have like a a benefit yeah i mean at this point you've missed so many hard to turn yeah it is a bit hard to turn and like you have to be going at speed to yeah you have to be going at speed to jump [ __ ] it's hello imagine if you drown before you get back to it oh you might no you'll make it it's just it's more tense than it should be like that grandmother and he's treading not good for her heart and time oh yeah getting them all is uh possible quite a feat i won't say impossible but i should there's the finish line [Laughter] with the swift sail i mean you can finish it so [ __ ] fast um that's fine you can't beach so what the hell was our objective there got 74 rupees with that remaining time okay and so i get a boomerang [Music] i guess he's what the [ __ ] just money why did i do this i just don't don't do it again [Music] barrels rupees maybe he does just give you money but it's like every other mini game you would get something right [Music] i mean he took 10 seconds off the which is great because i only had two minutes left oh jesus yeah a lot of wasteful [ __ ] in the ocean huh yeah this is [ __ ] well i mean they got nothing else to do dude everything's ocean everything is a [ __ ] water what do you want to do i made this new game with water no [ __ ] oh okay cool no [ __ ] [ __ ] you idiot uh well there is still there's that uh hidden thing here after you get the hook shot but you gotta stop saying that i don't care i know i know i don't have it i'm just i was just i was just saying but you're like you're stuck on this i'm getting my my mental process out to try and it's don't try it out leave it in but i understand you have issues with the process uh she's all right [Laughter] uh i don't know if you i don't know if beatle sells different [ __ ] here now he has not sold anything different yet but at least he's parked never mind okay i know there is one that's like a secret beetle shop that has yeah but it's like covered in armor yeah i never saw those pairs i mean actually i should buy one shouldn't i you don't have a bait bag yet you you can i don't know if he'll sell them to you but if you get them you'll have them but can't access them until you get them made i'll wait as tempting as that sounds everything you just said it's the same as like the spoils because the game [Laughter] yeah all you can do is like slap him oh [ __ ] if you had a pot oh [ __ ] [Applause] yeah i don't know if you get a check for giving that guy is it 30 of these seeds i don't know he he's saying like once you get the grappling hook you can just steal everything yeah oh that's gonna be kind of a problem you gotta no way all right it's too hard no it's not there's no way i'm doing it i maybe if you get a little bit closer run i'm just it's got to happen so fast though yeah oh my god you [Music] i'll use this yeah lemon like take a chunk maybe you got it there you go she doesn't get a piss right now oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you know it's doable though i've done difficulty it's just it's a pain having more health would be nice if i can get that um that final heart fourth uh maybe tree will have that though a sword would probably be preferable what the hell i'm eating grannies today oh my god he took a heart this is where i die [ __ ] christ granny we were up there water gives me health back right um sure i've seen it in a video every time you go swimming full health well they only hurt you by eating other than all those times they hurt you before [Music] you got in the cutscenes just in time [Music] oh my god what you had to do the grappling hook oh i didn't know that that's unfortunate i was just like i don't know like what do i do here yeah um how the [ __ ] do i use my shield oh i have to hold left yeah you have to hold the left trigger normally you could take your sword out but yeah yeah what do you think about that for some reason you don't have money oh we've gotten that like that down though i've got it down um i do think while the grappling hook is out too you should be able to shield cause like she technically has it out oh yeah okay where the [ __ ] am i grappling above me yeah just kill the octagon first yeah it's it's above you she's looking at it oh there you go did that on a quarter heart look at you dude look at granny glink we got up our gowns experts these old bones ain't working you hoped that the neck and tree would heal you hey you hope there's no enemies in here i do uh sounds like there is no that's water no that's water that's the that's the water that sounds like a bunch of bugs coming after me he might not have them because bugs one of the enemies because he uh because he looks like an idiot yeah yeah no he's technically further down already you know oh zoom in let's look at this idiot he looks like shrek i like him no he looks so dopey he looks so cool in ocarina well i'm gonna die from falling how do you feel about the breath of the wild one i don't even remember to be honest oh okay well that says a lot that says i've played the game once i i don't like him she's he's too late he's probably very cool then i thought the ocarina was cool i just also like this i can appreciate both impossible matt where's the check what am i doing at the top you're going the right way how the [ __ ] do i get up there oh i got it it's like if i need a leaf i'm gonna take it out yeah no no i know you i mean there will be a wait place you'll need to leave eventually but maybe he'll give you the leaf could be i mean i don't know what you'd prefer to find up here to be honest an item would be great something i can use is what i would prefer biggest downside is you're right you're uh oh hey there's some a map great a [ __ ] hey the tower of the gods that's what we came here when you get there you're gonna know your way around good luck getting down oh i know how to get down [Music] sad watching her died [Laughter] oh no like all the stumbling made so much more sense yeah oh man that one you broke broke her hip shattered it she broke everything well hey actually this might have been smart it was smart that's why i did it okay i knew think of all the information you share online credit card numbers bank account information confidential information for work and your very very specific taste in swedish acoustic americana folk metal [Music] you don't want hackers to get a hold of any of the information and that's where expressvpn comes in expressvpn secures 100 of your data by using encrypted tunnels between your device and the internet to make sure hackers and your isp can't see what you're doing it's fast and super easy to use just click a button and you're good to go i've got a lot of confidential information whether it's work and a lot of personal stuff between mrs and i that i have to keep encrypted because it's just valuable information we're trying to you know adult and do bigger things so expressvpn keeps that all locked and secured no matter where i go find out how you can get three months of expressvpn for free by visiting ah let's play or clicking the link in the description box below again that's ah let's play right now to learn more don't worry about it all right that's all i can do in there i i feel like i'm i i have so limited options in such a large world matt and it's your fault me yeah okay well you're like this will be great you start so much stuff you start with limited options and then they open they get even more limited no they get unlimited never get unlimited um i mean that's like how olive garden works unlimited soup salads and breadsticks right but there's a limit here there is no limit no eventually okay so that's what uh flight control platform oh we can go do that too while we're there no i wish uh yeah i'm trying to think there's a couple of standard things i know that you can just do what i'm gonna have to do is start sailing around just fighting [ __ ] pirates on the continent probably uh like just the just the random platforms and forms yeah i i don't know how many of those really consider are considered in logic but i know you can do them so they might just put it in there is it the special beetle the one near the it's the it's behind outside isn't it or no no because that's a regular one i don't know never mind i think it's near um i thought it was near the stone like a fish or something yeah it might be near great fish maybe that's what i was thinking it's near the the circle island um old circle island yeah flight control platforms a little bit more wait okay out of the way yeah that's actually it because that's like the goal you have to float through at the very end they have you glide for a long distance dude yeah they do they they suck there you go but this could be it could be this could change everything it could i hit the wrong button you went very far over i hit the d-pad yeah i saw the compass come out i was like that's by the time you should be stopping yeah that's all right you can just kind of cruise to it it's not that far what's up i don't want to double check oh you could also do the ghost chart we went over this already yeah i know but eventually i would do the ghost ship if i could re-kill them yeah it's just i think you you have to have a weapon funny how that works well usually the first time you win why they take care of it right at the beginning 50 bucks it was smart to spend that money yeah it really was um what are we doing here what are we doing this is so start off so strong remember the metal boots you did they haven't even used them yet um that's nice that appears right there uh does it move though it does every night where do we go where do we just get some freebies freebies um there is that one fairy fountain that's open i don't know which one it is that doesn't help i know it doesn't help hey how dare you damn i know you uh you have the grappling hook can get one check for sure i was just like you're killing me with these one at a time i wish there was like i'm just saying like ocarina was like oh there's four checks in here yeah there's three here here i'm sailing around the world to find one [ __ ] rupee at a time uh i'm gonna go here probably a good let's start with people to go to pop red island is that what you want from me yeah i'm gonna be good if you if you've got the time um i mean yeah you can tell yeah we're getting there uh trying to think what else you could do probably like right away i don't know if tingle gives you anything from just talking to him yeah i knew you wouldn't uh yeah he gives me a headache that's what he does yeah he does right while burning proper islands are there yeah there's like a couple of things on there that you can do and i i just know that you've got a grappling hook so you can get up to one of them um yeah there's the fairy fountain you could potentially get that platform over there uh yeah there's there's a couple of things you can still kind of access i wouldn't i would hope yeah otherwise the game's over there that island where you have to do the game choosing to shoot with the cannon that's the thing show yourself cues they're all inside they're in there there's a secret one over a secret thing over there but you can't do that yet um right there you you found it yeah but you wouldn't go in it yeah crawl granny get in there oh my knees he sounded angry that i'm tired of this [ __ ] uh so yeah there are gonna be chews in here um you can't go down the ones of the uh the bomb things but in this room there's little posts [Music] oh these might be the most annoying that the color has changed yeah yeah because now you don't even know what you're stealing yeah but but it's only changed once well i guess it's true all right i'm just saying oh triforce chart that'll help in the future uh there'll be two more things once you get bombs but but right now right now go go back in that room and right up there um look up oh we can go for the other one too one to your left yeah we'll skip them yes skip one ow [Music] they gotta climb all the way up yeah there you go this was another thing when i was a kid that i was like you could climb up the rope and like onto the thing yeah yeah because they don't really tell you they don't and there's like three times in the game that you can use it this being one [ __ ] am i going oh there it is it's like trapped i also don't really know how he does it the like hard stop you know i'm just like who is she i'm grab well that's unfortunate [Laughter] oh god oh my god you can go to the uh cannon game which is the other the other feast on my let's see soul slap you with the goo uh first let's hit the other platform okay outside yeah just see what you can see you might be able to do that sub too um which sub the one there's one that's like right by that platform is it real this time it's a real sub you made up like last time hey that made up sub had a pearl on it it was yeah it was where's the [ __ ] boat god damn it oh he didn't move he stayed right where he parked him man look at these guys yeah i they're those ones that they like are basically salvaging old hyrule hey what's up with you i heard something i like how he's like all down you can carry more bombs i know you could talk to that guy i'll be honest the look on your face shut up shut up i don't care you still can't carry bombs though you but when you get bombs you're gonna be able to carry so many 60. how does that not count as a bag i don't know a bigger bag i i hate that but that is a thing in this game i think by the time i got bombs one time i i basically had all of them in the game why didn't you tell me to talk to them i honestly forgot you could do it like i i just just didn't remember i'm sorry that that's on me yeah who else would it be though so i was just like give me something and they went okay yeah sure and it was almost bombs there you go like that sucks it was almost bombs you know [ __ ] like if it was bombs you were set like we could do so many more wow we could almost play imagine imagine if it was hey what i'm gonna do though after this buy that rupee gonna go for the auction stay there there you go it really looked like you were running like you wanted him to see yeah over here i know that wasn't the case but now help him pretty funny [Laughter] give me your money i do like that they really do good characterization with the mccobbins like they they have a life you know goblins hate but the mccobblins they want to live oh that sucks this is malarkey at least they only take two pots to kill [Music] or three i guess yeah definitely three yeah he's dead but what could this be it could be anything we don't know what it could mean [Music] [Laughter] where's the sub uh oh [ __ ] no it's not when you're like i know where this i must have seen the beatles [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me hey you see us in that beatles show not going through that i know i know you're not wow that sucks oh my god sorry i'm [ __ ] up with you man just keep giving me [ __ ] money i know there's a sub near bomb island though bomb island blow my ass that's what bombs do yeah i wouldn't know if i don't have any no it's fair but most people get them to blow your ass you're really going for the rupees yeah i want it gone but i mean it'll still be there like they're gonna you don't know you're gonna like you don't know anything okay you don't know anything you know what you have not answered me a single time about this rupee i don't i don't know about i don't know and now you're going well don't get it well you have full money right and what do you want me to do with it get another 600 rupees what the [ __ ] who cares well what if you have a bigger wallet in the future okay and you want to fill it up with that big rupee well now it's gone i'll worry about it later i guess that's a fair point a reality that your brain lives in but no one else does i just i have to live there i think of the future while you're doing that i should probably try and figure out where i should tell you to go i mean i i think we're almost out of time again we might be all right let me these randomizers they take a lot of time they do they you go by quick too you don't really make very little progress sometimes you make a lot of sometimes i made so much progress in the first like minute with those boots yeah and then it just stopped that actually just sunk me down oh let me see begin you need that for that that for that you go there oh bombs would give me so many options bombs would give you a lot of options um can't get there without a sword island of steel is the only one i can think that's quick and you can go in just ignoring what you need to do to get in um actually you can shoot your way in but not you you have to have the other people shoot at you and pull it up yeah that's a i think that's a good one to go for what are you talking about i have a i have a plan [Music] [Laughter] i have a point oh my gosh 30 seconds left yeah you gotta work for this rupee i mean i'll be honest if i got like a big rupee like that that just changed colors i'd want it i wouldn't spend it or you could buy like an led one i probably can't yeah it's just like on a cycle like that that's pretty cool it's fast it is pretty fast i probably slow it down yeah it doesn't usually change that fast and they i don't know if it's like unlimited riches i i really hope it is yeah do you think it's unlimited riches is what we're buying imagine if your wallet never went down though then you should have done this one first like yeah i'm not i'm not concerned with that scenario happening the unlimited [ __ ] ruby i don't think that's who the [ __ ] knows what it walk up to a shop i have the unlimited repair oh okay i hope they take the money from you first they did not it's 500 rupees oh that's the reward oh 500 rupees we should have waited and so it cost us it costs i gave it to you first welp well we got it we got it and now we know so that's a real idea that's a real thing that's not i did not know that i didn't know that either i i knew there was a tingle check and i've gotten them i've got like three of the statues in my main game just never cared yeah well hey now you know while it's back open again i don't know i think you've got everything now well i'm gonna check but look now we know it's true we just see what he oh yeah okay hey he's a [ __ ] off there's nothing oh yeah okay interesting um so island of steel is that last how long is that gonna take you think uh well there's two ways to get in okay you can kind of sneak by a boat and hope or you can have the people that are shooting at you blow up the boat and go through um i'm just gonna go in how about that okay i'm just gonna go through the door i hope you can why what what okay where is it where am i going uh it should be uh nearby great fish it should be or it is it is i just don't know exactly where in like the relationship okay here we go there's a couple of other islands there too well we only got time for one i know let's do your great plan i mean it's a plan there it is i love steel great fish seems [ __ ] up dude still got the storm over yeah so there will be a boat regarding it um but you to talk faster there are uh two boats guarding that boat okay and then like go you see that boat right there uh-huh just go hang out near it uh-huh and those boats will shoot it and they'll hit the boat okay um you're technically not supposed to go here until like way later but i think you might also be able to swim through it but it's tough to say oh god find out it looks like yeah normally when i've seen people swim through it they're going like mach 5. oh oh [ __ ] but yeah if you just chill here well i'm trying no i understand they'll eventually do that and that will eventually sink that boat and you can get it easy yeah technically this counts in logic because you can't do it should be like one more hit they shut up trouble good [Music] good all right there you go you're in wait how do i get that you you don't oh goodbye all right and now you can summon the chest the final check of the video i mean if you want i mean i'm we probably should probably should yeah it's it's been about how long you've been going man i don't know it's 150 right what am i what am i doing here uh play the win song on the blue platform the blue oh that makes more sense yeah on the win one that's not right i you know what i don't even know what it is i never play it left right you only need it in like one or two situations with the leaf okay all right i'm feeling good i'm feeling lucky [Music] hey we don't know if that's bad yet like that could have been great you know this one no that was it could have been great [ __ ] that's probably on the far right go up yeah oh there's one it's one of the hearts i see that i know i know you know yeah there it is i was very wrong you sure were all right let's go get that i mean we got to know what it is yeah you can't just end on like random [ __ ] well well i mean that's i think we can end under them [ __ ] that's rupees and that that doesn't matter i don't [ __ ] care i don't care i know oh god [Laughter] and you were like maybe we'll do three what are you talking about that's i didn't think this is your maniac i am i look i like to believe there's believing and there's just being my maniac it's just i i just always hope you know and is is that such a crime yes yeah kind of thinking but there are probably several stories it's a hope crime yeah yeah it's it's just like yeah he hoped for this second from the top or third from the top i think third if you look in on the horizon i can probably tell you where it is a little bit to your left no you're okay it's right there where you're going like dead ahead you got it that's that can't you're right but you're probably right i've not had a great track record this this series next time let's see if there's anything you can do with the boots yeah a little one or two i'll try and think of some checks for that because i know that there's several that uh exist but a lot of them are like on fairy islands and i don't know which one wait do you also think this is the one that you can go in or have we checked this way uh i see fire so it definitely isn't but there's a platform right there too that's i don't care i i know um but if there's a a switch that you can press my button my heart stops wax yeah there's a switch but requires the hammer maybe you'll get grandma hammer here we go the real treasure everyone's been waiting for tune in because granny glink is about to flip with the ruby hey making them back up we come back making them back take them back now you just want to go to the platform oh well that's it not to this part yeah but i mean you got the boots i got i got the boots those boots in five minutes or less yeah i got the boots and then you got and i and i also now at this point can't scrape together a single [ __ ] heart piece just to get four to be fair you have gotten weapon upgrades yeah i sure have hey there's a chest right there by the way get the [ __ ] out of my way get out of my way yeah another 200 just you know what give me 30. shave a little off the top keep the change i'll just take 30. i'm not greedy i liked my idea of the unlimited rupee 11. yeah i like this drown me thanks for watching another wind waker randomizer boy it sure was random it was other than you know mostly money yeah that you tossed in the ocean basically look get a bigger bag lady it's true not my problem wait well i'll i'll come up with the a strategy for trying to help you out she's done get her convulsion she's really trying not to die oh she died where'd she go didn't even die she just washed up the boat saved her satisfying yeah i'm sorry you did kill her though you did die today no matt you have to sink the video i'm out of here okay well see you later bye everyone [Music] you
Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 91,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, lets play, let's play, multiplayer, link, Zelda, Glink, wind waker, Randomizer, funny, nintendo, windwaker, rupees, achievement hunter, grandma link, part 3
Id: RzYhZqiN2tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 34sec (4954 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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