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hello all today we are going to discuss about the  digital tags in the ornament of controls in the   princess scatter and the varying analog  tags in the wind system so this is video   is totally for the educational purpose and  this is for the basics for the beginners   so let's go to the starting of the video open cinematic mean cc explorer go to file and create a new project   and single user project okay and my project  name is test and have to create the project and peer review we have got our project open and   we have to assign some tags so we have to  go to the tag management and create new tags click open and we have the tag management window this is  our internal tags we are going to create our   internal tags because we are not connecting  to any other devices so my first tag will be   digital so i just given as d and my data type  will be not unassigned which will be binary okay   we have only zero and one values so it will be by  the way so the next one next one will be analog   so a and that will be 32-bit or 16-bit values  unsigned 32-bit values okay as it defaults so   we have created our track managers d and a then we  have to close this and go to the graphics designer here we go to our graphic designing window so  first we have to place a switch and a value   display and i'm going to close something we have  for giving switch we have the display library so   have to click on the display library you can see  the displays operation planet elements everything   you can get from the display library you can  click on the preview for getting the proper views   okay click on the preview and create giant  icons you can go through here global library   displays and you can see the displays from  here this is our digital output click and   drag from here he applies the display  for the digital tag and how to go to the operation operation buttons large buttons launch and buttons 3d  everything you can explore from here   buttons 3d increment or decrement  buttons keyboards screen buttons and the screen navigation every types of buttons  we have here is available and we have the own end   of toggle switch you have to put it down on the  toggle switch first this is my own end of toggle   switch here we go down two things for the digital  operation next we are going to put a slider for   the analog compression go to sliders here you can  see the slider one and then placing my slider here   here i got my slider so you're wearing up  to 0 to 100 and i'm going to place my new   tank for getting tanks go to the plant elements  go to the plant elements and have to we   can see the tanks here go to the tanks and  embracing my tank three this is my tank   then placing my tag here and close my library  there close my library you can see that i can i   cannot align these things the  value displays and my slider everything how used in this  camera how to align it first one more thing we have to place what  is the value display for the analog   so go to the i o field you can see that i  o v l is here double click on the i o field   you can see that i o configuration first  our tag will be analog so go to the tags   and this is my analog tag a i have previously  defined on the tag management click a and ok   and update how many times how the cycle that have  to be updated which i am giving the upon change on   every change that analog tag should be displayed  or updated that is the update and go to the   the field type which is an output which i need to  be only show the output only so go to the output   and okay this is my i o field and i have to double  click on it or right click and properties and   right click on properties output or input you can  double click here here you can see a upon change   the output value is a upon change i will show you  how to define these things on the next session so   i'm going to the phone my phone is i'm giving  20. i'm getting bigger phones tender that will   be very big and easy to see and i'm using that  much area and close this then placing my value is   not displayed to the right most side or inside  the track then placing my value display here okay just place my value display  here so first you have to get my   tank filled with respect to the slider so  we have to define the slider before that   i am going to define the digital ones so right  click properties you can see the tag assignment   tag is in a toggle bit toggle bit you can see  the bulb structure dynamic right click and tags   go to the tags which are using our digital tag so  d okay the update will be right click upon change   okay that's it close it and here you have your  value display the digital value display one more   zero right click properties like i said go to  the output or input you can see the output value   right click on the dynamic tags the  digital tag okay the update will be in   upload change and close this we have to the  switch and the value display now we have to   assign the analog values to the slider so right  click properties and go to the tag assignment   you can see that the process the process is  starting from 50 as by default by you can change   the process to zero the process should be starting  from zero so okay and the tag should be assigned   right click tag which will be the a my analog tag  and rt limit will be changed to the tag also this   is a configured action do you really want  to delete it yes we have to assign our   predefined tag and the update will  be happening in every support change   and we have defined our tags for the slider  and we have to define our tags for the tag   for the filling for the tag assignment the  fill level we have to assign the field level us   go to field level tag and a which is our  tag and the update should be happening in   upon change and we have also configured  our filling in the tank then we have to   we have already defined this i o field go  to configuration dialog you can see that   i o field we have already defined on  the starting so we can start our scada   on time i'm going to go to the runtime the queen  cc run time is going to start so have to save yes and this should activating the vein cc  test startup uh this will take some time   because this is taking some resources if you are  going to close this camera you have to you have   to also close this or stop this activation  otherwise the system will be lagged due to the   resource that is drinking by the scala  so our runtime window is here so we can   go to the and i am going to start my switch  which is on and the state is one so it is so   the state is zero i already configured  the switch and right inside digital   okay so there is only boolean zero and one value  is available there how already given the process   value is starting from zero so because of that  the slider's process value is started from zero   so i'm going to update my uh tag with the  slider entry so increasing my values from here   you can see that there is a value display on the  slider also you can give values from here it's 20   by here by typing the values 20 and also we  can increment level the value display of the   attack and log tag a is also displaying from here  also and we have configured our slider entry now   we are going to do another thing another  miscellaneous thing so go to close this   and i'm going to show you one more thing that  is go to start all programs and you can see the   siemens automation simatic in the semantic step  seven means easy you can see that tools inside the   tools the vin cc stacks simulator okay we have  some actions miscellaneous action that can be   performed with that tag simulation so we have to  open the tag simulation and we are going to delete   this one so delete the file rendering i'm going  to simulate with the tis simulation okay so how   to edit go to edit new tag i'm going to assign my  tag the analog tag okay the analog tag is here a   and this tag is not active go to active and  and now i'm going to increment my tag with   the interval the start value should be 0 and  the stop value should be 100 and i have to   activate it before activation have to go to run  by okay once again i am going to the run time yes on the runtime we are going to simulate our tag  with the incrementing tool okay go to increment   uh i'm going to activate it  have activated the list of tag   the condition is active and we have to start our  simulation i have started my simulation and you   can see that value is incrementing see the values  incrementing with respect to the cycle time in   1000 milliseconds that is equal to one second once  again go to properties that should be decremented   from the value 100 to zero okay i'm going to  activate that also activate that is decrementing   from 100 to 0 and also i can give the slider input  from here the max will be 100 and then activate   0 to 100 can give by a slider entry  this is my miscellaneous thing   and the random values also and the  oscillations also are the sine values also   the amplitude zero point oscillation point the  same mathematical values also you can submit to   the tag simulation window for the mean cc  so hope you understand my video thank you
Channel: Eight Min Automation
Views: 61,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wincc, wincc startup, wincc basics, wincc for beginners, win cc tag assignment, wincc graphics designer, siemens, tia portal, simatic wincc, scada, value dispay, runtime, simulation, siemens hmi, how to start wincc scada, how to create new project in wincc, wincc tutorials for beginners, how to learn wincc scada, wincc tutorials, wincc basics tutorial, wincc startup tutorials, wincc flexible for beginners, wincc 7.4 tutorials, create new project in wincc, wincc tutorial
Id: 1lwr7C6VaPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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