Win Your War #2 - Your Savior is a Dragon Slayer

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[Music] welcome to week two of when your wor love you glad to have you I'll jump in in just a moment but prior to the first service as we were worshipping and praying I felt like the Lord spoke to me and said tell the people why you're doing this series it's not because it's Halloween and I want to scare you I'll just tell you that I will tell you that the motive behind this entire series of sermons and the book is really love for you and love for people in general that that there is a war going on and most people are unaware of it though they're feeling the implications of it and they don't have the categories to respond to it and grace and I have been together for 30 years I've been Christian since I was 19 so I spent 30 years studying the Bible we've been in ministry together maybe 25 years about half our adult life and what we have seen over and over and over and over is that there really is an enemy there really is a war people really are suffering and they need to know about the victory of Jesus so that they can walk in the authority and freedom that God has for them and so it's an honor to teach you today and today we're gonna jump in today's sermon is your Savior is a dragon slayer let me start with a piece of news from this week so apparently North Korea is making progress in their ability to send forth nuclear weapons so I know we're all really encouraged by that and and what's interesting is we've had a cold war and a trade war and it looks like we're moving toward an actual war with North Korea but as I think and pray for the citizens of that country I have great empathy and compassion especially for the children if you think about it North Korea is really a demonic counterfeit I like to say that God creates Satan counterfeits God creates a kingdom North Korea is a counterfeit Kingdom the kingdom of God is ruled by God in the kingdom of Korea the dictator rules as a god and what happens is that citizens are brainwashed through propaganda from a very young age so if you go to school as a young child you will pledge allegiance not to the flag or the nation but to the dictator you will sing worship songs to the dictator furthermore you will memorize the dictators ten principles which are the counterfeits of God's ten commandments that rule that Kingdom in addition what will happen once you enter into school is that government overseas military government overseas education government overseas everyone and everything including the media and the result is that you only know what you're told you don't know the rest of the story and so little kids at a young age they are given propaganda paintings of American soldiers in uniform attacking and killing Korean children and then what happens at recess they'll put the uniforms of American soldiers on dummies and then children will take turns stabbing and attacking them to practice defending themselves against our invasion that's all those kids have ever known that's all they've ever experienced that's all they've ever been told and and and I see people like this as captives in a war they're born into a war and they're captives of a regime in that war and they don't know that they're on the wrong side of the war and they don't know that they've been lied to and they don't know that this is a counterfeit and a deception now what happens is we can see this more easily in other cultures but Satan is doing the same thing in our nation it's not just that evil is out there that evil is everywhere I'll give a scripture to you second Corinthians 4:4 the god of this world this is a demonic powerful fallen spirit we're gonna get into his rebellion but the god of this world so this world is ruled by an in visible force a demonic spirit the god of this world what is he doing he has blinded the minds of unbelievers some people have eyes that cannot see so they are physically blind others have eyes that can see but minds that are blind what happens when your mind is blind you see something but you don't know how to make sense of it or interpret it some people's minds are blinded that doesn't mean that non-christians are stupid they can be very intelligent it doesn't mean that sometimes they don't have good intentions sometimes they do it just means that they are blind too someone goes on to say he has blinded the minds of unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ my hope prayer and goal is that you would know that this world has a God and that Jesus is the God over that God and nothing in your life makes sense unless you consider both what God is doing and how the enemy is attacking and I tell you this because I love you but so many of you have focused so intensely on your personal relationship with God you forget that this world has a god that's against you and so sometimes you'll even wonder if God is attacking you you wonder if God is harming you you wonder if God even loves you he does there is a god of this world however who does not now this being said you and I need to know that we were born into a war we were born on the wrong side of the war and brainwashing and propaganda is all we've ever known we call it entertainment and education we call it politics and policy all that is is a rebrand of a demonic deception I'll give you an example so as Grace and I were writing these chapters 3 through 6 on which this sermon is based we got an email from friends of ours about to say they love Jesus good marriage great kids beautiful family we hold them in high regard and they're like you can't believe what happened to our kids so their school public school public school demands all the students leave their school for a day and go to an equity summit and that woody summit the mayor was to open with a few words and then the students got to choose between various classes that were offered workshops one of them was on non-binary thinking I told you last week biblical thinking is binary thinking something like what is that it's stuff like right and wrong and it was against binary thinking you know what that is they should have titled it come to the god of this world and have your mind blinded seminar but no one would come but that's what it is if you don't think in terms of God Satan Heaven Hell right wrong truth lies then you have a blind mind and you can't discern truth and reality some of the I know this will shock you but some of the other workshops were on gender identity as a spectrum and also encouraging students to try on different genders and to experiment sexually to see what they are some of this starts as young as kindergarten I'll just tell you something unless you have a blinded mind in a corrupted heart you should know that a five-year-old is not sexual and my question is okay when did the government take priority over the parents when if I disagree with secular curriculum writers are they right and I'm wrong and I need to surrender and submit my family to the regime something like this is very offensive we've only begun this is the intro now some oh I will brother I promise I hope you packed a snack those of you that got low blood sugar you're gonna be struggling if you didn't bring a snack now some of you haven't really considered all of this it's like well that's education no that's spiritual no that's entertainment no that's spiritual oh that's politics no that spiritual oh that's policy no it's spiritual because behind it all it's the god of this world and over at all is the God over this world and that's who we're gonna talk about today now I'm saying this some of you immediately I wish you could see your faces you're freaked out you're like we for sure went to the wrong Church today right I am spooked I heard Satan demons the music was very dark he's yelling is it over yet no not for a long time sweetheart but nonetheless the reason that some of you who were even Christians maybe even Bible believing Jesus loving Christians know so little about this is because teaching has tended in two directions what I will use the language of cessationism and that is the you know supernatural things basically used to happen and they don't anymore and maybe we're skeptical of them on the other side is sensational ISM people talking crazy about aliens demons UFOs the demonic sometimes the people who talk about that you're like I think you have a demon right we need to drug test you you're not dealing with reality that's crazy talk and these two categories of cessationism and sensationalism they tend to critique and fight with one another what we want to do we want to open the Word of God you need to know this before we dig in I'm a Bible guy I became a Christian reading the Bible I've spent 30 years studying the Bible I've spent I'm gonna be 49 this week half my life preaching teaching the Bible I have taught or preached through almost half of the books of the Bible verse by verse I have a master's degree from a conservative Baptist Seminary I'll just tell you there's not a lot of demonic or angelic classes at the conservative Baptist Seminary I come to these conclusions from the Word of God and so let's just jump in we're gonna deal with the first war the Great War the war in heaven and I want you to see how God won his war revelation 12:7 39 we hit this last RICO set it briefly and we'll move quickly now war if you had to pick one word to describe the state of our culture that would be a great candidate our culture is at war and behind all the little Wars there is this big war war arose in heaven and heaven they were having Church the angelic beings were all worshiping God and some decided to declare war on God I love you we're glad to have you God's presence is always with God's people because he's a father who loves his family but you can be in church you can be in God's presence you can be in worship and have a heart that declares war against God so you gotta guard your heart that's a military term you gotta guard your heart now war rose in heaven Michael one of two named holy angels along with Gabriel in the whole Bible and his angels fighting against the dragon Satan doesn't have equality to God so God doesn't engage him he instead deploys angelic soldiers to defend his kingdom and I love this language the dragon isn't it amazing that our whole culture many board games Lord of the Rings JRR tolkien all the stuff there's usually a lot a dragon something in us is like we don't like dragons you shouldn't like dragons here's the first dragon it's the serpent it's Satan it's the enemy of God and the dragon and his angels fought back this is the war behind all the wars but he was one he was defeated there's the good news so now he's a toothless dragon and there was no longer any place for them in heaven and the Great Dragon was thrown down that ancient serpent noticed this dragon in serpent once we get to Genesis 3 it'll speak of serpent it's still the dragon who is called the devil and Satan the deceiver of what part of the world the whole world some of you moved here from another state you're like my state stinks I'm going to Arizona our state stinks - it stinks everywhere some lasts some more but the war is everywhere there's nowhere you can go to avoid the war the whole world he was thrown down to where the earth and his angels those are fallin now demonic spirits were thrown down with him what this means is demons live where you live demons work where you work demons watch what you are doing and their war against God was won by God but they brought their war here to your neighborhood to your house to your marriage to your family to your relationships everyone is born into a battle that began in heaven furthermore we were all born on whose side the enemy's side the enemy's side the enemy's side and since God won this war the only hope for you and me is to walk in his victory that he would win our war so that we could win our war there was a great war in heaven this is the battle behind the battles this is the conflict behind the conflicts this is the problem behind the problems in addition to the realm we see there is a realm that only God sees and those to affect and implicate one another continually and then sometimes the unseen realm shows up in the scene room that brings us to Genesis chapter two and three Adam and Eve that's our first parents the head of all humanity lost our war on earth I'm not going to go thoroughly through Genesis 3 for the sake of time but it's all in the book but let's just pick up the story Genesis 2:24 therefore aa man binary like rolling on its a person on a spectrum no boy/girl boy/girl boy/girl boy/girl submit like that's very offensive well God's very friended if you think otherwise so you know pray about that so therefore a man shall leave his father and mother all right so if you're a single guy write it down I need to move ok I need to move hold fast to his wife that's marriage not shack up with his girlfriend and they shall become one flesh that's consummation of the Covenant see part of the demonic deception is we sleep together we live together we don't marry each other that's the counterfeit of what God created God created us male and female God created marriage for a man and a woman I'll just lean over the plate take one for team Jesus and the man and his wife and his wife were both what she from Texas naked they were naked and they were not what a shake many single people you live under this illusion right and the illusion is I'm being tempted I'm really struggling I can't wait till we get married we're just gonna be naked and eat fruit and hang out in a garden those days are gone it's been a long time things are different now right married people it's different now you know ya no fruit no garden plenty of dragon okay that being said now the serpent Satan the dragon was more crafty conniving plant if you don't have a plan you need to know that Satan has a plan Satan has a plan to destroy your marriage so you should have a plan for your marriage Satan has a plan to destroy you financially emotionally spiritually physically relationally he's crafty he's intentional he can't read your thoughts but he observed semen behavior and he is a master strategist at war than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made the story of Adam and Eve continues that she has a conversation with the dragon and everything falls apart when the war in heaven that was won by the Angels is lost by our first parents on earth in the garden I'm gonna move through this quickly let me just summarize a few things from the remainder of Genesis two and three number one I believe that Satan showed up at the place of the divine council meeting the divine council is biblical language where God has an Angelica family that includes other divine beings in the unseen realm and God has human beings that are visible in the scene realm and these two families both have access to God and the divine council is where they come together I think this explains why when Satan the dragon shows up eva is not shocked or surprised I just tell you ladies if a dragon shows up to talk to you I would expect some sort of reaction you know like rock row right Alta mately she's just very matter-of-fact about it seems very normative it says at the end of Genesis 3 that when they sin that also they were cast out from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and are the tree of life rather and it was a cherub angel with a flaming sword so there used to in the divine council having divine beings present number two say didn't recruited angels in heaven and he recruits people on earth Satan wants to recruit you when you're tempted that's a recruiting when a lie comes that's a recruitment when bitterness seeps in that's a recruitment he is trying to cause you to be on his side you need to know this as well some people are evil and demonic they're not beyond help but they're beyond your help they need God's help and until they turn to God there is not hope for them they're like the demons now not a lot of people are evil let me just say this just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're demonic because some of you that's so area like they disagree with me they're demonic no it's it takes more than that but Satan is recruiting people and some people are working with him and for him and they do evil constantly beware of those people number three Satan shows up uninvited in hopes that you will have a conversation did Adam and Eve invite Satan he just showed up let me tell you this he's just showed up in your life if you look at your life the demonic is just shut up so be like what did I do to deserve this no he did he just shows up and he hopes that you'll have a conversation did Adam and Eve need to have a conversation with the dragon yes or no no it could have been like we have a strict no dragon policy I'm out I don't have these conversations or Adam could have stepped forward and said we love God God loves us you have a problem with God take it up with God this doesn't involve us this is between you and em there are certain conversations you don't need to enter into there are certain relationships that you don't need to enter into number four Satan wants you to follow his rebellion in living independently of God God is in authority ruling and reigning Satan says I want to be independent of his authority demons also do the same let me tell you this if you reject Authority you will receive the demonic our culture doesn't know this so children are encouraged to rebel against parents and citizens are encouraged to revolt against leadership and it's just hell up rebellion it's not heaven down life-giving he wants you to live independent if you if your thought is I'm just an independent person I'm my own authority I pull myself up by my bootstraps I make all my own decisions nobody could tell me what to do you have already lost a great seyton number five tries to overthrow god's principle of singular headship plural leadership in heaven the Father Son and spirit the Trinitarian God of the Bible rule and reign forever and the father is the head Satan wants to make himself the head of heaven here Adam and Eve are plural leaders Adam is to be the head Satan comes he's trying to make himself the head of humanity here's what you need to know Satan is trying to put himself as head in authority over every sphere of politics culture entertainment in your life he wants dominion over all because he desires to unseeded supplant the real God number six Satan lies to us trying to convince us that God is withholding good from us God made them in His image and likeness God put them in a garden God provided for all of their needs they got to hang out with angels and God and Satan came along and said you know there's some good that he's withheld from you there's something that that is really good that God hasn't given you and it's a demonic life let me tell you this friend if there is something you really want and God hasn't given it is because it would not be good for you God knows that it would not be good for you and he loves you and he wants you to trust him number seven I will first offend the women than the men in my next two points because I believe in equality so we should offend women and men all right so firstly ladies Satan deceives women into thinking that their biblical and helpful when they're not some women are biblical and helpful but sometimes you think you're being biblical did Eve try and quote the Word of God to Satan if you know the story she did but she missed coordinate she thought she was biblical but she wasn't and she thought she was helpful but she wasn't Paul uses this language multiple times of the New Testament that Eve was deceived her mistake was not necessarily rooted in malice but it's not enough just to want to do the right thing you need to know what the wise thing is to do for you ladies this looks like in our day you're married but your husband is totally irresponsible and so you treat him like one of the children and you are trying to pick up messes after him this looks like the deadbeat boyfriend who is living with his girlfriend and she is paying the bills and she is basically naming a guy with a driver's license does this still happen something like oh gosh I know I should have brought my girlfriend she's gonna kick me out in Jesus name yes now for you men since will offend you men let me tell you this if you don't lead your family Satan well that's the story of Genesis 3 Adam is a guy he's passive he's unengaged he's non-relational he's distant he he doesn't step forward and as a result Satan leads the family number 9 let's just be honest with each other we've all got our forbidden fruit right let me ask you this don't yell it out your spouse will be mortified but what is your forbidden fruit sex money power possessions beauty comfort riches what's your forbidden fruit we've all got some right you're like yeah for me that's a temptation it's hard to walk by that every day and then number 10 they sin the war in heaven that was won by the Angels is lost on the earth by the human beings Adam and Eve our first Barret's and then God promises in chapter 3 verse 15 jesus is coming as a dragon slayer that ultimately the problem came to this world and the solution does not come from this world that ultimately you and I need someone from the outside to enter and to win the war that we have lost because we've already surrendered to the serpent now what I find interesting in all of this is the absolute addiction and fascination with all of the comic book heroes any of you DC Comics Marvel folks where my nerd friends were yeah my comic-con clan where are you kids and what happens is my kids love to go to the movies and on the big screen watch the big story and almost every time it's the same thing humanity is in peril the world is in crisis an end is coming thankfully there is someone from outside our world who enters into our world they're human and more and like this the gods should get a royalty for every superhero movie you stole that story I'll give it to you ok Wolverine rapidly heals from injury Invisible Woman becomes invisible at well nitro reforms his own body after it explodes Superman can fly the whole cast superhuman power Aquaman can breathe underwater Spiderman claimed climbs walls in the unitard a Wonder Woman he does I don't know why Wonder Woman understands any language infinity is all-knowing the Silver Surfer manipulates gravity doomsday resurrects from Death Kitty Pryde can pass through solid matter in the flash has superhuman speed some of you are like pest mark you got one of those wrong ok then you're a nerd that was a test we found you ok I googled that I did the best I could now that being said what we want is a deliverer who comes in and is like us but greater let me just tell you this greater than any superhero greater than any comic is the Lord Jesus Christ he is not just a mythical but a historical actual factual deliverer he is a dragon slayer he enters in to human history and here's what I'm telling you if the god man meets Superman the god man it's Aquaman the god-man eats he does right he does so you and I we have hope for this planet but it is not hope from this planet but the one who made this planet I'm excited I I hate to interrupt your nap you know you you can just pretend like this is exciting if nothing else help me out we're gonna now talk about Jesus there we go because right now somewhere people are freaking out because the guy carries a dead pig over a chalk line so we should get at least that excited amen all right just something to pray about all right G so the dudes are like what D say I was checking the game all right okay Jesus one year war this is good news God one is war in heaven we lost our war on earth we're born on the wrong side of the battle ha we're under the rule of the god of this world oh Jesus comes to win your war first Corinthians 2 7 through 10 we impart a secret in his hidden wisdom of God these are things that were unknown until God made them known these are things that were concealed and then revealed which God decreed before the ages for our glory none of the rulers of this age what are those demonic fallen rebellious spirits divine beings that's exactly what it is none of the rulers of this age understood this for if they had they would have not crucified the Lord of glory but as it is written what no eye is seen nor ear has heard nor the heart of man imagine what God has prepared for those who love him do you love him he has an eternity plan for you that is not greater than you think it is greater than you can think it is so otherworldly that we don't have that category these things God has revealed to us through the spirit which of course is the holy spirit what he's saying is this had the demonic principalities and powers realized why Jesus came and allowed himself to die they would not have crucified him so the backdrop for the whole life of Jesus is spiritual warfare I'll summarize it from the book angels show up to tell Mary you're gonna give birth to Jesus Angel shows up tells Joseph you're gonna be his dad angels show up to worship Jesus at his birth and they invite the Shepherd's to join them we celebrate this at Christmas as Jesus is a little boy there is a demonic political leader named Herod he puts he hears Jesus is born there's a king somewhere here among God's people it's a little boy I need to kill him before he becomes a grown man so kind of like what happened in the days of Moses in the Exodus a decree is sent forth from the political ruler who is demonic kill all the boys that way we'll make sure that we get rid of Jesus now some of you may not fully understand this I believe I can prove biblically that Herod is a descendant of a family line called the from the old testament to the new they continually wage war against God and God's people it's two kingdoms in conflict for some of you that may be your atheists or agnostics or your skeptics or you have Bible objections some people will come and they'll be like oh gosh God told them wipe out this whole group of people how horrible no God knew that that family was like Satan and demons and they would never change and they would only harm and unless we get rid of them they will make it their life's mission to get rid of us this is the father lovingly protecting his family god knows what we don't know God sees what we don't see Herod is an example of a demonic family line that's why he seeks to kill Jesus that's why that family ahead John the Baptizer what happens though is angelic messanger shows up tells the parents the boys in danger flee to Egypt which they do all of that is because of divine intervention Jesus comes back and then Satan tempts him in a wilderness Adam and Eve lived in the garden they were cast out into the wilderness Jesus shows up in the wilderness to pick up where Adam left off who shows up to Jesus in the wilderness Satan Matthew for Luke for Jesus is hungry isolated and tired you will get hit by your enemy when you're hungry isolated and tired the context is that Jesus was in the wilderness fasting in solitude for forty days can you imagine how you'd feel some of you you're like I fasted 40 minutes it nearly killed me 40 days I cannot do 40 days Satan shows up hey let's break bread together do a meal sometimes demonic deception just starts with unhealthy relationships and then Satan gives Jesus an offer it's an offer of temptation one of the ways that the enemy works is to tempt us as he tempted Jesus God and Satan were basically offering Jesus the same thing I'll prove it to you God the Father said son you can be appointed king and rule but it's going to be a pain path through the cross to get there Satan came along and said well I'm the god of this world I will make you a king and it'll be a pleasure path not a pain path there's no cross there's no suffering there's no death sometimes satan blesses people if I could put the blesses in quotes you're like they're rich they're powerful they're successful that's because the enemy owns them if you were in Jesus position pain or pleasure to go sit on a throne and rule as a king which one would you choose this is why we need to pick up our cross and learn to deny ourselves at times that's part of the battle if you only do what feels good and works for you you have already surrendered to the serpent now this being said the whole context of this is temptation and Jesus in that moment endured all temptation of all humanity in all of history it says that the devil showed him in an instant all the kingdoms and pleasures of the world imagine for a moment everyone's forbidden fruit offered to you in an instant Jesus was tempted and ultimately it was an issue of worship Satan said all you need to do is worship Me and Jesus said no worship the Lord God and serve him only this what I'm telling you worship is war when you're tempted that's war if you choose holiness that's worship that's why coming to church feels like war how many of you you wake up you're like my kids declare war on me every Sunday morning well there the war begins it's a war to get to worship it's a war to stay in worship it's a war to sing God's praises with God's people in God's presence and Jesus worshiped through his war and you and I must worship through our war that's the only way what happens then is Jesus overcomes all temptation he is victorious the story continues that then Satan is still trying to destroy him he fills Judas Iscariot one of his disciples he recruits political and military leaders they come to arrest Jesus under the cover of darkness which is just part of the demonic deception they take Jesus they nail they nail Jesus to a Roman cross demons were rejoicing because they thought they were winning finally we lost the war in heaven Adam and Eve joined us in the rebellion that's it now we're gonna slay the king we'll take the kingdom here's what it says none of the rulers of this age understood this why Jesus died for if they had they would have not crucified the Lord of glory what God did at the cross of Jesus Christ he took the worst evil and used it for the greatest good he will do this with all of human history and he will do this for you personally the god works out all things for the good of those who love and are called according to his purpose what happens at the cross of Jesus Satan and demons didn't understand he's not dying he's dying for the people that he loves he took your place he took my place he took our place he paid our price at the cross of Jesus he endured all that we should endure so that we can enjoy all that he gives amen so for us we love Jesus we love the cross only God does love and forgiveness Satan and demons overlook this possibility because they know nothing of love and forgiveness God loves you you are born on the wrong side of the war you have been brainwashed you have been fed propaganda you have been tempted and Jesus comes to set captives free free to worship Him so my question to you would be do you know Jesus do you love Jesus are you following Jesus are you acknowledging your failures faults follies and flaws to Jesus so be like what are you trying to do give me save a hundred percent that's exactly what I'm trying to do hell is hot forever is a long time God loves you find a plan B that's my recommendation his name is Jesus not only does Jesus died to forgive as he dies he disarms all that the demonic realm has against the children of God you because of our sin nature we sin by nature and choice we're on the wrong side of the war Jesus dies to forgive us and then Satan and demons no longer have cling to us because we've been forgiven delivered and set free by the victory of Jesus Jesus then rises from death he's alive and well today and he is offering forgiveness of sin eternal life spiritual victory and eternal authority to those who trust in the Son of God now let me let me ask a question just think of this for a moment divine beings sinned and rebelled human beings Senden rebelled did Jesus die for demons so they can't be forgiven or saved did Jesus die for people yes so you can be forgiven delivered and saved Jesus gives to you a grace a mercy an opportunity that spirit beings never received that's amazing isn't it God thank you I joined Satan's side and and you came in and kicked him in the teeth and made him a toothless dragon and adopted me into your family so you could bless me there's only two ways to think about that I must be amazing or he must be amazing I would go with he is amazing now some of you will wonder okay if Jesus crushed Satan and demons why is there still fighting in war he will come a second time to put down the insurrection forever but let me give you a story from World War two Grace and I were in Germany not long ago world war two was the bloodiest battle humanly speaking in the history of the world roughly fifty million people died because God creates Satan counterfeits right but that Nazi regime was trying to be the counterfeit of the kingdom of God and Adolf Hitler was trying to set himself up as Jesus and rule over the nation's everything spiritual ultimately knowing that his end was near Adolf Hitler committed suicide and then karl dönitz who was his successor signed a peace treaty and they surrendered but some soldiers kept up the fight why number one some of the soldiers didn't believe the report that they'd lost they chose a lie over the truth and lived in light of the lie instead of the truth secondly some soldiers knowing they were defeated they were so committed to their cause that they wanted to harm and hurt as many people as possible what's true in physical war is also true in spiritual but Satan and demons are defeated but till Jesus comes back there are still those who either disbelieve the verdict of Jesus victory or they just want to harm humanity three reasons you can win your war ok war in heaven or on earth were on the cross war in your life you are at war you are at battle there are principalities powers and spirits that are trying to bring harm and devastation to you and your family number one three reasons you can win you or there's four in the book I'm only covering three because it'll go five hours but it would be awesome I number one you have moved from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light Colossians 1:13 through 14 awesome verse he that's Jesus has what delivered us this isn't religion morality spirituality I delivered myself so I was in a concentration camp a soldier showed up sent me free III didn't do this his name is Jesus he has delivered us from the domain of darkness Satan the demonic the wrong side of the war and transferred us to the kingdom we do have a king of his beloved son in whom we have Redemption the forgiveness of sins let me hit this I'm gonna make this real practical ok for things this raises the question or these succession of questions what about generational sins that people is that a church is it true that not only does God have certain family lines that he blesses but Satan has certain families that he curses see because the cursing is the counterfeit of blessing God creates Satan counterfeits all the way back in Genesis there are genealogies of family lines some are blessed some are cursed some of you need to know that you come from a cursed family line and legacy what does this look like I've been doing this job long enough I'll give you some examples every generation molest their kids that's demonic every generation is just always at war and fighting and unrest and chaos and self-righteousness and religious fried every generation is just addicted drugs alcohol self-destructive behavior every generation there is profound mental illness that defies any biological or physical causation some of you looking back at your families if I just said cursed you'd be like that explains my whole family the question is if you are a Christian or you still under the generational curses of your family No now some will say you will learn and you got to find the generational curse you got to break the generational curse no no he already did just walk in his victory with his authority what this means is I don't care what has been done to the children and your family you don't need to beat them you can bless them I don't care if there's adultery in your family there is fidelity in your future I don't care if in the past you were all worshipping demon gods or in some cultic religion you will know the truth the truth will set you free and Jesus is the way the truth and the life amen so generational curses and sins are broken because you have gone from darkness to light this means here's how Peter says it in one of his epistles you have been delivered from the hollow and empty way of life handed you by your forefathers your father is not now the primary defining aspect of your being you got a new father your family is no longer your primary identity your new family of the churches you get a new father you get a new family you go from darkness to light your legacies are going to change I have hope for your children I have hope for your children's children amen because not only is Satan trying to curse for generations God loves to bless for generations it's number two invisible friends or imaginary friends this question comes oftentimes from parents of little kids now sometimes kids just have an active imagination right my kids were a little my boys all thought that they were they had those you know nerve swords people are like why do you let them play with weapons because they're following in the example of Jesus our Dragon Slayer so my kids get to use weapons okay my daughters would dress up like princesses sometimes kids have an imagination that that's totally great and good and we probably would benefit as adults for more of that but sometimes you need to be careful let's say your child says hey we're having a tea party set a place right there for my invisible friend okay tell me about this invisible friend is this a real being that is showing up to a naive child and leading them astray sometimes spirits will attach to young children children will assume that it's a guardian angel when in fact it is a counterfeit for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light the scriptures say so it's even looking at your kids and saying okay do they understand and are we aware of what is in their life not just physical but also spiritual beings number three white magic I get this question in our great Sun I've been doing this a while there's what this comes from one particular gal came up to me she said well I grew up in a coven and my mom was a witch she said but now I've met Jesus but it's okay because I'm a white witch not a black witch I was like Oh Oh God so relieved to hear that no I was like white I was like were you in The Wizard of Oz right because in The Wizard of Oz it's the good witch in the bad witch let me tell you this all witches are bad some just are more deceptive I said tell me about a white witch well we only cast good spells not bad spells here's what I'm opposed to all spells so some of you think well you know I have supernatural ability or I went up to Sedona and saw some stuff or I went up to Sedona saw some stuff and then it may be a supernatural experience and it may masquerade as good and it's not that's why I don't want you to be spiritual wants you to be spirit filled and I want you to believe every spirit but to test the spirits number four I wish you could see your face like I hate Halloween and I hate it more than ever right now night terrors some of you going to bed is going to war some of you going to sleep is going to war it's like when the darkness of night comes so the darkness of the spirit realm comes with it they say the experts do that night terrors are more common amongst those who are trauma and abuse survivors soldiers first responders and those with PTSD the Bible tells us to stay alert and resist the devil and he will flee from you that's hard to do when you're asleep it's hard to be alert when you're asleep and it's hard to resist the devil when you're asleep Satan and demons like angels and other divine beings they do not share in the limits of your humanity Satan and demons don't have allergy problems in Arizona you do Satan and demons don't get the flu you do Satan and demons don't get dehydrated you do Satan and demons don't need to go to bed you do it so they wait until you are tired and then the attack begins now sometimes we work ourselves up we freak ourselves out some of you're just scaredy cats but sometimes it really is demonic I'll give you an example of a night terror job chapter 4 13 through 16 he's a godly and good man amid thoughts from visions of the night when deep sleep falls on men dread came upon me and trembling which made all my bones shake how many of you have had those nightmares those night terrors and you're kind of between the the the realm of being awake and asleep and you're not sure what's real or not real and your Adrenaline's firing and your anxiety is escalating goes on to say a spirit glided past my face how many of you have had that like I'm not all by myself somebody else is here the hair on my flesh stood up for some of you that's happening right now it stood still but I could not discern its appearance its spiritual not physical a form was before my eyes there was silence he says then I heard a voice talking about a night terror couple of things for those of you who struggle with night terrors number one don't just set the physical but also the spiritual temperature of your home that is your home it belongs to the Lord Jesus that is your Dominion okay that is here that's why when we move into a new place we pray through the rooms we pray through the house we don't know who or what has lived there before us in addition what I like to say in our house is we don't do crazy crazy is out there crazy doesn't come in here so if somebody comes over like I like to slam doors well there's the door there you go we don't slam doors here we don't punch walls we don't criticize each other we don't cuss each other out we don't scream and yell all day we want an atmosphere in our home that is the fruit of the Spirit not the presence of the serpent love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness self-control some of you grew up in demonic in part it's just chaos screaming door slamming criticizing your living sort of at the red level of the terror alert and then you try to go to bed you've been in a demonic environment all day it's hard to calm down at night number two pray offensively too oftentimes we only pray when we get hit we don't pray so that he gets it Psalms has a lot of offensive being on the front foot war has defense and offense we need to pray pray praying is offensive it is attacking that which is demonic and against you when grace and I were in literally a war and our family was under siege we went to the Psalms and there were certain Psalms like I think Oh Psalm 91 I just wrote out by hand and put it on the wall grace is like what's that we're gonna read that every day and by faith we're gonna believe it we're gonna claim it over our family we got to get a shield over us because we're under assault pray offensively and then if you have kids do a bedtime routine with them I'm talking about little kids my two sons are six foot one so if I snuggle with them read them to Jesus story but Bible gets them on the forehead I'm probably going to end up in some sort of jujitsu old so I can't do that with my grown sons but when your kids are little this is what we would do we would set an environment at bedtime we would sing read scripture pray bless them listen to them kiss them snuggle with them comfort them if God is in you then you bring the presence of God with you do that for your children at bedtime number two demonic attack is not uncommon there's the world which is a system opposed to God externally there is the flesh which is your deep-seated tendency toward rebellion and folly that is internal and then there is the demonic that is working to create a world that tempts your flesh so some regard it is fair to say that demonic attack spiritual warfare is constant and common now let me read this quickly I'm a I'm a Bible guy okay as I read the Bible I find God names demons he talks to them as the bales which is also called the hosts of heaven Asherah or Astra which included lots of illicit sex in their cultic religion ki mosh and Molech which practice child sacrifice and today is likely the spirit behind Planned Parenthood Artemis Legion Hermes Zeus duiker justice castor and pollux the twin gods climb the star God the Queen of Heaven Lilith the night creature or screech-owl we are told in the Book of Daniel we'll get there in January the Prince of Persia and Greece were spiritual war with the Lord's angels Paul talks about unknown demonic gods the Bible uses not only the language of beasts to refer to physical beings but also to spiritual beings that are just as dangerous and deadly to your soul as a wild animal is to your body Satan is called a serpent a dragon a lion other demons are called Python spirits goat demons wild animals ostriches wolves hyenas birds scorpions the Bible also refers to evil people as vipers serpents goats cows dogs wolves leeches donkeys and evil beasts it's in there it's in there a lot and it's in there clearly but let me say this let's say something controversial here because I always have at least one controversial point so this is it in our day there are certain slogans that have tremendous power to shape culture they take on a life of their own choice tolerance spectrum pride the reason that those slogans might be powerful is because of the spirits behind them and those may be the names of demons with this number three you come with your Kings Authority hey you come so like okay I'm scared now don't be scared be aware okay greater is he who has seen you than he who is in the world the Holy Spirit is more powerful than all the unholy spirits combined that being said chapter one of Ephesians which precedes this which I will read in a moment which is awesome Ephesians 1 says that Jesus defeated the demonic he went to heaven he sat on his throne and today the devil is is what foot still I love that Jesus like I need a place to put my feet somebody go get the dragon you are a tough guy if you have a dragon as a coffee table amen and then here's what it says not only is Jesus ruling and reigning seated in heaven positionally so are you this is for you this is for your war to walk in the victory and authority of his war god being rich in mercy inexhaustible account of mercy I don't care what you've done jesus loves you Jesus will forgive you Jesus will deliver you Jesus will save you Jesus will never lie to you he will never abandon you he will never forsake you he will never abuse you God being rich in mercy because of the great love Satan and demons know nothing of love God is love because of the great love with which his love dies you are loved by God and we see that at the cross of Jesus even when we were dead in our trespasses born on the wrong side of the war made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved and Wow raised up with him and seated with him where in the heavenly places in the unseen realm in Christ Jesus so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Jesus Christ the same Jesus who won the war in heaven the same Jesus who won the war at the cross is available to help you win all your wars against temptation against lies against condemnation against accusation against generational curses against addiction and self-harm I'm gonna bring the band up we're gonna throw a party right now in the presence of Jesus angels and departed Saints are singing I say we join them and here's what I want you to think about when Satan shows up and he reminds you of your past you need to remind yourself of your future let me just tell you let me tell you what the Bible gives is a sneak peek of what our minds can't even conceive friends Jesus is alive and well Jesus is a Dragonslayer Jesus is a king ruling over a kingdom Jesus is coming again he is coming again to sentence demons and evildoers to the eternal conscious torments of hell revelation 19 shows him coming as a warrior he comes to conquer Satan sin death how he comes to put down all wars forever it says he's riding a horse he comes with a sword and he's wearing what color white here's what I know if a guy shows up for a fight wearing all white two things he doesn't think it's gonna take longer than he's gonna get dirty amen Jesus comes back wearing white not only that Jesus is gonna call your name he said Lazarus come forth and there came Lazarus Jesus Christ is going to call you by name your body will resurrect your soul will enter it you will be perfect in the image and likeness of God forever he will be in the presence of God forever the Bible says that now we were made a little lower than the Angels it says but in that day he will judge angels so all the deme instead of attacked your family all the forces of darkness that have opposed you they will come before the Lord Jesus for judgment and he will allow you to exercise his authority and judge them furthermore this is just absolutely astonishing not only does Jesus sit on a throne he has a throne waiting for you to rule and to reign with him so I say let's worship Him I say let's thank him I say let's trust him until we see him Jesus thank you for an opportunity to worship thank you that our prayers and our songs join departed Saints and angelic and other divine beings in your presence that we now enter into the unseen realm Holy Spirit we invite you to come please open the eyes of those who are blinded please open the minds of those who are blinded God let us not be fearful but let us be aware and Jesus I pray for deliverance I pray for healing I pray for hope I pray for Revelation in sight for these dear people to walk in your victory through all eternity in Jesus name love you thank you you
Channel: Real Faith by Mark Driscoll
Views: 10,901
Rating: 4.9219513 out of 5
Keywords: Mark, Driscoll, ministry, thetrinitychurch, scottsdale, arizona, bible, teaching, gospel, theology, jesus, biblestudy, faith, bibleverse, Dragon, Slayer, Savior, Awesome, Swords, Satan, Demons
Id: U2cv1gbD3yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 18sec (3918 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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