Win The Morning, WIN THE DAY! Listen Every Day! MORNING MOTIVATION

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take control of the morning so you take control of your day on the morning so you can own your day start your day right so the rest of your day falls into place schedule that time it's more important than anything sleep 30 minutes less if you need to give this to yourself are you happy with your life are you where you want to be if you answered yes turn the audio off now if you answered no and you want to grow cheap listening start every day with at least five minutes of powerful energy five minutes of positive energy first thing in the morning can change your entire day and if you can change your entire day with consistent positive thoughts you can change your entire life can you do more can you be more if you know you can be more you need to commit to being more and you need to start now you need to commit now to start every day with the mindset of someone who loves life the my set of someone who is going to win the day no matter what happens you won't lose you will win or you will learn you will win the day because you will set your day up to win your first job as soon as you rise is to give thanks give thanks you are a long life give thanks for everything you do have give thanks for everything you usually take for granted set your intentions for the day set your goals for the day give thanks in advance for the things you want put that intention out into the world thank you for this day thank you for the amazing opportunities coming my way thank you for the character I show today thank you for every smile today thank you for every laugh every moment of fun wake up with intention by setting those intentions the night before wake up with only positive intentions the morning is not the time for phones not the time for work or problem-solving the morning is the time to get in sync with what you want create an unbreakable morning routine a consistent routine that will soon bring in consistent results ask yourself how do I want this day to go how do I want to feel today how do I want to treat others how you start your day is usually how you're going to live your day if you started believing it's going to be a great day chances are it will be if you start your day with the intention you are going to be happy today no matter what happens chances are you will be happy no matter what happens if you don't start your day off in the right mindset and the first challenge of test you will break you will respond with negativity that rather than positivity and what are the changes of challenge is showing up probably around 100 percent so make sure you are ready for those challenges ready with an unbreakable spirit ready with the positive mindset ready to redirect any negativity get after the life you want it is a must don't let it get away for run after it plan your day if you know where you're going you will eventually get when you need to go if you have no direction you will end up in the wrong section successful people have intention and they have direction they know where they're going that is why they get there [Music] the most important thing to do first thing in the morning is get yourself in a powerful state if you're in a great mood you will produce great results you will have a great day the better your attitude the better the results you produce the better your attitude the better you can handle overcome and thrive through challenges and difficulties that come your way so get yourself in a great mood do whatever it takes to get that feeling first thing in the morning whatever works for you meditation reading gratitude music exercise these are all good options that get you in state when your mind is positive and clear you can handle just about anything can't you and when you can face challenges with a clear mind they lose their power they no longer halt your progress they no longer have a strangle over your day or your life you simply choose the best way to move forward and move on most people don't start their days like this most people aren't happy don't be most people be the minority the minority who start their day with positive expectations look at yourself in the mirror and repeat to yourself today is going to be a great day no matter what happens today I will see the good no matter what happens I will do the right thing no matter what happens I will give my all today today I will give my best so tomorrow we all have the same amount of time but some people make the most of it and some people Drudge through it make the most of you live with a smile on believe you are deserving of a great life and get out there and create one if you change your thinking you can change your life so how do you change your thinking well how do you change your body you change the body by changing what you feed your body you change your body by changing how you work your body the same is true for your thinking change what you feed your thoughts feed it with positive affirmations and beliefs feed it with new knowledge on self-development if you learn how to change you will change workout your mind with books with audio books and audio that expands your existing mindset into something greater throw yourself by learning more throw yourself by doing the things that successful people do no matter what this day brings a challenge a miracle and unexpectedly blessing whatever it is I am grateful for it a firm to yourself every day today will be a great day something magical will happen today something truly amazing will happen today don't be afraid of missing out be afraid of being in the exact same place as you are now one year from today five years from today ten years from today struggling to pay the bills struggling for energy struggling to find that passion in your life visualize what you are going to do today get more out of your life do it every day and every day [Music] you have created for yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Team Fearless
Views: 11,961,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, motivational speech, motivational video, motivation, inspirational video, motivational music video, fearless motivational video, Win The Morning, morning motivation, intention, start your day, start your day with intention, morning routine, morning routine for success, successful morning routine, listen every day, listen every day motivation, win the day motivation, win the day, morning motivation speech
Id: irBqtdVM-LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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