Planning is not doing!

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it's in the realm of self-improvement and personal productivity there is a prevalent notion that meticulous planning extensive research and comprehensive writing are essential steps towards achieving our goals while these activities are undeniably important they often become a comfortable substitute for the real work that needs to be done planning is not doing writing the steps is not doing and researching about the task is also not doing the task only doing the task is doing the task planning provides a sense of security and control it allows us to visualize the path ahead anticipate obstacles and devise strategies to overcome them however the act of planning can easily become a trap it offers the illusion of productivity while keeping us in a state of inaction in the book The War of art by Steven pressfield the more scared we are of a work or calling the more sure we can be that we have to do it resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work it will pure fabricate falsify seduce bul AOL resistance is Insidious resistance is invisible internal and Insidious it will reason with you like a lawyer or Jam a 9 mm in your face like a stickup man resistance has no conscience it will pledge anything to get a deal then double cross you as soon as you back is turned pressfield emphasizes that the fear we feel towards taking action is often a signal or the sign of the tasks important yet resistance manifesting as excessive planning or research can deceive us into believing we are making progress when we are merely avoiding the real work that needs to be done the comfort of writing steps writing down steps in making detailed plans ah everyone is prone to do that can be really helpful tool to organize thoughts and outline a course of action for sure however this two can become a form of procrastination the act of writing gives a full science of accomplishment creating a buffer between us and the task at hand in the book getting things done by David says if you don't pay appropriate attention to what has your attention it will take more of your attention than it deserves alen's Insight highlights the Paradox of over planning when we invest too much time in outlining every possible detail we divert our attention from the actual task which should be our primary focus which should be the actual Focus this the illusion of research in the information age access to knowledge is virtually Limitless research is essential for informed decision making but it can quickly become an endless Pursuit the more we research the more we realize how much we don't know and we just fall into this rabbit hole which can lead to analysis paralysis James Clare in his very famous book Atomic habit says Motion makes you feel like you are getting things done but really you're just preparing to get something done when preparation becomes a form of procrastination you need to change something you don't want to merely be planning you want to be practicing James clear's distinction between motion and action is crucial while motion involves activities like planning and research whereas action is the actual execution of tasks that lead to directly results to move forward we must shift from motion to action I think we all have fall for the stap like every day you will start by planning the task what you need to do and you will plan it too much that you would merely have that energy to execute the task the way you are planning it and you will fall for a very less energy action that will be required to substitute the plan you made for the actual execution and that just actually is the idea that you're doing something that needed to be done but actually you are clearly doing the thing that uh you were not planning to do you just did it because you had to do it in that very moment it was you know something very necessary to do in the moment and it was not the very planned execution let's talk about the power of action taking action is the only way to achieve goals it is the tangible step that transforms ideas into reality while planning writing and researching are supportive activities they are not substitutes for doing the work action involves risk effort and sometimes failure but it is the only path to success if you want to succeed at anything the only thing you have to do is just do it you cannot delay it you can never have a guaranteed thing to succeed even if you are overdoing the research overdoing the planning overdoing the writing stuff no it will not guarantee your success the only thing that can guarantee your success is to practice practices if you want to be a better writer you have to practice writing if you have if you want to be a better cook better Chef you have to practice cooking or baking or or actually just cutting the vegetables properly that will make your skill better but researching about the recipes researching about how to cook what recipes are popular these days will not make you a better cook or better Chef the only thing that will make you something better at your skill is to practice it from the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephan arobi to learn and not to do is really not to learn to know and not to do is really not to know K's words reminds us that knowledge and planning are futile without corresponding action true learning and growth occurs when we apply what we know through deliberate and consistent action let's move ahead to how you can move from planning to actually doing something of course the very um obvious thing you can do is just do it but if you don't want to just do it the way you are right now in this very moment you can set clear actionable goals Define your specific measurable achievable relevant and time bound goals that require con concrete actions break down your tasks divide larger tasks into smaller manageable tasks that can be completed in a short time frame limit planning time allocate a fixed amount of time for planning and research once this time is up move on to action setting a timer actually bounds you to do something in that very allocated time you cannot you know uh you cannot canot extend the time you cannot lessen the time you cannot switch your time allocation so you have to do the task you are allocated in the time establish a routine that includes dedicated time for action oriented tasks hold yourself accountable of course track your progress and hold yourself accountable for completing task if you want to do something you can take a progress picture every day if you want to better at your skill just take a progress picture if you want to see yourself improve in any area of your life like if you want to be better in your physique take a progress picture consider sharing your goals with a friend or Mentor for adding accountability Embrace imperfection understand that Perfection is not the goal taking imperfection is the idea take imperfect action because it is better than taking no action at all reflect and adjust regularly reflect on actions and outcome adjust your approach as needed but keep moving forward always move forward even if it's two steps take it you have to move forward you cannot move back there is no backing down when you are on to doing something while planning writing and researching are valuable activities they must not overshadow the necessity of taking action true progress is made through doing by stepping out of the planning phase and learn to the real of execution as you embark on your journey towards achieving your goals remember that only doing the task is doing embrace the discomfort of action and let it Propel you towards success
Channel: Daffodil Talks
Views: 876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SelfImprovement, Productivity, TakeAction, DoTheWork, GoalSetting, GetThingsDone, ActionOverPlanning, StopProcrastinating, AchieveYourGoals, SuccessMindset, PersonalDevelopment, FocusOnAction, OvercomeResistance, Motivation, HabitBuilding, StartDoing, ProgressNotPerfection, ExecuteYourPlans, DailyRoutine, atomic habits, just do it
Id: D0FrBBBoEjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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