William III - The Prince That Shook Europe

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[Music] William the food of orange was the rising star of his son born as a son of a denounced at holder but died as a king of England he shook Europe in the 17th century achieved a nearly impossible how did this little Prince emerge as a started almost shone as bright as the Sun King himself William was born on the 14th of November 1650 son of William the second and Mary Hari Etta Stewart this meant he was heir to the title of stockholder and descendant of the English from but his father tried to overthrow the government the same year which failed and then he died this left a republic open for the estate's to take over power when the Republic lost the first anglo-dutch war in 1654 England was ruled by Oliver Cromwell in favour the estate's above the prince and Johan De Witt who has counselor of the Republic also favor the estates so and peace was made the act of seclusion was signed it stated that no member of the orange family would ever be able to rule as stat holder again William his future did not look very promising at this point as a kid William his health was very poor on multiple occasions his doctors did not think he would survive another disease while he was suffering from smallpox his Chamberlain comes real unbending but not straight from his side this forged an almost impregnable bond between the two and Banting would be William his best friend and main advisor for many years to come even though William survived smallpox it left him prone to disease for the rest of his life and because of the polluted air in the cities William prefer to live in the countryside where he could also hunt which was his favorite thing to do when in 1672 the Republic was attacked by a coalition of France England Muenster and Cologne it was about to be wiped off the map this war is known as the disaster year in Dutch history King Louie the fourteenth also known as the Sun King wanted revenge on the Republic for interference in the warm devolution a couple years prior and he also wanted to expand Frances borders to arrive which would be used as Metro border and defense the King of England was Charles the second William his uncle Charles wanted to reduce a republic its trade and fleet because it conflicted with the act of navigation in the German miners just got promised land by friends if they were join from the South came the French and from the east came the German miners the English mainly fought on the seas Marquis of Turin Prince of condé in marshall luxembourg had control of the French armies they quickly advanced and seats the city of Marseilles the French army decided to move on leaving some of the troops behind to continue to siege they adopted this tactic across the south which allowed the French to make a swift advance trapping the Dutch armies very soon they had captured Utrecht which is in the center of Republic in one of the major cities meanwhile the Dutch population had not forgotten William and the role the orange family had played its short history room the Republic her orange debt holders were also the leader of the armies and had great success in the eighty years who are so it was natural for a Dutch citizens to think that having any orange leader would lead to success they pressured Johan De Witt and it led to him giving with him a one-time leadership of the armies for William this was a big win him being made General opened the door for prestige and more the war was going terrible so far the French had just encircled the major fortifications in the south and moved on trapping most of the Dutch armies William quickly sought refuge in it left with his remaining army with a city favorite surrendering to the French overseas so they sent him away William had to go further back to Holland there the crisis had erupted the politicians were torn between the Republicans and the oranges the Republicans wanted to get rid of William by the oranges to water him back in power Johan De Witt the leader of Republicans with all the blame for the poor results in the war and was forced to abdicate now the estates with grand William his stead hold the ship for them this was the only thing that could save them at least it would give a slight morale boost to the troops so William was made start holder when you hunt his brother cornillon supposed to jail being accused of plotting to kill William Johan visited him he found Cornelius a very bad shape he was tortured but it's still not confessed meanwhile outside the jail people heard after the Witt brothers being in there a raging riot erupted people were still angry at the brothers they forced the door who went upstairs and dragged the brothers out killing them right outside and gutting them it is likely that William had paid for the riot and have the skilled dude why would he do that he already was made stockholder to Republic at a last line of defense called the water line it meant that the dykes from Noddin to the South would be punctured flooding all the lower laying fields first it was only about knee-deep sometimes not even this was due to the poor morale and organization this was a result of your honor with his policy of putting Navy above the army not fearing a land invasion William personally saw to it that the waterline would be executed properly it had to not just be knee-deep water but a true lake separating the country in half only this the Republic's dearest Ally would save it from the French and multiple occasions the bell will ring in the Hague at which the people would quickly pack up and flee only to realize it was a false alarm around this time the cities in the West such as Amsterdam The Hague ran full of refugees coming from the rest of the Republic making every resource scarce and money even more so not only the Dutch were in financial problems also or the French what was to be a 17th century blitzkrieg turned out to be a waiting game the French were quickly bored now there was nothing to fight against France used a system called ink war during which meant that every family was to take in a number of French soldiers the soldiers often demanded more than they deserved and harmed the family there was barely any discipline using terror was even promoted by the French Minister of all francois te raki Aluva and greedily executed by marshal luxembourg hoping it would break the dutch morale there were reports of people being hanged from their chimneys roasting above their own fireplace there was also the fair that the winter would freeze up the waterline it happened at one occasion in the French crust the Dutch garrison troops saw the enemy advance and fled but the French heads go back because they could not advance on their own the Republic narrowly escaped death we went back to France while his generals kept harassing and exploiting the Dutch cities the Dutch diplomats went out on what may have been the most important mission ever in a survival of a republic finally after a long hard process of negotiating they managed to not only get Brandenburg into the fight but also the Austrian Emperor and Spain now the Republic was leading a coalition of its own against France it seemed they were about to be cornered the Allied advance was very slow this was because of conflicting nobility in the army everybody fought or they like to think that they had command and so they made conflicting orders sometimes they marched back just to annoy the other noble who wanted to advance meanwhile England had signed peace with the Republic Parliament feared the Charles was getting too close to the weak who was a Catholic and that he wanted to reduce the power of parliament thus gaining power for himself refusing to grant Charles anymore money Parliament for Charles to sign the peace of Westminster in 1674 then in the same year sweden joined the war but on the french side they wanted to rush brandenburg and capture berlin which they almost succeeded only Denmark found Sweden too aggressive and joined the war against them so they joined the Dutch but the Swedes fought back recapturing the southern part of Sweden from the dance meanwhile the French continued to fight in the Alsace area seeking to plunder as much as possible continuing that terror this is where the war is being fought from then France was now fighting against four major powers and to make matters worse England join the war against France Parliament forced Charles to conceal the alliance with the Republic by marrying out his knees Mary Mary was the daughter of Charles his brother James thus making wave and Mary possible heirs to the throne of England Louie quickly realized he had to make his move before the entire coalition would come down upon France he marched on Flanders and captured the tenth and people from this position he was again a threat to the Republic now everybody wanted peace and peace was signed on a 10th of August 1678 called the Peace of Nijmegen France would cede my state back to the Republic but Kate frascati and Lauren it's seen the Dutch Republic was safe with William at the helm Louis had attacked the Republic hoping to crush it once and for all but unknowingly he gave William the opportunity to rise to power and thus created his rival in the fire of his own forge William and Louie will be rivals for the rest of their lives in 1685 king charles ii of england died now his Catholic brother James succeeded to the throne becoming James the second James liked the idea of being an absolute ruler and adored louis xiv his absolute iranian france Parliament feared that James would try to gather more power for himself making Catholicism the official faith and ruling out Parliament so in 1673 the test Act had been enacted which stated the Catholics were not allowed to perform official government functions and now in 1679 parliament proposed the exclusion bill it stated that no Catholic would be able to succeed to the throne Charles purposely tried to postpone the bill right up until he died so his brother would still be able to succeed him Charles fear that if James was excluded from succession a new civil war would erupt over who was to be the new successor it is also important to know that louis xiv of france preferred a catholic Europe so he sent money to Charles that way he did not need money from parliament to sustain himself and thus he was able to postpone the bill when Charles died in 1685 he had dissolved parliament multiple times and even conferred to Catholicism on his deathbed his brother James was crowned King of England Scotland and Ireland on the 23rd of April 1685 he immediately started exercising power he revoked the test act replaced government officials with Catholics and forced clerics to proclaim the declaration of indulgence in the churches which pled for toleration of the Catholic faith Parliament was furious this was unacceptable but as long as James did not have an heir his Catholic reign was not yet consolidated that was until the 10th of June 1688 when James the second wife gave birth to her fifth child a son James quickly declared him his new heir and Parliament feared the worst meanwhile in the Dutch Republic William and his wife Mary had kept a keen eye on the dire situation in England James was married her father only he was a Catholic and she was a Protestant if James did not have a male heir Mary was the first in line to succeed him William knew this very well he already showed Europe that he was the protagonist of the Protestant faith and a rival of louis xiv and his absolute rule it is not certain who started a discussion between parliament and william but it is certain that William would only invade England if Parliament would grant him their support so on the 18th of June 1687 William got a letter saying that at least six Nobles and one cleric known as the immortal seven would support him but William had to act fast tension was rising in England and if the revolt would start without him being there England might just become a republic like under Oliver Cromwell and no one wants that so William built a fleet bigger than the Spanish Armada only he needed money from Ashland to pay for it four years Amsterdam had been bro friends and probe's so that's rape would prosper who the we've seen is stoppable now he had an experiment cities and started war again William made a plea to Amsterdam saying that if they don't act now to strengthen their own position and likely will be another disaster here and then the Republic would surely collapse Amsterdam finally agreed and paid for a massive fleet on the 11th of November 1688 William set out to England with his fleet consisting of 500 ships three times the size of the Spanish Armada he landed in Turkey and from there he quickly advanced with every step even more Nobles join William and James realized his cause was lost James and fled to Worcester Harbor but he tried to get on board of a ship they will bring him to France it nearly worked but he got recognized and brought back to London where now William had arrived what he was rather disappointed because now he had to make up for something so that James could still escape so he brought James to the harbor he put him in prison but with very little supervision so that night James escaped to France where he resided in the Royal Palace of san jamar lay and enjoyed a royal pension from the weak Parliament now faced a dilemma about who would rule England marry William or both William let parliament decide for themselves but after awhile he found it went to so putting pressure on Parliament they decided that both William and Mary were going to rule England on the 13th of November 1689 William and Mary would crowned king and queen of England together they enacted the Bill of Rights giving more power to Parliament and laying the foundation for a democratic constitutional monarchy the Louis could not accept the fact that his rival had just acquired England from right under his nose so after a while he sent out James with an army to Ireland but he still had somewhat of authority then on 11th of July 1692 finally came to decisive battle James had landed in Ireland and William set out to battle him there they fought known as the Battle of the Boyne William Wong and James fled again to France at the time French Nobles were very divided on what to think of William the court at Versailles had become boring and dull now lui $2 lui his sister-in-law Elizabeth Shalit also known as Lisa lot la paletine once said about William who is this William rising star of Europe so magnificent was Louie detested William and refused to acknowledge him as King of England there was no time to rest for William now Louie had involved himself in a party in succession crisis which turned into the nine years war William had to keep traveling from being at the front lines in mainland Europe to ruling England from Kensington Palace the best way to achieve this was to let his wife Mary rule together with his advisers in the beginning of the relationship Mary did not like politics and thought that a light conversation might share with him up but it didn't so now Mary started to learn from advisers and kept herself up to date about European politics this way she managed to rule England while William was gone William built his own Palace in a republic called head low it was everything like Versailles but nothing like it it was supposed to be a true palace but there should not be any glorification this way William man office prestige within a acceptable manner the court in the Republic was nothing like the card in France or England in the Republic William only had a handful of servants he could enjoy life in private while Marion England had a cord for hundreds if not thousands of servants and she had to live every aspect of her life in public such as eating or gone to bed it is often rumoured that William had an affair with his best friend Hansel and Benton but I think that is not true because of two reasons who him actually had a long lasting affair with another woman called Elizabeth vta and William eventually replaced Banting with Arnold Ostrom keppo Mary tried to make William get rid of his mistress but he kept coming back to her [Music] then on the 7th of January 1695 Mary laid on her bed suffering from smallpox William never left her room until Mary said she could tired of his continuous sobbing making him sleep in another room Mary died and William was devastated the only thing he could do was to fulfill Mary his last wish to get rid of his mistress Elizabeth which he finally did William went from being the most happy person to the most miserable creature on earth letting himself be vulnerable to disease and malnutrition he saw nobody for a month meanwhile the nine years war was still going on Louie was taking advantage of the Ottomans attacking Austria which meant that Austria had to divide the troops to the east and to the west France raided lots of German cities stealing art and valuables and blowing the cities up afterwards just for the sake of it but now France also had to fight the Dutch Republic and England the French lost massively on the Seas such as at the Battle of Lahore on the 4th of June 1692 and only the war was a concern for the we also hunger and famine her efforts to France eventually the 20th of September 1697 a peace treaty was signed the peace Friedrich do we go to keep Alsace and Strasbourg but he had to overcome a major obstacle he had to recognize William as the King of England William got his prestige leading a coalition against France for the second time and the third time was about to come but this time it would be the last when on the first of November in 1700 charles ii of spain died he had no air so Louie afraid that Austria would claim the throne claimed it for his grandson fede thus triggering a succession war over Spain between France and Austria it was time for the coalition to take up arms again there is no need for explaining this as something terrible is about to happen while William was on one of his usual hunting trips his horse tripped and fell waiting broke his collarbone in his bra to Kensington Palace where he fell asleep by an open window there he caught a cold which turned into pneumonia and killed him on the 19th of March 17 to William King of England Scotland and Ireland Prince of Orange and start holder of the Dutch Republic died he was buried next to his wife Mary in Westminster Abbey his sister-in-law and succeeded him in England but in a republic the states declared the second star holiness era once again denouncing the princes of orange William was the son of a denounced at Halle yet he managed in a Time of Troubles to regain the title with a little help of his enemy lui even more lui made William his lifelong rival which put William in the European spotlights and open a prestigious Palace William married Mary Stuart and together they took the crown of England making them rulers of England Scotland Ireland and the Dutch Republic William had seen it all being the wrong and done it all truly a rising star so magnificent thank you for watching my video please leave a like if you enjoyed it come dear thoughts below and subscribe if you want to see more [Music]
Channel: InDepthHistory
Views: 13,860
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Keywords: William, Biography, History, Dutch, William III
Id: c-RUXX1Jzoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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