The Bloody Reign of The Stuarts | Game of Kings | Timeline

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[Music] the Stewart's a bloody rain is an evocation of the extraordinary error when these four Stuart Kings lived through turbulent times Catholic versus Protestant Parliament against King the English Civil War Europe torn apart by religious conflict the plague the Great Fire of London and finally a Catholic King fled his country and his throne [Music] as we reveal their fates will trace the story of another family the winds who lived here at gwydyr they were there for the great events of the era and their fortunes rose and fell with that at the Stewart's James the first inherited a throne through his mother Mary Queen of Scots this would bring the two kingdoms together but it's such a bloody cost I have my transverse I like his intellect spanned his enquiring mind he was somebody who was very curious about life a man who was trying to make sense of the world are these very important the James that he felt himself committed to promoting unity of his peoples the peoples of England Ireland Scotland unity of Europe and the union of Christianity itself that might even reunite Protestant and Catholic Charles the first the reluctant king pushed into being the heir because his brother the magnificently suitable Prince Henry had died Charles struggled to be the king that everyone longed for through history we think Charles the first lost his head having lost the civil war but we forget the years when he was seen as the luckiest monarchy in Europe he was a highly sophisticated King he really put British visual culture on the map both in terms of what he commissioned the form of Rubens and Van Dyck but also what he collected Charles the second the restoration would bring unity and glamour back to the country the people were worn out by the austerity of Cromwell and the parliamentarian era and ecstatically welcomes the new king [Applause] in the reign of charles ii you have the birth of modern times Trevor people who were literally rebuilding England and then the fire in London which enabled London to be rebuilt it must have been so exciting by the time we've got to about 1700 to look around and find yourself in this spanking new city James the second the Catholic king of a Protestant country was disaster waiting to happen I think history is very tough on James a second he was a very brave headstrong figure the very good soldier a very good Admiral but unfortunately being so pigheaded Lee roman-catholic was the undoing of him [Music] [Music] in the autumn of 1605 a letter arrived here at gwydyr castle for the owner Sir John Winn it contained an urgent message it implored Sir John not to travel to London for the opening of Parliament that November win have been planning to do just that King James the first all of his ministers and the Lords would be attending John win didn't know it at the time but he just received a tip-off about the most notorious attempted terror attack in British history the Gunpowder Plot a small group of religious fanatics wanted to blur Parliament kill the king and return Protestant England to the Catholic faith the plot failed but to this day the 5th of November is celebrated across the country with bonfires and fireworks but there was far more to king james the first of all than gunpowder treason and plot James was the first of a new dynasty to rule England the Stewart's and he came to the throne at a dangerous time Britain was divided as never before between nations between religions which in rulers and the world rebellion was in the air [Music] Queen Elizabeth the first had died on the 24th of March 1603 she had ruled England for over 44 years but she left no heir so she will be the last of the Tudor monarchs succeeding her will be King James sixth of Scotland the son of a woman Elizabeth had put to death Mary Queen of Scots however despite this difficult family history James the first accession to the English throne had been agreed by both parties via secret correspondence in the years before Elizabeth's death James had held the Scottish throne since he was just 13 month old but now he would sit on the thrones of England and Ireland as well in what was known as the union of the Crown's [Music] we are here at the charter house in Smithfield London this magnificent complex began life as a home to Carthusian monks in the 14th century but it stays as a monastery were brought to a violent end during the reign of Henry the eighth it became one of the great aristocratic houses during the Tudor period and when King James a sect of Scotland soon to be King James the first of England headed down from Edinburgh to London in 1603 he held his first-ever court right here [Music] James have been invited to do so by Thomas Howard Howard would be rewarded with the title of Lord Chamberlain in the new Kings government Charterhouse is now a palace of the Howard family Suffolk resident there is related to the man who had tried to depose Elizabeth in favor of James Lee's mother Mary Queen of Scots so the Howards are people he knows are loyal to him and it seems to him that he's going to make him Lord Chamberlain the head of his household the the man in charge of the everyday management of the court that he's a crucial figure and he should be given priority when he comes to meetings in London and where he's seen to be James have been greeted by huge crowds of enthusiastic supporters as he made his way down from Scotland but things turned sour almost as soon as he reached London and held his first court here at the Charter House the original monastery built on this site was constructed on land that had been used to bury the countless dead from the Great Plague of the 14th century of course the threat of another outbreak always remained and it just so happens that the droids disease returned with a vengeance almost as soon as James arrived it hampered his plans for coronation and for many of the citizens it was a bad omen about his reign plague had been something that all lived with in these houses forever I mean they were well used to outbreaks of the play not just in London but local art bricks as well those that don't like James think it's a judgment from God those who do like James think it's an unfortunate recurrence at home there's apprehension because he's a foreigner because the English on the hill don't like the Scots and because they're worried about a Scottish takeover and James has to balance that very carefully because if he doesn't want to become a purely English King neglecting his original Kingdom to the north but neither does he want the Scots to take over and he does initially particularly a very good balancing act James knew he had to be especially careful of usurpers his father Lord Darnley had been murdered and his mother Mary Queen of Scots had been executed he'd face attempts on his life while ruling in Scotland and this didn't change in England almost immediately two plots are being made to remove him from power the main plot the by plot savolta volley one of Queen Elizabeth's favorites was even involved in the conspiracy but it was a Gunpowder Plot of 1605 that would come the closest to eliminating King James the first the winners here at gwydyr are supporters of the new king james and are advancing in courtly life john win head of the family is about to return to Whitehall attending Parliament would be injurious to my health Richard what meaning do you have give to that come on boy he is your physician ah the city airs will be fetid of course and all manner of thieves and cutthroats will dog my journey with plenty more to be found in Parliament besides but ever before was it dust and no letter then from our dear friend the doctor some new peril lies behind this innovation one less choice of parliament even the king right should we warn his majesty there's always a problem at class as with a gunpowder plant that in order to succeed you have to have enough equal to carry through the aftermath of the assassination of the king but the more people you tell more lives you'll tell the wrong people in their leaked it and that what seems to have happened here it is one of the great what-if moments in history the 13 conspirators hired a seller directly below the chamber in which James was due to appear under the supervision of their munitions expert Guy Fawkes they filled the cellar with dozens of bowels of gunpowder more than love to do the job but too many people were being warned to stay away and this aroused suspicions one was the Catholic priest who warned his old friend John win another was the writer of an anonymous letter which eventually made its way to the king in his Privy Council and it would be Thomas Howard the owner of the charter house are now the new Lord Chamberlain who had head down to the cellars of Parliament in order to investigate the entire cellars were searched and Guy Fawkes in his bowels of gunpowder discovered after days of terrible torture forks confessed the other conspirators were killed or captured the plot had failed the demise of the would-be terrorists triggered national rejoicing but the plot exposes the divisions in James's new kingdom how would he handle these challenges and how would the Wynne family thrive in its dangerous new world the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 had been formed the last moment Parliament had been saved from destruction and King James the first continued to rule over Scotland Ireland and England but this would be a challenging reign to say the least James have been raised of Protestant and the Catholic conspiracy had been made against his life to further worsen matters not all of his new subjects were fairly pleased with the idea of a Scottish King nor were the Scots thrilled by their monarchs departure for London James sought to maintain peace and with these divisions he did tighten anti-catholic measures after the Gunpowder Plot but otherwise he broadly tolerated religious difference provided it didn't threaten his room and there was another slight issue to deal with a lack of money a constant shortage of funds had plagued his time moving in Edinburgh and James hopes his new kingdom would solve all his financial woes this wouldn't quite be the case given how extravagant a court James liked to maintain so new money-making ventures were needed and this need would benefit the Wynne family of North Wales is this all of them it is I'm certain there were more the letters patent have been issued you do still have that list I sent you Owen father is made baronet His Majesty has bestowed upon us a great honour and honour we must pay for 300 pounds a year for three years can purchase many books there exist some things more important than swelling your library brother I cannot conceive of them the title will be the families forever it will be our dear brother Jones and his sons and his sons after that we younger brothers are better off investing in box it is a sign of royal favour it is a sign that the king has run out of money now have you that list I sent your net the winds of medea are perhaps the very first to get the baronet's which is a new hereditary knighthood at the James Institutes you see that's a very good way both and giving people higher honor than just being an ordinary night and of course it's for money raised because you pay for the privilege of being made baronet so jongmin was one of the first baronet's and the reason was that he was perceived to be the senior night of wales really there were two of Wales one from the south so it was straddling and one from the North Sir John Green and I think it was self-evident when they put the lists together that his extraordinary dominance in all public affairs in North Wales meant that he was gonna be on the list he's very much off the period in that he's canny acquisitive he's very intelligent and very well-educated but he's carving out an empire for himself at a time when other people are doing similar so there are a lot of heads being trodden on to get where he is and that means there's a lot of jealousy a lot of envy from his contemporaries particularly his neighbors [Music] this was a win-win situation for the winds and the Stewart's John gain greater power and status and King James got money for the Treasury by giving away titles to his most loyal subjects at an excellent price King James needed to raise funds directly from the wealthier families in the country because he was often in conflict with Parliament both in Scotland and England he had been set on unifying his two nations the kingdoms were on the same island after all and now they had the same ruler James believed that God had made it so for reason the English and Scottish Parliament's were fiercely opposed to the idea of Great Britain however the debates about prejudice Scots feared they'd be ignored by the English while the English feared the Scots would undercut wages and steal jobs mutual animosity ensured the scheme never proceeded on the margins there are people who really can't take James they can't take a Scotsman they can't take a Protestant so there are a group of plotters who engaged themselves with the idea of getting rid of him and replacing him by his cousin Arabella Stewart who is also descended from Henry the eighth elder sister there was also the problem of competing visions James believed in the Divine Right of Kings he Illustrated his views in two of his published works the true law of free-market imbecilic Andorran which is greek for royal gift James believed he was chosen by God to rule therefore the law was an extension of his power and Parliament was subordinate Murray in Parliament view the relationships differently they believed a king ruled through partnership and cooperation with lawmakers this fundamental disagreement dooms a relationship as much of his reign James attempted to rule without parliament hence the need for extra sources of money I think one of the tragedies for the Stewart's we look back on the executions the exile and the general disastrous relationship with Parliament through a lot of the century or so that they were in control in this country and one thing that is absolutely true is that they never had enough money and Parliament wasn't prepared to give enough or to tax and in their own way James brings in the surcharges on customs which are called in positions which don't have parliamentary Authority and therefore are controversial with some and the result of that is the Kings can manage on their own income the peacetime the problem is what will they do if they get into wars then you do need parliamentary supplier you can't possibly fund Wars otherwise and that's where the problems are going to arise James was struck by the greatest tragedy that could befall a man who believed in the Divine Right of Kings the death of his first born son and heir James has two children who survived infancy a Henry who had all the hallmarks of being a great all-around a great sportsman great promoter of the arts but also someone who is clearly quite radical in his Protestantism and is strongly supportive of the Protestant cause internationally Henry dies in a rather unwise exercise were athleticism by swimming in the Thames and getting typhoid from the water whereas his younger brother Charles could had rickets as a as a child with Andy lagged small had a stutter wasn't intellectually the match of his older brother he lives on and is to be the heir and I always suspect that when James and perhaps and looked at Charles they always looked with regret why you the survivor wise our golden boy died the country was devastated to learn about his sudden death and the period of mourning ensued his younger brother Charles hudud or his elder brother and tried to emulate him would now be the successor to James back at gujiya castle Sir John win would suffer a similar tragic loss not long after the death of the heir to the throne Prince Henry devastating news arrives from Lucca in Italy about the passing of the winds eldest son John [Music] dispatched from Tuscany by his companions there had that decency at least dated this 23rd of August 1614 requests to the parish first of course as his proper the family to my brother Owen 10 pounds for the purchase of books with temperance to your usual habits that should see you through a week perhaps thank you Father thank your good brother to Richard my velvet coat father I need not take it put it on yeah it's interesting that of course James the first loses his eldest son Prince Henry and Sir John wind it loses his eldest son Sir John Jr so that they're both in the same sort of position in that sense where the second son's have to take over so it's interesting that Sir Richard it takes over that Cokely role and ends up serving Charles who is himself the number to the wind family and the Stewart's grew ever closer as Richard Wynn was appointed groom of the bedchamber to Charles the new heir to the throne and would join him and a wild and highly secretive voyage to Spain but for now both families windy Richard I must make ready and required at court stay a day or two for Mother's sake I serve the young prince I hear he is a fine marksman now tolerably so and a better rider than most he stammers yet and speaks too soft but his efforts I am certain gladden his father stay safe in London brother it becomes you well at this point King James seemed beset on all sides and he increasingly relied only upon his closest advisors but this also led to huge resentments and for the years with the chief among his infamous and controversial favorites there's long been speculation over James's sexuality because although the king was married to Anne of Denmark he had seven children by her he was always drawn to handsome men often with near disastrous consequences the favorite of his childhood years in Scotland the Duke of Lenox had been forced out by jealous Lords Robert Carr another who was close to James during the early years of his reign in England and to the court scandal engulfed him a handsome foolish youth ended his career James then transferred his affections to another young courtier a man named George Villiers he would use the Kings favour to sideline rival factions in which his family and become the most powerful noblemen in the country to win family weren't the only ones climbing up a social ladder joining James's reign videos was obviously fantastically physically attractive this is written about by ambassadors at the time they were absolutely struck done by his physical beauty and it was something that he was very aware of and of course you know James the first fell in love with him he was born into a decent but not massive Gentry family and then he puts him up to every stage Baron by count Oh Marquess Duke I mean there hasn't been a non royal duke for a couple of hundred years there's always the jealousy of the over-mighty cause yet but in this one man Buckingham his rise through the aristocracy the way that the favor from the Royal Crown cascaded through his wider family it must have been incredibly difficult for the older aristocracy to look at this man arrived from almost nothing and become by some distance the most powerful man in the King George videos will be raised to the title of Duke of Buckingham he would be at the Kings side for the rest of his reign and he will play a crucial part in the events that would push England into war we're here at the Queen's house in Greenwich a magnificent building designed by the greatest architect of his era Inigo Jones it began construction in 1616 under the orders of King James the first and was intended as a gift for his wife Anne of Denmark whom he'd married in 1589 but Anne would never see her finished Queens house she fell ill soon after construction began and died in 1619 Anne's a mysterious figure emblematic of the challenging religious era in which she reigned she had been raised to Lutheran in Denmark but it's possible that she may have secretly converted to Catholicism at some point in her life she infamously refused an Anglican Communion at her coronation in England if antic convert well even the Queen had to keep it a very tightly guarded secret the law of the old faith seems to have been present for the wind family of guido castle as well but being a Catholic was a very dangerous endeavor Wow well you're not sent father I'm not yet sir infirm eager though you may be for your inheritance some wine of course the Prince still pins hope on the Spanish match he has a portraits of the Infanta he much admires enough of the princes fancy what of the king he too remains set I wrote of this in my letter you lack your brother's a memorable expression and the dowry six hundred thousand who to new Dukey the pleasing and the useful ah the money spent on your schooling were not all wasted then we know very little about their personal beliefs religiously because this is such a dangerous time you're not gonna wear that I think it's we have to read between the lines I think it's pretty clear that his wife ladies suddenly win she certainly came from an old old faith family the Gerrard's of Lancashire I think it's pretty clear reading between the lines that she remained Catholic but it was a secret she was a crypt a Catholic she has to be allowed Mass for herself and for her household the Infanta should the contract be made she will not be queen a papist alone England could suffer than not a Spaniard too many in court favor the match until the tide shifts and then marvel at how forgetful of his past a man can be yes Father do not turn papist Richard that was your dear late brother's mistake you keep that faction at a clear remove do you understand me I think one of the extraordinary things about the house that Stuart is that the whole tragedy of traffic versus processing is contained within this royal house it was never resolved the question of whether England should become a Catholic or a Protestant country you would think if we were a modern person if he weren't religious but you just liked the idea of the Church of England and its inclusiveness and it's beautiful music new ceremonies that this would have been the perfect compromise between the Protestant religion and the Catholic faith in fact it was even more divisive and out of that arose the terrible bloody English Civil Wars you can become a known Catholic you become a represent and it'll kill your estate the fines are so horrendously large that you can bleed out this stage and that'll be the end of that so if on principle you want to do that find a lot of people did it but most people actually just toe the line and they they went to church and they did their abuse Inns and privately they might have thought otherwise I think there was a lot of or might flippantly call sort of cafeteria Catholicism going on particularly with people like Sir John Winn King James the first was well aware of the delicate religious situation in the country many of his subjects in England and Scotland would be furious at any return to the Catholic religion in the royal family but still despite this James attempted a union with Catholic Spain by 1619 the King had lost his wife and his firstborn son heir and he would not bet any respite in foreign affairs war had broken out on the continent the [Applause] 30 Years War started in 1618 what began as a quarrel among the divided states of the Holy Roman Empire drew in all the major powers of the day and with 8 million casualties it became the bloodiest religious conflict in European history it was also the greatest foreign policy failure of King James the first reign I think further British living across the sea from the 13 years warned it must have been a very frightening spectator sport especially with the propaganda coming back from both sides it resonated very much over here that this sort of absolute catastrophe could happen here through religious bigotry I think it was something that the English looked at askance and thought we just cannot have that here James was a peacemaker he had ended the long anglo-spanish war soon after inheriting the throne and he had grand hopes of securing a lasting peace in Europe to do this he began the ago she ations to marry his heir Charles to the Catholic infanta of spain maria anna the protector talks were unpopular with the English Protestants James however was more tolerant of religious differences than many and he persisted he believed binding England and Catholic Spain together would help secure peace in Europe the 30 Years War confounded all those hopes it was a conflict the king did not ignore because he had a personal stake in it his daughter Elizabeth she was married to the Protestant Frederick the fifth of the electoral Palatinate a pivotal figure in the early years of the war England is requiring that the Spanish drive their cousins the Austrians out of the lands of James's daughter and her husband in the Palatinate and that used asking too much Rome is asking too much in the de Rome is expecting the children of the marriage to be brought up as Catholics and James and Charles can't deliver that so both sides were willing to make a deal but only on their own terms and the gap between them to do great [Music] after the catastrophic defeat of Elizabeth and Frederick's forces at the Battle of White Mountain outside prob in November 16 20 days had to intervene but war was expensive and money had long been a problem for the English crown James would call Parliament but the meeting was fractious and the MPs are more interested investigating abuses by James's government than giving him the cash he wanted James soon dissolved the meeting as he had done so often before he now had no choice but to rely on his diplomatic efforts the Spanish match for his son was the only chance he saw of diffusing the conflict and helping his daughter negotiation with Madrid began again but at the same slow pace as before frustrated by these constant delays James's favorite the Duke of Buckingham and his son Prince Charles made an extraordinary decision [Music] it is my ill fortune to be one of those who is shortly to follow the Prince into Spain passed out the journey will be dangerous and expensive but a subject and servant I must needs obey [Music] Prince Charles and the Duke of Buckingham were heading to Spain incognito as Sir John winds southern air Richard was going with them in February 1623 this group left England in disguise for potentially perilous journey across Europe the goal was to break the deadlock in the marriage negotiations with Charles winning the hand of the Spanish and fonta in person it was romantic foolishly daring and it was doomed in the spring of 1623 Richard win the heir to the winner state was traveling to Spain along with Prince Charles the heir to the throne and the Duke of Buckingham Richard wrote back home to gwydyr but he did not care for Spain at all witch's letter is full of fascinating insights but there's one I really wanted to read to you the group encounters a Spanish Jesuit priest who is preaching to the crowd the priests description of England vividly illustrates the religious challenges of the ear Henry the eighth's King of England until whose time the subjects there were obedient children to their mother Church of Rome having many famous martyrs that suffered for the cause as the Thomas Becket and Sir Thomas More and diverse others this king I say was the first who to satisfy his own lust and to bring his adulterous conception to his own heart's desire did forgetting God and religion alter the course of the ever held obedience to the Church of Rome by dissolving their Abbas and putting to death I know not how many hundreds for which act his soul lies chained in the bottomless pit of hell in everlasting torment this is not all their heretical opinions but the damned noblest and worst of all is which is my last point this is my body they dare have the impotence to deny our saviors own words say it is but a sign and not the body and blood itself [Music] Prince Charles wasn't likely to have much success on this Spanish surgeon the Spanish trip was an extraordinary Fiasco ralien and marvelously amateur Asian and silly it was like a sort of adolescent jab in some ways to think that this would be anything other than a diplomatic disaster which of course it was was was pretty naive but off they went Prince Charles and Jacob Puckerman and of course Sir Richard Winn Sir Richard had a very low opinion of Spain he said there's no land worth speaking of and the worst counties of North Wales are better than what he saw in Castile and Aragon he's quite dismissive of it but they have all sorts of adventures and of course the one thing they don't come back with is is any sensible a deal on the inventors hand they've managed to sort of wreck the plans of this great dynastic union between England and Spain but it's very interesting that Sir Richard is a witness to that and not only a witness but he produces this account of the royal trip to Spain and very museum is [Music] the Spanish in Fanta didn't really take to Charles the future king he wasn't a Catholic he was an infidel who turned his back on the Church of Rome this wasn't going to be as straightforward as his father James is married to the Lutheran Princess Anne of Denmark Quinn the disguised world procession finally arrived in Madrid their hosts presented them with impossible demands the Duke of Buckingham got into terrible quarrels with a Spanish equivalent and so Prince Charles had to negotiate for himself hardly fitting for a future king the whole business of adopting disguises as travelling gentleman and calling yourself mr. Smith and all this sort of thing is it's entirely silly it's very adolescent and you know going boating and dressing up and getting drunk and I mean you can imagine how that went down with with a strict protocol of the court of Madrid I mean ridiculous really to think that that anything other than disaster would come out of that it soon became clear that the Spanish had been stringing Charles all along just enough to keep England out of the 30 Years War Charles was virtually cast out after bursting in on the young in Fanta in her own private garden the men returned home humiliated the heat between those hills was such we thought ourselves in stoves yet had their Heights we walked on snow and colder it was than England in the midst of lag as shotten herring they feed you not over there as issue was not the quantity of fare but its nature castile and aragon together are not worth the meanness county in wales and with fathers blessing i shall see it published did he speak of my return at all he is as much relieved of your safe arrival as the nation is of the princes though perhaps with rather less dancing through the streets I cannot imagine father ever danced a jig in his life not well certainly but come tell me of it all how many of Spain in the princes great adventure you despair of the English Court brother it is as nothing to the severity of the Spanish the Prince had convinced himself he was in love but all chance of speaking with the Infanta was denied him [Music] the public however were delighted by their failure eager to court this and embittered by their time in Spain Charles and Buckingham switch sites they push the reluctant James towards war with Spain Parliament was summoned once again this time it's aunty Spanish further was equalled by many a court despite this combined pressure James still refused to go to war but his ability to control events was diminishing James was dying Court has looked to the future to Prince Charles who would soon be king by his side in his endeavours was Sir Richard who would be promoted to First Gentleman of the bedchamber the winds had lost their firstborn son and heir at the same time as the Stewart's the royal family they were about to lose their patriarch at the same time as well Sir John Wynn was also succumbing to the ravages of old age 27th of March 1625 dear father the king died this day at noon he had been sick a fortnight with tertian fever the stag that was dead yet lives the young King was proclaimed this evening he has promised he shall deal with me nobly and I do believe a great office will be mine I hope this letter finds you well and recovered of your recent sickness know that I endeavor each day to be worthy of your example your dear and loyal son [Music] [Music] in 1625 James dies he's been ailing for quite a long time being chronically unwell because of the way in which he serve wastes away and because of the way in which the Buckingham is so hated by the political elite because rumor spread very quickly that James had been poisoned and in fact Buckingham had in defiance of the royal doctors arranged for palaces to be applied to him which it was easy for those that wanted to believe there was foul play to believe was foul play and to a degree that historians have only recently began to reevaluate the story that Buckingham had murdered James and the Charles had condoned it those haunted Charles right down to his own death 24 years later and certainly were very prevalent in the months before the outbreak of civil war historians debate James's legacy to son he's an intelligence a flawed man who brought peace in a time of extremism to others he was stubborn extravagant and his belief in the Divine Right of Kings sow the seeds for his son's own clashes with Parliament and the bitter English Civil War that was to come in the next episode we see how Charles the first followed in his father's footsteps with his profound belief in the Divine Right of Kings and a misplaced trust in the Duke of Buckingham Charles this shunning of parliament an autocratic style of rule fueled enormous political and religious tensions in his kingdoms a civil war would break out across the British Isles and in the end the House of Stuart would fall and the Commonwealth headed by a commoner port Oliver Cromwell would rise in its place the fall of the monarchy would be a nightmare for the wind family of North Wales they would have to fight to survive in this new puritanical era England Wales Scotland and Ireland would never be the same again [Music]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 311,699
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Keywords: History, Full Documentary, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history, mary queen of scots, charles i, house of stuart, mary queen of scots documentary, house of stuart documentary
Id: 7zfgxzk3UtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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