Willful sin, Salvation, and Repentance | Andrew Farley

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all right well let's go out to North Carolina and we'll talk with James about cremation about going to hell you got some questions about the last caller about those issues a James yes sir well I was calling you said I heard you say that um you don't go to hell for what you do and from from it from what I understand from that is that if you're saying and the Bible says that no sin can enter into heaven and if you're doing these sins how is it that if you give you you say it's not you don't go to hell for what you do right how is it that you go to heaven because from what I understand that you have to repent which means you have to be thoughtful for what you've done so you get to heaven so do you hang on you have to stop sinning to go to heaven in your view uh yeah I believe in you yet you have to repent even though you're under grace so again that is dumb you don't you're you're not you're not grace doesn't give you a license to continue to sin don't ask for for example or not a question if you have a question that's great let me just ask you have you stopped sinning and I stopped sinning yeah what do you mean well you said you can't go to heaven unless you unless you don't sin so have you stopped sinning or you heaven bound because you've stopped sinning or do you still sin well you you might you might flip up here and there but you also have to repent and as an aside wait a minute so you you can't go to heaven unless you don't have any sin but you can slip up a little yeah if you if yeah but if you turn away from sin that's the thing you can't continue to fit like everything alright so James I just want I just want to get this did one little point out that like for people that uh that divorce and remarry they're living in an adulterous affair okay and they're still living there living in adultery the Bible says that adulterers were not enter into the kingdom of heaven okay so they are doing willful sin so Wow how is it that they can an adulterer can get into heaven if they are still willfully which is doing a sin like that okay so you you can't sin and get into heaven but you can slip up a little but you got to repent so what if what if you have a dirty thought that you entertained for nine seconds and then you're hit by a Mack truck and I guess you've repented of everything else but you had that dirty thought right before the Mack truck hits you so are you hell bound because of that one thought you I don't think you'll be held out for a four oh four thought but the thing is is that if you are you had a porn magazine you picked up the porn magazine in the store and you looked at it for nine seconds and then you had a heart attack and died are you going to hell that that's that very far-fetched that's a far-fetched failure I know a lot of men with porn addiction I don't think that's far-fetched at all James I mean like it's a simple question I mean are you going to go to hell for not repenting of one sin see your Bible I believe I believe so because if you if you are if you are unrepentant of that uh-huh and then and then like for like for instance your year you're using a very far-fetched being it's like if you saw best I mean Amy Watson are that strung along it's not far-fetched I mean 80 percent of us are accredited but at the same time useful to give that to God and let him and here you are yeah it takes time to we a good way no no no you you're not allowing for it to take time James you're saying I got a if it takes time for me to grow out of this and in the meantime I die while it's taken time then you say I go to hell so you're not allowed to take time under your theology there's no time there's no growth there's no grace if she's got one struggle when you hit heaven then you're toast I mean that's that single slow danger so you're saying that if a person is that living in adultery and and and it's been remarried then is living an adulterer in their first souse is still alive and they are still with that second wife or husband and they are still living with that person that they get to go to heaven well I don't know this person I mean this is a hypothetical but let's say that let's say they got hey hey hang on a second now let me answer your question and then let's talk about what truth is here number one what if they got two black eyes from being beat up what if their husband or wife cheated on them what if their husband or wife is throwing them up against the wall you're telling me that God wants them to stick in this so that they won't go to hell because apparently their marital status determines whether they go to hell or not I think it's the blood of Jesus and the resurrection and our faith that determines whether we go to hell or not it is what we believe and it is trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ you can say neither adulterers and fornicators go to hell go to heaven but then in the next verse it says but you were washed this is who you were you were washed you were justified you were sanctified and so even if I commit a sin if I commit the sin of lying I'm not a liar I'm a child of God who lied one time if I commit the sin of adultery I'm not an adulterer I'm a child of God who committed adultery and my heart is going to hate that if I commit a sin of stealing I'm not a thief I'm a child of God who committed the sin of stealing see I don't get my identity from what I do and under your theology I mean my goodness if you have one lingering sin I mean I don't know a Christian that doesn't have a struggle of some kind I mean there's critical spirit there's bad ID bad attitudes there's resentment and bitterness and lack of forgiveness in one case somebody grew up abuse they're still struggling to forgive somebody I mean under your theology if there's any sin lingering then you're hell bound and my god took away all my sins Jesus Christ washed away all my sins not some of them he didn't say I'll wash away the sins that you stopped otherwise yourself otherwise James James otherwise your theology is this get this now this is your theology you're forgiven of all your sins unless you sin you're forgiven and cleanse of all your sins unless you commit one and that is just foolishness once they've always saved and that is the biggest lie that anyone could tell from what that's because you haven't washed in the blood and you are saved by grace does not mean that you have the license to sit well who says I think your your sinning just fine James I mean your sinning without a license your sinning when you get hot mad and blow up at people you're sinning when you're cruel to your wife if you have one your you're sinning when you respond poorly to people I mean you're sinning just fine without a license I'm not talking about a license to sin who said anything about liking them why is it that when we talk about being safe and secure in the arms of Jesus people think we're talking about wanting to sin does Jesus want to sin does your new heart want a sin who in the world said anything about sinning and wanting to sin I don't want to sin license to sin no thanks I'll pass on the license I don't want freedom to sin that's not freedom freedom from sin is real freedom so I'm tired of it you know I'm tired of when people say that the blood of Jesus did not take away all sin you know it did unless you commit one Jesus Christ took away all your sins forgave your sins remembers your sins no more as far as the East is from the West unless you sin well what in the world does that even mean that's no theology look Jesus Christ looked down the timeline of your sins past present and future and he took away your sins period if you put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior he did a fine job on that cross he took away all your sins once the book of Hebrews says this in Chapter seven eight nine it says that he forgave us once for all not little by little see James is talking about a little by little sin record I mean he's talking about getting forgiveness little by little and if you mess up and then you die well the little by little is not all taken care of well that's little by little forgiveness and the Bible doesn't teach that the Bible teaches in the book of Hebrews that by one offering he has made you perfectly cleansed forever did you hear that the word forever in the original language means forever now that's not rocket science if he's bent if he's made you perfectly forgiving and perfectly cleansed forever then guess what forever means it means forever it's not forever until you commit one it's not forever until you stumble it's not forever until you sin again it's forever and so we need to be honoring the finished work of Jesus Christ that's what this is about did Jesus forgive you of some sins but not all sins didn't he say no one can snatch you out of my hand James says that it's a big mistake in a big error to teach that we're safe and secure in Christ well God says I'll never leave you nor forsake you James says it's dangerous to teach that we're forgiven and cleansed once for all and that we're safe and secure in the arms of Jesus well God says I'll never leave you and no one can snatch you out of my hand so who's right when we disagree with the god of the universe who's right how many sins did Jesus die for did it work yeah of course it worked it worked perfectly it is finished isn't it all right then when I realize that when I believe this does this I mean does this make me want to set a world record for sins I'm telling you I haven't met the person that understands this message and then wants to set a world record for sins I haven't met the person that understands this and then wants to go out and abuse it they don't exist I haven't met them because there's more to the gospel than just forgiveness there's forgiveness and a new heart there's forgiveness and a new spirit there's forgiveness and Christ living in you so it's high time that we understand this it is not complicated but it does take it does take a humble heart to say you know what God you're going to have to forgive me of every sin imaginable because I can't keep up with them all my goodness you know if we were to say to James or to anybody out there how many times have you sinned in your life well millions billions how many of those have you remembered to repent from how many of those have you remembered to confess how many of those have you remember to ask forgiveness 400 well that's a lot smaller number isn't it what are you going to do about all those oh well you know if if if you forget about him then he doesn't worry about him oh really so if you forget he forgets is that our theology let's just be candid let's be honest we got millions of sins that we have totally forgotten about they happened a year ago a decade ago three decades ago and here you are in the middle of your Christian life and if it was about you and your memory and your legal pad you would be up a creek you would be in a sorry state but it's not about you it's not about your memory it's not about your words it's about Jesus Christ and his blood and he did a perfect work on that cross and you are forgiven and cleansed of all unrighteousness and you've got a new heart that doesn't want a sin have you noticed that yet hey Christian you're allergic to sin you don't want a sin every time you sin you regret it every time you sin you wish you hadn't every time you sin you're saying God teach me to act differently why well because you're born again so I get it I mean you know if forgiveness was all there was then yeah people would be out running around abusing it all the time but that's not all there is there's way more to the gospel than forgiveness you've got a new heart a new identity so there you go those are my thoughts on that James you can take it or leave it hope it's of benefit to you somehow maybe you'll go to my website and check it out later and kind of review and see what you think but right now we're just going to have to agree to disagree I don't believe in a Jesus who took away some sins I don't believe in a Jesus who said I'll forgive you of all your sins unless you commit one that didn't make any sense to me so ponder that see what you think you
Channel: The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley
Views: 87,004
Rating: 4.83044 out of 5
Keywords: forgiveness, freedom, identity in Christ, Christ, Jesus, Grace, Bible teacher, Bible ministry, Andrew Farley, Andrew Farley Ministries, new life in Christ
Id: 9-dDAxj68k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2017
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