01/17 - Relationship with the Holy Spirit

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well good morning and welcome to church without religion my name is Andrew Farley I'm the pastor here at present I'm in Toronto Canada and I'm speaking at the Greater Toronto Spiritual Life convention and also at a church called people's Church in Toronto it's an exciting opportunity to really share this message of grace with a whole new group of people in fact there's hundreds of countries represented at the people's Church in Toronto a congregation of about 3,500 and then people of all denominations coming together for the spiritual life convention each year in Toronto and so this year they asked me to speak on God's unmerited favor God's grace so that's where I am but thanks to JJ Jacque and the technology we have here I'm coming to you via video this morning and I'm glad to be with you excited about today's message about the holy spirit and why don't we go ahead and open with a word of Prayer together father we thank you for today we just ask that by your word and by your spirit that you would really cause this message to be real for us that you would cause us to have a deeper more meaningful understanding of your spirit and your spirit in us and what it means for us to be in your spirit we ask this in Jesus name Amen so this message is titled relationship with the holy spirit and it's purposely a bit informal a bit chatty if you will I just want to share a little bit about my relationship how I see my relationship with the Holy Spirit and you know recently I posted a very short video about being filled with the spirit and I noted that Ephesians 5 tells us to be filled with the spirit and that's a bit mysterious and then I I noted that if he since three just two chapters earlier kind of reveals what being filled with the spirit is because it says that if we know the the breadth and the height and the depth the the width of God's love if we begin to grasp that that that's how we be being filled that's how we are continually to be being filled with God's Spirit by knowing the love of God now it was interesting because there was a lot of reaction to that video hey what about the other aspects of God hey what about the other characteristics of the Spirit hey aren't you you know selling this thing short so I thought it would be really good to discuss our relationship as believers with the Holy Spirit and what that looks like and also maybe discard some some notions about what that could look like in other words what it doesn't look like and what it does look like so first of all let me just say that you know Ephesians does tell us that it's the love of God that is central god is love first John tells us that God is love so it's no mistake for us to certainly you know first think of love when we think of the Holy Spirit and that's a comfort because quite frankly you know I grew up a little bit scared of the Holy Spirit you know I had friends in certain denominations and churches when I would go to church with them I would walk away pretty wigged out about the Holy Spirit I'm not sure if I want the Holy Spirit to be doing whatever he wants in my life because look how freaky that is look how scary that is look there's people on the floor bouncing all around and flopping all over the place and out of control they seem to be not in control of their mental faculties their physical faculties they are you know possessed by something or someone and it doesn't seem to be desirable to me it kind of reminds me of Paul's his passage you know to the Corinthians about tongues when he says you know if an unbeliever comes in and sees a bunch of people yakking in foreign unknown languages all at one time will they not think you're crazy and I kind of thought you know some of these guys are crazy what's going on here so why don't we just take a little bit of time to examine the obvious the fruit of the Spirit now the fruit of the Spirit is the fruit of the Spirit obviously in other words that's what he produces in our lives and that's what people see through us as we depend on the Holy Spirit but it also tells us what the Holy Spirit is like what he is like as a person so for example yes the Holy Spirit is going to produce love through me but also the Holy Spirit loves me the Holy Spirit is going to produce joy through me but the Holy Spirit is joyous over me joyous about me the Holy Spirit is going to produce patience through me but the Holy Spirit is also patient with me do you see this in other words part of absorbing the idea of being filled with God's Spirit part of absorbing our understanding our relationship with God's Spirit is first how does he relate to me not just how does he relate to other people through me and you'll also notice that I'm calling him a him the Holy Spirit is not an it very quickly I think we can grasp to some degree a person's understanding of the Holy Spirit if they refer to the Holy Spirit is it all the time at this and at that remember that the Holy Spirit is Christ Christ in us so when Paul talks about it's no longer I who live but it's Christ who lives in me how is that happening it's happening by the Holy Spirit in the book of Romans Paul calls the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Christ so there's a bit of mystery to this of course because there's the Trin right three people yet one God three persons AG one God in three persons and so I'm not going to pretend to be able to dissect all of that perfectly no human can I don't believe and there's always intentionally a bit of mystery to the Trinity but what I want us to see is that the character of the Holy Spirit is the character of Jesus and our relationship with the Holy Spirit is a relationship with Jesus Jesus Christ in us in his spirit and so we talk about the fruit of the Spirit and before we get into those specifics I mean just keep in mind as I often like to remind us the Christian life it's not difficult it's impossible and the fruit of the Spirit would be the perfect evidence of that you look at the fruit of the Spirit and you try to go 24 hours exuding all of that exuding God's type of agape love exuding joy in circumstances that aren't very joyous exuding peace in the midst of all kinds of turmoil and being patient with people who don't deserve it trying to be kind trying your best to crank out kindness to people when you're really just gritting your teeth goodness and faithfulness the idea that you would be faithful to God faithful to your spouse faithful to your children faithful to your boss at work that you would give it your all a gentleness and self-control you know you just work your way through this list and you know in the flesh walking after the flesh and human effort you're exhausted I mean you're exhausted before one day is over this standard if you want to look at it that way this standard is not difficult it is utterly and absolutely in possible and that's why we really need to see that the fruit of the Spirit is exactly that it's not the fruit of you it's not the fruit of your commitment it's not the fruit of your dedication it's not the fruit of your best effort this life really is a miracle life the Christian life is a miracle life and I don't mean that any of us have it all together I don't mean that we have mastered these attributes they're not to be mastered they are owned by the master they are not to be mastered they are attributes of our master do you see the difference we don't practice the fruit of the Spirit I know that some people would argue with me and there's work books you can work through Oh today I'm going to work on love and tomorrow I'm going to work on joy you'll notice that it's not the fruits of the spirit it's not you know today I'm going to devote myself to kindness and tomorrow I'm really going to work on faithfulness it's not the fruits plural with an S on the end of it where we look at each one as a separate thing and we go to go to work on that task in our lives the world can do that an unbeliever could try to generate those those attributes one by one by one and better their character and improve how they look and how they perform what is unique about Christianity is that we are not trying to be the spirit we are not trying to be the Holy Spirit we are not trying to emulate or merely imitate or try to be like God really Christianity is letting God be himself in us it's a relationship where God has come to man where God lives in humanity and we're invited to let God be God so when you think of the fruit of the Spirit ditch the old idea that you're going to sort of work on the fruit of the Spirit remember what I'm saying is is that you know how patient is Christ he's perfectly patient how good is Christ he's a hundred percent goodness how loving is Christ he's a hundred percent loving and Christ lives in you and so we don't we don't look for an attribute we don't chase after an aspect of God we just let God be God I mean to try to act like Jesus just think about that when when are you going to get angry when are you going to call people Hornets or when are you going to call them vipers when are you going to turn furniture over in church and when are you going to walk on water and when are you going to be patient with sinners and when are you going to reprove those who are religiously proud in other words the character of Jesus you can't imitate him he's too big he's too discerning he's God and so the the point of the Spirit living in us inside of us is that the spirit gets to be himself and so my job is to walk in relationship with a person the Holy Spirit is a whole person he's not just love and he's not just joy and he's not just gentleness he is a whole person the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ and so when the Bible says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus when the Bible says let your speech be seasoned with grace when the Bible uses this word let well how do you let well you can only let because Jesus Christ in you the Holy Spirit in you is available 24/7 without interruption and so am I to respond in mere gentleness here or am I to have a moment of discernment here am I to respond in just a patience in this situation or is there words of love that God might have me utter to a person the answer is I don't know and I don't have an agenda and I'm not going to control that I'm just gonna walk in relationship with Jesus Christ knowing that he is my everything knowing that he is a fully available to me so this is what it means to walk by the spirit we talk about the fruit of the Spirit and I've noted that it's not just a bunch of characteristics that we try to crank out but how does the fruit of the Spirit happen it happens as we walk by the spirit now again even as we talk about being filled with the spirit or walking by the spirit or the fruit of the Spirit it's very important that we get away from the starwars view of things the Holy Spirit is not an it the Holy Spirit is not a force the Holy Spirit is not a power the Holy Spirit is a person and we can think of the Holy Spirit certainly as the Spirit of Christ so keep that in mind because I will say that there are a lot of counterfeits out there there are a lot of views of the Holy Spirit that only instill fear people become power chasers a person in the book of Acts was wanting to pay money for the Holy Spirit chasing the Apostles around and they cleared that one up really quick the Holy Spirit is not bought with money the Holy Spirit is not to be thought of as a power a force a thing we only have the Holy Spirit because we have relationship with Jesus Christ himself all right so so let's just take a few minutes here before we talk about the gifts of the Holy Spirit in some general terms let's let's look at the fruit of the Holy Spirit so love I mean the love described here in Galatians when it talks about the fruit of the Spirit it's not a brotherly love it's not a friendship love it's not a love between man and woman it's actually not a natural love it is a supernatural love you'll notice that it is possible it's seen fairly easy in most instance instances to have some sort of love and some sort of patience for family members there's an investment there they love you back you love them if that's the case everything seems pretty natural and pretty doable but this love when we talk about the fruit of the Spirit is it's deeper than a natural love it's deeper than a parental love or a brotherly love it's it's truly a supernatural love it's a love that when were at the end of our love there's another love when we feel burn out and dried up and there's no love left and we're asking God how do I even move forward I've invested perhaps you've thought I've invested and I've gotten no return I've invested and there's no love coming back there's no reasons to love there's no deserving of love here in this situation and I think that when we come to those situations just because humanity fails us we will come to these situations the love that is described here is not natural it's miraculous it's a miracle love and it's not a big deal in a sense that I don't want to blow it up into some big feeling that people have to feel it's not some experience that we have to chase it's not something that Christ does all the time like I said in a given moment it may be that patience is the play of the Holy Spirit it may be that silence is the play of the Holy Spirit in that moment it may be that self-control with the tongue is the play of the Holy Spirit in that moment it may not be something outward and gushy and loving and scent in the sense that it's an emotional feeling but there are times when we find the Holy Spirit expressing love in and through us to people that we don't feel like they've invested enough us enough that we don't feel like they deserve there Ben no payback and that's the sort of agape love that we get to participate in and again just think about you trying to do that and how fruitless that is and how pointless that is that's a dead-end street but the reason we have Christ in us is because he can do it because he is that love now let me just say something about your your nature you know at this church we often talk about our identity in Christ and if we weren't to have that message I think that our relationship with the Holy Spirit could largely go misunderstood a lot of people's view of the Holy Spirit is that he's going to just take over and he's just going to control us in some sort of puppeteer fashion and what I love about the message of our identity in Christ that is you know like a Roman six message that you are the new self that you are the new creation in Christ as Paul told the Corinthians the new creation new self message what it really means is that you're you're a perfect fit with the fruit of the Spirit you're compatible with God's Spirit and what they want with what he wants to do so we don't have to be overtaken by the Holy Spirit there are some things here that involve discernment I think if you were sitting in a church service and the pastor or leader told you to just let the Holy Spirit take over or take control in some sort of way that you're supposed to empty yourself and empty all of your thoughts and get rid of you and just let the power the energy the force of the Holy Spirit take over and next thing you know as I said when I was a young kid you know there's people in the front row that start you know bouncing around and flailing around and fallin over and people are knocking other people over and people are getting caught and or not caught slamming to the floor and rolling around and everything's out of control because the spirit the energy the force has taken over remember that that's not really what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches that the spirit of the prophets is subject to the prophets what does that mean well it means that you know there's no holy spirit that comes and just takes over like a puppeteer makes us into robots and causes us to do things that we don't want to do against our will or out of our control or you know where our bodies are just taken over look our bodies are already possessed by the Holy Spirit right now all day long 24/7 we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and it's kind of like the burning bush analogy the fire didn't consume the bush God was in the presence of that bush but the fire didn't burn it up and I I don't think we give God enough credit when we when we settle for a lesser view of the Holy Spirit do you see do not see the lesser carnal view of the Holy Spirit almost a pagan view of the Holy Spirit that we are so dirty and we are so detestable in our human bodies and our sinfulness is so detestable to the Holy Spirit that he just has to swoop down out of heaven during a church service and take us over and cause us to do all kinds of things that we don't want to do or we couldn't do apart from him and so he causes the flailing and the flopping and the floundering all over the floor and again I don't want to keep going back to that but it's a dramatic example of the idea that we need to be controlled overtaken possessed in some sort of controlling way and the assumption is that five minutes prior the Holy Spirit wasn't in us or five minutes prior we weren't walking by the spirit and we need some sort of dramatic episode we need some sort of dramatic circumstance to sort of prove the Spirit is working but keep in mind that God is a God of order and that when Paul gave instruction about church services his main concern was orderliness and that people wouldn't think we were crazy and you even look at the fruit of the Spirit that God is peace he's a God of peace he wants us to present the gospel having our feet shod with peace so what I'm saying is just consider it maybe let's put it this way consider this question what if you're already walking by the spirit what if as you're listening to this message right now what if you're already walking by the spirit in other words remember there's two walks right how many walks are there in the Bible there's two walks walk by the flesh walk by the spirit so I have a question for you if you're not sinning right now what are you doing if you're not sinning right now then what are you doing remember there's only two walks walk by the flesh walk by the spirit if you're not walking by the flesh right now what are you doing obviously you're walking by the spirit so what if walking by the spirit feels like you what if walking by the spirit feels like you being yourself what if you're already because of salvation you're already a child of God you're already indwelt by the spirit you're already in the spirit the spirit is already in you you're already compatible with him and what if walking by the spirit is the most natural thing in the world and that only when you choose sin that's the only time you're not walking by the spirit now that would free up a lot of people what if you spent most of your day here's a crazy notion what if most of your day except for the times that you choose sin what if most of your day you're walking by the spirit the spirit is walking with you you're in him and he's in you what if that's the new normal what if that's just an average day and and what if we knew that you know the Holy Spirit is big enough to point out sin to us and say hey don't walk that way it's not going to work for you walk this way and he shows us the new waves but what if what if when we're not sinning we're already doing what we're supposed to be doing and so I say that to say the Holy Spirit Himself is fully available to us 24/7 without interruption the Holy Spirit is free he's not bought with money the fruit of the Spirit is is a vast personality because the Holy Spirit is a person joy I mean let's look at joy for just a second this doesn't mean we have to have some sort of plastic smile but there is a strange joy that we can have that the unbeliever doesn't have we can choose to reflect Christ in the small things in life and experience joy over that we experience joy when we see Christ doing in us what we would naturally do we experience joy by choosing fulfillment in Christ rather than really stupid stuff sure we've chosen our share of stupid stuff in this life and we find unjoin we find lack of joy when we do that but we find joy and we find a satisfaction and a peace inside when we choose what Christ has for us because it just fits so joy doesn't have to mean happiness in all of our circumstances it doesn't have to mean there's prosperity on the outside joy just means that there is a deep felt satisfaction at the core of our being because we know who we are we know how good our God is we're walking with Him and there's a fulfillment there that's a great word for it a fulfillment at the deepest level of our our personhood again you know to me I'll tell you one of the things whether we're talking about joy or peace or patience or kindness let me just say that to me what it's meant a ton is to see that this is how is toward me it's not a selfish thing to see that it's just an accurate thing to see that that you know God is always patient with me I am always at peace with God did you know that Romans 5 says we have peace with God because of the work of Christ so God is at peace with me God is always patient with me God is always kind toward me and and so if I have God who is living in me who is always patient and always kind toward me and always good to me what's that going to do to a person I mean it has an effect doesn't it it has an effect that really we can't get away from because if you've ever been around a person that you love being around they have an effect on you so what if I knew that God will never leave me God lives in me the Holy Spirit is this God and the Holy Spirit is always patient with me always kind toward me and always good with me and that begins to take its toll on a person and positively right and so I think this is what it means to to be being filled with the Holy Spirit you know the opposite was don't get drunk with wine and I preached another message or two on that before but remember why do people run to wine I mean they run to wine for an answer I'm talking about in excess here right drunkenness we get into drunkenness because we're looking for peace we get into drunkenness because we're looking for rest we might get into drunkenness because we got a whole lot of stress and we're just looking for an out we're looking for a moment of peace and rest and our conscience and our life and so we just try to you know alcohol it away if we could and you know the spiritual answer for that the real lasting answer for that is is to just allow the counsel of the Holy Spirit to be the thing that brings the peace and the rest what if what if God is in your corner what if he's totally perfectly patient with you what if he's perfectly kind towards you in this situation what if if you're sensing unkindness what if it's what if 0% of that is God if you've been putting a label of unkind or punishing on God you need to put that label back on the world man I meet a lot of Christians they've got a label on God that doesn't belong on his head they've had bad things happen to them bad things happen to good people and then to make us jealous in this world good things happen to bad people and so here we are good people in Christ and bad things happen then we look over here at the unbeliever we say why are good things happening to him or her and the answer is the world the world is going to reward unbelief the world is going to punish belief it's a fallen world it's an anti faith world it's an anti spirit world it's an antichrist world and so we can't expect to look out at the world and have the formula line up according to God's principles and and God's desires God's desire is to be counseled and be comfort in the midst of this broken formula in the world so don't don't put unkind on a kind God don't put impatient on a patient God don't put ungood on the goodness of God that label belongs on the world and that's why we really need to see the many players in the theatre of life you know I've often remarked on that a lot of Christians it seems like we put a god stamp on everything that happens to us and we ignore the other players the other actors in the theatre of life know who the Holy Spirit is know who the Holy Spirit is to you know how the Holy Spirit relates to you know that there's a consistency there a faithfulness there the Holy Spirit is not telling you to be fake full unless he has been faithful to you first and he is faithfulness the Holy Spirit is not telling you please go out and be kind and loving to people unless the Holy Spirit is kind and loving to you first and he is kindness and he is love you know speaking of faithfulness we we often think about faithfulness in marriage we talk about faithfulness in our in our parenting or in the workplace there's also faithfulness in in the Christian life people talk about their faithfulness to God what I love about the fruit of the Spirit is you know it's so ironic because in the Old Testament the Old Testament the problem was faithfulness you remember that in the Old Testament the story was this right the revolving chair I mean you did not remain faithful so I turned away from you says the Lord right so here's the Old Testament problem God turned away because of their lack of faithfulness now what's the fruit of the Spirit the fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness and so what I want to see in that is that again it's not about me proving myself to God God already saw that in the Old Testament the fruit of the Spirit is that he's going to prove himself to you God is going to prove that he is faithfulness in your life the fruit of the Spirit not the fruit of you the fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness do you want faithfulness in your marriage allow Christ to be your faithfulness do you want faithfulness in your parenting are you tired of flying off the handle and doing what you don't want to do living the Romans 7 life and parenting we need to let Christ be our faithfulness and parenting Christ is faithfulness we don't have to try to be faithful we need to let him be him there's a big difference there self-control people say I've got this grace message I've got but man I'm addicted to pornography and I can't stop what's the answer well please know that the the message is not just that you're under grace and you're forgiven a lot of people think that's the message the message is bigger than you being under grace and you going to heaven no matter what and you being locked in with an unshakable unbreakable promise sure that is an incredible part of it but the other part of the promise is God promising to be self-controlled to us and I would just say man if you if you don't feel like you have any self-control you're right and that's the point you don't have any self-control so if you really want an answer to this you got to stop trying to impress God with your puny portions of self-control stop trying to impress God why don't you just lay all of this on him and just say you know what my porn problem is now your problem my self-control problem is now your problem I don't care what it is it doesn't have to be magazines or the internet or some video issue I mean it could be anything my critical attitude is now your problem the way I've let my irritability take over in my responses to my husband or my wife or my kids I'm laying this at your feet this is your problem Holy Spirit Holy Spirit you claim to be gentleness I'm going to let you be gentleness my gentleness is now your problem Holy Spirit I fly off the handle and I'm so impatient with people when they don't deserve that and I end up wrecking my relationships I'm going to let you be my patience I'm so sick of trying to generate patience I've got no patience apart from you apart from you I've got nothing and now I'm really seeing that faithfulness to my wife or my husband I I struggle in that area and I I've decided Holy Spirit that I can't generate that I'm gonna let you do that I'm going to let you do what I can't do I'm going to let you be who I can't be I can never be you I'm compatible with you as a child of God Holy Spirit I am compatible with you I long for what you will do in my life but I am NOT you only you are you your ways are not my ways I can't be you I can't be loved I can't be patient I have to draw upon you as my source as I am in relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit I'm letting him be him and so you know that's what it means to be in the spirit and have the spirit be in us there's compatibility there see we used to be in the flesh now we're in the spirit and we used to not have the spirit but now the Spirit is in us so we're in him and he's in us and this relationship were meant to maximize the potential of it how do we maximize the potential of it we understand our roles I have all of the desire but none of the power I have the new heart full of all the new desires of the new man the new self the new creation I have all of the desire but none of the power Christ is the power over sin Christ is the power against temptation the Holy Spirit in me is the fruit of the Spirit he is everything that that I need I am NOT the spirit and the Spirit is not me I'm full of desire but I lack the power and so part of the identity message is do you see that you're full of the desire because a lot of Christians don't even realize they have the desire they think they want to sin but really we need to see that we are full of the desire we want what God wants there is a compatibility there and the issue is just resource we have no resource the flesh is a facade it's like the wax fruit laying in the fruit bowl and you reach in and you say boy this looks good and you bite into it and next thing you know you've got wax in your mouth or you know the plastic fruit one time it looks so real I remember being over at a friend's house and looks so real that I literally I reached down into that fruit bowl grabbed an apple and tried to take a bite and as soon as my hands touched it as it was approaching my mouth I started to realize what was going on and and that's that's what human effort is it's a false resource it's fake fruit it's empty and we were never meant to live the Christian life that way let me just finish with a couple of words a couple of thoughts about the the gifts of the Holy Spirit this is not by any means a comprehensive look at spiritual gifts but let me just say that when the Holy Spirit has gifted you in a unique way other people in the church in the body of Christ you know worldwide in your relationships I mean other people are going to recognize you know that person is just an uncommon ly generous person boy that person is a serving person you know I can I could give examples and I don't want to embarrass anyone people come to mind lots of people in this body Rachelle I think Rachelle is gifted with a gift of service God puts it on her heart and enables her to do it and she does what many other people are not willing to do and there's a certain joy to it that she experiences as she leans on Christ I was talking about how JJ made this possible I mean JJ is consistently more than a decade decade and a half maybe too long before I got here he's a consistent person who's generous with his time and serves others why would he do that you know I think of Joel tardy I know Joel definitely wouldn't want me to mention him or embarrass him but I mean Joel is now giving up a day of his week pretty much I mean it really comes out to a day of his week he's got a business to run why would he help me in ministry why would he devote time to that with no compensation why would why would any of these people Rochelle JJ Joel the deacons who help out here why why would any of those people people like Brian McDowell I mean what is it that's going on there is it just that they want to be liked well you know I mean that's not really going to be the payoff is it we don't we don't really encourage them enough we don't recognize them enough what's going on there you could look at people like Stephen Bailey who teaches and serves at the jail and does all kinds of service type ministry around here you know my point is is that there's a variety and there's a diversity in the body of Christ and when you are gifted with something it fits with who you are it's not something again that is a puppeteer taking over making you do things you don't want to do there's a natural fit between who you are in the spirit and the gifts of the Spirit if it's generosity or service or hospitality or encouragement you look at a guy like Rex Kennedy there's an encourage or is he just trying to wake up every day and be encouraging know God's built him that way that seems to be his specialization and it comes naturally to him but I believe it's supernatural so you see you see whether it's encouragement or service or hospitality or whatever it is the gift of love and again I'm not trying to make this sermon into just you know recognizing people all over this but this is happening all over universally in God's church there's a variety and a diversity and the mark that someone is gifted with something as number one the body of Christ recognizes it and then number two it's a natural fit and it comes from within and it's not just a blind service a blind act of service or just a half - it's actually heartfelt and why is it heartfelt because it's what the Spirit is doing in our heart and it fits with who we are in Christ all right I think you know I've said enough about this for today but I wanted to describe our relationship with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is a person the fruit of the Spirit is not plural it's not fruits we don't chase after individual attributes it's about letting Christ be Christ the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ and we are in the spirit and the Spirit is in us and this relationship is meant for us to provide all the desire that's god-given because we're the new self but the Holy Spirit provides all of the power over sin he is our everything we can't be him we have to let him be him in and through us all right let's pray together father we thank you that even when we don't know how to pray the Holy Spirit prays for us the Holy Spirit lives for us in and through us the Holy Spirit prays for us the Holy Spirit is our power the Holy Spirit is a person and the Holy Spirit is you the Spirit of God living in us father we thank you for the privilege of communing with you via the Holy Spirit I pray that today that these words that I've shared and the scriptures we've talked about and just the whole counsel of your word would allow us to see there's no no reason for fear of what you are doing in you're already doing it we're already walking with you in you and you're walking in us we already have the walk and it's our destiny father I just pray that everyone who's watching or listening to this that we might all just experience a deeper fulfillment as we understand how good you are toward us and how patient you are toward us how gentle and loving you are toward us and as we soak in that how you also display yourself to other people and Jesus name we pray amen
Channel: The Grace Church with Dr. Andrew Farley
Views: 48,395
Rating: 4.7834396 out of 5
Id: adOujp03TYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2016
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