will you marry me!? - SINGING on OMEGLE!

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marble soda hello thank you what kind of music do you listen to anything anything okay i just started learning this today so we'll see how it goes [Music] eyes as she walks by what is [Music] why would you ever kiss me [Music] i wish thank you i appreciate you listening everyone keeps skipping me oh you they're missing out dude thank you i appreciate it i hope you have a wonderful night you too bye [ __ ] with your setup my guy thanks i [ __ ] with yours too wait you're a youtuber dog i seen you i've seen you on youtube you sing for people on youtube i don't know michael bro i tried to uh gibson i [ __ ] knew it dawg i watched all your videos bro i appreciate it [ __ ] way dog yeah what you trying to play play something play something real quick [Music] [Music] ah i'm already subscribed to you doug i appreciate it man you have a good day bro thank you too i'm gonna oh you play the guitar oh yes sorry play a song uh okay do you know who paofu is no you don't know okay you know it's fine this is fine you're gonna learn me me on seventh street just like we were seventeen again happiest i've ever been sinning stupid people only make me sad times like these makes me want the times it used to have that's good oh my god thank you i [ __ ] up but it's okay i didn't even hear it what kind of music do you listen to oh i'm like all over the board do you stream or anything you just have a quality setup um i'm trying to but i like started like a week ago okay but i've had this setup for a while gotcha fair enough that is a dope ass setup honestly you have i wanted that thing behind you so [ __ ] bad that thing i just like i wanted that thing so much behind you it looks so cool i love my music so loud don't worry i got you covered on the music tonight if you want to i can show you what my dreams are made of it's the taping of your face that just sounds really wait what is that sound you're nah i'm so i'm so max i know that literally wearing the shirt you're okay he was he was literally what guys if you if you're wearing a band shirt i okay all right just never mind never mind hello hello i like your dog thank you she box does she yeah god dude i wish i had cool pets i haven't she's very angry at my headset for some reason can it does it talk yes but not while she's in my room interesting um it's because it's not a familiar place to fair enough i swear to god if you jump on the pop vinyl i will jump on you okay so dope she's huge um i want to guess where you're from but i don't want to offend you it's all right i've had everywhere today i would guess either australia or new zealand but if you get if you get the wrong one then then people get very angry it's all right i'm australian well i know it's nice to meet you and your bird what is it what is your bird's name skittles do you have multiple birds i hear other birds in the back um can i play you a song sure what kind of music do you listen to anything and everything anything okay [Music] stop feeling let me correct it i want to live a life from a new perspective you come along because i love your face and i'll admire your expensive taste and who cares if on intervention i wanna be praised from a new perspective believing that would be a good idea to catch me up i'm getting out of here [Music] thank you i'm so distracted by the bird no it's fine i was hoping that she would chime in for some harmonies but maybe next time probably the best thing i've seen on omegle so i hope you have a wonderful day you too hello hello how's it going what's up uh nothing i'm trying to sing to people on here but everyone seems very boring or like they want to skip i'm sorry i don't want to skip i don't know if i'm boring no you're fine you're just very soft-spoken compared to everyone everyone's usually yelling or blowing in their mic or something i like your hair thank you i don't really know what's going on with it but um do you care if i sing you a song which sound uh it's called exposed by dance kevin dance i don't know if you are familiar i said okay if i play it for you anyways sure it's just like i am just like a 30 second i won't put you through a whole song that's that's that's nice because sometimes like that's boring after a few i'll i'll try to have it not be boring mine won't be boring i'm the boy i'm here [Music] reasons not to go [Music] shame exposed but i know you know the way we got that's really nice thank you i think i actually heard that song before it's a good song maybe i like that you're you're singing voice and you're talking it's very different yeah that's so interesting yeah most people don't expect it well i guess yeah makes sense hello you guys look so disappointed yeah oh i was practicing my straight face there was this girl that we just talked to and we were just like staring at each other but i could not like stare without laughing fair enough so i was practicing are you gonna sing us a song uh i can try to do it what song are we getting uh the song is called the diary by hollywood undead i know that from my fifth grade yeah i was gonna say it's from back my emo phase it came on shuffle the other day i was like yeah okay wait i have a question okay there's the song by them and there's like pigs squealing in the beginning and i think about it all the time do you know what it's called i do not i thought you're gonna ask me i thought you were about to ask me to play that instead yeah do that one since it's halloween the further i go i wanna go home cause i don't wanna be like this i've been running the streets for too long now i've got nothing that's true but this song now but the further i go [Music] you guys reacted the same way i was saying for someone else and they were very shocked at how high my singing voice is compared everyone on here has like such a short attention span so i like play one note and then they're just out so they're like disconnected yeah pretty much that's the the tick tock generation so i appreciate you guys listening it's because we're not the tick tock jenner i mean i guess we are no i'm more of a vine generation which was arguably shorter but somehow we have better attention spans for it yeah well thank you guys i hope you have a good night thank you for singing thank you no problems hello yo how's it going are you gonna play me something uh i can try to i've been trying to play the song for people but everyone keeps skipping yeah i'll listen i'll listen wait what color is your hair um this is a wig but it's purple oh okay i'm color blind i thought it was kind of close to mine but now i know for sure okay what are you gonna play me uh it's called the king slayer it's probably bring me the horizon all right i'll listen to a little bit and then my boogie so let's go okay king slayer [Music] sacrifice my life to find you angel [Music] will you marry me will you marry me i am spoken for add a third add a third i'll talk to her i'll see what she says i'll take it okay well okay well you know what i'll take that reaction [Music] [Music] i'm just trying to find some peace of [Music]
Channel: Gibson
Views: 188,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, Fornite Battle Royale, Battle Royale, BR, Gaming, Compilation, Fortnite funny moments, funny moments, Twitch, Twitch clips, Best plays, Fortnite montage, montage, Music, Guitar, Vocalist, Fortnite songs, Singing, Singing to girls, Singing to girls on fortnite, girls singing reaction, singing reactions, singing reactions on fortnite, singing fortnite, fortnite singing, she sings, Omegle, Omegle Singing, singing on omegle, omegle singing, singing to girls on omegle, tik tok
Id: FvNbDzm94YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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