Will This Be Your First Robot?

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Seriously tho, is the only thing he can do react to faces and play with those boxes? That would be disappointing

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/guridkt 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2016 🗫︎ replies
Look at how cute he is! So his name is Cozmo. Cute, little robotic guy right here. Big brain, bigger personality. Apparently, this is a fairly intelligent little creature. He's made by the folks over at Anki. Now, I've worked with them in the past in a video on something called Anki Drive, which you may have seen. Those cars moving around the track... A lot of artificial intelligence... They hit me up. They said, We'd love to sponsor another episode, and send you the Cozmo. He's got an app on the App Store, he's on Google Play as well... Almost Human, Communicates naturally in response to your actions... Expresses a broad range of real emotions, and reacts to yours. Well, that's better than Jack! You get none of that with him, holy smokes! Cosmos is already an upgrade... Over this, uh... dead pan (?) over here. He develops a unique personality the longer you engage with him. Are we in the future? Quite possibly. Oh my goodness, very smooth, well done. Okay... Oh... He has gold colored contact points on the bottom here... A couple of what look like LED lights... That's the little guy right there! Let's get Cozmo up and running. Sticker. Help him feel at home. Perfect table for him right here, in fact. I feel a responsibility now. Like I just got a pet or something. He's got his own moves, and he likes to move in his own way, so try not to push him, or force his lift. He might get a little fussy. ahhahahhaahhaahahahahah Also, in the box is this little... cubes, which I assume are going to be a part of some activity. Oh, wow! Look at that. Fold flat charger? I love that. Here is the actual charge station. Let me get it hooked up. Alright! So, I've got the little guy sitting down... in his special spot here... He has a password displayed on his screen. There he is. Cozmo: The App. First name. I need to put my birthday in here. Oh, we just got to connect his WiFi. Hence the password. Okay! Cozmos is ready to play. Just like a pet, he might need your help. Oh my goodness. Ooh! Ooooh! Hey man! (^_^) Hey! Woah. Oh! Ohoho! Good job, man. (Shake it) He's really happy, he's really happy about that. Well done Cozmo! Vrahh! Each day, you get a new set of goals. Completing these is the quickest way to improve your Cozmo. Oh, he's gonna recognize me right now! Look at him straight on, and hold still. I'm over here man! Aah! Oh. He knows my name! Did you hear him? He said Lew! I'm gonna introduce him to Jack. Jack. Heetheh! You guys haven't even seen Jack, he's seen Jack! Oh, he wants to collect his cubes right now. ...Does he? For this game, both you and Cozmo need your own cube to play with. When the colors on both cubes match, the first player to tap their cube wins a point. Never tap on red. Oh man... Good luck! Vuuaahh! That's re- Ha! He hit a red one. Bah! Auuy... Look how happy this guy is! He's beating me every time! Oh, woah woah woah! Okay... Okay. Oh, he got it! Yeah! Look at that little guy, It's more than you've done, Jack! Good job! High five. Now, he'll also just explore on his own, which what he is doing right now. He's just hanging out, exploring... He's just... exploring. Not red! Not red! How you like me now, Cozmo? Oh, he's upset. Oh, he's upset. No big deal, we're gonna play again. Another time. Wow, he's pushing my phone around. You gotta let him explore a little bit. You gotta take some time, you gotta build a relationship. Got a lot to learn, he's just a little guy. Cute little guy. If you want to learn more about Cozmo, I've got a link down in the description. There's certainly some intelligence there. Definitely more than Jack, over there. That's for sure. (End Credits Next Video)
Channel: Unbox Therapy
Views: 5,691,190
Rating: 4.9268265 out of 5
Keywords: unbox therapy, unboxtherapy, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), tech, technology, gadgets, gadget, unboxing, review, unbox, therapy, new, youtube, anki, anki cozmo, cozmo, cosmo, robot, robotics, anki robot, 2016, best, apple, video, iphone, smartphone, cool gadgets, iphone 7, inventions, android, futuristic, cool, invention, innovation, things, amazing inventions, awesome inventions, new inventions, new gadgets, amazing, new technology, cool inventions, future, products, top, cool technology, technology (industry), awesome, crazy
Id: 7qI63QY5C6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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