Will my ACL, MCL, or PCL (Knee Ligament) Tear Heal?? Surgery??

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top is bad the - hi folks I'm Bob short physical therapist Brad hanok physical therapy we are the most famous physical therapist on internet and I opinion of course right we get a lot of questions people are wondering whether or not their ACL MCL or PCL knee ligament is going to heal sure and you know usually it's not all three but it's one of those right and so today I thought to be a good time for us to talk about that whether or not it's going to heal on its own or whether or not you're going to meet surgery we're talking about the anterior cruciate ligament medial collateral ligament and post your class right yeah the most full so these are ligaments that you know there's four main ligaments that help hold your knee together right you know so you got got the femur bone you got the tibia bone here and you know there's muscles that help hold it together too but basically to stop these you know bones from coming apart there's four main ligaments the ACL is one you hear about all the time right probably the most injured and that's one that's in the joint itself I'm going to go over here break yeah a little close up yeah what do you think Lonnie I I put red tape on it this is yeah this is the kneecap we're just going to take and lift the kneecap up so you can see inside the joint and there's the ACL right there there how are you doing Lonnie she doesn't seem happy good maybe why he's not happy nobody's happy all right that's the ACL the MCL is on the inside of the knee and that goes from here this bone to that alone right it's just the femoral to the tibia right and then the PCL is is also in the joint but it's you know in a bit more in the back and it comes from the front most of the bat you see on the piece you actually cursed cry Megatron yeah they're right next they're like little buddies so there's a lateral collateral ligament but that one usually doesn't get injured as much not as much it's just on the other side of the knee it's right under the skin you can feel that as well as the ability of fingers under the skin kind of so let's talk about first you know they're going to grade your chair they're going to tell you it's either two or three mmm no on a one it just got the fibers got stretched a little bit right irritated a little killer probably no you're not going to do anything with that but you might do some rehab after that but you're not gonna do anything beyond that it was a number two grade two there are some fibers that were partially torn and this you know this is the key is does your knee feel stable because sometimes your knee feels unstable even with this some partial tear all right and and again you may want to do some rehab after and right so strengthen it get some stabilization is great during the grade three it's completely tears right okay I'm sure it's like a mop head they say on both sides yeah you know so it's complete rupture the other thing that could happen is it actually could pull away from the bone and pull part of the bone with it and it's all a bowls primary up so that's that's the possibilities that are happen if the surgery is going to be considered when you have a grade three a very complete tear right terror pulls off the bone get in there and they gotta fill it back in or connect it reattach it before we go any further Brad by the way if you're new to our channel please take a minute please please take a minute to hit the subscribe button here or right here on the screen because we're going to provide you with videos honest a healthy fit pain free and we upload every day you battle alright getting back to where we're Tommo Brad let's talk about the MCL first video collateral ligament let's say you hurt that one alone you didn't hurt any of the other leg American yep because quite often you might hear you'll read there there he goes well he heard it he actually toured completely apart like that should you have surgery well they have found out now Brad in most cases an isolated incident like you should not have surgery that will heal believe it or not those ends will come back together again you're all on the clock sure and they're going to actually heal and how long is that going to take roughly I'm not sure how long it takes but it's week anyway its many weeks and you're going to have to do we have along with it right you lose and we're going to talk about this later as you lose your proprioception you lose the ability to tell where the knee as at in space and it makes you more vulnerable to re-injuring it again and your balance is going to be off you might fall down so you you know again I went to surgery now let's say you tore your ACL or PCL along with the MCL well in that case they're recommending that you do have the MCL I mean the ACL repaired but you still leave the MCL alone because they make more money on you yeah right now the ACL does provide some of that stability that the MCL does right so it needs to be repaired otherwise there's gonna be too much stress on the MCL guys the two out of the four ligaments gone yeah too much it's just too much so you're going to want to go ahead and have that repaired now what about an MCL or the ACL so that's the big one that happens quite often that is it why do I got numbers on a way to spread 150,000 new ACL tears a year oh really yeah hundred thousand MCL and this is in the United States yep you know days okay and 25,000 of the PCL okay so ACL LCL wins you have 150,000 if you call that a win because it's you know it's a devastating injury right why doesn't the ACL or the PCL they're both what they call inter articular they're inside the joint yep they're not on the outside they don't heal well and there's a number of reasons they don't one there's a lot of synovial fluid in there and that fluid keeps those little ends from attaching to each other so it's like the to my Pender will be all over in this fluid they never get a chance ever get a look up not a great blood supply right there so if they do hook up they don't form the clot that needs to be bind together right get the growth going three there's great mechanical stresses on these sure I mean there's more stresses on these than there is on the MCL or other way they break more that's why they break very good point yeah so you within those cases in most cases people are going to have this repaired especially if you're going to go back to activity right I mean if you're gonna go back to sports I don't know how you can to not really well actually I heard there was that one isolated case of a football player who actually didn't have any no no they they actually talked about this you know if there's actually testing they can do and they can it may put you in two categories either your koper or non poker oh and that means your knee is coping with the the fact that it's a CL is not there and if you haven't had the knee give out at all when you're walking out that's a good sign okay and they actually look at you and can tell like if your your knee is if you're walking really braced that's a bad sign or okay you're you're able to walk with kind of a normal stride they have a whole testing process and yeah I would say you know and I'm looking at the numbers it was like one out of one out of four that could probably get by without surgery sure and but this is you're gonna have to go to a place that knows what they're doing all right they're gonna test you don't listen all right you're we're not going to give you advice on that because I mean if I was an athlete I'd be I'd be a bit torn right yeah yeah but in any case Brad no matter which one you have you you need to have after you if you have the surgery you're going to have to make sure you get some rehab if you've got to get that proprioception again that ability for the need to tell where it is in space you have to get that reestablished or you're really at a high injury or a possibility of re-injuring right and the other things that helps determine whether or not entry injured is how well your bones are shaped well they hook up together you know how how how good you are again it at not losing your balance and stuff like that right the rehab process is pretty complete and it's as therapists you know we go step by step by step and it's typically 12 to 16 weeks well Brad why don't you start off and show it with a wobble board okay the line gonna probably have to pan down a little bit here well I was talking about proprioception this is one of the tools that therapists will use to help that proprioception that doesn't use you wear shoes like this with it is yeah was my black sound but you know obviously I'm not gonna wear my dress shoe to do this I need a little more feel for what I'm on and grip so usually start to like it's red right so right when I start with someone or when Bob does you'll start with two feet and I have I call this the five minute drill the different therapists have different exercises on this I like this I go forward and backwards getting you guys in a walker for balance right now by the way what our cute little fish Walker here by the way oh yeah and in the clinic I haven't stand in parallel bars and they hold on to that because you're not going to be able to do this without something to stabilize likely you might get away with a cane or cane in both hands so go forward and backwards for 60 seconds right to left and this is good to have the knee slightly bent while you're doing that right whoo I got to get my Walker back there but hard to do yeah this is not easy depends on the wobble board too and then this is a very small wobble board Brad yeah them have really large ones they are a lot easier to use another one you might want to use when you're starting off with so then I go clockwise we roll around for a minute then the other direction for me otherwise in the grand finale is to hold it and this is where I say let go the parallel bars and see if you can hold it this wobble board actually has a little cheater eye there's a flat spot on the ball yeah if I get to it right there it's hard to get to actually it's not that easy one thing you're going to learn wanted to learn Brad is how to jump correctly after you have certain a CL yep you know like this is my involved leg one of the biggest problems especially women had is when they land they land in like this exactly you really want to work on one really good posture when you land you don't want to be like this and land like this because you're your weight is all over your knees or you want to have your your back real straight I want to show Brad on out on me so we line up when you have good posture here you see how it hits my butt my bag and my head turn this rotate your heart above okay there you go so I land I want to be like in this position my knees are not coming together where it is they're landing like this keeping in line yep my posture is really good and my knees are bent right they found out people that tend to land like this tend to injure their legs more you want to land like this you want to hit your toe to your heel toe heel sure and you can even work on these you can jump forward and hold the position jump back hold the position jump forward and jump back and hold the position so those are all really to work on this is a pretty comprehensive program and you know in ten minutes we just we're just touching the surface on a lot of it I don't even think I'm gonna go over the complicated the rest of them break right these are very difficult to do this is a good start you gotta know that you're going to have to do a whole proprioception hopefully scepter program exactly oh thank you all going lock with it you
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 253,938
Rating: 4.8960242 out of 5
Keywords: ACL, PCL, MCL, anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament, acl reconstruction, acl repair, acl surgery, pcl repair, pcl reconstruction, medial collateral ligament repair, pcl tear, acl tear, mcl tear, bob schrupp, brad heineck, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, famous physical therapists, mcl repair, mcl reconstruction, mcl surgery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2017
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