How to Diagnose and Rehab a Knee Injury | Sports Injury Clinic

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[Music] hello I'm Ben Welch and welcome to four four twos YouTube channel and the latest episode of the Injury Clinic in today's episode we are going to be visiting the Center for Health and Human Performance and one of their top physios Tom Jackson Tommy's going to shows how to diagnose any injury and then Rehab it back to max when you strip so we can get you back at on the pitch and playing okay so we're here with Tom Tom has been a physio for charlton Southampton for a massively experienced used to working with elite footballers now it gets the work of a rubbish amateur footballer like me so Tom thank you very much time I say yes nice mate so imagine average footballer comes in place Sunday's play Saturday's may be a five side game he comes in he says Tom I've hurt my knee what are the first things we do to establish what's wrong isn't it yeah no problems so the first thing that we're gonna do is have a good sit down and a chat and find out what you've done and how you've done it so what I want to know is the mechanism of your injury once we've gone through that assessment which we already have done I didn't want to go and have a look and and see what your looking like with regards do you need okay if you'll never see in the bed so just for everyone watching at home I did my knee I was playing in a game someone shot I slid across them and their foot connected with the back of my knee wasn't instantly painful but when I got up there were some instability mini-money bit weird so key thing really is to look at hey I've seen you when you walked in you've not walked in with any massive limp which is quite important you're obviously reasonably functional watched you in terms of when you're getting changed you happy to stand on this leg happy to take shoes on and off and and balance on it so there's there's nothing that is screamingly obvious for me at this moment in time if I look comparatively in me there's no major swelling compared to the other side it doesn't feel hot to the touch compared to the other side and it's not got a big bed area so it's not in a massive kind of inflammatory State at this moment of time so first thing one do is just see if there's any swelling so just gonna do a little kind of it's called a sweep test so from there just gonna brush that fluid away if there is anything and if there was there'd be a little blood will come out into this area effectively of fluid so that's the looking is there anything within the knee joint itself that's causing inflammation and swelling at the moment not for you so then I'm gonna move on and look at your range of movement so a bit of hyperextension that's pretty normal for you so we've got a little ligament in the inside of your knee here the meniscus and the medial ligament kind of communicate with each other so there's fibers go on and attach from that medial ligament onto the meniscus so the two can be damaged and I think it's probably some damage around that area for you I think you've done deep fibers of your medial England so that's where I rotate your leg outwards and then apply that lateral or medial force from now side here some gapping this medial ligament and stretch that's causing you some discomfort [Music] a film so we've assessed money was saying that it probably needs a little bit further investigation we need to get scanned but imagine you know frustrated footballer they're injured they need to wait with the scam what can I do in the meantime to maybe improve their situation so key thing for you at the moment is to make sure that we've got some stability so irrespective of whether there's an injury that needs to go and have surgery or not you need to get that hip stability particularly better so we saw when you were doing that single leg squat particular on the right hand side you have it all over the place so we need to make that a little bit better for you we're gonna give you some glute exercise to do so if we can ask you to lie down on the mat from this position I'm gonna ask you to bridge up so you're gonna push up through your heels and lift your bottom off the floor that's it good and then slowly lower back down again okay so same thing rolling up squeezing that glute and back down good we'll come back now we're gonna do the same thing it's another swivel Bridge what this is doing is adding an element of balance into as well so the idea is to keep your feet flat on the ball bring your knees again about hip width apart and from that position is exactly the same as you had before to start with we're just gonna work a small amplitude of movement I don't want you coming all the way up so there's a bit big to start with so just there to start with back down just until you get that control to do three or four lows so to start with I'm just doing it just down on one foot slight bending your knee and we're just gonna stay in that position so you want a little bit of an unstable surface on this mat or beer it's very thin we can make it harder by adding more unstable surfaces so if you at home stand on a pillow stand on a cushion something like that providing you've got good stability and you can see as you're working here muscles in the lower leg and working hard glutes are working to stabilize just a little bit of rock in there I'll ask you to close your eyes from that position see straight away that that becomes much harder so you take away the visual cues and that becomes a hard exercise straight away so the other thing you can do is just standing on your right leg do some rotational stuff there just controlling around we can obviously make that more fun towards the latter stages where we're getting you kicking a football there's somebody throwing a football back we haven't got one here at the moment somebody throwing a football back you're doing some volleys just to start with we're just doing a little bit of pop it back chest pass to me so don't be worried I can catch so just gonna pop it get you moving and then in a second we're going to take you off and change that range all right I've heard all this stuff from Tom we've worked on some exercises now and he's gonna have my scan get to the root of the problem and then we can move on okay Tom so a few months have passed since I first come to see injured in October comes in November we did a few sessions and then we decided that with the Wayne and he was reacting his MO better to ease off what why is that important and kind of what are the benefits of doing that as an patient and what kind of things would you be looking out for in that period of rest so during any kind of reactive process with a knee we're into an inflammatory state information takes quite a while to calm down with your own need we were getting to a point where we were almost exacerbating that information with a loading that we're doing so enabled to give it a ton of rest allows that information to settle down allows you to start to improve again in terms of the feeling that you were feeling in it you had a level of instability that you were noticing that subsequently settled down alongside the exercise program that you were doing it allows the muscles to activate and you get more proprioception which is the control within your knee where your knee is in space allows those muscles to work a lot more and just you generally become very stronger so in the previous sessions that we've had we've been working on strength and control of your knee those exercises that we've just done there a lot kind of the end stage rehabilitation exercises they're based on whole body control movements and they're going to put your knee under significant stress in terms of control and patterning and if you're unable to keep those patterns up then you're you're basically not going to be fit to return to sport so I'm looking at by completing those are you now at stage where we can progress you back into a football type scenario lateral bounds off the BOSU really great exercise to test your balance and your control as you land on the floor and that static leg things like the ice skaters again look they're a great whole body workout they're going to work your glutes which is the key muscles for stabilization if your lower limb the viper step back switch everyone's coming through here again a really strong exercise for both the hip mobility the drop downs off the box are actually a really good exercise for putting high level of load of eccentric strength through your quads getting your glutes again to absorb and stabilize your your props my body weight and also loading into the tendon and then the final one we did was the plyometric box jumps and that's a pure explosive exercise can you generate sufficient force through your both your legs in order to drive up onto that 24-inch box there's a pretty decent sized box as you felt and then can you control that movement on the way back down again so lowering down on the affected side so at this stage in the rehabilitation I want you to need to feel normal effectively if you're still feeling like it's unstable or you're getting some pain or particularly if your knee reacts subsequently then you're probably too far or you're trying to do too much too early and you need to go back a stage into the strengthening phase before you can start loading up into that [Music] we are four months along now and from when I first come to see you what stage are we at where's my Nia and now what we're looking to push on with next so you need now is really nice and stable ligaments are looking really strong there's no laxity within the knee there's no pain in the knee when I'm testing it so really fantastic you've done loads of work in the gym in terms of your balance work which is fundamentally most important and you've done a lot of strength work so strength work is gonna give you really good stability in your knee now it's a matter of testing out to see that you're able to cope with the stresses of football prior to putting you back onto a football pitch and making sure that you're fine with with all that before releasing you to go and play again now today was ramping up the pressure on the knee the movement the mobility can you just briefly explain what we'll be doing in in the gym and what those exercise what we testing and looking for so today we're going to be start to kind of transition you through to striking a football and multi-directional movement we look at a bit ballistic stuff in terms of you you're jumping and your reactive strength from that then we're also going to look at some of the kind of kicking mechanisms for you and then finally just do some mock directional drills we're trying to get you to change direction and work of both legs so you can then take that out onto a football pitch in your rehabilitation and have a conference you've already exposed yourself to those movements also let's go in the gym and see how money holds up what there [Music] so what's next for me now so for you now it's about going out and doing some functional football training so dudes inside foot passes continue to build a new motor directional stuff doing some cutting movements when you're doing your sprints when you've done all of that which would probably be another week 10 days of loading then you can be looking to go back into a football training session and then back into a football match [Music] so there you go guys so happy to be back out on the pitch and plan and I couldn't have done it without the help of the center of health and human forms in Tom Jackson who have been absolutely fantastic throughout if you get injured I highly recommend you go see them now if you want to hear more about ch HP and Tom check out the links in the video description below and if you came to explore more rehab content please head over to our website [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FourFourTwo
Views: 145,221
Rating: 4.9127517 out of 5
Keywords: FourFourTwo, Football, Soccer, Premier League, Sports Injury, Football Injuries, Physio, Physiotherapy, Physiotherapist, Doctor, Medial Ligament Injury, ACL Injury, Rehab, Rehabilitation, Knee Injury, Knee Exercises, Stength and Conditioning, Gym Workout, Football Physio, Soccer Physio, How To, Tutorial, MCL injury, ACL injury, ACL rehab, MCL rehab, Knee Strengthening Exercises, meniscus knee injury
Id: sJR7oMWQ2i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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