Will it run? Rare 4 speed on column, 1964 Ford Econoline Heavy Duty, can we drive it?

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all right keep not money it's not a good sign when you find a box of lifters Springs [Music] too yeah this might run and it's got a four-speed on the column [Music] [Music] three guys we're on a real busy road what's up got your Crocs on backwards Bud daddy did that give me this okay step down give do all right that trailer stay there [Music] please there you go stay with Shane dude yeah come over here buddy we can look at the truck when we get it over in the yard all right stay behind me that's [Music] good there it goes [Music] ready there it goes [Music] going to get something to put on there all [Music] right tightening this thing up so it don't get away from us I ran Shane over once oh [Applause] I got to un this and take him up for a map but uh try to keep your do buddy stand up you're taking a ride [Music] right okay it's not a good sign when you find box of lifters it's a part number I don't know what this is pie what are you doing don't know what that is it looks like some kind of little water pump or something oh man [Music] there's Springs too that's not good yeah there's a whole lot of what is this a piece of metal this looks like a lower rocker that's what that is that's a lower rocker for the other side of bedside just like you did last night here you [Music] go I mean the floors are nice I was real concerned about this just because if you had holes in your floor this is where you'd be freezing cold from no there's no holes there it must just be a little air gap you put that piece of tin in there to try and stop it that giant key say Crusty's key green Granny's Keys Granny's keys this is Granny's truck truck I guess I don't know well we'll get into it I'll be back today I'll pull on the motor I'll pull on the fan yeah I bet you that that piece in there is this you're all right come here it's okay come here come on woo good job take that big piece of metal is this quarter this lower bedside panel and these are a pain in a butt to do cuz they're double walled I don't know if they he bought like a kit like an interior panel and an exterior I don't know how far I would go trying to fix this there's something in there that shouldn't be step over on that side I'm going to pick you up we're going to throw you back in your seat cuz we got to go [Music] home all right the time has come we are ahead of schedule for Carlile it was supposed to rain all day today and it didn't so I was able to get all the way loaded so we're going to start on this thing tomorrow cuz we got tomorrow on Friday yet before we go for Carlile Monday we're going to get this thing in the shop Shop's wide open we're all caught up on everything ready to start a freshh project a 1964 fora conol line uh motor turns it's all complete came out of Colorado I don't really know what's in the bed this is a repair panel for this side I know that much got a little bit of rust right here but as far as the conines go this is a really really nice one we're going to get it in the shop and hopefully this thing will run and drive that would be awesome we're a little concerned we found some lifters and an oil pump and stuff in the front seat so we're thinking that might be a Telltale sign of why this one got parked but those parts are all readily available so if that's the case we'll fix it hopefully we got a run and drive in for a conine cuz this thing is super nice glass is all in it doesn't even need glass this door panel should be relatively easy to find I didn't see them in here it doesn't mean they're not in the bed or stuffed in here somewhere we didn't even clean it yet but three in a tree six cylinder seats are there obviously those can be rep holstered this thing is going to rub out pretty nice I think it's going to be kind of coraly Pinky it's a cool color anyway this is a heavy duty model so this comes factory with a little heavier frame heavier suspension and a 4D 9 in rear definitely the one you want to mess with if you're going to play with in a con line so let's get it in and see what we got Richie starting on it tomorrow oh [Music] [Music] hey you know [Music] what turn it left a little bit [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Shane didn't find anything crazy interesting or cool kind of the typicals the D pulley snapped off or sorry no that's dirt not snapped off looks like a vacuum advance distributor we don't know what this is never seen one of these before I can honestly tell you I don't have a clue it says butm bmm USA never seen one of those this is the quarter patch panel for that driver side we got a flywheel and some kind of door seal window seal windshield seal something like that rubber gasket the bed is pretty good there's a couple little holes in the bottom of the bed which is from the plywood that these people had in the bed plywood's never a good idea to cover holes with don't do it if you can't afford a bed patch or a new bed floor I would just weld it just scab something on top of it or underneath it don't put plywood in it it will just get wet and make it worse which is what happened here do they get a guarantee from DA office sup sence or something like that there's a [Music] that 12vt or 6vt batter 12 nests are everywhere no holes in the floor though either no holes look good mhm I agree looks good yeah this might run see if it turns [Music] how's it looking looking great man this thing is solid really solid that's what I like to do yeah I can reach down in there see if it turns that turning I think it's turning pump I can't see the the damper can you see the damper turn it yeah it's turning it's sliding great that is awesome okay there is an oil gauge all right he said there was something wrong with like the oil pump or something and that's why it was there is a a meling oil pump I took out of here here a new one [Music] [Music] yeah we have a battery right yeah 12 Vol yeah C [Music] [Music] tell me that oil is that clean get that fuel line off so we don't pump gas old gas into the carb and we're going to try to spin it on its own it's free so I check the oil boy that oil looks new so we'll give it a shot there some pluck wire here somewhere there it is hey this is really clean Pete do you see the FL the flo yeah I tried to get your brother in here up yeah he is him last night I feel really bad yeah he's got a doctor's appointment with a new doctor tomorrow yeah you're doctor he said yeah I hate that referring him to anything oh I know you'll get kicked out too yeah it'll be yeah your doctor St he's more up than the last one he'll say your brother cussed me out you're not welcome here anymore either yeah that's funny he is so known for cussing out a doctor oh I know yeah what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull the plugs out throw a battery in it get a compression test yeah yeah so we think it's probably having an oil pressure problem that's why I told Shane I don't know if he verbalized this to you but we'll see if it's got compression and then I would go I don't know I'm worried about trying to get it running and I guess the only way to check it for oil pressure is to get it running though right yeah so I guess do that and then probably probably check it for compression and then we'll jump right into whatever you want we can either do carburetor or we can do ignition I don't care whichever you feel like doing they both be done and then I guess we'll get it running if it's got good compression but the oil pumps what up inside the oil pan yeah but uh we can find a port here somewhere it probably had a wet line on it a lot of them had little screw in gauges over the years they'd put them in I think this has an oil light probably no oil gauge yeah right the Fords usually had the oil light which iing hate cuz man I've almost blown up a lot of Fords not paying no attention to that light or the light don't work you know yeah right I had a Mustang that it was real important that I paid attention attention to that but it's such a dimass little lighter you'd hit a bump and the light wouldn't even going to work anymore I think the part stores still sell a wet line kit I have oil gauges upstairs for sure yeah I think they do I know I got what year is this 64 it's for sure a 64 this is a real rare one we have another one of these me and my dad got it in storage we put it away for ourselves I seen that video the blue one yeah that's nice that one's from New Mexico that one's really nice but 64 the heavy duties have a 49 in a little heavier frame and the bigger brakes and the bigger Wheels right the little ones yeah the little ones are on like 13s or 14s and they're four lugs like a falcon yeah brain yeah this one will be built a little better than than a regular one and then I found out how them guys in California were putting V8s in here you know what they use no they use a Chevy uh dogghouse oh no you just take a Chevy dogghouse cuz they can't with V8s here I thought the whole time there I mean there was a guy in California making this side panel with a little bump in it but then I found out from some of the old van hot rod guys that uh you just use a Chevy dogghouse oh interesting cuz I want to put a V8 and ours but it's uh it'll be super duper tight Joe loves these six-cylinders he really likes these overhead valves I think they're dogs yeah wow [Music] [Music] good they look new fairly new H but uh yeah got some hangers on there but not too bad get new ones or whatever [Music] there was a set of uh new valve springs in here I don't know what that's all yeah we saw yeah we saw those you see those lifters too yeah lifters too yeah that was sitting in water they're all rusty yeah not not too too bad oh J Simpson died I know I was going to say I didn't I saw that did where'd you hear that on the radio yeah [Music] yeah you want a scope no oh no I'll uh I'll wait uh until we uh get the compression test if something too low will will scope it how's that battery doing good well I wonder if that uh Mage is Right 30,000 that yeah that should be good yeah this one's brand new I think yeah look at the date yeah cuz we had just ordered three brand new uh 12 Vols h [Music] oh there's a light on look h [Music] mhm number one might be dead [Music] [Music] May number six all right we'll uh spray it up soak it a little bit and then we'll take an actual gauge test come on PR signals work yeah it's working left side flasher does not work hey can you see the brakes tell me the brake lights work [Music] no no brake lights no brake lights just grab grab anything3 is fine it doesn't have to be that straight 30 whatever we got over there motor oil wise is fine it ain't going to make a difference for what he's going to do I'm try did you have the compression gauge out yet no I did not how many you want one yeah how' you pay for lunch did you buy it or did I buy it I bought it thank you yeah Thursday the I don't have my watch I mean I can get you a room in car but it's one king bed is problem yeah no I'm I told Joe I got an extra bet in the trailer yeah I'm sure he'll like that he said Pete I'm almost 80 years old I need my coffee pot I need my TV I got to have running water yeah yeah got you ready yep hold on I don't know if I did it long enough yeah go ahead okay that seems strong it is it's at UH 60 perfect if it kicks it back into your hand yeah that's right okay Shane ready mhm nice nice 50 yep so she's a little weak but it'll run there I saw it it was already kicking stuff out yeah go ahead yeah another 55 go [Music] ahead good check that one again go ahead oh 75 strong one mhm okay 75 damn yeah this is going to run yep okay 75 perfect cool nice perect she's going to run might need an oil pump still though you don't know yeah let's uh Joe suggested um uh draining this oil out put a new oil F on take a look at the screen and stuff we you could stick the boroscope up through the drain plug hole if you wanted to and look at the oil pump screen and see if it's all nasty mhm mhm we don't have to drop the pan but maybe you'll find a good place to throw a wet line on while you're under there yeah I'm going to look by the uh oil pressure yeah might be able to get one on there and just let it hang so we can make sure we got oil pressure the lifters and valve springs may have had nothing to do with this car exactly so we don't know we're going to go up with this we're going up with it yeah you're going to check the oil uh yeah I'm going to change the oil change the oil cool and uh check oil pressure if I can all right okay yes sir sounds like a deal uh key still on I don't know if you to do that [Music] up all right I B that Bri stinky little thing now you got to do this Joe's way you know you got to put the oil pan on top of the Jack cuz he made me get rid of my tall oil dream he said it's too hard to empty oh I'm I'm almost 80 years old I can't lift that damn thing so yeah our our T tall oil drain is gone we'll slide the Jack back how's that rich that's perfect when I bought these lifts they had them two scissor Jacks in them had a crate mhm and then I put four uh I had four of those on the trailer it's got It's got an ugly frame patch here on the outside well both sides of that frame rail above the leaf spring right there yeah they just took a piece of like plate and kind of boogered it on there it looks like it was just where the frame rail has like a natural kind of little split in it and it was welded and it probably just got a little weak over time this leaf spring is trying to you know obviously separate right there this leaf spring is trying to push up so probably opened up right there on the bottom mhm that one didn't have any of the issues I mean for what this truck's purposes would be now yeah that's fine but they do sell all that sheet metal you could cut that out and make that pretty if you wanted to it looks strong to me though I mean the welds are ugly the guy didn't know how to weld and I just kept offering them obviously a lot less and then the other one's about 95% done yeah than okay I was like I don't know if I push it to hard is that a new oil filter that it has that white one one look new yeah on here yeah yeah I think it is a new uh fuel pump too oh okay oh okay so it's still a mechanical one it's not a it is okay not bad no no water [Music] do you think you get [Music] 10:30 all right I'm rade that pack I'll take sh huh dry yeah it's interesting never seen that before okay H we'll think about that yep good call good call oh it means primed but that's C what was he saying was wrong with it originally they was talking about some something with the oil yeah I I didn't get the guess the oil not puming would through the filter all right we can tap in to get an oil gauge so you can tap in there what what does that do I don't um tell us the oil pressure see here's the wires they cut them for the uh sender that's why it's not giving a reading up on the dasboard that's right take it off he here all right I'm going to spray that [Music] on hey that's a good shot right there what's that say I'm looking just to make sure I didn't put the camera in your way oh no you're could okay hey yeah I'm looking for an oil pressure gauge is that what you were looking for before yeah but looks like we might have to buy one okay that's fine yeah we can definitely do that still oh yeah now do we have an old filter that's a good question yeah we can definitely B through that hole if you think it's doable I can grab it it's right here there you go you're which [Music] I no I can't see where that uh pump is I don't think we have a filter in this C no filter I don't I don't think so here's the number off of this this is am oil that's the yeah am oil uh SD F15 from O'Reilly that they can interchange it yeah oh yeah the second half now the good news there they' already [Music] you guys are leaving Monday pretty sure yeah Pete got me and Joe rooms yeah I know he told me that yesterday I was I'm glad you guys are coming wow I didn't tell Joe yet oh [Music] [Music] the [Music] like I have to screw stuff down on that trailer I have to put tie downs on put a long enough screw in it oh good works luckily it was only two screws cuz my attention span doesn't really last longer than that did we need new spark b or do you think there's ones that you had um I'm going to look in the cab but these don't look too bad okay I don't want to take the rest of this dog house off yeah just another thing it is close oh wow yeah that looks super nice actually yeah whenever you first uh exposed them I was looking at I was like oh did he already change those I was like quick and I was like oh wait no [Music] you didn't tell him you wanted to hey good I [Music] that's all fre except for Coke one more okay let's get the uh fuel going here okay oh I can smell it mhm smells good I think we'll be okay yeah I think they probably overreacted or something I yeah we'll see it could be low oil pressure too and then see if that carburetor will work because it doesn't everything in here doesn't look bad like it was running mhm like you said see if it'll run and then work from there that's what I'm going to do yep all right you're on your own I'm going to go I'm going to go okay I'm dressed too nice to go in here though yeah you're going to get them all hey you need you need any help yeah yeah think about if you want to go or not maybe you'll bu better give it a couple days this a it is yeah I might get that from down below cuz it looks like they patch the tank so the Tank's probably empty mhm oh I okay I can then this one what you want to do is slip a slip a hose over it and put it in a jar so you don't get messy to see if it pumps yeah yeah just put a new hose on there and next go right we just bought fuel line so we should have enough okay oh that is up against the block at vacuum ADV van yeah yeah they were either trying to get it St started or whatever holy yeah or it's out of time mhm like one Toth here's something else that could have happened if they had the distributor out and pulled it up and that Rod dropped and fell into the pan yeah then there's no Drive rod for the oil pump right right so think about that too yeah with that thing what what are you doing right now I'm taking the um fuel line off and I'm going to make a uh a temporary you [Music] know for [Music] yeah I'm do you have to attach it right here still no no this is coming from the pump this is feeding the pump okay I can check inside the carb see if it's getting fuel [Music] hey Shane yes sir I need that uh primer g yep all [Music] righty hey everybody Pete Iron City garage and today's video is going to be brought to you by our friends over at Prime weld we got involved with prime weld about a year ago when we were in market for a new machine they hooked us up with the s200 multiprocess machine we've been extremely happy with this machine it does MiG TIG stick allinone we've used all three processes it's been great americanmade machine excellent warranty excellent customer service and excellent price you cannot beat the price go ahead over to Prim weld.com check out welders and plasma cutters use code Iron City Garage to check out save yourself a couple bucks hope you enjoy our video keep watching thank you a [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah a little bit of clock in there that's awesome wonder if that the che gate oh the oil pressure gate yeah I think we're going to try uh if Pete wants to a uh different you know all right you get up there and start it yeah okay that's good Shane perfect perfect did you see it move oh yeah okay went right up the 40 oh so it is reading yeah beautiful beauti that CL that cling when I was was about 13 or 14 yeah um my oldest brother not Jo Bill we went to motorcycle riding M and we had one of these Vans like this you know with the dog host yeah and it it kept overheating and he had to take the pressure off the cap and so we're doing this while we're driving well he's driving I'm sitting the passenger seat and he just loosen that cap up I pick this up I take the cap off and I draw oh damn while you were try so it was gone it was gone I said bill I dropped the C where you what [Music] beautiful beauti Y no smoke or anything nice yeah can you tell by the brake pedal how brake press is feel yeah it feels good yeah for now feel pumped up good yeah it does so no knocking no leaks out of the radiator the pump is pumping oil pump's pumping again mhm you need to take the carburetor apart so no uh maybe a a a valve train uh tick it's very minor though [Music] uh change the hubs status update on the 64 conine so this thing is super cool while we were in Carlow I told Joe to figure out what we're going to do for brakes in a tank because they had it running and driving and it's got great oil pressure called me yesterday and said well I got good news for you on the brakes all the brakes are new everything's new order a fuel tank for it sending unit what he did find this is really strange it didn't know about this didn't know it was an option never heard of it so this is the bigger motor in it it's a 170 and it's got a four-speed on the column I've been around antique cars my entire life I think I learned how to drive a three on the tree before I learned how to drive a four shift never heard of a four-speed on the column so that's pretty cool Joe looked it up he never heard of it before either and he's a diard Ford guy it a 6364 option only that's pretty awesome I can't wait to drive it that's going to be super cool so this van I'm conflicted on because me and my dad are huge eoline fans so I'm conflicted on this because this is all beautiful right Colorado nice sweet down here though not so sweet got some Rust this is where the bed floor meets quarter here side body whatever you want to call it rockers a little rough back wheelhouse this is pretty easy fix real nice everywhere else and then you come back around to the tailgate which doesn't really bother me much honestly I could have somebody fix this for us pretty easy if we cut all of that out of there I could probably I think I got a buddy in town here that could probably rewrap that and fix the tailgate so I don't know I was going to send him some pictures and see what he could do because this van is nice enough to get seats of holstered tires fuel tank do the lights work like and then drive it because this thing is in excellent shape so and then this side you know we had some delamination here it looks like for what whatever reason this thing ended up with a Bondo skim of all these vehicles I've had from out west they fill D with Bondo and never understand it cuz out here on the East Coast like I grew up I start first job one of the first jobs ever had was in a body shop we pounded dents out and then you skim them but we get a lot of vehicles from out west with heavy thick Bondo like this you know that's a good A little over an eighth I've carved Bondo out of these old cars at a half inch thick sometimes you get over a half inch that's a sculpture that's it Richie will be plugging away on this thing and uh we're going to keep it [Music] moving batter is probably low yeah once he gets in [Music] turn all right your quter a [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] yeah the stones I think see your favorite artist of the mega hits right [Music] okay that's the detent ball right right but something else keeps it from moving yeah it's all it it's out because okay it is out yeah yeah see now when it's there can't move this but when it's in there you can these arms are the bet these tits on these arms are worm mhm mhm cuz this Center piece looks like it's okay did we ever check the transmission in mine in the blue one is that a three-speed that's just a regular three-speed yeah these we if we can't find them we're we're probably going to have to weld them up and grind them down see right now you can go into that gear and you can go into that gear at the same time that's what happened out here in a driveway see this this piece in the middle has to block when you're in one gear like this gear here would be like high gear yeah you shouldn't be able to move this one but so you can move it so these tits are supposed to push that detent to piston back yeah now I don't know if these are worn the edges or if it's Barrel in the middle well like you said Wilding them up grinding them down would that's a good idea it's not that hard to do either well maybe [Music] they're that's one piece I wonder if if it's sucessive play in this shaft like this way sideways we'll take it apart and see well we'll fix it no matter [Music] what what are you even doing to this thing well I'm making pieces yeah you're making pieces yeah there's pieces missing there's there's blocky pins missing out of here to keep it from going into reverse along with a with a forward gear then there's these holes and these shafts for the other shifters are worn real bad so I'm using this shim stock which is probably 3,000 to shim those holes so that the levers don't move and allow it to go into two gears at the same time I'm hoping that theory works but these pins here are just as important to keep it from going into reverse and a forward gear so I have to manufacture these pins they were completely missing not that they were worn out somebody left them out or they fell out would you make them out a bolt sh it's like a bolt okay [Music] what are you about to do put the fuel tank up yeah get this clean on [Music] [Music] speci oh [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] all right say [Music] [Music] okay one more time ready all right hold is on holding it okay release right any better yeah right there there that's pretty nice yeah that's good [Music] [Applause] hey put that window down there I am yeah turn my air conditioning on we'll keep this mirror in until you clear come on [Music] break check [Music] all right so all I'm doing right now this is the first fourspeed on a column I've ever driven so this that's going to be revers now typically in a three and a tree you'd be able to come straight down in the first that's not there so you got to let it drop a little bit so that's locked out that ought to be first there we go [Music] [Music] now we're having a problem with these Synchro so I'm going to double clutch it and we missed there we [Music] go not bad yeah not [Music] bad pretty good pretty good probably won't let me no it's not going to let me drop in GE yet we have to warm her up first before we do that [Music] [Music] woo I could not stop that winch and this winch will pull this truck all the way through that golf C all right we are going to Carl out in the morning just me and my son just me and L Pete got golf cart loaded up got the Eon line loaded up she's running driving stopping lights work brakes work the emergency brake even works got a new fuel tank got fresh rubber not all nasty white wall so we'll be cruising this thing around car a little bit inside the um showgrounds it's a last minute thought to take this instead of something else it just nice and lightweight and easy so we'll be out there at the Ford Nationals this weekend I'm only going to be there Thursday Friday I may leave this in the car carral we'll see on j131 132 my old spring spaces um that's it if you're interested in this it's 10,500 bucks if it does not sell at carile 64 conine heavy duty good title on it came from out west it's a very rare four on the column four four speeed on the column so not a three on the tree it's a four on the tree it's a little tough to drive I'm getting used to it and that's it I hope you enjoyed the video make sure you catch this next part make sure you hop online buy some merch ironcity garage.com get yourself a t-shirt or a hoodie it really helps us produce these videos and uh make sure you catch this next bit about me talking about what kind of cars and stuff we're looking for and how you can earn a finder fee see you on the next one thanks hey thanks for watching our video we really appreciate it I hope you enjoyed it if you have cars like these in your garage if you have a Fastback Mustang or convertible Impala a nice original paint pickup truck or an old cabover truck and you want to sell it I'd love to try and put a deal together with you you can get a hold of me at 412 33561 we pay excellent prices we pay finders fees you know it's no secret we do make a little money on the YouTube video so that allows me to pay you know sometimes market value or really good prices for these cars we'd love to come out and drag it out of your barn we'd love to film it we'd love for you to be a part of that whole process so if you have an original pain or an original old Fastback Mustang that needs work like these ones I have on my trailer or if you have an old pickup or again a convertible Impala cab over truck whether it doesn't matter where you are we buy Nationwide here in the United States all the way as far as California I've had stuff New Mexico Arizona Oregon Washington High Desert stuff we love so or if you're in the east coast and it's a rusty Mustang or Rusty convertible Impala that is fine we typically don't buy many trucks on the East Coast but I buy a lot of cars on the east Coast if youve cabover Parts also especially for these early Fords I'd be interested in that it never hurts to send me an email or a text Iron City Garage a gmail.com you're welcome to send me an email or text message probably the best you kind of get an instant answer that way 412 33561 I'd love to talk to you hope you enjoyed the video and uh hopefully we can make a deal on what you guys have on your Farms or in your garages [Music]
Channel: Iron City Garage
Views: 131,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1964 Ford Econoline Heavy Duty, 1964 Ford Econoline, Ford, Econoline, 1964 Ford, Ford truck, Classic ford, Old ford, Heavy duty truck, Ford 170, Straight 6, 170cc, Van truck, Iron city garage, Patina Pete, Patina truck, Patina, Will it run, Will it start, Will it drive, Classic truck rescue, Antique truck rescue, American pickers
Id: I-VvQ6GA8Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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