Will It Run Abandoned 6 Wheeled Mini Truck | Iconic 1977 Toyota Hilux | RESTORED

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[Music] so guys on this episode we're going to dig into this old abandoned 1977 Toyota pickup truck now this was one of those purchases that was completely side unseen we found this truck on Marketplace and thought we just couldn't live without it with its Unique Look of having the six wheels rather than just the four it seemed like it was right up our alley bought the truck super cheap at 400 bucks and that's including delivery so once he brought it down we were able to lay eyes on it a little deeper she's quite the turd so we're just going to dig in this thing together see what we can find out about it hopefully we can get this thing up and running again and maybe at least make it around the block [Music] we bought a lot of stuff sight unseen but this one right here is showing up the way it did sure makes you Laria the next one yeah I didn't know anything could get this Rusty and look at it I mean even in the pillars the whole thing is just you think it'd been in water or something okay great got a cool little van over here on the door air conditioning hands are shot in it yeah I don't know where you need those in the door if you got the floor like it is you crawl through the door through the floor to get in and back here this is just a tag along axle it looks like you know what I mean it doesn't even have a third member so they're not connected it's just drive shaft of that one I'm glad we got this to keep the rear end on the ground though it's got to be fast it's got to be fast and a row bar that you just cut sheet metal out to make it fit I don't even know why they cut it out it probably rusted out let's see what it looks like up underneath here [Music] I feel like I need gloves there's just one single layer of sheet metal there's not even a reinforcement up underneath there wow actually not too bad under the hood though there's where all the value of the truck is I guess so it's like three inches off the ground because it even has springs on the front and it's got a little bit of suspension looks like everything's there though don't it yeah it does have oil in it headers wow it looks pretty good for that just to be sitting up there okay well it even has coolant in it well we know it was running at one point in time but I don't know how far back that was right running and racing apparently it was it did not run the rust I think 77 was a good year for the for the rust though wow well I mean you know see if we can get it up and going might as well ought to whistle while it goes down the road if it does as much wind as it'll catch any of those holes the trick is on this one it might be easier getting it running than it is to keep the panels on it when you're driving it down the road where's the battery even go on this um fell off probably so with the rest of the panel goes back up into the cab there oh yeah there's a box over there there's a fire extinguisher that's a good sign uh let's grab a battery and see if anything turns over or smokes alrighty wiring don't look bad though does it no and I did I don't know what this goes to but I did accidentally bump that just a second ago some kind of linkage to the I don't know what it goes to but it's something we may need to look at here in a minute is it a standard or now it's automatic wow that surprises me there's a lot of custom to this thing let's grab a battery and see what it does what's crazy is this is probably one of the newer Vehicles we've had on the channel but as far as condition goes it's among one of the worst shapes uh I'm pretty sure it could be just the help of the paint and some stickers that's helping hold this truck together one of those things just couldn't live without it its uniqueness love the way it's it's got this dual axle set up back here I'm pretty sure these are just some old trailer fenders they've rigged up on there the truck's been completely slammed I mean that front cross member is like three inches off the ground and we're pretty low back here as well from what I can tell this rear axle is pretty much of what I'd call just a tag along they've got just a straight axle back here it doesn't have any kind of third member no drive shaft ran to it I see the leaf springs here running to the front axle got some three inch blocks up underneath there to lower it and then I guess it's just held in place with these swing arms here and and some shocks so maybe probably just for looks I have no idea what they were using this truck for we did notice back here it's kind of hard to tell but in February of 2009 the lemons best use of a band technology sucker truck so I guess maybe that was kind of a knockoff funny style race of the Le Mans race and this was known as a sucker truck they took the bed of something and kind of put the sheet metal maybe this was the original sheet metal in the floor of the bed and cut it out here and there I do see that it's got the tank it appears up underneath here some kind of a little Olivia there there's our fuel pump that they made an access door to not that you couldn't have just pulled the floor off real easy we noticed they just if something got in the way of building a roll cage they just cut it out with whatever and tacked it back in place uh the doors are just completely gutted I don't even know if these wow so the doors actually work as you can tell there's nothing left of them inside there pretty impressed with the roll cage though actually actually looks pretty decently built very solid we're gonna have to figure out a lot of the wiring in here of what is left of the wiring in here kind of funny all of his windshield stickers are backwards where he can read look ahead 33 temp question mark old question mark got some little switches over here that's basically going to be to our ignition and our start button some kind of a shut off right there maybe I'm not exactly sure what that runs to but it is an automatic so we're not going to have to worry about any kind of clutch issues just going to have to worry about automatic transmission issues love this custom cut out of how the rust is formed on the hood there really gives a new name to Patina I guess you would say uh up front here missing the grill but we do have our Factory buck tooth teeth it appears uh that's the only thing I can figure that the purpose would be for these wooden bumper which is missing half of it saying that it was inside the truck do have a radiator which isn't in bad shape on the engine it appears to be the best part of this truck which is good because that's our main interest of getting this truck up and running hopefully it's not locked up we'll probably go ahead and pull the plugs out of it get a little lubrication down in it put the battery back in the battery box hopefully she turns over she'll have a little compression give it a little gas and hopefully see this thing crank up foreign I feel like they had this cut out for maybe up front here probably so I like that I like that yeah because it's cut out for that wow I just added 500 bucks to the value it did make it look better whoo and to sit in water or something the floor is gone I don't even know if a person sits in that chair over there if it's gonna hold them up looks like it took a side post battery I might just have to buy scrip it on there can you see this I see some wires wiggling is that going straight to the starter there or is that a ground that goes to the starter straight to the starter huh solenoid yep so that's our hot I only got a got it marked too so we've got the ground run up too okay so that's just a emergency cut off switch for the battery I think that's doing much oh I'm glad this thing has nice wheels on it because that may have been the best of what we bought off the truck well if if rust is gold then we've got a gold mine for sure that's yeah how are those plugs looking they're they don't look bad they're dry I mean you can tell they haven't had any any action I spoke to them in a while a little rusty on that one I hope this thing ain't locked up oh sound like they're tight that was the first one that was tight like that the rest of them have been fairly loose and the reason it seemed like it was tight was because it broke seriously yep foreign stuff on it oh okay I thought you meant that the it broke off in the head no no it's it came loose it just snapped I guess when it it did it so no we didn't champions now you're pretty common plug to find probably needs replaced anyways together no sparking you're out of the way for just a second yeah I'm gonna hit this fan got a turbo well one thing works huh yeah got them all out yeah they should give them a good squirt here's the other pace of our custom bumper I guess I need to try to figure out what it's going to take to turn over I think they've got this wired in in the center of the dash with just a on off toggle for the ignition right and push button for the start now which is off and on and say that's off you want me to try a safe field turnover sure foreign well that's good huh yeah and check the compression on a couple of them so just see what it is just saying would have had some clips or something on the outside of it hold that filter on probably rusted away you know the frame though doesn't look bad it's mainly just the sheet metal at least up underneath here I don't know what it looks like under the cab now notice we've got four of the six tires are holding there these two here are flat let's see if this gas okay great kind of funky smell it has pretty raunchy I don't know if this tank is going to be usable oh yeah the way that cap is it's rusted bad on the inside of it so I guess is this our throttle I'm gonna hold that open when I get turn it over ready ready [Music] about 55. try it again yeah 55. yeah let's try another one that ain't too good huh no I wonder if it's got some stuck valves or something if the Rings are just shot in it I'm just glad no one is turning over I don't hear anything that sounds like it's clanking or anything no but it's not turning over very fast now with the spoiler on the back of this thing it's got to have some impression got to have some power and compression we're closer to 90 on that one not 80 that time [Music] this will just keep moving forward hope for the best huh leaves off the starter I have a feeling we're going to be turning it over quite a bit and that's probably going to get warm well do we want to check and see if it's getting any fire yeah thank you give us a little bit closer idea where we're at pull that distributor cap off and see what the assuming that's got points down in there and it's not a electronic ignition could be though it looks pretty rough in there we've got a wire that's been Coatings gone off of it which could be allowing it to ground out if if that's possibly doing that well it looks like points but it's got like a little plastic cap thing here where you can't really get to it clean them got a little flat blade screwdriver a little you want it's weird I've never seen any like that before the end of the points goes inside of a little plastic cap deal so you can't get in there to actually clean between them I bet we're gonna have to pull them off before we can see them a little better let's just see if it's getting fire first though all right ready I'm ready thank you [Applause] [Music] sound like that old battery ain't no count well I'm sure if it would bear or not no fire huh nope huh let me go ahead and pull them points out of that distributor where we can try to see how they work and get them cleaned up and put this battery on the charger so inside of our distributor here we obviously have our distributor cap which has the spark plug wires coming off the top of it inside here there's some little terminals that they'll get corroded up from just setting up and most time you can take a little sandpaper or screwdriver and clean the tops of them if you're having trouble with getting a good fire this is our rotor button that'll actually spin inside this distributor cap and that's what directs the power through these spark plug wires up underneath this we've got our point system and at first when I looked inside here I saw this little plastic casing which is keeping me from getting to clean up these points which if the vehicle sets very long they're really bad about getting corroded up but this will actually come right off I'm thinking maybe it was something to help keep them from getting dirty but at this point this truck's been setting so long they still need to be cleaned up so I'll get a little file inside here clean those up when they open and close we should be able to get a good pop a good spark out of that and that'll send fire down to our spark plugs and then hopefully we'll move on to the next situation of getting a little gas down there and hopefully with this truck has enough compression that'll try to crank up and run on its own okay these points were pretty dirty on it oh yeah yeah well I don't know what this this thing's really going to set on in there other than a bunch of rest but I just put it back towards the back of the cab best I could on that other one do you want me to go ahead and hook up the uh both wires yeah I think I about got these pretty clean should get a little a little far there if you want to just kind of watch over here before I put that cap back on it but they're still not uh spark in there we may have to check to make sure we're getting juice to our coil there right because even though it has this ignition switch wired in it may not be working [Applause] ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was weird how it turned over good I know it yes but I was nothing I thought it did there once but then I couldn't see it anymore try it one more time see nothing nothing I guess we need to make sure this thing's even in part no it wasn't if that linkage is hooked up huh let me get something to check to see if we're getting juice down there to the coil if you want to turn on that ignition switch all right toggle switch there ready uh now hang on yeah all right Kick It Off yeah we're getting juice kicking on [Music] yeah yeah [Music] huh I might have to just try to flick these points man [Music] I can hear it popping too [Music] thank you what is it that box I think it is I can just be the coil itself you know [Music] let's check and see if it's getting put it back together and see if it's sparking at the plug [Music] ready yeah yeah getting smart yeah good spot it was just popping inside that cool van but for some reason it wouldn't spark down there well that's good try it again just to check [Music] cool I think we might be good on that then guess we need to come up with another spark plug though don't we yeah how about we got something laying around here we're just going ahead and cleaning up these old spark plugs that were in the truck found another one around the shop that looks pretty similar just going to clean them up the best we can get them popped back in there try dumping a little fuel down the carburetor and see what it does [Music] oh do you know what order these plug wires went in dad and then they had these here like backwards this is four three and then two okay we probably need to look at the fuel system too it's got electric pump there on the firewall huh I haven't heard it running we need to disconnect that though and try to figure out that out probably should already done that foreign [Music] [Music] foreign pull that line off the carburetor I guess there's got to be a switch inside there that turns that on or it's just no good it might bust right off and run yeah it's dry yep yep let's just uh we want to try to get that work in first and now we've got fuel pumping up here or just put a little gas down I think just put a little see if it even tries huh yeah because if it ain't gonna try there's no needing right pumping gas up here already I don't know what this little thing is on top there almost looks like he would I don't know I've never seen that one like that on the distributor put a little gas in it see what it does [Music] oh the gas oh it's close maybe squirt a little bit more and then I don't know if we flooded it but could be that it's at low compression too though yeah it's just right there at it and uh do you see a choke [Music] no not really we want to choke me at on that thing right that's not it not sure I'll try it again I think we're getting real close but I think it needs a little extra fuel once it gets to that point try this when it gets close [Music] oh foreign that'd be the starter is it hot not really oh my God oh it's getting closer I think we're just thought that it ain't got no compression and not really turning over quick enough is that going in the bowl or yeah it should be going in a bowl there [Music] I might try to sit in here and see if that's dumping it straight into the I probably got it flooded you definitely got it flooded foreign yeah but we're losing we've got something that's blowing wall everywhere here got a hole in the block I don't know I just seen it oil filters right there let me get a lot real quick yeah it looks like that oil filter is rusted out right there right I think that's where it's coming from let me dry it off and see but I think it's not coming from further back because there's no oil back that way so we almost got a bad oil filter which tells you how long this thing's been setting up luckily I was the one side and didn't get it all in the face foreign I can't see it I said I wasn't looking for anything I just felt it hit my arm so and then it died and I thought this thing you almost have to work on it on your knees yeah yeah I see it's got a little pinhole in it right there it's oozing out yep that's right there I know this is extremely ghetto but I'm about to put a piece of duct tape on it just to see if we can get it to run a little longer I actually believe with a truck like this this might be the correct way of fixing it well well actually worked pretty good I'm just going to go around it again just for the fun of it I think I just flicked off a big old piece of the fender it might crank a little easier now that it ran for just a second you know can you imagine going in and having someone change your oil and I'm saying that that's not even a copper top that's a duct top here we go well you can check off oil change on the to-do list new filter huh try it again huh yep thank you [Music] I just realized I forgot to put that little plastic piece back in there but I don't think that's going to make any difference she ran huh yeah leaking all that crazy pretty good yeah well we want to go ahead and change oil and put a new filter on it just for the fun of it we know it'll run yeah because she's free bleeding now so at least no filter anyways and then I think we need to address how come we're not getting fuel pumped up here which the way that tank looked I probably already know the answer I'm not going to put much gas in here until we know right oh wait it's Rusty actually though it sounds like there's already getting something down in there but hopefully it's not water should be enough to see if it's pumping up though what it looks like I'm gonna try to trace that fuel pump down and see what might be the issue on it all right foreign there may be a switch inside here somewhere I've missed I have as organized as everything is I would have figured I'd have figured it out I made to get in this especially with the sore back that oil is kind of Milky looking is it really yep yeah that's not good I might want to check it again pretty bad huh it was of course I've let me grab that out from underneath there so you can see yeah kind of I hope I don't have a blown head gasket which if it does that could have been also I was a little harder to start right that's not terrible definitely need some though yeah I don't know if water might have got in through that little pinhole oh maybe on the field trip it was kind of in there just in the filter part it's not bad in here I will add a little bit obviously we'll need it since we're replacing that anyways yeah fuel pump might just need a little smack on it too but yeah I guess I'll just see if it's getting any juice start from there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you and we're getting juice to it medicine's bad pump unless it's a background yeah [Music] looks like it's grounded okay [Music] kick that off and pull that fuel pump off the firewall of my hand [Applause] it's just one of those little cheapy fuel pumps anyways which I'm surprised I say I think the tank had a fuel pump on it but it may be bad or gone there we go ah yeah I'm going to try to I guess you can turn the key on and I'll try to hit around on it adjustments foreign 's on too yeah nah it's froze up I think we better off just go ahead and replace it because most time you get them working they stop working later on when you need it the most anyways I got it on their tight should be a new fuel pump around here somewhere we can put on here oh good now cut my arm open okay good not in America I might have to disconnect it from this metal line down here and just use that well now I think that'll fit on that might need that hose clean out actually that goes under that so I think it'll fit I don't think I'm going to get too technical in all this until we figure out how well it all pumps out you know right we might have to hook up to a different tank there's another fuel line that's right there here that one there might have to be it's because it don't really Flex much I'm just going to wire it well I can't my battery is too far in there it's gonna say I'm just going to use this wire here just to hook it straight to the battery it'll reach and not do it then I can wire it in if everything seems to work okay yeah that'll work because we can ground it wherever I see a hole believe it or not not through there and we're just gonna run that right through the Factory rust hole there I guess we're going to need something to catch that fuel in just when you think of something couldn't be rigged up anymore we come along yeah ready yep foreign that pump needs to be closer to the tank so it can push rather than pull I don't wonder if we got stopped up line or if it's just too far away from the tank or a rusted outline could be that too yeah because it didn't feel anything no yeah it could even have a bad hose back here you know what I mean where it comes back into this tank but um let's open up this custom floor they got back here and see see what they got going on that line looks pretty dry rotted but I can unhook it and at least blow through it blow it yep I guess we want to if we want to unhook both ends I don't know I'm assuming that's where it pulls from and not just a return you want to take it Loose up there yeah okay we'll kick that air compressor on and try to blow through it got it loose my better just blow through it I don't know how to do with that fuel pump though I pulled it on the back on my other side okay well I think we did it at the exact same time oh yeah yeah did you blow or yeah I think we did the exact same time hang on ready yeah nope every bit of that hole stuck to my lips it feels like I have dirt lipstick on let's try to hit it with just a little bit more pressure you ready yep oh golly about hit the Vani over there come through can you hit it with a little less pressure coming through just fine well maybe it was in the just right at the verge of being stopped up which is good right I'd rather it be stopped up and rusted out sure smell that old gas so terrible try it out huh yep hopefully it'll pump something which makes me wonder if there ain't something inside that tank if there's a hose or something inside it that's rotted out from where it picks it up to be here huh let me try something real quick I'm just going to stick that hose down in down in that gas tank if it's long enough and it doesn't look like it is but I could almost just put it in just anything huh a little bottle or something yeah there's that bottle right there if you want to oh trying to pick it out maybe you must be trying to do something better it's just a test foreign [Music] dropping the bomb [Music] Boom coming out yep okay yep so I don't think it's picking up though any side this tank I bet we're gonna have to pull this off the top side of the tank to see what's disconnected in there but where you can see you know it might run now that it has the gas in the line right it might be a little easier to get it pumped up there true if it's going to pick it up as long as we don't have to let that long drop right guess we'll you want to try to I don't know if you want to hook that hose back up just try is that what you're going to try to do or I can try that yeah turns out we already got gas up here maybe it'll see if it stops pumping pumping anything no maybe something stopped up down in there and it's not able to get a suction from that end Maybe I'll just pull this top off the tank then I think so blow it off because this sure is dirty looks like it's a stripped out Phillips look at that did have fuel pump what in the world did it just get that was a hose at one point in time yeah yeah that right there is why it ain't look at that oops don't hold it over the gas and do that Lance look at that I got hot or something tired didn't it tired wow uh let's just clean this up and drop a rubber hose down in it you think I think so because we're not using this part of the pump anyways yeah I think it'll work as long as this is not rusted out second air you know if it is we'll put the hose up as far as we can right wow that's among the worst I've ever seen on a fuel pump so this is our Factory pickup and fuel pump on the truck and as you guys can tell it is extremely Rusty one of our rubber hoses here is just completely blown out so brittle as can be we were going to go ahead and just clean it up best we could hook a rubber hose in it that it kind of extended down lower than the fuel pump where it'd pick up some fuel but we ran our little scope can down into the gas tank there and it's just in terrible shape so for this point in time until we can drop that tank and clean it up we're just going to rig up a little temporary fuel tank that pumps up some fresh gas so hopefully we can hear this truck begin to idle there we go yep that Queen yeah pretty close I mean it took a little bit there for clean out that line I'm just going to run that fuel pump like that for right now if you want to hook that up to the carburetor so we can see what they'll do and wire it in later you know but I hope the float ain't sticking on that but has every right to I think she'll probably idle for us now getting the right getting fuel up there to it not having to babysit it with the you know bottle right no gassed up and out nowhere yet should be able to pump it down the fuel pumps hooked up so they'll just give it gas that's the top part not sparting that game no [Applause] and we just keep chasing it that way yep I wonder if it just hasn't let fuel with that float stuck you know right yeah it's just stuck have to tear it apart so we went ahead and tore into this carburetor and tried to clean it up the best we could unfortunately it was pretty dirty and that accelerator pump was just completely shot on it so we ended up finding a cheapy carburetor on Amazon it looks pretty close to the carburetor that we have on this truck right now so we're going to go ahead and install it on the truck top off the engine with some fresh oil and just see what she does just go ahead and turn that fuel pump on yeah see if it fills up that bowl foreign flood it too much all right here we go I got a Miss to it or something I'm kind of vacuum leak or missed or something uh I don't know that I don't think any of these should no uh right there yep shoot stinks yeah that's definitely going to be somewhat of vacuum leak I just feel like we've got a dead mess foreign pulling the plug wires off as it's running to see you know which cylinder it might be that plug that broke very back one could be could be that plug that way put in it yeah got to be careful though we don't want to have more money in Parts than we have them buying the truck and we may already be passed that she did idle though I don't know that she's ready for a race yet foreign [Music] it's weird it's like it'll just run and die yeah just like whenever you quit turning it over it's I feel like it's either not it's either not getting the fuel or something on the ignition side it's just dying out like you know it's killing it all maybe when I let off that starter button for some reason I've got something could be here I don't know I held it in longer just to see what it would do and it tried to run longer I think I think we've got something weird on our ignition system we've got to figure out so on this old truck it seemed like we could get it to crank up but shortly after I would let off the starter button it would die we tried to chase some wiring around just to see what the issue might be and I'm pretty sure we pretty much narrowed it down to being this ignition module igniter it's called so on this truck this is our original one that they had mounted on the firewall finding these parts for this truck is almost impossible so we were able to find this one on eBay and they're proud of them I'm not even going to mention what we paid for this setup but I can let you know right now we're already in it higher in Parts than what we paid for the whole truck so we're just going to bolt this in I believe this one was just weak and old hopefully this one's was working but as you can tell it's old too so we're going to get it mounted on there hope for the best maybe this thing will get the fire we need and begin to find finally run now we're going to fish that over to the distributor let me go up underneath here all right I hope this is what it was if not we've got a high dollar paper away [Music] this one's a little bit different than the one that was on here but pretty sure it wires in very similar I think they said this one come off of a Celica basically the same year which would have had the same engine I think I should just wire this coil into the ignition stuff they have hooked in or try just run a straight wire to the battery uh I can try it with the ignition I guess first it would be better if it was if it don't work then we'll just run a hot wire straight to the battery so we know it's getting the power it needs all right let's plug in this little condenser I think the only thing left is the wire that runs spark plug wire that runs to the distributor I think that's it we've got our hot coming in from the switch comes off here on the negative side into our igniter and then the wire comes out of the igniter to the distributor and then we've also got our wire that runs down to the little condenser down there is that tight yeah yeah I'll double check there's a wrench if you want it I guess we'll hook a battery on it and see what it does now whoa wow replacement over here for gunshots huh um our timing must be off we hook that fuel pump up and we'll see what it does I don't know if it'll turn if it does crank or not if I got it too tight [Music] wow I wasn't expecting that gotta wire in this choke yeah I ain't even smoking other than the old that's on the engine little blow by it looks like baby is it oh yeah that's what it is responds pretty good wow smells terrible smells terrible yeah [Music] right here all that Fan's not hooked up let me see if the throttle at the paddle Works in here I'll be ready to kill it in case it grabs real high [Music] [Music] oh I got it wired in direct you'll have to uh pull that wire miles look at there actually runs Pretty stinking good yeah oh we're gonna have to figure out a new hot wire from our ignition I say that let me try it just to see if for some reason but I think we've got a bad wire that's not supplying the voltage there to that I need to hook the fan back up you can pull that off to see if it's circulating if it happens to crank that's not so maybe the ignition is working [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it ran out of fuel because I didn't hook the fuel pump back up yeah it's cool well do we want to get what's the oil look like I know it was milky in that filter I just want to be sure oh is it milky or is it just I don't it's got a let me re-dip it again I think it's bad it's not a bad knife stick through it more than anything which we can top off the coolant it's it's a little ain't it yeah I mean it's not clear all this right let's top off the radiator hook the fan back up and kind of keep an eye that we're you know circulating not losing water and be sure we don't have a blown head gasket so we went ahead and tried to button up the wiring up underneath the hood of this truck if that's what you even want to call it topped off the radiator with some fresh water got us a bigger temporary tank that we've rigged up on the back of the truck and shot a little layer to these flat tires now we're just going to go ahead and try to drive the truck and hopefully it'll go in gear as you guys can tell here we've got our little air breather zip tied on there this wiring on this truck is just it's a mangled mess there's really not a lot you can do other than just starting over fresh but for right now it should do the job of just cranking this truck up and being able to drive it down the road now as you guys saw the oil is a little questionable it's starting to appear a little bit milky and we're hoping that we don't have a bad head gasket but at this point we're just going to have to crank it up and let it run a little bit longer now when we go to drive this truck I'm a little bit concerned of what might happen they've got this windshield just rigged in with some little small clamps and some little sheet metal screws into what would have been the truck at some point in time the Rockers are just plumb gone here and the floor on this side well if we don't have brakes which I'm sure we don't I'll just have to stick my foot out of the bottom and use that to stop me but I think at this point we're just going to go ahead and try to see if it goes in gear hopefully this transmission don't give us any issues with it being an automatic if it does we're probably not going to be able to fix it so Crank It Up make sure it's not getting hot see if it'll go in gear and then make a decision of if we want to trust actually trying to drive this thing down the road fire and a hole Frank's pretty easy huh yeah it's amazing how you'll go from not cranking at all to idling the key yeah wow sound like a choke just opened up some sounds smooth yeah how about you ride that thermostat just it ain't even warmed up none to open up let me see if it'll go in gear yeah well I don't know what to do about brakes right should we jack it up maybe probably so let's go ahead and jack it up real quick [Music] go under that leaf spring there [Music] uh I guess I'll crawl in here somehow [Music] [Applause] I guarantee you a short person draw this a what it almost feels like it could be brakes [Music] all right I'm gonna try it okay and I'm gonna be ready to kill this yep no brakes and well you got some kind of break because it's stopping it is it yeah slowly but they're stopping it no extra they spinning steel no that one's spinning cool if I slide it down real quick good bro apparently it's got pretty good front brakes at least wow let's keep her I honestly can't tell if it's running smooth or not because this thing's so raggedy is shaking like crazy I'm gonna try something but I'm gonna be ready to kill it take a timing's off he won't even turn a tire over wow [Music] which you know honestly with having that rear axle like that extra rear axle it's probably fighting itself yeah it could be I guess we're trying to let's just say if it'll actually yeah let's just actually see if it'll even just drive if we can do that that's a lot more than I thought earlier in the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got our battery strapped in here basically could there ain't much to latch hold up all right death trap [Music] might be out of the little high now that we mess with that timing it's already whistling you're not going very fast long wheelbase yeah of course one of the junkiest vehicles we worked on will actually have working brakes this doesn't have a great turning right here try to come back with everything you leave with I just hope that spoiler's strong enough to keep the rear end on the ground this definitely should get some looks especially at the fender the hood flies off she definitely ain't running right could be I think that distributor is off just a little bit but it could be them old plugs we never replaced any of them [Music] really has me wondering if they didn't even have that firing order wrong I feel like we've got a dead mist or it could still be that head gasket how [Music] definitely still has some Kinks to work out I think I'm gonna try to make it back to the shop we can figure this out a little better [Music] [Music] thing's not running too good it's like it's got a dead mess in it go bring that plug I don't know I want to check the wiring and make sure that they didn't have the firing order off or maybe it is a bad head gasket if we're losing compression that bad I mean it's gutless as can be I hope there's not a lot of water in that oil and three four two I'm a firing order oh it looks about the same to me yeah so we've got one three three four yep two that's right do we want to crank it up and start pulling wires yeah I'll go ahead and kind of get them semi pulled so yeah not a fight but [Music] that'll kind of tell us which cylinder Maybe because we know we've got not we shouldn't have any kind of fuel issues we got fresh fuel we got a new carburetor I feel like we're getting good spark it's going to be that sink and spark plug probably that way I had to replace yeah [Applause] you can see it's got a dead Mist in it yeah I'm on the mic now different City [Music] the front one huh yeah let's pull that plug out and see I don't know if that's the one that we replaced in there or not [Applause] oh [Applause] I would say it wasn't doing anything though yeah it didn't didn't didn't sound like it was doing anything I don't know if that was it or not it's a champion foreign the second one was the one we replaced I'm gonna just get a new set of plugs and put it in there and kind of eliminate everything I think so uh unless you want to check the compression in that real quick that's what I was going to ask if you wanted to just quickly check the compression but let's do that and see what it shows [Music] about 75-ish I mean not terrible I don't think that's going to be our issue I think it's plugs you want me to uh take that plug and stick to the wire here and see if we get yeah yeah we can do that foreign [Applause] it's running just as good with the spark plug out as it is that's gonna be our issue let's get some new plugs in it so we can roll that out [Music] [Music] well guys I definitely say she's running on all four cylinders now what I call this saying a race truck well let's just say I wouldn't use this for your getaway and with that being said that had to be the perfect name for this truck [Music] we've never gone wrong with buying something sight unseen but when we first laid eyes on this old truck we really began to question Banks but now that she's alive and running good under her own power I couldn't be happier with her we hope that you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to like subscribe ring that Bell and we'll see you on the next one [Music] all right foreign
Views: 225,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, classic car, classic truck, rust, junkyard, abandoned, rescued, bogata, ratrod, patina, antique, will it run, rusty, vgg, vice grip, texas, rescued from woods, first start, will it start, revival, rare, pick up, restoration, car restoration, old car restoration, restoring old cars, truck restoration, toyota, toyota hilux, race truck, mini truck, 1977 toyota, 1977 toyota truck, nascar, racing, race, mini, 6 wheeled, iconic, mini truckin
Id: oIIXn6u1-iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 40sec (5260 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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