Will It Run? 1943 GMC CCKW 6x6 Revival - First Start/Drive In 15+ Years

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Not much to this one. Cool truck though.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tcpip4lyfe 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what is it with stuff following me home all the time i just don't get it well today we got a 1943 gmc cckw 6x6 also referred to as a deuce and a half this is a world war ii truck that came up here during the alcan highway project and then was eventually turned over to alaska road commission hence the orange paint to maintain the roads after the army was done civilians bought it and they used it as a welding rig on their gold claims the surprising thing is this truck is very well kept and in good shape compared to most of these trucks up here she's all set up with a mint sae 400 lincoln welder that has a two-cylinder detroit diesel in it so maybe that thing will run too quite the flatbed they got on on this thing it's uh set on wood on top of the frame just to raise it up and you know so it's not metal on metal and been off the road quite a while that's a really retro plate right there and you know usual alaska stuff broken vice because oh we couldn't get the extra amount out of it and the detroit is locked up but there's no water in the oil so it might free up we'll see but yeah all around she's a really nice truck it's got nice storage boxes on the side here and the steps and fenders are all there not cut off or torn off and this door latch is kind of picky somebody's put a newer seat in it i believe it's uh the seats out of the little chevy love pickups that fit in these cabs but yeah all complete no no rust really i mean it's just dirty i gotta vacuum it out and clean all this stuff out of it and uh yeah all the data tags are there and shows you everything and nothing seized up clutch is fine brake pedal's fine transmission's fine handbrake works all that another thing is these trucks are always missing these engine panels and this one has both of them which is amazing so let me prop the hood up on this and i'll show you underneath that watch out for the wind what we got here is the original 270 gmc inline six all complete not seized and uh yeah nothing's really cut up or modified i see it's got a rebuilt starter and a rebuilt generator so like i said somebody really well probably the gold mining folks they uh they really took care of this thing and the oil in it looks brand new so yeah should be pretty easy to fire this thing up the only thing i've done to this the day i got it that evening i hooked up my six volt battery just to see if this thing would even crank over it's got the the foot pedal um starting set up from inside i hooked it up just to see if it even cranked over because as we know 6 volts love good cables and these don't look all that good out here so i hooked up the battery and it cranks over just fine and after i cranked it over i happen to hear something leaking out underneath so i look under and there's oil dripping out and there's a plug in the side of the engine block right there that was missing and it was shooting oil out so that means we got oil pressure but uh yeah i don't know why that was missing but so i went and bought a little pipe thread plug and gooped it up with sealer and stuck it in there so it won't leak anymore so that's all i've done to this thing i was told this truck ran when it was parked and it's been sitting for at least 10 years could be more than that um could be 15 could be 20 i don't know um she was not exactly sure when it got parked so i know that it cranks over let's hook the battery back up if the weather's gonna hold it's not too good today hook the battery back up and roll it over and see if i got spark hopefully i don't have to buy any parts today because napa is closed but you know i have enough junk in the backyard i might be able to rig up something and make it work if i need to batteries hooked up i took the cap off the distributor and cleaned the points and then i went in turned the switch on in the dash and took my screwdriver here and went down and touched the points in between and i didn't have anything so i was just leaving the switch on and then all of a sudden i heard a fuel pump down there and i unhook the wire to that so it wouldn't keep running apparently somebody's put an electric fuel pump on this thing so i turned the switch off took the wire off and then i took my tester here and checked for power to the positive side of the coil and the distributor side and it had power over here and down there so i took the screwdriver again and touched in between the points and got sparked so i guess the coils i don't need a minute to start working again where they've been sitting for so long so yeah um that would mean i have spark i'm not gonna take any of the plugs out i'm just gonna see what happens and if i gotta take them out then so be it but let's see what it does first let's throw some fuel at this thing and see what happens oh wait did we take that too literal i guess the whole world's doing that right now anyways get this air cleaner off so we can feed her some fuel this doesn't appear to be original i would think this would have had a oil bath type air cleaner but oh well i'm not complaining okay i got this little guy filled up with gas let's put some down there and see what happens this might just be too easy she popped off there um i don't have any fuel system going to it so it's just what's going down the carb there um i guess feed her some more fuel quite a bit and see what happens hunting for some fuel line i think i got plenty here just going to rig up a little fuel system on this truck got a fancy fuel system rigged up this hose that i found laying out back it's uh pretty weathered so i got it running down here to this electric fuel pump i hook the wire back up for that and before i put this hose on that goes to the gas can i took the little squirt fuel maker happener 5000 and i put it to the end of this filter and filled this up so this has a prime turn the switch on makes noise must work it sounds like it's working okay i guess i'll put gas in the carb and see if it'll run off that tank [Music] look at that [Music] [Music] so well that was way too easy i couldn't believe it i didn't run it long i shut it off because it doesn't have any water in it somebody drained the system out so top that off and make sure it holds and then i'll drain the water out and put antifreeze in it and then after that run it some more and then go through the fluids underneath transmission transfer case axles make sure they're not dry and then see if this thing moves [Music] so [Music] okay she's topped off with water i ran it some more so the thermostat would open and confirm that it does and that works just fine and then i put more water in it and it's running great running really good i just got done going through all the fluids the transmission was low but not empty and the transfer case was like a half a quart low so those are both full now and i just went through all three axles and they're still full the fluid back here looks a little bit newer the front well i think that's still the gear oil from the 1940s that the army used it has quite an interesting viscosity and smell to it so yeah um i guess fired up and see if it moves now looks really good underneath really good shape and well kept it's really cool how they how gm engineered these uh six buys under here like all solid leaf springs since it's a two and a half ton truck and all their stabilizing stuff and they pivot on a ball socket and yeah carrier bearing on that middle axle to come back to this one it's really cool how they did it it was cool to lay under there and check it out too so yeah let me pick up tools and uh strap that gas tank to the fender with a few bungee cords or whatever and see if she moves let's see how she starts fuel pump [Music] that is just perfect right there [Music] so [Music] [Music] she's running great drives great everything's good i was trying to learn the shift pattern they're a little bit different than the chevys these have a five speed and the chevy's have a four speed and the patterns are completely different i could barely read it up here but wow it even shows up better on camera than it does regularly but reverse all the way over in first and then you go over to second third fourth fifth that's pretty weird but and then of course all the other stuff but yeah she runs good starts right up without putting gas in it so i'm really happy i'm gonna start cleaning all this stuff out there's a bunch of oil filters and stuff from gold mining equipment and welding rod and stuff like that because this was a welding rig clean it out probably vacuum this mess and yeah just kind of tidy it up get stuff like that off so it doesn't hold moisture and that and i might see if i can see down in there see if this gas tank is clean or if it has old fuel or something in it might switch over to that and see if it'll run off of it then i don't have the can on the fender but yeah see if it'll run off that there she is all cleaned up vacuumed the floor and couldn't believe how much sand was was down there like i don't know half an inch layer of sand from being up in the gold mine country but she's all clean and the seat is cleaned up and it's looking a lot better i did hook up the stock fuel tank to the electric field pump how they had it and there was some old gas down in there but i put um some of some fresh gas with lead additive and some water remover in there and she's running off the tank i mean it's running a little rough because it's old gas but as soon as it burns that out and gets into the fresh stuff then she'll be fine and you might have noticed something's missing here and i have a solution for that you just walk to the backyard of part stashes and junk and what do you have here a frame from a 6 by like the truck that uh we're messing with including a spare transmission with exactly what we need you might know this frame from the chevy revival video uh series i stripped the parts from it somebody turned it into a four by frame they cut it and whatnot but yeah here's what i need let's uh unscrew that and put it on pretty bad when you got to use favorite tool number five to get your shift knob off and don't scratch it that's oem right there look at that that's practically restored now look at this we got an updated world war ii truck fleet i'm so excited i'm super happy with this truck i can't believe how good a shape it's in and it just fired right up and ran great right off the bat and yeah i mean there's no real issues with it just tidy things up and do a few repairs to it and she's set i never expected to find one of these and especially find one so close to me i mean i was able to flat toe at home didn't even need a trailer so that was so cool and in the near future let's uh make a video on getting this old welder going it's locked up but it's a detroit she might free up we'll have to see that'd be pretty cool a two-for-one type thing but yeah um just wanted to say thank you for watching and uh yeah until the next video make some comments down below and let me know what you want to see next and what you thought of this video and take care and see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: BackyardAlaskan
Views: 184,743
Rating: 4.9368343 out of 5
Keywords: ethel, slave lake, ford, highboy, f250 highboy, old truck, old iron, revival, first start, will it run, abandoned, forgotten, junk, picking, american picker, alaska picker, junkyard, salvage, old vehicles, classic, classic cars, zip ties n bias plies, alaska, outdoors, film, old, vintage, wwii, history, lesson, educational, how to, tools, motors, engines, rebuilds, chevrolet g506, flathead, youtube show, backyardalaskan, lost in time, boom, wrecker, gin pole, yard truck, power wagon, m37, 6x6, gmc, deuce
Id: 4ZPmknuRPbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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