Will & Grace but it’s just the Lesbians | Will & Grace

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some cute guys here huh too bad they're all Mo's it doesn't really matter to me I'm a lesbian oh honey we're all lesbians when the right guy isn't around [Applause] huh hear that I'm scared you should be good morning H lesbian real Earth you must be will hello I'm dearra it's good to see you again Karen stay back bulldozer I'm engaged you were last time too all right mingle me this are you nervous about your wedding kind of cuz I'm a lesbian Albus says well I am sorry to dump that on you but this has been eating me up I had to tell someone well what about your brother he's gayish it's seemed easier to do it with a stranger with a sweet face oh is you just got to know the right Parks Oh you mean me oh I'm sorry aart I'm so sorry what am I going to do I can't get married the thought of my fiance's touch sickens me I'm a lesbian I'm a Les lesan oh my god it feels so good to say it out loud hey babe hi honey how do you do it ladies how do you stay straight with so many fine looking chicks around well we try and keep our love life fresh so we don't do it that often oh you're lucky Jack just wants it all the time and I want to please him but I don't know whenever we're making love I just can't stop thinking about Rosario who she's our maid but oh she's so much more yeah whenever I see her up on a step ladder dusting my eyes just travel up those thin Supple calves to those thick trunk-like thighs and I just oh I should stop no go on look we have to go we um just found out your Club has a policy against gay couples oh we know you see dear um we tell people we're sisters but we're really sisters Porsha D rasi degenerous you're lesbians but that's impossible your makeup is flawless you've been hoping this place would change for 40 years but we see now that it's never going to happen yeah and what's the point in taking a stand tragic I know sisters and lesbians you should come to the rally tomorrow a lot of my lesbian friends are going to be there I'm not a lesbian myself I mean sometimes I fool around with them and I live with one H I guess I am a lesbian weird I just came out I'd say welcome but sounds like you've been on that bus for quite a good long time now for your information we are on the verge of acquiring a property there yes about that we spoke to Aunt honey and she's no longer as eager to sell to you how did you know they know everything will because they don't sleep with men they're other senses are heightened oh Martina Daren where have you been I've missed you oh honey listen I've got some bad news I can't marry you I'm in love with someone else but Karen I was straight before I met [Applause] you yeah that's the way the cookie crumbles Mary since when did you become so narrow-minded hey there's not a single part of me that is anti-lesbian well maybe one but trust me this is something I really want to do who's playing the parts our friends from The Kite Shop Terry and Annie starky and Butch they hate me really even after you gave them such affectionate pet names that's them be nice when am I not nice while you're wearing a blouse let them in hey hey we didn't know the appropriate gift for a gay sensitivity seminar training rehearsal so we brought a cactus I believe that is the traditional gift just don't sit on it even as a game so sweetie I'll go get you a drink and I'll be right back oh thanks babe God I hate him nice guy but I can't get through sex with him without pretending he's Renee zwagger I met her once Matt went to Camp with her it's the only reason I'm marrying him yeah listen bro I'm so sorry okay yeah I'm fine I'm want to hold my hand I'm not a therapist though I do own a monocle but it seems to me perhaps you should not marry him but I have to my parents have been dreaming about my wedding forever it'll kill them to know that their only girl loves only girls well what are you talking about your parents have done everything right they raised all their kids gay why would they not accept you it's different with Vince he's a guy and we're Italian all Italian guys are gay that's because the country shaped like a thigh high boot look be the only person who knows so please don't tell anyone well I won't but you have to ro and this is the perfect [Music] opportunity Thanksgiving celebrates the Day the girl Indians first introduced the girl pilgrims to sex yeah they called it maze because lesbian sex is very confusing and if you're not careful one can lose their way so you're saying I should come out today yes at dinner you can wave a turkey leg for emphasis there was a time when I thought about being a lesbian but it seemed like a lot of ex to work well it is a commitment oh I hey I forgot where's will and Monae oh you know what we should probably go check on them why don't you walk into the room ahead of me you know forget them I want you huh be my partner look I thought it made it clear about all the extra work and everything I mean I just like to lay there know my design partner mon is fine and no one does more with black and cement but how many apartments can you sell to Mobi oh well I'm kind of already partners with will God well imagine what the two of us could do together God your hair is gorgeous go on sure will seems nice and he puts together an okay party clatter but I have got a ton of money and I can take you places you've never been before don't you want that Grace don't you want to go to those places this has to be the perfect dinner and I'm not going to let you or any other Les be un ruin it well don't be so insensitive put yourself in Herber in stock look I think it's great that she wants to come out time I I'm sure she has all the makings of a wonderful lesbian and she's going to make a bunch of cats a fine mother someday but not today today is my day W Pier I am ashamed of you and not just because your hands are out of proportion to the rest of your body this is one of the hardest things for a gay person to do and being a lesbian is very close to being a gay person you made me come out to my mother on Thanksgiving was the best decision of my life why would you want to deny her that you're right she should come out whenever she's ready I being selfish where is she watch of course she is now Jack don't you remember a conversation we had where I said I didn't want you to see my kid or was the soundtrack of a Vita blaring too loud in your head hey I wasn't part of any of this okay they came to me and the first thing I did was bring Elliot back here are you wearing blush okay the second thing I did was bring Elliot back here good but the point is he's here and you'll never have to see me again so I'm just going to take my gay self back to my gay apartment live my gay life and have a gay old time what are you doing what is that oh come on the whole thing about the gay haircut I know what's going on here the reason you reacted so strongly about the hair is because you have a problem with gay people no I don't yes you do no I don't yes you do I'm gay Jack no you're not yes I am no you're not yes I am I'm gay prove it say something lesbionic Home Depot Katie Lang you are a lesbian [Applause] why didn't Elliot tell me because Elliot doesn't know you never told him no I never did and I think maybe that's why I overreacted about the hair I spent the last 12 years of my life trying to figure out how to tell my son I'm gay and you walk in and do it with a handshake I really want to be a part of his life Bonnie and you should be Jack but you got to remember something all right I'm in charge of his hair I'm in charge of no leather pants I'm in charge of telling him I'm gay my way my time agreed good wow Elliott has two gay parents that's like every kid's dream no I want to buy a little something for my Jackie something shiny but nontoxic cuz you know it's just going to end up in his mouth you don't buy things it's a silent auction write down your bid we'll announce the winners at the end of the night the money goes to help enact hate crime laws and battle [Music] Prejudice and they say lesbians aren't funny Jack told me all about what you told him and I just want you to know I couldn't be happier what he told you oh no no only because he knows how supportive and and sensitive I am oh thank you keeping it in has been such a struggle yeah I'm talking I just want you to be absolutely sure you may not be a lesbian I mean I mean everybody fantasizes about Angelina Jolie I told my trainer I want her stomach hello I'm sorry I got distracted when you mentioned Angelina Jolie I kept picturing her with Renee could you imagine if they went to the same camp okay you are lesbian congratulations and and welcome but um do you do you need to come out today well Jack told me that's what Thanksgiving is for uh Jack no dear now Thanksgiving is traditionally when gay men come out lesbians come out at Christmas I think it has something to do with all the bulky sweaters well that does make sense plus I like the whole message of Christmas you know that a woman can have a baby without a man hey Grace how dark is PE supposed to be oh sorry Dopey that's a legitimate question it's supposed to be the color of pale hay and I should see a doctor you're adorable who are you Janet Janet it's a beautiful name have a drink with me sure but I'm straight are you yes are you yes are you you tell me are you saying that you've never got out of your way for your man no but to be fair my men are women oh you're a vegetarian question are you permanently parked in the lesbian zone or do you move your car to alternate sides of the street from time to time for plowing this car is parked up on blocks with a 100 tickets on the [Applause] windshields boils my blood they still give tickets for being gay it just seems to make sense to wait plus Matt is his Camp reunion the first week in December and there's a rumor Renee Zager may show up have you seen her as a brunette but but if you do it now you'll get Christmas presents that you can actually use like a chunky diving watch or a little camera you can make documentaries with I do have an idea for a short on female iron workers I have just the Annie DeFranco song to play over the credits there you go see it's not healthy to keep something like that bottled up it's not fair to you or Matt you're right I have to tell them thank you does anyone ever told you you're a very wise man no they have not if you want to get to the top you got to compromise like me what are you compromising okay I'm going let you in on a little secret I'm not who you think I am my real name is Peg and I'm a hardcore lesbian I'm into leather play Butch black girls skunking pulling the blinds and poodle ball in whatever you got I'll eat it snort it or ride it baby look go along with this and it'll work for you look at me I clear $165 a week I moved out of my storage unit I'm on TV I'm the freaking dream all I wanted was for you to like me because I love Vince and Vince loves you do you have any idea how much trouble I've gone through today to try to make it perfect for you your 16-year-old nephew made out with a woman twice his age and then another woman 10 times his age your soon to be married daughter is a lesbian but did you hear about any of that no not until just now when I accidentally bled it out and now because I'm guessing the rest of the family hates me I'm going to go Grace Jack car in your Coates please let's go quickly wait wait wait wait a minute you love my son I do and you love him I do mommy and you you love women well just once with uh Matt's secretary [Laughter] okay so for the sofa I was thinking that what up smudge Janet what are you doing here her you have got to be kidding me I'm a lesbian now deal with it okay okay this is happening told you she'd be weird about it she doesn't want to think about her sister having sex well who does besides Angelina Jolie's brother this conversation makes me want to do heroin again let's look at Fabrics yes Fabrics of course um and I also brought some new carpet samples she's already seen a new carpet sample as soon as it came out of my [Applause] mouth maybe it's for the best then you and I can move on with our lives out in the open to love freely Karen we're not a couple aren't we no well all I know is when I woke up this morning there was red hair on my pillow and lesbian porn in [Applause] VCR Karen Walker without a date I beg of you to not gawk at her like a hideous circus freak how dare you I have choked on olives bigger than you all right so I'm alone again go ahead stare or you could stare at [Music] [Applause] this shall we I've been waiting for 40 years oh Benji I can't stand the side of all this homosexual dancing let's just close our eyes and sway is this what we've been produced to cheap sexual PLO over what real estate I'm ashamed of all of us you're really not into me at all I'm not big on the redheads can I look at it later I think twice was enough look we don't want any more trouble you know we what what what if you guys take the east side and we'll just stay on the West Side fine I'm tired of dressing to intimidate anyway I can't wait till being lesbian goes out of style again I can go back to my sweats and loose neck ties so you're not mad at me are we still a team of course darling you know I love being a team with you what is it with them and the word team besides I don't blame you he's beautiful he's like a female Katie [Applause] Lang are you mad at me yes I'm furious now what else is new well thanks for having us over yeah let's make it a weekly thing and remember I don't want to see you anywhere near the east side yeah I don't like you butch [Applause] that was fun I kind of liked being a lesbian yeah me too [Music]
Channel: Will & Grace
Views: 126,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will & grace, will & grace bloopers, will & grace full episodes, will & grace cher, will & grace theme song, will & grace karen, will & grace intro, will & grace funny moments, will & grace jack, debra messing, Eric McCormack, Megan Mullally, Sean Hayes, jack & karen, jack and karen, lesbians, rosie odonnell, chloe sevigny, chelsea handler
Id: P_9v3hyuI5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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