Karen thirsting over women for 19 minutes straight | Will & Grace

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I like you want to make out I like you too let's see how the evening goes hey hey come here one more thing come here come here will already adjusted them oh I wasn't adjusting him my hand is spinning and not in the good way okay okay Karen calm down calm down uh all right let's try a little experiment we did during my first year at the Fashion Institute okay one kiss and then back to work no well you like that do you yeah well maybe you'll like a little of [Applause] this yeah you do don't you huh Karen Karen what are you doing are you're are you flashing that woman she started it she's [Applause] nursing that explains the little bald man maybe it's for the best then you and I can move on with our lives out in the open to love freely Karen we're not a couple aren't we no well all I know is when I woke woke up this morning there was red hair on my pillow and lesbian porn in VCR I'm unveiling my lingerie line and I promise I'd sign some bras I sign my bra sign my bra you're not wearing a [Music] br what an honor right next to Cheryl Crow you and will huh yep me and will and uh me and you yeah me and you and maybe later me and Karen he what is the problem it was just a kiss oh no no no no no no no you don't understand it was a really good kiss show me no show me no come on we're both stoned forget it shut up and show [Applause] me yeah you're screwed okay let's get this lady lovein started who's up first o yum a hottie grow in Brooklyn Karen it's not that kind of girl's night she's harmless really but just for fun lock the door when you go to the bathroom ladies the service is about to begin that's good enough okay help me get out of the dress be careful on zipping it honey I know how to get a woman out of a dress I was very popular at Sarah Lawrence I wouldn't dream of not being here I mean you married my father I slept with your husband that makes us family so sorry for our loss what do you want line you're not getting anywhere near Stanley you're not stealing the jewelry off of Rosario and we are not having a three-way again do you know how humiliating it was for me to have to finish myself off in front of your father I made these kebabs for Grace once she totally fell in love with the recipe liar how could I fall in love with your kebabs I've never had them Diane had your kebabs but apparently I wasn't good enough for your kebabs wait why do you care that Diane's had Will's kebabs but you don't care that she's had mine and I've had hers silly Diana's a girl she doesn't have kebabs she has a kajina and nice kits what this organization is advocating is morally wrong and it is my responsibility to shine the mirror of Truth upon them honey okay I just want to make out with Bill so cute isn't he I know I know honey but it's a waste of time all right it's like exercise or reading to your kids the man thinks he's straight there are no straight men only men who haven't met Jack well you can count me out if you think I'm going to spend my Sunday morning with a bunch of self-loathing closet cases you get to be a lesbian Wake Me by 11 oh look there he is there's Bill isn't he dreamy yeah he's a slice ice cream cake now when do I get to french kiss a girl come on patient pities oh Martina Daren where have you been I've missed you oh honey listen I've got some bad news I can't marry you I'm in love with someone else but Karen I was straight before I met [Applause] you yeah that's the way the cookie crumbles Marty yeah oh yeah oh baby yeah kurd have you been working out wait you're not Kurt you're not Kurt either now look what you done me you scared him up with your big boobies and your weird bisexual Vibe he was into me listen I know what your problem is you have all of this unfinished business with Nathan I do there's so much that I never got to say to him well say it to me honey come on we'll role play yeah I did something like this with Rosario when Stan went to prison and it really helped yeah I'm moving on I'm I'm firing people again I'm having fun I guess it couldn't make me feel worse okay first of all Nathan I need to know what made you change your mind I don't know sometimes things just don't work out but we were perfect together well you know it just didn't feel right how could you say that I mean we had such an incredible connection I mean when in your life have you had sex like that oh uh actually never didn't you love having sex with me I did wasn't it amazing yeah it it was it it was amazing I miss having sex with you I miss having sex with you too and I miss everything else about you I miss everything else about you too I love you Nathan I love you [Applause] [Laughter] Grace okay I got to go some cute guys here huh too bad they're all mo it doesn't really matter to me I'm a lesbian honey we're all lesbians when the right guy isn't around [Applause] [Laughter] huh no I want to buy a little something for my Jackie something shiny but non-toxic cuz you know it's just going to end up in his mouth you don't buy things it's a silent auction write down your bid we'll announce the winners at the end of the night the money goes to help enact hate crime laws and battle Prejudice and they say lesbians aren't funny here's an exciting item uh Gourmet Chef comes to your house and prepares a romantic dinner for two yeah I hear you loud and clear coach but uh I just got out of a relationship and I think it's a little early how's the oat straw tea well I guess it's okay if you enjoy the taste of liquid foot you're a silly puss all right honey this is my last offer oh Jiminy crackers but still I I don't know all right honey I see where this is going you want to go be on the wall and see the white walkers um oh no I I didn't mean that are you saying that you've never gone out of your way for your man no but to be fair my men are women oh you're a vagitarian question question are you permanently parked in the lesbian zone or do you move your car to alternate sides of the street from time to time for plowing this car is parked up on blocks with a 100 tickets on the windshields boils my blood they still give tickets for being gay Karen I don't mean to judge but look if you're always taking care of some guy who takes care of you besides pharmacist I don't know I guess most of my life I've taken care of myself looks like we have more in common than I thought by the way I know it seems like I need to drink in order to have sex I don't it just makes it better [Applause] you know happy noodles really do make [Music] me oh no my beautiful noodle Grace please girl will do anything to get a peek at my pie what do you want time hasn't been nice to any of us hey Kittles hi honey oh I have got to remember to buy Kool-Aid I Ken how do you look so fantastic oh honey come on this is just nogima and the love of a good man where is your husband right behind me sorry we're late honey you still have a little bit of my lipstick on your mouth do you want to get it off yeah I want to get it off I want to get it off right now who else can use a drink last town we lived in I I fell in love with a boy he had long blonde hair delicate features soft skin at least I think it was a boy well anyway I was in love and he or she loved me until my mom scammed her too then he left me guess this is it for a while huh yeah I guess so just so you know I'm never going to ask you to do this again blah blah no no no no I mean it I mean it this time I mean there are a lot of things I would like to do over I would send you to the proper schools I would stay put I would never have broken up you and what's his name I mean she was nice yeah she was I miss him well but you know what they say in every relationship there's a gardener and a flower yes I'm the gardener Oh Come come on what you're a flower if I've ever seen one you think I'm a flower definitely and you deserve to be taken care of gay stop snowing H guess you can call your pilot I have never said that sentence before yeah I guess I could but I don't think I will why because right now I'm feeling very taken care of oh girl I'm sorry when I saw you at the bar last night I just I was just uh trying to get my bud will back on the straight and narrow again yeah he's a big fat flamer he's in love with me so uh me I like the ladies right [Applause] [Laughter] babe wow wow that is just a beautiful thing to see isn't being married great is there anything better yeah riding on the back of a Harley with Angelina Jolie just two friends in morning nothing suspicious nothing lesbian going on yeah then why is your hand on the breast somebody's got to steer this thing it' be a hell of a lot easier if I had a bigger wheel to work with why did you make me try this on quit yelling me I'm trying to get us unstuck well just keep working on that zipper while you're down there will you pull my underwear out of my ass hey hey hi sorry I'm late where should I take my clothes off K you can't take your clothes off this is a classroom not a park honey don't you remember you asked me to be your [Laughter] TNA t a teachers assistant well that makes more sand so where should I take my clothes off come on he doesn't care about a present he's a man just flash him a little boob oh I'm sorry honey that was mean these last few weeks with you have been incredible and uh presidentially speaking let's just say that I prefer B push over Johnson how do you do it ladies how do you stay straight with so many fine looking chicks around well we try and keep our love life fresh so we don't do it that often oh you're lucky Jack just wants it all the time and I want to please him but I don't know whenever we're making love I just can't stop thinking about Rosario who she's our maid but oh she's so much more yeah whenever I see her up on a step ladder dusting my eyes just travel up those thin Supple calves to those thick trunk-like thighs and I just oh I should stop no go on I'm sorry I didn't I like I told you I didn't what the hell I was doing I I was a basket case I still have a basket case excuse me yeah this is just where I was hoping this evening was going you know uh maybe I should check to see if she has an emotionally disturbed brother with the same legs you should let me help you more honey I know a few things and I care about you now let's get back in there come on we got a room full of lovely ladies let's put on some music and get those tops off you do know that it's not that kind of girls night we'll see first thing in the morning we're hitting the outlets good night good night honey no kiss oh [Applause] sorry
Channel: Will & Grace
Views: 1,255,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will & grace, will & grace bloopers, will & grace full episodes, will & grace cher, will & grace theme song, will & grace karen, will & grace intro, will & grace funny moments, will & grace jack, debra messing, Eric McCormack, Megan Mullally, Sean Hayes, jack & karen, jack and karen
Id: aA4kyqA8GvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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