Will Georgie & Mandy get married in the final season? | Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 1

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what are you smiling about all your stuffed animals blew away to Oklahoma good news found some of your underwear in a tree those are your grandmother's e did you find any diapers yes but only one use it wisely okay thanks okay Mary Georgie Mandy breakfast ready dad there's other people in this house I just got in here I saw you bring in a newspaper it's on a library wrap it up good morning eggs on the table hear some toast Bacons coming up wow look at you being mom say that again and you can make your own lunch oh you're touchy like Mom too Missy I said I'm coming it's Mandy oh be right out oh that smells good up yourself you know you're going to make a really good mom one day thank you how's that different from what I said you said our mom she said a mom totally different no it ain't bathroom's free you wash your hands yes Dad what's this your lunch we just had a tornado I'm not going to work then you're going to help me clean the house than it's like mom never [Music] left sorry it's like a mom never left better how about you and me run trying to get groceries baby supplies whatever else you need okay great other than your grandma's underwear I have nothing you're watching CC today well who put you in charge okay just [Music] asking all right Georgie and Mandy are in Sheldon's room I'm in my room me m you'll be in mom and dad's dad you'll take the garage why do I get to garage would you rather put the baby or the old lady out there hey I'm helping you what's wrong with the couch like you'd fit on the couch hey actually maybe mimma can take Sheldon's room and Mandy and I can take mom and dad's room with the bigger bed really you want to sleep on the mattress you were conceived on yeah wait you've had the same mattress for 18 years there's nothing wrong with it it's a ceiling we'll be fine in Sheldon's room okay I'll take the garage hey you get to sleep on the mattress CeCe was conceived on shut up wow this place is hopping half the town still got no power oh check this out damn I know what is it about a tornado that makes people want to gamble don't know guess they're happy to be alive scared they're going to die we had an earthquake I bet we could retire here's the Hop where's C she's Connie cool oh hey your mom stopped by the video store earlier what she want she was just being nice well Georgie grow up no I'm serious you heard about mma's house and offered us a place to live there it is the the nness she's plotting and scheming to control my life all I heard is they got two bathrooms doesn't matter I am never living under their roof you realize even if business stays like this we're at least 2 years away from getting her own place Georgie I am not living with my parents okay what if no you don't even know what I was going to say you wanted to live there by yourself how do you do that you made
Channel: Missy Cooper
Views: 188,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IhsV58HNe5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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