Will Elon Musk Be The World's First Trillionaire?

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recently Tesla earned the distinction of being the most valuable United States automaker in history reaching a record high market value of eighty six point five billion dollars a company that started in 2003 beating out long-term companies like Ford and GM by a good ten to twenty billion is quite a surprise and people are certainly reacting when I saw the news while riding in my Tesla on autopilot no less I was astounded chances are unless you've been living under a rock you've heard of Elon Musk when it comes to billionaires who have been in the spotlight he's one of the most eclectic billionaires around and with a net worth of around 29 billion he's one of the wealthiest people out there but could he be wealthier could he deep throne Jeff Bezos to become the richest man on the planet could he even go as far as to become the world's first trillionaire today we're going to take a look at how wealthy Elon could become but first we have to take a look at where he came from journey back with me to South Africa then Canada then Pennsylvania then well this guy's been all over the place born in South Africa Elon was pretty much sent to be a tech nerd from the get-go he taught himself to code and sold his first bit of videogame code at the age of 12 in middle school in high school he was frequently bullied by people who probably feel pretty stupid about that now as a fellow nerd who got a few shoves back in the heyday I've got to say success is the sweetest revenge he went on to go to college in Canada then in the United States where he paid for his rent by turning his college apartment into a speakeasy and charging five bucks a head entrepreneurs come in all forms don't they after earning his bachelor's degree in physics and economics he went on to form a startup with his brother called zip2 which was basically an internet Yellowpages with a map included all the businesses that were around before smartphones four years later in 1999 he sold zip2 for 307 million dulles earning elan 22 million bucks on his own for a 28 year old 22 million isn't too shabby while a lot of people that age would take the money and spin it on a yacht and a house in the Hollywood Hills Ilan had quite a bit more business in mind he invested the money in XCOM an online banking service that was eventually bought out by PayPal eelain's earnings from that little journey a hundred and eighty million dollars so now we know how Elan racked up all that money to form the companies he owns today but how much of those companies earning him and how much will they go on to us we know Tesla we've seen those cars clogging up the freeway we've seen Ilan's wacky antics at the helm of the company like busting some pretty memorable moves on stage in Shanghai with that market value of eighty six point five billion it's clear that Tesla is doing a-okay since Elan owns approximately thirty eight point six million shares in Tesla it's safe to say he's doing a little more than a ok but in an announcement in 2018 Tesla announced it won't be paying Elon a dime for the next ten years under a twelve-step performance plan unless Tesla nearly doubles its value if Tesla manages to hit all 12 performance milestones reaching a market value of 650 billion dollars Elon would own 184 billion dollars worth of Tesla stock alone making him more wealthy than Jeff Bezos with just his Tesla stock but six hundred and fifty billion dollars is a lot of money enough money to give every single person in the United States a thousand dollars with a couple of billion left to spare is it feasible that Tesla could make that much considering the fact that in 2018 Tesla's sales increased by two hundred and eighty percent and their services and other revenue increased by sixty eight percent in quarter three of 2019 it looks like they're consistently increasing sales are leaning in that direction but 184 billion in Tesla stock doesn't exactly make a trillionaire lucky for Ilan he's got a few other companies dabbling there little robot fingers in some other ventures space X is one of Ilan's well-known business ventures they do a lot of work building insane rocket engines developing private spaceflight vehicles scaring the entire city of Los Angeles with air launches you know usual business stuff as you'd imagine aerospace companies rack up some out-of-this-world money with an estimated value of thirty three point three billion dollars SpaceX is no different however it's their plan for the future that really manages to set them apart with the intention to colonize Mars create private affordable space flights and resume American astronauts spaceflight they have a lot on their plate but it's their star link program that's expected to really reel in the dough stalling is a satellite initiative intending to provide high speed in low-cost internet across the globe really the only two things you could want from the internet but how much is it gonna be worth a recent analysis by Morgan Stanley expects Starling to blast SpaceX's value to one hundred and twenty billion dollars within the next couple of years earning an additional thirty to fifty billion dollars annually once all twelve thousand satellites are up and providing Internet to countries companies and the United States government it's hard to say how high this company's market value will skyrocket and that's just from the stalling program alone since Elon owns 54% of SpaceX is stock he's looking at a pretty hefty amount of money going into his net worth that all being said as of now SpaceX is private if they ever switch to public as Elon has stated they're planning to their market value could drastically increase so as of now we have a rough estimate of 184 billion and 120 billion with an additional 30 to 50 billion a year but if you're ill on you can't just have an aerospace company and a car company can you I mean then just be boring see where I'm going with this yes the boring company the company that digs tunnels and sells flamethrowers labelled as not a flamethrower for profit ninety percent of the equity is owned by along with another 6% held by space ax the boring company plans on creating an underground high-speed transportation tunnel that runs from Los Angeles to Seattle along freeways and is accessible only by Tesla's and other electronic vehicles while that may not sound profitable the entire system is estimated to earn $5 for every $1 spent and with Elon owning 90% equity that's a lot of profit once the system is approved and in use as if tunnel transportation aerospace car and solar isn't enough Elon is also the majority owner of neural Inc a brain computer interface program no word has really come out about the company's profits and they've remained relatively hush-hush about what they're working on but it seems like some sci-fi movie material will be coming from that business soon neural link shares its building with open AI another company founded by Elon the company is aimed at creating friendly helpful AI in other words creating AI that won't cause a robot uprising Microsoft invested 1 billion dollars in open AI in 2019 so it's safe to say someone else thinks open AI is going to profit well there you have it the business is owned and operated by Elon can you imagine what this poor guy's email inbox looks like every day though it's tough to say how much these companies are going to earn Elon it seems like that trillion dollar mark isn't too far off who knows what the research companies will develop or how much that underground tunnel will really earn him a time will tell but things certainly are looking good for his bank account what do you think will even become the world's first trillionaire or will that title remained unclaimed let me know what you think down in the comments below if you'd like to check out his competition Jeff Bezos feel free to check out my video on his money here if you enjoyed make sure to leave a like and subscribe and as always thanks for watching I'm mr. luxury prepare to doodly-doo
Channel: Mr. Luxury
Views: 4,279,366
Rating: 4.8940597 out of 5
Keywords: elon musk, elon musk net worth, billionaire, trillionaire, money, luxury, richest person in the world, jeff bezos, tesla, spacex, first trillionaire, richest man in the world, money motivation, wealthiest, elon musk salary, technology, viral, new, elon musk twitter, elon musk tesla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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