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oh no no no oh now that was a close one no no no no no no and then try to go gotta go fast as much as possible we couldn't do it we can do it we can do it no I did America what's up guys Pittsburgh look at Europe I came in today work me playing get crushed by speeding wall that's right guys getting crushed by speeding wall yes you see for example you see this nice wall right here I mean he's right now evil but if you oh yes if you see this face right here that's a nice nice happy wall but maybe like a few seconds or sign maybe a few seconds or something up the wall turns red it may crush you like [ __ ] up like that right timing we got to get out of there fast before all everyone could soothed well what ok well just like that that wall may of you if you get crushed so for example bogie is crushed by speeding wall for example this oh no I'm going to get crushed by speeding wall I need to use these items to prevent me from getting old so let's go take a look at the steps before we get started step 1 press the bun step 2 get to safe zone you earn points and hide from the wall step 3 don't move but use points to buy upgrades and good thing is I got some upgrades for exemple grappling hook whoa look at that but you want lastly use the basic speed and Baldy it's got to go fast Wow I'm going so fast now I think I'm going to be able to breathe this wall that's so cool alright now what if I use this grappling hook Wham Wow look at that it's going very fast okay well since I'm going fast I know I'm going to make it already but I wonder what this could be and look at this guy's this is the winner's circle it asks you right here I'm the one who's survived well see I actually got a little some game passes to like for example this Claude right here Wham now look at that baldies fly out cloud Wow I believe I can fly yes so Baldy is actually flying on a cloud guys is that so amazing it was this place must be oh okay it's just a mountain of the speeding walls that makes sense now all right so I wonder I wonder when Polly's gonna be done stop flying that cloud but looks fun actually and someone's bouncing trying to get back here it's not trying to step on me but not today I guess I'll just have to go to get VIP and see how that does ooh wow look at this guy's so this is what the beat you all so this is what what the VIP looks like and wait maybe boy is like wow now this is very relaxing I can just sit here all day seeing people crushed but the thing is the wall is blocking everything so I can't I can't have Carmody with me but hey at least I have these things what are this a rocketship magnet raptor spring shoes flying unicorn wow what a flying broom Merilee surfboard and sky elixir what is that supposed to be but you know what I'll clip all those items but while it seems pretty nice so fancy oh so we can see everybody but I can't wait maybe I could see all the parts there okay so wait hmm am i outside the map well that's not what I want no I'm gonna try I'm gonna try getting to the winner's circle once again okay so the VIP was nice oh wait God oh good I still keep my items I wonder what this whoo oh oh the Baldy has wings aw it's so beautiful this much it's but I still like the cloud better I still like the cloud better but still oh no no now oh now that was a close one no no no no no no oh come on Wow I was having so much fun with those items I just want to fly like a beautiful butterfly okay why is this surfboard supposed to um well listen that night doesn't do I think but what about this thing was this - oh I think this is our six supported not our 50 Wow oh it's a flying unicorn oh wow it's so beautiful I can't seem to control for some reason Oh No but wow it's so biota okay well it's like me and Kat almost but um horse what are you what are you doing what no no no no I'm gonna get I'm gonna get outta here no no no no no no no okay you what it's nothing nothing messing around we we wanna be the winners all right sometimes I go round here and look at this rocket ship this is not where I want to go no please no this is not where I want to go at all oh man oh whoa explosion okay so the only choice I have to use is for all these trusty cloud so this will possibly work great how is he controlling no no no no no no I got goofed gotta be some way how to prevent that happening okay let's go to speed try going faster and then let's go all right let's use that and also don't forget wings alright so that should probably work I should probably work yes this will definitely work eyes I mean not really that fast but you know this will do okay now we're we are having a nice friendly fit okay so that I mean that other baldies going faster but these wings are actually pretty beautiful so I might as well keep them all right so I'm almost there to a winner's circle so close and there we go we have made it that's good so this must be the sky like straight which I already have and the classic plane polar bear rocket ship rarely surfboard but some of them are actually yes some of them are actually are supported see a nice friendly wall there yes this is actually friend the other wall is just red so what if we try the impossible possible hmm drop offer there but what is this do not touch thing whoa what is this supposed to be I never see I think I might have to check that out I need chicken what was that my neighbors you have a floor there like an obstacle course or something okay so I said um do not touch while I'm going to touch it anyway now this looks like a obstacle course I didn't I don't remember though this since the last time I played this game well I might as well keep going but I don't remember this at all why is this supposed to be okay I could definitely tell this is actually an obstacle course now let's go around here what how that happened uh we're all I'm miles we'll try our second attempt oh no no okay now as I was saying miles try our second attempt and see if we can try beating asabi but for some weird reason why was there something invisible there that can move us yes we me and Baldy has moved at the same time but what could a pop wait a second I see an invisible wall over there yes yes I can see I can see indivisible wall over there yes there is a border saw the thing is I have to go around here just carefully just go through there we go now okay now we go all that thing was right in front of me Oh not a great okay so myzel try our third attempt third time's the charm third time's the charm guys so we have to go run here carefully just carefully go through this there we go oh so there is something over here come on you can do it Fran Oh No somebody is boof but you know what let's just keep going okay oh there's a speed okay alright fourth time's the charm now that probably doesn't make any sense No okay fifth times a charm let's go to it never cut that block there right this do this jump jump please I just wanna make this and see what's possibly okay let's not mess up I don't get it I just don't get why I can't make it okay we got me Sears time we can do this just do it just do it let's go we gotta do this fast I want to know what's possibly here there's gotta be something around here I got to do this fast because I'm really interested to know you take a look at this and then go through these invisible walls so for people who are watching this video this will sure help a branch that there are actually invisible walls around here around here and then here and another here now to do this job and then just keep jumping there we go not jumping here again whoa okay just cuz make it through here somehow yes yes yes okay let's see what's in your own again okay might as well start this Oh God okay I'm just not gonna do anything not gonna make like a what's the worst thing I'm just gonna keep going keep going there we go just keep jumping over here I really want to know what's under here but seriously though I didn't remember this okay now just jump over here jump then jump let's make sure I don't don't fall I don't want to fall at all nine I need to be careful so I don't get offed we can do this see the bright Sun that that's that's telling me okay all right this it's nighttime it's gonna be pretty difficult but I'm sure I can do this thank goodness there's light from here all right now let's get back to my bali voice and we can do this now just keep jumping and then just keep jumping until we can actually make this we can do it let's go I'm gonna be Mario this time I like spaghetti and meatballs okay well I I'm I'm I'm not I'm wait what why is that block pushing me through ah okay oh good I surprisingly made it there that actually helped me out Thank You squished block for squishing me out of there pretty unexpected now let's just keep jumping over here now wondering if people are sneaking it through here oh man I bet that they're actually stuck from those invisible walls because they don't because they they actually have no clue what to do with it what you know what I'm the only one here so let's just keep going just keep jumping we can do this just keep doing it and we're possibly good to go one just a few more jumps and I can make this we can do it we good yeah yes yes I'm doing it boy get it yeah okay you know what let's just see what this is so we got the impossible course award not bad you guys thought I was gonna be mad there for a second but not today Wow we actually made it now let's see if we can try doing the impossible Baldy is not Baldy is truck and while these good look a Baldy is going to try doing that the possible for the first ha as I was saying Baldy is going to try doing the impossible for the first time I don't think nobody ever did this before and YouTube history so let's go do that then Wow we see an O face so we have to pretty much use this grappling hook to undo it all right now let's just use this grappling hook so I can get here in time oh no it's coming no no no oh it pushed me out but don't worry we can try this again as long as we never give up what's the worst thing that can possibly happen but you know what let's go do this we can we could do this once and for all Wow look at that huge hat I never see I never seen a huge wall like that before oh now it's giving me a smirk I know he's trying to troll me but not today now let's go home oh that was a close one wow that was pretty huge okay well what am I supposed to do after that okay well looks like I'm gonna have to do this there we go oh no no no no not again okay guys now looks like I have myself a plan now what if I try using these wings okay nevermind I already used them but you know what I might as well just use the grappling hook instead now I have the perfect plan so I can try beating this once and for all now just gonna wait for this wall to go here and then use this grappling hook to hook myself up here let's go do that please make it before different plan okay different plan worker tried doing this and then just used this potion so I can get myself wings that way I can go through here now look at that nice smiley what I don't trust him go around here and then wait for this wall to go back oh no one of the baldies have eft now it's used these wings so I can actually make it to the top there we go now this is much easier than expected now since I'm up here I don't know what to do next the walls over there so it looks like I'm gonna have to make this quick so we're gonna have to try and do our best as much as possible now just go around here and then turn off these wings and then try to go gotta go fast as much as possible we couldn't do it we can do it we can do it no I did America all right now we got do this one more time and we can make it once and for all now looks like that guy is going to get me soon well I was right anyways guys that was get crushed by a speeding wall man that wall seems very unfriendly even it looks like he's unfriendly he is not he's looking at Louis face he wants to crush and of people he's a nice nice nice mustache there he's like oh this seems like a pretty nice guy that okay yeah you see definitely like that just like that you see that whoa no that was a close one oh no someone good it's coming again well as always oh wait wait just tell you I I'm so glad I actually got through that ah B yes last night I played I don't remember that there and I just saw they don't do not touch button man idea it's like really hard that's like oh no this is so hard that I will be able to make it but the hardest part was the invisible walls I don't like that but good thing I found a way it was fun playing as Bali though these wait and with this wing and a cloud it's it just gives more awesomeness a voice I just want to say thank you guys watching you enjoy the video please give like if again make sure my our videos and subscribe but no kiss you Butler said video ever again [Music]
Channel: PghLFilms
Views: 2,247,709
Rating: 4.4875522 out of 5
Keywords: baldi's basics, baldi, bully, 1st prize, baldi roblox, baldi musical, gotta sweep, pghlfilms, pghlegofilms, markiplier, dantdm, iulitm, android, tablet, play as baldi, escape baldi, baldi obby, fnaf, five night's at freddys, ultimate custom night, ucn, bonni, chica, bonbon, apple, iphone, samsung, galaxy, hello neighbor, granny, roblox, speeding wall roblox
Id: _oBKd33aOqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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