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you what what huh the monster put the house of fire oh no the house is on fire but not again where we are going - oh just Oh what's up guys Pittsboro here back in 8 today you were to be playing day care now this game is finally out after months of waiting now what - look at that it looks so good so far so nice there's a there's two buses I see there's some most rounds and winnings lists right and today we'll be playing as camping Baldy and with my guys here oh wait oh it doesn't need to read a description what a lovely times stay to day care with friends or is it I guess we're just gonna have to find out so I guess I'll just have to go to a bus okay good we are finally here now looks like lots and lots of people are Galway anytime now it looks like we're just gonna have oh there we go now just wait for the game to load and we'll be good to go are we here I think so god we are here that's right and I got myself a flashlight for in case it's so dark and an umbrella in case it's raining how am i how am i how can I control an umbrella that's good what is that supposed to be okay well I guess we're just gonna have to move on and we are waiting we are waiting are still waiting for players or an adult having Skippy bug oh okay hello my name is Lily oh hi my name is Polly oh I will be looking after you for the next two days okay you gotta just make sure you don't get angry or evil I'm the only one I supposed to be angry come on let's head inside okay Lily or we home wasn't your last name I don't think it's not a good idea to say your first name oh well let's suppose start with Mrs or miss I'm not even sure what Wow all I remember for a keishon welcome inside feel free to explore hmm it's a miracle inside here look at this place so many toys this is Baldy at young age okay well we could see a nyan cat or was this supposed to be a spinning globe on TV remote what kind of channel will give gonna have to find out which channel oh it's just nyan cat you just turn and turn off the TV well now this must be the kitchen well pretty much a tiny cafeteria it's so colorful and so beautiful this must be the girls room okay rather oh wait now all they're just combined rooms together and we have nice bunk beds oh wow we can actually sleep here yay well well how about these closets can we hide inside here nope pretty much not so we're just going to go back downstairs and said just shopping off because I know that's pretty dangerous or people don't do that so you guys seem hungry well I'm here for apples let's get some food I hope there's apples in this cafeteria if there's an apple I'd be well I guess I'll just take a classic cheeseburger right here now oh wow look a person with MLG glasses nice well we're just waiting for five seconds four seconds three seconds two seconds one second all right it looks like Pisa pizzas won the vote no I wanted cheeseburgers but make sure none of the food is if Apple no go and order something right away okay guys make sure the food is there you go there you go let's hope the food isn't if a bowl why is she not ordering the food and she's supposed to have a phone or something that can she just call for me no maybe not I don't think that's possible yet but Oh what does this do can actually click this oh wow I can what about this one this jack-in-the-box oh dude dude oh well that makes sense that must be the food let me go and answer it say what's the sound nope okay well um yeah yeah I can't wait for some food this has gotta be one delicious pizza here you go enjoy okay well I guess we're just gonna have to eat this pizza but make sure it's a doable but hey you want good anyway yum yum yum yum yum oh I already ate my pizza well that was pretty delicious I'm pretty much a fast eater I mean it's pretty obvious because I ate an apple really fast too bad there any app there aren't any apples here say is that a fidget spinner oh wow it's that frigate spinner whenever I of people and they get a game over and they sometimes get this vintage spinner oh yeah we should go to sleep now okay so I'll just go to the Blue Room the blue bunk bed so no we want to play I mean are you kidding we have to have a lease of sleep yeah no actually no guys class we're supposed to hop gets oh alright we will stay awake well not until 9 o'clock because that's where kids Oh eight or nine oh nine o'clock is where people have to sleep that way when you sleep early you couldn't grow up or you can grow up faster see that's the best option than just plant but you know what I think I'm just gonna go to slide we and I'm in this beautiful ball pit it's so colorful huh ha ha hey I think I saw this train someone looks very familiar Super Mario galaxy's Easter Egg the Train now what about hopscotch one tow three oh I'll go turn the power back on wait why does shake why did it shake okay what if I turn TV on oh good the TV still on a second no the fire Oh guys I think the fires make is oh no that seems like a problem but where's she going is she going all the way back here where did she go if what is that outside the wood no hmm Wow who is that supposed to be mud snap run boy who is it I don't see oh oh the lights what's happening with the lights okay well since there's that what's going on this this monster looks familiar actually no nevermind he looks white that's funny Hey oh is that okay um I'll hide in this corner right here maybe I'm broke maybe he won't notice an umbrella actually no that will be seven years of bad luck if it's Friday thirty okay they were just gonna hide with this umbrella and we're gonna be safe once and for all I have 100% health so I think this umbrella is pretty much working no no no no no no no no what kind of sense am i making right now okay oh no worst monster wears tomorrow okay it's still there it's nice Sunbrella will protect me from any class situation okay where'd the monster go yeah yeah yeah let's go where'd you where did he go is he around here is he teleporting where'd he go okay so as always just stay up here I think we're just gonna be safe oh no it looks like this Baldy is gonna kick captured oh good he is safe now we gotta make sure that you know yep is he gone is that spoopy thing gone perfect I've turned the generator back on well Lily my prediction is you want real probably won't believe it there was a month hey there was a muster attacking us or actually yes so since this person is actually principal no attacking us in the halls Oh what monster stop being silly really all right are you kidding we almost got caught by some kind of spoofing come on all of you head to bed now okay but the problem is we didn't we barely had any fun get to your bedrooms for a sleep so for fairway I think I'm just gonna sleep in the boys instead of pink because I don't know what my favorite color is but I think it's just green and below and blue is one of them so factual dev I think you're just gonna have to sleep in the pink if they're back to that wait wait what are you doing well I guess we're I guess we're sobbing a sleepover then yeah this is Sega Wow okay so three two one wait facts with that might want to go I'm gonna go to bed you mean may never know what's gonna happen okay okay I guess it's and my eyes are closing oh okay so currently it's dark but good news is I have my flashlight with me in case it gets way too spoopy alright I think not I think I think I found her oh whoa whoa whoa what was that what was that I think I saw a split second nuts puppet a girl did everybody see it yes biggest heard yeah we all saw that yes but I couldn't properly see what it was that's actually very true because playtime is poor eyesight and she couldn't see it properly oh that's such a coincidence I get it now okay well we're just gonna have to contact our babysitter or we just go back to sleep I guess okay well it looks like it's morning time good morning okay well we're just gonna have to Oh come downstairs to the cafeteria for breakfast okay so what's for breakfast I'm hungry but there better be apples or I'm gonna get angry and slap my ruler yeah so I actually got an accurate ruler right here it sounds it actually just sounds like a ruler if you really think about it that's what suppose be all right well okay now there better be apples here I'm not using my hands to I'm actually using an accurate ruler with comic sans engraving on it and believe me if you see a picture of an actual that's pretty nice okay well today we are having it better be apples pancakes oh well I love pancakes I mean I do like pancakes but it not it's not apples but I wish I had apples but pancakes wow this looks delicious so I think I'll just sit right here and then yum yum yum yum and I ate it all burp okay well excuse me now these pancakes better not be usable or if they are that's gonna be a bad situation oh noes okay so we are pretty much ate all of our pancakes now we're just gonna have to wait until lily say something wait for it wait for it is she gonna say something I mean we already ate our pancakes okay so what if we went to the playing room instead oh you know I guess not Oh Dee do you know what time it is Oh what time it is it's time to do math play time oh is it playtime all right bear it's gonna be play time we're gonna do some jump rope yep have fun everyone so factual dev let's play let's jump rope okay so factual dev what's jump rope so what let's do it one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay wait someone says I have to go upstairs because that's spoopy thing well I think I'm just gonna have some fun don't look at that finished bear so nice and what if I paint something oh wow look at that a Picasso that's so good just a bunch of paintings it's a masterpiece right there Wow what if we went outside so we can actually go outside now that's what I'm talking about a well-made game right there I'm gonna do this a swim oh I guess not hey guys I'm going for a short while wait what why are you doing this if work if some people are going to on their own but harsh to make sure everybody behaves okay all be hey I'll behave actually actually the by Lily I think I'll just go back to the playground that's located around here to all it's just Klaus I guess not it's happening again no what is happening I mean in the uncock TV is still on so this is a pretty nice show honestly that must be the months no no everything from earlier ah no well that's gonna be a problem but what if Lily wants to spoopy thing it's a plot twist okay we're just gonna have to wait so hope nothing bad up huh-huh-huh-huh biggest dad what are you doing what what huh the monster put the house on fire oh no the house is on fire we are going to up just oh no no no no quick we can use the fire extinguisher use it quick what are you doing oh stop the fire Oh God honey is right spray spray everything that is spreading the fire that's it I am done with this place this is costume any consequences we gotta get out of here at all cost should we escape this place are away for a Lilith come back you know we're not even sure but I think like the force can be we should escape the course we will up here I know I mean we just gotta we just need almost open the fire we need to find a way out I mean it could be either/or Lily that's actually doing all this a huge plot twist aha I remember seeing event around here excuse me oh so there's a man up there maybe if we find it we can crawl out of here okay maybe that's a good idea so I'll just use my umbrella on the way I found the vent Oh looks like Bonnie the animatronic that gave Scott nightmares um fondant we need to find a tool to break it open okay so what can we find maybe Oh hooray I found a hammer we can use well that's good I could have just used my roller oh yeah I throw it all the way over there all right let's go all right we're gonna get out of here for good now looks like everybody doesn't know where they're going so I think I'm just gonna have to use my light left flashlight for a path what we need to get out of here ASAP oh I think we did did we get out here we were surrounded in this part which I don't know why but all that matters is we're all here together are they Oh God ice everybody here I mean everybody is everybody here over here I'll use this umbrella in case to surround everybody in case there's some kind of leak or a poisonous gas where are we now I mean we're pretty much surrounded into this obviously I'm not sure Oh are we stuck down here hmm or not even sure yet I think if we jump we can break out of here then why did we come here in the first place okay Oh jump to break the vent open oh good job okay oh whoa we are wait the fit didn't get us out oh well that wasn't right that was a waste of time well it was pretty bad Oh Lily will be coming back any second now let's get out of the kitchen before we get into trouble so I Oh most things look better when you put them in a circle I guess that makes sense what if we touch this cat well as it's cat do I want to find out there's no sound but I think it doesn't yeah our scratches did everyone behave always sure we sure we sure did um yes but there was a monster again why again okay there is no monster you must be dreaming no or not no we're not I'm gonna take a nap okay so how about a fight how about we just make sure that she takes a nap make sure she takes a nap in case she's moving I know it's kind of rough but no we have to know the spooky thing we have to know we have to okay she'll never believe us the monster will eat us all we need to get out of here Lily isn't believing us but I think she could be the spooky thing all right we should go away while she is talking hurt taking her nap she would never know I mean she might wake up when she hears the door open but for some reason Lily it's not taking a nap she's just standing over there so um what if the back door is still open well it wasn't open before so we can't go there any more oh I I think I rhyme no the garden door is locked how about we just make an excuse to ask her see if we can play the playground wait I could smash the glass open with my hammer well that's not a we're just gonna get no that's not that's misbehaving that's gonna be bitten oh nice an OPG lesson don't ever break things like for example us glass because that is a bad idea PD job B teach awful most fans escape out of the daycare but no this is for entertainment purposes only just got ooh I miss bully how do you know oh but it's brother okay well I guess we'll just have to keep going I feel bad for him but we have no choice but we have to go make sure there's another make sure there's not another fire because the last on my last amount of fire was vacation it was on fire but I got good Oh what was that well I guess we will have to stay in this forest now well but I don't think this is a good idea because lossing where is the house that we just originally went we need to find some food there must be something to eat in the forest yes I don't where's the house I don't see it did we just miss it or something okay find something to eat in the forest well obviously not these logs and that does that cop in does that cab and have something to eat I'm not sure but we're just gonna have to take a look no not that so we're just gonna have to roam around the forest in order to find apples there's apples everybody there's apples in this forest I can't wait to eat some oh oh wait no no worries he just collected the apples for us I found some apples us for us to eat yay an apple for me oh I said I should just wait for it wait for it YUM an apple for me thanks yeah well that was delicious just one single bite of that Apple and poof it's all wait second what if one of them was rueful oh no that seems like a problem I'm not sure what to do about that guys okay that's a really big problem and I'm sure what to do about that but oh boy where people saying hey look Rajan I don't trust those apples I mean obviously I'm not feeling so I'm not feeling so well oh no I leave them still 1% oh that's all that matters right I think so okay well oh so good he respawn um 20% health which is a very bad problem which is a very not a good problem and I don't like that and when is the Sun going down the sun's going down very slowly we're just gonna have to watch sunset or just go around to this Cap'n I think that's our only option I swear there better not be any bugs good there's no bugs we have to warm up is really cold out here I think I'll just gonna have to set myself a fire because I the knowledge should do that I think we should have light a fire all right oh wait a morning we're got to set the fire or we could build a hut for shelter I mean there's a cabin over there so what if we just went there instead no why should we build house fire hmm house or fire I think the fire because I want to know if I could set the forces on forest on fire see I think people are gonna pick house okay then let's build a campfire yes I'm talking about I'll build a fire let's split up gather logs and start a fire on this hill all right all set and wait no way I'm gonna set up the bear traps I want you to keep the fire going go on the woods and collect firewood then bring it back to refuel the fire the bigger the fire is the more points you learn all right go for it well looks like there's only two more logs left so we're gonna find it in no time but we're just gonna have to still find it oh wait no there's a sixth one it looks like she already found it okay so only need you do is just find that last one what it's really hard to find it in this woods but I can find it easily with this flashlight I mean there's a Cap'n over there what if we just went there instead and what about well I forgot what was her name Lily babysitter I think she's worried about us okay good job now let me light it with my steel bracelet all right I did I just take damage oh good yeah we set the fire well that's good I did a good job and thank thank you guys first say for up finding me some firewood but you need to find more in order pasta or an offer to keep the fire going I'm glad it wasn't a house but the problem is we'll listen okay you know what I think guys I think I kind of regretting for making the fire when I was here no huh it'll set the hole for Sun on fire but the house we weak guys the house if you make your house uh-oh umbrella what guys oh brother time thunderstorm boy horse against umbrellas pretty unlucky find shelter for the dangerous time I've seen I came somewhere somewhere around here I wish I had an umbrella well good news is I already have an umbrella okay well we're just gonna have to find this quick Oh before it's okay this is nothing come on guys go go where are you people we got to get there quick good no factual devolved what you got news is factual deaf I can respawn hey no big deal and if I if I could just respond nobody oh okay well it looks like you guys are both on health so I'm not sure what to do about that I don't have any med kits with me it's got a problem because okay well I just going go it looks like the storm is finally over but what about the fire I'm gonna get angrier I will be angry if there if the fire goes out oh well won't you look at that the fire went out know what I'm gonna take okay brought me roll back yeah that's a that's how it's supposed to sound like so whenever the fire goes out while he gets angry he and he gets you yeah that's what supposed to happen okay well guys I know no the monster I mean it's puppy thing now save Wolfie we got they well they get back I need my blood no no no no please the monster teleporting where's he going any Hank I don't know well what about thing ever know find her we gotta find her oh yeah I think that's it that's it good good okay Hader did we save her did we do it I think I think we did it all good I think yes guys I think we did it I think we saved her oh good new saber did we think so did we whoa whoa watch it huh wait a second no it's not over again hey get back here I'm getting my now I'm just gonna use my ruler oh wait a second he's going to look up and we that spooky things going to the cabin where you going oh the doors locked well I'm gonna use my I think I'm using too much ruler guys okay we need to break in break and everybody break in gonna break in go go even brother okay no no Kay I still have the hammer from earlier from that wolf fee so I can try to break open the door with this is it actually possible we never know what let's just do it Hey oh good it worked Oh No okay so we need to pretty Oh Wolfie xx 12 we got a release and with this by pressing this I think I'm just gonna yeah what is this she's trapped in the chamber so I think I'm just gonna stay out here just in case okay we need to get them out I'm just gonna get out of here Jessie J is okay it's just case whatever we press this button I mean yeah yes I'll go get Bukka probably work but I think I'm just gonna stay down here just in case I miss a good first one you sure crystal you first okay I think it's time that we press the Blondin okay then I will president I'm not sure what's gonna happen [Music] ah no oh okay I'm so sorry I press but at least if wait wait a second come on um um I we are trapped oh no no no we are trapped you gotta be Wow what's up well weapon Wow looks like there's an obstacle guards here well it looks like I think I could try making something I think I can okay well looks like there's an obstacle course everybody we fell into a cave no cave in the halls we need to get out of here or we need to get out here in the halls okay get two huh a flashlight would be very useful right now and good news is I already have a flashlight so let's go jump and then jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump and then jump jump some more jump again jump and then jump jump and then ja oh that looks pretty dangerous okay well I'm not sure what to do oh wait husky oh ha wait this is this is a very well seeing this this is a very proper but did we get I think you did okay wait what okay whew we survived but how are we gonna get over there okay for a second I thought we were in trouble but I guess nah that's gone hang on wait a second it's you all along Lily what are you doing here yes I told you what if the DES blasted plot twist that lily has been doing this all the time well II I finally found you know your but how did you get here that's because you're the spewpa think you're the smokey thinking Lily and I know you are so stop by watching you of course also you had another person to take control you good we thought you could get away from me well I thought we did so oh well okay Lily was the Ruby thing the whole time well of course because I I knew it for the first place I've had enough of you guys missing it about about about around around I think it's wrong you ruined my take care and now I will ruin you oh no that's a big ah no what are you gonna do don't Toby's gonna be a bad ending no is he bad ending oh well who is this oh oh no oh no oh no rappy Oh No oh no oh now what's happening right now I got the bad ending but hey I got a victory dance I got the bad ending award oh no but hey it was fun anyways so let's just return to our lobby shall we good well he was yes that was daycare oh no I wanted a good ending your secret ending I just got the bad ending people it's bad ending fans didn't make it he should have built the house I think that was the cause we should have build a house but hey at least we had a victory dance to make all things happy again so I guess that's all that matters hey I really like the game and that was worth months of waiting so I liked it I liked it a lot now I wonder if I can get a good ending oh well maybe someday and as always I just want to say hey guys so watching hope you enjoy the video please give like if it makes for more videos and subscribe if you bump there some video ever again peace out wait it smells sick I guess I make sense [Music] [Music]
Channel: PghLFilms
Views: 1,525,082
Rating: 4.701098 out of 5
Keywords: baldi's basics, baldi, baldi animation, baldi roblox, baldi musical, gotta sweep, pghlfilms, markiplier, dantdm, play as baldi, escape baldi, baldi obby, fnaf, five night's at freddys, ultimate custom night, ucn, bonni, apple, iphone, samsung, hello neighbor, granny, roblox, roblox camping, pghlfilms roblox, pghlfilms roblox camping, flamingo camping, roblox granny, camping baldi, granny 2, denis camping, horror stories
Id: 2HKWSVagj4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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