Will AI Replace Animators?

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hey yo guys it's AI gonna steal our animation jobs  or not from looking at that example I'm leaning   towards na but let's take a closer look because  I'm sure we've all seen the frankly amazing stuff   that AI has been generating way better than  that example that I just showed you [Applause]   but let's not lose our Collective shit  just yet AI has progressed in Leaps and   Bounds but no a computer is not about to  suddenly steal your job from you unless   what you saw in the beginning of this video  is better than what you can do in which case   sorry but who knows what the what  the theater holds do you think   do you think as AI improve improves our jobs are  going to become lead whether you like it or not   AI is here to stay it's improving exponentially  and companies Studios and production houses are   starting to incorporate it quite aggressively into  their workflow I like to see it as getting another   colleague it's another addition to the team  a way to streamline workflows and give us the   opportunity to focus on more important tasks while  AI picks up the slack on other things there was a   time back in the day when animators were hunched  over their light tables using a peg bar to hold a   stack of punched papers still on their light table  while they painstakingly Drew each and every frame   of their animation with a pencil I'm sure they've  freaked out a little when computer animation came   along and changed the game they would have felt  like they were becoming obsolete sound familiar   but they evolved with the times started to learn  how to animate on a computer and use a drawing   tablet and a whole bunch of new possibilities new  jobs and positions started to open up to people   with computer animation in 3D and 2D animators  could spend less time flipping between pages   arduously penciling and coloring each page and  redrawing should they messed up and more time   on the creativity of The Art of Animation these  advancements allow us to do less groundwork less   mind-numbingly repetitive processes optimize  our time and speed up our workflows and give   us way more time to focus on the creative side  of our work the part that AI just can't compete   with don't forget that as it stands AI still need  humans to put in the prompts or somebody to feed   something in to get something out and it's drawing  on what's already existing out there it's not   creative it doesn't create anything on its own  humans are still necessary I mean look at this   example from Runway with their gen 1 beta video  to video tool it's kind of cool I suppose but   ultimately still underwhelming in terms of threats  to my job it needs a human to give it a video to   work off of Plus either a style or text input to  generate from and even then what it creates Is   Not Great a human could definitely do a better  job with the same amount of input in a brief I   also got this image out of mid-journey after a  few back and forth with prompts and regenerating   a few times but there are still several issues  with this in image that you just wouldn't get   with a human professional artist check out that  mess of her fingers and what the hell is this on   her shoulder and this wax situation on her arm and  this I did with that image from mid-journey which   I then brought into did to generate a video with  a clip of my voice and well you can see what the   situation is here I mean honestly if I was AI I'd  be a little embarrassed you also really struggle   to get the same result more than once so where  I would ask an artist to tweak something small   on a picture but keep the picture itself the  same like tilt her head this way or adjust the   position of her hand slightly to something like  this whereas that would not be a problem with a   human artist it's really difficult to get the same  result with AI you don't have the fine control   over it the way you would with a human yes it's  early days and it will improve a crap ton which   I'm frankly very excited about because as a tool  there are and will be so many possibilities for   us as artists AI will never be able to draw  from The Human Experience and translate that   into art the way humans can can it's the little  imperfections and nuances that make our characters   relatable and endearing AI might be able to  mimic some movements but it lacks the ability   to convert human experiences into a believable  emotional and nuanced animation animation is   an iterative process it involves making constant  decisions experimenting and adjusting an animator   understands the emotional impact of each movement  and can tweak it until it's just right AI on the   other hand operates on algorithms and data it  lacks the intuitive understanding that we human   animators bring to the table animation and art  actual raw creativity are so deeply rooted in   emotions and personal interpretations of the  story and subject matter and experiences from   the artist's life and how they portray things as  well as from the viewer and how they interpret   what they're seeing and AI can't understand and  accurately portray grief Joy heartbreak emotions   that every human feels and understands but no  machine ever can they have no human perspective   so their work is not as relatable for us as that  from a human and none of them have passed the   Turing test yet so until that happens I think  we can all chill AI needs someone to tell it   exactly what to do and it needs something to  draw on to make the things that was requested   to make chat GPT is trained off of existing texts  books articles websites and mid-journey scrapes   the internet using public published images for  training my point is it needs something to work   off of it's not actually creative so anyway I  asked a few other professional animators from   various sectors of the animation world to weigh  in here on what they think about this whole thing   whether or not these advances are a beneficial  or detrimental addition to the animation industry   has been quite the divisive topic and for good  reason both sides have valid points and concerns   my opinion on this might seem like a bit of a  cop-out answer but for me both sides are right   it's both a useful tool and a threat just like  with other big technological advances in the   past animators and other artists are going to  need to learn how to adapt in order to keep up   with the industry the state of AI right now is  the worst it will ever be again and the better   it gets the more opportunities it has to show up  in your workflow but this side of it isn't what   I would consider a threat because the more time  we save throughout the process the more will be   expected of the final product and your directors  or clients will have more demands to fill up that   time that AI is saving you I don't believe that  AI will ever fully replace humans for animation   because at its core all it is is a machine that  learns based on past human decisions it may see   animation techniques and apply them where it  thinks it's relevant but it can never fully   understand why a person made that decision or make  its own creative Innovations it takes a person to   do those things all that said I do believe that AI  will limit the amount of jobs that are available   in animation smaller Studios who don't have big  budgets will be able to get by with mostly using   AI with an animator or two on the side for cleanup  losing smaller Studios might not seem like a big   deal compared to come companies like Disney but  there is only one Disney and there are thousands   of smaller Studios out there employing a handful  of animators each the other area that I see AI   being a threat is for junior or entry-level  positions if AI can get the shot started with   only cleanup required from an actual animator  there won't be as much need for the quote-unquote   grunt work so going forward I believe it's going  to become increasingly difficult to break into   the industry and the competition will be higher  for the jobs that are around but if you learn to   adapt AI into your workflow early on you may just  become an invaluable asset to whichever Studio you   end up in from my perspective I think it's going  to be exciting but we really need to just jump on   board and get to understand how these things can  can actually Empower us as well for example stable   diffusion which is my favorite it's advancing so  much where you have you can train your own low   rank adaption large language model it's commonly  known as Laura what you do is you train a Laura of   some something very specific let's say you've got  some sketches and you've painted some concept art   and you want to actually apply this as a model  like a trained model of the AI system in stable   diffusion consistently and very closely creates  very like solid images for you and you connect   that with another add-on to stable diffusion which  is a cool control knit you can actually take and   people have done this for blender they've made a  blender rig that you can tie into the control net   and you can actually pose your trained model  from the Laura and create all sorts of posed   characters so it is exciting but you got to learn  about these things I'm kind of sad that we are   heading in this world where you know the computer  is creating all these things and it really takes   a lot out of it like talent wise but yeah we gotta  get on board got to learn about it and don't get   disrupted by by this and let's let's not let the  computer take over thanks so much for asking me   to weigh in on this I know it's a big big topic  right now it's got a lot of people divided in the   art community I work in the in the 2D animation  industry in Toronto and right now ai hasn't really   affected my work just yet I think partially  because all the AI animation that I've seen   online it's kind of misleading it's not really  animation as much as it is taking live-action   footage and feeding it through kind of a stylized  filter so I think there is kind of a long way to   go before computers can actually animate something  completely from scratch that being said I do think   with the current technology for AI that there is  right now it is for sure gonna change the way the   industry works I think it will be more like a tool  that animators use to kind of implement into their   workflow to get some cool results when it comes  to technology it's really really hard to stop it   once it gets going so I think I truly think it's  going to be so beneficial for people to start even   thinking just thinking about how they can use AI  in their own work and the cool thing is it's such   a powerful tool and it's at such an early stage  of its life cycle it's going to be really exciting   to see what the future holds for it I guess to  conclude I'm not really against Ai and I'm not   really worried about it taking my job either maybe  if animation was just moving things around on the   screen then I would be a little more worried but  it's not I think that rather than being a feared   we should embrace AI technology they already  chat GPT plugins for Maya add-ons for blender   clutch GPT for After Effects you can write scripts  and automate tedious tasks that previously would   have taken hours to do I'll link to these in the  description of my video and you can check out for   yourself how these might help you in your workflow  other ways that AI can and already does massively   improve the animation production process or with  things like in-betweening where AI automates the   in-betweening process by generating the frames in  between keyframes for a smoother animation this   saves you the time and effort of going and doing  those in between frames leaving you to focus more   on the creative process of the animation there's  also motion capture AI technology can be used to   capture and analyze motion data making it easier  for animators to incorporate realistic movements   into their animations by using motion capture  systems animators can gather reference data and   transfer it to their characters really quickly  reducing the need for manual keyframe animation   although of course the human is still necessary  for cleanup and tweaking the actions that   don't look quite right there's also background  generation where AI algorithms can generate really   complex backgrounds based on input references and  parameters it's super useful when you're working   on large-scale projects or you're looking to  populate your animations with backgrounds really   quickly you can also use AI for lip syncing where  the AI analyzes the audio files and generates   corresponding mouth positions for your character  this is super useful for lip syncing because as   you know it can be quite a long and tedious  process to try and time and match those math   positions to your character and this is something  that I already use quite a lot in my workflows and   it's helped me massively to save time you can  even use AI for acid generation like creating   crops or character designs or even environments by  using generative algorithms animators can create   variations of props way faster than if they had  to manually make them this provides them with a   starting point to work from because they will have  to go back and obviously fix things up a little   bit but it really speeds up production process  there's also automated coloring and shading   where the AI analyzes the line art and applies  the coloring and shading to it if you've ever   done 2D animation you know that this can be a huge  time suck so anything that saves the time on that   so that you can focus more on the creative side  of things is a huge Plus in all these instances   you still need humans to operate the AI to put  in the prompts especially in a way that the AI   can actually generate anything worthwhile from  and to still go back and fix whatever it does   generate because it's hardly ever perfect in  fact I've never seen something that is actually   perfect from an AI generator AI isn't gonna take  your job but somebody who uses AI might probably   will actually if I'm being real with you because  they're going to be able to be way more efficient   and productive and they're going to have time to  be way more creative as well it's a great tool   to add to your Arsenal and it's never going to  steal out jobs because there's a side of things   that an AI can never touch it's the emotional  intelligence that we bring into our work it's   the creativity and the imagination these things  are the crucial backbone to what we do it's what   makes animation so relatable and magical and I'm  going to be brutally honest with you guys right   now we are in a very deadline driven industry  and anything that can optimize your workflow   and improve your efficiency is only a good thing  stop touching your pearls and embrace the future   hit that like button and subscribe if you want to  keep up to date with my future videos and thank   you so much to my beautiful shining patrons you  guys are the cat's pajamas love ya bye foreign
Channel: RobynO
Views: 5,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, stable diffusion, machine learning, ai in animation industry, ai animation video, using ai to animate, ai replacing jobs, ai replacing artists, ai replace animators, animation industry jobs, ai and animation addon, ai stealing, ai stealing jobs, ai jobs obsolete, animation and artificial intelligence, generative ai, midjourney ai, d-id, animators lose jobs, ai replace human, will ai replace animators, ai animation, ai art
Id: ZUs0qMUi2Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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