Will a Red Hot Nickel Ball (RHNB) Stay Hot Forever in a Vacuum Chamber?

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okay today I'm going to be putting a giant two inch diameter red hot nickel ball in my vacuum chamber to see if it actually decreases in temperature or not so I have here a two inch diameter nickel ball well actually it's a steel ball but I looked in the youtube dictionary and any shiny metal ball that you heat up to a thousand degrees is by definition a red hot nickel ball rhmb okay let's heat up the ball okay I think it's ready okay let's see what happens when we set it on someone's hand so this is a hand I bought online it's for tattoo artists it's supposed to replicate a human skin so they can practice doing tattoos on it and I bought it to test what happens when you put a red hot nickel ball on it three two one Oh since this is made of silicone silicone will not melt but it'll definitely burn so this is a pretty good replication of what would happen to a human hand so look at this this looks horrible the hand is just charred so it's still covered with white from the silicone but it should work just fine here we go okay we are glowing hot now let's move it into the vacuum chamber very carefully okay here we go turn off the light okay so there's no air in here whatsoever to transfer the heat but let's see if it actually stops glowing so I can feel heat coming out of that even though there's no air in there we're at a complete vacuum now [Laughter] this is getting dimmer [Laughter] so right now there's absolutely no medium to transfer this heat through yet it's still losing heat somehow let's see how much longer it lasts I can still see it glowing slightly in there okay I'm not seeing any light coming from it anymore it's a little dim red right now okay it looks like there's hardly any light coming off of it so it's now dropped below the temperature needed to emit the red light it's moving now into the infrared range so which means it's cooled down quite significantly from what it was when we had it in the vacuum chamber and now as I fill the walls of the vacuum chamber they're warm okay let's let in some air three two one okay so how is it actually able to lose heat and absorb into these chamber walls they're extremely hot now to the touch so somehow even without air in there was able to transfer heat well you could maybe say that it went through the base but the heat capacity of this wood and these screws is almost negligible compared to the heat capacity of the red hot nickel ball and the way it did this is through radiation and so the three main methods of heat transfer are through conduction which is something has to be touching it convection which means it's moving the hot stuff away from it and then radiation which means it's actually electromagnetic radiation carrying the heat away and that's how this was able to cool down and so these walls were absorbing all of the infrared radiation coming from that actually cooling it down now if you're surprised that this was able to transfer heat so easily without air around it it's not that surprising if you actually remember the Sun so even though the Sun is 93 million miles away through 93 million miles of vacuum it can still transfer its heat to the earth that's why if you've ever been close to a big fire right when it flames up you can immediately feel the heat of it even when you're very far away that doesn't mean that the hot air is getting to you but you're actually feeling the radiation from the fire and that's heating up your skin and this is really interesting when you think about it basically it means that no matter how far apart things are even if there's no medium in between them eventually they will all come to equilibrate at the same temperature in fact it even gets worse than this right now the universe has pockets of hot things and cold things but because those things are always radiating heat the hot things are radiating heat and the cold things are absorbing it that means that eventually everything in the universe is going to equilibrate at the same temperature and when things are at the same temperature that means you can't do any work and this is called the heat death of the universe but as predicted that the heat death of the universe is extremely far in the future about ten to the hundred years away hey everybody thanks for watching another episode of the action lab I hope you enjoyed it if you did remember to hit the subscribe button hit the bell to be notified in my latest videos out and head over to the action lab comm if you haven't yet to check out the new action lab subscription box thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Action Lab
Views: 1,655,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RHNB, red hot nickel ball ice, red, red hot knife, red hot, the action lab, free energy, red hot nickel ball, action lab, asmr, slime, rhnb water, rhnb eggs, rhnb, rhnb liquid nitrogen, rhnb vs hand, rhnb floral foam, rhnb gummy bear, vacuum chamber, venus fly trap, hydraulic press, stretch armstrong, iron man, foil ball, vac man, zombie ant, how to, blackest black, black 2.0, cool science, home science, science experiment, heat transfer, convection, conduction
Id: 1lR3k0wf_iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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