WILDORADO (2019) – an I Am Angus Documentary (HD)

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this has been a long time coming y'all been working really hard on this today's the day that everybody's gonna watch and see if you crash and burn if it works out this is the test well the Rados high school sophomores have created the will Dorado Cattle Company from a school project that sale is coming up on March 2nd for more information on the hut today's their chance today's their chance to prove to the world that what they're doing is is worth something there was a lot of people we tried to invite along that it kind of hesitant went I don't know how long you can do it you know today's a day we would prove wrong I grew up in southeastern New Mexico just off the cap a little town called crossroads I grew up on the branch out there that my great-great grandfather at homestead [Music] I remember the day my father told me we were selling the ranch and we were done [Music] that ranch was supposed to be my inheritance I was gonna be able to raise a family there pass that down Wow my last few years of high school I didn't live on the ranch anymore and as I loaded up in the car go off to college my father actually said I think you ought to look into being an Ag teacher and I thought he was crazy to be honest with you whenever I look at this small town I'm reminded that big things start with little things something people would just drive by [Applause] [Music] Wolverine o is 12 miles west of Amarillo on i-40 it's it's right in the middle of Ag community you know mostly to the north is all ranch land cattle land and grassland and and to the south of will Dorado is is mostly all farmland and so it's very rural and the the number of people that it takes to operate the land has decreased dramatically I was born and raised here my grandparents moved here in the early 50s and my granddad drew sugar beets and which they don't grow sugar beets anymore when I was a kid we we had two restaurants and one time we actually had a bank several churches you know it was it was a thriving little community and by 2000 we have a post office and that's it in a community like this where there's not a city or a city limits the only body that actually creates a community is the school and you can watch throughout the whole Panhandle where communities have dwindled down so small that they finally closed their school and once they do it just the whole community dissolves you know you would hate to see it blow away you know if the school went was not there that's exactly what would happen it would just I mean it would just be like saying in 1950 we'll direito had its last graduating class at that point we reduced down to an elementary school only and we stayed that way until about three years ago and we didn't have enough kids within our district in order to keep the school going and we were passing deficit budget after deficit budget we decided there was two options we could either go until we ran out of money and closed up the school or we could decide to pass a bond and build a high school where we could get more kids and possibly have enough funding to keep things going we passed a thirteen million dollar bond to build a 400 student facility we built a school that has two wings we've built a high school wing and an elementary wing all at the same time they use the same commons areas we had probably six or eight years of savings at the deficit rate we were going at inside of ten years we were going to be bankrupt so we had to hope and pray that the kids would come it's not like you build it and they will come there has to be some reason for the kids to come there most schools decide they're going to set themselves on the map with athletics football or basketball or something like that and somebody in the board meeting said this is an AG community I think we need to focus and find the best AG teacher and we did a pretty extensive survey now rodeo and making pretty good money doing that not in any hurry one day I realized I had to grow up and get back on with my vision of having something to hand down so I decided to go into education we had a lot of applicants in low and behold we were blessed enough to find Cody they told me what I wanted to hear which was pretty much we need someone to start an Ag program that unique he gonna make a difference it didn't take very long to realize that he was the right man for the job so I accepted their offer I showed up and I said well what are you gonna do you're gonna do this are you gonna do that and I said why don't we wait and see what the kids and I come up with I've been here my whole life I've never gone to a different school whenever I walked in these halls there's only two halls and I was like oh my gosh this is this is huge me Benson Jake and Kay we all came from bushing we were their whole lives bushland was good to us until it started growing I mean big bigger school it's not everybody knows you we thought this would be a great opportunity to get involved in the AG program knowing that we were gonna be able to start it you knowing that I was gonna get to be a leader in a pioneer I was born and raised in Amarillo Texas I grew up going to this school I went on a bus that's a little nowhere and went to school I just waited around until I can kind of got a vibe for the kids and a feeling of what they were like and what they wanted to be like and their values [Music] [Applause] we were at my house horse judging and my dad looked at me and said just load up your horse we got to go dr. your cow and but right that moment boss said oh my gosh why our whole class could do that we were on our way back from horse judging practice it was me and coach bonds and we were riding in a pickup together and I was just pitching an idea about wanting to work on a ranch and stuff and run cattle and he was like what if we were in cattle at our school and I jumped on board I was so excited I was actually at home in K text and he was like hey man I got a I got a really cool thing I kind of texted some other people and everybody kind of started spreading the word by texting and calling it one another we have athletics first period and K he ran in the locker room kind of jumping out of his pants excited about the idea telling us about it I can hear him talking about something because I go you'll have to get to class we have to go to class and we're like why there's like bond has to tell us something come on come on we got to go to class and I could barely get in the door without kids coming into the classroom going so we're raising cattle now and I'm gonna wait a minute let's just talk about this first so bonds came in the room one day and signed the door like every day and I didn't think much of it he stood in front of the class and told us to start listening and he said I had a harebrained idea last night that I want you guys to think about and tell me what you think and again it's just like every day we didn't think much of it I knew something was about to happen because Cade was really excited I mean he's always like fully energized and stuff at this day he was like super so we all knew something was coming okay devoin's got there and he told us the idea of starting our own cattle company I saw something in them that I remembered in me I guess I wanted to share with them something that I remember to cherished I thought you know why don't we raise some cows and do some of that there's a lot of life lessons and those life lessons helped to get me to where I am why couldn't it help to get them to where they need to be and there are long explosions like Jess Benson Harry shake they were very excited it felt awesome his doing it my whole life I never really had to get to talk about it or anything so now that I have a chance to it's nice to do that I definitely was like oh I have to say yes because everyone else is saying yes I mean he can't see the only one sitting there not doing anything I just be the odd man out so I was just like yeah okay I'll give it a try they're all like we can do it we can do it we can make it right and make it good and I sat there and thought oh what did I do didn't a nightmare became real I had to learn how to run a cattle company with kids [Applause] we reached out to the Texas FFA and then we reached out to National FFA and we tried to tried to find some people that have had an idea of some seed stock operations and be honest with you we couldn't find any there were that existed in high school and believe me I was hoping to find somebody so that we could ask how they did it so I hit the books and I made phone calls and I prayed to God and he helped me and we found the right people to further our cause [Music] came to me and told us about their told me about this idea and course I was all in already because it you know I have two deaf we were able to bring in Thai Clevenger who's actually a school board member here and he operates the gray ranch he came down to the ranch maybe just a few days after that and he got in the bunkhouse and and we stayed up all night talking about this project we put the pencil to the paper and had some hard conversations and then we decided we were gonna have a sale and a lot of people said you don't just decide you're gonna have a bowl sale there was a whole lot of people that looked at me like man I don't know I don't know that's gonna work you're just a small town in the middle of nowhere we have a unique situation where where you're only up to sophomores so our oldest kids are 16 just starting to drive we started getting maybe some feedback from from other seedstock operators or you know cow guys and you know it is a hard business and especially with Cody and I you know we've never put on a a sell or anything like that so it was a bit as a big step it was very very scary anxious stop moment trying to think listen this is not an easy undertaking you know I mean I I can't imagine how they're gonna do it I did a lot of praying and a lot of well here we go and I'm not sure but I guess we'll just figure it out as we go well somebody had to decide they were gonna have a bull sell at some point to have one so why then we had to actually go into the hole this is how we're gonna make this work in that process we came across Brad Harris from the H bar B ranch when you can see people who are looking to make a difference and are taking a role in leadership and have a heart for others and they're not looking to just take themselves and put themself at the front then you know those are the kind of people you need to listen to instead of saying the reasons it won't work I look for all the reasons Atwood he's the man that we bought our genetics from we bought 15 3 & 1 & 5 first Cass heifers you know we didn't have a lot of front money for their pasture so we worked an arrangement and they could bring the cows out here we brought our cattle down here and went to AI and calving out and branding them rebranding DNA testing growing our herd and they would repay us by you know helping us out well you know whether it's branding cattle or fixing fence or whatever [Music] kay flowers is um probably hey to go on your like a better word to character I've always been horseback ever since I was like two roping since I was like seven ropings my safe place being horseback is my safe place my dad he team wrote that's how I was kind of raised was in the arena less outside ever since I was a little bitty I always run around acted like I was herding cattle or branding cattle or always had a rope in my hand all his four pair of chefs just wanting to be a rancher kate is in charge of the Cowboys so his job is actually making sure everybody knows their work rotations everybody knows their jobs as we go into an event like this today we branded 122 hit up calves we're sort of their mamas off of them first he's got it figured out what who's doing what he takes care of the equipment he's the top hand and he'll wear holes in his boots about every other month when I found out we were flanking and branding I was like what what is that Angelica we call her Jilly so gently something else she came to us with no clue she's a city girl as it gets she plays a club soccer in Dallas on the weekends I have known jelly since I was in pre-k she is one of my closest friends so when I was younger growing up I wasn't really around cattle I was more around the city she's not related to agriculture in any way and then like the activities I do for fun were play were soccer she's an athlete every night I'd go to practice or every week and I'd have a game in Dallas or something she has played soccer since she was 1 playing around in my neighborhood playing soccer she could since she could walk mostly traveling on the weekends her soccer mostly my whole college it was soccer [Music] [Applause] when we first started this whole deal you stared at me and went great I don't know anything about this I can't do this and I said I promise you you can find a spot so I was like okay yeah there's gonna be a place for me that I was like yeah he's just saying that so I would be in the company cuz that's just what he has to say when I was just standing there I I was wondering what was happening like I I mean there's a whole bunch of mixed emotions like first of all I was embarrassed so I was like I'm the only one that doesn't know what's happening and I'm gonna be expected to do it we have the kind of initiation everybody has to flank one and I don't want to mess up or anything like that so I was just gonna say back doesn't matter what your size is your plank and a bunch of them kids stuff never flank the cast in their life step out there show them how to flank the calf and then be like okay now you try it and not cave so I'm standing there and I had my camera at him he's like are you gonna give it and I was like no I'm just gonna said I couldn't take pictures he's like okay let me see the pictures I take so I took my camera off engage him he was like okay now go and I was like what and he's like now ghost like the cough I was like nope ain't like I can't do this and so he pushes me out there and I mean I had to you cuz I was right there by the cat so my first instinct was like okay I just kept doing great work [Music] [Applause] so Alice Nene I didn't realize that I was gonna be I mean I didn't realize I was doing it was just all like a blur at that point and then after it was done it was like you did good I don't know it was just a shock to me because I would never picture myself doing this we handle our apartments very seriously to us their job we play around with Jessica marrow so jess is to be honest with you she's kind of the boss mainly just because she's bossy they looked at me and they said oh you're bossy and I said yesterday I've grown up around fioods I work in a feed yard every summer I process 700 a day like that's just where I grew up around I turned her loose as the face of the cattle company he said Jess I want you to be head of public relations and I said what in the world is that and he said you're gonna keep our our consigners and our sponsors happy and you're gonna write emails to them and you're gonna write texts to them and you're gonna call him and I said mr. Watts I can't spell hey I can't do math I get my numbers I get my letters but flipped right I am very dyslexic she was a little skeptical when I told her she was gonna be in charge of our communications I thought I can't do that I mean I'm just gonna embarrass myself and he said Jess before you send the email you you just have me come read it you have something next year reading it he said that's not gonna hold you back so she gathered her up a crew and they went to reaching out to breeders and conferral consigners we only had seven bulls that we could sell with our calf crop not quite enough to draw a crowd for a bull sale so we decided you know what let's set a target on how many head we'd like to have and let's start calling breeders in the area and seeing if they'd like to be a part of it calling well-known consigners in saying hey come to our bull sell so it's just Harris all brother Harris comes from a family that has at least one person in every segment of the beef industry I've been doing this my whole entire life ever since I was little I'd got to pastors dr. caddel with my dad all I really want to do is do AG and I want to go to college to do that as well AG business major or something like that and I thought this would be my best chance to get where I need to be I was I was a lot quieter when I was growing up it was a little nerve-wracking at first trying to get used to the idea of calling somebody and how do like maybe introduce yourself or not make it awkward the whole time he's in charge of putting on our events and he might have been one of the few that had been to an actual just a Cal sale and saw an actual auction his job was to go with me these other sales and others buyers dinners make notes and come up with how we were gonna pull ours off get our videos which show up in a school bus at bull sales walk in and watch and take notes and take pictures we realized we needed to bring in buyers trying to get people here to buy not just ours but we needed people that come by everything that was at the sale that way we didn't have things going home with the people that became with Browdy Vincent how are you so I'm sales manager I'm in charge of getting buyers interested in getting buyers in the seats at the sale barn so I master persuader I guess Vincent McAllister I was born and raised here in Texas around farm and even the livestock industry I don't know I was a baby riding on the tractors my dad of course I was an operating but I know by the time I was six I was running one of the combines on our harvest group it's just what I did I worked hard I was one of the guys worked he looks at things from a lot of different angles and he brings a whole different perspective to the team that that others don't always bring with them growing up working with a team is not something I had to do a lot sometimes I would have to work with a few guys but I never had to say that at a big round table was five or six people and in here everybody's opinions of course us being kids we face many challenges I mean one being that we argued a lot 40 times various I like to do it my own way and kind of have my own ideas there's a lot of times me and Jessa butt heads pretty hard and really disagree and we're both pretty set in our ways and Hardin ated we argued a whole lot if everybody gets one didn't the whoever's getting him buys for Jake it out Jake didn't know as much about all this as some of the other boys did when we first started I actually grew up in the country sort of we didn't live in town my dad he grew up farming and ranching I'd always hear stories from him telling me what it was like I really grew up playing sports I was very involved playing baseball football basketball those were always a big deal for me he didn't really know where he was gonna fit in something I admire about him is it didn't take very long and he came up to me he said you're not giving me enough jobs he said I want to be somebody in this company I want to climb the ladder and I totally my said look I've been waiting on you to do that you're out of your shell I need somebody to actually take care of the cattle because while all this is going on and we're trying to put on these events and we're trying to market the program that we're looking sumed by that we still got to take care of these cows so Cody encouraged me to to take the role of director of herd management step out of my comfort zone along working with Kate flowers and tolerancing are charged with making sure that we have bulls to sell not having a deep background like others did is very challenging leading a group of guys and having to get back on that same level that they were on me and the herd management team we're going over the calendar saying all right we have to we've got to have a born this time so in order for them to be born at this time we have to a I'm here it was very difficult you know this the endless thoughts of well what if I can't do it he started talking about the company like what we're gonna need that we're gonna need someone that can write like sorts of articles something that can like get our name out there like for marketing the easiest way to ensure death of the business is to not market it I needed to hurry up and get this thing out there I've always been really good with social media I enjoy taking pictures and like making stuff and writing I was definitely nervous everything I doubted it but it needed to be done in someone how to do it so I decided to step up and say okay yeah I'll do it she gathered her up a team and I get to the back trails trying to get our name out there as much as possible I remember one time I was just listening to Vincent have a conversation with somebody and she was like she's like yeah when you called me and told me you're on the bus I was so confused and Vinson was like why and she was like because I figured that you're like an adult or something call me I didn't realize you were an actual kid calling me trying to set up a meeting while you're on a bus on a field trip I had a lot of conversations where people were surprised that I was young that you they'd ask you so when'd you graduate her how old are you and you tell them I'm sophomore they almost don't believe you somewhere right off the bat how can I help and others are like not interested goodbye so one more harsh they you don't mess around they're like no not interested y'all know they don't believe in us they think we're selling girl-scout cookies it becomes hard it's hard to keep calling and keep getting those and pick up the phone again and call again we asked a lot a lot a lot of breeders to come to that sale and we got a lot of those and we asked a lot of buyers and they said well maybe you know we got a lot of well you know we'll look into it maybe next year sometimes it was simply I don't think y'all can do this the cattle industry is hard it makes and breaks lots of people you get hammered with a drought that was so it was bad enough it was hurting everybody and through a series of divorce things like that parts of the ranch was broken up we didn't have enough land anymore to be able to weather it the drought was a storm that took us out and now we got a cap table sitting out in the rain Weston had been touched since 2003 and he sits there reminding you of days gone by what could have been I can see where they were coming from when they were hesitant and went oh no you could do that I don't know it's gonna work it's never been done before they're kids my rebuttal was generally yeah they are but expectations go a long way a lot of the lessons I've learned in life happened when I was a kid I was raised by tough people they expected a lot from you and you either rose to the expectations or you wish you had I learned a lot just being around people like that riding horses chasing calves trying to grow something in the ground trying to earn you away I remember sitting at the bar in their house before we'd load up the pickup to go to work granny and fix me a cup of coffee and a toaster strudel and I'd sit there and drink that meet it with granddad and I'd look up and they had this sign hanging up above their bar that said we have done so much with so little for so long and we feel like we could do anything with nothing in no time flat and I feel like that kind of thumbs it up you look back and you think those experiences and those lessons that you learned in life though those are the things that that taught me how to handle the rest of what life threw at me it motivated me to want to to not just teach them about agriculture or the livestock industry but also just personal characteristics that helped get you through when life tries to kick you in the teeth [Music] I wanted them to see that just because there's people the doubt you doesn't mean you don't just keep keep plugging along keep trying that relentless spirit that seems to echo with all agriculturalists that that allows them to keep on pushing through the joys and discomforts of an agricultural life if some of these kids can take some of that out of this and you know we want [Music] they'd go to meetings and they'd be like okay I coach bonds explained to us and he'd be like no like Jess Vinson they're here to explain they're like are you sure like aren't you like the big person in this and she was like no there are the kids they called they made this appointment they're gonna talk to you that was different for us because we thought Oh coach bonds or our parents are doing it but once he said no this is by the kids it's for the kids so it's gonna be by the kids you're gonna work for it that's when we said oh okay I mean there are doubts all around just not knowing how to market the company and how the work the software and I was like oh my gosh like there's no way that I'm gonna be able to do that it's different when you earn something than when it's given to you you're respected more you're passionate about it more you push harder he's always helped me and if I work hard for it there's a spot for me so he told me I just need to sit down and do it and then I would be successful once I like over akane like not being confident myself I figured it out it's so much better when they know they earned it and they come up to you and they go I did that I turned looked at him and I just like just thank you so much for telling me to keep pushing myself and not to give up and so I was like okay yeah maybe there is a place to me she come up with ads that went international publications she runs her facebook and our website or Instagram with the team they come up with their own YouTube channel so Chili's in here almost all day long every single day but she she works the whole time so I what do you say to that if she's interested I'm not gonna slow her down we sat down one day and is getting close to bull selling we knew that we were gonna have EP D's in our bowl so he came up to me and was asking you know if I was willing to learn about what they were part of EP DS that's challenged but we made it they understand most of them I think I learned like so much about genetics and I don't really know what APB's are but however I don't fully understand them all himself it's actual like I was a struggle knowing that I would almost have to learn that you know kind of my own sometimes you have to believe in yourself you just trust that it'll work out when I was ridin Broncs I learned that pretty quickly just nod your head and have the gate opens and do you and it either works out or don't code he pushed me out of my comfort zone in that manner you know making me push myself so before the so I actually went out on my own and learning the EPDs myself was challenging but then grasping that topic set me so much further ahead and how to sell a bull I took the role to be the leader whether that meant failing or succeeding I was still gonna do it the conversations get very high detail very fast questions like about EPDs that it's like I have no idea what you're asking obviously I'm just Indian into this and I don't know that much I would come to him and say bonds this isn't working I don't know what to do you got to go figure it out you got it you got to find a way it was always well I'll help you a little bit now go do it my wall over here says life is in session and that's why it says that because that's what life is gonna do to you I found that it's okay for me to say I don't know but I'll find an answer and so at that point I can go to the adult advisors and leaders that we have and find them an answer [Music] my name is Jessica Merrill I will drain of catoca how are you the way we handled the negativity was just kind of block it out show them up that's what bonds kept telling us they they need to see it they're not gonna believe it until they see it okay believe me or not I do I'll show you something that kind of fortitude and that kind of mindset that's what we had to have to make this happen he has taught me that if I want something I gotta go get it sometimes if you convince them they can then they can I'm gonna see it I'm gonna go for it and I'm gonna work my butt off to get it we've grown from it we really have on how we talk to the people and how they respond to us there there was a couple comments that not really think y'all can pull this off and we were very blunt with them and said yes we know he can once they realized that they had ownership that they were in charge of it and it was on me whether it failed they really went to work and I'm impressed you know you just throw him in the water sink or swim you'd be surprised how many I'm learning swim he holds a pretty high standard for us and we're gonna meet that standard coach bonds always encouraged us to keep going and keep pushing it's kind of the cowboy way alive to not give up sure you get knocked down on your butt but he's taught us to get back up and do it bigger and better than you did before cuz there was a reason they said no we kept getting knows so we just kept going until we're gonna bounce of justice those few yes as I got were like boost of confidence it pushed me to pick up that phone again and try to get another one and then as I went on the people that said yes would tell their friends and I started getting more yeses and more yesterday more verses they're kids it's a small town it's never been done well nothing's ever been done until it's been done so watch us it seemed like we had like for months and months but once those months started cutting down we were like oh my gosh this is actually - like we need to get moving tried to find all the holes that we could think made lots of trips to the sale barn late nights early mornings of just straight running you could see a different side of people when it kind of came down to that time we'd have people back out at the last minute then you have a major headache trying to think what can we do what can we do you know what to expect and what was gonna come out of this that fear of what if what if it no if there becomes what if this totally falls apart it was hard for me to turn it off when I got home I would lay there thinking about different things that need to be done it overtook me well Doritos high school sophomores have created the will Dorito Cattle Company from a school project it was very much in the public eye that's the part that was definitely making me the most nervous an agricultural class is taking hands on to a whole new level what we've done is we started a student-led seed stock operation everybody asks well where's Mulder a doe but we want whatever you say Willie right oh we want people to say ok we'll the Rio cattle code we know where that's at we really want this to put will the radio on the map the future of Woolery doe quite honestly is on our shoulders we're hoping for the best we have prayed for the best we're gonna go out there and give it our all I'm really excited to see what this all of you like that sale is coming up on March 2nd for more information on everybody was watching those naysayers the skeptics the surrounding communities all these people were looking to see how it worked and if it if it did work I believe in the future this cell will be one of the most sought after cells that there has been because they're going to see people are going to come from all around and say I want to be a part of something that's changing the world because these guys have a vision to change the world not only they believe it but their parents believe it or they wouldn't be here and this community believes it so my hats off to all of you god bless you by the Lord bless this this endeavor may his hand be upon it and may you prosper in the future and may the world be changed by what you do from the outside looking in I thought man they got to be nervous I can't imagine how they're gonna be able to make this flow and how they're gonna be able to make it happen I had more questions than I was able to find answers for those questions kind of watch you I mean I've literally stayed up and sweated and panicked and worried and fretted I did a lot of praying it consumed me and looking back that's because there was ever a moment that anybody would find anything to take away from what we were trying to do it was gonna be then I'm gonna say a couple more things and then I'm gonna let just talk to y'all a lot of people are watching y'all make hands make us proud okay all right yes one of the questions I got asked yesterday was am i nervous for your day and I said no because we are gonna combine you today and do what we do best and do it's the very best of our ability and we're gonna make it amazing and we're gonna make it something to remember and something that Brad Harris said that I will always remember is this is gonna change the register of Angus sugar the change just is gonna change the seed stop operation this is gonna change everything [Music] we had our Cowboys out there break-in bit bells hey feed their bulls [Music] [Applause] so definitely the realization that it was actually real and that we were actually doing it we're actually having yourself where tons people are coming to see our cows and see what we have done oh my gosh this is the real thing like we could like move got in here think we got everybody position said okay you're gonna be here you're gonna be here and at first it was like you had so many questions coming at you at one school yeah this indicated to take them up there to tyler cooper make the connection got it people started coming in we had girls in the office they were you know getting everybody checked in [Music] we had some you know some kids I'm here in the rain I definitely if I was a dolt walking into volson us all home with the kids I mean I definitely like wait wait a second this is seriously with kids the buyers came in before the sale to look to the cows there were some very big guys in the industry that were there that buyer wanted to know some very specific things and so we were having to go back through the paperwork with him we got all these pitch I'll do it's humbling to talk to someone when they're asking you questions you know they might know the answer to I know if I messed up that looks great as a herd management director it was intimidating feasible I mean we've been preparing the whole year for this and then that's number twelve looking at user Reserve grand yes sir if you can just slow down and think about what you're saying it and don't be afraid to ask them questions either what exactly are y'all looking for you had to learn to bring out your inner salesman which I didn't realize I had so if you want to see something that'll be a little older kind of see what they'll kind of turn out to be yes sir we can walk down there and look at them tag numbers 59 86 right yeah front engage pool just like that reserve showing them that we know more than what we look like we know I mean it blew their mind and it blew our mind to my dad he was back there he was sorting and he was just like I want you back there he was like you know it so he's like I want you back there swinging gates and I was like yes sir and then about noon we kicked off the cell [Music] good afternoon my name is Cody Mullins on the high school AG teacher at will the radio Livni welcome to first daniel wolverine Ocampo production sale we're trying to get you out of here we open the gates and turn to man and started our bulls and when a cow would come in I'd shudder get on him and just keep them in the little holding areas back there and in order for sell it was very easy those younger yearling Bulls they'd come in there and they want to tangle with you first of all going to the cell ring went in very wild and so we were all like oh man this is how the cells gonna go it's just gonna be a big mess I mean this isn't gonna work so after the first Bull comes through the ring and the cell started moving I finally took a deep breath and thought okay well it's all over but the crying now so I would just keep we'll just keep rolling we're gonna do this it's working we looked up in the stands at one point where we were all standing down there and we went it's full but the stands are full there's not a growler a toke it up there and the stands are full and sure enough we get right down to the sale and things start clicking and it just float after the first couple went in and kind of calmed down all right we can do this I mean this is what its gonna be like we got this the kids are absolutely amazing we kind of came together and said why are we freaking out when this is what we've been working up towards I calm down and relaxed more because we made this all happen so I knew that we could have a successful Salt company that is that's the part that's hard to imagine the kids that age having that type of confidence he bought the main when we were talking to him about very cool knowing that I sold in that bull it's likely they're not scared of anything just don't calculate that last ball came through and they stopped bidding shocking to realize that you know it was all over right there we're currently trying to get all the Bulls to feel that bought them just the money and stuff sorted out I was standing out there helping locals and try to figure out the logistics behind all that and it kind of finally hit me in the face and it was like a Mack truck I realized that we had actually survived it and that it worked it was very well done it's pretty amazing that it was able to come together like it did the auctioneer did come up to us after and he said I've been to a lot of cells this has ran smoother than a lot of the 10th year cells I've been to it's amazing where they have come from in a year's time from just an idea in 18 months to putting on a successful birthday and competing with people that have been doing it for generations for years I don't have the words to express how proud I am of what they managed to pull off especially with no clue to start with [Music] so something that's being done in a small scale is actually affecting something in a great and larger scale you see a community that has come together they've built a new school meet the teacher night you they walk in and you go hey welcome nice to meet you you say we have the thing here comfortable the rato calcio I'm not sure if you've heard about it and they go yeah that's why we're here probably three or four hundred mile radius people have heard about this and are coming together I'm very glad to say that it worked because of the cattle company drawn students in we began receiving transfers from Amarillo and filling up our classes and that's what's kept the Wittering school going and we just passed our balance but for the first time in ten years what we dreamed of keeping the community together is now cosmic community it's obviously shined a light on on world Rado it's brought new faces and new families to our community people are building homes the interest is growing even more every day I'd like to say thank you all for coming we appreciate that you're all here to celebrate with us the year that these these students have had we have had quite a lot of firsts I think that says something about their relentless character that these kids have they have a lot of heart they don't take no for an answer except their mind to something and they get a vision in their heart it's hard to stop they're different they're completely different kids really to be honest with you jelly had no clue when we started now she's running our entire marketing team and looking at a career in agricultural marketing I mean it's changed my life knowing that I can do things even like if I don't know what it is yet like I just need give it a try because I'm good at things that I didn't even know I could be good at aerosol broth started off real quiet and reserved and now he's been more and more willing to step out of the show I'm excited to see what he's going to do with his future I'm a lot more comfortable talking to people I wasn't very good at that before and that's a big part of what I want to do I want to be in agribusiness your duties there through this door pass many friends in the FFA is my Jake he he didn't really grow up around it and now he's running his own crew and learning how to manage cattle and looking at that as a possible Avenue for a career for him he pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and take that role because he knew that I would end up believe in myself so he believed in me the plow is a symbol of labor and Vincent McAllister when we first started this deal he thought he was the only one to do anything he since learned that that he has a lot to learn as well the more I do in the cattle company the more I realize I don't know I had to learn how to work with a team and that's trust in your teammate I trust all those people with everything we are not owning the meeting of the ruler a doe FFA chapter just is dyslexic my learning disability didn't get to affect me she never faltered I can see now that I can talk that is a gift I have and that as a gift God gave me so I am sure he ain't gonna use it and I I know that I can make big changes in this world [Music] all I've ever done wanted to do when I was a kid was ranch and work on a ranch I called ty a couple months ago and I asked him for a job because I was looking for one the summer he's like yeah we've got a spot for you and so I'm gonna come out here and work for him this summer [Music] kind of personality I have I'm always watching people and going what is it what are they getting out of this what's their motive what is their reasoning and stuff [Music] it starts ripples like a rock being thrown in a pond to take livestock and use it as a tool to help teach these kids values I remember growing up watching my grandfather and emulating him and I remember the things that I carry with me every day and thank God that he passed down to me that made me the man that I am I was planning on being able to hand down the family homestead to my kids I've got a daughter on the way now that it'll never get to see that but in a way this this allows me to hand it down to even more than just my kids we're gonna we're gonna come out just straight across there a building and it'll actually be where we're standing there'll be a driveway right here for you to get back behind it you know he is he is he's changed lives alright and this is his second year here [Music] it's about the legacy that you leave [Music] I'm glad there's something out there that I was able to do that was able to contribute but I want to make sure I mean it's not about me it's not even about this specific group of kids or it's about all of us the community of will Dorado man the rest of us didn't eat something to eat and a place to live and and a life to live I just hope that it helps [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Angus TV
Views: 202,423
Rating: 4.9160199 out of 5
Keywords: i am angus, i am angus wildorado, Wildorado, wildorado texas cattle company, wildorado cattle co, wildorado documentary, wildorado netflix, wildorado tx documentary, wildorado high school, wildorado ffa, wildorado movie, wildorado trailer, Angus FFA, angus cattle documentary, I am angus documentary, i am angus film, I am angus video, I am angus movie, angus movie, angus cattle movie, I am anugs, I am agnus, wildorado i am angus, wildorado film, FFA Angus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 4sec (3364 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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