WildEarth - Sunset Safari -20 June 2023

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foreign [Music] [Music] hello hello everybody Welcome to the sunset Safari on a very fine afternoon I hope everybody's excited and well today and we are excited to be starting off with some elephants this afternoon how cool is that my name is Andrea by the way my good colleague and Paul who's behind the camera and we're starting over some elephants just outside of the camp where we're staying and I think this is quite a nice treat for us this afternoon to begin with so let's uh watch them before they actually move off because the majority of them have moved off now remember we are live and interactive at all times so you can actually send us questions and if you'd like to know how to you can definitely do it on the website and you can subscribe to yeah well you can register to ask questions but if you're watching on YouTube please do subscribe so we can send you notifications and so on and then you can also watch us on the app the wild Earth app now this is actually quite a proud moment for myself because this is the very first time I've been able to show you anything at this watering hole and this is just outside Jackie's Tree Lodge and then also the main camp look at this wow so when we were setting up our vehicle earlier on not even you know 20 minutes ago and getting all of our gear all in place and switching on all the buttons uh we could hear these elephants really screaming and it sounded like some of the young elephants were screaming and we rallied up the vehicle and came out here and we just found them Milling around beautiful this one wants to be the last one do you have that last drink of water before they set on their way and the gray go away Birds calling in the background just that classic Michelle thank you very much it's a wonderful start wonderful statue the the day we were planning on going to the far north but I think we'll probably leave that until tomorrow uh otherwise we're going to try and head to the Far West so I want to try and head towards clodam I want to show him poor and we'll see how far we can get but on that way we just want to see if that uh blonde main mahiwa is still in that same place where he was this morning he might very well be because uh there was a kill there I'm still unsure which kill it was so we can go and have a look and see what's going on there now it's a beautiful day this afternoon this morning for the most part myself and Emporia called but the the day has really progressed and the temperatures have risen a little bit and so we're pretty Keen to head out and see what the reserve has to offer this afternoon now we're at Medicare of course and we are situated out in the Northwest province of South Africa and definitely lots to see lots of land to cover Reserve like madika is just over 80 000 hectares massive lots of Roads and lots of nooks and crannies to explore and that's what we love about it Tasman afternoon that's a quite a nice question because uh you know a lot of the time we think that elephants should be active at this sort of time of day or that time of day because what we read in the books and so on but it really is varied it's varied from area to area so you know desert elephants moving much greater or distances and so on but you know in winter months like now you're gonna find the elephants are going to move and be active a lot during the day you know try and get all those activities done while it's warm and then you know move off into the night you know slow down activities the activities don't come into a halt but they just slow them down at night and you know just try and keep warm but now in the summer months after the reserve like madikwe it's the absolute opposite the daytime temperatures out here they can really soar and I think you know it's easy to say that a very hot Summer's Day can get up to 45 degrees Celsius if not even more so the elephants are going to definitely move more at night opposed to during the day Isn't that cool hey so they're adapt they adapt to new situations and they Thrive and they just carry on okay so he looks oh shame it's just a very young one looks like a young bull just fiddling around there reminds me of my pup backho Maya when uh when she catches a scent of a mole and you must see her tunnel into that ground beautiful so it looks like you know they sort of calming down this is a nice place for them to rest ah dark main lover that's a very nice thing to say not only to myself and then Paul but to everybody else definitely let's go out there with some good spirits go there with Open Hearts open minds and nature will blow you away no doubt but I'm saying it's actually quite a nice place for them to settle down because the water is not far it's right here and then also there's a beautiful tomboti Thicket that they sort of heading towards and I showed them poor because we could see it nicely because we were a little bit risen and uh sorry about the pole there it was a little bit risen on the road and we can actually see the extents of the tamboti forest which is just North of us over here when the light shines through it is beautiful can't describe it so I just want to grab my binoculars quickly sham we have a gentleman that wants to come through and he's being so respectful it's what I love about these guides and all the places I've been to they are always just so respectful and kind okay we're just gonna let him pass as you see these elephants just disappear thank you should we have a look at these African spoon balls they're just about to get in the water okay we got some bird watching ahead of us let's take a look all right looks like a nice group of African spoon bulls with a terrapin it seems there on the side there but as you can see it's a lovely warm day here in medikue but what is it like in the other locations so I'm just going to cue the weather and take a look at that looks like brilliant weather all around that's always nice definitely good for Safari good weather good Safari we're just watching a few birds out here so there's actually African spoon balls but there's also a sacred Ibis right in the middle of them I'm not sure if you can you can see that one that's sort of in the middle by itself sacred Ibis the marsh Terrapin on that bank and I just saw FL fly in here I'm not sure if it's which one is exactly but it looked like a night heron of sorts it's just gone behind the bushes four tries see if you can see that little grip so more or less where those are in the water there's some small little birds in the water with them so there's a little grieve that's busy oh no it's not looks like it's a cormorant yeah it's a comrade looks like a reed cormorant that's in the water with them busy diving around wow the recommerence are amazing Birds they're eyesight in the water is incredible and the ability to hold their breath for long periods of time is also incredible you know some of the cormorants in ishtaran systems have been known to die of quite a few meters down there you go isn't that so cool let's forget the Ringneck doves that are calling in the background and uh while you're watching the birds I just want to also just mention uh we will have Juma join us very shortly Victor which birds are rare in madikwe wow I'm gonna need to find out I would imagine you're an environment like this I don't think you know narina trogon will occur so I would just have to really find that out for you to give an accurate answer on that but I can tell you the ones that are not ready pale chanting Glassworks we've seen all over the show we've also seen plenty well not plenty three or four gearbox we've seen a couple of fish Eagles a lot of the thorn felt Birds species are tear like you know the um blue Expo Violet ear wax ball they are in plenty numbers out here and they also the Crimson brester track it's a very very pretty bird I'm just hearing these elephants in the background yeah so I was mentioning Juma will join us shortly and so will Pride lands in the meantime you stuck with me now it's very interesting how these spoonballs move around in the water they are constantly listen to that elephants France yes good question France so very much in Marshy areas the African spoonballs do very well they enjoy big water bodies and they do very well in those sacred Ibis the one that's in the middle just slowly moving about uh they're very interesting in the sense that in Egypt they're considered a really sacred bird and that's why they get the name sacred Ibis and what happened was back in the day of the Pharaohs these are Ancient Ancient Egyptians they started early agriculture if you will and they planted the fields and so on but then they noticed the sacred ibises were putting their beaks in the soil and some of the Pharaohs were convinced that the sacred ibises were in fact eating the seeds that have just been planted and they said we can't have this we must do away with him so that actually the Pharaohs went went through with a mass execution of this the sacred Ibis and they all got killed they all got killed then what happened was the people were going to the Nile River to do all sorts of things you know fishing and bathing and swimming and things like that washing clothes but then the people were getting sick and the Pharaohs realize what the problem was there was a link between the sacred Ibis and the snails inside the water that carry this parasite called bulhasia and the Pharaoh is realized oh no we've made a terrible terrible mistake and so they prayed to their to their gods or their ancestors or whatever the case may be to bring the sacred Ibis back and being migrant Birds they did return and ever since that day they have been considered sacrists up in the far north in Egypt now with the sacred Ibis they are so sacred so much so that when it comes to the how do you call it the Egyptian alphabet the the holographs if you will um they have their own holograph which symbolizes the Ibis and that is the meaning of prosperity in Egypt so if you ever go to Egypt and you see a holograph of an Ibis that signifies prosperity very interesting look at that that um read cormorants is really opening its wings and properly drying out so you can imagine why does the recumbent need to dry out but the other birds don't and the answer is simple the cormorants lack the oil on the on their on their feathers because remember they're divers they like to dive in the water and if they're covered in oil what's going to happen they're going to want to float so it makes no sense to have oil so for them to actually get rid of the water they're going to need to literally hang up their wings and let it dry off no we just uh we're just standing by just to see if any more elephants will come this way this really seems like a hot spot for all sorts of things we have heard lions roaring here at one one time like my license and then um yeah we saw a wild dogs here with Ryan twice last time I was at this very water Hall isn't that just amazing just a beautiful day this is really such a nice spot just to set it and keep still and watch you'll see so much here so many birds good afternoon and welcome to prideland's Conservancy it's right here close to the town of hood Sprite and we're looking at some elephants and there's plenty of them around in this region one of the prolific species Archer my name is Gracie Rasmus working on camera Ops is Panda Glitz and we've got two elephant Bulls right here and that's what we're going to start off with at roughly our plan would be to stick around to some elephants maybe go to some of the war trolls see if there's more elephants and then just game drive along see what the bush provides and this morning we had some lions and we will attempt to return to those lines a little bit later as they will be asleep currently and we very likely won't be seeing much of them they'll be flat in the grass sleeping in shade so we want to see them when they start getting active which will probably be a little bit later when it's getting closer towards sunset and that's roughly what our plan is this afternoon here at pridelands and as I said there's a lot of elephants as we've seen in the last couple of days for those who have been watching for those who recently joined the area where we operate in currently Pride lands Conservancy that's on the western central part of the greater Kruger region and it forms part of the greater balula Conservancy and which in turn forms part of the Greta Kruger no fences or physical barriers separating the animals between these regions it's an area that's over 5 million Acres that's uninterrupted conservation land the animals roam free it's the size of countries for those who are from the UK it's about the size of whales to give you an idea in European terms we can roughly compare it to about half the size of Switzerland if you are from the U.S it's roughly the size of the state Massachusetts it's massive even though pridelines only make up a tiny portion of it big cheetah fan welcome aboard this Sunset Safari fantastic comment there thank you so much it is indeed a great way to start seems to be kind of like a stock standard start for us these days with elephants because they are just elephants everywhere one thing I am hoping is that with all these elephants around that it will attract the intentions of one of the largest elephants in the region who goes by the name ezel Winnie I know that there are reports of him on Boston which is east of brightlands so he is in the greater region I'm really hoping that he's going to come and visit it is an incredible elephant's massive massive massive elephant big dusks some of the biggest in the greater career truly magnificent specimen all right so we have lost our Elise they have now decided to move all right I have a question is it from Arnold I'm just gonna ask a mission control to repeat that I didn't really get it very clearly sometimes you do get a little breakup in our Transmissions right I got that now thank you so much Mission Control the any certain vegetations that elephants will feed on more than the others uh although definitely they show a preference for certain grasses at this time of the year Panda can quickly pan it yeah there's a tuft of it right next to us in fact this whole valley is dominated by this grass it's called guinea gross panicum maximum extremely nutritious highly palatable so they feed on that extensively at the moment there's also a few trees that they target the marula tree I don't see a specimen close to us but it's a commentary out here they push them down quite a bit as well as strip the bark off that they are utilizing the red bush Willows a lot more also not a specimen close to us I can show you where they break branches and eat the leaves especially at the moment the leaves are starting to turn orange it's a time where they utilize that as well as raisin bushes it's a raisin Bush right in front of the tuft of grass you can see there that's one of the raisin bushes and I rip out quite a lot of those at the moment and the small tree just behind the raisin Bush that's a young knob Thorn Tree they also push down and utilize the northern trees extensively those only to name a few of their current favorites and this will change seasonally unusual conditions for this time of the year it's it's actually still quite green what you see here is typically what we will see towards the end of the rainy season round about March normally by this time of the year the grass is already a rich golden color the majority of a lot of the trees would have shed their leaves but because we had such excessive rains in our late summer it's actually still green there's a lot of ground moisture that the plants can still tap into and therefore still stay green so we'll have a belated dry season this year so we're going to have a very good early dry season there are places where the grass already weather down but as you can see it is still rather green where we are at the moment we're in a valley with a lot of clay soils they do hold their water for much longer if you go further up the crests it is a bit drier we have very coarse sort of Gravelly granitic soils that leeches down the water very very quickly so they it will appear a lot drier it's the moisture levels are lower in this crests down in these valleys the moisture leaves are still very high you only have to dig like 10 centimeters to find moisture Viv wants to know if Kumo is still around um I'm not entirely sure it's not around on pridelets um I'm not sure if that's the case elsewhere I will try and find out but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to provide you with an answer but izalwini is definitely still alive and well it's been spotted today in fact on Boston in his general direction is pointing towards us so maybe in a day or two the big guy will show his face and often when we have these big herds of females around that's what happens especially in the dry season loves to visit us in the dry season very peaceful setting this I must say even though our elephants have moved off Iran scene spot on everyone tends to think that elephants being such big creatures will stand out like a sore thumb they can disappear in the slightest bit of cover just like that and here's a perfect example they got me I can't see them can't hear them they're just gone now there might be more elephants closer to the Waterhole and I think that's what we're gonna try and do is to head over there is a water all about just under a kilometer from us called lepidamp in the Northwestern ponds of the conservancy and it's also close to where we spotted those lines this morning so that's gonna be our general area that we're gonna Target this afternoon I'm gonna give it a shot and see it's a very good chance to find those lines again since we know exactly where they were this morning right thanks to our wonderful worldwith explorers wild with kids is back your monthly subscriptions have allowed us to relaunch Wildwood schools on a weekly basis every Wednesday for the first hour of the sunset Safari I spring I watch my face every single day close up for a special virtual field trip to Africa because touching the lives of the future Protectors of our Earth tree matters [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign that I was referring to here's the marula land just look at that lovely scene it's like a little postcard picture we'll get back to the elephant just now see these big trees yeah where this lovely sort of growth forms those are the marula trees that I was referring to earlier that the elephants love to push down and break up into pieces at the moment I must say if I had to choose a camping spot to pitch up a tent this is it right underneath these marulas might have a lot of elephants coming there I'm not worried about elephants too much talking about elephants we probably should get that young elephant bull now it's going to walk into our frame it's another one just behind them good day Nick how long does the dry season last well in theory it lost from the day it stops raining until it starts raining again so it's essentially our winter and generally speaking we get our last proper decent noteworthy rains usually around April sometimes may but you can essentially say from May June July onwards through went then into spring usually September and October sometimes we do get rain in October already but it's normally still regarded as dry season late dry season even though it's kind of like summer already and then usually around about November we start getting rain however occasionally we'll have disruptive weather events like El Nino or currants and sometimes the line rains don't even come in early summer we can go through some early Summers into January February sometimes before it properly rains and usually during El Nino occurrences we have below average rainfall last three years we had an opposite we had a strong La Nina system prevailing resulting in excessive rain this year we had over 900 millimeters during this wet season that's double our statistical average annual statistical average so we had more literally double our normal rainfall this season it's a very good rainy season it was somewhat disruptive as it flooded our camp we had to evacuate the camp for about two two weeks now look at the way this guy approaches he's going to demonstrate a little bit it's a young elephant boo I'm gonna give us some [ __ ] I'm not worried yeah I'm talking to you you big boy you know it's a big you can shake your head I don't care you are like 16 years old essentially not even a proper teenager I'm not scared of your little head shaking tusks let's keep going or stay around we're just yet to watch you look at what he's doing now he tried to charge us now you might do it again but eventually he realizes okay well my intimidation sequence didn't really work now it's going to move off very embarrassed this big green machine thing didn't move away when I was trying to intimidate it now it's going to act as if he's eating but he won't actually eat look at that just playing with a plant and that is called displacement Behavior it's a nice actually eating realize okay well let's just take the attention away from my failed attempt at intimidation the biggest elephant bull that I've ever come across other than ezel Winnie a while back in the Kruger there was a well-known tusker called Duke I was fortunate enough to see him and if I say he was bigger than izalwini he was just just bigger very small small difference there between them I've seen plenty big bulls in the Northern parts of the Kruger some really impressive animals there hiding in those mupani woods it's a type of tree that dominates the northern half of the park there's a very high even higher density of elephants over there and that seems to be where most of these big bulls hang out they are vast areas where there's not even roads in that region and very very little infrastructure even true wilderness right let's continue with our plan to head to the dam I'm sure will probably find more Ellie's on the way it's gonna put up my volume on mine headsets because while I'm driving it is a bit soft [Music] sunglasses so far I suppose yeah I just put my sunglasses on when I'm normally driving and I'm not live sun is still quite intense Lucy wants to know hello there Lucy why'd you pull all of them bull elephants always walk alad they don't always walk alone Lucy but a lot of them do seems like a choice uh some elephant bull seems to be a lot more extrovert in nature some of them tend to be alone a bit more introvert and that seems to be pretty much like us humans it comes down to personal choice and character type uh although a lot of times you might find an elephant bull that appears to be alone but the other elephants that's part of its group might just be out of sight really they can communicate over quite long distances so sometimes we perceive it to be an elephant bull that's a load like this one up but it's a mere three or 400 meters from other elephant balls so it's very likely part of that Bachelor group that is just I'm not right with them now but they can communicate they can they can talk to each other but there are definitely some rules that are solitary in nature and it comes down to personality pretty much sometimes Bulls are in must they also have a tendency to be solitary while they're in muscles not always there's a tendency for that I don't see any other elephants now I'm sure somewhere along this road we'll get more I'm not gonna go to those lines just yet they're going to be flat about 30 degrees today by the way too little for this time of the year but he's a cold front approaching us and that basically pushes hot air and compresses it that's what we experienced at the moment is that hot air that's being pushed forward by this advancing cold front ah we've tried to weave our way through this road here but all the signal hasn't been so great but as I say Well done Chris now we're watching some Impalas and we just on the other side of that tambuti Thicket that I told you about earlier on so we will just uh watch and wait and see there's some more that's coming out here Mr I'm just gonna just try and get these Impalas there we go they're just really weaving themselves through the bush there really are Masters at doing that you see Impalas when they when they're delicately walking through the bush it's it's very admirable actually what's interesting is when you watch Impalas and other antelopes walking watch very carefully and um you will see sometimes the antelopes when they put their front foot down right and you see it hit the ground as it lifts at front foot you see its back foot go into that same place now impilers do this as well and it's called a foot register or register of the the hoof and what is happening there is often enough you know when animals are walking through the bush like they are now and they want to walk cautiously they want to avoid making any sort of noise or contact noise of their Hooves on the ground so what they do is they break the surface with their front tooth and then automatically as they lift that front tooth that back roof goes in the same place it's a good place to put it because the surface has already been broken which is very interesting and that definitely helps the animal to walk a lot more cautiously through the bush making less noise because it's already you know tramping on surfaces that have already been broken by the front roof and then it's another way of saving energy although it'll be a minuscule amount of energy saved when it comes to the wildlife it all adds up if you can save a lot here and a little bit there and you know a little bit there why not it all adds up the end of the day so you'll notice this tree here that's the tamboti tree look at that that is a beautiful one with the mountain in the middle oh it's actually a hill I would say now these some booty trees are really amazing and they're actually starting to form a localized Thicket over here we call it a forest but it's not a really a true forest and what happens is these tamboti trees literally release milk or latex also a toxin into the soil and what happens is that discourages other plants from growing in there and it favors the environment for tambutis to grow and that is exactly how these tamboo tea forests start right so remember if you would like to donate to Wild Earth we would really appreciate it it'll be muchly obliged and if you'd like to do that you can go onto the website and you can click donate if you would like to do so beautiful and on that okay I'm just watching and on that yeah so we have had a donut already and so we would just like to say thank you very much to Janet Hess muchly much appreciated now often you know when you you know you're in the bush one of the the main things that are in the bush in the camps is fire you know there's guests that are going to enjoy the Boma evenings and things like that and sometimes you know when staff or you know maybe even the guests themselves want to do a bit of a barbecue again you make fire and so in the bush vaults it seems like there is plenty plenty firewood which is probably the case but a lot of the reserves that I've visited over the last two or say 15 years um a lot of those reserves actually have a policy where they'd rather buy inward from outside you know a species that are potentially you know taking over and that gets cut down and gets bagged and sold for for wood so a lot of the reserves actually try and support these um these efforts and by doing that they are avoiding taking wood from the bush from the environment which in the end of the day you know you are causing a problem because you are taking habitat away lots of animals live in logs like scorpions and beetles and all sorts of things mice the the list actually goes on and on so when you see a log in the bush on the ground even if it's a beautiful log you know think twice about picking it up you don't need to pick it up don't but on that talking about firewood one of the uses that are not of the samboti which you're looking at over here is the firewood these are pretty poisonous plants and now so much poisonous that if you even make a fire with this and you inhale the smoke it's really going to make you feel not so well and if you do manage to you know make a braai or a barbecue using some booty wood and you actually manage to eat the meat or eat the food that you've you've bribed or barbecued it's going to be a very tough night for you on the toilet I reckon because it's very very poisonous as plants and has been known to give really adverse stomach complaints when consumed or getting too much of the smoke in the system so you've got to know your Woods common that's a good question and medicinal properties you know most trees do you know sometimes we look in the books and we try and look up for a medicinal use for a plant and it says no medicinal uses recorded but at the end of the day there's always medicinal uses in Plants we've lost that knowledge but that knowledge was there once upon a time with the Bushmen and the sand and the koisan and all of that but yes tamboti can be used medicinally now the Bushmen they figured out that okay so this tree's got milk it's poisonous and we can't you can't consume it we can't burn the wood but there must be a use for that that milk one of the uses is to remove warts or growths on the skin so much like a euphorbia tree as well same thing you put the milk on unwanted growth on the skin and it shrinks it and cauterizes it and theoretically it doesn't come back and the next thing is uh and maybe some of you have had a root canal at the dentist so you could imagine in the bushfelt in the koi sand or in the Bushman times they also had to deal with problems like that in the way they did they would take milk from this tamboti tree and they would literally put a few drops on their tooth that was giving them a big problem in the milk would go down all the way down to the root and paralyze that root and they could actually remove the tooth with the roots that's that's the root canal yeah crazy eh different times different times now there's also and I'm I'm not too familiar with this topic and if any of you can help me Archer that would be awesome but now when it comes to some booty trees there's apparently I think it's a worm that makes its way into the seed of the tamboti and now sometimes you know those seeds when they fall out the tree and they are in the Sun the worm inside gets overheated and becomes very uncomfortable in the seed and tries to launch the seed bounce it and bounce it until it gets into little spot of shade and hopefully the the worm feel feels a bit more comfortable and you often you hear of the the saying the magic beans or the jumping beans that actually comes from tomboti and believe that there were they were alive or they were they were magic beans but in fact there's a little animal that's inside there that just likes to be in the shade and be comfortable at the end of it now some animals do eat tambuti sometimes elephants eat tamboothy and you know often when we go into the bush and we think of malaria and this part of the world isn't a malaria Zone but in areas where there is malaria part of the treatment for malaria is quinine the intake of quinine or quinine and that could be found and can be found in elephant dung so in the times when people used to get malaria back back in the day before you know all the things that we have nowadays and so on with modern medicine um they would drink the fluid from elephant dung to obtain quinine back now you always have to have that little corner in the back of your mind thinking but what if the animal's been eating tamboti because then you can potentially have a secondary poisoning there it's got an awesome Latin name it's the spiritious africanum if I'm not mistaken I used to see these trees plenty for plenty for when I used to work out in the greater Kruger National Park that they become so common in your mind and then I went to the Kalahari and you don't see them at all out there and I went to the Eastern Cape and again you don't see tomboti too much out there and to be back here and to see tambutis as well as Pride lands and when I went to Juma a year ago yeah you really forget about these things that you potentially took for granted and it's always a reminder when you see these like an example of the tomboti tree saying wow I'm I'm in awe right now because I'm seeing it some booty tree you realize that hey you need to reassess a lot of things and always remember not to take things for granted everything you look at in the bush is special and the point is to enjoy it in that moment in that time Terry you welcome thanks for that I'm just scratching the tip of the iceberg to what is probably known about tamboti you know sometimes I wish I could add my knowledge or have have have Steve's knowledge added to my knowledge then I think wow that would be awesome because I know Steve is tremendously good with his tree vegetation and his identification of it and his overall respect for trees in the environment which is lovely and Paul let's take a look at the sickle Bush we did speak about uh some of the Bush that does take over we spoke about firewood projects that reserves adopt or take a take on to support local communities as well now I'm not sure if Medicare does this but a lot of the reserves that I have been to they actually you know they they have relationships with the local community and the local community you know removes alien invasive species or or indigenous species of plant like the sickle Bush that you're seeing over here and rather use that as firewood opposed to going into the bush and collecting firewood which is a very good project and I really encourage everybody to try and take part in that because the bush changes when you go out there into the bush and you collect all the logs and there are no logs you know there's something missing more to what you can see sometimes and yeah so it's good so this is a sickle Bush that you're seeing here this is really common archa in mediqua Game Reserve in some of the areas of the reserve it's so thick that you will never be able to drive in there um yeah now you've got to bear in mind that before madika was a game reserve for many many years it was a cattle farming and also trading route uh well sorry I'm not sure if it was cattle farming but it was farming and also a trading route and one of the roads found on madika Game Reserve is still that road that was used in the the early 1900s during the time of the trading and so on but anyway so these sickle bushes they do grow in Disturbed areas and as soon as you have a disturbed land whether it be overgrazed or fire moved through and cause a tremendous amount of damage certain plants start to really pop up one of them is a sickle bush now it's an indigenous tree or bush in South Africa and it grows incredibly fast and well and it's well protected with the spines on the body or on the the the stems animals do feed upon them but they spread and spread and grow fast and yeah some of the reserve is really thick with it but in its own way it's beautiful it really is to see some of these sickle Bush thickets it's it's really impressive how plants can just grow and dominate so a lot of The Lodges I know even in the greater Kruger National Park area as well as well as the Northwest they use a lot of sickle Bush for firewood cut them down because they do become a problem and then use what you've cut down for firewood making very hot coals so very very good for cooking and they dry out very quickly as well so to season the wood doesn't take very long and as you know seasoned wood has got a much better effect than that of wet wood sometimes seasoning wood can take a year sometimes even more to properly dry out not sickle Bush this will grow dry out very quickly are you ready for our next donation goal for our generous donors who contribute 100 US dollars or more we're offering a once in a lifetime private Safari experience you will be able to choose Lauren Steve or Cedric as your personal guide and enjoy an authentic private wild Earth Safari let's hit that donation goal and embark on an unforgettable Journey Through the Wilderness together foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] lines are still being right here where they were literally in the same spot they have not moved the mail has moved a touch is a title of one two three four five line S's of various ages and then then a big male from the looks of it it's lying in the shade spot there is back towards us there's one line is up for now you know just to see what they do they're going to be going back to sleep again we will probably move and return later to be moving will stay I almost want to go and lie down with them that will be suicidal but you can like get that sort of vibe that feeling obviously the lionesses now in this particular portion of the pride have made peace with the fact that these males have now settled and it's mainly the young males that slept at old males and one or two of the very young females that are still running away from these males because some monkeys alarming at the dam you hear that panda that's not perhaps a leopard Impalas as well I wonder if we shouldn't go and take a look at that I think we must we know the lions are here why don't we go and investigate there's monkeys alarming at the dam and Impalas let's go guys let's go and figure them out that might be a leopard you never know we'll come back to these lines there's definitely another Predator there could be more lions but there's definitely Impala and monkeys alarming quite profusely Adam the face of that new mail we're gonna return a little later we we've got some alarm calls heading maybe we can get us another cat stations I'm just gonna leave the lock of these in Gala for all now there's um monkey and Impala alarming sounds like close to leopard vital that you communicate to your intentions man go absolutely move relatively quickly in order to figure out what because we want to get there while those monkeys are still alarming and the Impala so we can check in which direction they are looking but there was leopard trustee in that region this morning so I've got I've got a feeling it's good for a leopard just got a feeling like the other lions there's definitely a predator there right while we try and see what's the cause of that alarm calling let's head over to madikwe to see what Andrew is up to we're gonna go find whatever is causing the Havoc there yeah awesome Chris good luck there yes I hope you managed to figure out what's going on there we're gonna figure out what's going on down towards the West in a moment but why not do some more bird watching over here sir what do we have here we've got uh moments ago there was some Red Bull and yellow build horn balls here beautiful aren't they very nice these are two Red Bull sorry yellow bold horn balls and it looks like a yellow Red Bull one bull wants to join as well they are very cool birds so our chat Medicare it's not only the red build and yellow build hornbill but also the gray hornbill which is beautiful beautiful gray beakable and this uh almost like a Raptor black call that they make the squeaky sort of that's wrong that's not quite it but some of you will understand and get my drift there it's a constantly constantly busy these birds and for some of you that have either you know gone on holiday and you know wherever these birds are occur and you go on holiday there they get familiar with you very quickly and sometimes they even come into the houses and just have a look if there's anything to investigate and tapping on Windows and mirrors is a very common thing now they're very territorial Birds so if you've parked your car at the wrong place you might just come back and find your rear view mirror the side mirrors picked out pretty birds aren't they look at that impressive beaks of theirs or bills you know some some of the people who work in the bush give them the nickname the banana bird because of their bulls Jackie Jackie such a cool question thanks for that so if they mix if they breed with each other red and orange or red and yellow then you get orange oh shame no so they are two separate species all together so they don't interbreed and they can't interbreed but what's interesting about the breeding and thanks for for mentioning that is that what's very interesting about the hornbulls with their breeding and it's a unique way of breeding is that a male and a female will pair up and then they find a natural cavity in a tree and the female goes in there and before she lays her eggs she literally removes all of her down feathers she makes a little bit of a nice warm nest and now she's a little bit naked She lays the eggs in the mail to protect her against the cold and then also snakes getting in there he literally seals her in there with mud dung and grass he locks to the door but he leaves a little Gap open so that he can actually feed her which is interesting and then also not only is that Gap used for feeding but believe it or not it's also used for the toilet because when the horn balls are growing up in this natural cavity they have to stay there for a point in time or until a point of In Time so they need to aim their little bottoms out that hole so they can release you know any of the the droppings and they don't infest their nesting site with uric acid which can be poisonous in high quantities Purity whatever they found there is a lot of it and instead of just moving off they're just going to stay here for as long as they can now if you are wondering where is Juma and what's going on allow me to explain so yeah the internet Towers in the in the area seem to be down faulty something's wrong there not quite right and it's affecting the ground team at Juma so yes the minute they have got the towers back up and running we can be rest assured that the the team will get back out beautiful birds here I've seen them eating all sorts of things over the years I've seen them eating small chicks and scorpions rock candy Susie let's see if I can understand that question well there's when it comes to the hornballs it's very easy to identify the different ones apart just by looking at their bow or beak now in this environment if you see an orange beak or a yellow beak then you know you're dealing with yellow bold hornball if you're seeing a Red Bull and it's a little bit shorter then you know you're looking at a Red Bull Run ball and if there's a sort of a horn wall with a gray beak with almost like a little white stripe to it they're very pretty that's the gray hornbill and you will never mistake the ground humble but also understand that places like Eastern Cape Pride lands as well they also have trumpets which you must have a look I'm not sure if you've ever seen trumpets ornble but incredible beaks looking like little trumpets in a way yeah I was just mentioning I've seen the yellow build and Red Bull Run Bulls eating things like scorpions and spiders and praying mantises fruit or eat baby mice I've seen them go for Birds but my dad should actually tell you the story um but I'll tell it anyway so he my father used to live in Hood Sprites Once Upon a Time and um he used to watch the birds in his you know early retirements and got a good pair of binoculars and he focused on the birds and watched them well he watched them so well that he saw a I think was a Jacob and cuckoo it could have been a striped cuckoo I can't remember at the time lay an egg in another bird's nest and then with a hornball he knew of a nesting site for black flycatcher in the sort of the flake bark of the tree where the the bark was sorting to flake away from the tree and he looked inside there and he found that there was some baby black fly catches inside there so immediately he backed off and made that a protected Zone in the garden and the one day he was watching the hornbill and a hornbill was jumping from tree to tree just looking around and got to the tree where this Black Flag catcher was nesting and uh yeah it went down to the the flaky bark and took a look inside and saw the chicks and immediately went inside and gobbled them all up it's what they do that's how how they survive they'll eat anything that they can overpower that's the diet of hornballs anything they can overpower they will go for it and of course they'll range out of that to things like fruits and seeds and berries and things aren't they just pretty just Milling around there I'm sure there's some termites there could be some that are just you know operating outside the mound it's still quite warm GC you love these horn balls I love them too I think the Lion King made them extremely famous because uh often when I used to take safaris and and compile a guided experience for tourists or guests in a reserve you would often say this is a yellow bold hornball and they would look at you and say we don't know what that is but we know Zazu and that's exactly so Zazu I think was the red build yeah the Red Bull hornball name was Zazu also had characters like Rafiki who is the wise baboon and I can't really think of anybody else Simba and Mufasa of course if you can remember any of the other characters please let us know please uh include us in that there we go nice little hotspot so I'm saying it is very warm today so it's you know what you see termites active when it's so warm like this but it could be I mean they could be just trying to collect some dead organic matter out there and then now the hornbulls have seen them and are picking at them because remember termites are very good protein I'm actually very quiet considering that they've got a food hot spot here so I think what they're doing is they they're trying to keep it a Secrets at the moment trying to keep it as quiet as possible because it is exposed and other horn balls can come here easily and then it all gets gobbled up so eat in silence and get your share very clever just beautiful birds aren't they very clever Birds they learn very quickly they're very smart in that sense I've actually seen them in the cricket National Park go into someone's car and ate some of the peppermints that was in the bag so they know that there's food in the car right so we've heard we found those monkeys we found them and they were still alarming and now we just moved into the direction that they were looking at and I'm just I'm just parked here while we enjoy this lovely bushel scene but I want to listen out for any further sort of like alarm calls or any any pointers as to what may have caused the disruption there with the monkeys could be another lion it could be a leopard sometimes they see a war talk moving and they think it's a leopard but monkeys are generally speaking very reliable in terms of making alarm calls they they like they've got very good eyesight and then as well it's obviously the launch of our contribution onto free view and that's when I say welcome to all our viewers from the UK we are really excited to let you know that from tomorrow you'll be able to watch wild Earth on Freeview Channel 91 in the UK we're all very excited to take on this new Journey with you be on channel 91 on Freeview in the UK don't miss it and don't hear anything that I can use now the monkeys have also acquired done so what we can do is to just keep driving around a vicinity and look for tracks and if nothing comes from that we'll probably head back to the Lions we saw earlier no okay let's move on let's go and see what this disrupted this monkey is I think I should just drive around a bit yeah just one or two loops and then we'll head back to the lines all right so we trying to figure out what has caused the disruption with these monkeys and I was about to move and I still had one little shot there from the monkeys but the intensity that they are alarming of this subsiding now these velvet monkeys are telltale signs that there's a predator they see a predator they they make noise they make noise but they've stopped now so either they've misjudged whatever is there and maybe wasn't a predator and they realized it or it was a predator that moved away out of their sight in which case they'll also will cease to utter those alarm calls and I'm convinced that there was a predator around there and I could we were sitting with the lions at the time I don't see anything anyway best is to work the structure go down into the valleys I'm going to check that that's our next step hopefully we can find something there if not we know where the lions are and we want to go back there a little bit later this uh hornbill party over here and it really is just a hornbill party but I'm gonna try and yeah starts a little quiz and see what you all think but considering that there are so many hornbills here and it seems like there's a hornbill party usually there's other types of birds attached to to bird parties in general that we're not seeing here so see if you can wreck your brains and see if you can get back to me on they sort of zip them up those little things called Barber cells and barbecules we've got a snake or apparently that's I mean it's got a snake and that's what he's hopping around at let me check with my binoculars oh yeah it's a little look like a little red-lipped Herald that's what he's hopping at thanks to you I did not see that is the snake striking at him how cool is that you I wonder what he was hopping for I didn't pick it up on the camera but I could see it with my binders you close the standoff seems like we just lost particular there again um just an apology seemed to be struggling with some signal issues I'm still trying to figure out what's caused the disruption to these monkeys there's a nice bit of structure up here that might just want to stop there and listen again don't not yet seen any tracks of anything this is very good to run for leopard by the way thick bush good structure double up back to the dam from here check the other side there's definitely something that was causing trouble with those monkeys it's very hard soil as well I can't really see any tracks there to look for these patches softer sand what was that like yeah this would be a good place to look for tracks [Music] laughs that is the most assertive Gosling I think I've ever seen oh my goodness seems to be the one Gosling in particular I've actually not seen that before where one keeps going after another species that's actually incredibly sweet to watch such a young age and already so assertive thank you foreign as I said before I have seen them do this as I've been explaining this is only time that the river claims hundreds of thousands this coming back might survive but you could still sell tail many of them want to go across look at this no movement the front is clogged we just need somebody to say let's turn back and everybody will be saved but you can tell nobody has gone across yet nobody has gone across guys they are still there I'm sure a few have been strong you know trampled already I'm convinced that we shouldn't take back to to the dam it's nothing north of the dam I'm gonna dance over there and try and check there now my opinion it's a leopard it might be wrong but also no use just driving around for hours trying to find what it might have been these guys says when you get those alarm calls you need to get there very quickly you need to get there while they're still alarming because both the Impala and the monkeys are going to look towards the predator and you're gonna have to use that then as a directional cue that I think it took us too long to get there and by then this Predator if it was a lap it's moved out of sight of both Impala and Roshan says they're your Nerf record velvet monkeys yeah I know they they can be a handful huh look I'm I know they saw Predators just I think we were just too far realistically and we uh doesn't get there in time which is okay happens so the lines have just moved down the report that I got they still where they are but they've just moved down into one of those gullies uh apparently not the sighting of them at the moment will so we'll wait to see if that improves and also in that dip you know we tend to have some issues connecting with uh our signal we can later just give it a shot and see what it does but first try and figure out what's happening with the damn yeah the lips are quite dry you've got to bring my lip balm all right question let's go to see what Andrew is up to while they try and figure out what's happening yeah everything Chris uh we had some Impalas now they're moving away so the Impala's out here don't seem to like us very much we sometimes we stop and we try and get them but they move away and we don't want to go too far out of range because as you you know that we're still waiting for Juma to to start up with the the the towers and so on so I don't want to leave Chris stranded for too long so we're going bit by bit and we're going to show you anything and everything that we're seeing on our route here now a little bit of reminiscing so while we're here and I mentioned this to um poor this morning that myself and Rhian last time I was here not too far from this very spot we saw a pack of wild dogs not many of them at the time I think it was four in that pack and they sort of just broke away from the main pack but they went back to the main pack I believe and we got to see them just up ahead yeah what was that I just heard a really funny sound I think warthog just squealed in the front now just uh an update with the Wild dog I'm sure you're wondering where they've been um they apparently saw them this morning Somewhere In the far north part of madika Game Reserve so yeah we'll eventually try and get up there and see if they're still around there but as you know wild dogs do move around quite a bit you never know if they were up in the north this you know yesterday afternoon can you imagine where they would be in the morning and they can move very very far distances and especially now that it's the afternoon now so they could be anywhere we might just come across them now as I said you also contemplate which roads to take um so for us we want to try and find that blonde main mahiwa line that was seen this morning just in the north sort of north of us now and we're going to try and see if we can't maybe see him there was a kill in that area and I don't see any reason for him to move off because it was quite a warm afternoon and he's found himself quite a nice shaded piece of of spot there so there's no reason for him to move I don't think just beautiful just sitting here listening to you as much as I possibly can and your ears need to be almost like Radars you have to have them scanning in each Direction because out in the bush one of your most important senses not only your sight but your hearing Joshua have ever been stuck in the bush many many many times too many to mention not overnight or anything like that that's never happened to me but I remember I got stuck in mud and from the moment I got stuck in mud to the moment I was released from that mud via a tractor it was about eight hours so just waiting and waiting and waiting for the tractor to arrive and then the tractor arrives and it's two minutes and you're out what happened another time I have spent many nights in the bush under the stars the last time I did that was in the Eastern Cape in an area called Woody cape a very very beautiful area and some of you who are from the Eastern Cape who have visited the Eastern Cape if you have been to Woody Cape you know exactly what I'm talking about so we actually climbed the the Dune there which I believe is one of the highest Dunes in the southern hemisphere as far as what I heard and let me tell you that Dune was like a mountain and it's sand so you have to keep your legs motoring because if you stop then you start sliding backwards and then it puts you back to square one and after all that work that you put in I'm not going to go backwards rather just keep motoring on So eventually you get to the top of the first dune and you're broken you are tired trying to catch your breath but then you look out into this beautiful area of just sand you know after sand dune after sand dune and eventually reaching the coastline and then there's a little island that you can see out there called Bird Island and we slept under the stars that night we carry everything you need so your food and your water and everything and then you venture out there take a mission sleep under the stars when I woke up in the morning wow the amount of Scorpion tracks that were right by my head on the sand because you didn't have a pillow just got a sleeping bag yeah the amounts of Scorpion tracks walking right past my ear was it was quite alarming I wasn't expecting that to be honest and after all you need your ears but I was saying like one of your most important senses not only going to be your site it's going to be your hearing and also your smell all your senses and you'd be surprised how sharp they become and we're having a discussion with one of the chaps at one of the other locations the other day and we were saying that and you know people live in cities and I'm not I'm not degrading it don't get me wrong but often you know and I come from a city so I grew up in Johannesburg so um I'm at least to judge and I'm not judging by any means but uh you know when you are in these busy cities and you're hearing all these noises and things that you don't want to listen to the the whole day and whole night your body actually blocks those noises out so in a way you're hampering a sense you're hearing because you don't want to hear the The Sounds the whole time that are around you so you block those sounds out but now as soon as you come into the nature that all changes everything everything becomes Amplified your eyesight slowly but surely become sharpened your smell becomes incredibly good because of all the fresh air your lungs are nice and healthy as well and I often say it's nature gives you 20 20 vision and it's quite true you have to have a good eyesight when you're when you're out here no you're going to have a vehicle that wants to probably foreign and who knows maybe she's spotted a youngster that she thinks she can single out it seems like she may have look at these shots fascinating well done Manu who are you going after what have you found it's a young topi she's got it can you believe it here come the adults coming back from the rides they've stopped let's stay on her because maybe even the zebra will have a go at her can you believe it just checking behind me because we just were chased by a big elephant bullet mustard some more elephants up ahead I need to be very careful yeah because this bull chased us and he is behind us somewhere and he kept coming on the road so I must just check that I don't get myself into a problem here if he comes around the corner and keeps chasing us we're gonna have to stretch in the meantime let's take a look at these elephants another couple of bulls I'll keep a Keen Eye on the road behind us very angry bull and must really didn't like our present and came straight at us and he chased us for about a hundred or more and I cannot confirm that he's stopped he might still appear that was fun all right you need to know when to move away from them as much as I let them come close to me you also need to know when when to move because these things when they invest and they're angry and they will of course trouble doesn't look like he's coming I think he better than him I'm keeping a watchful eye anyway we've got more elephants up ahead I think it's the same two same two we saw earlier this one seems a bit bigger so you quickly just let everybody know there's elephants here Broadlands yeah the land of elephants there's a lot this is a pretty impressive bull there's a guy Young but he's it's not a big Tasker would really move much now it will get these elephants angry but I would love to move a little bit he is giving us an eyeball yeah I think we're good where we are hoping if we can get a slightly more side on view and perhaps those but he's he's looking back at us from a safety perspective let's just stay here for now I don't like it if you approach them especially from behind you stop in front of them they'll happily come to you in a peaceful manner they hate it when you when you're behind them I really do not like it yeah yeah yeah that other bull not coming eh that doesn't look like I think he's decided that uh we are threat anymore let's probably move a bit down because he's not moving away from us now get a clearer view of him seems okay now see this is fun and I walk away from your damper project directly from the rear boy remember what I said about the grass that they consume earlier perfect example yeah yeah it's also grabbing shaking and stripping all the dead bits he wants the Juicy Green bits there's dead bits for now holds no nutrition or very little guy with the tear in his right yeah seen him I've seen this elephant before do you recognize some elephants got one Tusk as well not the guy they're called diesel there's a big elephant with one tusk his name's diesel I wonder if it's him done done quite beyond that I don't have a proper ID kit on diesel apparently a well-known elephant that moves from the north with only one task there I'll be him could also be not him these um one task is a rather common can't really use that alone as an ID it is a nice elephant bull nonetheless he's very happy with us now a big boy nice and tall Alison wants to know if I can tell whether it's a bull just by looking at the shape of head yes indeed Alison it's one of them key pointers that we look at very broad head very broad base of the trunk but more importantly if you look at the apex of the forehead it's rounded the female will show a very distinct almost square like angle that forehead that sort of me plat you know that you know the rounding on the forehead the males especially the mature mouths are much more rounded whereas the females it's a very very Square forehead so that is definitely one of the things that we do look at oh boy you are just very accommodating I must say Knack wants to know how strong is an elephant's tusk I can't really give you any an exact like our output in terms of a number I can a trunk that that's a trunk um it's enough to break big branches thick branches to give you an idea there's about 50 000 odd muscles in there it is a very hard sort of muscular appendage so if you look at that cross I can't even pull that grass like that with my bare hands it's an acting how he's using that trunk there look look how to grab the grass she had some grip that is some grip I've seen them literally pull down trees with that trunk very tall fellow this see how all those little little dead dry bits spatters when you shaking those grasses beautiful light as well on this guy this last gin elephant you don't have to say much just let it speak let them let the sightings speak I'm amazed at the height of this elephant also look at his eyes his eyes are almost closed he's very happy with us I can talk away he's got no issue but he's also got a very broad chest is one of those elephants where you at first you get him okay it's an adult bull young adult bull you know it looks okay but when you get this close you realize he's actually quite massive how's it boy but you are such a gentleman almost enjoyed by what viewed by us in Norway oh boy here Betty blue yes it is so relaxing isn't it with a five ton animal that can topple and turn this vehicle into a recycled soda can literally three meters from us it's probably not even three meters I think his face is about two meters from us and he is perfectly happy with it he's not given me any sign at all that is not in 100 comfortable with our presence they get used to these Safari vehicles he is big elephant he's huge hear him breathe through that trunk foreign we have set a new Target join us as we strive to reach our next donation goal of 11 000 US Dollars by the end of June if we succeed get ready for an unforgettable survival special in one of our Sunset safaris witnessing credible skills of Stephen Lauren as they tackle challenging tasks like building shelter making fire and finding water and food donate now and be a part of wild Earth's first survival challenge [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign 's just putting up a show now do you really just showing off now three meters from us and he's happily just eating grass I'm gonna just shake it to get rid of some of the soil on the roots that is just plucked out as well as all those little fluffy bits doesn't want to eat that he wants the Green juicy bits big guy that was really I must say put another nicer encounters I had in a long time at close range with an elephant ball of this five oh there he goes pull out a whole Taft of cross there I can't even smell it that cross it's that same smell when you mow the grass with the lawnmower it's exactly that end voice to be hearing at this time of the day at this time of the year because unfortunately we have a number of technical glitches largely without Juma feed and uh well apparently with this one as well Auckland beyond our control not technical issues that we can deal with but we have now at jamala Camp Waterhole I am the rating from Johannesburg and my voice is almost gone anyway it's lovely to be watching some wild love on television and sharing it with you we've got some elephants here those are the things of the long trunks and then we've got some rhinoceride wandering off towards the center left now top left fuel page some white rhinoceride for those of you don't know jamala is in madika Game Reserve I suppose you could probably just read that from the top of the screen and you can see that winter is starting to take hold here as always please send through your questions comments uh insults jokes it will be lovely to hear from you you might hear the old voice in the background that is because jamala is a lodge where guests are enjoying themselves on Safari they won't be in the lobster I actually be out on Drive and that'll be stuff drawing probably the same view that we're enjoying like I said please excuse my voice disappeared about two days ago I'm hoping it'll come back now what's quite interesting here is that it looks like there's a big bull with this little group that big elephant in the water is a bull and I wonder if the others maybe they're young Bulls that's the young bull doing his little turnaround there shaking his head at whatever and poor maintenance guy at the lodge he's probably fixing something he's been desperate to fix but couldn't fix no that's not right he was actually shaking his head then it's coming in it's nice apple and a buffalo scratching his buttocks I hope he could buff it no elephants coming in goodness it's all Happening Here have the jamala water now let's just see if the elephants will turn right the buffalo especially if there's young Bulls normally elephants do not like dealing with Buffalo no particularly unkind to Buffalo when the water starts to get short sorry about any break or hear the Dozen tones of tswana being spoken at the lodge behind you this is a huge area of elephants coming in now I was at Buffalo probably find somewhere else to drink so there are a number of water holes like this all over madiquette and they are I suppose it's very similar in many respects to fungi and Zimbabwe where there's no major river running through the place and so water is provisioned for the animals and these water holes and then as the dry season takes hold which being now you get these quite fantastic sort of um scenes where lots of animals come up to have a drink obviously Tina you want to know how long do elephants spend in waterfalls well let's count these guys are just arrived one two three four five six I'm being very facetious Tina Tina elephants spend sometimes almost no time come in they'll drink in literally less than a minute move off and other times they'll socialize around the water drink a bit it's pretty mad on themselves rest a bit and then move on it can take a couple of minutes sometimes they'll swim up to half an hour so you know really does depend on the situation they are such social creatures though you know that um they can be very social especially at this time of the year thought all in different herds that don't normally wander around together meet up and it's so fun to watch the youngsters meeting up with each other seeing and making it's like youngsters meeting in a park in the city parks strangers you've never met before and and it's it was interesting to see how they get on so excited to meet new people oh in this case new elephants it's a lovely scene the old Bulls buffalo very bravely just enjoying the mud oh there's some rhinos off to the right hand side might be so just to go back to the lodge quickly um you know guests are in Camp most of the day and so the maintenance staff that sort of stuff have to be very Ginger about doing stuff and so if you do hear noise like this at this time of the day it's because this is the time that they have to get into the rooms and fix things so that's why you'll hear a bit of talking in the background these elephants are having a wonderful time I think it's two herds and came down together and Tina as you can see there it's you know there's not a huge amount going on what I meant by that team is they're not spending a huge amount of time there sorry I got confused by the fact that I now need to link to Andrew who's also at madikwe um for at least anywhere close to jamala though James that is so cool you are also in madika so to speak but uh yeah I believe you're at your Milo what's a hole that is very very nice very cool and we get the vehicle that we are using from jamala which is a superb Land Cruiser by the way it's a guest vehicle so top of the range and we did bump into Lazarus earlier on who's one of the guides at uh jamala apparently he's been working there for years and years and years very nice gentle gentle giant now we're looking at the bush here so just to give you an update so you know what what our our plans on what our movements are so we are on a standby to go into a place where the Lions have just been spotted and so just to fill you in what is standby so remember when it comes to wild animals the last thing we want to do and we'll ever do is overcrowd the animals or Corner them off make them feel uncomfortable now the situation as it stands this afternoon is the male blonde main mahiwa is in the bush at the moment where we're going to hopefully go and see him and he's in a quite a thick bush and the bush is yeah it's bushy there's lots of lots of small bushes and shrubs so it makes it very difficult to put two or a third vehicle in so that I have made it a one vehicle sighting so as soon as the one vehicle leaves we'll go in next and I know my friend Gwen who's in the mission control she's listening very carefully because I'll give her the signal when they call us in but take a look at this bush felt here so of course these are mainly sickle bushes that you're seeing that are dead here this uh was a sickle Bush Thicket here but it seems like the elephants had a real go at it and uh have killed most of them you see that makes it a little bit tricky to off-road in these environments because there's going to be lots of stumps now and uh for any of you that have gone on Safari or do The Safaris you will know very well that the worst enemy of a Land Rover or Land Cruiser tire is going to be a stump you will destroy it and these tires are not cheap so best you look after them isn't this just crazy this Thicket over here that there's lots of firewoods obviously when it comes to Natural fires there's always that slight concern that given the amount of fuel the drive fuel out there and that can definitely you know be a fire risk but there is measures in place in a game reserve like madika and all game reserves they do have a fire Management program which is quite good sorry I think it was Ian of course some Field Guide etiquettes that's no problem so the first thing is first when it comes to you know having etiquettes and ethics in the bush is that the animal must come first and you know a lot of the time in our lives and just the way humans are we put ourselves first and we do this in most even when we get in in our cars and I've Got a Car myself so I'm in that boat as soon as we get in our cars and we drive around in our cars we've always got to bear in mind that you are indirectly sort of how do I say it's very difficult to explain but now when it comes to Nature it's always nature first so when guys do go on safaris they always make sure that the guests are comfortable that the guests have got what they need so of course are they dressed appropriately are the colors all good you don't want to you know frighten off animals with bright colored clothings and unnatural colors and so on and then make sure they've got sunscreen and water and blankets make sure that they are going to be comfortable and then you go out into the bush and look for animals and so on and again you know if situations come around that it's just not possible to view an animal or watch an animal without it disturbing the animal or you know altering Its Behavior a guide will immediately make the call to stop right there and turn around this can sometimes create a little bit of confusion amongst guests because they're unsure of what's going on and all they are seeing is someone just turning around and going away and a good field guide will always communicate thoroughly to guess what they're doing and what their their line of thought is I will explain to the guests of course you know animal is hunting something we are going to chase all those Impalas away for example and it's not going to be nice for the leopard or the Wild dog so let's leave it at that and that's that always gotta you know always got to bear in mind things like you know pollution littering and you know I feel God will always make sure that you know guests are not littering by accident and it happens sometimes you know Things fall off the vehicle so you're constantly got to be aware of what your guests have got with with them and uh yeah try and keep a designated place where rubbish goes on the vehicle that's what I did for many years and I found that to be very handy just keep a little little Dustbin in the vehicle and all litter goes in that Dustbin off-roading if the etiquettes that's a big one now off-road off-road driving is a it's a privilege it really is it's it's not a thing that is automatically awarded to you or it's not your given right if you will some reserves don't mind it other reserves they will allow it or not allow it at all for whatever the reasons may be but when you offer a drive out here we've got to constantly be aware of the environment what we're going to drive over are the guests going to be comfortable is the vehicle going to be comfortable and is the bush going to be comfortable and if any one of those are not in line then you've got to rethink things absolutely and then also when it comes to you know watching animals you've got to make sure and always be aware of how you're parking the vehicle and where you positioned you don't want to block animals or from each other you don't want animals to feel that they've they've got limited options or limited space that's something that that gets become second nature muscle memory for all naturalism and field guides that you do it without even realizing that you're constantly assessing the situation making sure that the movement is free or the path is free and then also how is your path do we have Escape options if things go south what is the plan are the Escape options if we off-road driving or we go into a sighting and we realize that there's no Escape options for ourselves or the animal then rather not go in there so yeah I think I've touched base on that a little bit it was a wonderful question to have a very different different question and I thank you for that okay I think all right so there is some radio communications there okay I just want to just chat to this gentleman on the radio for one sec just bear with me copy that no problem just confirm we can make an approach or we still just stand back okay 100 we'll just stand by here no problem thank you all right that was clear enough one vehicle there's only enough space because the male line is feeding and putting a second vehicle is not going to be polite okay report we've spoken a lot about dry logs let's take a look at the the drastic or bush log over here this one that's right on the ground that's laying flat on the ground there there we go Damien oh wow now I've got to open up the filing cabinet because there are many oh my best moments when I was a guide um wow there are so many birds I do remember a gentleman that I took out I even remember his name funny enough his name was Sam and there's a gentleman from London he was uh you got African descent and he had a very beautiful well-spoken polite wife and what made it bonus was that uh at that Lodge that I worked at we we had a little bit of rewards there so if you work there for a certain period of time they would award you with something called bed nights so if you work there for an extended period of time then they say right you can have some friends and family come and stay Full Experience because you've done X amounts of time and they don't have to pay a cent They just must get themselves here so my father came along and he was on that Safari and everybody got on well from Morris he was in the front of the vehicle to myself driving the vehicle to all the guests all the way to the back row they all got along well and we went out there with such great spirits and um he was quite a funny gentleman and I never forgot him because of small things he would say and do and if my father is watching he knows what I'm going to say now but the one thing he did and it stuck with me was we stopped at a warthog Borough and we stopped and I said to them so this is a warthog burrow warthogs live inside there and he looked at this war talk about and he said it can't be so I said why not he says there's no welcome mat and letterbox in the outside there so it can't be anything living in there so just small little things like that it really got the the game drive going and we saw on the one evening Drive I think it was three different leopards and we saw a pride of lions and we got spots at hyenas that's all from after having a sunset drink and then heading back towards the lodge so how cool is that eh we did get back later a few times his name was Sam gentleman from London he wondered if he's watching another cool experience I had was watching an elephant give birth that's true I was in my third year of working in the bush so how old was I then I started when I was 19 so three years let's call it 22 23 years old so I hadn't been in the bush for very long and I've already got the the chance to view and watch elephant give birth but the whole situation was very very awesome and next time I'm with Morris at pridelands um we'll we'll talk about it together because he'll remember this day that when we found these elephants and were in the process of giving birth we were the only vehicle there and we saw them and we stopped the vehicle and Switched Off and the elephants calmed down then we started the vehicle and slowly made our way a little bit closer every five minutes or seven minutes and the elephants they really found this respectful and they really appreciated this and they eventually just ignored us and we watched the whole thing happening then you know game Drive rules and etiquette is you're going to communicate with your fellow guides in the reserve and we called that sighting in and then another vehicle tried to approach but the elephants would have nothing to do with it and Chase that vehicle away until to the point where that vehicle left and never tried to come back again and again we were left alone on the sighting to watch the whole process so truly I felt that that was a moment just for me and my guests so that's it yeah we're alive right we're now at madikwe game reserve no we're not we're in akakuyil in Namibia sorry about that my brain has gone same as my voice but now instead of elephants madikwe which come largely from the Eastern Cape we've got elephants in Namibia which come from Namibia that is correct it's just like with the other waterfalls around the place these are becoming increasingly active as we move to the business end of the dry season there's two in both seem to be having a little bit of algebhaji in the background there everyone has some Springbok as well I love a spring book especially if it's doing its bronking these guys are not pronking there they are just going to have a drink of water our spring books I've largely water independent I don't have to drink all the time I mean I need to drink everything off not very frequently and I've always loved the adaptations that they have or the presumed adaptations they have to cope with the extreme heat that they live in and I wish we could actually see them a bit closer I'm not going to get into until we can actually see them a bit more closely the elephant the the elephant is wandering around and I think is probably just chased them away poor little spring box they'll come back home speaks meow that's quite a name you say Britain to a new stay in one place and that nature come to you is absolutely in fact there's not nearly enough sitting at Ward oils that happens in the bush will always be far better actually or especially this time of year it's always a good idea to just settle in with a good Tipple a good drink and enjoy and you're reading books that these elephants have to drink every day but the desert elephants don't they can manage without a few days at a time beautiful and I think you'll probably find that these more slender skinny elephants will drink more at each sitting if you like or standing as this one's doing and there's a Vanna counterparts simply because they know they're going to have to move bigger distances between food and water I'm always marveling at how differently built these chaps are much or lean much skinnier of the desert adapted elephants of Namibia there's my snow buddy he's right here at the water hole at the Eco training camp as you can see in the background there some structures there and he's gonna probably start moving back into the camp he's just catching a bit of Sunrise yeah very friendly Buffalo I still don't trust him in Camp though there's two things I do not trust in Camp hyenas and buffaloes I don't mind Lines Moving through don't mind leopard moving through are you just Graces in campus game and then he doesn't sleep right between myself and Panda's tent hasn't done it this time around though and then it's a big snoring contest and then when we've got BK here as well then it's really it's it's it sounds like somebody's doing nuclear testing I still maintain it's the Buffalo it's not mean so this is a solitary bull walking by himself and it's just that these um he's a very old boy doesn't really have stamina to stick around with all sorts of other Buffalo probably has a bit of joint issues as well and they get the same sort of conditions as us when they grow old they're not exempt from those conditions because they're animals and the reason that he's in the campus Because we've mowed slashed the tall grass around the structures for several reasons fire hazards visibility and so forth and that's resulted in the plants responding by creating this nice little green flash and he's after that nice soft leaves to consume nice green nutritious soft leaves and that's why it's there there's an old Buffalo Bill doesn't want to walk around too much to try and find food all the food he needs is in Camp you can hear the kitchen ladies making noise Nemo wants to know how do buffaloes rejoin the herd when they get separated or when they lose the herd um by chance mostly sometimes they use scent and vocalizing but it's usually they'll randomly join up with other grips in this case he's probably not going to do it they move too fast for him he's a group of other Bulls in fact yesterday and he walked up to them they sniffed each other a little bit and those other Bulls moved off and he went off by himself again clearly didn't want to stick around even with other two bulls even if they were also relatively old but he's just happy to stick around here it's got water he's got food we just happened to I've built a camp right here at his prime grazing spot he's eventually going to just stand up it's not going to be Keen to do it wow now the one thing it needs to be wary of is lions so we'll see if those lines do come here tonight and what the hell happened then talking about lions let's go over to Andrew who might have found his Alliance he was looking for thanks Chris oh man I've never heard the word lion mentioned so many times thank you so much that's perfect Okay so we've got this beautiful light main mahiwa here and he's eating I don't know what is inside there I think it's a wildebeest a blue wildebeest he's having a good Munch there so it took some time to find him because he moved from his original spot and uh so it seems like this is where the kill was hidden the whole time and it's amazing because we were watching him this morning just not even a meter away from us and we had no idea that there was actually a kill in there it's crazy we knew that there was a kill around but we had no idea it was there you can hear him erupting so whatever he's ripping it sounds like it's sinew and sort of the joints so it makes me think that there's not much meat left here that they've he's gotten through most of the main parts and now it's just sort of making sections of the the bones now I can hear him not chewing on the skin says so those are those teeth in the back what do they call those teeth clonesials um really are perfectly shaped for unsewing and they literally and some of you who might know leather especially you know things like wildebeest leather or animal leather um that it's it's very tough and even to make a cutting it is difficult so you can imagine how sharper's teeth must be to unsew no we're just gonna watch your bet he's probably gonna be here tonight as well which would be cool but uh he could move it's going to be a time when he's going to start getting thirsty the water's not far from here I actually forgot there's actually a water hole just south of us now it's wow not even a five minute walk for him so he'll probably drink water there the only thing is there's a hippopotamus in that water and the water is a little bit less it's not a very big Watering Hole so I don't think a hippo is going to take candy to a male lion coming to drink when the hippopotamus is half exposed and half under the water but we'll go back there we wanted to just uh give you an update with this blonde made me hewa first and uh we'll go back there to the little watering pan that I mentioned and see if we can't show you a hippopotamus I don't know if that's ever been showed here Medicare hope so I can hear an acacia pad Barb at calling three three three ah Daisy the the experts at relaxing especially when there's a kill around you they're not going to move and he's definitely not going to move lions are very very dominant over their their meals and whatever they've got and he's actually taking it into this bush over here and he's feeding in there quietly I remember there are spotted rajinas out here and often when we think of a male lion such as him I know he's huge his blood made mehway is a big boy and uh you'd think that everything will be frightened of him that won't want to even step foot in there but you do get situations now spots there are here on the reserve oh what's he doing he's dragging it and spots can very well give him a hard time okay so he's just dragged it out a little bit getting stuck shame I can hear me he's actually running out of breath here Victor curious question do you do lions use alarm calls to I think I got that question do lions use do Predators use alarm calls to sort of find animals not really no when you hear lions roaring and leopards rasping that's a territorial thing they want everything to know where they are so they don't give alarm calls to try and confuse the mammals and the antelopes and things like that what they might do is sometimes even Roar to a certain direction that they they want to get the message known and that's going to sort of may even start to make animals move around out of the tricky areas perhaps that they are in but I haven't ever read or experienced anything like that but what Lions do do to confuse their prey is sometimes instead of hiding and being stealthy show themselves to the prey and that sends them running and hopefully in a certain direction that the Lions have got other Pride members on the other side that I've seen a few times big male lion showing up showing himself to a group of Impala an Impala scatter off in the opposite direction where maybe some lionesses are hiding in the grass but we hope to hear the lines roaring again I'm at some point it happened was it this morning or yesterday when I can't really remember but this very male was roaring and the steam was billowing out of his mouth this is quite nice to watch and yesterday morning when we first came and saw this blonde main mahiwa the dark main my hero walked behind us and he seemed to be on a territorial Mission so much so that this blonde made mahiwa was just sitting still and not moving not making a noise didn't want the dark main mahiwa to see him and it makes so much sense now because we know that there's a kill here so rather keep it for himself yay Juma is up and about it seems like everything is A-Okay to hit the road so let's go to Rex and say good afternoon good afternoon good afternoon everyone and welcome joining us in the afternoon right here Juma Safari life we have the two Nyala here we just had the Franklin in a little bit shouting in the area it could be the movement of this Nyala there's a few miles and the sub adult male look at that beautiful color of a female a male tend to be like a chestnut brown color and that is more common while they're still young it's a little bit uh more red from myself fraction this afternoon and we have BK behind the camera we all wishing a great afternoon ride although it's a little bit late we are having a little bit of an issue there with the technical issue around the network so we'll work around the area there was a report there were lions that were really seeing tracks were seen very close to battle here heading kind of South I would like to try to give it a batch on that area it might be the rest of the pride that yeah but now as I can listen is already communication there's two young motherboard towards train them so I look at how beautiful this pieces and the world blended into an environment the reddish but the color it also give them the allowance to blend and all come off flesh very well in the surrounding if you look at it tree he saw some of them the Twigs are Reddish gray that does look a little bit on the tired side doesn't it whose eyes look very very exhausted oh my goodness ox-packy room is the size of that head be gentle and just be slow still learning here we go getting another spot that the Impala can't often reach right near where the horns is just starting to push out oh that's beautiful oh it's a little one it's a juvenile and it's also joining the party waiting for somebody to feed it yes Flappy feathers oh shame I can't get rid of them it's significant argument no you leave me alone I said don't go there shame little one you might have to Buck and ridge be able to get those birds off holding on nice and tight to your fluffy fur but essentially the females are always bigger in the realm of spiders so I think this is a gardener but I am hoping someone can clarify it what is she up to wow look at those views Darby Louise thinks it looks like a damsel fly I can't really see from where I am and considering I came here a very dramatic arachnophob I'm very proud of how far I have came so with the golden orb web spiders the females are said to reach 30 millimeters in length and the meals only go up to five millimeters in length so there you have it there is a drastic size difference between male and female he looks like a tiny little dwarf in comparison to her well I am so so happy to be out and drive this afternoon we do apologize about uh of course all the Wi-Fi things that's been happening around this area but it looks like it is all in order once again and we have got a male line that's busy feeding on a warthog uh viewer discretion of course for this but yes good afternoon everybody my name is Cedric and behind the camera with me on Rusty we've got Owen thanks for joining who do we have here uh looks like we've got the black Dam males so this is that new Coalition that's just coming to the area not too long ago a couple of months ago not a couple of months actually couples too several months ago and they have started calling scent marking around this area but the main thing is looks like they have caught a big male warthog and guess where we are we are at Twin dams at if you know twin dams is the dam that's on the southern side of Juma and we are at the hyena then the old hyena Den so that's exactly our location with these two male lions as you can see just behind them the other male is sleeping he's just forced to sleep to the left and the smell is feasting away on this warthog loving it but what a way to start yeah Juma I know we're a little bit late but it's fine rather late than never as I say finding these two male lines coming up to this kill now of catching this watch I wonder if they didn't catch us water yeah in this uh hyena Den because of course many times war dogs will use these mountains as Little Homes at the inside or burrows for themselves and I wonder if this war dog didn't come out and these boys were waiting for it and grabbed it right here but it looks like it's just really a the front quarter that's left of this warthog so these black diamond males as I said there are new boys in the area these are the guys are just starting to starting to really claim this southern side of Juma and of course further south of us and in towards malamala another property of way further down yes Michelle what a way to start this drive I can't believe it and finding these black diamonds once again absolutely amazing I'm so happy about this and um this model has got a couple of well you can't see now unfortunately we obviously I'm certainly I can see I don't think we own can see at the back end there is teeth marks on the spine so it looked like it definitely had a run in just a little bit further down here you can't see the cross is covering it that's why you had a bit of a run in with it looks like like canine marks that went in there you must understand taking over a territory and uh starting to look for an area for yourself especially these two boys you have to compete with other males you've got to get the respect from females and there's going to be wounds there is going to be fights there's not it's not going to be an easy easy thing wow what a way so far like almost every cycle I've been seeing these black damals now on the last three Cycles fantastic uh sorry Gwen you broke up there with Linda so I just heard a very broken clumsy just got going with that Quinn please ah Linda you said that Lion's man is better than yours well warthog is nice War Dogs is a nice because he's taking the entire bush with him a bit of growling of course coming to this will last but yes look at that power and look at the power oh my word okay looks like he's just moved and we all try and reposition here now I'm gonna see where he's gonna drag that kill and we're trying to reposition now uh I don't know what he's doing okay let's reposition all right we're gonna reposition quickly now so all right let's see what we can do here let's see what we can do here we got it reposition let's head over to Chris in Providence as he's got a stunning sunset this is becoming like a little Flagship of brightness is these sunsets I must say but yeah so blessed to have so many venues if I say venues it's not specific places we can almost stop anywhere because there's so much elevation around the structure of the Bush Everything allows us to have these fantastic views and interrupted and didn't just have like one single tree just to add a bit of splendor enjoy this one enjoy it a lot I'm not trying to think that I bring a jacket because I can really feel the um temperature dropping by the second it's going to be a nice cool one tonight again seems like from Tomorrow onwards we might actually get the real cold weather it's what's been predicted today we're up to about 28 30ish now tomorrow's dropping down to 23 21-ish interesting three in for a cold week until Saturday it's coming it's coming it's coming panda you're gonna have to have some layers on I think we should go and buy some water bottles batch ourselves up strap it around us and then put our jackets over that Kimberly hi there sunsets are simply the best Kimberly you are spot on it's one of my favorite times of the day let me just sort of like think back what did we have today we had lions this morning this afternoon we had fantastic elephant bull close to us we had my snoring buddy the buffalo I mean if you're on Safari in person and three out of the Big Five in one game drop that is pretty much good going you know most guests will be uh at a specific destination for usually about three days and then I move on to another one sometimes two or three destinations but you know you get one or two out of the big five for instance in a game drive that's kind of like what you aim for so you can spend some good time with them next morning look for something else afternoon and something else again but today you know and it's not done yet you know by not by far we've still got lots of time left so more can happen we might even get a leopard all right yeah at Pride lands we do not broadcast any rhino as is the case at Juma so occasionally we will see them are you ready for our next donation goal for our generous donors who contribute 100 US dollars or more we're offering a once in a lifetime private Safari experience you will be able to choose Lauren Steve or Cedric as your personal guide and enjoy an authentic private wild Earth Safari let's hit that donation goal and embark on an unforgettable Journey Through the Wilderness together foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] well it looks like these two black damn male aligns are actually the Coalition two brothers have just settled down a little bit and taking a little bit of a rest for the afternoon of feeding on that war dog but yes on top of that to all our UK viewers we are excited to let you know that from tomorrow you'll be able to watch wild Earth on Freeview Channel and that is on channel 91 in the UK and we are really really excited to take this in Journey with you so from tomorrow we will be watching the preview on channel 91 for all the UK viewers indeed and for now we are going to sit with these two male lines once it starts cooling down the sun is busy setting I'll never know what they're going to be up to but for now it's sleep but as you know these two males I think I was lost here yes I'm trying to think when we first saw them uh what I think August no it wasn't so early I think it was October or November October November it's the first time we saw these two males coming into the area and of course calling and scent marking and definitely putting down their their stamp and saying listen we are going to remain in this area we are the new boys we are the new Coalition that's going to control the southern side well actually like central and southern side of Juma and further south from where we are towards malamala and um I've seen them a few times now and are absolutely beautiful they got stunning stunning conditions everybody is in stunning condition excuse me and um I think the one is looks like a little bit old the one on the right it's a bit older than the one on the left-hand side just by when I'm looking at the dominance and I said the size of the main it seems like he's a little this one wants to turn around maybe he wants to roly-poly a little bit of lipstick on his lip there war dog lipstick and yes and that's exactly what they're doing they're really putting their their mark down yeah um and I've also created quite a bit of a stir between the pride so like of course Uma Pride you can imagine the telemarket Breakaway Pride listening to these guys roaring that's also a big thing you know they don't want especially the S8 mail is a single male that's on the Northern side of Juma and listening to these two boys calling and all that during the mornings and during the night times and it can be quite intimidating you can imagine for him um so yes it's amazing that these guys are coming back this side again and we'll see how far north they're going to go they haven't really reached all the way up to the Northern areas of Juma as of yet are they going to move that way we don't know but for now they have controlled quite a bit further south from where we are now there is another vehicle that's coming in now apologize if you do some noises vehicle noises but yeah they are definitely both of them as you can see full bellies full of warthog very relaxed fun for the time being I'm sure once it starts cooling down I get a little bit more activity out of him I do apologize for the noise this is another vehicle that's just pulling up behind us I do apologize about the noisy but yeah we are just gonna sit here and watch His stunning stunning males but yeah nothing much for now it seemed like the one my allies decided to hog the warthog for himself so 50 years good afternoon thanks for joining us once again yes there are a stunning and impressive Duo I think these two guys are definitely going to make a mock in this area in the next couple of years so we'll see how things pan out because we must remember there's another male the Mohawk from the nkumas or that's pretty much uh always most of the time within coma Pride he's um the dominant male in this area but he's a single male he used to be three but unfortunately his two brothers have passed away last year I say he's not by himself and that could be a little bit of a scary thing for him because now you've got two miles and that's why males will stay as a coalition and they'll stick together it could be brothers it could be half Brothers as long as the genetic makeup is the same one of these guys will stick together and uh you know being two boys against one it's for Mohawk it's gonna be quite a tough thing but you never know Mohawk has got some Sons some sub-addled males some of his offspring and maybe they might stand up for him as well you know so as I say line Dynamics in the last minute or not the last few years but many years have changed up all the time I've seen it happening over and over and over when I started doing the northern Sabi Sands we had the my poor horse coming through then the majinga lines of course in the Birmingham matumbas Birmingham so it just shows that the coalitions have changed up here over the over the last decade decade or so and quite a bit I'm not just yeah I think the entire great to cook a Pockets the same situation but just because we view them and just because uh we kind of keep update up to date with the line uh the movements of the lions in the in these areas it makes it easier for us to kind of really pick up on who's who and who's coming in and who's going out so but this happens throughout the book but as you can see very full bellies and local lines can eat quite a bit I mean they can at least eat a third of their body weight so a big mile like this easy maybe 200 to 220 kilograms eating at least about 60 kgs of meat at a time but for now it's not as full as I've seen it before I'm sure they can it's a little bit spicy David wilting yes it is it's a quite interesting thing I think when their bellies are full like this when lying upside down I think it's way more comfortable for them you know than actually lying to the side or lying directly on top of their belly so I think it just makes it a little bit easier for them to breathe and I'm I'm comfortable I thought we lost pretty much after we have had a huge Christmas lunch flop down on your bed and you pass out but it's gonna be interesting to see what happens in the next few months especially with these guys and it'll be interesting to see if they are going to move further north from where we are now but I think it might have been their tracks that we picked up on this morning coming around down towards uh Weaver's Nest around uh Pangolin truck that's just north of us and just north west of us so maybe when that huge hit of Buffalo came down to Twin dams this morning I'm sure these guys were not too far behind those buffaloes but instead of taking a buffalo looks like they took an opportunity grabbing a warthog not everyone gets excited to hear a leopard shove spot a Pangolin or see a real Impala right but if you are wild about the wild you can become part of a community of like-minded nature lovers and their authentic Wildlife experiences with the world [Music] join the Explorers Club and you will also enjoy the many benefits that come with it too wild Earth explorers it's in your nature [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign we have found this hippo yesterday this hippo was seen sort of in this area and I really wanted to sort of turn around and come again to see if we can find it but we were on our own mission trying to find a cheetah so we just carried on but I'm really glad that this afternoon that uh it seems like he's still here and uh the slow ones to stick around here this is a hippo bull and I'm not sure exactly what uh the reason is why he's in this apparently he doesn't come here very often I think what's happened is there's been a territorial dispute in the river which is just a little bit over from him which you can't see and are just seeking a little bit of peace and quiet in one of the nearby water Halls and it is that time of the day clearly by the colors that you're seeing around the hippo that the sun is Now setting behind us and we are taking advantage of just this beautiful time of the day hmm clearly the hippo bull also taking advantage of his opportunity to rest and take it easy but uh the Sun is setting now and temperatures are dropping slowly but surely and this hippo is gonna need to come out the water and graze a bit which I'm sure will be in the nearby area here look at him as I look at the nearby area here it is fairly well grazed already so I'm presuming that hippos do come this way at night coming out the river and graze this area so this hippo tonight might need to venture a little bit further than expected yes so venturing away from watering holes is not uncharacteristic from from hippo I mean moving very far distances apparently according to books uh hippo can move you know 25 kilometers away from the nearest watering hole at night feeding getting to favorable areas of grazing now the sad thing is with hippopotamus they do get a bad reputation and we do know that hippos do kill a lot of people every year I'm not shown what the numbers are but often I think why is that why are hippos so dangerous and something else comes into my mind that could be a common denominator and that is actually poverty I think if we could sort poverty out in our country and people were less dependent on bathing and washing pots and clothes in the river there would be less negative you know confrontations between men and hippo and at the end of the day you know hippopotamus is very very fearful of human beings and often enough if you're walking around them or you are around them they can be defensive that's just the way that they're wired they are defensive animals is this a Goliath Aaron wow look at this there's a Goliath here and just walked in here it might just jump on the hippo's back I don't know sometimes they do that I've seen egrets do it jump on hippos backs while the hippo is fast asleep using the hippo as an island a mobile Island look at that Goliath here and look at the size look at the size of the hippo look at the size of the heron this is the biggest Heron that you're gonna find on medikue and here in South Africa and it's a good sign seeing this here and here it means that there are big fish in this little Pond over here and the Heron is thriving now bear in mind these Goliath herons don't eat small fish they eat quite large sized fish over over a kilogram easily and so if there's no fish in the pond it's not going to waste its time so often enough we use the Goliath herons and other herons as indicators of how healthy and Equity aquatic system is beautiful look at that dead still reflection and they're hippo taking it easy there Richard most indeed this Goliath Heron doesn't get the name Goliath for no reason it is huge I actually saw it fly in and it looked like it was going to land on the hippo's back but uh it just turned and landed and now walked back to the water they're really cool to see uh really are nice and like I said they do indicate that there is really a healthy system here it's amazing how you know I says naturalists and you know field guides as well how they use certain animals as indicators of what is happening in the environment so I do hope this hearing will be here tomorrow I'd love to see the footprints of a Goliath here and I don't think I've ever seen him look at that Walking Dead still so often when they approach the water they do walk very delicately Rita I'm not very sure when they're breathing season is to be honest with you we'll have to have a look at that and yeah I'll get back to you on that yeah give me a moment reach and I'll find out for you but if you look carefully you can see the reflection of the the Heron is sometimes a big giveaway so if there are fish that are you know sitting because sometimes fish don't always swim and and keep going sometimes they do sort of just like how can I say just become very inactive in a shallow part of the water just for a few moments sometimes even getting warm when the shadow water is a bit warmer then uh the reflection of the hearing is going to be a big giveaway so often when you see herons um really fishing you find that the reflection is usually behind them and also the shadow it's very important that the shadow is also behind them because that's also a big giveaway and then when they walk in the water they walk very very softly it's almost like they don't break the surface of the water making ripples and the fact that they can do that is amazing because we know how delicate water is in the sense that you know one drop in water vibrates in sort of in the water and ripples out so far and herons are able to avoid that I can hear a pirate Kingfisher as well so this is a nice little secret spot with a seems to be a hive of activity here this is the water hole that I think the blonde main mahiwa will drink tonight Jackie darling it's perfect isn't it it really is perfect I love the the mirror Reflections now some of you will know this but of course maybe there's going to be some of you that don't but when you get to game reserves and you get to to watch animals whenever you get animals coming to the water to drink we watch carefully especially leopard and lion they do this a lot they get to the water and they literally instead of making eye contact with you or the vehicle they use a reflection of the water and they use it like a mirror and if you look at the reflection you can see that they're looking at you it's amazing all right I believe Chris said pridelines is enjoying a beautiful sky let's go and take a look there let's look at this this guy is now really impressive it's a purple Mervin top and orange below black in the foreground it is really really pretty and I think this is going to be our last sunset for possibly a couple of days because I'm expecting a bit of Cloudy weather to come in although that's what the forecasts say and basically a sunset like this you know you have to appreciate it because like tomorrow there might be clouds but I've not seen any signs of changing weather there's usually signs highlighting serious clouds and so forth they might still be on Route it might not be tomorrow but there's definitely some cold weather possibly some cloudy weather in band um which is possibly going to compromise our Sunset so that's why I always say you know when you do see them appreciate them we are quite fortunate here that we see them on a daily basis the majority of our days are rather sunnier in winter especially but you can easily end up with a day or two where sometimes a week where there's no sunset are there grunts do I prefer sunny weather or cloudy weather Grant I don't really have a preference as such I guess it comes down to season I must say in winter I do prefer the sunny days the type of weather we had last couple of days the average winter where it's clear skies no wind cold mornings cold evenings you're never going to escape that because when it's cloudy in winter it's it's rather miserable it's windy and it's cold during that daytime it affects the animals however in summer and summer I like both a good sunny day great day to swim I'm gonna I'm gonna rephrase my answer it all depends if I'm working or not that probably is the driving Factor here like in summer if it's 40 degrees and it's sunny it's not the greatest time to be out on a game drive vehicle burning sweating and it's really uncomfortable that's the days where you like the overcast days when I'm off on leave or not working those sunny days are magnificent because we can swim and all sorts of things so yeah I think the answer to that we're all abroad all right Cedric was still with his Lions let's go and see what he's up to and also find out what type of weather he prefers uh Chris I think that's an easy decision that one I will definitely take Sun before clouds definitely I love sunny days I can sit in the sun I'm like I'm like a reptile a neat son once if they Sun my body moves I get some some energy and it works perfect cloudy days and that doesn't help me at all so yes sunny days I'm a perfect person for Sun even if it's cold as long as you say sun I'm happy I clearly of course just you know as you know the Lions they enjoy the darkness so they love when the sun sets this is their time their time is nighttime so I'm still hoping that maybe we're going to get some action out of these two males but for now it seems like their bellies are very full and and not going to be moving too much let's see why don't they are they are beautiful boys especially the other male that dragged the one that was looking at now we can just barely see him in the cross you can see the kill to the right of him and he dragged that entire caucus now under the bush here away from his other brother a little bit of growling that did happen so as I say it'll be nice to see the two of them busy feeding now because oh okay well let me just put my leg into the vehicle yes this one just decided to get his head up maybe he might move towards where the kill is you can see the nice little Mohawk I think sorry I'm trying to figure out again are they I think they're about six years old five I think they're five or six merges they have established uh territory now they have been calling they have been scent marking so they have they have started the territorial with the territory I'm not going to say movements so they're starting to figure out exactly how far north they can go how far south how far east how far west so they are busy setting up their territory but they have been mating apparently with chiller so one of the females from The nguma Pride one of these black diamond males have been mating with her so so I think interesting interesting time especially if she has taken and she will have her Cubs in the next 110 days well that's exactly the gestation period of a female if she has Cubs for what then you know because it's from the black Dam males what will the S8 male do I mean not the site what will Mohawk do because Mohawk is the dominant male of then go home as Nutella is part of the pride now what is going to happen there so that is also something that we have to keep our eyes on and see what's going to play out on that situation but remember Mohawk the dominant mouthful and kumas is reaching 10 years old so he's only really got another maybe two years of really kind of keeping things going in his area before he starts losing body condition but you must remember these young boys they're still young they are now full of energy they'll want this area they see that there's females they see there's Prides around here so they're going to go full out to try and climb this area for themselves but as I said that's Tom will tell but sure this guy is he's next to me he is big there's a spotlight but that's of course for the guests that I can also take some photos and take a look at the the Lions but lights do not affect them let's understand they've got like Crystal reflectors behind the original and of course what happens they can pretty much moderate the amount of light that goes into the pupil so they can increase it or decrease it or this Crystal reflectors I can regulate that pretty well okay looking at me I'm being a good boy but it is you're just big head definitely a good 200 kg lioness of course in that mine is going to increase more and more in the next say year two years you'll find those males will be those Mains will become much larger especially that they've taken over territory and those once they take over area once they claim an area of course a testosterone climbs and then the main starts thickening up very quickly [Music] [Music] those sounds just go straight through you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] now in front of us here such amazing we'll never expect this coming down here we are on the way to uh to the new driveway there's a report of um Alliance which are lying down on that area so look at these such amazing I'm very very proud proud to be having this uh being here for Buffalo that means that uh our lines they will stay here all these lines that are really coming in they're going to be here the Black Diamond miles maybe after the water kill might be following This Heart of Buffalo you never knew oh look at that Mountain want to take Plus in front of us shoot beautiful animal great indeed Buffalo gets active after dark but one thing with the Buffalo that um I really learned from many years of experience following Buffalo I would never be in this uh sighting on the location here where the Buffalo are if it's any line hunting uh this line at this Buffalo because in most cases Stampede it might cause a serious damage to your vehicle in yourself that is very common and practical in nature you need to give them space all the time one of these pieces most specially at night Buffalo such dangerous species heavy species but special melts a lot more dangerous at night viewing them I really love them the way they've been working in the area look like there's no general direction we heard that they've crossed into our neighborhood but look like they need to spend more time in the area where it's quite a lot of availability of food of course and water source that can able to really feed the number of Buffalo here that are working all together I estimate I have uh I mean really estimate that this Buffalo that might be between three to four hundred it's been plus and minus but it looks like it's a big head of Buffalo that's the reason they will be chosen the area where it's followed all the time it's area where it will get enough water for individual members of this uh breeding head or thin the breeding hair itself such amazing we look at the female at the moment look at the size of that female is a very medium size especially when it comes to Pride as far as the black damn mouth they would like to bring down something like that and they can be on the side for quite a few days without moving and worrying about moving one area to another one thing was a part of lions it's all about the size of an enema that they need to hunt if you find like kuhumas which are more than like 10 to 14 individuals they have to run something big a buffalo to do and zebra even giraffe is something that can really can able to accommodate the whole Pride within the structure of the humans such amazing numbers I love it look at his eyes looking direct to us one thing with the infrared we don't really tell yes million times million times I will I'll really repeat that I've seen lines down South here each and every corner of the reserve where a buffalo attack lines and be successful and kill the lines in most cases lion cut the age of 12 down 12 months up to three months we tend to see that Buffalo are successful to hunt those and able to kill them having a bigger mouths sometimes I've seen Down Roofing by Facebook where Merlin was lying under the one of the height and the Buffalo came from the both side going down to the water as he realized that the Buffalo all cover I mean I have covered all the direction and he started to Sprint as is going forward it's water both sides is quite a lot of the Buffalo and the Buffalo all come together close stampeding and they're able to go gym and kill him he's on that way so sometimes I've seen purposely where buffalo hunting Lions looking for lions and really go for them especially in a bigger picture of a head individual like this they tend to be really becoming more aggressive towards Lions so lines that can hunt in this part has to be very much experienced as you can read look at those mouths coming back there they're always behind the head and also in front of the head there's reason we have seen tracks today of different kind of lines are trying to hunt in this specific head but they were not successful the reason behind that is all about these mouths because quad moments that are here that are nothing can able to trans and hunt them and now they're heading in the area where they know especially they want area where it's open they can accommodate it the number of this Buffalo and the way they can see enemy coming from both sides they can fight back so easy beautiful species and a very dry season sometimes you tend to see this Buffalo really specialize internet asks what damage the most from the horse the most uh from fighting that it's more critical on that way the tumor that fights most of time it can damage the ones if you look at the horns a part of the fever is very solid and very strong but if you can hear the clashing as you can see I just demonstrated that fighting it could be the Obstacle of the horns if we look at the or if you have come across with the Buffalo fighting the sound when the two heads Clash it looks like you're banging a metal or two metal It's banging so that forces yes it can damage the horns the most which is one of the things sometimes when lion spirit neverlands because what the two lions most cases if they want to make you chill they force the Buffalo to run at night and pushing them in a Thicket is where most of time you'll find that the battle mat loose horns having one horn and or having injury these are actually the most that can damage the horns around in the area ah loving I'm loving this beautiful beautiful she has to move the mouth that is a male coming there look like the head is very heavy and it's just striking from one side to another try to really move with the heaviest horse or head that they have as using malice they were up to almost 980 kg almost one ton wow there's a road at the moment is full blocked by this Buffalo so it will be wise if we wait until this Buffalo move slowly but sure because most of them most of the head is more towards our left moving to the East look at that Bell coming there look at the horns how big it is it's a fully grown mouth and you can look at the patches white patches some of them are mud after wallowing in a mud it carries the mud is the house naturally it works out in a bush here Buffalo a rhino elephant washock the wallow and a very small pen and carry all the mud and by Sir during the extending the volume of the pan because as they do regularly every time it's all actually the pen itself is going to expand and when the next rain season come it will be able to hold more water as rapidly coming and wallow it can create end of a day a natural yeah easily that can help water at least for a couple months if you drive Twin dams where we have seen the wild dogs those are the natural plants that are created by elephant run or Buffalo War chalk wallowing well from Buffalo let's take this opportunity and Witness A beautiful sunset in Madigan that's awesome thank you rexen yes there's a beautiful sunset at the moment chamber decree and uh we're just taking this opportunity just to switch the vehicle off wind down that everything get uh you know onto a level level if you will and that we just enjoy the moment it's been a pretty pretty different day today for us we uh yeah we saw blonde main mahiwa twice today and uh got to see him dragging the carcass this afternoon that was cool but my highlights I think so far has been that Goliath here and it's always a pleasure to see the Goliath herons and of course the hippos a very different day for us but it's going to be interesting when we eventually head south exactly in the direction of that tamboti Little Thicket that I mentioned uh earlier on in the drive maybe we come across spotted or brown nahina there because I did see Brown ahina tracks this morning on that road and then last night we did see a spots right in a walking around there so who knows we might just get lucky but how cool is this profile of the Hill that is so beautiful that's more or less in the direction of where chukuru dam is so we'll see how we get on tomorrow um which direction we're going to head off to but I think ultimately heading north would be a good idea Carla there's always something magical about these sunsets shame Lauren puts it very well and I love the way that you that you use the word magical but you know Lauren when I was in damn cams I was quite fascinated by some of the things that you were saying because as you all know Lauren is is she's a she reads a lot and she's a very smart person and just her thinking is very unique and I often used to say to my people oh that's magical what a magical view of that line what a magical this what a magical that but if we you if we think about the word magical it refers to something that is almost like make believe something that's not really real and what is the cool thing is that this is real this that's how cool is that to watch something so beautiful like this it's almost like you're in a fairy tale you're on another land another planet and not at all we on Earth are home brilliant but thank you for that I'm glad you brought that up just wonderful be very nice if we can get a brown nahina again tonight and it can be Mr Paul's second ever branaghina in his life but at some point we yeah I would love to head off to the clodam area again uh really during the escape to Nature times we you know we had so much time to play with in those times and we could explore quite far clodam is definitely doable and uh I think at some point in the sunset Safari we must definitely try and head out that way it's it's a very beautiful place sometimes even the wild dogs go out there apparently they spend quite a bit of time out there and then also there's an area um sort of coming back towards sort of the bat caves area that leopard gets seen from time to time as well so I think to see leopard artier Medicare again I saw one many years ago 2009 I think the year was only only ever saw one for this region and it's always nice to come back and say you know you've seen one of that region so it was I would love that beautiful what a beautiful evening with the white broad scrub Robins calling the light just getting a little bit dark but the sun creating that beautiful Orange aren't we just so lucky to live on such a beautiful planet we are all very lucky and I think uh our evening plan this evening yeah I think we will probably drive on that same road that goes past the bat caves and um head towards what they call the guinea far south area and then head south that would be quite a nice Loop to do um and I believe you know there's a good chance of seeing Brown nahina that side as well Lauren was very fortunate she saw Artful for a few times yeah and not just you know a plain view it was a beautiful view and many of you got to see that as well so I would like to also try things like that and then also some of the unique things remember the white-tailed Mongoose also keratia and if you're very lucky honey badger I'm slowly out with the black damn male lions these two male lions of course are nice little Coalition and this is the older one the one that's got more of a fuller mind but it looks like he wants to nod off doesn't attack his very much in a mood for any action for tonight it seems like seems like he's very docile I'll just see if he goes flat now I don't even see anybody up it's quite pretty so of course he's got his kill that's just lying right in front of him a male warthog looks like they must have made this kill this afternoon sometime and his other brother is lying not too far behind us yeah I think the other one is just maybe five six meters meters behind us but I'm fortunately his brother doesn't want to come and challenge him because this mile now that's got the war talk that's pretty much sitting on top of it he's claiming this prize for himself and seems like he's more of the dominant one out of the two as he was crawling a little bit earlier and his brother did get up and try to move past him he was not happy about that yes you're beautiful new kids in the block tell me yes look if they have finished this war dog kill now and if there's a kudu or an Impala or a lone Buffalo that's moving through you you know sometimes cats are opportunistic not what I wanted him to do how many opportunistic say that he'll try and maybe take the opportunity if it's if it's worthwhile [Laughter] now we're not gonna have any of you this is the only view we're gonna have for now I'm not to show you the other one I'm hoping that that one's not sneaking up behind Owen because if it is and instead of having a war Target is going to have an OD d a good old meal uh my Tammy and I oh of course I gotta take the opportunity if it is there but for now they are very happy with what they've got they've got this war talk or especially this one the one male I don't think he's just gonna enjoy his prize and uh you know I think they'll finish this off definitely tonight you know as I say these boys can eat quite a bit um so they'll finish that or talk off by tonight we'll come here tomorrow morning we'll come and follow up on uh htmls in this area are they going to go north are they going to go south I'm not too sure or they might even still be at the same spot but for now I got very very sleepy my alliance on this water kill and trust me it's not the it's not this the picture that's frozen at this point of time it's not a breath of wind so the grass the leaves moving and the line is fast asleep so it's not a Frozen picture it is just it is just very still very tranquil out here yeah not a not a wind not a breath of wind yeah beautiful evening stunning evening how do you hear another vehicle coming in now so maybe once the other vehicle comes down maybe they'll change Cindy D I would love to hear these two boys start calling it would just make my day sunny day it would make my day but I don't think they're going to call anytime soon I think they're what they'll do they'll finish off this kill I've seen a few times where they do they finish off a kill like a small kill like this and then they will then start moving and start calling then but for now that I want to go and advertise themselves yeah with a kill you know it's why why go and give themselves away whether this let's finish this it's a meal and then can start calling so I'm just going to let this other guy know there's one there there's one down there sorry I'm just getting these cars not exactly where these lines are well there was a little moth that went past there on the screen that was quite interesting see that little moth guy from the bottom of the screen which moved to the north oh there's another one but yeah I don't think they're going to do too much I think they're still enough for food for them to last him for a good few hours before anything else happens at the sighting so I might actually slowly but surely start moving out from here a welded heart I think it's more maroc's territory uh my walk you know within kumas this is their territory this was the Avoca the northern Avoca males The Three Brothers mohawk um black Maine I'm not black man dark mine and Blondie this was a this was their territory of course now dark mine and blonde is no more so my walk is still this side he still he was yeah up and down and he was I'm sure he was calling the other night I'm sure it was him so but they have taken over more uh used territory than anybody else's um the S8 mail yes they do come the asset mail comes South it does come a little bit further south on Juma but if it has to be really taking over the over the years territory uh maybe it'll be like an eighth of his territory and that's about it uh they haven't really gone to northern northern Juma or into people's work area there haven't really been that far north so yes uh I think Mohawk is the main one that they've taken over it's right there's a lot of interesting crashes and crunches behind me I'll do apologize I think this is uh there's another way this guy wants to go sorry I'm just looking at us like yeah well at least we've got the head up of foreign as well as uh sorry I did get information as well um I just want to think about it I think Kimberly Lopez I think he did send me some information as well about the two black diamond males and uh I've been quite busy chasing this squirrel Breakaway Mall out in uh out of londolozy and also fighting with other two dominant males pretty much from The kambula Pride so then Zenga males so that's another two miles in Milan Marla so that's further south of us if you're looking at the kombucha Pride they're always in the south south east from where we are so they fought with those in Zynga males the two dominoes of that area so how that fight went I'm not too sure so it just shows you these guys are really spreading their wings really opening up their territory really kind of pushing out as far as they can but that's typical you know if you've got two three four five male coalitions you'll tend to see that territories really kind of uh spreading out much like much wider compared to the real mail because you've got backup you know you've got back up now so you feel more confident and if you go into war and you've got some some friends on the side of you no you got to feel much you feel very confident in that hello is it way s you got now oh my word so I just got an update now from one of the guides molawati a male leopard just came to investigate on the other side of this termite Mountain where we are now umati is a male leopard a big male leopard and he came to investigate on the smell of course of this kill and he realized that there is a lines here then I'm sure that he decided to make a beeline for it I'm just going to quickly find out something uh George which way did he fumba all right towards our grievousness side eh all right all right I've got an update that side so it looks like he maybe went towards Weaver's Nest a little road further west from where we are now but apparently not training I'm just going to quickly make sure that he's not behind me I heard the member I heard that little wrestling just now hmm interesting hi there my name is Robert Williams Dr Rob in the Yahoo chat I've been a long time supporter of wild Earth and I just got an email from them informing me that I had won a trip to the facadee River Lodge in madikwe and I am looking forward to accepting this prize and making a trip to Africa and uh seeing all the interactions with Wildlife particularly Predators like hyenas in person sign up today and you could be the one though experiencing it for yourself Wildlife explorers it's in your nature [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] always please coming closer to the Lions of course Milwaukee is just coming this male leopard he's coming to investigate these lions of course he's not just coming to this area and the lines are like about 10 meters from him and of course he smells it oh everything everything changed up so quickly I can't he's gonna run you know Milwaukee I don't want to go and bother this now because he's not going to do much okay take a look there where is he I don't know I can't see where is he now some more water there oh there's another male there some Milwaukee just came in here now to the sighting I don't know where he's gone into the hole okay the main line some more what you just I don't want to take a nice I don't think he went in at all well oh how does he just disappear like that of course it was a male leopard that just came here now uh Milwaukee and he came into the sighting with these lines but he is I think he went over no I can't believe it just disappeared like that all right let's just go forward now let's go forward my word it took a chance there and I think you realize uh do you think he went in there of course they were at the high unit then and he went up here but if he went in that hole that would be quite amazing Maybe no no Gwen I don't think I don't think he would Intel and uh no no I think you might go in front I think he saw those lines and I think what he did he might have just quickly change direction yeah oh I can't think he would have gone into that hole well then again you never know but I think you realize there's lines there and he there he is there he is serious series I've got him here he is told you okay so I got Milwaukee a male leopard that he's just watching those two male lines the black Dam mouths and of course what attracted him now is the scent of that warthog kill so of course he's looking maybe there's an opportunity to crab maybe something there grumpy old man I'm sure doesn't know that Curiosity Kills the cat yeah but uh let's hope let's see what he does but he's an experienced male leopard that's uh um you know you know as you can see them you know they are nocturnal so you can see those two male lines you can smell them you can see them and you can clearly see that he doesn't want to take any chances he's just trying to maybe there's an opportunity that he can grab maybe a piece of warthog but it would be a bad idea those lines no and the line's got no ideas here because if they knew that he was here they would chase him they would straight away they'll go for him they'll chase him but knowing a leopard stealthy as always what a drive two male lines a male leopard there it is I mean he's just watching this checking what those boys are doing so they're just to the right so with that bush on the right hand side of us those male lines are not like about five meters from from that bush excuse me and you can see he's not bothered about us for now Katrina I don't think uh if I was more white as well the opportunity for him grabbing something is going to be almost zero because they're going to finish everything and for him to even try and sneak in there now find him there it's not going to be a clever idea so I think he's more just a spectator for now sure what a change of events it just shows you once again and we were just about to leave as well thanks to the other guy that he said he spotted Milwaukee this side so just shows you know things can change up very quickly but come on boy don't do it leave it yep sorry go ahead shake it off and leave the area that's what I would do and there is a nice Marilla tree behind us so I think tend to on if anything does happen and you'll climb one of these trees very quickly to try and get away from those lines if they chase him so of course Milwaukee there is a male leopard he's a music he's a territorial boy of this area so he's pretty much one of the territorial males in on Juma but it also stretches out quite far oh he's gonna go straight towards him oh my word let's see where's my light I think we got back uh he's going over the termite mount let's just quickly reverse he's going right to that hole of the termite man just watch out I'm gonna go through a bump here he's gonna be much probably sitting up here some way how do you see yeah it's just yeah you can't seem nicely but he's sitting this up here that's inside yeah yeah yeah I guess beyond the bushes at the moment we actually let's go a little bit further back yeah there's another Gap there yep let's do that other gap mind the gap mind the gap and and you should get him there there he is so he's sitting at the downside of course yeah twin dams that hyena the inside but of course as I say is the location of the sighting at Twin dams of course it is a light that's put on him at the moment oh he's coming down but he's sneaking down now he doesn't want to but he wants to make sure that those lines aren't going to seem stealthy he's going to try and move away because when I just realized not he's worked out it's not a good idea so he might come towards us let's see where he goes here he's gonna go in front there he got in there oh he's going to sit down now on the line still haven't seen him he's really enjoying this uh rock candy Susie look they can't see it I think the lines at the moment um the problem here is that they are facing away they are facing at least one male moving they're facing to the east but if they do see him they will chase him but I don't think they've noticed that he's typical with leopards you know a leopard is stealthy if they need to be uh you know let's put a leopard here let's go a little bit forward a little bit forward oh nice coming this way he's going straight towards me sniffing okay so now this is where they made the kill the water kill so they stole some intestines there you can see he's gonna sniff around you know still trying to sneak up to those lines what are you doing are you really taking that chance he's going to come running up to this marula tree if he comes if they chase him I'm just gonna go a bit forward he's got a piece of meat he's got a piece of meat there he's telling a piece he's still in a piece well done boy he stole a piece what a sneaky one he's gonna come in front of us in front of us there he goes with these little prize all right sorry oh well diamond oh there he goes there he goes he's got himself a nice piece of meat [Laughter] opportunistic at its best isn't it that that is where opportunity comes in and that's why leper to me is so amazing came in there without even these lines noticing it that was brilliant that was classic I think oh no uh without these guys even knowing it all right oh goodness gracious me Eagle lover definitely I think kamalawati has lived up to his name to the to the fullest two to the fullest I think uh where do you see a male leopard I think there is I've got him yeah he's busy eating there let's try let's try it and I'm a watch unfortunately how's your side yeah it looks uh it's too much things yeah oh here comes hyenas as well is hyena coming in here there's a gap behind us let's go for that one it's a nice Gap with you there's a gap year I can get him he's lying down and eating yeah we can go through this side yeah we can get you let's see all right let's see what we can do here um it's gonna be a little bit tough but we can do it sorry it's a spider and you know it's right next to us yeah let's watch the last bit yeah yeah here we go was he enjoying his his meal yeah very well and I think that was he planned that so perfect so perfect he came in he sussed out the situation he left the area and he looked again at a different angle and then he came back again around the termite Mount thinking okay well I see that piece of meat Let Me Wait wait patiently go in silently pick it up and move away with silence while done you just never know what's gonna happen Lisa yes well a very unexpected but that's that but that's the bush at least so you know that's the thing about the bush um I always say just always just remain at a sighting relax be at a dam relax at the dam never be in a in a rush for stuff yeah in the watch because to me the world plays on the world's time and that time can always pay off for you if you just got that patience that's sitting at a place sitting at a sighting and things always always plays out somehow or another there's always something you know so yeah So Lisa it is unexpected but with the weight around these kind of sightings it might be sleepy lines but look what we've got it didn't even move far away I mean he even moved like what 15 minutes 15 20 meters 20 meters away from the lines so yeah budget wow what a what a way to end this uh often in Safari thanks for all the comments and questions and uh yes please join us again on our Sunrise Safari tomorrow morning but for now we are just going to enjoy this last little bit of a moment this last moment with uh Milwaukee as he is eating on his prize but yes from the wild Earth team we will see you tomorrow morning for more exciting sightings [Music] Graham features live coverage of an African safari and may include animal kills and carcasses viewer discretion is advised [Music]
Channel: WildEarth
Views: 47,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nS00aXkW5Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 57sec (14397 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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