WildEarth - Sunset Safari -19 June 2023

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program features live coverage of an African safari and may include animal kills and carcasses viewer discretion is advised [Music] thank you yeah very good afternoon to everybody thank you so so much for joining us once again on our sun has set to Safari here at Juma private Game Reserve in the world renowned Sabi Sands South Africa good afternoon everybody my name is Cedric and behind the camera with me down there on Rusty we've got Owen so thanks for joining yes I am standing on a big dead knob Thorn Tree that has been pushed over by some elephants and it is quite sturdy for now I'm hoping so but let's see but yeah it's nice nice view I can take a look exactly what's happening around you and I'm thinking well if I need a leopard this afternoon I need a beer leopard I need to be one and I'm thinking well a leopard enjoys cheese so I'm thinking oh maybe that's a good thing to come right on top of this dead North Pole tree and to see if maybe I can just bring in those leopard Lux from being on top here but yes joining us on this afternoon's Drive been pridelines we've got Chris and Panda all the way in the north west madikwe we've got Andrew and Paul so yeah they will be joining us this afternoon and as you can see it is a live and interactive show so you've got any comments any questions or any suggestions anyone sent through through please do so if you are watching on the wild Earth website make sure that you do register with us so you can send those comments and questions through if you're watching on the YouTube channel make sure that you do click on the Subscribe button so you can get all the latest wild Earth content but yes as I said I am channeling my lipid luck here for this afternoon I'm on one of the roads that's going straight North to buffels and what I'm going to do that is I know that Rex and this morning had some Impalas alarm calling uh alarm calling around Bob Dam so we're going to just see if we can bumble around that side a bit this afternoon to see if we are lucky but it's a beautiful day A nice breeze as well so it's not too hot it's a vast little breeze that's coming through not a single cloud in the sky so it is just a perfect day for a good Safari but yes talking about this tree as well that's been pushed over by the elephants and what happens yeah the elephant of course will knock it over to try and get to all the nice little fresh fresh shoots that's on top of the tree but this has been pushed over months maybe even a year ago because you can see this is a very old tree and pretty much old roots that's coming out right at the bottom you can see some of those roots that's exposed so of course when an elephant pushes this tree over those roots will come out and that can I say feed on those roots but it's amazing the strength of an elephant absolutely amazing so yes can imagine us doing it we can't even do it with a tractor so elephant foreign [Laughter] yes another week for another adventure yes thanks Joanne I'm hoping that this Safari is going to be fantastic and uh well it is always always different things and yesterday we had some nice ostriches uh or an ostrich and but we actually had ostrich tracks coming up this road now as well I don't know why Owen and myself seems to be bumping into ostrich tracks everywhere we go maybe it's uh maybe there's a calling maybe an Owen and myself need to go ride an ostrich somewhere down there in the Western Cape at Oxford and I don't know we'll see anyway let me try and get off the street all right let's try to get off and I don't want to as I say this is quite a uh quite a sturdy tree as well so not too bad ah there we go easy does it perfect hose perfectos look at that just like that [Laughter] all right let's head over to Andrew in madikwe to see what's happening with Andrew foreign good afternoon everybody good afternoon welcome thanks for joining us on the sunset Safari achiat madika game reserve I hope everybody's excited and well and uh are going to join us on the plan we hopefully hopefully gonna find cheetah this afternoon we got word that maybe there could be one up in the north so we're gonna try by the way my name is Andrew and behind the camera isn't poor and we are doing very well it's nice and warm and we're looking forward to to be going on the Safari stumble a little bit there let's watch these elephants before they cross the road look at that carrying that Branch with her just leaving the calf over the road look at that because she's using her feet that's incredible so now what she's doing is actually debarking and they often do this especially in dry times and we are hitting in Winter as well or mid-winter pretty much so yeah so that is meaning that things are dry and a lot of the elephant Satya are gonna eat the bark and sometimes the way they remove the bark is to stand on the branch while peeling off the The Bark much like an orange peel if you will and sometimes they do walk off with branches and drop them on the road and things like that that makes the ultimate sign for us that they have been there when you see these branches on the road but sometimes every now and then you know if there is uh say for example lines in the bush or whatever the case may be and we do have to off-road to go to them the rule out here is please stick to one set of vehicle tracks going in there because it's less damage and we might leave branches as a marker on the road to say here is the vehicle tracks this is where you must go off beautiful hair so the area that we're going this afternoon is up in the north as I mentioned Gabby I'm happy to hear that I'm happy to hear that I think elephants bring many many people Joy I know it brings us a lot of Joy they are very cool animals and you know in the African bushfelts we are actually very lucky to have them if we think about it and it's important that we do look after them the biggest animal found in the bush but yet the most gentle it's amazing just amazing they are smart enough to realize that confrontation isn't always a solution so for example we had them on the road earlier on and we just stopped and we waited for them to pass but being big animals they could easily you know chase us away and send us off packing but they don't they just gently and humbly want to move across the road or into the bush you do get exceptions sometimes you know bulls and must maybe an elephant wants to mate with another elephant there can also be a time when things can be a little bit dangerous or if an elephant is injured and you never know maybe Lions harassed a group of elephants for a while in the morning and we come along in the afternoon and they're still upset you constantly have to try and read them to see how they're doing so it's gonna [Music] okay sorry about that if you just had a vehicle that just passed us now yeah goodness and there their backs are walking off in the bush there so we actually went one drive was it yesterday's driving Port we went a drive without seeing elephant for the first time in my time actually that I've come to my decoy was yesterday afternoon there yeah yesterday afternoon we didn't see a single elephant for the drive so even though my decoy has got a lot of elephant there's always that chance that you might not see them remember this is the bush felt they are free to hide and free to roam as they will beautiful there boy let's take a look at these mountains while we're here look at these mountains so just at the end of these mountains you'll start to see them now let me just more or less in the middle now that's sort of where the bat caves are yeah more or less in the middle and that is where the bat caves are we drove past this morning no activity there but we do know that it is a hive of activities sometimes but yes as we said it's nice and warm today I wonder what the other locations are looking like so let's go take a look at the weather good [Music] Ness foreign Conservancy uh the reason being is I would like to try and see if I cannot catch up with those Buffalo that we found this morning we are right in the Northwestern Parts where we last let them it's right here and it looks like the tracks are going that way it's going to be our start-off planet to look for the Buffalo my name is Chrissy Rasmus and with come up is pentaglets are we gonna try and find this Buffalo that little app and clearing towards our West is the last known kind of like location uh after us they weren't one or two guys that came to look for them so we need to go there and look for tracks and I did stop specifically here to listen out if I can't hear them even though I think they will probably be resting at the moment so that's why I want to use this time now to catch up with them so while they are still lying down sleeping etc etc before they start moving we can narrow down to where they are and will very likely come back to the water hole as soon as they get active about an hour's time and we basically then we'll try and find them elephants I'm pretty sure at some stage we will encounter them I'm not even going to try and look for them which we are near certain that we will eventually find them somewhere there's no sign of cats as mourning this one or two leopard tracks around but nothing that was actually seen so I'm not going to put any money on some cats all right so I'm gonna get back onto the vehicle and then we're gonna head through this little dip and then onto that portion between these two small drainage systems and some were there we probably will see some tracks of those Buffalo that's our first goal to find the herd of buffalos checked very carefully yeah we don't miss the tracks Cameron wants to know if we get huge herds of elephants like we get with Buffalo absolutely in fact this herd was about 30 Buffalo but there's another herd of about 150 Buffalo that moves around the area but I've seen herds of over 500 buffaloes in the greater Kruger region in fact the mean size of the herds of buffalo in the Kruger is 380. Yana have a statistical meaning but it's not uncommon to have herds that are numbering more than 500. in fact one time I was fortunate to see two such herds merge into one single herd a bit more that way it's a very short gross area to our left I don't think they would want to be there there's a little pool here you see here's some yes some sign of Buffalo here I need to hop out quickly what are we here there no that's not oxbickers you see that there is this little pannier called Court Blanche pan and uh it does appear that they ah this is old stuff this is actually old stuff last night yeah independent can get to those definitely some tracks here but that's not wet in the inside definitely tracks here I know we're here they were definitely here this morning then this must have been after in that way now I'm not too convinced about this dangner take a look at the outside it's quite dry you can see that outer husk has dried out of the inside still very moist that tells me it was early this morning but the structure this Buffalo weren't here all right we're gonna continue but it does look like their tracks were here it does appear that there's definitely some buffaloes here in terms of tracks little pool here they wallowed in right we'll just go along this portion and then around and see where they've gone from here I'm also later on when some of the other guys are getting active I will uh also be able to contact them via radio like a challenge I like tracking stuff no there's definitely some buffaloes moving here I like a challenge I like a tracking challenge it's going to be our goal let's try and find these things now this road that we've been taking that we take to basically go up north straight from the lodge so this is our way out pretty much uh has been a pretty productive uh Road this afternoon so far we've seen two different groups of elephants now we've seen some Impala which we're showing you now and then we also saw a few kudu which is quite nice are we not even halfway through so let's uh let's see what else the road has in store just beautiful while you're watching these Impala I would just like to take my hat off to the following people to say thank you thank you very much for donating and contributing it's very nice of you so Mrs and Paul and Jamie Shaw Reynard wahlberger Carmen Serrano and Marie Sutton and Alistair s Donovan thank you kindly very much appreciated these Impalas are very very steady very still at the moment just feeding as much as they can it is quite hot at the moment so best try not to move around too much and they're just going into the bush oh that's nice uh it's got a beautiful herd of Impalas that's just mulling around you as you can see a bit nice breeding herd breeding herd meaning it's all the females together and there is one Malia but I think he's gone he's far behind he's inside that the silver cluster Leaf they could say but all the females he had just south of boa Baba damn as I said I'm coming into this area due to the fact of uh Rex and having something or Impala's alarm calling this morning yeah so I'm just going to keep our eyes peeled for the side but yes and polish is pretty much the most common Antelope that we do have um they are very successful when it comes to breeding rotting season has just finished about a few weeks ago and I'm saying ratting is when the female is going to heat and then the males compete for these harems and then they'll mate will copulate with him and then usually around about November time you'll find that the females will give birth to one little lamb and they'll all give birth in a matter of like a week period so you'll have all these little babies together and a good thing for that is safety in numbers so you can imagine if one female has a little lamb now the chance of survival for that youngster is almost a zero percent because if a predator like a leopard lion wild dogs hyena something like that they see that lab all by itself well that is going to be the weakest one in the herd and they're going to go and Target it and they're going to go for it but if you've got now 20 little lambs together or 30 together you know yes maybe one will get taken out but at least you know the rest will survive do you see another day once again as I say safety in numbers very important and that's also mixed feeders so you will find and if it's too dry the grass in winter time it's not much drier not much grass around find that they can also pretty much suffer to browsing eating leaves there's not much leaves around that can go down back as well and feed on grass or little berries and flowers if they need to so quite the mixed feeder adapted restaurant and because of their numbers you must think that now a lot of like things are leopard lions Rolo no none of us they don't shed their horns yeah and uh in South Africa all male impylers or male antelope and even the females have got that that got horns something like a sable something like your Hermes book Ireland none of them shed their horns they will keep their wounds for life so they're not like the deer in uh North America also a fantastic video the other day where I think someone took a beautiful Drone footage of this huge male deer and he had his antlers and what he did it actually shook its head and both those antlers fell off you know into the snow of course they were shedding his his horns and wow that was amazing I'd love to pick up phones like that I can imagine but yes as you can see we've also got a brown snake eagle right on top of that marula tree I can see nerve no feathers on the legs very square head brown snake eagle but that's very focusing it's even small quite minute from where we are sitting they are quite stunning because not just catching brown snakes or green snakes catching any kind of snakes as well as any kind of reptiles so even if you find sometimes like skinks and monitors and that if they've got the opportunity and they'd say Well they're going to go for it but they do specialize in the snakes hence the name snake eagle and we've got another one called the black chested snake Eagle but we don't get to see that one often oh here it comes it's coming down maybe what's it uh but it might have seen something and Danica yeah it looked like it was very focused it looked like he was trying to uh add some prey but now he's just moved off and he's still got him there no he's gone uh but very that's a fantastic eyesight and Danica I think that so they've got the special ability to kind of see things from far off and like most Eagles and Hawks or any bit of prey fantastic eyesight all right let's move on I'm gonna go carry on down Sandy patch let's see what else we can find down the side boom boom boom yes yes yes let's say the black Chaser snake Eagle we don't get to see them that often um I'll see them around here before but it's far and few between sing that specie I've got some awesome Magpie strike up here beautiful local known as a long tail trike I'm just going to stop here easy in using family herds um families family herds families and just see the wine yet I don't see it in the other one around and they make the most beautiful noise [Music] a beautiful white on the side as well so there's not really any breeding plumage with uh the long tail strikes they'll have those long tail throughout the all the birds are flying like past us all right let's let's move on so they'll keep those long tails for the entire ly shed them yeah but let us know what you'd like to see this afternoon any suggestions please send it through to us I would like to know who would you like to see which character or what species well can I can imagine what species I don't even have to even think about that Aussie how can you tell if it's a true eagle or not well Aussie a true eagle has got feathers that go right down the legs to its feet um so you'll find all the way down and of course your like your snake eagles they don't have it so they actually they don't have any feathers going down they got bare legs and that is not really a true Eagle so that is the way you identify a tree Eagle too much evil one copy that two they've got a beautiful tree on the right hand side it's of course a African weeping wattle but a nice big one beautiful African weeping wattle foreign explorers wild Earth kids is back your monthly subscriptions have allowed us to relaunch Wildwood schools on a weekly basis every Wednesday for the first hour of the sunset Safari you guys bring a smile to my face every single day sign your class up for a special virtual field trip to Africa because touching the lives of the future Protectors of our Earth [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] welcome [Music] back foreign also very inquisitive creatures like to stare at us a big mouth the big males stare at you like your other money this there is really quite intense Lisa wants to know what type of vegetation do buffalos feed on uh African Buffalo okay Buffalo or grazers so they eat gross mostly but they might supplement it with some leaves especially parts of the northern Kruger where the vegetation or the the tree type is dominated by the mopani tree it's got a high amount of protein in the leaves they do eat the more panis they do occasionally browse leaves but the bulk of their diet is grass and they eat large amounts of grass they are bulk grazes meaning they are not too selective they'll eat any form of tall medium and Tall Grass when good grasses are available they do tend to pick and not but when it's not they're happy to eat whatever grass is available they are one of the largest consumers of grass artya in the form of large mammals they just very calm at the moment we'll stick with them for a bit and see what they want to do perhaps they might want to move towards uh the water hole we can maybe get to see them drink water we might play it by yeah as we go along not very busy at the moment lover yes indeed no but they were just saying bit it'll make my dad happy with all these Buffalo you can show my dad could bulls and buffalo he's happy he's not interested in lion and elephants he likes buffaloes all this is ruminating at the moment well if they don't look like they're all gonna move then we could probably go and try and find some elephants and then move back to these guys at a later stage or but I'll definitely first observe it a bit and see how long these guys are going to be um resting up here but normally around about three Thirty in this type of weather that's all stand up Jeremy wants to know if Buffalo requires salt in their diet Jamie yeah indeed all these animals do need electrolytes and they get it in through various methods most common method is to to certain types of rocks in soil particles sodic areas we have a few sodic sites yeah we're the top layer of the soil is chalky in the layer underneath rather salty so they do lick those areas we don't artificially put down any salt licks for them here they get it all in a natural manner not much salt in the actual diet generally speaking seeing them lick the soil a number of times and it doesn't only go for them a number of creatures do that actually now they're just happily chewing all the food that they've eaten during the day polanis wants to know what besides Lion predates on Buffalo in pulani it is mainly Lions out here I have personally seen cases of very large male leopards taking down buffalo coughs it's not the norm but I've personally witnessed it I have heard about reports of hyena praying on in old or injured the Buffaloes it has been reported I guess if wild dogs do see a buffalo cough that are separated from its parent it might probably go for it but it's not normal for them to do it but realistically it's mainly lions thing is buffalos are very strong bulky stocky and extremely tough creatures even Lions have a hard time to bring them down and they've got no trouble taking the fight to the Lions when they can see them in time the lion surprised them that's when the Lions have the advantage but if they can see the lions in time it's not uncommon for them to physically gang up on the Lions as we have seen a number of times lines can get hurt hunting Buffalo they can even lose their lives and I've seen that happen many times in my career that Lions have been severely injured or even died as a result of wounds inflicted while trying to hunt Buffalo that's why they say it's easy to kill a buffalo it's just hard to convince them of the same thing no okay I'm gonna probably spend another 10-15 minutes here to see what these Buffalo are gonna do if they're not gonna get up then we'll move and find some elephants first I think for now let's head over to Juma with Cedric who's on the move thank you Chris and good luck with those buffaloes as you can see we've got a nice blue wildebeest looks like a mom and a youngster and looks like that uh coffee is now just heading behind I might actually just go forward try and get a little bit further see if we can a little bit uh and there's more all right there we go oh actually quite nice I have four Volta beast on this open clearing I said oh planes games so you'll find wildebeest just like the zeros they do enjoy these open areas feeding grazing on some nice sweet good grass around here a lot of the drop seed grasses I'm also looking maybe like the broad leaf curly grass and palatable but yeah it looks like the one youngster there so with the wildebeest as well I always say it's Christmas uh babies because they usually have their calves at Christmas time around about then end of December see there is one youngster amongst this big male in front that's looking back at us and then there's another two like a female on the right and a female on the left is all also known as a brindle a GNU it's funny like quite an interesting noise and then just to the left of them of course you'll see a bigger picture on this side is that we've got to the imparters so of course once again safety numbers so the wildebeest and the Impalas are hanging around together at least they know if there is any danger in the vicinity one of them the spot said danger it'll let the others know listen there's a problem oh yeah between us to see some zebras well we did this just before that ostrich I went into little Gary Gina knows that the the territorial bull he will be the only one that will roll around and has certificate that little middens in his territory making like this middens and then that's why he'll let other males know listen this is his area sees territory and sometimes they're not Lodge there can be small territories sometimes they're not really that big open clearings and that's about it but I think for the smell as long as he keeps the females in his territory he's very happy as long as he's got good grazing grounds and he's got a nice water source somewhere close to his to his open area to his in his territory and then the females fall try and remain a little bit longer but the females all tend to have like home Rangers so they'll all move through they move through miles territory so they will not just stay in one spot you'll also see the male and the female wildebeest both of them have horns they're not like the Impala where you'll find the Impala they're just the male has horns and the female does not have horns but the vulda Beast both well it's all male the males one is a little bit thicker and a little bit wider but not much more than a females it's not like a huge difference as if you look at Buffalo and look at a big buffalo bull these are ones that pass it's thick it's heavy where the female's horns is very thin so that's quite a difference but in the wildebeest Society it's just very much the same oh thanks picking up some dusty I might go and lie down there you never know maybe he'll go and roll around in that sand for us have a bit of a dust breathe for the afternoon that's amazing you can see how that even the kite shines like that now you can even see how the Sun is actually just reflecting off the fill the Beast back very very shiny coats and on top of that you'll also find they've got the typical like zebras this dark light dark light shading on the sides and I said for thermal regulation so you'll find that it is black or dark areas Jaws in the Sun the light areas reflect the Sun so that dark light dark light dark light creates a nice wind thermal above the skin and it'll be perfect so they don't have to really look for shade especially that they're always on these big open planes so this herd of buffalo African buffalo have not yet moved exactly how we found them and it's kind of like time for them now one thing I'm surprised about is the fact that they're not sleeping in shade because we have a relatively warm day today about 30 degrees which is warm for this time of the year there's one or two that's in shade well I guess there's not a lot of shade around currently for a large group of Buffalo but they will get up soon I'm convinced of that it all depends on how much they've eaten during the early morning hours if they've really filled themselves up there is no need for them to get active they will have a lot of grass still within the room and stomach the big stomach where they reach you it ruminate or chew the cut as it's commonly known as they're gonna start moving soon and that's what I'm hoping I'm also hoping that they'll head over to the wartroll even the oxbackers are now arriving that's usually a good sign now if they don't move in the next five minutes I'm gonna probably just use the time and drive around because we know where they are see if we can't find some elephants don't think we'll have to go far for elephants and then we can kind of like do a loop back and come back to the Buffalo once they start moving wants to know if Buffalo is Saint Mark uh Pamela no not really since they're not territorial creatures so there's no need for them to mock territories but you'll have as Bulls within the herd will demonstrate certain features of the body their horns posture sometimes Gore like mud to accentuate the horns in order to intimidate other bulls not to try any luck with their females within the herd so it's not one herd actually there's actually a group of a lot of small herds together each with a couple of cows in a breeding bull and they all just walk together as one big group it's like a conglomerate of small herds but no they don't actively send Mark to advertise territories because they don't hold territories I have a home range but not a territory so the animals that Center mark or creatures that wants to warn others of the same species that this is occupied I'm gonna give it another five or so minutes if they don't move then we're gonna try and find Ellie's in the meantime let's head over to Andrew at madikwe awesome thank you Chris good luck with your adventures there yeah we've been adventuring North and we've come across this beautiful Nursery group of giraffes now there's about five youngsters that we saw they've all sort of now just uh weave their way in you know through the bush now but moments ago there was about five of them walking in a cluster together uh with one of the adults uh sorry two of the adults just keeping an eye on them so they often do this especially if there's more than one calf in a in a group what they'll do is they'll form Nursery herds so adults can go off and spread themselves at them and they can feed and then come back for their calves after leaving them in the the care of a of another Guardian look at this female that's walking here she's got a quite a unique shape shaped nose you see that something has happened there I don't know what exactly but it has misformed slightly ah you know in a land like Medicare there's always a possibility that it was a predator remember when predators do attack big animals or animals in general to eat them what they actually do is a lot of the time they will crush the snout hold the snark down but every now and then you know especially giraffe being very powerful often they just kick their way through and then manage to pick themselves back up onto their Hooves and run and survive but then they have a a badly crushed nose so that could be a possibility when she walks a bit more we'll just have a look if we can't see some scars in her body and I must say uh quite a fair amount of the zebra that I've seen I know this is giraffe of the zebra that we've seen Archer at madikwe a lot of them have got scars on their body so they've interacted at some point with big predators now with giraffe you can see these the uh the scar tissue quite easily but now when it comes to animals like zebras it's a lot more trickier to to see Amanda good afternoon on a nice sunny day here in the north west thanks for joining us here so it's any time of the giraffe can give birth any time of the year so therefore you know when when a female's you know giving off those those pheromones and you know potential you know males are picking up on those pheromones and they find each other all competing for the same female they're gonna neck that's correct and that's any time of the year I haven't seen any nicking here at madikwe yet uh of course there's so many things I'm yet to see here and this is only my second stint with wild Earth year so slowly but surely we'll get things that we'll see nicely that's what I love about you know being in the in the bush you realize that you can't see everything on even your first stint or your first even year so if I had to spend a whole year every single day driving around this game reserve for a whole year even I still would not have seen everything there's many things that I still wouldn't have seen and that's with every every place some animals are just particularly secretive or difficult to find but not giraffe giraffe are fairly easy if you're in the right area and you know the trees are not too tall and the bush is not too thick you can see giraffes from quite a long distance away aren't they just beautiful just spraying themselves out here so slowly feeding off here and then moving on to the next Bush feeding off there and it seems like they might head off to one of the dams in that direction and that's going to be chakurudem to me I think I got your name correctly there that's also a good question it depends uh social structures of giraffes are very varied so now for example you'll have a breeding group where they're adult females in a herd when in a group and with young and so on those are breeding hurts then you get solitary Bulls that are quite dominant and looking to avoid competition by staying solitary so spending time solitary and only going to the breeding herds when they're absolutely sure that there's a female in condition there and the chance is there then you get the bachelor groups with with um with giraffe as well you get the males forming Bachelor groups and then you also get sometimes a female giraffe walking by herself not very often but that happens they're not afraid to walk by themselves but of course you know the giraffes are going to do a lot better when there's a group because they all have fantastic fantastic eyesight and if there's quite a few in a group wow they are going to see a lot of things happening around them no I'm just gonna have a look one is slowly moving we're just going to see there we go now again you can see those white ears clearly from here those are like almost like mirrors if you will so very very easy to spot now giraffes when they spread themselves over long distances they don't want to get lost and not be able to find one another so over a long distance you know they'll their eyes really do pick up these little white flashes of ears in the open parts of the Bush for quite a distance away and they'll be able to understand if where the group is going where the others are feeding or maybe if there's a you know dominant Bull on the way Etc a very clever adaption to have you know quite pitch white ears especially when it comes to how good the eyesight is they're gonna see those pitch white ears very easily Cindy D that's also very good question so yeah you know a lot of the when it comes to you know the breeding groups of antelopes and and things like that uh you know they they're gonna need to wonder and and so on so they need to be a bit more social and sometimes falling forming coexisting um relationships with other animals because they all have the same common enemy or Predator but now Predators they need to be territorial they need to walk through the bush find an area that is going to suit them perfectly there's water the bush is perfect for hunting there's animals in there as well and they're going to need to defend that territory otherwise they get booted out their territory and they're going to need to find another territory that might not be as suitable so if you find a good territory hold on to it and you've got to be aggressive at holding on to it very interesting lovely lovely afternoon so far and we do plan to get to colabeng Dam up in the north it's a beautiful Dam I went there with three and last time I still need to show them Paul we'll be driving on the Northern boundaries on the other side Botswana how cool can't wait to show them Paul and then we're going to be seeing if we can't find a cheetah we got where that there could be one around there male cheetah there we go look at the bush felt Archer it's been really eaten upon by by elephants you see that all these uh Corky plants they've been fed off and some of them have died and the Elephant population is pretty strong out here in madiko Game Reserve but there is plenty vegetation for for those elephants to eat so sickle Bush and sickle Bush a lot of people think it's not a good plant but it's not a bad plant yeah it grows and it can become thick when Disturbed the area is Disturbed but at the end of the day it is a good food source for a lot of the wildlife no it's just look with binoculars I think it's an Impala ahead of us just through the bushes here I just hear a few Tails flicking I'm just gonna see what they're doing just busy grazing with the presence of giraffe around foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign thank you all right Scotland on this ride I'm gonna head towards triastem one of the dams that's just down this side and then I shall be following up on those hyenas because remember there was those wild dogs this morning in little guy but unfortunately they went South but you never know they might turn north again so I'm going to go down towards Charleston and just look out for anything the side maybe some nasty elephants it'll be lovely lovely something something got my attention here uh uh ahinas sorry I just saw tracks almost all um coming up this way but it's high heena tracks all right so just those hyena tracks so far but I'm gonna go to the hyena dinner I want to see if Junior isn't uh come back to a den as uh today because I was around there this morning and it was very quiet around there this morning so that's got an investigation well I can understand why it was quiet because those wild dogs hyenas and wild dogs definitely ahead some kind of scrap inside little Gallery south of Juma and um it seems like there was a lot of fighting going on and then the wild dogs pushed further south and I'm sure those hyenas stole the kill but anyway let's head over to that side slowly see if anyone's home beautiful afternoon beautiful afternoon as I looked on the North Western Corner um I thought maybe we're going to be lucky after as I said Rex and heard those in Pilots alarmed calling this morning around Bob Dam but I don't see anything leopard lover yes I saw that little white cup from the Birmingham lion ah leopard lover uh I've seen one white line that is a white male inside Kruger Park called Casper for the east in Kruger and I've seen him but I haven't seen the Birmingham so but yeah very nice last year at the little white line Cub very very cute it's amazing I wonder if that genetics isn't going to be pushing further south one day one day into the Sabi Sands you know it's good you can imagine if it's a young male life or if it's a male lion and he decides to come this side and take over the yeah and he's a white male um interesting bringing those genetics here very very interesting I have white lines in the Soviet Sands that'll be the first I think and it'll be the first I've never heard of a white line yet in the Savi Sands all my ears I've worked here never heard of a white Lanier so yeah let's see what plays out huh let's see what plays out maybe one day all right hyena tracks on some of my vehicle tracks going that side so maybe Jude might be there June might be there I don't know a quick leap look at Charles damage we've got to the Egyptian geese yeah these Egyptian geese let's take look at these Egyptians binoculars oh it's not just sitting at these dams and just scan the area you might miss something completely in the thickets and all that so I always likely just sit here for a few minutes listen out grab your buy Knocks look out for anything look at these beautiful Egyptian geese it's busy paddling it along looks like a nice old male and female at the black on the left and female in front on the right oh no I guess some Franklin's in the background it sounds like they've been disturbed by something come on Mr or Miss leopard where are you where are you I thought maybe climbing in that dead tree this afternoon I thought might might bring me some rosette luck well the driver's only begun so I'm still gonna see yeah then he's bothering those Franklin's here they're going to Ruth no not all water birds are considered to be Ducks not everything not geese and we've got ducks we've got the swans what about a swan yeah we get a lot of different kinds of oil you get lots water Birds there's so many different species of water Birds I can't even think of how many that's just maybe easy over a hundred what about seabirds gulls and your turns you know there's a lot of different kind of water Birds foreign OD behind me I think he's in uh he's in a zone at the moment is he's got exactly the speed of these Egyptian geese is going exactly so smoothly with them he's planning like a pro yeah if something does come around you guys could be a tough one to keep up then because it seems like he's he's sending out no that's true that is he actually I mean it comes to keeping up with flying birds and paddling birds and walking Birds even look at the ostrich yesterday yeah a bit confused with us I think we always how do we form ostrich yeah Juma but these two Egyptian geese make it look very in you know so so tranquil feels like I just want to go pedal next to them okay then h10 how did dachshund geese choose in what direction to swim I don't know I think it's just a I just decide maybe they go with the wind maybe like if there's a strong Breeze coming from the one side they'll just kind of go with it it's like you put those little you know those little rubber ducks on the water ah did that change direction yes yes it's uh Nathan they saw yeah I thought how to do they choose a direction uh they change direction yes they use their legs a little webbed feet so if they want to go left they'll pedal the right one and I want to go right they paddle the left one it's like how we can change direction in the water all right I did nothing let's go to the hyena and Morgan you say you want me to bring some fin scuba fins to the dam and you want me to demonstrate on how to change direction yeah sorry uh sorry Morgan I'm not going to be doing that thank you oh my taxi you know they might actually twist hold on never know watch this space I'll speak to myself maybe my cell can demonstrate he's got a he's got a scuba kit and I think yeah he's got it yeah I don't think he's got that Scuba kid he's got the scuba kits yeah that'll be interesting why will you have it here why did it it's going down to a designer then quickly I'll just wait I'm just looking in every single tree I'm like Mike I'm looking I'm like making sure that I'm not missing a single branch just in case there's something Golden That's lying in a tree oh please please all right we're coming up to the uh dancehall to the hyena then site now I just want to see if anybody's home here uh it doesn't look like anybody is I'm okay we've managed to find a few warthogs but they seem to have just disappeared as usual just walking off but I think this will be a good time just to give you a bit of an update so they have found some lines this afternoon but I think we are going to stick with our plan to go north we're going to try and find that male cheetah that was reported to potentially be around a certain spot so we're going to definitely give that a go and see what we can we can find out there and Paul should we take a look at this beautiful Shepherd's tree this nice one with the beautiful canopy let's take a look here look at that that is such a beautiful one that's one of the your very protected trees out there it's called The Shepherd's tree and now this one as you can see it's doing quite well yeah but it's also being eaten quite a lot by looks like the heights of giraffe there and see that otherwise there would be a lot of the foliage and canopy still on the bottom branches so we call that a browse line and that's that's clearly uh giraffe but a lot of the trees are actually shaped by the way that the animals feed on them so giraffe are very good at you know seeming like trim the hedges if you will and shape the hedges and so on and you get these beautiful umbrella canopy trees like this beautiful so we have actually the luxury of off-road driving out here in the Northwest and medikue very very fortunate enough to do that but you need to do it at your own discretion so if they are young trees like this growing you will definitely not drive over it and if you do drive over it you are causing so much harm to the ecosystem because these Shepherd's trees take very very long time to grow very very long hundreds and hundreds of years and they must be protected now animals often take advantage of that umbrella shape when it's a very very hot summer's day they all crowd underneath it and we saw this with riyan the last time I was here because it was still very hot and the heat Archer was very intense so I can imagine for the animals they're going to find some shade and they're going to stick with it beautiful tree isn't a shepherd's tree yeah Kingfisher I'm just there it is that [Music] a beautiful brown hood of Kingfisher that just prove 99 sit on top of the say well not on top but on the side of this dead tree isn't it stunning look at that beautiful blue on the bottom of its wing as on that beautiful blue tail almost like that iridescent colors and a stunning orange beak isn't that stunning so of course was a kingfisher that does not migrate at all and that's a do you feed on insects around the side if they need to and on fishies tadpoles frogs foreign ERS always fly in these thick areas and all that and it's so nice just having it now in a little bit of an open clearing and I can just spend a little bit of time just watching it isn't it stunning as you can see all all tucked up in there and uh tambuti Forest they're not large I mean they're only about 50 grams to 70 grams it's a very small but I want to go look for that matter card Kingfisher twin dams that is like 12 grams that is like so small but in this field these Kingfishers do not migrate yeah those are these Kingfishers they do not migrate so your migrants will be mostly your Woodlands as I see a little pygmy Kingfisher they will be the ones that will be migrating but the woodlands I mean the brown and wooded Kingfisher they will remain this side throughout the year but they are very quick so now it's just to kind of keep one on the screen now because when they fly it's gone uh Morgan which one's my favorite Kingfisher whoa I love the malachite that's why that's why I want to go to Twin dams I want to go look for the malachite it's just so so colorful it's like a little butterfly they are colorful they're small and when they catch those little fish it looks so cute with these little like little silver fish in its beak so yes I like the malachite Kingfisher this one's giving an eyeball or something it's looking done something it might fly now maybe it's in an insect that's busy moving around there oh it wants to go ah Morgan uses a giant Kingfisher beautiful those giant Kingfishers are stunning you don't get to see them too often this side more on the rivers so usually you'll find that like I remember when I was working in the western Sabi Sands we used to see the giant Kingfisher a few times on the Sabi River or the Sand River with our big Johnny almost reminded of John Kingfish almost reminds me of a kookaburra from Australia is it quite large so also get another one that looks very similar to this brown noodle Kingfisher you get the gray hooded Kingfisher and that's more Uncommon compared to the brown hooded Kingfisher is you still see them around but it's not common at all and then we've got to I think we've got about 11 different species of Kingfishers in this area all right let's move on that was nice to see that beautiful Kingfisher let's mojian area might lose our signal here I know this little dip that's coming up is uh not great I do apologize if the signal drops of the bit of Scratchy on the screen foreign trees in a distance as I said I'm not missing any branch this afternoon all right well we are going to continue towards certain dams let's head over to my degree and see what Andrew is up to oh goodness Cedric everything seems to want to run away from us today what's going on now we've got some Impalas just here in this Thicket yeah just gonna wait for them just to come out now and give it a moment or two I can just see legs walking through the thickets there and they're definitely moving along here there they go taking their own time what a different environment this northern part and we've still got yet North to go there's still more North to go and we're going to try to get to one of the dams but ultimately I want to see if I can't get to that one drainage line where they say that male cheetah by the name of I believe it is Splinter and then we can take a look at him that'll be cool for the afternoon but it's interesting you know from the distance that we drive from where we're at where myself and poor stay at Jackie's and for us to get to sort of this northern part you'd be surprised how far it is and that's just sort of just a fraction and that that's going on the straight roads going up north not these little windy windy roads so just always reminds me and actually how big this game reserve is it's incredibly big 80 000 hectares so how many it's two point is it 2.2 to a hectare so 80 so it's maybe 100 and 180 000 hectares or not the heck not hectares Acres sorry Acres so 80 000 hectares will make it 180 Acres more or less well oh there's lots of birds that you find here that are not going to be found in the Eastern Cape but uh don't get me wrong you know Eastern Cape has got its own charms with its own special birds like knysna tarakos and things like that and the knives no woodpeckers Olive woodpeckers so Archer and Medicare you'll be lucky you get to see those Violet's ear wax balls and the the blue wax balls a lot then there's also the Crimson bracelet tracks that we see out here that's pretty cool and then every time when we go to The Lodge at night or when we leave in the morning we see the African spoon bowls and you know things like that that's quite cool although you get them in the Eastern Cape as well but wow I see them quite nicely here we're just gonna wait a moment see if they're gonna cross the road looks like they want to cross the road I'm just going to give it a little bit of time we've already seen two secretary Birds while we've been at you which has been really cool and a lot of pale chanting glass Hawks I mean you are you go and you drive and you know and you get to these main stumps that are in the bush old trees knocked over by elephants and then you know they they just get left standing and yeah you see lots of them we saw Gaba glass walk this morning with them paw man and a female very quickly and the male was in a very dark morph it's almost black in color let me just turn this down here we go now this northern part where um I headed to last time with riyan we went to that one damn colabang Dam and uh there were so many and I mean like so many elephants that we saw there and this is when escape to Nature was still happening and what was nice is that you just stop the vehicle you get to a dam like that and you stop the vehicle in the shade and you just sit there and there's so much Wildlife comes and drinks and swims and does all those things which is very nice and one thing I can't wait to happen and I hope you all get to see it is the Eastern Cape when the bushman's river at amakala is in full flow it is beautiful and things change you know with the presence of water things always change ah guys are talking about the blonde mahiwa at the moment so they've obviously found them we saw some interesting Behavior with the dark main my hero when he walked in and the blonde main mahiwa just tried to hide the whole time which is interesting okay so the Impalas are just crossing the road let's take a look there it's a little bit uh far off but we can still watch just the one so far yeah and just to give you a little bit of you know history sort of uh the last and that I was here it's a little bit of you know rewinding the clock a little bit but um myself and Ryan right at Jackie's Lodge when we're doing an interview with uh I think his name is Dwayne who is uh representative for World conservation day and we interviewed him at a bit of a chat with him while we were in the middle of this interview in this discussion and talk um the wild dogs pitched up behind him obviously we're on a platform so we were quite safe but uh yeah just behind him in the bushes chasing Impala they managed to chase one into the water then that Impala tried to swim out and eventually found a gap got out the water and believe it or not about a a meter and a half crocodile was holding onto its back but luckily yeah you know I'd managed to get out the water but soon after the Wild dog managed to get it there's nothing quite like a campfire crackle of wood the scent of bushwillow it's warm glow sign up to be an Explorer and curl up to converse with your favorite naturalists and guests at our at our fireside chat foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for a drink but he went straight into the drainage side so we're just gonna go and sit on top here much quickly get all of these guys all right let's just go around see if we can get this uh the smell is ways you know yeah it is a gallery I think it's already a must a while away musty smell musties I'm just gonna try and stop just here good afternoon boy good afternoon fully grind big head thick trunk and again this as you see beyond the eye has glands as temporal glands is busy leaking with some fluid I don't see I don't see if his wet bit between his back legs there because then he's like use your name must the urine will be dropping it he's dripping maybe he's just you know maybe it's just the beginning of uh the masking period or musting pickles it's a male but is looking for a female however you can do you can't smell it and big mouths usually like mouths around about at the ages of about 17 18 if they do go into must that early on right up to about 40 years old you'll find they can control must think period up to only about five to seven days but big mouse like this above 40 years old right up to 60 years old um they can control when it goes into must I can control that period up to 15 days so which means males older than 40 years old have got better chance of finding a female in heat and a male that's below 14 years 40 years old that's why the mouths are always when they Mastered on a mission this one looks like he's more on a mission to have a good old snack here in the model YT drainage line a nice little nice Lush grass around here is he keeping quiet It's just sometimes listening out maybe see if we can pick up on some females now if you're on a memory glands For Elephants is between the front legs females memory glands is much larger male memory glands they don't have they just got the normal nipples that's protruding it from the skin but he will not have any proper mammary glands like a female and I'll just have the two between the front legs so this guy might be a close to a good old six tons so you can imagine 6 000 kilograms I mean that is quite a size and quite a a little bit of white we have female anywhere around about four and a half so a female at least about 1.5 tons less than a mile but you can also see this guy's neck he's he's in Prime condition and I'll write to him around about maybe a 40 between two four between 40 and 50 year old I'm just feeding eating machines of course you can imagine the grass it grows next to the drainage line all the underground water perfect areas for them to come down and eat during winter time nice tasks on him as well beautiful tasks you can see not the biggest of Teslas and thick tusks but not long but just his body to me is incredible wow not the must mate it's not must a must m-e-m-u-s-t-h yeah m-u-s-t-h musts must must must pull that doesn't mean they must make but if they can find a female that's in heat well he's gonna try I will try as you can see just and then grabs across of course hitting all the insects and stuff that it doesn't want to put in the system so many times you'll see how they grab the grass even branches and then they'll shake it a beautiful little virtual starting assets you'll see these stylings many times like the jungles his Darlings will follow some of the animals like elephants and buffalo and that if they're all walking through some grass net and disturbing the grass and all the little insects come popping out I'm gonna find that these beautiful virtual stylings will grab those little insects beautiful iridescent colors you can see how he just curls the trunk around the grass and pulling it so they eat a big mouth like this will have to eat at least about 250 kgs of vegetation per day so no Tigs no not that's not always the case if it's secreting from the temporal gland it must be in must now sometimes uh that those glands will leak if there's any excitement if they feel agitated they feel aggressive those kind of things so when they feel a lot of emotions those temporal glands will leak then females and males but of course now why this smells temporal gland is leaking is just because he's in in must so of course he's excited okay and he's excitable he's actually all of the above really excited agitated angry because they know you they do become quite aggressive and iron must as you always have to make sure that you are out of their way our elephants around you in the greater Kruger Park although it's the entire Kruger Park and so I'll be saying some of our team Manila to all the private reserves joined onto Kruger Park you'll find that you know the vegetation yeah is very very coarse very rough so because elephants have got now six sets of molars working like a conveyor belt now you can imagine eating that rough vegetation for hours on the end and per day and you can imagine the wear and tea on the teeth so they went here and the TCN the greater Kruger Park is much higher compared to elephants now that you get in in Botswana because botswana's elephants that side feeling more on like Reeds and more Lush stuff softer vegetation so the way in tea on their teeth is much less that's why all elephants around yeah in the greater Kruger National Park will get up to about plus minus 60 year olds so 60 years old so you're looking at 10 years per molar you know set of molars and once it runs through all sets then it's of course going to die of starvation because you cannot put that amount of vegetation into its system anymore and that's usually at about 60 years old here in the greater Kruger Park you're looking at elephants in Botswana because as I say it's the vegetation is much softer that side um you'll find that the elephant seal get maybe about 10 15 years older than the elephants that we've got in the greater Kruger Park all due to vegetation types and of course due to the wear and tear on their teeth due to the vegetation I mean you can imagine 18 85 percent of your 24-hour day it's a it's a lot of grinding on those molars and with large large models and it's very relaxed I thought he's gonna I the way when we saw him it looked like he was on a mission but it looks like he's very relaxed now Erin it's beautiful just to watch your elephants that's why I can you can sit and watch elephants all day oh so so amazing yeah he is in my story I just looked at his his sheath now you can see it's definitely dripping urine but we can also smell it from where we are but it's not it's amazing how relaxed this boy is he's just minding his own business I was really hoping he was going to go and have a nice uh drink he had twin dams all right all right I just did uh some of you are still wondering what's happening with the talamati Breakaway cup that's a young cub well the thing is I'll just speak to you as I said I spoke to one of the guides the other day from arithusa and he just explained to me that the couples lived in the drainage line when the females and the telemarty breakaways went on a hunt and of course there was a tortoise bear the male leopard that was also in the drainage line while they lied about the older lines weren't there and that's I haven't seen the cup again so I'm not too sure exactly but you know surprise surprise Wildlife will be a little bit of a surprise to that little lion cub is still around and it'll pop out there with the telemarket bike race but for now we don't really have more updates I think any time will tell once we start seeing those telemarket breakaways again you know then you'll see if at the one is going to be with him or not but uh as I say for now I don't know a lot of a lot of people thinking that that it's uh you know the Cub is not with us anymore but let's see it's always those surprises I've been surprised so many times with uh Wildlife so many times the biggest surprise I had was a big male leopard called the day one so the day one male leopard used to be there in the western Sabi Sands and when I was working that side day one and there was a very well-known male and he went missing and he went missing for about sure I think it was about six seven months gone gone gone and uh all of a sudden he appeared out of nowhere back in the west but only for a short period Then he disappeared for good a little squirrel busy eating a jackalberry fruit and a little one I'm gonna see if we can try and get this little squirrel in frame and got it a little tree squirrel eating his little jackalberry seed oh look at that he's so sweet so cute look at that face Healy I'm a large male elephant to a small little tree squirrel from tons to grams looks like that elephant is moving away Tyler H7 is elephants scared of mice like in the cartoons ah Tyler I'm not too sure I haven't really kind of a little a mouse run past an elephant yeah but I wouldn't think I don't think so I don't think that I think that's just a cartoon I don't think they really care too much about that Mouse these little squirrels is it like a second one now there's two little ones they're both eating nuts these two you're going Nutters I would wonders like sitting in the sun just perfect a little stretched here clean your tail or your leg her leg they can see most probably that's a little little home that's that little hole that's where that one is looking into maybe that's like little um when they stay and of course what you um is it oh okay someone jumped into that little hole there so what we call a a squirrel's home we don't call it a den or a burrow or a nest we call it a Drey Dre that's uh what you call a squirrel's home squirrel's tray I'm cleaning himself and it was a slow eating looks like eating or cleaning looks like still eating there still eating on that little jackalberry oh no don't know it looks like that little squirrel is gone beautiful jackalberry tree of course yeah this jackalberry tree is busy fruiting but yeah I don't think I know this area if we didn't move a signal will disappear oh there's a orange-breasted bush Rock can you see it there it's gonna be very tough uh got him orange bracelet bushrike hey look at that beautiful look at that orange breast nice well done you got him that yellow and make and they've got the most beautiful call like a coffee tea or me coffee tea or me oh isn't that stunning it's gonna come out again one of the other thing I love bull sharks even the greatest bushrike much larger with a big gray head of course there's orange pasted bush like nice and small and you can see just running along these branches almost got like a little black mask on and you can see why they call it the orange bracelet Bush rack beautiful orange on that breast area I mean you don't get to see them that often because as you can see they're always in this thick canopies oh Nina it all starts through with like maybe a wood boring Beetle and then you get a woodpecker coming in and you know picking uh at the lava out from the wood itself or from the tree and then after that you know of course the hobby comes bigger and then you'll get the Woodpecker maybe wants to go in or even like a kingfisher or um something like that then they will of course start making that hole a larger and eventually we get this kind of a you know can I say a nice hole a nice entrance to the tree or to the day or to that piece of trunk where they made the hole in and then they can get in there very easily so yeah it just sits slowly but certainly starts off with one thing as I said it starts off always one smaller things and it's exactly like hyena dance it starts off with a Pangolin buses scratching the termite Mount open for the termites and make a little hole and then you get a honey badger scratching it even deeper to make a little bit of a little then and then we'll get to the next thing the next thing eventually you've got like a hyena then and wild dogs can use it as a densite so yes it all starts off with one thing but like this one we'll be showing now it might have been an Old Branch that came out so like it's still like a scar of an Old Branch that used to come out and maybe it got pulled off by something maybe it died due to being attacked by a certain parasites or insects or maybe an elephant pulled it down and eventually created that like kind of a hollow area and then it's easy for all like squirrels that using that as a dry foreign dams [Music] Alison yes anything in nature can be used it's amazing that's exactly exactly anything anything around you is uh usable in ways in certain ways so yeah but let me go back on to turn Dam's wall so the my signal this side yeah it's going to be worse oh look at that little frame a spiff on the tall spare files that's busy I'm digging up there I'm looking for seeds all right well we are gonna continue let's celebrate to see what Andrew is up to that side foreign yes we have gotten to yeah not the furthest Northern point that we can go but we're not too far from the area that we want to search for the smell cheetah but along the way we've come across a black back Jackal that seems to be watching something very intently here and just lying down in the middle of the road which is perfect for us this is a good view so we've actually stopped a fair distance away from this Jackal we don't want to chase it away and this is I think the first one I know we've shown you one the other day with that uh that blonde main mahiwa when he had that kill there we could barely see him but we could see a jackal nearby they are interesting to watch them art here it's nice to watch them uh jackals are really cool animals and you watch them they're very busy very busy animals they're always looking for something walking through the bush with their nose down picking up all types of scents and smell and uh one of the scents that they are very attracted to is after birth as soon as they pick up or a blood trail as soon as they pick that up um then they just follow and follow and follow after birth is the ultimate attraction for them because they can eat it and then also they use it to track down any baby animals and that's one of their main prey items when they're going for Antelope is is the baby antelope now it's interesting because uh we're heading towards the the end of the ratting season here Angie afternoon no they they they can be solitary they can walk around by themselves but they usually associated in pairs so if you do find the Jackal by itself is a good chance that the other partner is also walking around within the territory just to maximize the area that they cover that they walk in different areas which is quite nice and they communicate with each other so they have a really high pitched core that they make and I know the mission controllers they they often have a little chuckle at me the way I describe things but to me from the movies that I've watched it sounds much like a witch on a broomstick when they're flying through the air I'm sure your imagination can fully in there but anyway so you get this sound and that's them locating also advertising territory but then when you get this this this particular sound you know when a jackal's Industries you know it because focusing on One Direction nose eyes ears or pointing in that direction and you get this then they're watching something and uh it's always a good idea just to to watch because they do Shadow animals predators and one of the predictors that they are common foreshadowing is cheetah follow cheetah around they'll watch the cheetah very carefully um follow it four kilometers and kilometers and kilometers until maybe you know a cheetah catches something and then a jackal can you know maybe try and scavenge try and Chase the cheetah off the carcass which they do they call that other partner other partner comes along and they try and drive a cheetah off the carcass not an easy thing to do but if four jackals arrive or two different pairs cheetah is going to walk away even if it's a big male cheetah he's gonna need to walk away yeah so we use them as indicators when we're tracking if we you know we're tracking cheetah we did this as an example at amakala a few months ago we're tracking cheetah then we saw the Jackal tracks Jackal tracks following the cheetah tracks and then eventually we saw the Jackal and then eventually we saw the cheetah so yeah very cool little trick there foreign lovers I'm Holly I'm from Rochester New York and I'm a wildlife Explorer I'm also the proud and ecstatic recipient of a three-night stay at matswiri Safari Lodge in the decoy game reserve [Music] so wild Earth I want to thank you for being there I want to thank you for this wonderful prize and I'll be looking forward to seeing you shortly sign up today and you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] take a look at the water roll and this is the one right close to where we stay and it's actually still within our campsite perimeter this Buffalo bull and he comes in every night and one of the reasons is for safety reasons we've slashed the grass in the immediate vicinity in and around the camp it's and it's created a new sort of green flush green regrowth and that's what he's after as good food for an old Buffalo and he sticks around the entire night he's getting old as well that's why he sticks close to water and good quality grazing soft nice green new leaves of cross so this is this is my snoring buddy my snoring my snoring contestant between me and him definitely the top snorers yeah at the camp you're right we're actually in the camp to be honest with you so in fact one of the office tents is literally three meters to my left I'm not going to put it on camera though the one thing we do slash the grass in and around camp and it's actually created kind of like a grazing lawn and this Buffalo loves it he absolutely loves it new good green fresh green flash that comes out and he's an old boy so he's probably got slightly worn teeth and so forth and this is why he comes in I can't believe this grass is still so green and then some late June Wendy hello there I wants to know if there's other birds that follow buffaloes other than oxpeckers I'm Wendy indeed cattle egrets are known to follow them as well folktale drungos also follow them for different reasons the folktale drungos mostly go for the Flies associated with them the egrets will follow them and will prey on the insects that they chase up as they move through the grass things like crickets and low costs and Grasshoppers and so forth for those are the three main ones that stands out let's go the other way you go that way you're going to leave camp Andy boy do you love life pool parties like elephants do anyway they do go into the water but they don't have that playfulness when they're in the water they will lie down sometimes and roll around in the muddy sections or just lie down in the water or just move through it but not as playful as you will have with elephants but yes they do enter water regularly on hot days to cool down they will drink water in these pools and they will sometimes also just wallow in the mud if it's a muddy water pool you must say for such an old Builders guy as a relatively good condition because the neck still rather thick but you can see signs of age and I mean you can see along its spine you can start seeing the vertebrae protruding there the ribs are starting to show hip bones but for his age he's in very good shape but the lions come past here this is the type of Buffalo they would want to Target but I can guarantee you he's not gonna go down with other fight he will give them hell but it's not a young Buffalo at all it seems like it's a buffalo afternoon let's go to Cedric is also found a buffalo thank you Chris yeah well you're with your lonely Buffalo we are sitting with a breeding herd of buffalo that is coming to settle down here just uh south of Gary Dam and a beautiful look but look at this light this Golden Light just bouncing and popping off the horns and off the uh backs and on the sides and you can see the hair oh isn't this manual thick this is beautiful beautiful time of the day as well just to view these these animals so well if you've got a nice hit of buffer like this it's a huge hurt I mean as it is stretching till go down and can only see partial side of it at the moment but uh it is a huge herd but you'll see like how they're coming to lie down like this now typical Buffalo is usually coming to the late afternoon if they are not being harassed by lions you'll find that they'll come and settle down on these big clearings nice area for them and they'll pretty much live very close to one another very grouped up so if there is any danger in the area then at least they're not just by themselves but they are in a group in a hood isn't this amazing so maybe this is going to bring some Alliance down yes because it's a all those lines that we've been nearing north of us so maybe we might be like lucky Mandy is Golden Light and buffalo it is perfect it is perfection I fully agreement here it are fully I agree you can see the Sun Slightly much setting and you can see the dust just like the dust cloud above them so of course all the movement all the grazing you can just see it just disturbing the grass you can see even the insects all the little moths and that that's flying around and flies look at that that is now seen to behold but this time I'm making sure I am keeping my distance from buffaloes for now if there's lines around at least we are in an open area easy way to get away from this problem what age do you buffalos I'll get kicked out of the herd no they don't get kicked out of the herd uh Leanne it's not like male elephants they get kicked out these buffaloes will remain with the herd they'll grow up with these breeding herds there's so many different individuals yeah I mean this could be maybe 200 buffaloes 300 buffaloes yeah and um you can see this big boy so they will remain with the herd but there is a pecking order so like the big boil after you see now the big male that you see well then that you did see um they are pretty much they'll compete with one another and they will be a pecking order like a dominant one not just one but there will be several dominant males in these breeding herds and there's also females as well so people think that females do not have uh pecking orders they do females as well they sometimes do have a little bit of a a thing on who's who's who can mate first with their dominant male so you'll have that first right but the main thing is that big boys oh look at this big mouth coming they look at that mountain look at those horns when they move to the left just to the left there I think he's going to settle down oh another one's getting up in front of him look at those two males oh two big boys assessing each other out look at that Sky look at those horns dining horns on him let's see what the males those big bosses big boss on his head thick horns and I can see a female in the foreground very thin horns are you guys a female as well very thinner ones he's got a bit of a scotbook is his Fleming Grimace he's picking up on maybe a female that might have left the scent there maybe like urinated there and what he'll do you'll sniff at it and then he'll run that scent over that for marinasal gland it's such eight it is below the palate oh a nice scarring on his behind in there not too sure how you got that sometimes I do get a certain skin parasite that actually really makes those scabs on the side a little one a little cough oh look at that one another big oh the this guy went to an investigate a big male and maybe go back to your mom yeah there he goes to the right you can see that light oh very like brown color for now what is a nice way just okay in case of any danger that's around and they have to line the grass somewhere and maybe kind of hide away and keep quiet just blend in with the surroundings a little horns coming through as well oh very nice is that good to have a good old herd of buffalo once again we've been really fortunate here on uh Juma over the last couple of months with these herds that's been coming onto the property and as I said lastly I remembered we struggled with any Buffalo and yeah this year has been quite amazing I think as well as a little due to good rains that we've had looks like I'm not gonna really settle down there I do apologize there is a car in the background there oh that one is having a scratch against the tree oh it's a good thing to do in case of the itch and I cannot get to that itch let's do kind of rub themselves against the side there how beautiful is this with this light scratchy scratchy oh I'm scratching the other side and turned around there's some mating going on there oh sorry uh so there's a lot of action happening all over it's difficult to apologize as I said there's a a vehicle in another vehicle that's joining us here huh you see all the ox Pickers flying off all the way they're moving well some of them settle down but it seems like some of them want to move maybe a little bit further go west maybe towards a big open clearing that's just south of a camp that we are going to keep our eyes and ears peeled in case there is some lines that's going to be following them oh look at that guy he is you just proper one ton and one ton uh Damian uh not as like a males mild fights but look at this guy now Demi females are they that one's moving out the way a lot of testosterone going down there I think he's following the other males making sure it's okay listen if you want to challenge me I can hear them a little bleeding but males fights are bad sometimes when they do Spar we have other words when they use their horns against one another and I've seen it a few times and I try and flip the other one over and it is such a fight it's a the power behind it is incredible it's amazing it's just wow but the females females do not have that tendency to to fight with one another sometimes as I said there is like sometimes I do want to have a little bit of a packing a pecking order to it but it's not as serious as a males look at that look at that Julep on his uh bottom of his neck it is huge this guy is definitely one of the big boys in this Hood you can just see just the way he walks he's walking with purpose it's amazing but anyway what we're going to sit here with this herd of buffalo you never know what's going to play until let's head over to madikwe to see what's happening and what's playing out there with Andrew oh goodness that's so funny sorry about that um we're just laughing because we had our yellow build horn ball perched on top of this tree and the moment you came to me it just took off so that is just so well time from the yellow board but yeah anyways um our plan is still the same we are not too far from the area that we need to be in it's I would imagine maybe a kilometer away and we're going to see if we can't find this male cheetah but we've so far up in the north we also need to sort of Bear in mind that we also have a long distance to the South to drive and uh so we hope to find it before the sun goes down beautiful isn't it beautiful little tree there it's got a unique shape doesn't it now these hornbills they actually love these dry trees most birds actually enjoy these dry trees and uh look 100 sure what tree that is but it looks like it's been dead for some time over there and at some point I'm sure termites dry wood termites if they occur out here and they might you know climb up there and start decomposing that material a beautiful shape isn't it it's a nice little spot you know just to just to sometimes just keep keep and this goes also the same at home if you have any dry trees or you know dead trees in your in your neighborhood always just keep an eye on them and you'll find from time to time you're going to be rewarded with a really cool potentially bird um and then owls are really attracted to these dead trees especially when they want to advertise territories and Hoots away when they make their hooting sounds and they're so important they become good at landmarks as well so imagine I'm trying to direct one of the the guides here into something maybe we found and maybe we've gone a little bit off-road so we'll say you know keep going on this road until you find this dead tree and then go north into the bush you'll you'll see us whatever the case may be now if you ever want to really appreciate the directions given in the bush because remember there's no buildings and things and so there are difficult landmarks natural ones but if you really want to respect um directions and how accurately they follow these directions it's The Trackers the Trekkers they are incredible they can be two kilometers in a block of land where there's no Road nearby and they are able to direct each other to a specific place Nicole no once that tree is dead it's dead it's not going to survive but um wow there's actually and this is not a tree I'm sort of going off the topic here but there is a bush in South Africa and it grows in the Kalahari quite nicely it's called the resurrection Bush you should have a look at it oh it's quite an incredible plant because that plant you find them usually on Rocky areas and they they they literally they they dry up they die and then you put them in a little bit of water for a little bit of time and you see they start Greening up again but with the trees here once they're they're dead they're long gone but it's also important you know when the branches hit the ground a lot of things live in those those dry Trunks and if you ever are in the bush and you are around logs that have fallen over just always be careful because there's usually life associated with those logs um so often scorpions get under the bark and I remember Steve when I first joined wild Earth a year ago actually um I was watching Steve do a segment and he was at Pride lands doing the bushwalk and he was doing his segment and they went to a drive tree and he said he's going to try to find a scorpion and the very first bark that he opened he found a scorpion so it's it really is teeming with life very very interesting and sometimes you know even you know the bigger trunks that have fallen over the bigger trunks start to hollow out um and you know things like you know small things small mammals start to live in them as well I'm just giving a listen at the moment we're not too far from where the cheetah was reported to be so it's always a good idea just listen for Jackal activity we already know that there is one nearby so there should be another one if they're in pairs and there could be other territorial ones as well in the nearby area so yeah you definitely use them as an indicator Ruth good question um I've seen a few leopard orchids out in the timberwati game reserve growing on alive trees so I think they'll benefit more from a live stream but I wonder um I wonder if they would grow on a dead tree it's possible I guess leopard orchids those are pretty cool I remember seeing them a lot in the tamavati those are really cool I haven't seen one of those in a while but in the Eastern Cape there are orcas there's also ground orcas as well a type of you know Orca that just grows from the ground I forget the name of it but it's it's beautiful they grow quite abundantly there in in amakala in a certain area listening to the birds the Ringneck doves calling away we haven't seen a pale chanting Goss walk yet this afternoon which is surprising in this area this Northern Area I remember with riyan almost every road we saw one okay so while we still have some light I'm gonna see if we can't find this cheetah and we're gonna send you over to Cedric in the meanwhile all right well I've got some nice virtual stylings that's sitting all up here in this dead tree you can see long tails compared to the glossy styling double check on something here might also be some ox backers there's a few oxback is there yep uh Arch speakers and styling so of course due to the Buffaloes that's been coming through the side so all these rock speakers are also just resting here in the tree I do apologize uh oh rexen will be out very shortly just it's got some Bush traffic for now but he will be very soon now these are buffalos I thought they're gonna lie down here but looks like their mission is to move which is fantastic I love the direction because Al gang South is better than North because if we're going north I'm gonna go back to Buffalo if they're going south they're going deeper into into of course uh Juma and then you'll find that they'll actually then start at least uh um maybe settling down on quarantine or something like that so I do apologize about a club uh there is a vehicle that's going to be coming past of course guys all coming in here to come and take a look at these buffaloes it's gonna say there's a big herd it's a huge herd at least 200 in this Hood Tim as I was explaining earlier there is uh the males is a pecking order so there will be several males in this herd of a buffalo that will have uh I can say right before other males to breed with females but there is no matriarchal system or anything like that it's just more picking or whatever and so now I've seen them on this big open clearing it's like yeah we just as I said Curry Dam and nice to see them so open and you can really see the numbers and Devin Devin the barefoot uh just Barefoot oh Barefoot a lifespan of a buffalo uh about 25 plus minus 25 years old so yes but you'll usually find that the older males once they get to about 19 20 years old these old boys they tend to then peel away from these big herds you know they don't want to move these like these great distances like this like the breeding hoods they rather want to hang around in an area where there's nice water nice mud and more kind of going on to retirement and that we call them Duggar boys and you usually find those boys at about from about 19 20 years old I'll start doing that sometimes they'll join other males and we call a bachelor herd just to like safety numbers at least it's not just one by itself but at least he's got like friends to back himself up in case if there's any lines and that's the one thing it's lines lines is the biggest problem yes I heard Chris saying as well now it's amazing to see that the male leopard taking down a cough a buffalo cough but the chances of that happening is so slim because you know the Buffaloes are so protective over the the youngsters or just not even over the youngsters but over the members in the herd and so you find a line come now these buffaloes will of course have a distress call and all of them will just kind of group up and then they'll try and push that line away or line off from the area out of the area what's the difference between a caper Buffalo and a bison you cannot wash your hands in a cape buffalo but you can't in a bison [Laughter] Hardy ha ha the joke for the day done [Laughter] ah thanks Morgan you said it was a fantastic joke thank you thanks for the compliment yeah but they're definitely not well they it looks like it looks like they're not going to really settle maybe they might settle yeah they might settle well as you know on Wednesday or every Wednesday afternoon on our Sunset to Safari between three and four pm it is our kids show so if you are a teacher somewhere in the world and you want to register your school or you want to register your class into the kids show please make sure to go on to our wild Earth website that is wilderther.tv and then just click on the kids button and of course it'll tell you all about registrations thanks to our wonderful world with explorers wild Earth kids is back your monthly subscriptions have allowed us to relaunch Wildwood schools on a weekly basis every Wednesday for the first hour of the sunset Safari you guys bring a smile to my face every single day sign your class up for a special virtual field trip to Africa because touching the lives of the future Protectors of our Earth thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you can see this little following the rest of it I think they might end up at uh three hours time tomorrow morning I think tonight they might go and settle down somewhere here in Charleston Charleston tomorrow morning uh Linda Paley you love Dad jokes you know you know it was uh it was a classic at dad jokes he's been he's got some absolute classic so uh no of course this guy I told Ben this joke because you know Ben loves astronomy and all that so I said yeah this guy came down from the Moon uh he went to a restaurant there on the moon and he came back to Earth and like and of course the people came running up to him he's like so how was the restaurant up there on the moon he said he said no no the food was fantastic but one problem so what was the problems is there was no atmosphere [Laughter] a good one uh anyway we're gonna just enjoy this moment nice dude why don't lipids play Hiding uh what hide and sick because they're always spotted haha so that's a good one good good good one like I don't know why do zebras have stripes because they don't want to be spotted you can see them quite spread out most of them has already gotten further up no so you know they're all different the Genesis genetics is a little different and all that so everything is uh there's a lot of different genes yeah so yeah sometimes amalgamates sometimes attempt an amalgamate sometimes they split the depends on the times of the year so usually on winter time winter time we actually you'll find that the you know that body conditions actually deteriorates a little bit more because it's not as much grass in the not as Lush in the winter time and then they'll usually form uh they'll mold themate and then usually in summertime once there's enough grass around once there's enough rain enough water of course they will tend to then you know sometimes you'll find these urge will start splitting up so I'm not sure and there's no relations between them all right well let's head over to prylons I think Chris has got a beautiful sunset I'm running out of words for these incredible sunsets that we do have around here at Pride lands yet another one we've got good weather we can see the sun going down that beautiful glow a beautiful view all we need at this time of day after a long day this is what you want you want to just stare into the sun you should it's energy and stare at it directly even at this angle it'll numb your eyes but it's beautiful Samantha absolutely this is the best moment after a long day and we're going to appreciate the last race before it's going to get cold the night times are quite cool here and we have to really appreciate that I think today and tomorrow is going to be the last days of good whether we possibly have some weather incoming in the form of clouds during mid-week late week could very well be difficult to see sunsets then in fact let's take a look at the forecasts this morning which confirmed my suspicions but you never know perhaps it might not even happen it's called runs a very variable once they leave the cap in their course but they're called air will still reach us for sure about Wednesday onwards until probably about Saturday I'm gonna have cool weather borderline cold [ __ ] and even the evenings here now are all very cold dark man lover always appreciate your comment definitely definitely beautiful sunset you had prudence in a moment I treasure every day my one dog loves to sit and watch the sun when it goes down every afternoon finds his little spot there or not ports and watches the Sun go down this one is especially pretty I must say hey Panda it's got like a richer glow to it today I don't know why there's more dust in the low atmosphere I can't tell you it's still a couple of minutes before it will disappear Roshan yeah I think we're in the same scenario there no adjectives either this side it's just incredible really really amazing I prefer the sun sets to the sunrise in a way I know that seems to linger around for longer it's almost as if it's it's a slight pause before it's going down Sunrise once it's up it just keeps going it's quickly it doesn't take long it really doesn't take long and the I do also feel the colors of the sunrise is less intense but that's just a personal observation might be even wrong another place where I've seen some incredible sunsets was in the Kalahari in the Kalahari was actually living there for a couple of years specifically at tualu I was working at 12 there for a couple of years as the hit guide there was a fun time of my life that okay we are with some plain zebra right now which is quite nice because we uh we struggled to find their cheetah a little bit it's quite difficult when you're the only vehicle looking for a very difficult animal to spot cheetah so we'll just try a few more roads but in the meantime let's watch some zebra now the sun is beginning to set so yeah the light is really looking good we can see those uh those white stripes sort of uh just glowing a little bit beautiful look at that just a little bit of dust being kicked so the more I look around here this is a quite a thick environment I think these zebra are definitely gonna need to move out of this Thicket before that sun sets which I'm sure they're already well on their way to doing and when I get caught up in the thick bush at night that's going to be very dangerous for them okay just disappearing behind a few branches let's just watch beautiful okay I just want to grab my binoculars just for a sec so you just might hear the Box open gonna grab one or two things yeah there we go so there's a few Birds okay there's a few Birds okay sorry let's go this way sorry um let's go this way there's that zebra coming out there okay let's just watch the zebra so it was just a yellow bold humble and a white crown shark that just flew off but we just want to watch these zebras see if they pop out it almost popped out okay yeah well on the way to coming out now so just over here miss tempo they should start coming out now we can see that one zebras found a really cool little stump that he decides is going to be a good one to rub up against and it's obviously found an itch that he's really getting a relief from scratching away and they do this a lot you must watch zebras and horses horses do exactly the same thing they find a nice little stump or a or a you know Pole or something and they scratch away just doing it nicely behind the bushes doesn't want to come out too much which is fair enough animals deserve a little bit of privacy as well sometimes never force them really enjoying that so I wonder what part of the body is probably the side of the body I would imagine and sometimes they even climb over small termite mounds and you see them actually scratching their belly in a bit of their private parts as well this one is really enjoying that it's Olivia with this nice big herd of buffalo and they're still moving off there's a little moving in a like a South Wesley Direction More southerly southerly Direction maybe towards open clearing south of our camp that's how much is very shortly actually decided to start moving and going around to the other side just to see if we can pick up the hood coming towards us there's so many of them here maybe more than 200 I thinking maybe 300 and they just keep coming so of course the ones that'll decide the movement we usually call them the Pathfinders and these are the older females you'll find path to the next area where they're going to go and rest or and drink then feed these are the most experienced older females will do that the rest of the herd falling suit these are the last bit that's coming through now I think let's go around though and get the front end of This Hood and let's go let's go it's falling out okay let's go around that side but I'm gonna try so you just want to go around see if we can get the front end Up This Hood see how it's right that way you know oh well anyway well we're going to continue trying to see where these buffaloes are going to end up let's head over to Rex and as he wants to say good evening to everybody good afternoon good afternoon everyone and uh thanks for joining us for our afternoon is from myself this afternoon and uh behind the camera a little bit of a surprise behind the camera and we're looking forward for a great team to find uh lovely stuff this afternoon we'll let you follow up on the report of early this morning on during the drive there was a line coming from the west but coming in the area hoping that if there's any tracks I will able to see if they've crossed and follow the Buffalo as you know that the Buffalo at tagari Dam what I'll do at the moment I'll go around from Triple M one I plan up to Sydney's Dam and check around there maybe we might have lucky it's the right time of the day of course for me to check on that area because quite a lot of animals that might be visiting the water Hall by now especially all the cats in general you know that when they start to cool down because in the course of a day it's hot and second it's All About Eyes of other Antelope that are watching all the Predators when they move in the area periodas they don't want to see in the area where they're hidden because it's easy for them when they get out after dark other Antelope species they cannot know where they are it makes their life easy to hunt so let's try to head towards the west and follow up on there and of course I've just come back from town I will yet I haven't get the report from the radio whereas all sightings only know about the Buffalo thank FC to let me know let's see what is art for us and it will be great if Leo lovely thanks joining us for the afternoon right Leo you are very welcome and we are really thanking you as a team of wildf for you to join us for our afternoon Leo let me try to find something it's a little bit late now but uh Sun is going down I'll use a little bit of uh light as I still remaining in the afternoon to find tracks or find something otherwise we're going to use the spotlight in the next 45 minutes which is because you scan the bush looking for the reflection of the eyes and they can able to find game is how it works and I would like to thank everybody for joining us you might be at work you might be at home you might be anywhere please control us doing so we are really appreciating as a team of world for you to join us let's try our best show you a lovely lovely afternoon and all World animal that might be in the area just got the kill early this morning not far from where we are but in the other side of the property they drag the Kill from here all the way down to the western boundary of EP and Ottawa which is way far if Julie she's still in the area she might not spend time towards where the hyena dance are she might be very close to Triple M because it's all about the safety of the youngster or the leopard most of time they tend to avoid where it's quite a lot of interaction most especially hyenas we know that hyena are the most killers of the cups lion cubs leopard cups yes it do happen well especially the bigger picture of the head where the Lions might be coming from a different angle it do happen especially at night you tend to see that uh you're too proud of Alliance we have seen that following the same head of Apollo but in virtually later on they can know one another that they remember lines and or line in particular the uses of as well and communication soon they get an audio of any lion that is not a part of the pride they can able to identify that is not part of their own tribe or their own Pride they know that it's too pride in this other pride month challenge or the other part that is not stronger the might run away and wait or move out of that area happen I've seen that before thank you like now in Winter where you tend to see quite a lot of line migration from one area to another to get into certain different areas most recently following the migration of Buffalo that is the biggest food source for Lions around in the area more special this time of the year we tend to see that big crowd of lions will follow certain herd of buffalo until they get into areas where they don't even belongs they might come across first a different Pride following the same Buffalo and that it might cause a little bit of interactional fight in between certain there's a pride that came in here I'm not sure here in 2000 early somewhere there 2009 2010 if I'm not mysticated monzo Pride they came all the way down like the camera down from timbawati following the big head of a buffalo and they get into the Juma Conservancy there were seven males one other six sub added and with the females uh didn't remember the breakdown of the females but that happens around in the area gets into the area and you might find that it's not only a pride that we're really concentrating following those Buffalo because in Winter some of the good here you find that the Buffalo become weak and is the only food source of the lions that they believe and over time guarantee that we have something [Music] foreign hi there my name is Robert Williams Dr Rob in the Yahoo chat I've been a long time supporter of wild Earth and I just got an email from them informing me that I had won a trip to the Becky River Lodge in medikue and I am looking forward to accepting this prize and making a trip to Africa and uh seeing all the interactions with Wildlife particularly Predators like hyenas in person sign up today and you could be the appearancing it for yourself wild Earth explorers it's in your nature [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay so it is that time of the day where we point our vehicles towards the Sun and we watch so yeah it is well on the way to sitting now and shortly it'll be totally underneath that small or yeah large Horizon and that is the Sun for the day I'm gonna wait till tomorrow morning again and what a pleasure it'll be waking up tomorrow morning it's going to be fresh I have no doubt and then we're gonna definitely watch the sun rise it's actually quite nice Archer the um the orange colors associated with the sunrise and sunsets are really outstanding here very very pretty and just like a gun a few more moments just a small piece left and just like that she's gone so it's very quick you'd be surprised when you actually see it for yourself and you see how quickly it goes down it's amazing the sun just disappears and it's really just behind that Horizon beautiful that was a beautiful sunset we managed to watch it from beginning to end that was quite cool and uh yeah we often you know talk about how awesome mediqua is and and so on but uh I know that Deirdre who's a very loyal viewer to Wild Earth she came out here she actually drove past us and you know waved I didn't know who she was at the time but uh dear Dre if you are watching please let us know how your time was here at madikwe and where did you stay and what did you see and we'll share it with the world and I'm pretty sure uh Deidre is not the only one there's going to be many of you that have come out here to medikue so please feel free to to let us know but Cedric is on the Bumble at the moment so let's join him and see what he's up to thank you Andrew yes I am on my little Safari now it's uh the night has set in all the darkness has set in and as you can see we are on infrared so it's getting nice and dark now good time for finding uh nocturnal animals so we are going to try and see if we are lucky with any of them see if we can find something around Jim I left that herd of buffalo I went into the blockly towards a place called tumbetta house and we shall see what happens tomorrow morning and definitely follow up there maybe get these Prides of lions coming through once again oh we've tried and find that elusive leopard very elusive leopard actually not even leopards because I don't even know how a leopard looks like anymore so we've got to try and figure out I may have to look in the in my book and to see how those leopards look like I think it's a cat with rosettes if I'm not mistaken thanks uh Jordan I'm in Morgan sorry Morgan yeah that's correct oh I will try and so no I said Jordan by accident sorry Morgan no Morgan sorry like Morgan has been Morgan has been calling Chris Cedric he's been called Rex and Cedric just now as well so uh all right what I'm going to do I'm going to do the southern side South and also the western side of herjima and I'm just gonna take a look there because I said the black Dam males it's two male lines apparently they were in Hoffman so that's south of Juma and coming north so I am gonna try and see if anything has come across as I said it is that time of the evening now where we you know your nocturnal animals or cats leopards Lions even the hyenas are moving more so now become and start calling I started hunting so yes let's search ah Linda meet you I love the bush babies I know but unfortunately I'm not on the Northern side I know exactly where that uh where that family comes out every single night but it's closer to buffels Dam so that's on the north North East we're actually on the opposite side of the the property now but you never know maybe we find another bush baby family around this side it's always it's always there's always a possibility to that it would be nice I love those bush babies they're so cute so adorable all right all right I'm gonna head towards we're not too far from uh the damn so yeah apparently there was a leopard on Dam cam so I'm gonna head there I'm hoping we can get opportunity to erase that side not rice but just go there oh sorry almost lost my back there all right all right it's ready uh Eddie let's go look for it let's go look for that leopard it's walking on the road away from the camera of Nars thanks um Morgan my wife I feel towards the lodge or away from the lodge Morgan all right let's go let's go let's go away on Twin dams Road okay so we can go right up this side let's see but it's going to take us another seven minutes or five seven minutes to get there so Morgan oh we're gonna try and get there all right all right beep uh you know what I got a feeling we're gonna try and get there all right I'm gonna try and get the I know I don't like speeding it's not my what I don't like I just want to try and get there let's see if a free weekend if we are allowed to have that opportunity to get there come on Ghostbusters ready all right let's head over to pridlands as they've got some beautiful light beautiful sunset that side let's go to that to Chris gosh I was meant to leave already and go and look for animals but this glad that we've got now which we didn't have yesterday it's just worthy of just one more segment I just had to do one more look at that now that is just super stuff I'm just speaking behind the camera here to see the viewfinder yeah that is it band is capturing it like a king what you see now is exactly what I'm looking at no tricks that's all all exactly as I see it scrub Robin also just announcing if it's going to bed anyway I think we should probably then move on anyway let's go over to rexen who's found something small great thanks joining us here we have lovely lovely side stripes yet uh nothing I mean Southern we had this Jackal early this morning they were calling seems like they were spotted something as far as lion in the area but I believe that they have seen something after that they were in parallel I mean this is one of the most beautiful the young child I mean a lot I mean species or one of the smallest pieces that we have in the area Jackal that it's more in a family of dog like family which they scavenge quite a lot and sometimes that time of the year you find Jackal hunt and be successful what might be that time of the season is when the Impala have youngster or even we have seen them hunting scrap here we have seen them hunting gray Decker steering back babies they are a lot more successful and once they had a kill in most of cases if they make a kill themselves they're very silence and remember I mean these guys are monogamous species once the pair the pair for life and the hand together if they do have their own kill they're always silence but if they find lines and leopard on the kill or other this is a wild dog they start to shout quite a lot they make noise that it be sure that's correct Michelle asking a question that a jackal is a long rank Predator yes of course if you look at the Jackal and the cheetah they're almost in the same level it's not all the time that a cheetah run away from the jackal this sometimes you find that cheetah wins quite a lot and the Jackal is right from the bottom and such amazing species when it comes to breeding and the Jackal is the one that is more successful than the cheetah because most cases you might find that a jackal you have some Behavior like uh hyena where if they have puppies they leave them in a den and go out for hunting and come back later you see what they're doing now the lining in this open patch they're waiting for opportunity what might be the opportunity at the moment if it's any weak enema that comes across because if you look at them it's almost look like a grass and they don't call if a lines or leopard make a kill in the area they go close by and wait being patient until the lines or leopard move and get in and get the scraps on that left by leopard or bones that still have a touch of little bit of a meat then they can Nimble on that and move back into the dead in most cases they have an ability T if something small if they're dating or having puppy they can drag the kill back to the den and able to join with the youngster very clever species on coming to defending themselves if they really have young stuff they can protect us if they are sick when they get to see anything that can be so dangerous to the youngster and walk so slowly but really having an energy if anything a change that can able to run faster then attract where they could be leopard drawing detection to move away from the dance Slowly by show until they get far from the den and start to do their normal activities even calling running fast off knowing that the cops are so today they still have this Jackal you can see the eye blinking the reason we use Spotlight at night at the moment we use infrared light which we don't have to light we can able to see these pieces of that knowing that we are here it's unbelievable and the Sun is going down in services in general or the greater National Park in general certain portion of the Greek national park there is no much activities of these guys all about the disease that they have Canon Stamper rabies it's very easy with species get those disease they die and some of it some of the population in different angle of a reserve it killed by the diseases it's not yeah a main interference at all it's something that's natural is in the system that living in the area on a blood system of other species that in the area if these guys get into the kill because they're scavengers find that it's got Arabic disease going to die automatically if two or three are feeding the same crackers they're not going to survive sometimes the management of Reserve if they pick that early they can interfere otherwise if not it will be too late and this is the smallest um I mean species of a dog like family lives in very isolated area in most of time if they do have problem nobody can get it to get in time to see and able to do something alive this species they just remind me the bearded Fox Brown hyena which are very quick you see okay he's still searching for that uh leopard that came down the road so unfortunately she didn't stick to the road I think she went into this drainage line it's on the left-hand side of us pretty much the drainage line that comes from Gary Dam so we're just going to slowly amble along here just to see maybe she pops out again for us let's see so far no joy it's just as I said suck wow don't know I don't know why I'm not getting any of this this leopard luck at the moment and now of course we are just going to try and shine in all these little directions but if she goes into this drainage line it's uh it's bye-bye it's it's no ways we can flutter there it's all tamboti thickets and some sodic areas as well long it's actually warm tonight huh I think you're getting a little bit hot to my jacket as well of course I heard of buffalos over the crossing we just came past the herd of buffalos it was just here now and uh there's definitely nothing behind them there so she won't go that way she won't go where the Buffaloes are there she'll maybe like go behind him just to investigate but she won't you know in between that herd we're gonna just slowly go done twin damage Road uh Morgan I was trying to look for tracks here now it's it looks like as I said it looks like she has gone into this drainage line yeah that's the position that she was moving so we'll just have to look as I said it's gonna I'm hoping we can get some time to track but uh Nino yeah I know Columbus giving all of all of us the Tandy slip here uh I really wanted to get this one but anyway as I said I'm hoping that we can do a little bit of tracking here soon just to just double check on stuff because now concentrate on one thing I'm just gonna see she's gonna go in there drainage like me I know there is like a little two-track that goes in there with a little bit further down here but I don't think she's gone this far sure I don't think she would have gone this far down all right I might just turn around you might have just gone in and then maybe she'll pop out on the road again but let's just say I'll just see if we can get the opportunity to try and listen out for anything around that side all right well we're gonna continue trying to track All the lumber down let's head over to rexins he's got eight Jack I wonder if she'd just be behind those buffaloes okay too we still with the size type Jackal very interesting for us to see to these guys and see how the behavior in most cases they well ambushed where they are from the grass they're waiting may be something small as far ascribe here and Janet or even watelma news that likes to play you know open you know that in most cases describe their likes an open flat Grass more specially if it's a light or a moon there really likes to be on those Era start to run around as they get close to these guys they can able to make a kill and it's such amazing to find them knowing all of this how to get your hand in or open you just lie down wait they're all patient if you look at all species out in nature they're very patient even not knowing that what time it can happen but they can still wait until the right time do happen but you never know they can be success today it can be eight in the morning but as long they know that when they move around here they get a scent of all species that likes to jump and place around in the area such amazing roof look at the eyes they all fled down and just looking Tavern again Zoe why hardly we don't see Jacob the only thing they Jackal uh uh are endangered by the way in in certain areas the lower numbers in some of the areas that are high in numbers in this area of course due to the disease that they might have some of them they die quite a lot so we don't able to see them quite often and remember areas where they live it's very remote it could be in a Thicket in a barrel somewhere the terminal again than not like a leopard where most of time we are so much anxious to see them but when it comes to Jackal nobody likes it even if they're in the area nobody put effort like to see jaguaries only a few people that wants to do reserve a research on it or land owners that are very very cursed to see something small they want to see Jackal they spend time looking around in visually get see Jackal but in recent time where our photographers guess that comes from different worlds in the world they like to see lines and leopard and cheetah and wild dog we spend our time to do those animals and not for uh cheetah that's easy not for um Jackal there's reason they tend to be not seen but they are around even if they're in low numbers they're around in the area the certain areas I know north of the breakfast hook uh the board of man united you tend to see them term and again quite often which are very active around there and of course if you look at that Zoe take an area like Juma conservancy and other part of the reserve where the high density of leopards and lions are very huge these guys they cannot survive there just because competition is very high the right at the bottom of all hierarchy of all different species so that means if the Lions move in that particular area automatically they will be pushed by nature to move over their own Survival in different areas if they get to that area they just walk and pass or get interested if there's a kill and yet they eat and move out all the time they will avoid wherever its lines leopard and wild dogs they have to avoid that for their own safety so that's the reason we don't see them whereas less lines and leopard of course they tend to dwell on those areas quite a lot permanently because they got no thing to fear there's reason they're always on those surrounding that is the other point that makes them not to be seen quite a lot it's due to other species that they compete with them but really I love the call of Jaco B early this morning when I get there I heard them calling oh I was so excited that I'll rush into the area I want to see but you knowing that when they do that pretty much they get nervous sometimes foreign Through The Years wild Earth has brought me comfort and joy hold your breath moments and adrenaline rushes I've learned so much from the naturalists and I enjoy so much watching these beautiful animals so I had to give back and I became an Explorer and now I've been given this beautiful prize thank you wild Earth and Camp fig tree for my three night stay to explore Ado National Park sign up today and you could be the one experiencing it for yourself [Music] thank you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you all right night time let's try and find some Nocturnals I've not really seen I've seen him one or two night jars but every time I want to stop and frame the map they fly it's like the bush babies there are plenty I see them all the time the moment I stop they jump they're gone let's see what's here the thing is our grass is still very you get to see a lot of the small things like here I see their tracks every morning this is funny smell hanging in the air as well it's like a mix between buffalo and leopard urine but it's not either of the two I think it's some plant perhaps growing along one of these Rivers we don't have Rivers yet drainage lines which is like a small Sandy River that only flows seasonally with a lot of rain like we had this yeah it's not a lot Ali hi there Ali wants to know if we do get civets at rylance yes indeed we don't see them a lot but I see their tracks daily on almost every single Road there's severed tracks so they're quite common yeah I see they're done as well but why we don't see them I don't know I've seen them here before but um I don't know I think at the moment that grass is still tall that's that's probably one of the reasons I mean right there there right there and you can see them but a meter away further from there they're gone and I'm hoping that that will increase as we go into the dry season but there's definitely a few civets around they are definitely around not like they like thank you I do apologize about the breakup on the feed there in Pride lands excuse me um but yeah we're back with uh Owen and myself and all rusty we're still doing a search on that lepress that came past damn cam and I think I think I think someone or something or somehow put some bad juju medicine under my door mat or something because it just seems like I'm not meant to find a leopard and that's been my it's been the story of my life for the last uh six days now seven days wow oh sorry a little thickeny but a change will change will come very soon very soon I feel that my my leopard luck is gonna start coming into Kiev very soon as I say it's the calmness before the storm uh Heather thank you so much for sending me some good Juju there I do appreciate it and as I said I think it is the calmness before the storm I'm hoping so but it's all right at least there's always those other interesting things that's been happening around I mean we've got the beautiful elephant this afternoon a big boy I've got those nice buffaloes as well so yeah there's all there's always something around yeah in the African bush it just keeps you entertained and it keeps you excited about just being out here I know a lot of a lot of you at home or wherever you're watching we always love to keep up with the characters then so do I so do I think it's very important that's what would have been nice to find the Lumber now but let's see maybe the last uh last minute leopard would be always a cherry on the cake not too sure where rexin is I think he might be somewhere I don't know actually I think it might be on the Northern side of the property working in that area ah thanks uh Morgan say okay I was at Sydney's Den I thought I thought so you'll be there in the Northwestern corner all right so we're going to vultures nest and then what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go up again on the other side of the motawachi to see if the lumber didn't come out uh Xavier leopards are more active at night time than daytime but they can move around at daytime if they need to I mean I think because there's solitary and sometimes if they need to hunt and if there's opportunities for something to you know to bring down and then of course yes they'll be moving down during the daytime but night time you know it's a specialty time a nocturnal and they've got just better eyesight and diurnal animals at night time so it makes hunting a little bit easier for them just like the Lions but Lions tend to be a little bit more docile during the daytime compared to leopards the lines in the pride so they don't have to really do things all by themselves like a leopard solitary that's why the final Lions can really sleep during the daytime most of the day stuck in bed thank you so much yes and I will be prepared to to find these uh these cats so let's see let's see stuck in bed I will prevail we shall prevail it will be success we shall find rosettes very soon Larry thank you so much um we are on the shortcut garlic I saw eye blinking here it could be a a bush baby but behind bushes you might be shocked that there's a leopard moving here because it was a constant movie I was not even concentrating on the light it's difficult to find the leopard this time of a year where the grass are still hi it can so disappear easily butter see in the morning will able to follow up with Calamba and find the general direction of air Where She Went it will be useful but I'm gonna try maybe to assist Cedric in the area if we're lucky we'll be lucky if not we'll carry on in the morning like to see this stuff a beautiful leopard of Cuba in most cases leopard will be moving very close into the open clearings where a lot of activities I believe that she might be moving close to operantine a leopard cannot walk in a ticket like this at night not following where the head of Impala went so most of time there has to be an area where it's antelope myself you can help me something here cool lovely I just spotted something the thicket here maybe it's a hyena let's carry on could be the same eye that we follow up from the other side moving towards that direction you might find that uh they prefer to follow up leopards in the area where the leopard went first of all it could be the same leopard that was at Gary Dam was seen around in the area and the hyena now just trying to stay behind if it's any kill they can steal away from the leopard is how they survive I can see a light from the other side the game drive vehicle pretty much maybe is where they think the leopard is let me yes as long we find the tracks it won't be a problem if there's no tracks it'll be very difficult for all of us to find that let's try and cross fingers in this block here if she's moving in this ticket will be prohibited by the figure to see what is might be between the lodge and the game channel of these animals walking farther out the face of the lodge I'm very keen to see Calamba I'm coming in the area it's been a long time for me I will see that leopard I'll try my best while we're moving in the area trying to find salamba it's me let me take you over to madikwe so I have no idea what sort of jinx we have this evening but we had an Impala yeah just moments ago and now it's gone just as you came to us so that's fine we will just uh re-adapt and we'll just have a look at this view here now one thing I'm really hoping to find out here is a chameleon I saw one last time with Rian and I really want to see chameleons Arch here but let me tell you pridelands wow it is flooded with chameleons there there are many many many there I think while I was there I think I saw over 20 chameleons in the two weeks yeah just what a beautiful evening hey it's really settled down now and I hear the radio is just a little bit more quieter and it seems like you know all the animals have been seen and most of the Safari guides have stopped for drinks and have set off now to continue back to The Lodges but just an update with splinter he was uh seen just moments ago someone did manage to to spot him so he's now mobile he's gone walking to the to the West I think now so tomorrow morning we'll definitely try and maybe we can get lucky and see that now don't forget that in case you are worried about missing out on some of the the things that we're getting up to and some of the adventures remember that you can watch the highlights from each of the experiences on the app you can follow up on that hello find yourself sorry I'm live at the moment no worries no worries enjoy sorry about that I think they were wondering if we managed to spot something which we did but has moved off the Impala I stand there all on the way to the lodge at the moment it's been a pretty cool day as we sit here and just reminisce you know we've seen quite a few cool things yesterday and Paul had his uh first uh we're hoping to get one before we manage to get back to the lodge and we can see another one for him and another thing that and poor has seen for the first time here is Grand squirrel never seen that before look at this bush thought looking nice and healthy isn't it I'm not Ben when Ben was here the last time he and Igor got caught up in the most really violent thunderstorm and rainstorm that I had seen and uh he actually sent me a video and because of course our vehicle has a roof and jamala Lodge has really helped us out with a nice vehicle and so you know the each side of the vehicle front back and sides was just this wall of water coming down and that's because the water was pooling on the roof and every time you take a corner and you know all that water just splashes off Shams and no no storms predicted at the moment but anyway let's go to Cedric we're going to carry on going south now nothing this side uh it's a good male lip attracts coming on top here as well on top of my vehicle tracks yeah exactly where a twin damage road towards his Buffalo side I'm actually just gonna go a little bit back again but you might have got actually inside here I'll just want to just double check here because it's so fresh sometimes my vehicle tracks from a few moments ago trying to see if I'm not gonna drive over that scat it might have been Maybe so take a look guys still coming up here yeah sorry I'm just trying to figure out uh sorry I'm walking I wasn't paying attention there good go with police question again please where are you all right I believe it could cause the Ghostbusters and we can find Milwaukee yes well buddy I think that'll be a good idea because I think there might be more water that actually came up the road here now so I think we do need the Ghostbusters the male leopard the ghost of Juma that'd be in some way so I'll just checks in his coming up further and she went in here and he went in there so what's happening in here I don't know I'm just gonna listen out a little bit for the last few minutes I can just see what's going to happen we're gonna go back to Camp it was Shelby over go back to camp I heard something there go back to camp and then Milwaukee will pop out on the demo I think we must go a little bit further this way ready let's go a little bit further to the dam and just take a look with that skirt is still wet foreign do you sometimes imagine what wild Earth would be like without adverts a chance to properly immerse yourself in nature without any interruptions sign up to be an Explorer for a small monthly fee and you can truly Escape Into the Wilderness at reviewing is now available on our app as well as on our website wild Earth it's a new nature [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] this bed we'll try maybe in the course of a day to find one if you're lucky to show them but now you won't be able to see all the reflection colors in the body but it's one of the best they got like a cap gray on top of the head look like wearing a gray cap and they get yellow underneath and greenish on the wings which is such beautiful beautiful specie of course I don't know if you guys can see that clearly this time of night if not let's wait until maybe tomorrow or any guy that really guide that is out if you come across with it you might be able to stop and show you how it look like such a beautiful beautiful let's take this um last few minutes not showing only the spoke full let me try to find leopard leopard in the area which I believe that uh I'm not Calamba she's very sneaky she might be already up quarantine let me go up to quarantine towards uh anger's house I believe she might be somewhere there hunting this Impala she's a lot more successful very quick uh Paul indeed it's all about safety and stopping the wind if you're not getting a bushy sort of a tree you'll be very exposed to the cold weather so you need a blanket of course in order to really have a good night otherwise you'll be shivering the whole night and you want to die sometimes it's very cold here and really if it's very thick it also helps quite a lot not to be spotted by other species as far as Janet that walk at night and Hunt around here one of the smallest Carnival we have here spotted Janet hunts a lot and be successful especially species as far as Franklin and all medium and big they can hunt and be successful this section of quarantine is Impalas I believe that the leopard is not far actually from the area and the Impala it looks like they know they're not moving stand still I hope this leopard may be a later on she might come on here the camera or the dam or moving in this surroundings remember when the leopard sport important Impala doesn't move the leopard will stand still will move a leopard will do anything that is moving he will sneak in because it's moving he knows that they're very clever at the same time when you walk you concentrate how actually you step on the ground some of the air is not level you'll see where you're going you're not going to check the enemies so it's where the leopard will make a kill let's take this opportunity over to setting ah yes no look uh at the end of the day um I think today at the end of the day today has just been one of those days everything was behind me and like up Beyond warburg's Eagle exactly where we've got the Buffaloes in now uh the leper tracks on top of my vehicle tracks once again yeah so that's uh that's that's that's that's that's exactly where oh bless you but yeah let's come up to quarantine I'm just going to take a look at quarantine yeah Andrew how long does it take to memorize memorize the leopard's movements uh Andrew it's difficult to memorize any 11 movements I think it is a little bit impossible for that sometimes the leopards all decide to change uh areas and change direction and they never know Andrew luckily sometimes we'll know certain ones like doing not like always the same thing but just to like moving in an area where they are marking the territory they're doing policy I'm sure that maybe that leopard might even be a Trumpeter I'll say somewhere but you know this is what's in front of us which is a leopard it's a leopard we're gonna flip it I've got a leopard I've got a leopard yes sorry there's a leopard in front of us oh oh my word is it leopard yeah it is all right yes oh sorry it's on my last minute on the last minute oh my word oh my word yeah can you believe it that's how a leopard looks like I'm here on uh on the open area just south of our camp hello girl what a mission finding this but it's not she's busy hunting is talking some Impala I know it's uh right at the end but a leopard's a leopard body stroke something I hope I guess I am so happy that good luck Juju or everybody's good luck Juju to own myself today has worked right at the end but she's busy stalking her lights are off you can see this is very silent I do apologize it is a last-minute leopard but you'll just stick right till the end with this female but yes thanks for joining us this afternoon and I've been tomorrow morning on our Sunrise Safari that we are lucky finding a leopard once again and hopefully right in the beginning of the show maybe she makes a kill tonight and then we can come straight here this tomorrow morning and we can come here and she might be in a tree but yeah thank you so much for the comments and questions and everybody's support this afternoon we really do appreciate it and I'm so happy that we can at least end off with the last minute literally last minute a leopard but yes please join us as I say tomorrow morning have a wonderful evening everybody from all of us at Wild days good night [Music] when African safari and may include animal kills and carcasses viewer discretion is advised [Music] foreign [Music] good morning good morning
Channel: WildEarth
Views: 11,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xA4adRQupsU
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Length: 240min 40sec (14440 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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