WildEarth - Sunrise Safari - 19 June 2023

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right here at Eco training Pride lands this is where we are at the moment and we've got a very general plan this morning I'm personally going to finish my coffee waiting for the sun to rise my name is Chris Erasmus and with me on camera Ops is Panda Glitz sun is about to rise here at Eco training Pride lands and after this we're just gonna drive around and see what the bush brings for us this morning no real indication of anything that we're going to look for we're going to just wing it and see what comes up joining us in our other locations this morning will be rexen and Cedric will be operating out at Juma and then Andrew still Manning the seated amacola now just a reminder this is live you are whatever you see here is happening in real time it's also interactive this experience is interactive you can send us questions and comments there's anything you would like us to find for you let us know and how you can do that is if you're watching on our website or app we have to register in order to do that and those of you are on YouTube please subscribe to the channel and in that way wild Earth will be able to notify you of any other great content that might be around don't miss out on that let's just see what's happening to the sunrise and good morning Anna Marie an enemy can't wait to Bumble through the bush this morning yeah we're gonna we're gonna literally just see what comes up I'm hoping that some of those lines from yesterday would show their faces again so if we find any line tracks we will definitely definitely be tracking them but then anything that comes up we'll we'll definitely try and be very holistic in our approach this morning since we do not only want to connect you to animals but also to Nature in general that is in fact our mission is to connect the world too nature and if you would like to help sit over to our website look for the Donate button and there's even some private safaris if you donate in excess of a hundred dollars or more with your choice of Lauren Steve or Cedric now our goal this month is to reach donations of eleven thousand dollars and if we reach that one of our naturalists will show off his or hers best survival skills that's going to be quite epic and a lot of fun yeah so just like we have with our Sunset remember we've been timing it last couple of days and we can clearly see the sunsets oh now usually a minute or so later or earlier every day and the same where the sunrise also be a minute or two later every morning and as we can see the sun is not yet even emerged very cool at the moment very very cold although forecasts suggest we're going to have a warm day of about 30 degrees at its peak today nice warm day cold evenings typical weather for this time of the year and on that note let's take a look at our overall weather [Music] as you can see what a spooky start to the morning Sunrise Safari beautiful and quite dramatic with all that mist that's lying on the lower areas and that deer tube but you can just see where you can just see where the cold could all the coldness is busy gathering here at Juma private cameras in South Africa good morning everybody my name is Cedric and behind the camera with me on Rusty we've got BK thank you for joining well it is a cold morning as I say it is something that is uh looking very dramatic at the moment and um yeah I'm just uh I'm contemplating about heading into those areas for the morning our other one is sit right on top of these elevated areas for now where it's a little bit warmer and I might start moving into those Misty areas a little bit lighter once things starts warming up for the morning but yes I'm on the western side of Juma and I'm just slowly ambling down what I'm going to amble down South and just to see what's happening further south from where we are now but I think for now I'm just gonna take in this moment and taking these beautiful beautiful scenes that we do have as you can see it seems like there's like smoke but it's not it's Mist it's just sunk into those low lying areas and the sun hasn't risen yet as you see it is going to come up very shortly in the next maybe five or ten minutes that sun will make an appearance good morning to you too thanks as always for joining us on our Sunrise Safari darci Mala and I became myself for really Keen to get this morning on the go and to see what we can find I think this morning we are just going to do some boundaries just to see what's come over but for now I'm just going to sit here and listen out I haven't had much lines calling this morning a lot like yesterday morning this morning we did to your lines but it sounded like further west apparently apparently this is just speculation from sources that uh the S8 male has gone all the way west to a place called pikonin Utah it's like Far West towards elephant Plains area so I don't know why he's traveling so far but we did hear him calling this morning if it is him as I said that is just speculation foreign like some Casper that goes to come moving through the Mist it'll be quite interesting but yo while we are going to continue heading south uh let's head over to Andrew in madikwe apparently he's got a beautiful sunrise in that area thank you Cedric and good morning everybody Welcome to the Northwest here at madika game reserve are we starting off with the sunrise and I'm glad we did because we can actually hear lions roaring from where we are not too close but not too far so we're going to give it a bash and see if we can't find them good morning my name's Andrew behind the camera is Mr and Paul we're going to be exploring madika this morning so let's see how things go but let's start off with the sunrise and watch Africa slowly waking up beautiful it's awesome to start you know every day when we go out in the sunrise we're going to see that uh the the sunrise and I mean it's always nice just to start off your day with something just so beautiful and of course when we start heading back in the evenings and the sunset safaris again we have a quick glimpse of something extremely beautiful the sunset beautiful it's going to be a splendid day today I don't think temperatures are going to be too too high today I think just above the 20 Mark or somewhere around there but I do look forward to is it tomorrow I think it's going to be a bit a bit warmer in temperatures but I must say it is quite Frosty when you go out here it's quite cold got to make sure that you have got a sufficient and amount of layers on otherwise if you go out here without enough layers you are going to be freezing for all morning just beautiful the cape turtle doves or Ringneck doves are calling it's almost like an Amphitheater with them all calling around us and I can hear some elephants in the bush not too far from us but it is very thickier maybe they'll come out and yesterday evening we were blessed with a brown hyena we saw one and imposed very first sighting of a brown eye you know he was very excited and it was uh yeah a very quick one but we still managed to see one and show some of you also moments ago we could hear the spot today you know and that's what makes madiko game reserve quite uh quite special and unique is that you can actually see sometimes both species of hyena are there Kabuki good morning nice to hear from you agreed indeed what a day it's gonna be and it's nice to have you on board with us I like I like how Ralph says that sometimes I've watched these segments a few times and he goes welcome to the biggest game Drive in the world and that's exactly what it is I would actually love to know how many of you actually you know watch us it's it's amazing we are very fortunate to be able to you know showcase the bush to you we are very lucky now I can hear some Aramark BaByliss calling and last time I was here saw the southern pie bablas there's a few of the horn balls flying past that looks like the Red Bull hornball and it's just amazing because um this sort of area now where we're actually viewing the sunrise is not far off I mean it's a few hundred meters from where we saw the um the Lions yesterday with the dark main mahiwa who was there it was confirmed by another guide out here and we can't hear roaring now so I do believe they're a little bit further north from us and there could be very much around the airstrip area and from what I've gathered they really enjoy the airstrip area so we'll definitely give that a go oh there we go there we go there is our son finally that's showing its face and at this moment like I said yesterday is that moment that first Ray has come out where it's and it's coldest I would have thought otherwise so basically what happens is when that first raise our cost it's actually at an angle and it doesn't really reach us here that moment before didn't it creates a thermal barrier with the sun's Rays on top and that suppresses colder air downwards and then the moment the sun actually emerges it takes a minute or two for the Rays to actually start doing their work at ground level and then it rapidly starts warming up and even now as we speak I can literally feel that that's sort of like a real grip that the cold air has is slowly dissipating but at the moment that moment when that first race appears at that moment it's like this moment instant moment in time where it's just like drops a few degrees and then suddenly goes back up again given the fact that they don't have any wind this morning that would be different if there's any wind or on mornings where it's overcast that will totally change that I'm referring to stable weather like what we have currently clear skies not a lot of wind just generally good winter weather here our normal winter weather okay it's also the time with a lot of cold fronts coming from the Antarctic starts hitting the country we've seen down in the cape some severe rains that were caused by other cold fronts and sometimes these cold fronts do even extend up towards where we are dragging some cold air behind them and those are the days where we can truly say we have winter temperatures no so the indications are the next two days we'll still have warm weather and one of those cold fronts that has been around in the cape is likely going to push some of that cloudy weather over ASAP from about Wednesday onwards we are looking at a bit cooler weather here overall and that's how it's gonna be for a whole of winter you know usually mild days high 20s daytime temperatures cool to cold nights and it's like every 10 odd days or so we'll have these cold fronts moving over if they have enough momentum to reach us sometimes they don't they just hit our Western Cape region and then move away from us are there jewels in New Zealand good morning never misses a drive it's fantastic well it's also a cold country that I believe the south of New Zealand can't be very cold never been there myself I've got family members and Friends who's visited New Zealand on occasions all right yeah so obviously with the Sun up down we're ready to Embark okay what's our plan from here it's gonna take Marshall Road which is kind of like an arterial Road right smack in the center of brightlands running north to south literally dissects the Conservancy into two sort of sectors we can put it that way it's our main road that we used to get quick access to the four Northern reaches so we're going to take that road drive all the way to the northern boundary and we're gonna check there if any of those lines from yesterday managed to make their way back to pridelands so that's our initial plan and along the way obviously we'll be looking for anything of Interest whether it's an insect a bird an antelope an elephant or whatever ever presents itself I'm just soaking up these first bit of sunrise peaceful very peaceful you can also feel the air is drying out currently it's really noticeable which is normal it's normal for this time of the year getting very little due in the mornings on the grass even and that's expected and the winter air is dry it's a dry season it's generally speaking a high pressure system prevailing over this Central and Northern parts of the country that prevents rain from forming Yeah in our Winters damn Panda let's start this vehicle up continue on our intended plan and for now let's head over to Cedric who is drawing driving around as well well I'm on my Safari and and I am just slowly but surely heading down towards Treehouse Dam and you see what's happening at a treehouse a dam it is very cold this morning it is very chilly and I think that we are in winter for sure for sure that's right I can't wait for that sun just to come out and start heating up this day apparently it's going to be a beautiful day and that's typical of the live fault so you always have those very cold mornings and then you'll find that uh a day starts warming up quite nicely so yes but I'm gonna go three hours time and then on top of that I will make my way towards the hyena Den just to see who's around maybe we get some extra hyena action this morning I think that would be very fitting and perfect for a good old Monday morning but for now we are just ambling down in this very cold weather that was a if I was an l a wild animal now I would be sitting on top of the termite Mound and I would sit on top of the termite Mound and I would be enjoying and warming up quite a bit which is perfect especially with a warning like this especially with a nice sun sunrise and uh yes indeed so so there we go the question again or comment uh Susanna I love Trias there because I've had so many great sightings that she asked them and plus hyena Den is close to Charles Dam as well so you know there's a few things and plus it I don't know it's a beautiful city I just had amazing sightings here amazing amazing sightings uh Susanna that's why so that's why trials damaged my favorite dab and as well like as I said hyenas all right here just around the corner it was always nice as to pop our nose in there a year a blacksmith leopard and those blacksmith leopards I haven't seen that they had chicks this uh this year but uh well so far but we'll keep our eyes open for for that foreign let's just go sit on the demo and listen out yeah it's cold feels like it's it feels like it's like minus City at the moment uh uh go Jordan application uh nothing so far we just uh just a little bubbling around oh no I've got a big Madonna uh and love yeah look this is why we love Treehouse time look at this big male elephant that has just come down towards Treehouse damn Oh What a Beautiful Boy hello coming for an early early morning drink or is he or is he just gonna be moving past that is what a start hey in the Mist as well how beautiful is that uh he's just going all right don't come this way now there you go rather just move past big male elephant disappearing in the Mist is coming through hey Siri he's gonna go he looks like he wants to go down to maybe some water or maybe some mud it's always coming straight for us why is he on such a Ease on a huge mission I know all right well we're gonna sit here let's head over to rexen as he's got some beautiful Cape buffalos good morning good morning indeed to everybody and welcome in a beautiful sunrise at Juma Safari life at the greater cougar National Park we are lucky we're getting this breeding out of Buffalo my estimation of the battle of the month before to 500 Buffalo they're still trailing coming from Sydney's Dam Crossing into our property from myself Roxanne and Owen behind the camera we are really wishing a great morning finding this Buffalo here Crossing from the north getting in our Conservancy it means a lot to us and that tell us maybe the kuhuma pride that might be behind the Buffalo as we all know that Buffalo always Charles by lion behind lick it we have beautiful beautiful sunrise and you can see that this youngster involved in a head of Buffalo like this that makes the lion love to troll them it's just because the individual members of the Buffalo some of them they're very old most special female some of them they suffer from injuries some of them of course they're sick and the lack behind all the time we just cross the finger because we had a lion calling almost the same area where the Buffalo were coming from from last night the possibilities of the lines stay in the if they have chances to get one of the weak one behind they might kill the Buffalo inside the manuality not in our side but you know that it's in the nature of a buffalo all the time the perfect protect the individual so it might not happen but chances of Alliance because there are nocturnal species is very great at the course of a night to hunt and be successful but anyway you'd never predict what happened at night because it might happen that they kill or not yes indeed a lot of Buffalo we're just taking this opportunity this is the um age of our signal the math is Buffalo crossed into our neighborhood we add a triangle about 100 meters if the head West they're out of our Conservancy but uh yes it's a huge Buffalo I believe that for them to complete across this section about 150 up to your boundary the number of Buffalo that might take us up to 45 minutes witnessing Buffalo Crossing or a time so it's really amazing we're looking forward now to see maybe who must come behind them but it's in the nature we had a report this morning to give you a little bit of update what's going on here we have a report this morning of alliance in the west going west and we have a report of S8 mall and the breakaways uh telemati the headings away foreign lovers I'm Holly I'm from Rochester New York and I'm a wildlife Explorer I'm also the proud and ecstatic recipient of a three-night stay at matswiri Safari Lodge in the decoy game reserve [Music] so wild Earth I want to thank you for being there I want to thank you for this wonderful prize and I'll be looking forward to seeing you shortly sign up today and you could be the one yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign Behavior or production there's no uh season you look at the youngster behind this female which does have a lot of ox practice facing straight direct to the camera very tiny little one it tells you in winter in summer there's no specific season they can breed here and as they're mating while the others are giving back these little ones you can see that uh quite a lot of mating taking place more especially the Buffalo that are facing camera facing are now anger which is not one facing until the uh West in front of Ikea the Buffalo that big have big ones uh that it could be signed to be a dominant it's not all about that you can have big ones and you're not strong enough you're not going to be uh the the dominant but sometimes it can place uh it can give a little bit of Advantage more special from the melts if males you have huge ones and healthy that gives you advantage that you can be so much dominant remember once it's odd about the weapons the weapons that we have if they can able to do the job yes you can but if not it's all about how strong you are physical it's more important if not you'll be stay Beyond there's raising sometimes you find the Buffalo males withdrawn from the metric Society do their own thing in order to build up their body system when they return into head like structure like this they can able to lead and take position that is more important it's all about your health rules wow great loving I love we surrounded by this Buffalo thanks because the changing direction they were heading west and now the Turning straight to the east in Juma Conservancy which they will be with us for the rest of uh days two days or even more if the head straight to East and that's it give us chances to see anything that might be interested following them or even oh very good very good very good crashing even you know that the Buffalo carry two bits there's a female walking I don't know whether it will stay each and every Buffalo look at the skin because the Buffalo Eve does have TB it shows from the skin type of glasses all the time what does you'll see a a a white patches or a fresh sort of a wound on the skin that shows that uh that Buffalo does have of course does of the TB in most cases if it Hills it becomes white in color that is a great sign having TV it's amazing to see that because how it works if the buffalo have TP they have so-called skin tabulouses that it will show by getting a ball swelling on the skin but it will be time where the the ball is going to bust off and it will be that liquid comes off and you can see a fresh sort of um skin that or a ball that a bust and you can see the Flesh of the Buffalo radish in color and that will heal nothing that is going to affect the Buffalo of course these animals they have the curry TB but it's not going to affect the TV to die very quick it's depends of the season of the rain if they have health water of course healthy um of I mean food they will manage I was just saying that it Disturbed me a lot if I see that cut on that Buffalo it's amazing I don't have binoculars to see what might be the causes of that uh uh around sort of a cut you see that oxpaka is pecking on that because they really like blood and eating meat this is the banana species and they can make that wound very worse is really sad to see that it's around it looks like a man's era you never know what happened Where the Buffalo comes from but as soon I've seen that our report from the the service Cent management maybe they aware about it they can be something to help the Buffalo it'll be fine oh it's back oh look at that a bull a male Buffalo goes from the Buffalo headless I mean linked to Andrew which is doing something and trying to find the best ah thank you Rickson and look what has been found this morning one of the adult lionesses not too far from where we heard them roaring this morning so it's a very quick find we never found her the other guides from I think it's modico Safari log yes that's it they managed to find here now apparently they scattered out here there's others that are around here but the bush is very tight here and so sometimes the the busher doesn't accommodate an extra vehicle so um when they start to move and start to come out in a sort of a better area then we'll try and reapproach but from here we can see her very very nicely the male is somewhere around here he's just sort of in the thicket and we're just gonna wait and see what's gonna happen this morning beautiful I'm really glad she actually sat down there because when we got here they were walking or she was walking and she was walking straight towards the thick bush and we sort of we tried to frame it up to show our our directors in the mission control that oh we've got a lion but it seems like it's it's going to disappear um but then she turned around and she sat down right there isn't this cool and the Sun is just beginning to rise as well and I must say it is really a privilege to be here watching this beautiful lioness while the sun is rising oh thanks Tracy good morning thanks for that thanks for that that's really nice of you it's always nice to you know start off early and find something like a lion or a leopard or you know great big elephant or something like that whatever the case may be and today is Monday that people talk about a blue Monday I have no idea what a blue Monday feels like I've never felt a Blue Monday because of sort of what we do out here now I'm listening to the birds there were some long bull chromebacks that were calling earlier on such cool little birds they they're quite these little stocky birds with no or very very short tail incredibly short tail and uh they are pretty and also short wings pretty cool Birds when they fly a long bold crombic freaky morning yes a little bit of curtains shame I can just hear one of the Lions calling now behind us all the way from behind us so we might very well have maybe some other lines coming to join but as I say they do sound like they are scattered at you but freaky you're right Lions love privacy privacy means that they're not being seen and although the sun is rising you see something's caught her attention big time now Hey listen I'm not sure if you can hear that sir but there is a male lion that's calling around us here and uh sort of got her interests really peaked Okay so we've got a little bit of movement at the moment we do have a pole in our way but I do believe in Paul is going to work some magic yeah I know it's tight simple sorry my friend oh goodness all right so he's just gone behind the vehicle so he's obviously heard that roaring over there and is just investigating a little bit he's just actually just walking behind the vehicle now now let's just watch this um are you gonna yeah let's just try this line in Sea again because she might very well stand up and walk towards us so let's just give a watch wow some fish Eagles now okay just uh just bear with us folks uh yeah we can have a couple of polls in the way now and this lioness is up and moving and when she starts moving I'm pretty sure one of these Land Cruisers that are with us on the sighting they're probably going to start their vehicle so yeah just bear with us well she stops it right there on the border of the pole Mass where can Paul look at it oh she's beautiful there still quite a young one so I'm just going to talk on the radio just for one sec uh sorry man I didn't see that okay do you want me to turn the vehicle Mr I think that's going to be our easiest all right just bear with us we're just gonna turn the vehicle ah how cool is that starting that was so cool okay so let's just try and reverse the vehicle as swiftly as we can so we can see them walking away so cool you like that and poor a little bit of a little bit of uh action for the morning okay give me one second Paul I just want to get into this into this little spot here just in case a vehicle also wants to come and park next to us wow that's cool what a cool view this has been Circle wow how incredible this is every single hair on my neck is standing up right now so I'm not quite sure what's going on I believe there was Impala somewhere around here so on that in Brackets please be advised that you know anything can happen at any time so just a bit of a disclaimer going there um so there could be some Impala around here which I believe there is and then we heard some roaring here so I'm not sure if they're nervous from an opposing Pride or if they maybe break away sort of in the area I'm not quite sure wow look at that you wow nah give us a moment we're gonna see where they're going we'd only just start up and just follow them that's not going to be very respectful give them a bit of space let them walk off a bit and then we're going to start up how is that eh very good very very good okay this is our small little Gap we're gonna take here we're gonna do a couple of two-point turns I hope the person who did my driving lesson back in the day is not watching It's Gonna See Me Do a five-point turn yeah what do they call that the k-53 yeah okay so we might we might have used her now just walking through that Thicket so we just want to give a very very sharp listen now okay so they seem to be extremely extremely active at this point I'm just going to give a listen see if there's any more roaring but wow what's an incredible view we just had now that was fantastic wow just these moments are just waiting to see what sort of what's gonna happen but I think in the meantime let's go to Cedric I believe he's at a water body at the moment let's go take a look sure thanks uh Andrew we are just sitting at on dams we've got like hyena is going crazy just here in little Gary apparently there is wild dogs and hyena interaction uh cannot Traverse until Gary but we are sitting here at Twin dams on the damn wall for now just hoping that those wild dogs will be pushed and north towards uh Juma but for now we can just hear them or hear the hyena is going crazy south of us so I'm just gonna wait for an update from one of the guides just to make sure just to see if that all of those wild dogs do come north at least we are standing by you for now we are just enjoying a scenery at Twin dams not a breath of wind this morning once again you can just see the water is like a mirror every tree every bush is just reflecting off the surface I think every I think every hyena in this area has done that side with those wild dogs now Mandy yes it's beautiful lighting this morning I think it's really as I said it's not a cloud in the sky a little bit of mistlets hanging around and that sun is now just popping through but I think that as well looks might be a little bit far south but still from here I'm gonna go a little bit further north and to see what's happening up towards I'm on the Whitey side let's see if we lucky I'm not too sure exactly where rexins got those buffaloes it's unfortunately I don't know his exact uh location maybe these lines following those buffaloes maybe they might be lucky with some 20 cats outside I'm just gonna quickly try and get all of these guys on the Eastern Channel just to make sure those uh wild dogs are not coming north uh Dion Dion hey China listen uh any updates on those uh McClure all right copy copy all right so there's a little bit further south all right are we gonna move on we might lose a little bit of signal here and break up above the picture but uh yeah let's see all right copy I'm gonna add on to that side thank you apparently it might be like a leopard that's calling around chitwa Dam Area so I'm gonna it's slowly into that direction towards chitwa as I said we might lose the signal here and a breakup of picture all right what are we going to head towards chitra let's head over to Rex and as he's still sitting with those beautiful Cape buffaloes great thank you so much are we still with the Buffalo while we're listening to the Buffalo where they come from we can hear the Jacob Jacob were calling maybe from this segment we need to go back same route and follow up on that it could be possible line coming from behind and trying to really keep a distance away from these lines of this Buffalo if soon is any Gap or chances maybe in the course of a day or late at night they might do something you'll never know it's a very healthy healthy structure for Buffalo you can see that lots of males involved there are one or two mating there's reason you find males from the front the trailing one female and one bull that is mating is very protective we have seen while you are away with us chasing all these Buffalo unfortunately now he's trying to be the leader or he is a matriarch he's leading the whole All Buffalo in the making at the same time with the female maybe the female she does have rank there's one female there walking across of Russia with a we can able to she's having quite a lot of skulls on the wound at the back that is a very good sign of skin tuberculosis even that male Buffalo working there you can tell from the right to the back you can see those white grayish patches that show that skin tuberculosis they do have cherry TB this Buffalo we have here Vanessa it's the typical ratio gender here it is very difficult to tell I'm not sure whether or anything uh really estimate that 50 50. as Owen since 50 50 mile 50 um a female it can happen because it really melts is a lot more important on the structure of the Buffalo because at the one that do quite a lot of uh most of Defending if line comes you know that the line doesn't respect a female buffalo so the reason why the Buffalo are so many and also sometimes you tend to see the uh Buffalo give more bath more especially this time of a year if the healthy in the body system mouths and that is the natural system in order to protect the head with that the mild it cannot able to really survive and really make it when it comes to the population so the typical gender it can be 50 50 in most cases sometimes you tend to see when the Buffalo gets separated when it comes to gender if a line driven the females in their own way and you find that it's less a male to protect pride of lions will stay behind that particular head they know that is the easy access there's no male to fight back males they act like a soldiers within the structure of the head itself that's so much easy for them to drive the line off let's reposition ourselves this Buffalo the suddenly moving very fast away from us maybe we can go a little bit ahead where they're going to come out and see if we can really see more of them I don't want to come behind them it'll be nice if they come right in front and as you know that uh taking picture of far from the front coming again you see they direction is not uh like let's take this opportunity over to Chris while you still position also just heard lines vocalizing just now north of us and we stopped writing in the Northern parts of prudence to do exactly that it's right on the Northern boundary and watching these Impala it's always fun to do I just had a lion call far north of us which indicates that whoever those lines are they are still outside of our boundary it might be a good plan to keep listening because there might be other Lions around that might reply to that call no can't hear it now but it was rather distant it's not something we can follow up with now try and find still going to continue from here and try and see if there are any tracks coming in into our area also seem extremely relaxed and calm good morning yellow duck why do I like Impala so much well yellow duck firstly there's plenty of them and I think they are quite athletic and they quite handsome Antelope as well quite pretty and the sheer numbers as well and also just the fact that they are just a super antelope in terms of how they've developed to overcome challenges and there's reasons why there's so many of them but also from a practicality perspective watching Impala like this can tell you a lot about what's happened in the area if there are no notably nervous could be a sign that the Predators have been through the area or their scent is lingering around and then as well if they do see a predator they're one of the best alarm calls to announce the presence of predators very reliable foreign explorers wilderth kids is back your monthly subscriptions have allowed us to relaunch Wildwood schools on a weekly basis every Wednesday for the first hour of the sunset Safari out to my face every single day close up for a special virtual field trip to Africa because touching the lives of the future Protectors of our Earth foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay let's just watch what he's gonna do it's amazing because he's uh just done some urine marking now and we can just see Steam lots of steam it's actually crazy just imagine what the body temperature must be like but Joe one thing to keep in mind is there are other vehicles now waiting to come in um and so our time will be limited yeah after this piece we will move on and see what else we can find look at that steam that is amazing so there he goes again a bit of scratch marking now what are you going to do now it looks like he's gonna go lie down in the exact same place where he was and down he goes there he is just a little bit of the halo effect around the main there we can see a tip of the nose now the rest of the group have apparently gone walking up into the north now and there's already vehicles that are with them so we'll leave them be because they are heading towards some thick bush but we'll stick around and just watch him for the time being and see what's going to happen until the next vehicle comes here who was that we just had the best view ever this morning ah Tina well yeah honesty is the best part to see that's what they say so this is great I think that male lion actually also went and did the other part of the toilet break in the bush there because I'm smelling something really bad yeah and it's your it's not so so nice but luckily there's no wind blowing towards us otherwise we would battle Lion's cat the smell of lion scat is something that you know you once until you smell it for yourself for the first time you can't comprehend how bad something can smell and I'll feel sorry for anybody who drives over that scat because yeah even if you wash it with soap that smell will be on the vehicle for a good few days all right so I'm just uh listening on one ear because they're all guys on the radio that might call me and so he really is tucked in there Paul can you see a little bit of him then just just a tiny little bit there can you hear the baboons barking now so I'm but I believe I've probably seen the rest of the the lionesses that went walking off probably heard them or saw them and they are barking in the distance wow wow sorry last station you're calling me I guess not okay so this little spot here is actually quite a nice warm spot you can even see the the main is glowing so even though you're sitting in the bush there he's in a nice Sunny Spot there and that's quite nice for him because uh this morning was quite cold uh but for the Lions they didn't mind it being called because the more they raw when the air is cold the louder it is but John Let's uh head off to Rex and we're going to make another space for a next guy to come in and and show their guests so let's go to exit thank you from Andrea we can come to this uh water Hall we had the very strange call of a jackal unfortunately we cannot be able to get close behind the damn wall or to the north of the damn wall but the way that they're called calling it sounds like there's uh something moving here possible it could be pride of lines or maybe they have spotted a leopard that moves into the area that kind of a call when the Jackal get to see a predator it's really makes ourselves to be coming and check the area investigate you'll never know if the line have made a kill behind the damn wall maybe the might show off on top of the dermal coming this side then we can know exactly what's going on but we just stopped here and the Jackal is very silent is nothing more information that the Jackal is giving us but you never know because quite a lot of bushes on underway before you get into the area to see the area what might be taking place but from here of course we'll we'll check around and look for humans but there's no doubt I mean it's a big big Pride they might uh stay behind this Buffalo or they already made the kill but what's interesting now we left from the Buffalo the Buffalo coming back to the north almost in the same area where we have seen them it's something that makes them not happy on that era where they're walking so it could be more scent of Alliance and they realize that there's not a safe area maybe the mud ended taking vehicle access straight to the east because most of time there's raising lines are moving from one area to another all these animals as far as Buffalo if they get to account line all the time they eventually leave that area you know to come and use that particular area or Scent of a lion since they have to leave and go somewhere else where it's free so there's the reason you find lines to move from one area to another there won't be permanently in the same area even if it's a water source and everything they can't be doing that so let's see how it works we'll take our time years from New Zealand yes I did I have with Buffalo yeah it was really really scary what happened I was a light man during that time filming Buffalo at night and we decided to follow proud of Buffalo proud of our Lions without knowing that they're going to the head of Buffalo and we that time is about 25 years back I was still a young boy a junior 20 30 years back and we're like we were allowed to shine the lines to hunt and get to foam we're taking form we used camera R16 I mean Super R16 super 16 R Flex camera this is old multi-camera used to can film and all that as we were putting lights these lines going for a head of buffalo buffalo had 10 back because this light airplane lights putting on the lines they can see Buffalo better than anything at night they said to charge the lines and one of the male lion get underneath the car and the one Blue Buffalo uh goes the car from the back because wanted to really go for a male lion I was very nearly one side of a vehicle tipped from the other side and lucky enough the guy who was driving was very clever and very talented in the experienced he able to got out on that situation so it was very close is where I have respected Buffalo even today if the cause of a night and think that lions in that area are dropped off from the Buffalo I don't want to see that again because it really really aggressively scary I was very nearly this one moment as one of my memories of the Buffalo out here in the bush it seems like it's nothing coming maybe I might be rushing what we do will go to the east maybe come back because the lodge is close by here if it's anything that uh really walk past here they will able to radio us and tell us lines on the damn wall which enable to really come and able to view these lines or leopard it could be a leopard it could be Lions I can't guarantee you with that because the call of the Jackal you cannot tell Mickey yes ngoma Conservancy to the north The Jackal preparation is very very good it's very interesting because it's the only decide of the service center if you look at the feather more uh south of the service and the Jackal population is not good they have to introduce another pack of um a jackal to be on the area on that area but yeah natural since this is a reserve it's been declared we saw quite a lot of the Jackal side strap I mean black back charcoal so it could be something that is not right to the South it could be maybe High population of certain species that compete with the Jackal you'd never know that that can happen with that main interference because in a reserve is a protected area the I mean Jackal won't be hunted it could be a high population of lines High population of leopards sometimes it might interfere I've seen where leopard going for Jackal I've seen where Lions interact with Jackal key jackals in most cases because remember the size stripe Jackal sometimes they really scavenge quite a lot and lions sometimes when they kill something and Jackal gets into that point if a bigger pride of Alliance able to chase the Jackal it can't go anywhere because lines the way if they need to get the enemy they take full direction of that uh particular cut or a jackal and put it in the middle and it's easy to kill so if not it will be something like that that really Keys the only Jackal population on that area it could be more lines and more leopard down to the north here we see in success dance of jackals which seven puppies six puppies able to be raised and successful and gets to other rules there's reason you tend to see jackals at this corner of the services area that are so much successful and sometimes these animals get disease they can get rabies we all know that I mean Canon Vivian yes they do they use old uh dents they can use they can discover their own Den because nobody makes sense as far as jackals and other species hyena you know the artwork the dick all is called it termites and these guys take over so as you can see that everything out in the bush is like a puzzles there are so much imported to one another as you can see that Arthur will dig it and these guys take over as dwelling areas and dance to to survive you tend to see war dogs do the same tend to see Janet 20c even a lot more leopard they do that sometimes and hyenas they do the same so they can use new ones and old ones you just clean it and get inside and be there but time and again you tend to see them they'll change then great yes talking about jackals he's very interesting um species that uh remember they can hunt something small describing sometimes we tend to see them hunting insects it's amazing to see all of that happens around in the area it's really really one of the most most animals that get to see Jackal as you know the ecosystem if you find a jackal on that area you know that it's a healthy ecosystem everything it's balanced because you tend to see when hyena oh sorry I spotted something I don't have binoculars it just caught my eye but from the distance you see where it's Shining Light to the left for those green bushes there's something that's working there critical of what uh yeah zoom in you've seen it yeah yeah yeah to the to the right to the right to the right keep going keep going zoom in there yes when this bushy said there's something work here the very close the damn wall but almost the color of the lines yeah from here this bush is there exactly is you can keep the camera right there maybe it could be scent we just bought something here we're not sure about maybe is why the Jackal is making noise but I was moving to the left to the right very close to the wall foreign excited maybe lying down something that is moving in a very short distance but that tarnish color it could be leopard it could be Lions because from the distance you cannot able to identify the rosette Mark is this only the body shape of a species that tells you it could be a cat now sometimes you know that Kara lacks this area a lot and other leopard of course they cut come here in and out from especially in manuality and sometimes yeah a whole lot of cheetah reports that comes on that angle and goes back into my unit and western side of sense in our Conservancy West up to our neighborhood is very common Where the Buffalo came in the same area because furthermore in man united is very open it can host cheetah easily without having interference with the lines and other species but I believe that yes as I was saying is nothing much here we can't see from the demo even if it's a lion or leopard the damn world is very huge little bit higher if it's a line walking there it might be so much close to the demo where it will stop us to see the Visa of the Lions or leopard but let's try to Head East we just spray here we'll have our coverage to the east because this area is Road here foreign is the one that we trust that kahuma Pride they might have crossed the area into a problem last night still looking nothing that I can see let's get it all go and look for anything that I can find in the morning I'm now happy the I'm happy now because our buffalo that are really staying the era and we're going to link back to Pride land Chris and see what he's up to just checking out some tracks here we've been following tracks of heard of Buffalo from the side going that way and continue just now but there's some tracks here and I can't see if it's a leopard or a hyena the soil is a bit hard yeah might actually be if it's a leopard we can try and follow it the other track here the back can't see it from where panda is perched because of the angle but it doesn't seem to be a leopard though unless I'm not looking at the right track here is a leopard truck heading north okay yeah okay so there is a leopard truck hitting that way northwards it's actually southwards so we're gonna just slightly it's really drive and continue it's also want to catch up with those buffaloes which we can have to take the next road to see where they've crossed I haven't had a lot of leopard lately eh well none to be exact all right I'm gonna need a bit of time here to try and find that take a look at this next clip it's about the Eco cam experience right yet privans where there's an opportunity to join the crew here and learn more about the bus are you in search of a unique Unforgettable Adventure in the wild imagine living with the animals you see on TV while getting an inside look at how a live Safari TV show operates we're thrilled to offer this experience through our 7th 14th and 28 day Eco cam experiences you'll live in the Charming rustic eco-training camp at pridelands in the greater Kruger National Park each day you'll join the broadcast vehicle with a camera operator and naturalness presenter as they broadcast live onto wild Earth for 24 7 Wildlife television channel that reaches 7 million people a month and the experience doesn't stop there you'll also get a taste of what it's like to be a safari guide [Music] Eco training has been training Africa's leading Safari guides for over two decades you'll participate in guide training Bush walks Bush clearing and other activities alongside students in the eco-training Safari guide group you'll sleep out in the bush and take turns at guard Duty with the guiding students this is an adventure you'll never forget to book your spot visit wilderth.tv forward slash ecocam if you book in the month of June you'll receive a 5 000 discount on the 28-day experience come and join us for the bush experience of a lifetime [Music] now it move towards the next rats I'm driving slowly because I want to take a look if those Buffalo tracks I think that's the only real set of tracks of animals we can try and find so they were coming from that side moving this way let's check slowly the nice thing about Buffalo tracks here we go left across tab there's one track here it's gonna reversal but so Panda I can frame it up for you can you see it Defender how's your angle there could be so there is what I expected I'm gonna quickly hop out and check them out there's only one track Panda so there might be some more further ahead all right John Panda there's definitely one it's crossed here that way we could even see a fresh pile of dhanya let's check there's more tracks here I think it's not actually a herd yeah okay it's one two three ah they're Riley wants to know what's my favorite thing about tracking it's exactly what we do now trying to figure out where these animals have gone to constantly learning about their movements I think that's probably the most rewarding thing about tracking animals is that you get to learn about their movement without actually seeing them meaning you can reconstruct the events through tracks the movements the areas you can see where they've eaten where they fed so you you get to learn a lot about the habits of animals by tracking them right that only seems like it's only three set of tracks there might be some more up ahead we can try and see if we can't get some more but this is fresh even if it's only one or two Buffalo Bills we can still try and find them I think set the tracks are rather fresh there's definitely more than one Buffalo that extracts were there so maybe we might get a few more tracks up here definitely any three animals Christie there's more there's one more there we've gone that way foreign you can see the disturbance here on the ground yeah it came from there there's definitely a few more individuals they're all gone that way fresh fresh dang I'm not gonna pick it up this is very soft all gone this way yeah we have set a new Target join us as we strive to reach our next donation goal of 11 000 US Dollars by the end of June if we succeed get ready for an unforgettable survival special in one of our Sunset safaris witnessing incredible skills of Stephen Lauren as they tackle challenging tasks like building shelter making fire and finding water and food donate now and be a part of wild Earth's first survival challenge foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] calling this morning around chitward Dam unfortunately it went straight into little Gary so it went straight west away from chitwa areas I decided to leave that area once again and maybe just come back onto Juma and see what else we can find here so I'm going back towards biffle's a dam uh just to see if there's some cool mustn't come further south but uh yes it has been quite a very old quite a chilly morning but the weather is um definitely changing a bit now and it is heating up nicely slowly but surely but it is heating up wild dogs uh the wild dogs were around on little Gary as well with all those lines I mean hyenas and the commotion that was happening around that side and it seems like those wild dogs have went oh they've gone straight South towards more and more to further away from Juma so any things do not want to come on to Jimmy this morning but it's all right as I said I'm gonna head straight towards uh Amanda yeah you know the presence of lions will chase the wild dogs away they don't want to be around well dogs if they know there's a lions calling in the vicinity as well dogs will tend to rather go opposite opposite ways because you know Lions will kill a wild dog so yeah they're rather not uh be around Alliance at all at all you can imagine you're like if you have you got like an enemy or something and you hear them busy singing somewhere you don't want to go in that area you're rather kind of avoid that area and go the opposite direction checkerboard all right let's just slowly head slowly towards uh before the dam I'm on the Northern I'm actually on the North Eastern corner of uh Juma and I know reactions on the North Western corner and he's got the Buffaloes that side so we're gonna see if maybe he's fortunate getting something that's busy hunting those buffaloes but for now I haven't had too much luck on my side oh yeah the nice elephant this morning it was quite nice around um around she asked them hyena Den oh I'm gonna do South with us or something like that I entered in quiet they're all I think all the hyenas went straight off to those wild dogs that commotion this morning so yeah that's a quiet I better I've got the sniffles this morning I can imagine because you can probably nice and cold so a bit of Sniffles that's coming through on the S8 mail the inside male lion how did it get its name what does it mean it doesn't mean anything but I think it got his name because of the S8 uh Road inside Kruger I think so or oh no there's Sage Road inside maneleti and a Dam called the S8 and that's of course he's been in the manilaity and in Kruger so it's like S8 slash in Bali same Bali is one of The Lodges that's inside of Kruger National and like a concession and of course clearly he must have come from the area so that's how I got but it doesn't mean anything it's just a side it's like all the loads all those standards so s for sand so we get the S1 S2 S3 S8 S100 I'm sure a lot of you know Kruger Park the S100 so yeah there's a lot of sand roads with uh to those names oh and that's how you got his name yes I don't know who called him a site sorry I I don't even know who who named him the S8 male I think maybe BK did no yeah I'm not I'm not too sure but I just uh when I first saw him it was said it was the S8 mail so my jingle lines I know that Coalition so my jingleans got their names it was those four males that came into the park into the reserve here in the northern side of his hands like walking in a line securing the area patrolling so that's what my jingle on means so that's how they go because they used to patrol the area and walk in the areas and all that so yeah each one's got its different ways and the vocals of course coming from the voker area so yeah the vocal males but yes uh on Wednesday on every Wednesday of course as you know it is the kids show between three and four pm Central African time so if you want to register your school or your classroom in for that afternoon Drive make sure that you're going to our wild Earth website and just go on to the kids button and then you can get all the information about the kids show and register your classroom alrighty we're coming slowly but surely towards buff Dam and has been a long track this side but we are making it anyway while we're coming up to the side let's head over to Rex and to see what's happening on his Safari foreign heading to the east we have left that area of Sydney's damn we have seen one lonely bull buffalo coming almost the same angle with the monk I mean the Impala was slamming and we associate that maybe the Impala I've seen Alliance the way it was sounding but there's no coverage on that area we might go back later on maybe to check if there's any signs of Alliance I know that because the buffalo have come out from that area in this Alliance there might be been trying the whole night now they're tired they're trying to get area where they can settle it down but possible if a Lonely Bull like him moving on that era if I come across with humans there might be interested on hunting so we just rely on our radio at the moment if anything goes on there we can able to get it from the radio communication and we can try to go there and find maybe an area where we can able to share with you the sighting that might be going on there because the area is very tight when it comes to coverage but we'll try our best let's see if the Easter is any sign of anything that might be moving into our area we're reading here the newspaper of the Bush all the time term and again if I don't look at the back and look at you at the same time I need to read the article of the Bush what has been here what's been going on so it's more important to read that and able to to know like what happened yesterday Cedric was such checking the the ostrich he takes love but nobody was believing that it could be an ostrich in humor with my Express has been like 20 25 years where I've been seeing an ostrich on that center part of our area but because he was really reading what's going on you can tell that he's been here has been this road he's been there he followed up and finally you find the ostrich we're trying something like that to read the ground because there's no sighting going on here where we can really knows that we're moving from this road to there in order to go and see Alliance or leopards we need to really check at the moment we use the skills of check-ins is all about this uh kind of entertainment is very good because you won't wake up in nowhere the sighting you need to apply the experience in your mind and the reason why we lock this route as you can see straight Road you see a little boundary our left hand side this is Java conserving this is perfect so we have no rights to go there anything that cross here you have to cross from one side to another we can follow up with special coming from this side today uh because I want to know what's the difference between a hair and fair let me think yes there's a difference for you how do you differentiate thinner yes face like in the environment where it's very cold it's thick which has more like Athena and it's depend with the species of course it's true if you look at uh all species that we have here in most cases look at the hair of an elephant is like there and there that tells you the species it's in a warm environment where you look at other species where it's got Fair it's like thick and it's in a cold area we've been able to give a little a warm condition without works yeah you can see Tamil again living species of bed a great inner chair there's a difference when it comes to the affair that have but it's something that really the exercise and the Supreme Court have an example of a species show extensive thank you as we're getting low down this is one of the area that uh sometimes we we tend to use have a low signal but uh up to so far where we have traveled I was thinking maybe we might come across with new information there's no yet further up that I believe these female tracks yesterday that were moving in the eastern part of this area I'm still very keen to go there and look around for that particular leopard and I've seen tracks of mulawati from breakfast with them moving East up into tortured which I'm still thinking that if Calamba is more East that's racing all the time uh molawati is moving that era maybe if she already Denning first and second Rock which you'll never know uh don't worry oh we got some hippopotamus yeah there was some elephants that was shouting just north of us but yeah it does damn itself a few maybe three or four hippos 40 pose then the morning is heating up nasty now so we are just gonna sit here and just maybe get some action or like what are these hippos other than that there is some elephants that's making a noise so I'm just hoping those elephants do come down towards uh the stem and as you see if they're going to come here for an early morning drink but you can see these hippos are just staring at us it can be two it can be 20 hey pods can get to any any size but of course it does also depends on the size of the dam so if you look at chitra Dam a very big water body you can see that that although that pod that side is quite large compared to this one here at bifflezig Dam what are you doing and then because this part is not that large let's look at a little bit of activity with these hippo they're nice and Shadow there so you can see the one was actually standing maybe on the on the on the ground I don't think it's too deep there are now so they're pretty much here at the inflow of the dam itself is quite deep so there is quite a bit of water still around and inside this Dam itself so I don't think they'll make their way too much to the center rather stay close to the banks and this looks like there is one Diamond male with these females looks like maybe two or three females here with this uh a big male but I can't see him now it was it was coming closer to the Pod itself but that looks like he's moved on it's it's later yeah I can see I'm sure they can see underwater but it's not that great I mean the visibility in this water is going to be it's like pea soup it's so so um but they can't see they definitely can see better than us underwater and I struggle to even keep my eyes open when I got into normal clear water but hippos so that I can see much better than nothing today with all built for Waters so even look at their nostrils situated right on top of their heads the same as their eyes and ears so everything is built perfectly for them just to kind of lift their heads above their surface I can see breathe in here not lifting the entire head out of the water foreign they can be dangerous especially if you go around to water areas in the dams and rivers you always have to make sure that there's no hippos around because uh hippo can very quickly become a problem with you know if you do come close to the water areas oh these little ones and the youngster that's just it's not it's not oh there's no teeth there oh young so that's still I'm growing quite a bit turn around but yeah I used to get just a try so I used to go do uh some fishing down there in the southern side of Kruger the crocodile River and uh ones of twice my older brother myself who used to get chased by a person who used to go and fish along that side and uh yeah as soon as you come close to the water surface or the water edge you see a place to quickly make sure that uh they are noticed and they will come charging out of the water and we used to just drop our fishing rods down and run for the Gully but yeah don't do that anymore okay silly hippos as the bartenders of the bush bush bartenders all right Cassie Lee oh well uh Bush part in this even that people agreed with you there Cassie Lee and it's like said yep we are the bush bartenders there's a hippo coming slowly but surely after I heard some waklaw let's just see as a hippo that's coming out of or coming back to the water of course just before it gets too hot let us see I can just see it behind day it's going to come down Here Comes Here Comes Here It Comes Here Comes of course there's a person returning from its morning graze I'm just gonna keep very slowly because sometimes if I get spooked I hardly ever really see hippos out the water like this it's coming slowly I think there's a lot of patience here that's the thing about winter time it's still moving around early mornings because the sun is not as sharp as the summertime had come is it going to come now I want to go forward but you know hippos are gonna it's just gonna run I might try and before that do you think I can do that oh I don't know uh let's go I feel like I want to do it but I'm scared it's gonna run off okay I'm just gonna go a little bit forward and I have it let's see if we can get a flag here I'm not gonna go much more as you can see the hippo there as you can see it's just just behind that bush all right but anyway let's head over to Andrew in madikwe he's got some beautiful Impalas to show you thanks Cedric yes yeah we found uh a nice territorial wildebeest bull hanging around some Impala over here not too far from Chloe Dam sorry uh chakuru Dam at the moment so we're gonna try and pop in there and see what's going on there maybe some elephants drinking but for now let's just watch these animals look how much bigger he is compared to the Impala so when it comes to the volbeaters both both blue and black that would be considered large size antelopes and of course you know Antelope being the largest but now when it comes to Impala they definitely considered medium-sized antelopes much like springbuck and bless buck and then of course when you get down to small antelopes like steenbok and daika and even smaller things like blue diker which are tiny tiny little antelopes Tristan morning my favorite facts about Impalas I would probably have to say it's got to do with uh you know the management of ticks one of my favorite things about Impalas and another thing that makes him very successful is if you look at those black lines on their on their back end or their bottom um yes it's used for following mechanisms so they're able to follow each other all the time but also it's also used for the the herding of ticks so just try and imagine that so what happens is when impilers are facing their bums towards the Sun and it's nice and warm and the sun is coming down on those black lines you know this the the blood vessel starts or the or the black lines start to get warm and the blood vessels start to rise and the ticks some of them or a lot of them which are around the groin area of Impala that impylers when they're grooming they can't actually even reach their groin but a lot of the ticks are there and some Pilots are trying to attract them onto these black lines so that they can actually remove those ticks because where you're seeing those black lines on the bottom is the furthest points when they turn around to to groom and remove ticks that is the furthest point that they can reach they're very interesting about that because uh you know they can avoid ticks that's going to be a big benefit for them because ticks are ticks can be quite quite something I've had tick bite fever before it's not nice I'm sure many of you have as well and then also when I was at Eco training with pridelands in the camp with the students or one of the chaps there Luke got tick bite fever and shame he's still you know in the process of trying to pass these qualifications nobody managed to pull through from that because you went to the doctor early enough so constantly grooming themselves you know constantly trying to get those ticks off their body also their teeth are quite unique as well so their teeth actually act like Combs so there's different terms on how that the people describe the tea some say they're hinged or they're loose in their sockets Etc but when they groom themselves and each other they remove a lot of ticks because they comb them out they don't pull them and pluck them they comb them out and combing is actually very efficient way of removing things out the out of the hair or the fur whatever the case may be now this blue vulner BSD is very smart he doesn't entirely want to be alone he's not going to want to hang around other volvious Bulls and when the breeding herds are not nearby him he's definitely going to take the opportunity to hang around some Impala because we know impylers are very good at understanding what's going on around them they smell and they see things really well and the Predators they you know they can find a little bit tricky to to hunt Impala but by saying that you know he's got many early alarm systems to let him know if there's danger okay good one we're going to carry on our plan we're going to send you over to Cedric in the meantime as you can see we've got a bit of a standoff here on the damn wall we've got this big hippo sure he is huge it's a good two tons it's pretty much in front of us and looks like this hippo is slowly making its way yet back into the water coming back from its nightly feed so you'll find early morning or early evenings they'll move out and go look for certain grass pieces and I'll come back before the sun comes up it doesn't want to go into the water where are you going it's a big male that's um look at that head you do not want to mess with the animal this size and no it's coming towards us it'll swallow Rusty Sandy that's correct it does get super dry the epidermis is very sensitive to the Sun that's why they have to come back into the water before it gets too hot just to make sure that they keep their skin nice and wet because if it starts drying out and really is mostly on summertime when it's really hot in the sun is much stronger that skin also drying start cracking and it could actually end up where they start bleeding quite a bit and could be fatal to them so they need to make sure that their skin is kept nice and wet I don't know this here but now I can see it's he's thinking twice getting back into the water but the war the morning is not that hot at the moment so otherwise the sun is not that strong so it's not too much of a problem for now but it has to be out the water for maybe two three days then it becomes the issue but for a day like this not to not too serious look at that head that is just huge I can imagine those big canines inside of its mouth as well where are you going the water's outside buddy he's going back away from the water I'm taking this one there I'm going to the hotel thinking twice about it the other hippos are right here in the water who's gonna see what he's gonna do not everyone gets excited to hear a leopard shove spot a Pangolin or see a real Impala rat but if you are wild about the wild you can become part of a community of like-minded nature lovers and their authentic Wildlife experiences with the world [Music] join the Explorers Club and you will also enjoy the many benefits that come with it too wild with explorers it's in your nature [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign maybe the super is afraid of water maybe we've got a hippo that's afraid of water it would be very very strange if that was the case looks like it's more like sleeping while standing up resting its head you can just see of course putting its muzzle down onto the ground such a big head I can imagine as they rested a little bit because most of the time they've got the support of water it's nice to kind of really support the head but for now being outside like this I don't know why but this hippo is just not doing too much it's not really interested in going to the water and climbing into the dam yeah but it is big how many hippos can at least move if they have to to look for certain grass pieces at night time and they're very very picky with a grass species uh when they have to go out and they have to go and move around I mean they can move easier maybe about 15 20 25 kilometers if they have to look for certain glass pieces as well on top of that if they have to go to other dams and that's why many times you'll find certain towns and cities around the Kruger Park area they've always got uh warning signs of hippos that's moving maybe over the road and there's one town called palabor even at Saint Lucia further down in kwazulu-natal I actually got sometimes the opposed moving through the towns itself so but you've got to be very much aware and alert for that because you don't want to bump into one of these animals you can do it you can do it I can even see the ox back on this side it was busy looking for any little parasites that's situated on the hippos skin but this is a full-grown male just by the size of him and those are just by the size of that head full grown male that's standing in front maybe he doesn't want to go to this water because there might be another bull it's yeah and it's not going to be too pleased with this male's presence and then definitely he's oh he put it right next to us gee whiskers the Zippo just popped up right next to me yeah sorry it's just here but it's right next to me and at the moment [Music] um I can see this one's now it's getting a little bit upset as well I think that could be the case here at the moment I think this hippo is a little bit worried about going in here due to this other male that's maybe not allowing him to come into this water yeah [Music] yeah you can see he's getting a little bit upset I think we might have a little bit of uh interaction here just waiting for this one too pop in this is it's amazing how quickly they swim I'm not swim but actually walk like almost moonwalk of the water and they can cover distance very quickly very very quickly and so sometimes you think ah the tip I won't be next to me in next moment it'll pop up right next to you all right Sebastian you're asking why hippo's skin is pink well it's just sort of the pigmentation of course is the pigmentation of the of the skin itself that's why it's very sensitive skin that's why even if you look at some animals you've got their luck especially like the dogs I remember I had a dog that had like a pink skin and very sensitive to the Sun and unfortunately my dog got a skin cancer because of that pink skin and uh we actually lost the dog due to that that's why it's it's just the pigmentation of very sensitive pigmentation of course you can't have the entire body pink because if the top area was like that then you can imagine on sunny days in it it won't be good for the zipper no it looks like he's not he's not interested in going into the water he's realized that that other male is saying too much aggression foreign on his back as well you see he's been through a little bit of fights you can see a lot of teeth marks on the side like old scars but that sometimes does happen if males do compete for pods and for territory their flights can be quite vicious imagine those big teeth anything I think again is he gonna go back again Francine yes uh hippos will fight outside the water definitely I mean if it's the case of this one doesn't want to back down and the the territorial male he decides to come out and uh confront his opponent and yes they will fight outside the water in the water and outside the water both doesn't just have to be in order as long as it's around the water areas maybe he's going to get in is he going to go is he is he going to take a chance is this gonna happen well he's spraying dung so that's almost like a challenge almost like a territorial way of marking the area is of course when they defecate and they will shake their tail from side to side and now we'll spray the dung over like a bush or a tree that's how the actual way one way of mocking a territory but let's see looks like he's now decided not to guide this one's got a lot of patience huh I guess he wants to God and he does want to go then he wants to God then he doesn't want to go we've managed to track down that head of Buffalo finally it took us quite a while we narrowed down their tracks into that block where we lost had our tracks on that segment drive around a bit and came out tracks over out vehicle tracks heading straight towards the wartroll we drove around and there they are doesn't look like a very big herd about 30 or so definitely not the large group that often comes into the area well that might be a portion of them they might have been separated by lions or something like that and just hear how they walk through the water there a couple of big big bulls also foreign that's a little success story I like it when you find the tracks eventually ended up finding these animals they did a big loop all the way back to close to where we found the initial tracks we'll probably linger around the waterfall for another couple of minutes and I'll probably try and find a good Shady spot where they'll very lightly spend most of the day until late afternoon when they'll start moving again good morning Sims the biggest herd of buffalo I've ever seen was in the Timbavati part of Greater Kruger where I saw two heads joining up for a couple of days both these herds were in excess of 500 each at the time there were over a thousand Buffalo in that herd and after that they split off again into three groups a day or two later but that was the largest group at that particular time just over a thousand seeing heads of three four five hundred in the greater Kruger is not uncommon the one heard here at Pride lands they're about a bit between 100 and 150 Animals still sizable and this is only about 30. I'm just going to watch them a little bit around the water all very peaceful and tranquil African scene love the sounds of them every now and then snorting very peaceful creatures when not provoked they can be quite dangerous and these are the type of things that you will learn on some of the ego training courses a variety of courses to suit every need and I'm quite fortunate to be involved with Eco training privileged one of the courses if you can't make it in person to another campuses there is a digital online course that can cover some of the subjects let's quickly take a look of what the digital online ego training course entails hi I'm Debbie from Pretoria hello my name is Maurice I am from Perth in the Western Australia hello I'm Stefan as you can hear I am French and I'm doing the 35 days online course I started watching wild study more and in order to do that I saw that Eco training guidelines was doing courses and I decided to do the eight week online Theory course at the end of last year so the 35 days cause and basically starts with the Theory online three sessions a week very enjoyable we went really really deep into it very holistic as well I really enjoyed it it goes from insects to stars to obviously your mammals and your birds I like to do two components it just got me really well prepared before I got here despite my accents and my misunderstandings everyone has been very helpful and comprehensive to help me to understand everything the instructors that we've had so far they're all just fabulous they're absolutely some of the most experienced people in the field I can definitely recommend it to to other people especially when you're living far away whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out on your journey towards becoming a conservationist our digital courses offer a flexible and accessible way to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the natural world so why wait sign up for an Eco training digital course today with the promo code to receive 200 Randolph great we are here back Triple M it's very promising here we're following Buffalo earlier on the Buffalo supposed to cross somewhere here from there to one ipan and the Buffalo just quickly turn and run away to the east what we had on the radio now these guys following tracks of Alliance which is coming towards one iPad two big male lines coming in this direction but no one have checked here so we came into this port to come and check here if any lines have crossed over I won't be surprised and no doubt Hardware it's in nature the scent is very important for all species that get hunted and also species that hunt other species the wind our wind here it comes from the south direct where we're going and go to the north you might find that the Buffalo now they smell these lines that are coming in that direction then they have to change direction and avoid the lines you never know so the guys are saying tracks is coming from one eye pen from Martin to look at pen which is still a simple Billy it's one iPad but when you look at small to other Tusa which is a Bank Junction I mean the boundary of symboli and on that area which if the line comes out it will be on this road from here to the other side but there's no tracks here is where the Buffalo of 10 right here and right stitches it is so possible if the lines are here there might be in between here we'll check the area if it's any tracks if not it might find that the lines might be on the one eye pan lying down there that's raising the Buffalo I have 10 around and we have no access to go to one ipan uh for ourselves to check will rely on this route if they don't come out now Definitely Maybe in the afternoon they will cross over into our property done no worries uh it cannot tell whether it's a male and a female from the dung itself is like the same it's only when you look at the Buffalo from the forehead then it can tell you this is a female or male that you can see because a female if you look at the horn structure they're covered with the hair from the forehead Where the Buffalo melt it's very solid like a rod there's no hair at all and you can see the forehead is more like it's really more established full of a rock that stays there that uh kind of structure so you can tell that it's a male or female easy on that way wow there's no tracks here there's a game drive vehicle also doing the same coming from a South heading north trying to look for these lines maybe we might be here early but still coming but in the nature of Alliance this time of the day where it's little bit hotter now there might be still moving or lying down it's one of the things that the line do in most cases so it's really disturbing there but you might find that it's winter now the wind might change and set it down a little bit cooler they can move in the course of a day cross into a property maybe follow the Buffalo that I can tell so we still have to really come back here late afternoon and look around what happened but I believe this to be the two uh Black dead males that comes from always from the East and come all the way down here and now it's an opportunity for them because the big mouths they cannot hunt something small they need to hunt something big as far as a buffalo especially breathing head of Buffalo you find that collection of males they stay behind them and hunt them because for them it's a lot more easy to invest or waste the energy on something that they're going to retain back if they kill a buffalo they can go on Assad for two to three days then they can be easy they can relax and they can feed for those days and move after three four days into somewhere else rather than going for Impala that would take only less than an hour or fourth uh I mean 20 minutes and they have to move so in most cases male lines like bigger animals to hunt there's not thanks to our wonderful wild Earth explorers wanderth kids is back your monthly subscriptions have allowed us to relaunch wild at schools on a weekly basis every Wednesday for the first hour of the sunset Safari guys bring a smile to my face every single day close up for a special virtual field trip to Africa because touching the lives of the future Protectors of our Earth [Music] pictures [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign really have much of a view of those buffaloes anymore and hit it into a relatively thick area it's going to take me quite some time to catch up with them again there's no real Road where they are and really want to crash after them in the bush they they don't seem to like it here they tend to run away if you start following them through the woods I think there's still one or two there that you can see through the woods but yeah we'll we'll see if there is a way to get closer to them not if not we've had a very good view of them at the water well unfortunately rexen also have some Buffalo so while we try and see if we can't regain a view of these buffer let's head over to see what rexin is up to with the Buffalo and Juma foreign we joined this Buffalo we have seconded the area where we are reported that maybe the lines might come out we were not lucky there but what we're trying now here is to join the Buffalo because it's the Buffalo that they wanted by the lines and able to see where the direction they're going but they're looping the area where they might filling processing that might be Alliance and they're gonna cross feather more towards um the power planes into our Western uh neighbor by the local 50. unless if they decided to go straight is direct towards uh three house damp they're going to stay with us and that will attract these males to come in because we had now on the radio communication we were looking for humans they went straight Eastern cutting straight to South and now that in CP heading towards malabala boundary which are now going far and they weren't able to really hunt this Buffalo because they're far away to the southern corner of the CP and now what we believe is the lies that were reported in closed captioning not available antelope it could be something it's amazing you can tell that and also it works quite a lot what you normally feed and all that and how your preference of an area that it does if you look at most of our antelope I'll take care of for example the biggest antelope we have here could be if you look at the behavior and the Buffalo behavior all different and what that depends and what they really prefer it's not the same and the weight of course this guy seems like they're really talking a lot this female here that is in mass that they're trying to really concentrate but um I'm really happy to stay with the Buffalo if the line comes in here because it's where you might see some action in between the two but the way it looks you tell that this Buffalo that I have more mouths that they can really protect a lot of the melbour lines comes and especially on the course of a day then it will be different at night then the Lions can make a hand and be successful at night but in the course of a day Buffalo can see very easily where the land comes from and the lines are clever and the cost of a night because they see better they can force this animal into a Thicket in a drainage line where it have to slow down if they have to rash on those areas they might get injuries and all that and start to lag behind if they run it not if they decided to run if not they have to be a standoff until the light cracks in the morning his artworks in most cases but some of the lines are very intimidating and soon the Buffalo decide to run is where these young males and young females are tend to be vulnerable that's reason the way of Defending when the line comes they put the youngster in the middle the young ones in the middle and the males Old Mills stain on the side and fight sorry oh moving you can tell in most cases they just come from water when you find them around past six so we'll stay they'll take time and going to one next Waterhole maybe around one o'clock somewhere there you normally Buffalo they will be going to the water and after water they might uh lie down and try to do all the rumination cutting all these crust up and collecting and getting more nutritious sometimes listen to the Buffalo the way the ground you might think that these Alliance involved here is one of the enema that I give respect most specially at night Oliver thank you if you comment you're enjoying and sometimes it's very nice if we can be in the bulk of this head and able to hear them when they walk on the grass and when they match the grass the sound that comes out it's unbelievable unbelievable I'm trying to understand from the other side where the Buffalo walking if there's anything involved but it's quite a lot of talking between his Buffalo granting and all the time that is the only communication was special from melts when the competing on the females it's more important that one Buffalo Come Close you grant and give him a little bit of a warning stay far from the danger and we know that the only one that made is the toughest and strongest one let's try to reposition ourselves as we see this Buffalo are slowly moving straight to this South I'm crossing fingers if this buffer can stay here and able to see these two male that are coming from the West cross over and witnessed the hunt in the afternoon easy get early if the mail line have to cross will be in position I look like promising a lot there's changing Slowly by show moving south east which are not going Southwest so when we go out fair thing is to check Triple M and see if those male lines have crossed in or not if we can hear that granting I'm trying to get trying to be silent as much as you can that we can benefit the I mean cutting of this Buffalo when they move on the grass itself it's really loud foreign cats behind them all right I'm going out towards uh quarantine of course the open area just said to the right of me and take a look around that side I did leave that here Potter Mouse and uh looks like those that Male inside that hit male hippo inside of people took Dam does not want any other male close by it's just he chased another male hippo that was on the outskirts he chased him practically back into the bush so yeah maybe he must come here to Gary them is a little bit of space here he's just the one hippo inside Gary Dam and maybe a little bit of an opportunity here more than enough space from this side um I just will have to see the thing is we need to take these things out of the road because if we don't take them out of the road what happens everybody starts driving around them and then he starts creating a two-track around around this thing so what you have to do doesn't take much effort there's two kind of remove it that's probably elephant build this entire Bush well at so that does happen sometimes but just for conservation side of things we're trying to move it up the road as I say we don't want to create the second Trek around there all right let's move on we'll take a look as well the Battalion Nest is on this road so I just want to see if any of those battleiers that bird of prey let's see if they are around this area as well great a buffalo slowly slowly disappearing away from us into the ticket but let's try to see if we can able to catch those that are still a little bit into um Windows of the thicket here that we can able to enjoy them such amazing Buffalo is one of the spiffy species always in numbers and they're always very very important into the ground here in our ecosystem it's one of the species of course that I know moving in numbers is the purpose of course to really make the ground very loose in order for oxygen to get into the solar system because remember they have roofs and they weigh up to 800 900 and 80 kgs when the Buffalo moves in the area there's no way they Dent the ground because they do have hooves and by denting the ground these are actually the grand get a little bit loosened because remember after rain the grass get around the soil get more impact if they got more impact there's nothing if it rains that water can get into Soul system very easy if air all the species that have hooves are not moving in the area so a farm that doesn't work uh passed by Buffalo you know that the grass itself is not going to be healthy because there will be nothing that will be able to loosen the dissolve with the Hooves it will always I mean compact where it rains water it will run it will cause of course erosions and all that so Buffalo they designed to walk around in the air at the same time difficulty or fertilizing the ground with the uh done they do and really loosen the the soil in order to get more soil erosion and more water it will be able to absorb but the soil itself and the more the water gets absorbed the more the trees and the grass and the other species of course live and be happy because there will be more water in the area so it's very amazing and very very interesting how what the Buffalo do out here so it's seeing Buffalo get interfere I mean in the farm from one corner to another yes there are four chamber stomach Buffalo same as cow they're four chamber stomach each and every stomach have its own Duty from the Buffalo there is a sec that they store uh the the food and after that there's a sec that able to when they really ruminate stays in that particular seg and as it goes up to defecation so it's amazing how these four chamber stomach works of a buffalo it's it's really amazing it's not like it's only Buffalo or the antelope in most except water and Rhino and zebra elephant or Hippo they sing the chamber stomach and not like other species of course which have four chamber stomach there could be still more might left them out of the picture but these who got four chamber stomach and also it's great to have them here because you remember all the time the vocations it gives the ground a little bit of a manure or fetal of the ground in order to really have a rich sort of a grass and trees that germinate in the area all of them they disappear you can see that only one or two only see the legs will leave the area maybe we're putting this heading to yourself I wanted to to go back where the lion say they might cross but my radio is always on scan I'm listening there is any line coming close by but let's see if we might find that by the afternoon you'll never know out in the bush until you close that maybe around the corner it could be those lines we're looking for it could be TP lying down on the road or TP on a kill you never know war dogs just lying on at Impala planes so let's go and have a look on those area before heading back to the camp and see what this habitant holds us yeah look at here Justin what is the most exciting for me to track dusting is anything that is fresh it could be leopard to Lions it becomes more interesting because I can read and understand what is there but uh what is more easy to track is part of lions it's very easy wow look at this what we have found for you around the corner the Guinness and the Impala these species I really love to see them especially back in this property symbolism is it just reminds me history of the farm yesterday I was talking about a quarantine that we used to in this specific area or geoma Conservancy having more wildebeests before everything and now you tend to see shoe determine again and the world is in nature you know that wherever it's thick or close habitant that is very thick they don't like it they prefer a very open area with a very short grass it's where most of time it likes to be on that area because in nature of these pieces they're not smart enough when it comes to a memory and also um defending themselves lions that can see lines in the area in 15-20 minutes they'll run away in the right direction when they go wherever they need to go they'll come back on the same area thinking the lines are away while the lines are there there's raising lines and leopards are very patient and the more successful that teachers people that are more patient having their failing that tend to be more successful so these guys they have no patient they see something they move out come back they get nailed and killed there's raising population of wildebeests in the area are not great because they have no good memories at all so there's a male and the females and the youngster as you can see glad you see them maybe they're moving towards quarantine on this Impala planes back into Sydney's them was a little bit open they were Western Conservancy here it can host the number of wildebeests the only thing it's uh water here in this block they have to go down all the way down to the Sydney's dam and come back here but we still see them beautiful animal looking you see in the zebra have stripe on the side and they have that beautiful tail look like a horse and the horns similar with the Buffalo it's it's one of the beautiful beautiful species I like the most people they just tease most of time that this animal is built by God by leftovers of all species that left in a bush strapped like a zebra tail like a horse horn like a buffalo and of course if we look at the nostrils are like a frog looking it's such amazing can you in in our language we called it hongoni and that uh if someone refer you to that name is becoming a little bit naughty so you don't allow it it means you are a metal disturbance because we believe that in Shanghai the wildebeest the uh met all of them because of that memory that I have good memories seeing danger move I'd come back same area and get killed that is madness so if we refer you Hong Kong means you are mad so it's really and your behavior you can you're unpredictable at any time you can change your behavior so nobody would like to stay with you because you are a dangerous individual so it's really amazing how they can associate you but for me uh being with Wildlife I love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] and this is a fifth mile background as well so clearly the writing season has ended about a a few weeks ago and now Mel's care they will tolerate one another now uh being around these breeding hoods you can see them all really kind of congregated close together very tight as in case any predators are around at least they can warn one another where's the last uh a warning system for us as well so you know it's always nice if you're sitting somewhere and all of a sudden the snorting going on but not just by not just from one individual if you hear the Sorting happening otherwise alarm calling from the impilers it'll be maybe like four five six of them all because you're going and if you hear that then you know there's something around so definitely a nice way to no if there is a predator that's in the vicinity using these impalers but I have been fooled once or twice I have come to an area sometimes not kind of windy like today now all of a sudden the wind has picked up and sometimes you'll find these animals become a little bit more skittish due to this a lot of smells that's swirling around you and sometimes I don't know exactly which direction and you'll find if one starts alarm calling because it's picked up on a smell of a predator then all of them will start calling Elizabeth you're most welcome yes a good old start for a week another Monday morning start to a safari and you know some nice things nice buffaloes all over the show this morning as well as a nice uh hippo interaction they're done at Buffalo damn always nice is to take a look as always said like yesterday once again you always have to expect unexpected and uh I mean yesterday afternoon was one of those afternoons where I never thought I was going to see an ostrich and well butterbanger it was an ostrich that was moving around and talking and the thing reaction was talking about tracking and what animal he likes to track most and uh well it was one of the ones I never thought of wood tracker is an ostrich and well we checked that ostrich done yesterday afternoon so you know I would definitely put that one down in the books for for the day or for my career but yeah what a lovely lovely morning I think and I'm hoping this afternoon we are going to find some more things I'm really gonna go and look for some cats again this afternoon all those wild dogs because those wild dogs were pretty much uh called in inside little Gary's side so I'm hoping we're gonna find some of those things but uh yes thank you for joining us this morning on our Sunrise Safari and uh yeah well as always thank you for all the amazing questions and comments that everybody sent through to us it's always good Keeps Us on our toes and I always do appreciate them but they'll make sure that you do join us this afternoon on our Sunset Safari Amazon crossing fingers legs everything I'm hoping that we do find some cats or dogs I am due for something like that definitely definitely I think I'm uh it's almost like my sixth day or seventh day now without a leopard that is something that's never happened but as I said always expect unexpected but yes from the wild Earth team thank you so much for joining us and have a wonderful day further and we'll see you on our Sunset Safari this afternoon foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: WildEarth
Views: 16,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #WildAnimals, #Africa, #Nature
Id: hmsdn0s1dqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 35sec (10775 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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