WildEarth - Sunset Safari - 08 Aug 2022

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[Music] good afternoon and welcome back to another Sunset Safari from Juma private Game Reserve in the zombie Sands in South Africa what an incredible morning we had greetings everybody my name is Ben on camera I've got a Paul behind me no thumb there's a thumb he has got a thumb stay excellent well what do people morning we had this morning it was a full blood we were the full-blooded epicenter of cat activity this morning we had about three or four different sets of leopard tracks two or three different sets of lion tracks and after a lot of hard work and a little bit of good fortune we ended up finding both the Oklahoma pride and I was and myself Adam Paul were incredibly lucky to see tortoise pen take out a porcupine live on air I hope you joined us because that was pretty amazing this afternoon's plan really is to follow up on those two uh Cedric's gonna head down to tortoise pattern I'm gonna head up to where the rumors were last seen um which was I think around worry pan somewhere so we're gonna go and see if they've moved at all um and I'm just taking a slow drive past a Gallagher pan and this little drainage line system uh close by because we're pretty sure that to Lambo was last seen in this area and we had some reports that maybe she was seen around about lunchtime here so I've just had to go away Birds calling in the distance uh off to my left so it's possible that they've seen something they don't like so we're going to take a slow drive in that direction and find out but if you've got any questions you'd like to ask us any comments on anything that we are seeing or seen then feel free to send in your questions via our website Wilde earth.tv forward slash questions or you can scan the QR code and that will take you through to the Lincoln you just need to register on the website and we will answer what we can okay we're gonna head into the head in the direction of those go away Birds calling and uh maybe the lumber and all the Cubs are still around and she is the ultimate leopard in terms of giving us the slip okay I'm gonna make my way so then if we can find anything happening there in the meantime and see what the weatherman has on offer [Music] thank you [Music] as you can see this is it's really a hot day today I think about 28 29 degrees Celsius around here I'm on Mendoza at the moment I am trying to follow up on the tortoise pan male leopard that uh Ben had this morning so I'm hoping that we are going to be very fortunate and maybe he still might be around you in the area but he is holding thumbs good afternoon everybody my name is Cedric dold and on Wendy this afternoon behind the camera we've got Odie so thank you so much for joining us this afternoon on our Sunset Safari here at Wilder it's so yes we had a fantastic morning this uh this morning I mean we had a Toyota's plan we had in kahumas we had the cheaters in the mara so it was definitely a cat-fold morning I'm hoping that this afternoon is going to be just as good but let's take a look I am in the area as I say um so I'm just trying to figure out where Ben went off the road yeah he said he left a branch I'm struggling to find that Branch but there is a termite man he said I just have to go pass it to him right man and go in so I think I'll have to maybe reverse shortly to take a look but yes I'm looking forward to everybody's comments and questions this afternoon as always as always it keeps us as always on our toes and it's we always appreciate everybody's comments as well it is always a nice gesture from your viewers back at home but yes let's try and get back to that turbo command foreign delve deeper into what wild Earth can offer you register for free on our website and you can interact with our guides whilst watching your favorite show Once registered you will also have access to some extra special content there might be something along here I think we should go have a look registration includes filling in your email address and creating a password it's that easy wild Earth it's in your nature there is a great proverb that has been passed down from generation to generation Across The Plains of Africa until the Lions have their own historians the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter join wild Earth for a special lion safari on the 10th of August broadcast to you live in celebration of world lion day witness the pride and joy of Juma then Pumas the telematis and the Avoca males who come in Roaring to your screens to tell you their stories all right this is going to be a very a long shot um I mean I'm sure he's finished that porcupine by now so this is going to be a very long shot to see if we can uh locate him again here in the bush but I'm sure he's moved off but let's uh let's take a look we never know and we might be lucky around here with the tortoise man as I said I'm following the two truck I have got the two trackway I've been in them utilized yeah so I think we're just going to take a look towards looking in the shady areas there's always the best places now especially that it's a hot day and if it is yeah it might be lying flat somewhere in there's grass and conduit they've got the longest grass this little at this time of the uh but yeah I know I'm sure I think he said it was under this idea I'm just gonna foreign look carefully I'm just going to stop my vehicle quickly and just listen and look for any signs oh well we're going to continue searching for the tortoise pan mail let's head over to Ben I think he's going to be following up on clarumba yeah I think Patrick thanks Cedric good luck uh looking forward towards this pan there hopefully he hasn't gone too far uh we're just taking a little little two track that's quite uh close to galago pan that just leads up the Drone Edge line just to see if there's any sign of tolumber in this area I did manage to follow up on where those go away birds were cooling took a little walk because the Big Jack will be there I was hoping to find a tree-born cat but unfortunately not uh Terry yeah we did have some fantastic cat action um and hopefully we'll find either torches pen and or kahumas later uh but yeah it seems that those go away Birds while I was having a look around that tree a beautiful virose eagle owl flew out of the tree so that's what had upset um the go away birds not a leopard unfortunately it was kind of hoping we were going to find one hoisted up into that big jackalberry but nice for me to see an owl but it flew away obviously I flashed it when I walked in there which was a shame foreign meters off the road but I wouldn't be surprised if she's still in this area it has been very hot today but it's been good hunting conditions today if she was out and about um during the morning it has been very windy here today which of course we expect you know this is the first sort of strong winds we've had this morning but August is often a very windy month for us and therefore with the bush being very dry it's also the risk of Fire season as well but if we didn't see any tracks in around here and say she was seen somewhere close to Gallagher pan or actually I think it was one of the the Cubs that was seen but we haven't got anything yet but yeah what an exciting morning I I was we were so lucky to see what we see talk about right place at the right time and the chances of um saw this van getting a porcupine I mean she should have bought a lottery ticket this morning we've got some hornbills blocking our path I think you've moved I might as well say hello to our yellow build hornbills he's a bit like the doves I had the other day very very common bird and we tend to sort of dismiss them um but they are such unusual looking creatures that massive beak the very varied diet as well fruits insects arthropods I've seen them eat small snakes have seen them eat scorpions of all sorts uh Kimberly we have a lot of different species of it so he's going to fly into the camera for a minute we have a lot of different owl species here at tumor I mean I saw an African Bard Outlet a couple of nights ago um we spotted eagle hour we get here the varro eagle owl which is the one that I just saw that used to be called a giant eagle owl uh what else do we get African Scopes ow I heard the other day we get the pulse spotted owlet uh we might get a wood owl white face Scopes owl we'd also get here so there's probably seven or eight different owl species I think there's only 10 or 11 in the country the only one that really doesn't occur here is the cape eagle owl um but I haven't seen very many so it was actually nice to to flush that one just now I feel bad for disturbing him from his daytime slumber you might be able to hear the go away birds in the background still I think he probably just flew to a nearby tree and possibly the go away Birds again to follow him and harass him because that's what they do it's called mobbing just making a big fast ride to scare off the predator and telling everybody else just to be aware that there is danger close by I might be able to hear the the hornbill again in the background talking to its mate I would expect of course it's a little lady for breeding season that's normally around November December January where they'll use a natural cavity in a tree um and I'm sure many of you are aware of the interesting nesting habits of these birds where they they find a hole and the female goes in and after she's laid the eggs she molts all of her flight feathers to line the nest and then they seal up the entrance leaving just a narrow slit from which the male who is on the outside of the nest will come and feed the female through that little slit because she's malted all her feathers and can't fly it's also a good way to keep the babies safe and keep snakes and things out and then when the babies are old enough she will break out and then they will feed the baby but the pair will feed the babies through that little slit what interests is interesting to me though is the way that they've learned to use other animals to to assist in this operation so they're well known to get millipedes and scrape millipedes around on the floor making them create that sort of uh fluid which is unpleasant and and poisonous and they've actually been known to to wipe those millipedes around the entrance of the nest to act as a sort of a fungicide to stop bacteria and things growing there and to dissuade any Predators from coming too close to the nest so too far off Birds using tools I think there as well very clever but always nice to give some respect to the hornbills but yeah just taking a slow Bumble here um bird watcher I suppose you could say that yeah they probably do have a higher chance of death by being on the ground but they've got mechanisms uh to deal with that don't forget that many of these ground dwelling birds can fly they just choose to spend most of their time on the ground because of they have what's called a very high Wing loading which means no disrespect to the bird but they're a big fat chunky bird with little wings and it costs a lot of energy to fly so they will only do certain times of great stress um and they're also very well camouflaged so most of them have that sort of cryptic camouflage Browns and Chevrons and little flashes of white and black uh just to help them blend into the environment but yes they are far more at risk from terrestrial Predators things like a leopard certainly would take a Franklin or a guinea fowl as you thought that's what that he thought a span might have seen this morning um and you've also got things like Servals and caracals and birds of prey which will swoop down onto them so yeah probably have chance to survive a little bit less but difficult to say for sure I'm just going back up together go pan I'm just checking this these drainage line systems very very carefully if it is just the Cubs here if mum isn't here of course they're likely to be a little bit more shy so I'm really just hoping to catch a bit of movement perhaps I don't see any evidence that anybody has come for a drink [Music] no no so we'll ever spend a little bit of time having a quick look around and then I'm going to head up towards Quarry pan to have a look for those performers hopefully they haven't gone far High though with it being a nice warm day I think uh Cedric said he left them very close to the shade of a beautiful big brown Ivory tree which is the perfect place for them to spend so that you spend the afternoon thank you foreign tree stump quite a few of those around here okay I'm gonna do a quick sniff around here for Columbiana Cubs but let's head over to Chris surprise and so he can say hi foreign in fact now the window started and it's uh schooling things down a touch but still it's a summer like day everybody's um in shorts no jackets or nothing and I think we're gonna spend a bit of time here in glory Dam we seem to have very good signal so therefore let's utilize it my name is Chris with me BK on camops and at the moment we've got a few zebra a couple of Impala and let's see what happens at the dam not to give any cash in the camp Eco training Broadlands Camp is built right on the banks of the the same sort of seasonal stream that feeds us them I know they're Paul's asking if hot weather decreases one's chance to see the Predators Apple yes indeed indeed it does and it's hot like this blind and leopard especially well lie down in the shade sometimes they will lie down at a dam so if you're lucky enough to find them yes then then you then you have them but my you know they will be lying down in shade at the moment they're not active so unless you know where they are you won't find them because tracking they're not moving you're not gonna have any fresh tracks but later on they do start moving and um you can even see those in polar they pretty much sticking to the shade for now there's a very hot warm dry wind blowing as well like a type of berg wind so we're gonna stay here for a bit I'm definitely gonna stay here for a bit we're not offering our explorers another extraordinary wild Earth experience explorers stand a chance to win a three-night stay for two at amakala game reserve picturesque situated next to Ado elephant Sanctuary Park enjoy an authentic Bush Lodge experience in the luxurious Woodbury tainted camp and feel the heartbeat of Africa on exhilarating Safari drives sign up to be an Explorer today and you might soon be off to this untouched Safari destination with wild Earth we want to make it even easier for you to interact with our guides whilst watching wild earth when you see a QR code like this pop up on your screen then open your phone camera pointed at the code and you will be taken directly to our question page simple as that then you can let us know what you want to see ask questions and much more I've had it before where I've been walking and the water box jumped out of the grass it's quite a frightening experience foreign foreign I'm hoping that some Buffalo will come and drink there wasn't Buffalo scene not too far from here this morning so I'm gonna wait for them in the meantime let's go over to Cedric do you see what what's happening on his bumble foreign s and this is one thing that makes a tracking quite difficult as well is uh wind um it could have a very fresh track not from about maybe from an hour or two ago and with this kind of wind many times that track will be looking like it is about a day old because of the wind so the wind can really change the age of a track very quickly so that's also one of the kind of can I say aspects that just have to kind of implement into your your tracking when you do tracking wind is a very big factor to it I'm trying to track down tortoise pen at the moment I did see some leper tracks now coming up North but that's as I said I'm going to say well that's from this morning but uh it's just because of uh just because of the wind it is definitely creating it uh making it much more difficult and making those subjects look so much older so yes that's right that's what size about tracking it keeps you keeps your mind going it keeps you playing with what's happening what the weather is doing and uh what is what is really fresh and what is not and then you have to start adding those and putting those things together at the moment unfortunately I am a little bit unsuccessful with the tortoise man yeah I haven't seen I haven't seen much but yes as you can hear the wind is blowing through the mic that's uh situated on me and uh that just shows you how typical these walk has to brings off and I think I'm not gonna spend too much time here I mean I don't know exactly the last position and which direction so I am going to move a little bit further uh ease from where we are now I'm gonna head down towards the Tria house Dam I think I've got some visual of some giraffe in quite a distance so I might head into that area where those two giraffe are and uh situated and see if we can view those beautiful tall land mammals that is yeah on our planet Earth but let's go take a look that side as well as they said my ribs was coming north they had a young male leopard tracks up going up towards Treehouse Dam this morning apparently maybe for my ribs so I almost uh definitely got my tail up for that definitely there's no doubt about it and I know it has been seen around Treehouse Dam a few times um over the last uh several months so yes let's hold tons but I'm just trying to see where these uh giraffe oh are we going to continue on Rebecca's to look for all these tall and mammals let's head back over to Chris in flightlands to see how his view is around the dam right not much of a change only that the zebra has now moved a little bit forward I think some of them might be dusting themselves but that's a very far shot for us it's on the far side of the dam oh sorry about you can see how the water is just diminishing here I don't think this is going to even last through September I think by met September this water is going to be dry or just mud hi there Justin's nine years old asking if the wind's interfering with the birds when they're flying absolutely yeah you can see especially when they're flying into the wind you can see it's quite a it's quite labored flight you know they they Struggle No it does it does definitely you tend to see fewer Birds when it uh you can just even see that drongo oh gosh and then that drunkard now you know that they can use the wind was that a fly catcher I can't really stand up then I'll be in the way of the shot let me try and see if I can see it from here that's a black fly catchers that are drunk right Jolly tend to see a lot less Birds in wind like this so that was the black fly catcher not a drongo strongers have reddish eyes and he's gone up all right no big stuff yet but I'm sure they'll come I'm sure this damn is so so productive nearly throughout the day well things like uh our lock is not improving yet but I think it will change let's go and see if Cedric's luck has changed yes so we've got those uh two tallest land mammals that I did see from a distance to Mel giraffe uh yeah on Rebecca's Road and unfortunately they are moving a little bit further deeper into the vegetation but it is too young oh three so yeah there's another one ah drish is drish giraffe and all male three males but they're going in like circles they're walking in circles it looks like they almost playing like musical trees cheers trees musical trees look the other ones chasing that one now I don't know what's happening with it why are they going back and forth he's running away he's gotta lump that one always he's running very funny the other one's chasing him are they oh and the third one's chasing him as well we're all chasing each other down that side well that's nice it looks like a little bit of a I can have a bromance if you want to call it with a three a little bit of bromance going down there with the three males of course chasing each other around maybe having a little bit of a game I'll never know uh could be playing touches but yeah let's uh well they've definitely gone they're gone no they're gone yeah they disappeared well at least we got to see uh uh a little short interval a little short section of them so let's uh are they going very far they're gone okay let's uh continue all right well those uh giraffes have decided to uh play the touches game and the Bromance going on that side while they do that and I'm hitting down Rebecca's let's head over to Andrew as he wants to say good afternoon to everybody foreign everybody and hello my name's Andrew and of course we're joining you here this afternoon here at mashaki at one of the watering holes very quiet at the moment doesn't seem like too much is going on and give it a bit of time I'm pretty sure things will pick up as uh as the bay progresses beautiful so I hope white Maine is watching the show I did promise I was going to get back to you some information on this tree over here so of course I can't walk up to the tree and look at the leaves in the bark and all the other diagnostic features that trees do provide but as we zoom in here I think I have butted down to an answer white main if you're watching I think this is a shepherd's tree you see it there so I have worked for Shepherd Street in the Kalahari before very protected species of tree as well and look at all those red bullions sitting on top like little decorations Christmas decorations if you want so I mentioned that quite uh critically or critically protected or very protective they're not endangered trees but highly protected because uh he is a moth or a butterfly called a brown veined white which is very much associated with this tree and without this tree in the areas that they occur in those brown veined whites in the areas where they occur these trees they can't lay eggs and therefore the young caterpillars they don't have anything to feed on so automatically this tree becomes protected and by doing that we can protect the brown veiled white in the areas where there's symbolic relationship between the two species after an exhilarating day of live safaris what better than to Cozy up around the fire sign up to be a wild Earth Explorer and let our guides in charge you with their stories and exciting animal encounters and of course send a chance to join in the chat and get your questions answered in real time so what are you waiting for join the Explorers Club today and start to enjoy our special evenings around the fire wild Earth explorers it's in your nature [Music] [Music] foreign could be wrong one day when I go out there to massage you I will go up and walk to that tree and make sure but yeah very nice it's beyond you can see beyond the tree that beautiful this comes out there all right so I think in the meantime let's go over to Ben I believe he's Scouting Around so yeah we'll go over two millimeters thanks Andrew hopefully you can find some good stuff this afternoon well I've had a quick look around uh gotta go pen and had a quick walk in those drones lines I found that Eagle at that eagle owl again that for his you got out very very beautiful Big Al as well about this sort of size it has this beautiful pink eyelids that'd be a little thing or a big thing but yes the go away birds are very unhappy but I think there was a pair of them there that's why they were still calling I didn't see any tracks coming out of the area so I've been uh fooled by to Lumber in her cups too many times to waste too much time in that area I'm sure we'll head back there a little bit later on and it seems that Cedric's been unable to relocate on Tortoise pan I know some people were concerned that the writing was on the wall for him uh after his to encounter this morning with quill sticking out anywhere but I've seen it quite a few times over the years with both lion and leopard I do see them with the quill sticking out they'll be managed to get that up eventually um and so as long as they keep them clean I'm sure who will be okay uh but I make my way along above also cut line as we speak gotta go and check before so damn just in case those uh decided to go for a drink um and then we'll make our way back down to where Cedric left them but while I do that let's quickly uh send you back over to the down cam with Andrew all right cool relaxing here at mishati with this beautiful pen and we have a few animals out there to find some guinea files here as well but folks if you have any need to send us some questions please feel free to uh via the website Wilde earth.tv forward slash questions and in the QR code which will pop up and so it's already up now [Applause] foreign [Applause] over there to be absolutely lovely to see a caracal walk along here I think I would probably have a mini heart attack if I actually see one [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] beautiful artery I think the rainy season when it does rain I think it must be very nice to watch with localized rainstorms okay so from one Dam to the next we're gonna send you over to Chris in the meantime we had a couple of crested Franklin's that's joined us and uh they're not just beyond that log scratching around in the elephant dung looking for any sort of worms and insects grass seeds fruit seeds that they might find in there amazing how elephant even the dang of 11 plays a major role in the ecology foreign food for birds so they're not eating the actual dung but they might be like I said fruit pots or seeds grass seeds insects the larvae of insects so there's a whole bunch of things that the Franklin's can't consume in even old elephant done termites always and especially in dried elephant dung this termites I'm actually in such common birds but if you really look at the muffin they're gonna come a bit closer to us those are actually Sand Grass now that I'm taking my honest it's Sand Grass I thought it was Franklin's goodness for my apologies I can't really see because I don't have a screen so I can't really see look at them I'm a binoculars and entry come out and I'll confirm that's uh looks like it's not as Franklin I just juveniles The Young Ones I thought they looked a bit small foreign I can see that I know the full color sheets I think those are juveniles kind of see them now they uh behind the log there and now we just do scenery again hi this Samuel Samuel's asking how water dependent drongas would be Samuel um most birds are relatively dependent on water um drangas do eat a lot of insects so they get a lot of water in that way fluids as such and now there we go but they do drink but they are also found in arid areas where water is scarce in those cases they can find enough moisture from insects that they consume I need to just duck yeah quickly sorry yeah you see those are juveniles that's four juveniles probably from the same letter and they've now left their mum now you're going to do their own thing now juvenile crested Franklin that's the thing about birding you you need to find a good spot and then certain white for birds driving around doesn't really work foreign we're gonna do just that there's a lot of structure around us a lot of structure around us so I always said if you're doing burning out a wardrobe find the closest structures and that's where the sphere is going to Stage up and then move to the water right let's go and find out what Ben's up to foreign [Music] s uh but before I do I thought I just wanted to show you something interesting here on the right how can I see it properly I see that I'll find another place to show you that it's not what I was hoping for sorry import [Music] you want to just sort of show you something here with the tamboti trees and the way they affect the soil in the area surrounding them but we'll find a better example for you so I started watching wild Earth at the beginning of covert and I haven't looked back since I've seen all of the leopards I wanted to see in my leaves he's been so playful and such a character I have to remind myself to breathe at some points see those two Cubs made me very emotional it's just been brilliant lonely [Music] foreign [Music] solid tree this if you for example to take the Heartwood which is the the center part of that tree you know if you cut a tree down you see all those concentric rings then you get the darker wood in the center that's the Heartwood one of the reasons it's so slow growing is because it's so dense that heart would weighs more than um a thousand kilograms per cubic centimeter which means or per cubic meter which means there's a few words to drop it in water it would actually sink it's an incredibly heavy piece of wood and because of that it is a protected species here because it takes a very long time to grow and it is a lovely wood to work with even though it's very difficult because of its strength and so unfortunately as usual with humans we've over utilized something and now we have to protect it because we were not respectful of it um so yeah not allowed to cut them down anymore which is a good thing and there are also tribal beliefs here that believe when you when you die your soul is stored within a lid wood tree because of its strength and will last for hundreds of years potentially even if it dies and if you were to cut it down excuse me then you would be releasing those Souls which would be very bad practice but nice to appreciate some of the the beautiful vegetation around here as well okay we're gonna carry on down the road towards the Quarry pan that's a good point for me to remind you as well that in a couple of evenings time on Wednesday at 6 40. uh we have got uh and ask me anything with myself and Cedric for World Lions day so if you'd like to ask us any questions you need to just sign up to be an Explorer and you can go across to our website and then you can send us really good questions and we will attempt to answer them on anything to do with lions and lions conservation and lions in this area because it's uh not appreciated enough that lions are under a great deal of pressure in terms of a species because of everything from hunting and poaching and habitat loss and disease caused by domestic animals things like rabies so it is a big problem so if you've got any questions about that then please do join us after the sunset Safari okay I believe the lines were last seen somewhere on this road so I'm going to take it very easy in case they have moved somewhere [Music] okay well I try and locate these pesky felines let's send you back to Cedric and see what animal he's found for you foreign up on something I just feel it is still a little bit hot for your cats at the moment that's um I'm just going to give it a little bit of a chance for this weather or for the offer the weather to kind of cool down a bit for us for this afternoon and as you can see we do have a most common Antelope around in the greater Kruger Park area is known as the Impala so there is numerous amounts of Impalas around and it is one of the most preyed upon species you'll find things like wild dogs leopards hyenas cheetahs I really do pray a lot on imparters just because of the numbers and as well due to the size of the Impala so it's nice for a leopard to really hoist Impala up into a tree if it does make a kill so keep it out of the reach of of hyenas or any other predators but this is a bachelor herd that we see here at the moment so it's all the males together it's about two months ago and now the males are still kind of keeping into their bachelors and the horrors of course the females will be together with one dominant male but that's not here at the moment just the boys because it's not as aggressive as it usually is it's usually of course as I said two months ago where you got the writing happening where your testosterone is very high and the males then do compete for those harems but now it is all at peace and they are a little bit uh jumpy as you know there is quite a bit of the breeze coming through so there's a lot of smiles that's happening around here so of course if you pick up on smells it's coming through from whatever Predator that could be maybe 100 200 meters away and uh they're all very jumpy at the moment [Music] foreign thing is uh the females when they do give birth at the end of November around about that time they will try and stick together and give birth almost at the same time so you'll see give a give and take in a week two week period all of them will have little lambs and uh survival of the fittest so more Lambs you've got to little babies around the better chance of survival you can imagine if a female has a youngster now the chances of that young one surviving and getting to adulthood is almost uh you can say almost a zero percent because you'll find Predators will pick up on that very quickly foreign looking forward to uh important depends on the way they actually break their wounds if it's quite far up the nerve endings that the nerve doesn't really go right through right to the top or maybe a little bit closer to the base of the of the skull itself it might be a little bit sensitive but other than that further up it is pretty much uh not too much of a how can I say an injury to them as you can see that one did have a half a horn and that usually happens due to many times if they do compete in their writing times and sometimes that horn will just snap off but it looks like it looked like that to horn or one male snapped off a little bit far up so I don't think it was too too serious for him but I'm looking as you're saying I am actually looking forward to looking forward to the tenth of August all nine days it's gonna be awesome it's nice nice to kind of uh pay respect to such a beautiful cat that we do have around here I was on the mission to follow up on my reps and I'm around the Treehouse damn but you know at the moment now as I said the weather is still a little bit hot and it's still quite warm um so I might uh I did go past Treehouse Dam not much happening there I just had a warthog that uh the like ran for his dear life when he saw the vehicle but other than that uh nothing much further outside so I'm gonna head over to about twin dams I'm just gonna go and uh squeeze my nose into that area and see what maybe we can find around that side I can see these impalers are definitely not too relaxed I think as I said in this all this wind it's not the not the greatest for them always jumpy not just in parlors you'll see most uh most uh Antelope and zebra and wildebeest all those uh herbivores they're very very jumpy when it comes to um days that's quite I can say Breezy oh there's probably going to be continuing towards twin dams let's head over to Ben I'll see if he's got any luck following up on those and cool humans and the youngsters alexandric Beyonce would be yes I've just relocated on kukuma Prada's thought perhaps that we would miss them because there's a great big brown Ivory tree off to buy rice on a termite Mound which is where I figured they would be but it seems they're still pretty much where they were left this morning but they've got a little patch of Shades there putting a hand up at the back if you've got a question you can sign off on our website oh better little one did you wake up so yeah it's the pride which I believe is three females here and then we've got seven juveniles little sub adults here all around about one year of age I think we've got if I remember rightly it's four females and three males or three females and four males but seven youngsters we'll see if we can Sexton as we go it's a nice opportunity to actually to have a look at the line tracks we keep showing you a lot of tracks but there's a nice view of that underside of that Port so now you can clearly see what we see superimposed onto the road you can see those four toes and then that three lobed back pad and that's the back foot of course which is the one that we tend to track as I did say the other day as they're walking their front feet tend to sort of clean the track up they sort of flick their front feet inwards like sort of bending their wrists slightly whilst they're walking but that back foot just pads down with only the sort of the weight of the pelvis on top of it and leaves a beautiful impression and that's the one that we can generally see and follow very well there is a great proverb that has been passed down from generation to generation Across The Plains of Africa until the Lions have their own historians the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter join wild Earth for a special lion safari on the 10th of August broadcast to you live in celebration of world lion day witness the pride and joy of Juma in Pumas the talamatis and the Avoca males who come in Roaring tears greens to tell you their story here on wild Earth we love it when you interact with our guides while they are live in order to do this you must head over to wilderth.tv forward slash questions and submit your questions comments and suggestions simple as that and to make it even simpler from time to time you will see a QR code on your screen open your camera phone and scan this code and it will take you straight to where you need to be we look forward to answering your questions on this channel foreign this one are we gonna get a yawn oh look at those teeth she's got a big skull of this girl foreign themselves just like your domestic cat at home and lick the poor and then grab and then rub it across the face to clean those areas particularly if they've eaten recently and they've got lots of blood around the face they do a very good job of cleaning up after themselves another one of the youngsters with their heads up as well Dave sleeping but they seem to be sort of regularly moving heads are up and head to down and they're relocating a little bit they're probably getting a little bit warm but yeah what a great way to start the afternoon obviously we'll stay with them for a while if they look as if they might move so I was expecting them to go to the shade of those kind of big tree over to our right uh Brown Ivory growing on a termite Mound which is where you often find Brown ivories is one of their preferred habitats they make use of those tunnels and they'll follow the tunnels with their roots to save having to burrow through the soil themselves but they seem to be quite happy here oh we've got a little bit of a greeting bath time um Ali that's a good question actually it's most people think that lions are sort of dominated by the males and I suppose to some extent they are in terms of uh who protects the territory the most and the ones that get the most publicity as it were but actually within the pride of females there's usually one female who's the oldest and most experienced if you like you could call her The Matriarch and she'll be the one who makes most of the decisions because don't forget each individual pride has its own individual sort of Boss female if you will but depending on how successful the territorial male is or the Coalition of males are they might have two or three Prides that they sort of go and visit on regular intervals because their territory will Encompass multiple females territories so that's why for example there isn't a a male with this Pride now the father of these uh Cubs is one of the evocabales whether or not it's blonde main or Mohawk I'm not sure who is whose is whose and I doubt they are either but they are the fathers and they're not here at the moment they're off elsewhere so one of these females usually the oldest uh will be the one generally to sort of make the decisions on where the pride goes and when that happens do you love these intimate moments with these fearsome predators that are also so loving and so tactile at times you can see a sort of grooming probably removing ticks there's inside the teeth at the front they are sort of joined together perfectly and they use them to to pluck fur out of prey but also then to to groom themselves and remove parasites from their fur and each others foreign does a very good job as well I don't forget that tongue is like sandpaper it's got those uh sort of a little it's almost like teeth on the tongue I forget there is a proper name for them and I can't think what it is now it's going to bother me I'll have to double check no I can't think of what they are um but they are designed to to sort of get into the cavities between bones and strip any meat off the bone just to ensure that they do get all of the food available but it's also a very effective grooming tool as well if you've ever been licked by a domestic cat you'll know how sandpapery their tongues are so you can imagine how sandpapery a lion's tongue is and this is all very important in terms of the social bonding you can see that the three adults there I think that's the three adults have sort of become one to some extent and they are grooming one another in contact with one another transferring and sharing the smell of the pride okay let's spend some time with these Uncle Hummers and see what they get up to but let's send you up to the Mara and David so you can say good afternoon jumbo and a very good afternoon from the massimara and it's wonderful to hear Ben got some lions and I'm thinking here with my friend Peter we might try and get the same for you my name is David and with me on camera this afternoon is Peter bungay a very warm welcome to all of you and we are very grateful to have joined us this afternoon and if Ben has some Lions then we got Lion's food here in the ma semara don't worry about that cloud used for there sometimes you see the clouds building but that doesn't mean we shall be getting any rain we should be okay talking of the food for the lion or for the Lions you can see we got wildebeest there we got zebras too in the mara currently the lions are bringing down they will be every other day a pretty warm afternoon today in the massimura 27 degrees Celsius or 80 degrees Fahrenheit with a prescription of two percent please remember to register with us on Waldorf website and pop to waldoth.tv questions and you'll be able to send through any comments or questions you may have or even any stories once in a while you see a very quick response code on your screen this will lead you to our questions and the comments page foreign s do not have choices or even the zebras these little pigs here we have no Lions to go for them these are the warthogs not sure we used to call them pumbas for what reason but of course that's from the movie Lion King now look at them carefully see when they feed it's like they're praying or they're kneeling down well you're asking a very interesting questions do giraffe males participate in courtship yes they do and where the last courtship I saw was about uh two three months ago and what should happen you'll get one male with pull up or will pull out one female that is in season or in Easter's and before that happens you'll always see the males sniffing every other time the females urinate and they do what's called grimacing and they go sniff uh the urine or the reproductive organ and the males are able to tell when the females are in season and then he will try and do as much as he can to put her out or aside from the rest of the heart and he'll try and quota try and keep her away from the rest of the heart as much as possible but if she is not willing because out of experience will have found out some females are very clever if they're not willing to meet with that particular male nothing happens there'll be no meeting they'll not copulate and they'll just keep playing hide and seek as long as oh until the female will get the male he wants oh rather she wants to meet with but yes they also do lots of courtship Beyond those bushes there oh sorry Radha I was talking about these uh pigs eating thank you Peter I'm sure you want me to talk about that because I did not finish that those thoughts now when this what helps eat I was talking of like sometimes you think they're praying when they're eating but there have been a few theories why they may do that if you look at them carefully it's like the head is glued to the body and they don't seem to have any necks and for them to reach the grass they just have to have a better gradient and a better angle and get closer to the ground another theory sometimes they will eat tubers and they'll need to like to dig it out from the ground and for them to have a proper good leverage they have to do that so I would want to believe their neck muscles are very strong it's like the competition here of feeding on the grass between the wildebeests and the warthogs not sure who is doing more than the other I mean yeah let's let's uh I mean let's agree the the world best got bigger mouths than the war dogs from massimara and good question does the population of the animals increase during the migration a very big yes the migration is anything between 1.5 to 2 million animals at a given time the migration is small as a clockwise movement Nadia between Kenya and Tanzania sorry between Massimo and Kenya and Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and when they live here we are always minus about 1.5 to 2 million animals and when they come back we are a plus of 1.5 to 2 million animals so Nadia Peter is going to try and show you beyond those bushes Nadia just look at the Mount of the world best we got there and like what you're seeing here and Nadia this is just nothing I would say it's not even a 0.5 percent of the amount of wildebeest we got in the masamara currently it's a very huge game reserve and what we do we try to cover as much as we can to cover more ground to show you more Beast look as Peter is spawning and because it has cooled off that's why you see now they have resumed uh to grazing they had to stop a little bit earlier when it was too hot but now they have resumed uh to eating again we want to make it even easier for you to interact with our guides whilst watching wild Earth when you see a QR code like this pop up on your screen then open your phone camera pointed at the code and you will be taken directly to our question page simple as that then you can let us know what you want to see ask questions and much more I've had it before where I've been walking and the water box jumped out of the grass it's quite a frightening experience foreign foreign [Music] [Music] well this is just the beginning of the wildebeest that I be I might be showing you today but as I promised I'll show you more so I will leave these ones here they continue in enjoying a they are very early dinner and in the meantime we'll take you all the way down to South Africa to my friend Cedric in Juma private game recap yes got some nice elephantos yeah on Twin dams right it's uh not too far south of Gary Dam a nice herd of elephants a couple of youngsters and mothers and young boys and young girls all in a beautiful Hood as you can see a youngster on the road there's ambling along enjoying the late afternoon a snack I was hoping that there were maybe going to make their way down to Gary Dam but clearly they have got no intention on doing that at this point of time it's like they're just him doing oh okay well he's doing the toilet on the road thank you then uh like so you're more than welcome to use the road foreign day and that is on Wednesday the 10th of August and it's uh myself Cedric dold and Ben Coley we will be doing and also can be anything on lions and of course lions are pressured by poaching loss of habitat to human expansions and murder of other challenges and wild Earth is excited to put the spotlight on our lines to help raise the awareness of the need for the conservation so please make sure that you do sign up to be an Explorer and and join us and if you need to you can scan the QR code to find out a way to watch so that is a lion I mean world line day that is the 10th of August ask me anything myself and Ben I'm actually really looking forward to that as I've had a lot of uh fantastic sightings of lion Prides coalitions all of that here in the northern Sabi Sands and of course Jimmy being part of it and I am really excited to be just sharing a little bit of my experiences and my knowledge that I've had with the lions that over those years and especially that the Lions do deserve such a special day as you can see there's youngster climbing right on top of this too much Mound you know the termite mods are very high in minerals the soil is very high in minerals so of course the grass and the trees and everything that grows on those Mounds is nice and sweet nice and delicious for the herbivores that's how many times you'll find them feeding around the termite Mounds just like that youngster enjoying and some nice grass many times you'll find the typical common finger grass that grows around the termite mountains it's a very palatable highly palatable cross species that you do get and sometimes early mornings you actually see if the sun is shining behind the termite mountain with us with the grasses all surrounding the turmot mount you'll actually see how beautiful that grass is one of the common finger grasses Nicholas Hunter uh what can we identify by elephants feces well first of all Nicholas hunted I'm just going to quickly give a recap so feces is omnivores so anything that eats meat and vegetation that's feces carnivore is scat that's just meat and if it's like an elephant an elephant is a herbivore and we'll call it a dung so how we can identify elephants dung is of course it will be a very big grab ball of a brown ball of grass Twigs Roots grasses all inside of that dung and it's only you'll find that only about 30 percent of what the elephant does eat only 30 will be utilized by the digestive system and around about 70 will get passed through so if you look inside of the dung you'll find all different kinds of vegetation inside of the dung so yes if it is something like a rhino uh it's like a white rhino you'll find it is just gross that's inside if it's like a black rhino you'll find a lot of little leaves and little Twigs that's pretty much kind of almost shared at a 45 degree angle due to their molars looks like they moved off them inside all right I'm just gonna go a little bit in here but here's a little pattern system yeah I wonder if they're not moving to that pan system it's a lot but always loves using this area maybe the elephants are leading us never know oh hello of course a youngster as I said enjoying those nice sweet crosses foreign it's all spread out all enjoying all this nice Lush grass and branches and leaves that still around can you believe it this time of the year definitely they have been spoiled with all our rain that we've had in winter so I guess definitely not a shortage of food foreign busy ball thing that side I think let's try and get around that side lady because I was busy splashing there I reckon that's gonna be a nice one okay yeah it's just that little one of course of course typical teenagers always complaining hello my girl hello this is I want to go around here and there is a nice little watering though really get let's go around [Music] oh yes all right we'll just stop here for you don't worry we'll just uh take it easy anyway well we've got a little bit of action here with some of these elephants that's over to Ben apparently his lions are very active yeah it's like Cedric those little ones are always great fun well also our little ones everybody's got up and started moving not sure what happened there was a big gust of wind and all of a sudden the females pop their heads up and have moved off up The Path a little bit and of course the youngsters are now also beginning to follow so whether I'm guessing they smelt something on the breeze which interested them but everybody is slowly moving now so it's fantastic I did not expect to get mobile lines at this time in the afternoon but we've had the quick sort of space of grooming and yawning uh just all designed we think to get the oxygen flowing a little bit uh but they're papier papillae was the word I was looking for of the things on the tongue I know but also just sort of grabbing onto the fur which just sort of stimulates circulation in the skin as well so that's why it's very important for them you can see these youngsters are also having a good yawn just like you do when you're tired you you yawn so that your body can get more oxygen into the blood to try and wake you up a little bit oh this is a young boy having a good stretch alrighty see where they're off too I wonder if just mine this Branch behind you and Paul are you good there yeah yeah I'm not giving you much choice in the matter am I sorry by the looks of it the females got wind of something uh maybe there's something walking through the bushes here they've slowly sort of disappeared up this game path and the Cubs are all following in single file I can just [Music] [Music] we know that there's nothing worse than just as your favorite leopard is about to catch his first meal in three days you want the edge of your seat and up Pops an advert but we want to let you know that we hear you you can watch wild Earth without the ads sign up to be an Explorer and watch the channel on the wild Earth website completely ad-free head over to our explore page to find out more just trying to get a view of the females because obviously what I don't want to do driving around the bushes here is Disturbed a hunter or anything that may be progressing but I can see them in front now they're just slowly moving through the bushes [Music] all right so we're going to try and stick with them as they disappear through the through the bush there you can see them all going in single file through it very very cool but let's send you back to Cedric and his elephants for some more capers foreign yes I am surrounded by quite a few of these uh beautiful herd of elephants here just uh of course uh south of Gary Dam look at this big female which he's decided to move and all following maybe she is the matriarch I'm very much a matriarchal system so of course she will decide when to leave and they're all oh no way stations how many stations how beautiful is this such beautiful animals absolutely love this see how close they are I'm right behind each other almost like touching each other all the time foreign rice Caden rice uh elephants can go that's difficult to say but there's not long they do need a lot of water I mean they need to at least drink twice a day and looking at it oh we're two youngsters busy having a bit of a play fight behind us and uh yeah they rely a lot on water so I mean Caden Caden right thank you Nadine sorry but there is a bit of a aerial and pulls it's in the way because some of these elephants have decided to go right behind the vehicle but yeah they can they can go for a few couple of days but then it becomes a little bit risky and it becomes quite uh kind of life-threatening for them they need to really find water because they lose a lot of liquid through when they urinate of course and also in that dung itself if you actually look at elephant's done it's so much so much moisture in the dung so they do need a drink quite a bit at least twice a day so they don't and that's why they put a lot of trust on The Matrix for The Matriarch knows where those watering holes are and they will follow and hoping that she will lead them to a water hole that is you know I've got plenty full of water plentiful water all right well actually I need to turn around there I have moved off well that was as quick as they we came as quick as they left that was awesome that was good that was really so nice I love elephants I think elephants are such a marvelous animals sorry women right good good sorry Wendy I did not see that uh Branch oops see but yes I think they're heading straight towards Gary Dam so I'm sure look at them can they might end up there at the Gary dam in the next say five to ten minutes so because it looks like the oil on quite a mission it seems like the matrock spoke and they're all just one time gathered up and left it's amazing and just the communication just the um just the the social side of uh elephants is beautiful beautiful I love watching it oh my crossing a ride all right let's head over to Ben quickly see what he's got here thank you just managed to catch up with these groomers and we're hopefully going to get a nice visual in a sec because they're all hopefully going to come past the car oh wow look the Lioness has gone up onto the term I've Mound there King of the castle thought they were going to come straight past the car for you guys but let's quickly reposition so you can get a view of that what a fantastic site that's about to be like there's not too many branches on the floor here tell me when you've got a good view don't stay out there goody stay stay there we go how about that [Applause] Magnifique you're quite right lady in proper Lion King stuff if you if you want to sing we'll broadcast it foreign exploits what a Next Step um Jacob most animals do walk in single file it's the path of least resistance um it means that you're not having to crash in this case we've got 10 individuals here not everybody's having to forge their own path and they normally take fairly established game Trails through the bushes and that's how game trails are established the animals walk the path of least resistance and those Pathways become worn over time um and it's also certainly when we walk in the bush as well we walk in single file it's it's less threatening to walk in single file it doesn't give away your numbers I suppose but uh if you were to bump into lions or walking abreast from each other it's a far more sort of aggressive posture that animal is going to feel a bit more surrounded but in terms of the animals themselves it's just really a path of least resistance and uh and habitual behavior of following one another particularly if you're hunting you don't want to give yourself away they'll they'll get to a certain area then they will spread out and potentially loop around said animal and Corral it into some waiting individuals what a view there hey oh what a day I've had various Cubs sort of scattered around the base of this termite Mount and this one female having a having a good look hello Gary yes I think when the other female wants to move on she's sort of waiting patiently just up the pathway but this one's obviously surveying the area got a funny feeling they might be headed in the direction of buffelsig dam it might be time to go for a drink we are sort of slowly going through the Block in that direction now thank you having a good look around the other ones are still waiting in fact I see one of the other females looks if she might be coming back and she's getting impatient I'm not sure where the third female is but this is a perfect vantage point it's just interesting it was a strong gust of wind and they obviously got wind of something which caused one of the females to get up and start moving and like we had a question earlier sort of who caused the shots in terms of going for a hunt normally when one of those females starts moving then the rest will follow and this is a perfect place for them to survey the surrounding area but she hasn't locked on to anything you can see if she does you'll see this tail start twitching and her gaze will be locked those ears will be pointed forward trying to figure out exactly what's going on uh bunny you're quite right I'm interested she really couldn't have picked a better position I suppose if I was gonna be really pickier so the the sun's on the wrong side because it's getting a little bit lower in the sky now be some stunning light on her but we wouldn't have a view from the other side um but oh it is just beautiful there's a nice breeze blowing now it's not a strong wind you can see the the grass we'll have to say that it's picking up but it's lovely to see the movement of the grass you can just see her fur ruffling as well but he has a proper full-blown model pose beautiful blue cloudless sky behind her foreign twitching I think she's just laid down but these old termites are perfect opportunities for this and it's not just Lions that'll utilize this it's quite well someone said it's quite usual but it's not unusual certainly to see a leopard also utilizing this cheetah particularly love to use raised areas they also have excellent eyesight looking out for danger and for prey and sometimes you even get Antelope dirty you often see uh kudu for example standing on termite mounds and female kudu at that and it's uh there's a fancy name for it it's called Static optic advertising and it's just sort of a way of kind of like we said King of the castle look at me I'm all powerful than standing on the high point of an area so body language is very important particularly in in Social animals of course but these termite bands are perfect at Oasis is oasis Oasis Oasis Whatever the the right word is for these animals to get a good layer of the land and this is a big one from where from ground level to top it's probably a good three pieces high as a perfect opportunity to get a good lay of the land all right we're going to stay with these lines a little bit longer and see what their plan is but let's uh link you over to amacala now well thank you Ben and welcome everybody to the sunset Safari we are coming to you live from the amakala game reserve in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa and speaking of views there's one for you well we are hot on the hills of a male lion I hope he's around here we've been told that he's around here we haven't heard him as yet but we are going to keep on looking for him now my name is Ralph Kirsten and on the camera I've got my trustee Steed Morgan Mulholland how's it Morgan now please folks this is an interactive immersive experience so please get involved in the largest game Drive in the world and send us your questions and your comments using the link wilderth.tv forward slash questions or scan the QR code on the bottom right hand side of your screen when it appears we'd love to hear from you and send us anything you'd like to see or you would like to know about but as I say I'm looking for a male lion and I'm not going to stop this afternoon until we either find him or the sun goes down and we don't have any light anymore but apparently he does like calling a little bit later on in the afternoon as the sun does start dipping there are some Lions on the neighboring property they'd like to call and he likes returning the favor so we're also sitting waiting for that as well and then [Music] it's not time [Music] would you like to have your finger on the pulse of wild oath are you curious about what happens behind the scenes and would you like a catch up on the best moments from the week delivered straight to your inbox how cool is this and oops don't lose it don't lose it then it's time to join the Explorers Club and receive the Weekly Newsletter head over to our website to find out more so and when I say a smaller carrying capacity it would mean that there would be a lot less animals in a much bigger area and so here much higher carrying capacity a lot more animals in a smaller area and so he doesn't need to walk as far to find food as he would in the Kalahari but with him having come from there he uh he would be almost a long distance Runner and that is now asked to run a short distance and takes it just within his stride so I am going to start up in a minute and we'll move on I'm just sitting listening now for any of those telltale signs that he may be calling this morning and yesterday evening we had a lot of rain it was it was actually it was torrential so I'm expecting us to be able to easily find his tracks and while that's what I'm gonna do now and while I'm looking for my lion let's send you back to Ben who is indeed with some foreign tact which is good to know um the Lioness has come off the toilet man there's still two Cubs lying on the turbo man I think they're thoroughly enjoying the view even the rest of the pride has just had a little bit of a re-greet and looks like we are slowly still going up north I'm sure towards the dam I think that will be the next portal call it's still quite a way there it's a quite a big block this one and we will try and stick with them but if we lose them then I'll quickly come out and we will try and head up to buffels hook Dam and hope that they pop out there so I shed to Cedric earlier and obviously I'm not sure whose is whose but of the three line s's they all have Cubs I believe the three of them are one of the lionesses and then the each of the other two lionesses have two cups each so I see that one's got three Cubs in tow in front so possibly those are her three but they're so much uh sort of interaction between them all and they they all groom one another and they all suckle each other's Cubs it's very very difficult to know whose is whose and you can see the black on the backs of the ears and the black tip of the tail for those help to help for the youngsters to follow them and for communication during the hunting that's certainly what I was doing as well when uh we were losing them in the grass so it's just keeping an eye on those uh contrasting markings on the back of the ears in the back of the tail stranger on the if you take off that fur on the tail there's a the bone is kind of exposed it's almost like a spike uh nobody really knows why and I think it's the only cat in the world that has that and no one really knows why oh good the other clubs are going to come dressing past in a second I think they realize they've got they're getting left behind I can hear mum calling for him doubt you'd have picked that up it was very faint but you could just hear mum said hang in the distance there she's telling the Cubs to hurry up so they're definitely on the March see if we can pick a hole through here [Music] I've got a fantastic afternoon people and I were chatting we were debating should we go it's a bit early they're probably just going to be asleep and did not expect this and if we hadn't have gone of course we wouldn't have known where they were and we would be doing our driving around aimlessly thing again I think currently it's still open enough for me to maneuver in here but I think as we get close to the dam there's a few drainage lines in that area and then it might become a little bit more impenetrable so at some point I may take the discretion over Valor and and rather head route onto the road and go around and try and wait for them at the dam and hope that that is where they are headed but if my internal Compass is correct we are headed directly in that direction foreign over a sickle Bush or something here and end up with a flat tire in the middle of nowhere surrounded by lions that would be interesting that's why it's important to know your vegetation particularly when you're off-roading for environmental sensitivity environmental sensitivities in terms of what is protected and what isn't but also what can do damage to your vehicle foreign disappearing single file into the into the long grass there I was also asked that question about why they walk in single fire but again we've sort of discussed it there but as they're going with the the dark colors it's much easier to stay in contact if you're one behind the other if you're all abreast it's a lot easier to get separated from one another but right well we try and stay with these girls and cubs as they move through the bush that sends you back up to the mara foreign and please as much as you can keep track of those Lions so that you can have another segment with them I moved on when I left my wildebeest and zebras and warthogs and now I'm doing a bit of a plant and the plant you see there that is framed by Peter who is on camera with me today it's called the Tura astronomium or the phone Apple now this plant is native to North America but I think that's been spread all over the old world it's here in Kenya too and we believe it was brought by the sailors or people who were in the high seas long time ago maybe to go to our second biggest city I'm sure you know a bigger city is Nairobi our second biggest city when the ships could hover there called Mombasa and it made its way like Inland here even in the massimara we have always believed and said any place you see these plants growing there's an element of human settlement so I'm imagining the people who came grading or doing the infrastructure here in the massimara or making the road somehow they brought the seeds here now look at it carefully the flowers there were used to wear back and how it got here I read somewhere they were saying the flowers were used to make some medication that was used by people on Sea motion sickness so you imagine unlike today Cummings here from North America to Africa would have taken weeks and what would happen they had to you know come up with a concussion I'm talking about hundreds of years ago not just the other day so they would use the flower to make some sort of medication and they could extract the chemical from the flower which they would use to make some tablets or some liquid not sure exactly what they were making and should you take that one it could make you travel on the high seas with those waves comfortably all the way say from Mexico to Africa Kenya in particular comfortably here on Wilder we love it when you interact with our guides while they are live in order to do this you must head over to wilderth.tv forward slash questions and submit your questions comments and suggestions simple as that and to make it even simpler from time to time you will see a QR code on your screen open your camera phone and scan this code and it will take you straight to where you need to be we look forward to answering your questions on this channel we know that there's nothing worse than just as your favorite leopard is about to catch his first meal in three days you own the edge of your seat and a pops an advert but we want to let you know that we hear you you can watch wild Earth without the ads sign up to be an Explorer and watch the channel on the wild Earth website completely ad-free head over to our explore page to find out more I run Jambo and how are you today and you're asking is this plant green all around the Year yes it remains green all around the year and it flowers only after the rain so we just came Ellen to the end of our long range about two weeks ago they were in very good dry range but that's the only temperature flowers otherwise the leaves the seed the stems remain green all around the area so what I was saying earlier and I hope you all got the local name for this particular plant and they say it's called so people I haven't done it myself after they would smoke the seeds and some shoots or some fresh leaves it would give them some sort of high you know it would get high just like I don't know how to describe that but you could tell one of themselves they were like high on something and that's why we look at equality that's the local name for it magurokia but from the village I come from we have used it for inflammation should one have an inflammation and also it has been used for some respiratory uh diseases like for the lungs and the chest so the two astronomium or The Thorn Apple but personally I love magurokia which is from my mother tongue well maguruki I don't want to stay long here we don't want to speak any leaves and we will move on but as we move on we'll take you back to Ben who had some lions or silver some lions foreign thanks David yeah well these lines have actually crossed over hippo pools Road they seem to be bypassing buffelsick Dam which I am surprised by I thought they would be heading straight to the dam for water but it seems they've crossed the road it's just weird because the dam is literally just behind us by about 100 meters 200 meters perhaps but they don't seem too interested since we have to go back into the block but that is all right get through yeah you have to excuse us if we bounce around a little bit here but this is very much all part of the fun I thought they were all going to flop down they flopped down again and had a sort of a little greasing ceremony but it seems that one female is quite adamant that she wants to go in this direction and she seems to be the one who's leading the charge as it were foreign okay let's see what their plan is there is another road that we could try but I'm just nervous to Loop all the way around there it's quite far ahead that if we do do that um we might not find them again if they suddenly change direction it's always a difficult one that's when they're sort of off-roading because I mean it's an absolute honor to walk with the pride but we must make such a racket we try and sort of hang back best we can and they are so tolerant of us but it's nice to be able to sort of stop and sit here quietly and watch what they're doing and then catch them up a little bit and then stop and then watch them for a while again I feel bad sort of driving with them the amount of noise we must make that being said lions and leopards for that matter within the Sabi Sands and areas with a lot of Tourism have learned to use the sound of the cars to cover their movement during a hunt foreign which we obviously don't encourage either but they have learned to used to have a leopard in the south of the Savi sounds where he used to work and you'd sit with her and she'd be fast to sleep and you think no that's it or she'd be watching some Impalas and you turn everything off turn all the lights off and you sit there quietly and you check every few minutes and she's fast asleep hasn't moved so after about 10 minutes you go right okay she's obviously thought better of it and as soon as you start the engine she starts stalking again and then when you turned off the engine she'd lay down again so she had learned that our noise covered the noise of her movement Oh I thought I heard a buffalo in the distance did you hear that Paul yeah I think I heard a buffalo somewhere maybe that's what's attracted their attention I just heard a moo uh somewhere sounded like close to Buffalo Dam um who knows the way it's going today but pretty sure that we've got Buffalo somewhere in the area [Music] foreign I'll wait for you okay while we figure out what's happening this side it's gonna send you over to Andrew and the damn camera but uh from earlier on nothing has popped over for about an hour or so I've just been scanning the landscape and zooming in on that you can just see a terrapin at the bottom of your screen just swimming in the water there clamps are ostrich friends uh we're around they backed off now foreign folks if you'd like to get in touch with us with any of your questions or comments our QR code will pop up and you can scan that and get to know more and definitely send us any of your questions or anything suggestions and so on let's see a spider web on the screen I think it's going to be a beautiful sunset out here just like yesterday and the day before beautiful the light is really starting to become golden now as the time pursues so you said that spiderweb was right in the middle thank you all right so I think let's uh head off to Cedric and see what he's doing on his end yes I'm glad that uh Benny's got us and kumas on the move it's very nice to have that but I guess that's just a quick update here I am on Gala go pan Road and look we did have an update with uh to Lumber's Cubs that's that was a scene uh after drive on this road so yeah in this drainage line so I am just trying to look exactly where it's just north of our camp and I'm just kind of keeping my eyes and ears open for anything we did hear some Neola alarm call earlier but um exactly where it was a little bit tough I'm just hoping that not inside of the camp somewhere so but we will just keep our using it open but um just as we're gonna maybe go turn around and go back to the pan system um because the days was a little bit hot today so I'm just hoping that this is cooling down now and I'm hoping that maybe something will come through oh [Music] the hyenas I am going to go there I'm just waiting for an update for one of the guys that have uh they didn't make their way to that Diana Den so straight after this I will be going to the hyena dancer I'm not too sure no one went there this morning we went yesterday afternoon so in the Bella and swazi was there yeah and the weather was looking much better and of course still having a bit of a lump that back right leg is not doing too well but as I said I will be heading into that area very soon if I don't get any luck with uh Lumber and uh youngsters here or just the youngsters but it's definitely a wall keep you guys [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] explorers is a club aimed at people who love nature and care about the Earth we live on first and foremost if you join our club you can watch wild Earth completely ad-free in addition we have great monthly prize draws a Weekly Newsletter and access to some great extra contents such as Fireside Chats amas and Hangouts for a small monthly subscription you can join other like-minded viewers and be part of the club wild Earth explorers it's in your nature okay I'm just turning here all right Thomas probably just gonna turn around and then head back on uh Gallagher pan and turn from the side he's back to that side and if no luck for now then I am going to head to the Juma Clans densite and see what's happening that side but yeah well we are going to do that let's head over two bit and he's uh Tony cats as they are still moving North I'm hoping that they will stop at buffelswick dam for a drink yeah thanks Cedric well good luck with the lambo and the Cubs that side uh things are getting interesting here this lioness is now up and very active we've lost the size of all the others they've looped around uh much further off to the right uh but very interestingly we have audio ever heard of Buffalo somewhere in front of us and we were just thinking that maybe the rest of the or the other two females are going to go on the other side and possibly chase the herd towards this one she's potentially the catcher um so yeah you can see she's now all alert she must have heard or seen something whether a message was sent to say the get ready we're about to Spring the Trap or maybe we're just being optimistic I don't know but there's Buffalo within 100 meters of where we're sitting we can hear them how we've lost visual of the other two lionesses and the Cubs they've moved off okay and Paul said he's just seen something oh yes I see a buffalo moving through the bushes probably about 60 meters from left to right in front of where she is sitting I don't think you'll be able to see it but the herd is in this block and I don't want to have dubious to say it out loud but uh after this morning's amazing sighting with tortoise pan and a porcupine surely we couldn't do it twice in two drives and poor could we okay so let's see what happens so theoretically well we actually just sort of give you a bit more background the and this is potentially what Rouse them from their sleep and suddenly made them move north and we'll explain why they bypassed going for a drink but everything is in their favor there is a breeze they are downwind from the Buffalo so it's blowing the smell of the Buffalo towards them and masking their scent to the Buffalo so all the advantages are with the Lions except the fact that it's daylight of course [Music] but yeah we're gonna sit quietly just to see what happens see I think the tail of a buffalo in the distance whilst we're pausing here of course just a reminder that on Wednesday evening myself Cedric will be hosting another AMA and ask me anything uh in honor of world Lions day so if you do have any questions about lions be it these lions or any other lions in general uh you are most welcome to register on the website sign up to be an Explorer and join us after drive at 6 40 on Wednesday and we will do our best to answer all of those questions for you thank you okay I can actually see the bottle if I don't know before if you're gonna be able to say but literally over her head probably about 70 or 80 meters through the trees I can see a group of Buffalo I think it's gonna be very difficult to find on the camera and that's exactly the area that we last saw the other lionesses going to so they went where this one is around to sort of the right ah I see a cub is there a cub sort of trotting out of the way possibly they've just given the cups orders to go and wait elsewhere foreign [Music] if we can pick a path up to where they are it's a little bit thicker up there then obviously the last thing we want to do is get in the way of a herd of stampeding buffalo would not be a good way to end the afternoon okay I've got a visual of a couple of them here I see the Cubs okay maybe they're just having a regroup deciding what to do next let's see something has attracted their attention from back once we came and the Buffalo or the other side of where these lines are looking so they're off to the left as you're looking on the screen and I can kind of see dark shapes still in the trees they're very close by okay while we figure out what's going on here let's send you back up to the Maura and see what David's doing foreign you never know what should happen sometimes we have cold Lions opportunities any opportunity that will just show up even if they didn't have any plans to hunt they have been known to do it now it is quite a challenge or hunting a buffalo against hunting a wildebeest those are two different ball games all together I just stopped here just for nothing but the beautiful landscapes of the massimara which as you can see are dotted by black ants oh actually not ants uh dotted by the wildebeests Villa jumbo and you're asking why does the migration only happen in August now what happens the movement of this will be because it doesn't it doesn't have a starting point it doesn't have an ending point they do not like start a particular time or end a particular time they will only pause sometimes towards the end of February or early March to drop the young ones but because of where they are at that particular time after for example uh dropping the young ones they will need food once they exhaust that food and they will need to move with the speed the timing of the speed it gets them in the massive Mara in the month of August number one number two August we shall have come to the end of our long range in this particular region and we have lots of food for them and more so the red oat grass and they know it and they'll have to come for it now what you're seeing here if you're here maybe a month ago the grass here was so long but as soon as they arrived three quarters of it is almost gone it's flat and also that opens up to the small animals like the Tommy's Impalas so the timing is the month of August the grass is quite High here it's what will come and feed on as much as they do not entirely feed on it their movement walking over it trampling over the grass it just brings it down and I think that's a way of Mother Nature balancing uh staff or balancing things here foreign but just to be certain we got a couple of thousands they have gone all the way to those Hills in the background that you call Loom one Hills ER the director you know who is running the show today is like these are just too many and that's just some tourists also like wondering how many wildebeest do we got here there was a time I did a safari and we sometimes do what we call long days long days you leave your Camp early in the morning after breakfast and you carry with yourself some packed picnic lunches and then you could spend out the whole day so we go out on Safari watching the wildest anything else that you saw on the way and about 20ish lunchtime sit under some nice shaded tree uh have your lunch some guests will want to have a glass of wine and because of the heat uh it brings them down out of excitement of all the animals they see and in those nice Land Cruisers we take you know people out on Safari with like the Expeditions we are doing here in the massimara with Walnut guests tend to take a snooze and had a guest who slept and every time he woke up he would like David I thought the last time before going to bed I saw will be and hundreds of them I have slept for 10 minutes are they the same ones or the different ones but you could tell we're not in the same place we had moved on he would go back to bed again well have a snooze in the Jeep 10 minutes later wake up more wheeled missed I mean did the migration we see thousands and thousands of this Holiness making it such a big spectacle uh during the months of July August and September we know that there's nothing worse than just as your favorite leopard is about to catch his first meal in three days you only eat of your seat and up Pops in advert but we want to let you know that we hear you you can watch wild Earth without the ads sign up to be an Explorer and watch the channel on the wild Earth website completely ad-free head over to our explore page to find out more we are offering our explorers another extraordinary wild Earth experience explorers stand a chance to win a three-night stay for two at amakala game reserve picturesque situated next to Ado elephant Sanctuary Park enjoy an authentic Bush Lodge experience in the luxurious Woodbury tainted camp and feel the heartbeat of Africa on exhilarating Safari drives sign up to be an Explorer today and you might soon be off to this untouched Safari destination with wild Earth thank you foreign or look for some Cuts or some spots of some sort and in the meantime I'll take you back to Ben and find out how he's doing Joma in South Africa foreign thanks David I think if you're going to take in all of the wildebeest in the Mario you might be up there for a while but online seem to have lost a bit of interest in the Buffalo we can still hear them moving around in the bushes off to our left the left where the lines are lying at the moment on this little termite Mountain again there's a few of them watching in that area but I think what they are going to do is rather wait for the cover of Darkness I would think perhaps the the two out of the adult females have decided to rather just lie in the shade on the right hand side of the mound there's certainly no interest in hunting at the moment it seems but I'm sure that as it gets dark they will pursue the herd and maybe they'll wait for the cover of Darkness but very very interesting to see and nice to see them all clustered together on top of this mound playing happy families you can see they keep getting distracted by the noise of the Buffalo moving through see if this one female decides she's gonna get impatient she's just gonna watch but it's nice to see these Cubs as let me look at them earlier say somewhere between them sort of a year to 18 months old I think the one looking at us looks like one of the young males you can see is beginning to develop that sort of shaggy hair around his uh his chin and his neck the first inklings that he's going to have a beautiful Mane there at some point but that main won't be fully developed until he's at least three years of age and the main itself is very important for the Lions it doesn't help in terms of hunting which is why the male lions generally do hang at the back if they are hunting with the pride and then let the females do the hunting and Nails will just be there pretty much once the the Trap has been sprung if they're extra size and strength is required if it's something large like a buffalo or a giraffe then the males will get involved but that great big head of hair that they've got does give away the Pride's position it's very obvious to a potential Predator moving through the bushes and it's also very important in fighting and territorial disputes with other males that so there's Ruffles of fur around the neck and it's quite coarse for does an excellent job protecting the neck and the jugular and all those vital areas that need to be protected but we're going to sit with these guys for a little while longer and see what their plans are in the meantime let's send you back across to Cedric oh [Music] and Nadine you're giggling just as much as these little hyenas yeah as you can see we have gotten the belly and her two Cubs just the three of them here at the moment at the dance site listen to them they're kind of fighting for which for more questions too no one's complaining for that Mulk but the one was suckling from the belly now as you can see it's his little that back right leg is still not there we go I think uh a little bit more relaxed with the youngsters oh look at those pipe marks in the inside of her legs uh he's not he's that right leg he's not easy to lift a little sore looks like they're little cubs are content now with life so of course it's so nice just to see that at least the Cubs are suckling from from Mom and that's a it's a good sign but you can see that the back right leg um actually on the inside you just she lifted her leg now for the one club to kind of get to the teeth and you can see she's definitely got some like nice bite marks on that leg so yeah let's see it was it was probably how can I say attacked and mangled day but yeah but she's good she's all good dumb she looks like at least she's at least the Cubs can Circle and she's not sore that's a big thing for the Cubs you know especially if it's maybe a little bit sore at the bottom at the peat area she would have a problem with it but you can see she definitely hasn't got an issue with that so she's very relaxed with those Cubs being there but they were given the wound on their head as well starting to clear up quite a bit as well it just shows you've given take another week and a half you'll even you'll barely even notice that she had a scar on her head but as little uh out of my kind of experience and what I've seen before with uh lions attacking hyenas in it I I'm almost like gonna say as I'll say 70 think I was sure that it was maybe a line they've got hold of her I don't think the clan members would have gone all over the show and got those scratch marks on her on her head as well so I think it's more likely alone a leopard maybe or maybe a male leopard but it's now the amount of lipid will more kind of I can say avoid the confrontation with a lot with the hyena due to the strength of the Hyena's Jaws I think the leopard would avoid that but when it comes to Lions different story no wonder where the rest of the clan members are all the rest of the Cubs doesn't hurt too young says yeah easy this time of the day you've got the the whole kindergarten running around yeah oh wait hold on there's a hey smuggles there's Loki is here and uh he's not at the hyenas that's got injuries just I've Just Seen uh in the Bella with these injuries hello Loki I don't know that was another one of intima's cubs oh I'm going for coming to join us here but yeah I was here in our other hyenas just turned a bit as anyone that's got their injuries so clearly she hasn't had a fight with any of the other hyenas I'm sure there would have been maybe bite marks or something I mean I saw Corky I saw rib and I saw swazi all of them not one of them has got a new scratch or new wound on them so I'm sure it must have been something else outside the clan where is your partner in crime where is Kira hmm would you like to have your finger on the pulse of wild oath are you curious about what happens behind the scenes and would you like a catch up on the best moments from the week delivered straight to your inbox how cool is this and oops don't lose it don't lose it then it's time to join the Explorers Club and receive the Weekly Newsletter head over to our website to find out more foreign delve deeper into what wild Earth can offer you register for free on our website and you can interact with our guides whilst watching your favorite show Once registered you will also have access to some extra special content there might be something along here I think we should go have a look registration includes filling in your email address and creating a password it's that easy wild Earth it's in your nature those tongues are so rough really licking their little ones uh bottom and lifting it up like that oh that one's going to complain now I gotta fight for teeth let's see what happens nope you want to come this way hey look you finished drinking he's so cute well we still sit here with a little schmushkins I love them so cute they're all so cute let's head over to Ben with his lines mushkins yeah I think Cedric or is it treated that hyena then by the looks of it well not much has changed from here uh the Lions have moved and finishing they look a little bit more relaxed than they did uh earlier there's still the majority on the termite and a couple on the uh on the right hand side there we've still got audio of these buffalo in the in the distance sounds like they have moved a little bit further away uh but as I said I would pretty sure that they're just going to wait for the cover of Darkness the sun is beginning to get a little lower in the sky now and I think they're just going to hedge their bets and wait till sun has set so whether or not we will be able to bring any of that too we'll have to remain to be seen but if nothing else it's still an absolutely spectacular view this lovely soft golden light on them now okay this is actually a perfect spot for them to to leave the Cubs I suppose if they were going to Spring the attack this is a nice place for the Cubs to lie okay well it sounds like David has a surprise for us I don't know what it is so let's quickly go and find out let's send you to David and Amara and it is very true we got a surprise for you I'm equally excited but I tell you Pita is more exited than me Peter is the gentleman of the camera today because these are not just ordinary cheaters are not just normal cheaters they are very special cheetahs especially for myself now most of you might have heard about the five Musketeers then there were five male cheaters and I think to me that could have been a fast Coalition I have known in my many years guiding here in African Wilderness of it's a bit of nice that I give that just passing of five male cheetahs we all know cheetahs are very solitary but of course the a few exceptions here and there but to see five male cheaters together that was very special now this unfortunately from the five they have dropped to two now the first one got sick and unfortunately it died we were left in full let's talk about last year and then from four one we think or we suspect it's got some lion attack and Predator as as you all know will always compete of a tray over food and then just the other day we lost one more again suspection or suspicion of lions and of the five Musketeers which we locally here call the tanobora tunnel is a local Swahili word for five and Borah means the best because they were the best the hunting they were displaying here in the massimara was very special they could bring down uh zebra they could bring down a baby buffalo with a lot of ease and without struggle I mean toppies were just a normal thing for them to do now we got two remaining of the tanobora and I would say so far so good remember should you have any questions or comments or suggestions please send them through and be able to react to them in real time because you're coming to you live from the masemara this for a fact I can tell that two males and the two remaining ones they're only two standing from that coalition of the tanobora and I think they'll make it once in a while we have seen the meeting with females around here and then they reunite again otherwise in general you'll see a single cheetah here another one there be it a male or a female but these two have stuck together and I'm sure we all know strength in numbers easier for them in hunting foreign foreign Haley in Jambo and I like your comment it's always amazing to see cheaters and yes Haley we got two for you there hopefully tomorrow morning you'll be joining us and we might get two more cheetahs hailing beautiful cards I mean you know when you look or think of cheetahs in any way or form or ship I think everybody really will agree with you so it is amazing to see cheaters you can see the one to the right of your screen there but she got her belly white uh you can see her panting a little bit it's not very hot but it's very normal full cut just to you know keep panting like that and the other one is looking in a different direction not sure she is planning what to do later uh before it gets dark because they're all surrounded by wildebeest even these two uh once in a while they've been trying to bring down wildebeest well good question and you're asking whether there any female close by I'm assuming you're asking whether there any female cheaters close by not where I am not that I know of who I am the other ones that I saw early this morning were like maybe another 20 30 miles out from here but again when time comes and the females in season somehow Mother Nature brings them together and they pair up for mitting and of course after meeting they go the Separate Ways foreign down like that unless someone else has spotted them you'd easily come and drive through here and don't see them I'll tell you these two male cheetahs all over the world they have become celebrities I'm trying to remember where else I've had or seen a coalition of five cheaters not at the moment but it'll keep cracking if anybody would know where uh a coalition of five cheaters or more existed I would be happy to know I'll spend a few more minutes here but in the meantime I'll take you to my friend Ralph in amakala and find out what he's up to oh thank you my good friend David give to you and uh well we couldn't be further apart I would imagine and here we are sitting with a couple of African hoopoos where it looks thank you my good friend David gittu all the way in Kenya and us here in Amma thank you my good friend David Guetta all the way in Kenya and we are just sitting watching this couple of African hoopoos and it's been amazing that throughout the day today I've seen a number of these and it seems like they're all coupling up at present and so the male and the female moving together like this and if we are lucky we may even see the male who has just a quite a bit more uh dominant colors on him he may present her with little food parcels which is uh part of the courting display and procedure and wonderful to see them all coupling up now this is that time of year so very nice to see they are coming in and out of visibility I will move forward in a little while but I just wanted us to get a nice visual on them before we do that because as we know with birds they can fly away and then it's gone so let's just make the best of it for the time being and I will move forward in a moment lovely light at the moment as well see the one closest to us is the female the one further away up the road was the male and that probing type beak see how they're jabbing inside in all the vegetation there and they're looking for little insects and worms and that very dominant Crest that isn't uh expanded currently but they can display it quite beautifully we know that there's nothing worse than just as your favorite leopard is about to catch his first meal in three days you want the edge of your seat and up Pops an advert but we want to let you know that we hear you you can watch wild Earth without the ads sign up to be an Explorer and watch the channel on the wild Earth website completely ad-free head over to our explore page to find out more we are offering our explorers another extraordinary wild Earth experience explorers stand a chance to win a three-night stay for two at amakala game reserve picturesque situated next to Ado elephant Sanctuary Park enjoy an authentic Bush Lodge experience in the luxurious Woodbury tainted camp and feel the heartbeat of Africa on exhilarating Safari drives sign up to be an Explorer today and you might soon be off to this untouched Safari destination with wild Earth foreign for this lion he's giving us the slip but well we're just enjoying the smaller things on the hunt we haven't given up just yet but we couldn't give up the opportunity of spending a little time with this couple although we're just seeing the female now I think the males disappeared around the other bush I will now take the chance to move a little bit forward Morgan are you good for me to move forward okay now don't blame me if they fly away I just want to try and get as close as possible so that we could potentially there goes the mail oh no yeah the female's still here the male disappeared off on the left he's obviously a little bit more of a scaredy cat females still hanging around though just wanted to try and see him sir well thank you African hoopoos that has made my day but uh well we're gonna continue the search for this beautiful Kalahari male lion and I hear that Cedric however is at one of my favorite places in Juma foreign Dan site there's another one approaching looks like in below that's approaching there and Billy of course that's how it's Cub I'm trying to see what it is as you can see is coming in slowly but surely I think it is this way oh she is putting definitely pressure on that leg and uh so putting lights on that leg you can see yeah I think it's when it's a little bit cold it might be a little bit stiff but you can see she's doing much better much better a little bit of a lump but yeah she's she looks like she's 100 I'm happy doesn't look like it's a break or anything like that oh let's you can see a little saw of course but uh definitely putting weight on that leg if it was a broken leg would have been a different story well and it looks like a hot of course that's it I mean let's just join the party yep hello where's your mom I haven't seen art for a long time hey uh of course him Billy's getting so big he's really getting into a good size I think she's even venturing out herself these days doesn't even need any adult supervision and all the little ones coming to krita or him I'm sure Billy's the female she's definitely bigger than Robin's Cubs and Ravens Cubs are older a little bit older than himbelia and because Koh in the background foreign not a way to teach them foreign [Music] Garden around the poor windy come on uh Jeremy definitely oh no definitely the other resilient I think they are top fighters when it comes to Predators I think as I say a height excuse me hyenas it takes a lot for uh for our unit to pass away I think it is going to take quite a bit so that's why I'm saying the Bella will be very she'll be flying in a minute for a week some oh something upset and it tells Spirit Fall there but Jana they are definitely little Fighters yeah so we are going to spend the last few minutes here with him and then we have to move on as is another vehicle that he's showing hey don't come and leave me alone yeah sure teaching the youngsters around you you know that um yeah hyenas are so inquisite the Cubs are so inquisitive I can't believe it they are always it seems like when a vehicle gets you it's like it's play time and then it's like all the smells coming off the tires and of course underneath the vehicle and they've got such a strong sense of smell that uh I think it's you know it really attracts him quite you know more so than other animals and that's why they always come to the vehicles to investigate well well I'm gonna try and shoot all these little ones away let's head over to Ben and see what's happening with his Leones foreign ER Cubs we are slowly being surrounded by a large herd of buffalo and we've still got the Lions here the tension is beginning to kill me we're all on tender hooks here um the females are watching the Buffalo the Cubs are lying um on the termite Mound also everybody's low in the grass and probably from the closest Buffalo to the Lions now is perhaps about just over here is perhaps only about 30 or 40 meters at some points they are going to Spring the track and oh hell it's going to break loose and we're going to hope we don't get stuck in the middle of the Maelstrom um so it is a you know very tense moment here so I'm just going to sit quietly and we'll let it all unfold hopefully the wind is still in the Lion's favor the Buffalo got no idea that they are about to walk into three line s's I hope these Cubs are going to be okay um because obviously Buffalo do have this reputation for looking out for each other and there's still scatter as soon as the Hunt is triggered but if the lines do grab hold of one they need to be quick with what they do because the rest of the Buffalo don't take long to regroup and then they're well known to come back and try and push the Lions off um they're Quarry and to try and rescue their brethren that's a dangerous proposition taking on a herd of buffalos and a lot of horns there's a lot of hooves and many a lion has succumbed to a horn in the flank and being tossed up in the air so yeah where the tension is palpable and we're just going to sit quietly and see what transpires wild Earth explorers is a club aimed at people who love nature and care about the Earth we live on first and foremost if you join our club you can watch wild Earth completely ad-free in addition we have great monthly prize draws a Weekly Newsletter and access to some great extra contents such as Fireside Chats amas and Hangouts for a small monthly subscription you can join other like-minded viewers and be part of the club wild Earth explorers it's in your nature after an exhilarating day of live safaris what better than to Cozy up around the fire sign up to be a wild Earth Explorer and let our guys enchant you with their stories and exciting animal encounters and of course send a chance to join in the chat and get your questions answered in real time so what are you waiting for join the Explorers Club today and start to enjoy our special evenings around the fire wild Earth explorers it's in your nature foreign it's getting very close these lions are probably only about 20 minutes uh 20 meters away now um Governor I thought they were going to wait till Nightfall but the buffalo have arrived to them the Lions haven't really hunted them they've just stayed where they were in the buffalo have come to them and they are opportunists that I'd say the tension is is ridiculous now the the closest Buffalo to these lines is less than 20 meters away now one of them somebody's gonna have to Blink first uh but normally yes they would wait for the cover of Darkness that they're being presented with a wonderful opportunity here the only thing they really need to worry about says the other Buffalo and um there a tendency to also protecting each other as they do but if they get much closer we're going to have to move this vehicle for our own safety last thing we need is a a group of Buffalo plowing into the side of the car I've got no seats on my right hand side either sorry no see no no door but the wind is still very much in favor of the Lions and the Buffalo I see one or two have got their heads up looking around but nobody knows what they're about to walk into yet I can't believe they haven't pulled the trigger yet thank you my heart's beating out of my chest I know what's gonna I know what's about to happen I can hear him fall behind me as well he's like come on obviously our sympathies are with the Buffalo but uh it's it's still an incredible thing to be a part of and say just because the Buffalo is so close it is no guarantee that the Lions will get a meal and there's still a reasonable chance that they will themselves get injured so there's a lot riding on what's going to happen any minute there's a female there that is probably at Family you can see in shot is probably 15 meters from the closest lioness I wear it for the Lions if they don't do something soon they're going to get surrounded and then it's going to be a lot more difficult there's one right in front of the car he keeps looking up and keeps staring directly at one of these lionesses it's a young male I think he's got wind of of something he's got his head up again he's done that a few times he's looking straight at them he's the only one that's shown any sort of concern that there might be something here they're so well camouflaged you can just see the top of her head there in the tips of the ears and the grass this female on the right she's slowly feeding straight towards this lioness come on girls I honestly think there's less than five meters from that buffalo on the right hand side of your screen to where one of these lionesses is lying it's ridiculous I'm not sure where the third female is I think she's literally just going to jump out of the grass and go straight to the throat I think how you and me both Nadine my heart is pumping honestly there's like three meters away you know she has to she has to go well that was a bit of an anti-climax at the end after all that she waited too long in the Buffalo Sora now you can see the Buffalo chasing the Lions we just need to be ready to move it's either look at the Buffalo now all coming back we just need to be very careful here guys I see that defensive behavior from the alliance uh from the buffalo I think we're good for now lady [Music] where these lines are now surrounded by foreign I cannot believe they waited so long I mean she could have pretty much just jumped out of the as you could have pretty much just jumped out of the grass yeah [Music] sorry guys I just want to give them a little bit of space here [Music] oh cool it's got one loan line that's fighting off the whole herd now you're quite right Nathan um yeah once he's Buffalo realize what's going on it's a scary proposition for a lion and her family to be stuck in the middle of that just a wall of horns now I just can't believe they didn't go earlier I think they missed a trick there but that was an adrenaline fueled adrenaline pumping moment hey this feisty young boy here he's still making sure he sees them off the lines are behind me now foreign are slowly advancing on their position but what an incredible thing to be a part of I think while we just wait for the chaos to settle here we're going to quickly send you off to the Maura and to Isaac jumbo jumbo everyone welcome um to my side of the Mara and that was a tense moment I'm sure uh yes welcome to where I am I'm in the Masai Mara my name is Isaac and on camera I have big James and we have a different kind of settings no tension here but um we do have um zebra we have giraffe we have Thompson's gazelle everybody is surrounding us here we have the common or the batch of zebra it is our common zebra that we find here in the beautiful Masai Mara um it is widespread from East Africa central Africa all the way to Southern Africa you can tell that behind there we have the Maasai giraffe of course we have different species of giraffes all over Africa and um this one is called Maasai giraffe it's a lone male and he looks like he's getting deeper and deeper into the nuclear devonorum bushes um they are always green the nucleus and I think that's what the giraffe is feeding on the zebras are accompanying him because I think for security reasons they are much safer with a tall neck and height Advantage you know he can detect you know prey you know long before the zebra do so and using a body language he is able to communicate to the zebras um looks like the zebras are scratching their necks necessarily they don't have itches but every time they come across a rock um a bank you know back of a tree that's rough and each develops automatically and they'll try and scratch that area that the scratching obstacle can actually reach until they've had enough here the you know the battle zebra are in plenty and they go in what we call dazzles A Dazzle of zebra is the collective noun for this striped donkeys usually there is one male and up to around six mares oops they're offering our explorers another extraordinary wild Earth experience explorers stand a chance to win a three-night stay for two at amakala game reserve picturesque situated next to other elephant Sanctuary Park enjoy an authentic Bush Lodge experience in the luxurious Woodbury tainted camp and feel the heartbeat of Africa on exhilarating Safari drives sign up to be an Explorer today and you might soon be off to this untouched Safari destination with wild Earth so I started watching wild Earth at the beginning of covert and I haven't looked back since I've seen all of the leopards I wanted to see in memories he's been so playful and such a character I have to remind myself to breathe at some points see those two Cubs made me very emotional it's just been brilliant blown me thank you okay um I think David is in a different area but I'm gonna let you enjoy as the Sun appears from the clouds look like it's falling down it happens very fast and I think we're going to have a continuation with David who's got a different setting of the same Isaac is at one corner of the massimura I am owning at the corner and both of us have the same sunset what I might request you to do is to give us some pull rating with some such do you think is more appealing Isaac's or debits myself and Peter we have a team we make can we close ourselves with jasiri and Isaac and James former team that we call Quito k-i-t-o jasiri j-a-s-i-r-i so this Sunset is it for team jersey or team kitten please send your ratings I'm going to spend a few minutes here just enjoying the Sun come down and what a beautiful ball and in my life for many years I have always asked myself and I've always asked myself between a sunset and the sunrise what would I go for what to die you know choose between the Suns a bit of a sunrise and a beautiful sunset watch main you're saying that truly is a wonderful Sky of Skies I mean what means nothing goes wrong here in the ma Samara and especially if certain days you're lucky to see both the sunset and the sunrise thank you for that great comment and I can tell you you never get tired of watching the same you'll watch it every other day and you never get bored because if we look carefully in the foreground of your screens you can see some beasts that are still feeling still cool some wind is blowing but I do not think they care about the sunset that me and Peter are enjoying please keep sending your comments and suggestions and questions through but one thing I might want to maybe get also your feedback for me comparing sunsets and sunrises I think the sunrises have more colors than sunsets Peter do you agree or not Peter gives me a very big node affirmative he thinks yes because when I was young and they could look at postcards of sunsets and sunrises I could not tell the difference with my many years out in the bush I could tell and one of the ways if I get too similar over sunrise and the sunset the one that has more colors more clear colors to me is always the sunrise Maybe whether that could be different from wherever you are in the world in the western world we ate Europe Asia in America North or South but personally I think the sun rises are richer and more colorful than sunsets I'm gonna pause and keep quiet for a couple of seconds just for you to watch that beautiful Golden Ball with different shades of gold going down foreign my grandmother and grandfather what they think or what they like more and my grandfather was full of waking up very early to look at sunrises and my mother my grandmother sunsets thank you thank you very much to get your feedback and I think team just hearing myself and Peter are the winners of the sunset today I just think I was a bit luckier because the direct independent control finished with me that could be the only reason why maybe we are the winners but I want to thank you very much for giving us a winning uh evening today since the sun gets down there will be show up a little bit more there's nothing as special as being in the savannah in the mastermara watching wildebeest as the sun goes down but I do not know watching lions in the sunset with Ben definitely he will come out better than team jasiri foreign thanks David yeah it has been an outrageous afternoon and day for that matter as well and these lines of beta Hasty retreat in the face of that uh wall of horns and cloven Hooves and testosterone and displaced aggression and they sort of safely moved back across the road they probably put a few hundred meters between them and the Buffalo now so I think their interest has waned for now but I wouldn't be surprised if they do try again later this evening interestingly while we were sitting here we heard a male calling from over north of the Border up in the sort of buffels hook area probably the S8 male I know he's been up there for the last few days but there was no interest from them they listened but there was no response and they didn't seem too perturbed or happy about that but what an outrageous afternoon it's been I mean I was getting a little nervous there you could probably tell I mean we had to move the car once or twice just to be on the safe side as when a whole oh I can hear that line roaring might be worth going to check it's not that far away I was just going to say I think after all the chaos that we had there and uh so there's Buffalo and how amazing was that to have that one lone lioness standing her ground on top of the termite Mound and uh spending back the charge but I think after that we owe it to these lines they've been very accommodating to us this afternoon um and allowing us to stay with them and watching that whole it never said well in the end ultimately that's what I wanted to failed hunt to take place I think at the end of this segment we're going to leave them in peace and let them recuperate a little bit and plan their attack maybe for tonight but I'm gonna head up towards the corner sounds like pretty much the junction between buffalo cut line and cheetah cut line and maybe we get lucky and we find a male lion as well for you this evening really pretty spectacular potentially also coming down attracted by all this noise of the Buffalo delve deeper into what wild Earth can offer you register for free on our website and you can interact with our guides whilst watching your favorite show Once registered you will also have access to some extra special content there might be something along here I think we should go have a look registration includes filling in your email address and creating a password it's that easy wild Earth it's in your nature there is a great proverb that has been passed down from generation to generation Across The Plains of Africa until the Lions have their own historians the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter join wild Earth for a special lion safari on the 10th of August broadcast to you live in celebration of world lion day witness the pride and joy of Juma in Pumas the telematis and the Avoca males who come roaring to your screens to tell you this hey Bob Champion you're quite right the Buffalo did win but they certainly had numbers on their side um but yeah I have a bit lost for words to be honest it's been a while since I've been uh in the middle of a conflict like that but yeah a real honor to be a part of to watch The Secret Lives of these animals from that proximity is pretty spectacular day Lions do have this fearsome reputation of being the ultimate Predator but really they're they're not efficient and you can see what can happen there I mean that's probably best case scenario for the Lions all right they didn't pull something down but it could have gone horribly wrong when they're faced with a her such a head of Buffalo there angry buffaloes an awful lot of horns and say men as I said before many a lion has been skewed by one of those horns and tossed up into the air and trampled and it can get really rather messy what was interesting though she had the highest advantage or they had the height advantage on that termite Mound um and buffalo are affected by sort of basic psychology like we all are that if something is higher than you then it has the advantage um so it would have been very surprising for any of those Buffalo to to have actually climbed up for the whole group of them one sort of take a little took a little few steps and he saw the Lioness defend her her position there uh that's quite normal and that's something we would do even on a walk if we were to ever find ourselves in a difficult situation you try and find the higher ground it's basic psychology if you are higher up than the animal in question you have that psychological advantage and it only doesn't have to be much it can just be you know a small term amount a meter or so ripped his head up what's everybody looking at I can still hit the buffalo in the distance then they attracted their attention I wonder if there's a buffalo potentially stalking them down perhaps following them following the scent yeah to me it sounds like the corner of cheetah Catalina Buffalo cut line so we'll like I said I think when we're done here we're going to leave these lionesses and their cubs in piece and we'll go and see if maybe we get lucky with the big boy let's say so as I understand that the S8 mail was last seen a day or two ago up in the manualetti which is north of us um and these Cubs are all sired by the Avoca males so if those ghouls do get closer and if that is their safe mode I male I'm assuming they will go the other way okay but I think we are going to leave them in peace now let's send you back up to Isaac and Amara they're beginning to move off uh South again now and so yeah let's go and see what's happening up in the mara but uh what an amazing afternoon welcome back um and here I have the same animal that um is in action at the moment and these are three Bulls who've made it so far east so you know it's a distance of about um it's it's a distance of about maybe uh 50 plus from where I was this morning how they made it here actually I still I don't have a clue but uh we're too far ahead of everybody else this is sometimes usual especially when the migration starts early as I said sometimes it's a it's an aimless aimless Journey you take your way enough and whatever you think you where you want to turn you just turn and these guys have ended up in a place or east of the Mara and it's surprising to me very relaxed here there are not very many predators but a high concentration of hyenas so this will be in the menu they will be in the menu in the next coming days because hyenas here are very many and I will be showing you as we go on in the next coming weeks you know how many hyenas we have around here yes also at a distance we have zebra these two are two of the main migrants that you know move long distances of about 500 kilometers one way in a circle specifically in a circle but every now and then they will turn anywhere I don't know but they've decided to move further away from me maybe the wind is you know like um taking my voice towards them so they don't like it they want to be quiet here the grass is very short and dry but to them they still can get enough nutrients to keep them going this area is full of water so they don't need to go for very long without drinking because they're water dependent they can go for two three four days without drinking in harsh conditions but here they have water so after consuming enough of this wire grass plus red autographs they will head to the river to quench that thirst and also actually also help indigestion the water this is the white bearded gnu you can see the beard you know on the neck there that's where they get their name thank you thank you foreign do zebras ever eat the green leaves no I've never witnessed and in my literature that I've read there's nowhere it tells me that it lives they eat green leaves they are dependently on a grass and that's what they eat Martha they eat grass only here you know two will be in the frame and about five zebra in the same frame this is an area they consider to be safe there's more zebra coming in what happens is they gather up in large numbers we call it a multi-species Association it can be of different species from wildebeest zebra you know Thompson's Impala grants and they're all around within this area you know being together like this helps them detect a danger much quicker because most of them have got you know are equipped to the same um acute senses so if one doesn't pick um by smelling the other one might pick by hearing or by sight so survival rate goes up but every now and then they make a mistake here looks like they're heading deeper into those bushes maybe there's a little opening on the other side where they're considered to be safe but those safe places are very few here because there's always a leopard or a lion each and every area of these areas it is demarcated or is a territory for these you know super Predators apart from that you know hyenas are around definitely there is an aim to go somewhere and this is what is happening here we are losing light fast it's like almost seven East African time here in the Masai Mara it's the temperatures are starting to drop light is starting to drop birds are stopping to sing and the light is fading soon after the nocturnal animals are going to be coming out we have animals like advoc Civic porcupine and hyenas within you know this area and those ones are going to be coming out here there is peace as you can see everybody everybody's head is down and so they are enjoying the last bit of Peace before you know trouble starts or the night starts which is always very scary because you know sight um reduces that is the most effective way of these animals picking up you know their predators and so when they can see it there is much more tense it's much more tense yeah at least now they can continue you know grazing with the last bit of light hoping that the Night Comes and passes without any glitches we are offering our explorers another extraordinary wild Earth experience explorers stand a chance to win a three-night stay for two at amakala game reserve picturesque situated next to Ado elephant Sanctuary Park enjoy an authentic Bush Lodge experience in the luxurious Woodbury tainted camp and feel the heartbeat of Africa on exhilarating Safari drives sign up to be an Explorer today and you might soon be off to this untouched Safari destination with wild Earth we want to make it even easier for you to interact with our guides whilst watching wild earth when you see a QR code like this pop up on your screen then open your phone camera pointed at the code and you will be taken directly to our question page simple as that then you can let us know what you want to see ask questions and much more I've had it before where I've been walking and the water box jumped out of the grass it's quite a frightening experience thank you [Music] yes my light is going sounds like that's the last bit you're gonna hear from me and I'm gonna take you to Cedric my colleague somewhere in beautiful southern Africa I guess there's still this guy got uh Gallagher shortcut I just want to go quickly went past that area with llamas clubs were seen pretty much off the draw this morning and I'm gonna close together go pan but no luck there I'm sure they hidden somewhere in that drainage line so yeah but uh apparently her tracks went further north up that uh drainage line it's runs towards Billboards of cut plants so that's why I'm going north here as well as we had those uh Lions calling this morning around on buffers cut line and uh and we also had that one female lioness tracks close to uh this area where we're heading to start so just gonna go and take a look see if we are lucky but the swell on top of that it is neither grab my spot like that so I'm looking for any uh Reflections from the eyes of any nocturnal animals and I'm hoping that we can maybe find some like night animals around here or even some owls we haven't seen an owl for a while though well I haven't seen one for quite some time it'll be nice just to see an owl again and even an outlet even the small ones so it's big or small anything will do anything we'll do but yes what a fantastic day I mean uh Ben's been very lucky they're having those in gumas Unfortunately they did not read the script uh them coolness it looks like the buffalo's decided to chase then instead of the Goombas chasing the buffalo but you never know what happens during the night maybe those females are standing around again and back that side you never know so it's always always possible tomorrow morning definitely we'll go follow up again on there tomorrow morning seeing much on the track sides yeah I wonder the thing is if the Llama that comes will come down here this is pretty much all this is for I'm gonna say waste of the territory as you'll come unless he'll come back and we'll loop back that way maybe she's went straight North maybe she went straight into buffel's hook with that uh drainage line what a beautiful sunset we've had tonight yeah there's been a spectacular day uh Bobby yes oh definitely I mean bird calls but dude that's an alarm call so like your Ox backers and all that so that's a big thing about a knock speaker that's sitting on him but if there is anything any danger around those Rock speckers we'll give off their alarm call uh most birds will alarm call as well for Penny Predators so and Potters will quickly pick up on those alarm calls and they will be aware that there is a danger close by or wherever and uh and then of course almost like the Predator's uh cover will be blown at that time that's why everything unfortunately everything is against the Predators oh that's why a leopard's always kind of you know stealthy kind of move away and sneak into the drainage lines I just don't like things to see them okay [Music] foreign thanks so much for that uh Australia can I be that right so this sounds like we did get like a little bit of information now but how solid is that information we're not too sure but it sounds like maybe the lumber did make a kill in biffle's hook so exactly what I thought was going straight North into Buffalo's hook side is another story but yeah we shall know about it later or tomorrow morning looks like she has gone North into that area oh oh it'd be nice to enter this side I don't think we might lose a bit of signal yeah I'm just a bit worried we're going towards Bob Dam and the signal does drop but all right well let's suck I think maybe let me do Aubrey's I think Aubrey's already will have a minute let's do that one I'll shoot around maybe we are lucky with Kara this car has tracks we had this morning yeah on Aubrey's with uh we Attila access that female leopard female leopard that I met kind of barely seen I saw just a flash of it that's about it so yeah it would be nice to see her properly continue let's head over to Ben to see what's happening on his Safari yeah thanks Cedric good luck with check down car I'll be ashamed if the number has gone North and but maybe she will come back for the cup so maybe we'll get something I'm actually coming up to the cut line to the junction with Buffalo North Eastern corner I just wanted to see whether or not um there was any evidence of that mail line that we heard roaring from this area I think he was probably still uh north of the Border but it was definitely close so maybe been attracted by all the disturbance of the Buffalo and we might find something else yet you never know but so parlor on the right that looked quite relaxed but uh we had to stop and just remove a couple of branches from the underside of the car just wanted to make sure the tires are okay but everything seems to be fine and yeah we left those lines they're actually almost back to where they started from uh on quarrypan road it just took us quite a long time to pick away out of that block it's quite thick in places but uh yeah she's what an incredible afternoon it's turned out to be I think it's sometimes also important after uh you know what was for the lines as well a fairly I'm sure it wasn't exactly traumatic but you know their adrenaline levels would have been raised as well and I think we spent so long with them that I think it's also important to let them have a little bit of Peace they're very tolerant of us they were obviously one or two other vehicles in the sightseeing as well but everybody has left them be now another interesting so if they hang around tomorrow or if they come back and have a another bite at the proverb I really can't say that word proverbial proverb anyway imagine the Cherry later this evening or maybe we get some islands coming in from the north that's the nice thing about having buffalos lions and Buffalos internal enemies that they are will always be conflict and particularly if you've got young male lions those young males who were those Cubs that we saw there when they get to around about two or three years old when they get ousted from the pride and they're going to be nomadic for a couple of years before they are able to be big enough and strong enough to hold their own territory but if it says it's either three or four males there it's going to be a nice strong coalition uh but in that sort of two-year period between where they get kicked out to where they are theoretically strong enough to take on another dominant male or Coalition of males that's going to be there bread and butter is just being nomadic not holding a territory they'll be following Buffalo herds around and picking off the the week the sick the old the injured at the back of the herd is one of the Dynamics and something you must always remember when you're tracking a herd of buffalo is that there may well be lions in the area as well I just still can't believe how close um that those Buffalo Gods we were talking about it now and Paul and I we reckon that it was probably no more than a meter and they they never sprang I thought she was just going to jump out of the grass and go straight for the throats but so I don't know what she had in mind but whatever it was it didn't work we could be sure of but nobody I suppose best case scenario for those you know for those of us who didn't want to see anything too terrible Everybody Got Away unscathed to fight another day after an exhilarating day of live safaris what better than to Cozy up around the fire sign up to be a wild Earth Explorer and let our guides enchant you with their stories and exciting animal encounters and of course send a chance to join in the chat and get your questions answered in real time so what are you waiting for join the Explorers Club today and start to enjoy our special evenings around the fire wild Earth explorers it's in your nature [Music] [Music] and if you can see those tracks down there and pull I'll give you a bit of ambient light there okay so there's the the mail tracks Unfortunately they look as if they've come down but we'll still cut line from our eastern boundary and then go north over the road uh into buffels hook uh but that I'm sure that is who was um cooling just now and you had to be close to this area but I'm going to take a very slow Drive West along buffers hook cut line and maybe we can see something uh into the North obviously if we hear anything we will definitely let you know I say if dilemma has got to kill in buffer took as well then potentially we didn't see any tracks of the cups of her coming back to get the Cubs so maybe now under the other Nightfall she'll come back and get the cup so you never know we might bump into her coming back in this direction thank you okay I'm going to patrol the cut line here and let's send you back to Cedric to see whether he's had any luck with Cora or any other spots it would be nice but I think she might be in or not so but you never know maybe anything's possible access I'm gonna hit a slowly West I'm gonna go towards Sandy patch as I said I didn't have cars tracks this morning axis right here going south South West into the block here um too lucky on relocating I'm not too sure does it I wonder if anybody can give me an idea if uh Cara has got Cubs or not I would like to know from anybody or any of the viewers let me know as I said I'm not too familiar with that female uh no it is the daughter of shidulu is only surviving a letter I heard down the Grapevine which it does but I mean I'm not too sure as I said once again it's one of those a bit of that information that I'm not 100 sure all right let's see what we got here I see eyes visitors or maybe a couple of white-tailed Mongoose might be lucky we've got some eyes ah it is sweet that too there I know it's a Janet okay it's a Janet it's either little Janet that's running across open area and it's a large spot of ginet ah sorry uh yeah let's go quickly around there's another one there too two large spots of jennets that is fantastic got an open clearing all right let's see if we can get a nice view of it uh as you're running around here oh my word that is fantastic so relaxed as well looking for okay just let me know if I must put off there because I haven't got a screen so I'm not too sure you got it there [Music] I don't have a screen now so I can't really see what I'm what's happening so I'm just looking into the might but yeah that is a large spot to Janet beautiful the small the small spot of Genet is the one that's a lesson around here it's got a little white tip on the tail but the large part of Janet of course it's got that beautiful thank you very much as I said I don't have no monitors I can't see exactly where is what I'm just going to rely on Odie and uh see tell me what's happening there but yes of course just going around there digging up even like little scorpions uh even though we've got those Baboon Spiders that they actually of course burrow in these open clearings and many times they'll say a guy and even little rodents some mice gerbils So and I've witnessed a a Janet actually taking a a scrubby but not a full grown scrubby a young scrubby and actually killing it so oh janets can be quite uh quite vicious if they have to be and of course Very Much nocturnal and solitary so there's a lot the the genits uh I can say territorial marking and the smell of the territorial marking is exactly the same as a leopard as we've got the popcorn smell foreign [Music] fantastic [Music] uh I must wear like a little mouse or something sometimes you get those little even gerbils that's in these open clearings and it's ideal it's a perfect thing for them to hunt at night time foreign [Music] family as well but if you actually look at the the family by part of the river day so it's also free life so it's part of the sub order is free life for Mia it's a Fila for Mir so it's like a free life feline and then of course when you come to the family it's part of the vivary day every day and of course then you've got the genus is Jeanetta who via genetic ovia so that is what the taxonomy of the Janet is as I said it is so the order will be part of the carnivorous so these are carnivores and then of course the suborder is the Fila I feel like for Mia it's part of the felines it's like the cats but of course for Mia as of the suborder but it's fantastic just like the leopard as I said solitary marking all the time but one thing about the Janet if it mocks it scent marks always at the same spot you'll have maybe three or four different spots in their territory and they'll also always every single night they'll go to those areas and they will Mark at those spots so sometimes that's why it picks up a very pungent smell like that buttered popcorn just like a leopard but if you go the next day to that same area where the genital so we smelt it and if it is a gin it's uh scent marking you'll see the same place every time so yes as well talking about the felines as everybody knows that is a world lion diet that is on Wednesday the 10th of August so to ask me anything with Ben and myself and of course that is going to be very interesting it's going to do pretty much on everything on lions so lions are pretty much appreciated by a lot of the poaching a loss of habitat due to human expansions and of course the wild Earth is we are excited just to put the the spotlight on our lines to help raise awareness of the need for the conservation and that is on the 10th of August it's Wednesday evening ask me anything with Ben and myself please yeah if you want to look please sign up to be an Explorer and you can join us then or just get in the QR code and to find out way to watch so that is a very cool can't wait for that that is very exciting I'm always loving lines as a pretty much once again I have been in the area for quite some time this side so I've seen many coalitions and Prides come and go so it is always exciting just to talk about our big tourney cats and so fantastic that Ben had those encumas and the Cubs this evening following the Buffalo or the Buffalo following them there's a forward all right I'm just going to quickly throw the light because I know there was a second one here as well there's a second one down there so there's two of them but the other one's even further so I started watching wild Earth at the beginning of covert and I haven't looked back since I've seen all of the leopards I wanted to see in my leaves he's been so playful and such a character I have to remind myself to breathe at some points to see those two Cubs it made me very emotional it's just been brilliant wait [Music] foreign [Music] Maybe I have to get back to you I don't even think about that uh maybe Janet uh baby Janet my word did not think of that time kitten could be a kitten there it would be a kitten no no put it like the cat family oh I don't know I think the Cub is a little bit big thanks Eddie yeah foreign I think it is called a kitten if I'm not mistaken all right then we go a little bit back [Music] yeah too much good no maybe the kids kids anyway what we're trying to see if we can get another view of this let's head over to bank to see if he knows what a baby Janet is I think the kids or kitten kids or kitten at Bend is not though what baby Janet is called no uh I'm probably gonna go with a pup but I don't know puffball Cub is the most obvious but no I'm not officially sure to be honest I have an update on my evening Bumble is that there is no particular update uh except that I did bump into one of the other vehicles who has confirmed that to London does have a kill North in the bottles hook um but the Cubs are not with her so the cuts must still be on our side but she is um stationary that's I'm sure at some point during the evening she's going to duck back down towards pick up the covers and beat them to the kill I am sure which is a shame for us so she's probably gonna be around tomorrow morning but you never know you never know what might happen but that's awesome that you've got to have a sighting with the unit with uh considering not often they hang around very long so it sounds like you guys have had a really good view of Janet which is very very nice to see I know there's been a white-tailed Mongoose hanging around on quarantine as well the last few things I saw it again last night in fact I saw a pair of them there a couple of nights ago I'm hoping for an hour I saw those owls right at the beginning of the drive when I was following up on those alarm course for the go away Birds the Giant Eagle house a nice little crazy clouds as they know I now know it's nice to know that they are around which will definitely be keeping an eye out for those perhaps tomorrow morning but yes I'm on an owl hunt at the moment checking all the trees uh somebody asked earlier how many hours we've got said it's about eight different species we could find [Music] let me see most common is the spotted eagle owl of the larger house but I haven't seen one of those yet for Rose Bard and pearl spotted so far this week [Music] with no spotted eagle yet [Music] problem is with owls they don't reflect light their eyes don't shine like something like a night jar because they don't have that reflective layer that we often tell you about that tepitum lucidum they've just got excellent vision and really really really large eyes all right Luellen I'm glad you enjoyed it uh it has been riveting to the max I I like I said I think my heart rate doubled at least through that whole exchange and then on top of what we saw this morning to see tortoise pan take out a uh what was it a porcupine live on air I mean sure it has been an incredible day foreign she takes to borrow but I think she's quite close to uh shortcut Quarry North of there which would make sense if she went straight North from where she left the Cubs close to Gallagher pan but that's good information for tomorrow and yeah we've got about I think only about 45 seconds left or so now um so I don't think we're going to get you a last minute leopard but I don't think we need one today the bush has been very very kind to us we've had some Exquisite sightings that lioness sitting on the termite Mound as well was absolutely beautiful okay but it just remains for myself an important uh Cedric and Owen and the rest of the guys who've been bringing you the pictures to say thanks again for joining us I hope you'll be able to join us tomorrow morning for another Sunrise Safari and we will see what crazy things will transpire but wherever you're watching from have a fabulous evening and thanks again foreign [Music] animal kills and carcasses viewer discretion is advised [Music] [Music]
Channel: WildEarth
Views: 89,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GQoFNq8T-Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 55sec (14395 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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