Journey Through The Seven Continents Of Our World | 4K UHD | Seven Worlds One Planet | BBC Earth

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this is a poison dart frog males raise their young in a very special way a father will place each one of his tadpoles in its own tiny pool of water he says one nice and safe he might have up to five other tadpoles but he needs to remember where he put each one of them this one isn't doing so well his tiny puddle has all but dried out [Music] the tadpo will die unless its father can find a better place for it dads are good for one thing it's piggyback rides [Music] [Music] fathers are no bigger than a human thumbnail but this enables them to get to places that others can't this could be perfect [Music] the only problem is that there's no food here fathers need help [Music] somewhere in this Forest is mum [Music] [Music] a female could do something a male cannot but first dad must lead his partner to their hungry tadpole [Music] [Music] and mother deals with the problem She lays a single unfertilized egg [Music] and her tadpole gets a much needed meal for the next six weeks parents continue their rounds an extraordinary test of teamwork and memory they're bullied constantly thank you and forced to live on the fringes of the troop as outcasts their only comfort is each other [Music] he's being snatched stolen by a higher ranking females she is childless and she wants a baby of her own [Music] he's only a few meters away but if his mother approaches the rest of the troop could well attack her [Music] the kidnapper has never raised the baby before so this one is in danger they're headed towards a cable car Tower the young mother can't let them out of her sight [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] they're 30 meters up if she tries to grab her baby and fails he could fall to his death the kidnapper refuses to surrender him there's one last thing a mother can try and to do it she needs to recruit another macaque [Music] now the mother begins to groom her companions in full view of the kidnapper all monkeys love to be groomed even buy a low ranking female it's the baseless for peace in macaque Society eventually the urge to join in is just two the kidnap is over and the youngster can climb back into his mother's arms a little red flying fox [Music] their ancestors flew here traveling along the chain of volcanic islands that links Asia to Australia but their huge Wings would stretch from their fingers to their toes make it difficult for them to walk or take off from the ground so when they want to rest they hang upside down in trees [Music] but the bats have to drink every day and they do so on the wing [Music] [Applause] they swoop just low enough to wet their bellies and then back in their roosts they will suck out the water [Music] ten thousand of them come here foreign [Music] not all of them return every two meters of river there is a crocodile they were here long before the bats survivors from Australia's prehistoric past thank you [Music] [Music] these dramas have been taking place for millions of years aerial agility versus patience and deadly speed [Music] Australia's forests are hostile places in which to make your home somewhere along this seemingly Barren stretch of sand there is food in great quantity [Music] Cape Thursday there are around 10 000 of them here ha adult seals are large and strong but their pups are neither [Music] the youngsters are closely guarded by their mothers a hyena however knows to be patient sooner or Lucille mothers must return to the ocean to cool off the single SEAL Pup could feed a hyena and her family for days but finding food is only half the battle [Music] it now has to be carried back [Music] a jackal is here too [Music] and it's not alone there's a hyena loses her kill she'll have nothing with which to feed her Cubs the jackals won't follow her very far from the coast it's too hot for them in the desert interior only by making these long Journeys can brown hyenas manage to survive in the middle of the Namib off the South Coast Lies by far the biggest of them Tasmania and that has its own special marsupial one that seldom appears until after dark the Tasmanian devil [Music] many predators inhabit a territory packed with prey but here there's nothing like that for them [Music] each May travel for Miles night after night prepared to eat anything it can find dead or alive [Music] thank you the shoreline is a good place to search there might be some small creatures to catch here or maybe something that the tide has brought in [Music] the carcass of a wallaby has been washed ashore [Music] Tasmanian devils can eat 40 of their body weight in one session and they have hugely powerful jaws they tackle everything even bones [Music] other hungry mouths [Music] her two youngsters are six months old still rely on their mother's milk but they're feeling peckish [Music] okay there must be something solid they could find for themselves while they're waiting for a drink [Music] that possum smells tasty [Music] but it's a little high up [Music] at last a giant stick not bad for a first go [Music] their mother will protect and feed these youngsters for another three months their survival is important to her but also for us because these are one of the last devil families in the world [Music] Tasmanian devils are now endangered found in only a few places such as this remote islet off the coast of Tasmania the oceans around southern Asia are also feeling this pressure these Seas feed billions of people around the world for many fishermen here their catch is their only source of livelihood and there is one fish here that they prize above all others the whale shark trims slowly gently harvesting the plankton is almost 20 meters long the largest fish in the world they are also under threat like many shark species in Asia populations have declined by more than half in recent years [Music] they are an easy and valuable catch seeds and their inhabitants whale shark hunting has now been banned across Indonesia's Waters thank you this whale shark plays a different part in the lives of these fishermen they feed him and the relationship seems to bring joy to both parties and with this new protection has come something truly remarkable whale sharks from far away are seeking out these fishermen and in these safe Waters there is a chance for their numbers to increase and maybe one day other shark species will be protected too [Music] the people here have made a simple but extraordinary choice fishing in a way that is sustainable for themselves and the Animals [Music] caring for wildlife is surely our shared responsibility across this vast continent and across the world it is decisions like these that are key to protecting the planet's most precious diversity the Great American deserts cover over two and a half million square kilometers here roasted by the Sun and blasted by the wind the Rocks disintegrate and mountains particle by particle are reduced to sand these pillars are all that remain of a plateau where dinosaurs once roamed few animals can now survive here [Music] in summer as in all deserts the enemy is heat and it returns every day [Music] at seven in the morning the temperature is already 25 degrees Celsius the clock is tick is stick for one unusual descendant of the dinosaurs [Music] a Road Runner found only in the deserts of North America built for a life on the ground he can run at over 30 kilometers an hour but the prey he seeks are one step ahead [Music] the road runners challenge is picking the right target [Music] [Music] kill a monster too big [Music] by mid-morning it will be 40 degrees celsius [Music] even the smallest lizards will soon head for cover [Music] foreign [Music] slim pickings for the morning's work hunting should get easier and prey will stay out longer once the Summer's Peak begins to fade here there are other challenges Saint Andrews Bay on South Georgia is packed with half a million King Penguins [Music] in Spring the chicks are left for days whilst their parents are away collecting food for them there is a simple arrangement the chicks must stay exactly where their parents left them to be sure of being found again [Music] but this chick has decided to look around [Music] there is a lot to be investigated [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] but it must not stray too far from its meeting place this parent has returned with food in its crop but it's chick isn't where it left it it's hard to stay put when there's so much to play with [Music] elephant seals are here too [Music] very mysterious [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] finding it in the crowd of youngsters is not going to be easy they must recognize each other by their calls [Music] to hear these in such a noisy Colony they must be within 15 meters of each other [Music] [Music] thank you I am reunited [Music] a mother black bear is looking for something suitable for her Cubs this is their first ever trip to the seaside [Music] in a few hours the tide will return so they must keep up with mum [Music] here's something tasty crabs foreign [Music] crabs can give a nasty nip so it's best to start off with smaller ones during spring three quarters of the Bear's food comes from the beach [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] but now this family is not alone [Music] adult male he is double her size and they're in his territory [Music] the Cubs know that call it's time to head for safety bands have poor eyesight but their sense of smell is acute and the male has detected Intruders [Music] he knows exactly which tree they are in if the Cubs stay up there they'll be safe but they're losing precious feeding time for now he's content to leave his scent mark a warning note for trespasses the family moves on for the Cubs lunch today will have to be a takeaway the tide comes in and within minutes feeding time is over for another day the Kalahari Desert here food is more plentiful but it's hidden a Pangolin [Music] she can collect food that others can't reach a keen sense of smell enables her to detect the presence of ants and termites in their nests beneath the sand foreign [Music] some 30 centimeters long enables her to collect them from deep underground [Music] and she's being carefully watched [Music] the drier it gets the deeper the termites live many are way beyond the reach of even a panklin but not of an aardvark [Music] it's the world's largest burrowing animal [Music] a sense of smell is extremely acute [Music] a shovel like Claws and Powerful legs enabled it to dig down to depths of five or six meters a full-grown Aardvark needs to eat about 50 000 termites every day laughs termites are highly nutritious and full of moisture and they can be collected here year round Aardvark are usually nocturnal but the fact that this one is foraging in daylight is a sign that food is scarce recent droughts in the Kalahari have led to low termite numbers and as a consequence aardvarks here are close to Salvation changes in the world's climate are affecting many of Africa's animals it's predicted that in the next Century southern Africa will warm twice as much as the global average [Music] the future will be Bleak for those that cannot adapt fast enough termites an important source of protein [Music] but perhaps they are an acquired taste foreign for something he might prefer it's hard to know where to look [Music] where it's safe to clamber [Music] different levels in the forest contain different foods and some of the most delicious are in the very highest parts of the canopy 50 meters above the ground foreign adventurous his mother could climb right to the top in 10 minutes or so if she wanted to but she lingers to keep an eye on him [Music] a fall from this height could be fatal thank you where the gaps between the branches are too wide for him his mother lets him use her body as a bridge [Music] [Applause] [Music] only 10 meters to go before the top [Music] but it's hard going for small hands [Music] he's had enough time for the rest with mother [Music] and this is his reward ripe mangoes sweet and juicy [Music] there's so much he must learn [Music] he will depend entirely on his mother until he's seven [Music] it's the longest of all childhoods except ours here on the coast of Peru there are so many seabirds fishing in the offshore Waters that the cliffs are covered in droppings over a meter thick Humboldt Penguins regard the soft guano as a good material in which to dig their nest holes but it's a messy business it's the breeding season and more hopeful nesters arrive spotless from swimming in the sea time for the residents to get cleaned up and catch some fish for themselves and their chicks to get to the Sea they cross the remains of an old nesting ground foreign [Music] but the beach is already crowded with sea lions they too have come ashore to raise their young and they don't like being disturbed [Music] to get through such a Minefield needs a bold and courageous leader a brave start a dead end now he's in trouble [Applause] he's going to need a bit of crowd surfing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but now all the sea lions aroused getting through them will be tricky [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] a cleansing bathe in the ocean well worth the effort Forest once covered 80 percent of Europe [Music] now only half of it remains [Music] [Music] a brown bear one of only 1500 that are left in finland's forests her Cubs have recently emerged from their Nursery Den [Music] the long summer days means there's plenty of time for play foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pays to rest whenever you can welcome but their mother must be on her guard the Cubs have spotted something a large male looking for a mate [Music] the Cubs aren't his so he might try to kill them their cubs are excellent climbers and now they're beyond his reach 15 meters up [Music] the mother warms but the Cubs are coming down too soon she can't take any chances [Music] [Music] that was a close call [Music] thank you finland's forests give us a glimpse of what Europe was once like thank you a land of endless Wilderness where large animals roamed far and wide [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: BBC Earth
Views: 33,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbc documentary, bbc, bbcearth, bbc earth, seven worlds one planet 4k review, seven worlds one planet australia, seven worlds one planet antarctica, seven worlds one planet 4k, seven worlds one planet north america, seven worlds one planet africa, seven worlds one planet south america, seven worlds one planet snake spider tail, 4k video ultra hd, 4k video ultra hd movies, 4k video hdr, animal documentary 4k, animal documentary ocean, wild animals videos
Id: UzaLg1BL6lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 15sec (2955 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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