Wild Mushrooms You Can Eat: Summer Edition

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Summer almost ends now, and I hope you all have encountered different interesting mushrooms during the past months. In this summer edition of my "wild mushroom you can eat" series, I present  27  wild edible mushrooms, and for each one of them, I provide a brief written description of their identifying features. Although some of the mushrooms are not so easy to find, most of them are pretty easy to identify. but let me be very clear. first, I didn't eat all the mushrooms I showed in this video. I did eat most of the edible mushrooms I found, out of curiosity. But once I know how they taste, I usually won't bother trying them again. Secondly, I do not encourage you to try all the mushrooms listed here especially if you are new to mushroom foraging. If you really are very curious, start with one or two pieces from one single species, and wait at least a day to see how your body reacts to it. Lastly, do not use this video as your only reference in collecting and consuming wild edibles.  Do not risk putting anything in your mouth, unless you've done proper research, have referred to multiple reliable sources, and have absolutely no doubt on what you are going to eat. Alright, without further ado, let's start with summer boletes.
Channel: Old Man of the Woods
Views: 121,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild mushroom identification, wild mushroom foraging, wild mushroom you can eat, beefsteak polypore, ringless honey mushroom, bolete identification, edible boletes, summer oyster mushroom, Parasol mushroom, berkeley's polypore, black staining polypore, การบ่งชี้เห็ดป่า, เห็ดป่าหาอาหาร, 野生蘑菇识别
Id: CdreTXKG9P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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