Blewit Mushrooms: Find, Identify, & Taste

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we also find some very fresh pear shaped puffball mushrooms. you can see the inner part is still very white. there's no worm holes no bugs. because the weather is very cool right now. this is very twisted. I don't know what this mushroom is. it has a chocolate color. Can you see a mushroom? it's over here. okay let's take a closer look. Im gonna cut it. and take a look what it is. okay, I don't need to cut it. oh looks beautiful. I think, it's a small blewit. you can tell it's a blewit because you can see these gils are purple. but if you take a spore print after taking it home, you'll have pinkish spore print, I think. another feature of the blewit mushroom is that it doesn't have rings. and when the blewit grows older, the cap will turn a little bit brown but when it's young, the cap is purplish. it usually appears in the beginning of November. and after like two days of rain, you will find them, generally, you know on the ground, grow in these areas where you have a lot of dead leaves. If you smell it. it almost like a flower. very pleasant. and actually it tastes very good. you can cook it with garlic and butter. it cooks well with these stuff. it'll make a very delicious dish. I'm gonna take it home, and cook it and hopefully, I'm gonna find some more blewit. Okay this is a good sign. it looks like we just found a big blewit. can you see it? yea it's over here. pretty big one. that's why it's so hard to find this kind of mushrooms. because you can see its color blend so well with these leaves. but if it grows bitter, it's relatively easier to find them. so let take.a closer look. let me take it out to see. I doubt it will be good, given its size. it's probably too old to eat. you can see here are some worm holes, probably we'll not going to find some good parts to eat, but, hold on for a second. seems here's a smaller one. I almost missed it. this one looks good. wow this one looks really good. the cap is still purple. it's not like the previous one, which is too old and brown. you can tell it's good because there's no worm hole. and the gills are still purplish. this one is pretty fresh. there'll probably be more over there. be very careful, just check every corner . okay, oh gosh. there's another one. it's hiding so well! here's another one. smaller one here! unbelievable it's hiding so well. beneath the rotten wood. and smell so good. smells like flower. after taking these beautiful mushrooms home, I set one aside to do a spore print. and it gives a light tan or brownish print. I think if the specimen is younger, the print would be more pinkish. Blewits are rare, and I don't see them lot. Although I hear they tend to grow in lose clusters, I think it's not always the case, at least not for me. But it's still fun to go out looking for them, just like a treasure hunting. There are two things you can do to increase your chance of finding them. First, blewits tend to grow in leaf liters and they are usually covered well by leaves. So you want to kick around gently as you walk on the leaves or maybe poke with a twig. second, don't forget to check around the fallen trees or rocks. When it rains, spores are carried away by the rainwater and can easily be stopped by things like trees and rocks. Blewit are easy to identify. It is purple or lilac from head to toe, including the cap, gills, and the stem. It will display shades of brown on the center of the cap and also on the gills as the mushroom getting older, but the purplish color will always be there. Take a good look at these beautiful gills. you won't miss it once you see it. Also, blewits have a very pleasant scent, almost like a flower, although I cannot name a flower with the exact same fragrance. This aroma gets stronger if you tear them apart, and it will still be there even after the mushroom is fully cooked. So we are doing a simple saute, to cook the mushroom with garlic and butter, nothing more, so that we can better appreciate its flavor. and indeed it turns out very well. Although the texture is just like a regular button mushroom, but ah, as I said, the fragrance lasts, giving the mushroom a unique flavor. Okay, it's done. let's have a taste of the gift from mother nature. The aroma of the mushroom blends very well with the butter, and they reinforce each other. very fragrant, very pleasant. and the texture of the mushroom is also very crunchy. believe me, you won't feel you are eating a raw flower. So go out find these mushrooms, experiment with your favorite ways of cooking, and let me know what you think about these mushrooms.
Channel: Old Man of the Woods
Views: 19,653
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Keywords: how to find blewit mushroom, how to cook blewit mushroom, cooking wild mushrooms, wild edible mushrooms, Clitocybe nuda, blewit mushroom spore print, edible purple mushroom, wild mushroom northeast, edible mushroom maryland, เห็ดป่า, nấm dại
Id: BqYbywkfcV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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