Wild Bears Have Unique Relationship With Woman

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close the door where's my good boy there he is oh what a good boy I think they sense that they're safe here the mothers especially they would bring their babies here bring their little cubs here the mother bear showed no hostility towards me because I was in the presence of her Cubs thank you [Music] I just started to photograph them and study them now mind you I don't want anybody trying this at home or doing that but the Bears accepted me as one of their Clan buddy Smith I hope what a good boy I see them every year starting in the spring you know when they come out of hibernation and I see a bear maybe it's just about every day he just loves to land my porch occasionally and hang out and he's never ever gotten into trouble in my world he's keeping me company their cubs come and towards the end of the summer what happens is the Cubs know where to go if you feel safe a lot of people ask me how did you get that bear to close your door [Music] you know something I honestly don't know how it really happened I had my door open and I was in the kitchen I walked into the living room and I saw a bear and he was sniffing the door and then he's his mouth went on to the knob and I said ho ho I'm not saying he knew what I was saying but he pulled the doorknob and he closed it and when they do something like that that's when I praise them Olive Garden good I'm not afraid that well I just show respect an important thing when I deal with any bear that go at their comfort level I would never see a bear and say let me see how close I could get and start working towards the fair invading his face what I do is I talk to them in a very soft nature and a soothing voice and I think they picked up on that I call him a gentle giant and they respond to the way you talk to them by their ears but you could tell me he's listening to me if there's the bearing up on my front porch and it starts to like walk in the house I was like stop no I'm eating really a bro damn good boy good boy they know your your voice well they know the way you're talking I really think they have an extra sense that they knew that they were safe here they would bring their cups to me and leave them here and take off in the woods barging for food a couple other Bears they bring their their babies here from YouTube babies that other mothers would just walk on by with their cubs the mother bear would be right in front of my house nursing her Cubs and I'll be sitting on my porch it's a different very different life than a normal person I'm 99.9 sure I've never can hurt there's always a one percent with anything or anyone and to say otherwise I'd be on the woman myself yes well everybody else came in their way so my life is like complete with how everything can I learned to place with the dares peacefully coexisting with the black bear all right
Channel: Newsnercom
Views: 6,035,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hunting, beer, black bear, grizzly, wild, animals, woods, outback, alaska, game, big animals
Id: IhcTyVOEm-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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