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I am playing it until I beat it today that's the bottom line I must be high way rollers mass or difficulty here on we part of you today I've really struggled at this one out of we party and we part of you out of any difficulty in either of those or any mini game or anything in either of those games this is by far the most difficult we party master difficulty for the for the Wii is nowhere near as hard as we party you master difficulty on the Wii U I want to beat it against Elena who is barb but I don't like the idea of having to play against three females because usually females embarrass me quite the diverse group here Barry Faustine but most importantly there's Elena who we know we have to play against and beat so we're just gonna go with this group and hope it goes better than last time I'm staying away from wow they went right for me that scared me I can't believe I live that Barry's trying to chase after me and oh you little pecker face I don't know how he managed to outsmart that honestly that pool player targeted me I had a pretty good role yep but still I'm just short you land in a dead zone when he gets second place but third place she'll probably get five extra dice in last place we'll get an extra 20 spots it is so not worth it to get the second place whatever I'm in third place we're close no I didn't beat boss damn it and we're still happy though look at our smiling face while they are rolling I just want to know I just want to give a quick reminder that the limited oh come on the limited edition beef boss hoodie is still for sale on my merch for all website that you can order signed hand signed by me I'll be signing each of them individually they are only available until June 8th and after that they're gone so if you want one and you want one sign be sure to select the signed option on the website if you order it not sign they're getting shipped pretty quickly if you order it signed they don't ship till after June 8th because after June 8th is when I'll sign all of them and then they'll ship out so if you want to order one be sure to click on the link in the description and pick either signed or unsigned no I didn't think that thing had that kind of range look at beef bot struggle to swim down there come on beef boss I paid for all that swimming school well tell me you don't know how to swim we want a three give me a three oh you almost gave me a three but that's a five fives aren't good for anything no spin a little bit damn it bump bump bump bump bump and bam bam bam bam let's get a rope or four or six you are a [ __ ] cuz then we just land on nothing and I actually wanted a nine roll not an eight I needed nine pick the hearts alright hearts that's all that's all there's no more heart no no Jesus Christ they're they're superhuman at getting hearts how could I even compete with that whatever the only reasonable way to get win this and we party use to get lucky on the board no I'm not even gonna I'm not gonna try I'm just gonna stand there there's no where it's not even worth it to me this is that that's how little shits I give on this one game I'm just gonna stand here it's gonna go right wow she didn't target me right off the bat hold up I might try she didn't target me I'm so used to being targeted in this don't the I okay doesn't matter I suck ass well let's see how far behind I am I am nearly a hundred spaces behind Barry I'm gonna go ahead and roll a three nice I finally got that nine roll it just took me two turns but at least we land on the plus twenty but then we pass over all the last place boosts I don't even know I feel like the wrong things are happening in the wrong sequences right now okay we can win this one this is a mini game I can win I'm really good at counting five four three two one I can't believe this they made this way to it whatever oh yeah no okay what I'm in the mix none of them held it on too long or anything they're passing that [ __ ] like it was a damn hot potato oh when I'm going oh no they go full stupid mode and just hold on to it or blows off how coincidental is that don't tell me this isn't rigged against me yeah what whatever game oh my god you can't make it any more clearly rigged than that don't Wow unbelievable that is a pretty crappy roll a six out of four dice that is fat yes thank you for that terrible roll for you but that is a fantastic role for me mrs. sink is saving the day and 20 spots is and it wasn't on the short list of things I want I was thinking UFO or 30 spots that puts us tied for second tied for second place and honestly if we get last place on this next minigame it's not the worst thing in the world because then we have a good chance of landing on a times five dice block no no no go down down down down no up up down no no no I freaking knew that was a problem just go whatever freaking one Elena goes on Elena has not gettin hit once yet cuz party pit Phil is in bed with Elena Elena what side of you go okay I'm screwed I know it's me oh my I'm not gonna lose one more right guess oh no I technically won it it just comes to a rolloff which I doubt I'll win come on oh she got a one yes we only rolled a two but two is better than one all right our first first place role watch this get an amazing roll land on the negative ten dice and go all the way back I'm just waiting for that to happen finally some good fortune here and we're probably gonna get screwed it's not a great roll so I think we're we're okay no I mean it's not negative 10 dice but still negative 5 like why is that necessary not a single one of them have gotten a negative anything I get a twenty four out of five dice Jesus oh yeah that's very unfortunate isn't it beep box finally gets first place no no no we can't let him get all those freakin spaces when he finally gets first place no no got it scrolled somehow ha ha so despite getting first place in that minigame and being in second place on the board before that mini game started I have went from second place to last place I rest on the board well hold up Barry could be tied for last place with me if he his unfortunate ass lands on the beef boss spot of the no it doesn't so sink girls in first Elena and Barry are tied there and beef boss is in last despite getting first and being in 2nd place on the board at the time I went backwards in spaces places yeah that's that's good right there and sometimes it's not bad to not get first otherwise I wouldn't have got that now I'm all the way up here and I got the next roll that actually worked out for me except I might land on a negative 5 diet block dice thing again please don't and I also don't want to want to be three I really just don't enjoy them you [ __ ] me didn't see him I'm 99% sure you [ __ ] me that looks like a [ __ ] right there yep I knew it i friggin knew it whatever how can I get mad when it's when it's so predictable anymore it's the same I knew that was gonna happen I just knew it from the second I saw where the blocks were and what I rolled I knew I was screwed yep because she lands on the Oh let's help you out coz you're hot oh yeah you look like a hamburger you're freaking ugly and despicable and we don't want you winning you give you give our game a bad face because they're so ugly in a hamburger but this pretty [ __ ] right here oh yeah we're gonna give her the freakin golden throne of [ __ ] upon because she's hot hot people get everything in life why am I even trying I'm so far behind like oh that's unfortunate that's too bad isn't it thank you that's the first time anything Bad's happened to any of them makes me feel like this game isn't as rigged as they sometimes say it is but it is it still is I'll watch this don't tell me I'm going to please don't put me on a negative five dice block again oh thank you I'm actually incredibly happy to see a three and that's no no that's about the best outcome we could have had right there no there's Elena there's me yeah no no no we're in third now here's gonna be another last place finish this one I gotta get lucky on this one they'll be freaking gods as this oh my god I got lucky oh my god I got so lucky that was the luckiest [ __ ] I that has ever happened in my life ever that's like getting struck by lightning three times in a row yeah not not even quite mediocre no way no way you're gonna be all nice all of a sudden game oh my goodness I can't believe that that's not a good great another 32 but still the fact that I didn't land on a negative 10 dice block there I don't know I'm a disbelief maybe this game is just sick of me struggling a master difficulty it's fine like alright we gotta let him win otherwise we know he's just gonna stop playing the game but little doesn't know I still keep playing it until I till I beat it but I still haven't beat it so I don't know I think that stuff could be the case but I hope it's not I hope I can I hope I can have a quick we party you sash here but I was fully prepared to be up till 5:00 in the morning oh I wish you would have picked the door game I'm so good at the door game I'm so terrible at this one no way you got to be so quick on that yeah like there's no there yeah damnit I caught a log I there's like no time to react there is there's literally zero time to react the second it comes in frame on the top of your screen you got to know what to press and I can't think quick enough I cannot I think it's like 16 miles between my brain and my fingers at being able to react to what it is either that I'm just stupid which is probably part of it too and I can't identify a log from a watermelon well the gang's all here now I don't let's just land on one of the no no spaces or just like a nothing space please beat BOTS I don't want to do a 1v3 or a last place boost I think that's enough to get off them yes thank God I'm okay with that I didn't want to boost Barry and I didn't want to play a1 b3 No oh shut up whatever that was such a hard turn and I don't I don't want to lose this game now come on I'm so close to being able to win this one and now you know they picked the minigames that I hate and then I screw up because I I needed a turn sharp to the left that was a pretty hard turn and of course I turn too sharp that's okay I'm last right I'm last please tell me I'm last oh I hate both of us yes alright that's okay okay with that oh wait no what what space is Elena in this might be bad this might be bad because now Elena wait no wait yes no no no yes no no no yes no no yes at all I don't know I don't know the implications of this I'm going forward which is good but Elena spins in third can she get to the end I think it's highly unlikely she gets to the end so that's okay I think well not we're all in last place all three of us okay wait so she gets a plus two no now we're screwed oh look we might be good this might be the setup because Elena's gonna hit it she's gonna have to hit a 40 oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no no no okay hold up hold the frickin phone put the phone down right now hold up who gets launched after him does Elena get launched or do I get launched because that determines everything he's likely not gonna get it he didn't get it no I don't think he did okay he didn't get it right but now it's down to 35 which is a lot easier to hit and if Elena gets launched before me there's good odds said she's gonna edit but if I get launched next please PLEASE launch me next please no no no no no please please wait we you gods please do not let her hit 35 I pray to you I will think about you all night tonight if you please give me don't give her it give me it no she got it she [ __ ] got it didn't she No that's not fair at all that is not [ __ ] fair why why did she get watch over me roll that [ __ ] then I get no chance oh my god now we got a restart I was about to win the goddamn thing I was so stupid so stupid stupid rigged unfun this game has lost all fun to me it's not fun at all anymore it's way too rigged way to rig come on they only fall off after I fall off before I never lasted that long in this I have never lasted that long on this Pony game but of course and it since I lasted that long day all made sure to last that long it's funny how no matter what I fall off they'll only start falling off after I fall off cuz it's [ __ ] Yee alright I'm probably not gonna say much for the rest of this freaking recording session cuz I'm just I'm just so upset after that first one I'm just gonna sit here in silence until I [ __ ] beat this stupid game I can usually manage to win this one as long as they're not freaky fast like Jimmy John's at selecting the cards I don't know I'm just I don't know it's so fast I [ __ ] suck dick I've never I have never lost this minigame before and all the sudden on master difficulty it's impossible to track those cards which I guess makes sense it's master difficulty right but isn't that shouldn't change the minigame that should only change my competitors right only the Me's are a master difficulty not the mini game so why is it whatever man I just some things in this don't add up yes I knew that was the right call I had a hunch I don't think we're gonna land on anything bad or oh yeah yeah eat my burger that was too easy ok we are in first place on the board as long as we get this this minigames like hit or miss I guess they sometimes miss huh let's see if this does it damn it doesn't even get it close but now he might get it because ah I always screw that up because I never know if it's gonna quite get there or not and then it doesn't and then they someone just takes advantage of me I get taken advantage of by the computers in this game 10 like a hundred percent and this again mmm-hmm yeah now a pineapple now a pineapple we'll get this one oh I'm screwed that's too much that's got to be too much on dammit of course it's perfect right in the middle okay now I think a pineapple will get me there give me the [ __ ] pineapple and give me a win please yes yes oh my lord that was close I will take third place I guess okay we don't want to be 12 through what 16 no 12 through 16 please eat my ass eat my ass damn it now I'm gonna be back to last place because of that I should have got last I should have got freakin like it would have been better for me I mean he came to get last cuz this wouldn't even I could unless I rolled doubles which is unlikely I wouldn't and of course I get a 20 going backwards all right it's all on the sink lady she blocks it she went up now she didn't we won oh I got doubles Wow holy crap a 38 out of two dice that's one of the best roles I've ever had in that kind of situation mine this game must be looping me up for something really bad to get me here soon okay this is a mini game I can win this is my mini game did no one opens the door like I can open the door no I ain't boss why were you struggling [Laughter] first huh I did shrug on a couple doors for I don't know why I'm moving my Wii Remote the right way and it didn't feel like going and second oh how how how are they that much quicker than me it's a miracle sometimes this is one of those things you just nut do you don't know no way dude no way I missed I missed I missed every single one of those whatever I'm missing everything cuz I shoot that of a freaking 96 year old woman with freaking elf Rytas I actually still didn't get last we're just gonna know ourselves and then land on No so we went what neck three spots there because of that thank you game thank you that's what I'm talking about I have steady aim except that shooting UFOs I do not have study aim that looks mmm average no that looks below average barely barely average but where does it put us then I'm okay with that I'm okay with landing on nothing I know I just don't want any no nose this is probably my longest game time game span of being first time I was first placed what last role the role before that and this role I'm gonna stay in first place I don't think I've ever been on first place or in first place on this mass or difficulty board this long ever before I I don't understand the timing with this one at all than usual to make sure I got it in time I actually did but it doesn't matter I fight they hit the last jump and it doesn't even matter in the end it doesn't even matter how many blocks 40 if we get first place in the next video and next minigame and get a golden the roll will be at the end doesn't even matter and once again I get the last one right but it doesn't even matter I swear to god I should be in Lincoln Park look at this would have been my first place role I would have gotten a form if I could have done it if I could have gotten first that would have been my role but instead watch this watch her boost a sync lady up there she gets the next role yep oh my god watch her go from she's going from last way back all the way up here and then she rolls the dice next and she's that second place she's going to to the end oh my god and then all she has to do is hit a forty this is this is disaster this is how it ends again this is how I get screwed again nineteen terrible role but doesn't matter she only need to go seventeen spots so now all she has to do is roll a forty she just went from being the least likely to win - on the doorstep to win and all she's got a role as a forty and unlike me these people actually have good luck look at this role look at this role she just got it no way [Laughter] [Music] it's funny when I'm not the person in last place this is what happens to the person in that place when I'm not in last place the person in last place gets it all the way up in win the [ __ ] game when I'm in last place that [ __ ] that's not bad this battery got flattened so this wee remote I just bashed it and bashed it into the corner of this desk honestly crack that it's together all the buttons seem to work and all the circuits and everything are good but the issue is this that the battery it's not focusing very well but the battery or the bat stop focusing on me thanks no no camera you see what happened to this Wii Remote it's gonna happen to you next stop please stop this is the battery the battery that I said got a little friend Bam Bam Bam and that's what happens I guess these things aren't made to lie and I told myself I wasn't gonna do it I wasn't gonna break another we're amount III it's amazing like there's a new way usually if the same if I keep on getting frustrated by the same thing it usually eventually you know my frustrations go down after after some time getting screwed the same way but that was just I couldn't believe it I can't believe that happened this was my very last toad Wii Remote with me Motion Plus inside I have no more on order I have no more that work on me so I guess I'm gonna have to go to gamestop tomorrow and pick up a new Wii Remote it's not gonna be a toad Wii Remote it's just gonna be a weird amount
Channel: Poofesure
Views: 3,829,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WII PARTY U MASTER DIFFICULTY IS THE MOST RIGGED GAME EVER, wii party u, poofesure wii party u, poofesure rage, wii party u rage, wii party u master difficulty, poofesure master difficulty, poofesure wii u, wii party u raging and funny moments, wii party u rigged, funny, wii, party, master, difficulty, rigged, rage, raging, memes, poofesure breaking wii remote, poofesure
Id: YWvmG_UOzko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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