a typical game of wii party u

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we party you in conclusion we're playing Highway rollers expert difficulty beginner difficulty I lost three times before winning standard difficulty I lost like four times before winning Advanced difficulty I won right off the bat and expert difficulty is what we played the last time and I got wrecked we're playing against a bunch of dudes let's get mey all gods creatures Fresh Off The Grill so come on down to Mr Mees where friends me to eat meat our objective is to win nothing more nothing less and beat expert difficulty which is the second hardest difficulty on the game at least though if I lose again it it makes sense to you know struggle at expert difficulty as it is a challenging difficulty and and the logs are even more challenging in it too it seems oh don't let me hit this oh I didn't you guys are [ __ ] I got you I got you beat oh no what no that [ __ ] chunky log chunky log stop there's no way I wasn't across that line when chunky log hit me second is the worst place to get on the first mini game by the way I talk about that almost every time first place rolled so bad though that it's essentially a second place roll so he got a shaft at least 3 in up there but now I kind of want to roll bad cuz that means I do good and I actually rolled pretty bad is that bad enough not bad enough it was still too too many that was horrific emphasis on the [ __ ] but look at what we're third Place ends up wee first place who doesn't love to chop wood and catch watermelons so this one [ __ ] you really have to watch [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm I'm doing the opposite no no I'm I'm wrecked I'm wrecked I'm wrecked I'm [Music] wrecked [ __ ] balls [Music] finish eight well I got last place because I was dyslexic for the first half of that game this guy sucks again gets first place can't even roll good could never be me four and four you know what that makes me a [ __ ] a [ __ ] with five more dice though I'd be a [ __ ] for five more dice the the the five exra dice never seem to be too outstanding you know where are the sixes actually I like it that was a great extra four dice five dice and I'm in first place now don't make me start and you made me start I'm feeling a pineapple in here probably just set that up for someone else to get it but oh no see he's going to he's going to screw it up no never mind he's done bar he's never wrong yep and he's got that one I was going to I was doing the maths to see if uh two pineapples would do it but he beat me to the math on that now there's no pineapples or anything so I'm going to put three bananas here which is perfectly two and this guy's going to put an apple in okay I at least I can get third because Three Bananas will get us right there wow I'm a genius now I'm in last place Ray Duty dude can we get to those plus 20s that are not even that many SP I actually think I might blow by them 6555 call it 21 21 21 figures I blow right by him and guess what I just happened to pass one person on my way here so I'm not even in the last place congrats on your 20 free spaces you the last time we did this mini game was like standard or beginner difficulty and I made it all the way to the end so my question is now I really need to make it all the way to the end to actually beat them can I [Music] holy [ __ ] why' they all fall right there ah damn it I still wanted to make it to the end I can't believe how quickly they fell off that was ridiculous here's my big first place finish you know why they had me finish first place here because I get to that door first and I'm not going to get it anyway 14 spaces to go in my roll zero if I don't get a one three or five here shut up party Phil I already know holy [ __ ] the plot Twisted one V3 these nuts dick versus balls one V3 now that wouldn't make sense that would mean you have three balls so I'm the Target so I get to go back and forth the entire time [Applause] well the other two do nothing no he almost got me he almost figured out my strategy you stupid Jesus at least the game oh wow the game respects me a little bit and gives me doubles in the doubles a little bit better this time 55 6 3 1 28 out of an extra roll from a 1 V3 that's damn near historic uh O Okay that time I just picked based on where Jesus picked uh uh lifting leg taking [ __ ] right there would you look at that I actually won that fair and square I'm on a two game winning streak H had a feeling that was coming a nothing I can see how that one guy is catching up to me my roles are are terrible for a first place roll that was worse than second place it's not worse than La uh third place though that's for sure nine but he lands on a [ __ ] rocket whatever oh I forgot that it's hey I'm I'm flicking my remote I'm such a dildo oh my god oh stupid and you notice like I'm I'm perfectly off time there we go finally you stupid butt licker you stupids no dude I'm getting nerfed I'm getting Nerf no I could have had that 30 and only lost by 100 holy [ __ ] I got wrecked H the final do is open in that marks the symbolic opening of the final stretch of the game I wish I was more poetic or eloquent with my words sometimes well this could be really good or really bad what are your uh what are your guesses here bad really bad that's the that's the one time you don't want to roll good Duty dude this is not hooray this is poopy yep hor no and we roll [ __ ] wonderfully that's great the extra rolls all suck until you get a negative five dice spot and now this is exactly where I don't want to be I'm the one that has to pick the mini games now and I hate picking the mini games because then I feel like it's my fault if I lose I'm going flock shot I really don't trust the Safari game you got to look for a [ __ ] ton to be flying in the background that's not enough okay a few more few more few more few more finish okay thankfully three in the background flew by cuz I think that's what's going to separate me from the rest I think we'll be all right that's actually going to be a golden roll I think it is 41 41 and I'm no longer in last place I avoided the UFOs why is Google always asking me if I'm a real person leave me the [ __ ] alone I'm just trying to do a Google Search and I have to do a damn pick the crosswalks like every time Nelly fat promiscuous that's the that's the song I was thinking of I'm not in last place by two spaces you pick Domino tally I'm an expert counter I got another W The Comeback is real I'll win and um I don't know what do I do if I win one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 finish I'm a bit of an expert as Daddy Pig would say that could have been better actually could have been way better we had a lot of sixes but a lot of ones but we made it past that's where the negative 10 are or the positive 10 ah see see that that's the thing though if we hit a 34 we would have landed on that spot and been just like Dumar here going an extra 10 dice for forward which is huge huge this is the equivalent of winning a whole another mini game that's massive now he's 38 spaces away he wins the next mini game he's at the end even zai here can well I don't know it's a 50/50 shot do you what are you feeling here I'm feeling the game's going to give him a a positive 10 here I think oh wow it seemed like the game was getting ready to screw me not necessarily by screwing me but by giving everyone else just the best thing possible and he rolls a 40 almost you know one of these times I'm going to be able to quit oh what are the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they just both happen to end up on the same spot happen they happen to end up at the same spot I hate hot ostriches I hate ostriches I hate ostriches I hate ostriches I hate that they threw those at me right there H average barely what what are the ODS I landed on the same spot as them H hm [Music] H so what he's going to end up either going all the way back to Jesus or just right back to where he was right back to where he was I'm not really certain what the future has in store for us we're not in a bad spot but we're not in a in a great spot sitting pretty is not my favorite Min game at all fact there is going to be a bit of RNG to Hope I press the right button at the right time otherwise I don't get a seat and I beat my meat a a a one two [ __ ] a one it doesn't matter [Music] okay oh thank God I actually hit one but for some reason I don't I don't know I just hit everything to be honest with you okay now I can't prematurely seed delate so two one and I hit a yes I hit it quicker than [Music] him 2 a 1 2 a one 2 a holy [ __ ] but the issue with this game is I I I actually won but I tied one so it comes down to a roll up you know there's too many mini games in this game that you can tie on very easily you know well that was an epic rollof a one versus a two I don't think I'm getting a 38 to get to the end no I think I'm getting saucered I think I'm going elsewhere now you put me to Jesus I think it's game over for me no where's this guy where is Z2 we would rather had done bar there yeah bro man dude's getting a crack at the door I've won a lot of mini games this game too and I don't think I'm in a very good spot to win the game he's not wanting it here that's for sure look how look how rapid fire they uh they are don't push me in the corner of course you're pushing me in the corner uh he he's he's throwing those Rings like he's throwing [ __ ] rings you know o of course oh yeah it's over once they get one on each it's not a a two thing like I thought it might be well that was impossible when your teamates don't do anything for you I just need to get first on this mini game and I'll have first uh first whack at this door this mini game could be dicey shoot for exactly 0 seconds so I'm looking for a little 2 point it takes 2.4 seconds to fall so I need to I need to I need to I need to I need to I need to come at with 2.4 seconds left finish wow and that's how you do it I have a chance I need to roll what here though 38 actually no never mind I I thought I had a Sure Shot there is a good chance I don't even get enough here wow there's a really good chance when you get four ones 3 tws totally disaster in my ass hole zi here is going to get a crack at the 35 door and I have a feeling he's going to get it my my game plan hinged on getting to that door right there and and it did not pay off not from any fault of my own I won a ridiculous amount of mini games this game against exper difficulty in the game just said no nah fam is what it said and that is it not yes that's it that's the game this is a this is a typical game of we party you just absolutely dick you work so hard I I don't know I I always just want to sing Lincoln Park right about now because in the end it does doesn't even matter we we did exactly what we needed to do getting first places at the end to give us a shot to win and it doesn't happen that's that's what happens whatever I didn't get wrecked like I did last last time but it was still a loss so I'm whatever I'm [ __ ] done
Channel: Poofesure
Views: 325,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a typical game of wii party u, wii party u, poofesure wii party u
Id: 3giLKMyc6uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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