Wicked Edge Knife Sharpener - 2 year Review

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hey guys garam here with some little life in today's video we're gonna talk about the wicked edge knife sharpener after using it for two years it's just over 2 years ago I uploaded my first review video about this and I give it a very very favorable review it's a fantastic machine after using it for the last two years as a full time knife maker I say the exact same thing now that video I uploaded two years ago is the most popular wicked edge knife video on YouTube right now I still get a lot of comments about it a lot of emails in fact just a week ago a gentleman sent me a very lengthy email about what we'll get to that in a moment but a 2 main comments and these these two blow everything out of the water first one has to do with the machine itself and the second was kind of a bit of a problem that I created for myself the main comments on the machine itself was the price and absolutely I 100% agree this sharpener that you see it right here this is a w/e 130 with a couple of stones I think you get a 100 200 400 600 that's gonna run you 575 bucks American that's not cheap full disclosure I was given the sharpener by wicked edge however it is worth pointing out that I actually contacted them and said you know what this thing looks so fascinating I would love to get my hands on it would you send me one and I did so thank you wicked edge I appreciate that when they send it to me they just asked for an honest opinion they said you don't have to like it you don't have to say good things if there's things you'd like to change about it let us know but this is just for you to get your hands on do a video about it whether it's good or bad so it's not like I got paid to say anything about this I didn't have to say good things it came to me unconditioned it was a full time knife maker I have run a lot of blades through this and I absolutely love it you know the saying has always been you get what you pay for and this is one of those tools I mean it's really really expensive but it is incredibly well built it is performed flawlessly for the last two years and I have no complaints whatsoever now the second most popular comment I get about this was when I'd done that video I was talking about the fact that when you're sharpening using a fixed pivot the blade is fixed the pivot points fixed and the concept the big argument heated debate was whether or not the angle the secondary bevel that you're sharpening it changes as you get further away from the pivot point so is this angle the same here as it is here the answer it's exactly the same except if you have a curved blade curved blades are actually gonna change the way the angle sharpened now I had addressed those concerns in a separate video dedicated to looking at the angle consistency of these fixed pivot point knife sharpers I'll put a link to that video up in the description it's well worth checking out and a lot of comments still coming in now the two most important things in my opinion when it comes to the sharpness of a knife is first of all the steel the steel type obviously has effect on how sharp you can get the knife but also to that end is it heat treated properly you know I get a lot of emails from people saying hey this thing I just can't get it sharp I'll ask him about their heat treat process and I'm like I don't think you got it hot enough I don't think you properly heat treated that knife that's really critical and that's something that really has nothing to do with any means of sharpening you need to get your steel right you need to make sure you've got good steel is heat treated properly know if you're buying a commercially made knife if you know the sumption is definitely there that you've got that and the second most important thing in my opinion and this is talking just basic knives like bushcraft knives puck and I have something like this basic kitchen knives is that your bevels are even you know what you want the angle that you're sharpening this side to match the angle you're sharpening this side and then you want the apex basically where those two angles meet you want that dead center in the blade now it comes to the geometry that you're scharping a blade to you that's where these fixed pivot knife sharpeners can be really handy for people that aren't that experienced now to tell you the truth I use this thing less and less and less as I get more proficient in other methods of sharpening primarily sharpening on my belt grinder just for the fact that it's so much faster let's take a quick look at this knife sharper I'll kind of show you what it's about and then I want to show you something using this little tilt box little angle finder to show you to prove to you that the angle will not change on these sharpers when you're sharpening along a straight plane all right so let's take a look at this thing essentially we've got a few components we've got the blade holder itself we've got the stone holders and then this main kind of rail that allows you to adjust the angle so the way this thing works if you're not familiar the idea with this is you put these into these holes and you can rest the knife on there then you lock it down get these out of the way lock it down that allows you to set a consistent depth of the blade which is really important because if you were to have this up or down obviously that changes the angle that you're approaching it at the camera side right now is basically where you'd stand when you're operating it this rod here has different increments and that is supposed to be a general representation of the angle you're gonna be sharpening at so you can adjust that accordingly kind of put it close to the line and then there's little detent balls that are machined in there so it kind of centers itself there so it's not like you have to hold it exactly on the line and like oh yeah yada yada but get your angle set right now it got completely different angles just like I did in my original video apparently I still haven't been able to see that so you get your angle set let's see if we set both of these at about 17 degrees fairly steep this would be for a real fine intricate kitchen knife we'll take our stones and these stones it's basically like a plastic carrier and they've got diamond stones on each side a lot of people say that these diamond stones in general don't last that long but I have not found that to be the case these things are still cutting really well and I probably have done I would guess about 150 knives on this sharpener really really impressed with how well they still cut you see they've got a hole in the center of the carrier here and then that just slides over this rod like that boom bada bing since this is locked down the blades lock down the relationship to each other is fixed this thing slides up and down and you sharpen completely controlling your angle the whole time what have done is I've got a piece of oh one tool steel and this is perfectly flat I use this little leveling doohickey and we got it nice and in there flat what I'm gonna do is we've just got an arbitrary angle it doesn't matter what angle we're dealing with we just want to know if it changes so we're gonna come in here with this right in line alright we've got our pivot right in line we're going to take this little angle finder we're gonna stick on here we're gonna zero it and then we're going to come out to here but here's the important part when we measure the bevel here we still measure it parallel to the cutting edge so we're going to rotate this way to make sure that this little angle finder the angle were measuring our bevel at is perpendicular to the blade we don't ever measure angles like this if you're if you were to take a protractor here you know I've got an angle like this if I were to take a protractor I would make sure I come in straight like this I wouldn't be like oh what's our angle out here no that's dumb that that would be an inaccurate reading you'd get was a cosine area I don't know it's some mathematical thing I don't know cosine air sounds good though all right kids let's get into some rocket science we've got this thing zeroed out roughly I mean this is a very sensitive angle finder but essentially we're at zero and this is right in line with our pivot point now if we move down to the end of the blade and then measure perpendicularly again as we need to I mean we're at zero degrees still I don't know how anybody could say that that's not the case I mean this angle right here is identical to this angle right here so does that kind of make sense hopefully that kind of clears that misconception and I was completely erroneous when I did my very first video to I'd said that the angle changes and it does not I don't know how many times I've said that this video but I think if people would just think about that for a minute I would stop getting ridiculous emails people telling me how wrong I am on so many levels when I'm right I've learned a few things while using this knife sharpener and I'll just give you a couple little tips little things that I like to do to get better results and to prevent some accidents that can happen this here is a father Hunter we're gonna sharpen it we're gonna sharpen it right now I've probably got this about 15 thousands of an inch edge thickness and well I don't know if you'll be able to tell there's no edge on there at all nothing it's not sharp YouTube's probably gonna do monetize this video okay one thing that I do is I'll put a little piece of masking tape right here just so that when I clamp it in the jaws there's no chance of scratching it or marring it and this isn't the last time we're gonna use the tape I'll show you one other little trick or ooh so we'll take her little chingus mount ayr blade in there lock it down boom we are ready to sharpen this knife when we've got our sharpener here and we're getting ready to sharpen one thing that can happen is this I've got a nicely finished bevel there you don't want your stone touching that I had originally thought about maybe machining some little rings to go in here with a set screw that I could tighten in the only thing is if I want to move those now I could have a Mart up shaft and this isn't gonna slide properly so quicker solution what I do is I just take a little bit of tape and I put it right over here on the blade just in case I accidentally touch it I'm not really gonna be scratching not too much it's heartbreaking I've scratched a few blades that makes a guy cry save your tears use some tape the one thing I will say with this sharper system is that it's not that fast if you've got a fitness tracker this is gonna do you good [Music] I'm not sure how well the cameras gonna pick it up but we've got a wicked edge on there like just you see that mirror on there you took it to the the leather straps on this setup here we sharpen this 227 degree that's a fairly blunt edge I mean it's not super fine but you look at this knife I mean that's like a bushcraft hunting knife this is designed to do work you know somebody's gonna whack it into some sticks or something like that but even at 27 degrees she cuts paper pretty good this is this is telephone book paper right regular paper no problem whatsoever well there is a knife sharpened with the wicked edge hopefully this answers some the questions that you guys have had after two years I feel like I've got a little bit more experience with it I can offer you you know a little bit more deep down about it there's not a lot that I don't like about it other than the fact that it's not the fastest sharpening system out there but in my opinion it is absolutely one of the best you know a lot of people make the comparison between this and olanski and that's just that's just hogwash I mean unless you own one of these and olanski and have used them both you can't speak to that I own olanski and I own this that's like saying that oh you know what Dodge Neon is the exact same thing as a Porsche 911 I mean sure they're both cars they'll both get you from point A to point B but they're totally different it's not even close having said that there's nothing wrong with the Lansky's Lansky's sharpen knives just fine but don't don't make that silly mistake to think that it's on the same level as this because it's not it's a high quality tool no issues whatsoever over the last two years the beauty about this thing is you know I can get my sons on here sharpening their pocket knives and they will have their pocket knives like this and it's just like it's insane how sharp you can get stop with the wicked knife sharpener thanks so much for watching the video guys I hope you enjoyed it Cheers [Music]
Channel: Simple Little Life
Views: 99,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knife, sharp, knife sharpener, how to sharpen a knife, scare sharp, simplelittlelife, simple little life, knife maker, knife making, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcraft knife, knives, excellent, edc, best, homestead knives, knifemaking, survival, prepper, tool, daily vlog, camping, tools for the knife maker, tools
Id: rsFzb-KfKk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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