WIBTA if I sue my SIL for stealing my book and making a huge profit from it?

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would i be the [ __ ] if i sue my sill for stealing my book and making a huge profit from it i 24 female write as a hobby and i like sharing my short stories with my small following i do want to publish one day but i want to make it perfect first since it's not edited yet the unfinished book we're talking about came from an idea that i started to build when i was in middle school i just finished it last year but because of the virus i was forced to put that project aside to ensure steady employment with my day job my brother and sil came to visit me to introduce their baby daughter about six months ago sil just thrusted her baby into my arms even though i lack even the barest knowledge on how to hold a baby the baby was fussy and my brother helped calm her down while sill said she wanted to use to bathroom to pump breast milk they left later and i didn't think anything of it until recently that i was told sil had published a book and it had been a while since she published self-publish is not as time consuming as traditional publishing i don't doubt my sil's intelligence because she is a smart woman but i've always heard how she dislikes books cause they're boring and drags on i wanted to show my support and brought a copy only to realize it's way too similar to mine i compared it to my copy of unpublished work it's obvious it's been edited and proofread for fluidity and clarity i was angry and i admit i overreacted by confronting her over the phone she said my screaming was upsetting her and hung up on me it was a back and forth battle with phone numbers to get to the truth by this time my parents and her parents are involved then the truth boiled over probably from stress and being caught since i do have my copy and detailed notes of my progress in world building and in-depth characters for second book she said that my brother and her needed the money cause they have a child and the lockdown threatens their work she said she will give me 75 of the continuous royalty to settle it i said no and told her to give me the pseudonym she put the book under and take the amount she paid for editing and proofreading the book and the marketing ads she said i'm taking away her daughter's college funds she just lost her job and her unemployment check hasn't come yet my brother is the sole supporter i threatened to sue and everyone is furious with me i believe i will proceed with the lawsuit sorry for the grammar i'm writing with anger edit sil was instill as a mommy blogger she started a blog when she found out about her pregnancy so it was a weekly update journey and the blog turned into a full-on mommy blog now she has a decent following and she makes money from the ads but i don't think it's full-time worker salary i gather from the book's review on social media platforms that isn't selling the book to avoid policy violation that her followers got the book because they support sill i know it's bitter of me but i can't help to feel offended that i worked hard on it to have it brought not under the intention of being interested it's how the book climbed ranks her followers brought them update i've taken your suggestions and have one more talk with sill without involving other family members the deal was same as before give me the name she published under take whatever money she used to publish and advertised she insists that i take the 75 royalty because her followers are expecting a sequel from the book i told her that i will not allow her to make a profit off my work that i put so much effort in this morning about an hour ago she had told my parents and her parents about me not compromising for the sake of her family and her daughter now it's me that's the bad guy my parents treat sil like a daughter so they told me that either accept her offer or they essentially disown me saying families don't sue each other and were to support each other i'm somewhat surprised and somewhat not because i never grew up to be someone there satisfied with and still has traits that they dream of me having i feel like a stranger in my own family final update i've thought it over and i'm still thinking about it i love my brother and my parents but they are not supportive of me they don't care about my feelings because i'm tearing the family apart my sill is still very much upset and angry at me but frankly i've given her a fair compromise if my family and sil don't take my feelings into consideration then i will not either i will be taking time to myself and not speak to them until they apologize i'm going to gather all the text messages can't do anything about the phone calls and i will see if i can borrow some money from my friends to get a lawyer if not then i'll think of something i'm going to sue her not to get back at my sill and family but because it's my property and for the disrespect she has shown thank you all for your support i never expected so many things to change overnight but it did i'm angry resentful and bitter i don't think i can convince my parents and brother that she is in the wrong because she did it for her daughter's future i'll probably not have a niece anymore so maybe that's why i still have inklings of doubt part of me wonders if intellectual property is worth losing my family anyhow thank you everyone i appreciate every comment whether you think i'm right or wrong or if this is fake real it's good to have multiple perspectives not the [ __ ] she stole your book and you can prove it lawyer up not the [ __ ] she stole from you she wouldn't have offered you anything if she hadn't gotten caught you absolutely should sue you should sue for all the money and you should sue for rights to the pseudonym and then she should announce tell everyone that she stole your work i would sue her for everything you can get and then you should never speak to this woman again get a restraining order and announce to the public that she stole your work not the [ __ ] that is theft and plagiarism sue her now in fact get a lawyer now to start the process of getting it down everywhere if you find it yourself put in dmca reports to get it down i don't think she realizes that if you write it on the computer the metadata is there to prove dates and such and that is all you need to prove what you need there are also authors resources online to help you with all you need use them they know what you need for so much also go to our legal advice for help they can steer you the right direction as an author i've had to deal with this too much and unfortunately know all too well what to do with this not the [ __ ] sue her if that wrecks her life it's on her she robbed you she knew exactly what she was doing i'm curious to know how your brother feels about this though does he not have a problem with his wife stealing from his sister nta theft is theft not the [ __ ] sue her and keep those two out of your life especially if your brother was aware of what she did not the [ __ ] she stole from you whether it's jewelry or a book it's still theft not the [ __ ] sue and cut her out of your life how would you feel if you went on vacation came home found out she sold your house and all your wedding photos stealing someone's writing is stealing a piece of their life sue her absolutely not the [ __ ] you are not taking anything away from her because what she has gained from this disgusting behavior was never hers to begin with also congrats on being a successful author info because i'm curious did she thrust her baby in your arms as a distraction and log into your computer to steal your work how did they know you had a book that would be picked up so easily i'm fascinated by this whole story because stealing someone's manuscript is some top level villain [ __ ] not the [ __ ] sue her not the [ __ ] that is theft plain and simple i would recommend getting lawyer asap register the copyright in your original writings if you can and sue the pants off of her you should be getting 100 of the royalties in 100 of the copyright absolutely none of it is hers i am having trouble believing a self-published first-time novelist is actually pulling in that much money between the lack of responses how poorly written this post is and the confusing plot line i'm finding it difficult to believe any of this happened info how much money did she make how exactly did she steal your book while pumping did you keep the copy in the bathroom this is so obviously fake why does this have so many likes and awards not the [ __ ] sue her do it then give us an update not the [ __ ] you've got to protect your work from one writer to another not the [ __ ] sue her she has no right to profit from your hard work i wish you the best of luck not the [ __ ] she stole from you and is trying to sue her child to manipulate you she chose to have her child so she needs to figure out how to support the child on her own and with her partner stealing is not how you go about it especially from family not even a question she stole not the [ __ ] but she definitely is in awe not the [ __ ] sue her selfish ass show no mercy not the [ __ ] not the [ __ ] sue her she's a [ __ ] thief info so how did she steal it did she go into your computer and download a file how did she know where to look yeah sure because when somebody is plagiarized they don't hire a lawyer they go straight to reddit not the [ __ ] if she stole your book stop threatening her hire a lawyer and file not the [ __ ] my favorite part is how she basically decided she deserved 25 of the proceeds of something she had no rights to you better [ __ ] sue her unless she immediately signs over 100 of royalties inclusive of already collected monies once you have control of the rights let us know so we can buy copies you're clearly a creative writer given by this post lol not the [ __ ] it would bug me so much if someone published a polished draft of my work not that i write what if it's not good what if someone reads your work published under her pseudonym and is like uh there are huge plot holes and underdeveloped characters here stuff that you might have fixed before publishing not the [ __ ] she stole from you and now is trying to manipulate you how do you keep confusing bot with brought if you're a writer not the [ __ ] not the [ __ ] not the [ __ ] not the [ __ ] if they needed cash they could have asked instead of stealing not the [ __ ] theft is theft regardless of whether the thief is family even though it's all made up i enjoyed this one stealing intellectual property isn't done much here and in getting bored of inheritance stories nta and oh my gosh get a lawyer and sue she stole from you flushed i don't understand how she stole the book the physical copy under the pretense of going to the bathroom i would 100 sue not the [ __ ] she stole your intellectual property you are the [ __ ] because the numbers don't work out if you know anything about self-publishing sorry your story equals [ __ ] just not credible not even someone with a very healthy mommy blogger following is going to have sales from their self-published fiction book that high fast ongoing manner without having followed it up with more similar works i'd have believed it if you were two teenage sisters and your sister has stolen your book to self-publish for social media cred published author info how close are we talking are we talking same characters plot and ending or lifted prose also how many sales has she made what response reviews has she gotten not the [ __ ] mombies will lie cheat and steal not the [ __ ] it may not be physical property but she still stole from you sue her and if it's possible have her book unpublished eta also i just started writing my own book and i'd be royally pissed if someone stole my writing i almost can't feel emotion between autism and depression so it takes a fair bit for anything to piss me off as a writer holy [ __ ] reading that title made my stomach drop like what the others said not the [ __ ] please sue check out r legal advice if you need help nta sue her ass off i'm confused about this paragraph my brother and sil came to visit me to introduce their baby daughter about six months ago sil just thrusted her baby into my arms even though i lack even the barest knowledge on how to hold a baby the baby was fussy and my brother helped calm her down while sil said she wanted to use to bathroom to pump breast milk are we supposed to think that she went to steal your work while this was happening or what's the purpose you're not taking away her daughter's college funds she stole that potential college fund people are angry with you because you're taking money from people with a new child but she stole years of work from you she needs to be kept in check and know that just because your family it doesn't make theft acceptable not the [ __ ] sue her sue her sue her she committed a crime and the only thing she's sorry about is that she got caught not the [ __ ] author here and i would absolutely sue that is your blood sweat and tears in that manuscript and she stole years of your life actions have consequences she shouldn't have stolen it and published i.t if she didn't want those repercussions also also because i am an author that is completely freaking shady and i would recommend nicely outing her to the book community because we don't stand for that [ __ ] and won't work with her in the future she says she needs the money but that is not the way to go about it shame on her not the [ __ ] i'm begging you to sue i write short stories as a pastime and if someone ever took ownership of it i would probably rip their head off not the [ __ ] sue her and make part of the settlement say she has to name next child sue and then she can write a book about that hilarious situation she got herself into
Channel: Captain Reddit
Views: 4,845
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, Stories, CaptainStyle
Id: 0roAFvVuyxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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