Why Your GANKS SUCK (And how to Fix Them) - League of Legends Ganking Guide

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one of the biggest complaints junglers often make is that their lanes are just hinting to the enemy jungler and that they're never actually able to get ganks because their laners suck and all sorts of other grievances regarding the performance of their teammates but how is it when challengers smurf in low elo they're able to win basically 100 percent of their games and no this isn't an exaggeration i haven't lost a single jungle smurf game in ilo's ranging from silver to high platt since i started doing smurf commentaries for skill caps five months ago it's not that you just get better teammates if you're a smurf in fact in most of these games i constantly complain that my team is terrible and i'm still able to win we deal with the exact same teammates enters and ragequits that you do so what exactly separates challenger level gameplay from your own in this video we're going to tackle that question and talk about probably the most important and most mis-executed thing about jungle ganking to do this let's use a simple analogy most everyone is familiar with the whack-a-mole game at carnivals and arcades 15 or so moles will pop up at random times and you just have to smack them when they do this is pretty similar to ganking and that you might get a short opportunity that pops up and then goes away and in order to win you need to capitalize on as many as possible the higher the rank the more moles you'll have to whack in order to win at challenger you can't afford to miss any more than one or two but at silver you can probably miss 10 or more and still be okay now imagine that you just put a cover over half the board to simulate inters and afks there's no way that you're going to be able to get all 15 because you can't even see them when they pop up in these really hard games you'll have less opportunities to get ganks so it's even more important that you can actually get the rest of them so you can still reach your target score challengers have the skill set needed to quickly identify when ganks will work and this is something that lower elo players definitely lack it often feels like i can just run around the map and kill whoever went smurfing but that advice doesn't really help if you can't see the moments that tell you to gank when you need to so we're going to actually analyze a smurf game that i played in platfor gold one elo and break down exactly why i knew my ganks would work and i wouldn't just be wasting my time let's get started starting off i blind picked rek'sai and the enemy team responded with ivern vegard and morgana champions that can be very annoying for excise since she can easily be locked down kited and one shot i knew that i'd have to explode this game open or late game would be very very difficult for me in general jungler's most important time is the first 15 minutes of the game where your own individual impact is the highest in 1v1s 2v2s and 3v3s you being individually strong has much more impact than when 5v5s start happening your total gold lead means much less when 10 champions are involved versus three or four total and the champions that get played in jungle just tend to exacerbate this issue 15 minutes is usually around when the first tower gets broken and people start grouping up meaning you need to have a significant advantage by then to really make sure the game is in your control in the beginning of the game i did blue gromp into wolves in this game just because i didn't know if ivern had started my red or not and i wanted level 3 once i was in my top side just in case i needed to go do something right away we talk about it a ton but look at how many times i'm moving my camera for information during this section here information gathering is the most important thing when trying to get ganks off as just like in the whack-a-mole example taking away half of your intel will completely ruin your experience what kinds of things do you think i'm looking for when i'm doing this the most obvious thing and the thing that most players look for is just if the enemy is overextended one of the biggest things that players will tell me is that they can just look at their minimap for this and while that's true it just doesn't give the full picture additionally we're trying to predict if the enemy will overextend in the next bit of time not if they already are showing up when the enemy is already overextended means you'll miss a lot of chances oftentimes being there before they have a chance to place a ward or crash the wave to tower will give you a much higher success chance one of the most important things that you can start implementing now is just to think about your gank as if you were the enemy laner as irelia if you were aware of the enemy jungler you definitely wouldn't try to go for these low hp minions but if not you're just gonna go for cs it's important to time ganks on windows like this where irelia's decision very clearly indicates what information she has about you if she knows you'll also know immediately and can just go do other things with your time if you miss this window and show up when irelia has nothing to be choosing between she can just pretend not to see you and waste your time a lot of junglers would probably just do raptors into red but because i saw the landsat here and i knew that they would be fighting over prio i chose to skip it because this gank was very likely a success for us moving on we have to again think from our potential gank target's perspective here i'm eyeing mid lane and i move my camera over again why did i do this now a lot of junglers would assume that yonei would know that they're coming from above and would therefore not be gankable and just go for crab but assumptions like this can be really really dangerous and cause us to miss a lot of chances another big tip that you can implement now is to just start reading the body language of the enemy champions again we want to know what information jone is actually processing right now it's clear to me that while he should know that we can come from top side he's still playing aggressively and trying to win trades in his lane making him a really easy target for ganks i flash on him and easily get a kill if i hadn't done this it's likely swain would have gotten solo killed what could have been seen as a teammate running it down is now a big hint for the enemy mid laner right after this we're back to looking for opportunities immediately i pan my camera to top again to check the lane state again from here think as if you're irelia what would you look to do you pretty much have two choices which would be to push the next wave and maybe look for a dive or try and hit plates or you just back up and let the wave come to you at this point you have to figure out what irelia actually knows once again we show on the map leaving the top side so she should know that we're going towards her however if she's not actually doing anything important with that information it's on us to punish it i see on the minimap that she definitely is staying so i know i have time to do crap and then i look top again to see her pov again from here what would you do irelia has already committed to shoving the next wave unless she has no information she's going to stick with the play she's doing already and sees as optimal which means she would just try to push these three minions and then would have to make a new decision when you keep thinking from the enemy's perspective it becomes really easy to just chain gank over and over and over again unless their body language says otherwise most people will commit to the play that they already have in mind and not change it so read it into what play they're going to do and that will tell you how much time you have to do other things i show up top right as she's about to finish the play she set out to do and get another kill afterwards i do krugs and reset to spend my gold going to bot side here is pretty obvious since i have all my camps up but before you even commit to doing wolves or grompier you need to check your lanes notice how many times i looked at every lane state here during this entire time i'm doing the exact same thing from before just reading into the enemy's game plans from this position yone is going to try and crash this wave so i can't afford to do a camp or i'll miss the timing by seeing how many minions are left i know i can do as much as possible to make this play work until he finishes pushing the wave so i take my time to get a deep pink ward to help prevent a counter gank and then get another free kill on the enemy mid just in time rinse and repeat and we do the exact same thing right after if on paper we were to talk about this bot lane lane state it wouldn't be very yankable the enemy bot lane can just sit back out of view and wait for the wave to come to them but again just because they can doesn't mean they will i checked the lane a few seconds later and dagar's body language tells me he wants to get last hits otherwise he'd be playing much further back here i see this and then just walk bot and get a free flash fast forward a bit and just watch how far up yone is playing he's not overextended on the map by any means but his body language is saying he wants to go in and i can read that easily without moving your camera you probably never would have caught this the rest of the game goes really smoothly and we end up winning handily i just rinse and repeat these exact same tactics for the entirety of the game until the ff ninety percent of jungle is literally just being in the right place at the right time but even breaking it down that simply there's a reason why it's so hard to hit high elo this is just a difficult skill to master a lot of players think they have it down and that they're seeing every opportunity but they just aren't if they were they'd be in challenger you may not believe it but this is platinum elo and it's not just this game if you look at any of the commentaries that i've done on our website you'll see the exact same thing in pretty much everyone my ganks will almost always just work these plays may seem really obvious and if that's the case then you probably just need to look more at your lanes we're presenting information here so the only reasonable conclusion in that situation is that you just aren't getting the information in the first place your teammates may be entered but i guarantee that the enemy team is always ending just as hard you just need to know how to spot it and if you're serious about truly becoming a better jungler and climbing fast then check out skill caps it's the best place to improve at league of legends we have hundreds of guides just like this one and we upload tons of new videos to our site each week if you don't climb at least five divisions while actively using skill caps you can claim a full refund so there's no risk that's like a gym membership guaranteeing you'll get ripped we offer this because our service really does work and if it doesn't you shouldn't pay for it thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 134,986
Rating: 4.9410429 out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, skill capped, challenger, lol guide, how to jungle, how to climb, low elo mistakes, skillcapped, lol tips, jungle guide, low elo bad habits, challenger guide, how to gank, league of legends tips, jungle carry guide, ganking, ganking guide, jungle gank guide, ganks, lol ganks, jungle ganks
Id: WQtWakAsxZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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