Why You Wont Hear About Jordan Peterson Anymore...

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so we've got oh yeah the Jordan Peterson thing I wanted to talk about so there was this big case that he was talking about the board of psychologists of Ontario had accused Jordan of being unethical specifically they said he engaged in degrading demeaning and unprofessional comments which is against their code of conduct as as you know as a board as a organization of psychologists yeah I guess uh because I was confused by this at first we should clarify that even though it's called the College of psychologists or whatever that's just it's not the bar exactly for for lawyers it's like the bar yeah it's like a a professional regulatory you can't practice without their license yeah same as the bar professional accreditation and lawyers can get this part for doing dumb [ __ ] too right yeah it happens Rudy Giuliani for example right he's disbarred so last November the college as I said uh demeaning and all this stuff and it's related to his appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast where he identified himself as a clinical psychologist and appeared to demean a former client that was specifically wow the college ethic code requires members to use respectful language and not engage in unjust discrimination the complaints committee concluded that some of Peterson's comments posted a moderate risk of harm to the public including undermining public trust in the profession of psychology as well as Peterson's a language an unwillingness to acknowledge the complaints committee's concerned so he has used this as like a crusade since it happened against free speech I guess it's really just like the bar they're like yo you're talking [ __ ] on former clients using really hurtful language there there is a baseline code of conduct for I gotta be professional right it's the same thing with lawyers the same thing with doctors like you have lawyer client um you know what's the term confidential yeah confidential I mean how [ __ ] gross is that to [ __ ] on a former client I doubt he said he didn't I I remember I don't remember the specifics what he said but I remember that part of that Joe Rogan episode and he he took it at the time too because that is kind of crazy for psychologists did he say their name though no no yeah do we have that part we're going to watch it um yeah I recall him doing something like that when we were talking him too he would he does that a lot my former client really although I don't think he degraded them yeah also like imagine what it says about him he he has opened disdain for the person he's there to help yeah that's not okay right and I think that's why they have a good point with like undermining the Trust In psychologists because if you see him as an example of like an accredited psychologist and it's like oh I'm gonna go tell all my personal confessional stuff to this guy and he's gonna go blast it on a pocket you're gonna be sitting there judging me right yeah instead of you know listening terrible all right so he's been going on Joe Rogan online and he's crying about free speech he's crying his tweets about this have been so unhinged let me see uh they so they ordered him uh to pay 25 000 fine for basically for wasting their time well and then well then they said that there's still a review that's gonna move forward he was trying to get rid of the review so I think the reviewing the the whole situation to see if they need to uh disbar him or not uh well it's it's actually even stupider than that I mean yes that that can ultimately happen to him but what this is all over is they want him to take a social media sensitivity training course and that's that's what all of this is him fighting having to go to a thing where they're like hey maybe don't you know dead name Elliot page on Twitter I feel like it doesn't even need to be related to social media like right but that was the that was like their biggest like kind of his his public statement when you get a ticket they make you do the driver's ass it's like driver's ed yeah right right the whole thing and that's the a point even in the beginning with the whole trans thing forced that was also dumb he's not being honest about this this stuff he's just he's just using the outrage to to propel himself and uh it's really not that serious so it says so the Ontario Court of Appeal of appeal ruled that CP Ontario can pursue their prosecution if you think you have the right to free speech in Canada you're delusional now remember they're not saying I'm going to arrest you they're saying you're a bad psychologist yeah and so we're thinking that you shouldn't be able to practice anymore right which by the way he hasn't since 2017 or something so so it's like it's over a license that he doesn't even use this free speech thing is literally irrelevant it's irrelevant yeah it's you being professional with your client and you know this this is what they do on the right they turn everything into this absurd free speech thing it's really so pathetic yeah if you think you have right to free speech in Canada you're delusional I will make every aspect of this public and we will see what happens when utter transparency is the rule bring it on bro you already lost what are you talking about Bring It On you you lost it's over you owe them 25k bro uh and keeping with the transparency here's the decision the courts are captured by the woke ideologies I knew this already but I did not fully understand the extent sure you didn't this is just that it's the whole thing yeah he knows nobody's gonna read this by the way right nobody in fact he probably didn't even read it to be honest with you so oh let me see that reply oh yeah there's some good replies for example Elon Musk with one of his iconic uh responses you're gonna love this one I'm sure it'll be thoughtful and insightful as always here it is Elon Musk had this to say wow wow I would he could have dropped they this is uh concerning I think he's become self-conscious about the concerning thing because he was getting me not so hard yeah it seems like the concerning's uh been retired for now like bro you can just like it you don't have to reply with what he's trying to signal boost it yeah Vivek um the Vic I like that no vague vague like cake just think like cake okay you blew it Dave he was tweeting about how he he's looking good and this guy is fully anti-abortion he wants to demolish the Department of Education he wants to watch the IRS Elon is probably also anti-abortion he's got like a million kids yeah he thinks that uh maybe that's what he stands for he does actually talk pretty frequently about population Decline and what a big problem though that's really not a great way to fix the problem of families yeah okay yeah yada he posted a brief video response let's go let's go he's in his uh Batman super villain out there oh my God what's wrong with you posted this directly to Twitter this is not fashion no no this is mental uh this is mental you know I don't like to say Mental Illness but in his case I will this is mental illness yeah the orange doesn't have like Cheetos the shades don't even go together that tie and the jacket so I think uh somebody pointed out that it's some uh it's based off of his icon right like if you look at his Twitter icon he has that like kind of abstract painting or something and this is oh that's definitely custom there's no question yeah people don't sell that garbage hello everyone so he went out he went out of his way yeah for this yeah so let's see what Two-Face has to say about the about one uh I've been awaiting a Court decision in Canada I've been away with regards to the Ontario College of psychologists decision to re he's so self-important since he joined the uh daily wire the daily wire look at this man he he he truly believes there you go how important he is you can feel it he yeah he's so important this is um the show this is the thing that it is I guess based on yeah the panel on Ontario they they did a grave blow to me and the men everywhere hello everyone hello uh I've been awaiting a Court decision in Canada he's reading no with regards to the Ontario College of psychologists decision to require me to be re-educated in relationship to my social media use or to lose my license the Court ruled today in favor of the college they claim that I have the right to free speech in Canada but subject to apparently whatever limitations the college wants dude you're on a [ __ ] Professional Organization yes you you're like he understands that of course he does like he's just a piece of [ __ ] it's not free speech I have a lawyer I have a lawyer friend I'll tell you what he stole their he stole their settlement money and he got disbarred now what kind of crap is that I don't have freedom freedom to steal my clients money I was disbarred just a place on me and by implication every other professional in Canada and by implication every other citizen of Canada that's some big implications you're doing there buddy and therefore everybody in the world All the known universe it affects all of us man but subject to apparently whatever limitations the college wants to place on me and by implication every other professional in Canada and by implication every other citizen everybody no uh the memory citizen of the whole world it was that whole chain of implications no well yeah I see what you did there Jordy my very exclusive Board of psychologists or do you think is notes are he keeps looking down yeah why would he need notes for this anyway yeah I mean Xanax does affect memory response to that my full response to that or my full initial response to be more accurate um we'll release that tomorrow so stay tuned and I hope you find it useful and and interesting hello everyone wow wow 20 000 likes so wait is that out because I'd love to watch I guess it might be because yeah I grabbed that last night streaming awards are trending what's happening oh see here they added more people a rack enemy of the show friend of the show um Michelle friend of the show friend of the show okay see we got friends we got friends and matpat I like matpat okay some people in the chat are saying I'm sorry I love the jacket you guys uh Peterson jacket yeah give me a break people hold on what what's happening that's literally it just looks like someone dropped a paint bugging on him hi doesn't even the jacket that's just Unforgivable so did he drop that video can anyone take a look for it I'm looking okay you said it was it should be up by now here's um an album of unhinged Jordan tweets about it as you can pers there's got to be not just about it the thing is is that um the um the schizo posting on Jordan's account this man he presents himself to be so enlightened yeah and he's on the he's on this prestigious board the thing is if you follow him on Twitter and are able you get a peek into his mind he is utterly addicted to Twitter and like the shallowest most pathetic way he has no restraint he he his his emotional moods are stunning this is a unhinged man well who has no self-control by the way because he he humiliates himself every day look at this you bloody panders CBC News meta told him this was going to happen then he instituted his careless arrogant law then it happened a new pathetic minions moralize in his favor he posted a picture of a minion he Minion posts quite a bit as a matter of fact he really likes the minions so what was he in response to prime minister Justin Trudeau has blasted social media giant meta over its decision to block local news as wildfires continue to force so wait what's his problem with that meta told him this was going to happen then he institutes his care like arrogant law and then it happened literally what that's probably some Canadian baseball I don't know by the way yeah yeah can you imagine if your therapist is posting minion memes that's on Twitter well it's like in curb when he saw his therapist in the thong at the beach it's worse than that this is frankly uh let's keep going because it gets a lot worse that one was like somewhat coherent keep telling Justin Trudeau and his demented minions and this person of the CCP to go to hell so we have a minion with Know Your Meme yep and then this what the [ __ ] I don't know what the [ __ ] that is it's a drawing he very much likes as you'll see it reminds me of like the kind of drawing that like the teacher shows the parents of like a disturbed they're worried happening at home right listen to authorities uh I don't know who you keep stagging but here's the minion it's really not that good of a point not funny and weird screenshot the fact that it's like a phone screenshot is so funny the whole phone no problem nothing that's so wild to me um look how he writes this so this is where like most of his tweets are like this now he like writes in this strange like kind of poetic uh yeah like he's trying to like write haikus or something I I don't it looks to me as if he's just like under some kind of influence well the remnants of the child of a devouring mother oh what so here's Ursa or Ursula it's so funny from The Little Mermaid and then on a backpack with a fact yeah wait he didn't he pulls it up it's a backpack he didn't find it damn no this is psycho this man is meant to be respected by the world over not a picture of a backup I love it I want to Sweet I would like how he finds the pictures can we like try to backtrack what Google circle like bad guy from Little Mermaid I think how do you get that back pucketto this was in his response to the tragic life of jazz Jenning is an uh indictment of the trans Lobby having transitioned at a young age reality TV star now suffers from countless mental health and psychological problems there's a cautionary tale says Malcolm Clark so they're saying they transitioned at a young age and now they're being created around conservative media so he he thinks the parents of trans kids are psychopaths and I guess her mom her mom is like Ursula she turned her daughter into the Joker and then her mom but now these are problems Little Mermaid and this guy's apparently a literary master this is a poem this is utterly nonsense this is nonsense okay going on hey Mick it was fun talking to you today in L.A for the relaunch of your podcast that's his daughter yeah so talking to his daughter on Twitter referring but hey Mick and then this is just like such a weird like was she not ready for that photo it's like this is like a creeper shot yeah hey hey Mick it was great it also it's like an old friend yeah nice to cross paths with you today hit me up next time you're in La we can get coffee together um look out here I come uh I don't even know because it was a race but it's a picture of him in Drag and an emblem of a squid is that a Marvel thing is that like the Hydra thing or something but I got no [ __ ] idea I'm not sure what we're going for with this I must say that I've had some post-coital regrets about that phrase what here is uh just a swinky face apparently comparing himself to oh I know who this is this is the uh this is from from Morrowind three or whatever oh yeah a thousand percent doesn't know who that is wow I did not realize that at all video game and he's the god of like uh Mischief Insanity insanity and so that's so funny what is happening right now I didn't even change that that's him the God of Insanity okay go off because the half and half suit okay okay right very good yes it's me the God of Insanity this picture again I'm charged with questioning election results while not being a Democrat and this is his response amazing explain this to somebody hi Mrs Peterson I have some concerns about your son Jordan do you have time to talk for a moment he's been doing some really disturbing images no I just want to make sure you're aware of it and I just need to check that everything's okay at home is that okay up yours okay we're going to be doing a wellness check there's gonna be social workers coming over to your house just to make sure everything looks okay LMFAO sheer bloody evil this one again the narcissism of compassion the devouring mother the horror of Babylon unforgivable [Laughter] God I'm assuming he's talking about it uh the mother of a trans person he's obsessed with this idea of like the devouring mother yeah the chaos dragon but Joker female Joker is that the best representation of the devouring mother I mean there's nothing maternal about Joker yeah uh it's just a bad analogy the image is weird it's very strange so he has a meme folder yeah he reuses a lot of these yeah this next one is one that he uses a lot too and I gotta tell you this is this is by far the strangest one not you anyone but you take my license take it now Gad said I don't know anything about Gad said but he's like a right-wing [ __ ] bag right I I don't know and so kind of recognize the name but I I don't he's been on Rogan what does this picture have to do with anything I don't know he posts that a lot he reads it literally every day he tweets that bird like look at this there's no context even on this one right there I mean he's seeing faces he's like the TV is talking to him you know what I mean like the images are talking to him and giving meaning but nobody knows what the [ __ ] he's doing he just uses it as like yeah it's just like a meme response what is that what is this bird posted in response to what's the quote tweet uh rock stars used to throw TVs out of hotel rooms and eat the heads off bats now they State biological facts and issue apology statements in response the bird and what is that I don't think this is an endangered bird or anything I think I've seen this in the zoo it's just it's a really cool bird a beautiful bird and so it's a sure-build stork a shoe build stork shoe build start how did you know that I know my birds the bird guy I was Googling it okay yeah um let's go to his Twitter account actually I love this [ __ ] let's see this is pinned Man Canada get a grip with regards to the Ontario well at least you didn't hire Canadians hash and then he keeps tagging Elon like please notice me oh pathetic he did post a 40-minute response by the way on his YouTube oh send it I send that [ __ ] send me that good [ __ ] brother impossible to parody here's what you need to know about the new covid vaccine and why you should get it his response it's impossible to parody what seems like a pretty straightforward yeah he's become brutally anti-vaxx yeah and an anti any logic and he's he's coherence he's Pro Madness that's his uh that's his uh platform prison for life in response to nearly a decade after pursuing a disastrous medical transition Prisha mostly has sued the doctor and therapist who encouraged her to make life altering changes prison for life for the doctors prison line break for Life yeah the way he's like um spacing all the yeah that's what really points to me towards some heavy drug use very bizarre that he thinks like he's doing something with like yeah the way he's seriously spacing things here he is quote tweeting you know Matt Walsh and they are from the same organization but Matt Walsh is undisputably the most hateful bigoted [ __ ] freak genocidal freak and uh they're buddies I guess DeSantis obviously has advisors telling him to adopt a personality that is a natural firm oh that's mad actually the awkward fake smiling is part of that he needs to fire those idiots whoever they are and just be himself yes yes a thousand times yes he said so here let's let's check on this video curious how despite my Pro expert proclivity my proclivity to feel guilt which is quite substantive and despite my temperamental unwillingness to engage in Conflict proclivity not only do I don't see what I did wrong that's what he said what I think what I've done on the Public Communication front is my responsibility as a clinician to tell the truth about what I see so we'll make it public look at this self-important [ __ ] free such an [ __ ] this man really thinks there's gonna be like textbooks about him maybe there will be like the the the the part about like the Takeover of white nationalism in the wake of uh Maga leader uh Jordan Peterson hi hello daughter it's nice of you to say hello good to see you again let's get lunch after the podcast and catch up a bit maybe I'll see you uh next time I'm in Los Angeles don't call I'm not watching this whole thing yeah I was hoping there'd be like uh highlights one day ago how many people watch this [ __ ] probably a lot despite my proclivity three million wow me man wow how are they people love him thank you they love him they're well timed [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 135,828
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Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila
Id: zGuCVkOYoa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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