Why you still haven't achieved your goals

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let's be real we all want to improve our lives when we see our friends living a better life than we have we wonder to ourselves why are we still not yet closer to our goals and why are we still far away from living the life that we envisioned after a long day of work we all no longer have time and energy left to work on our own goals to work on a better future so we spend the remaining time of our day to chill watch netflix in bed watch some funny cat videos on youtube working on a side hustle to make ends meet we put our goals aside thinking that one day we will finally start working on it and guess what days gone by and we still haven't achieved our goals yet i get it life happens sometimes we are being put in a tough spot that we all don't want to be in for example a pandemic taking care of our families making ends meet battling a chronic illness or other challenging situations that one cannot imagine and if you're one of those people in the situation like this please stay strong this is what makes you stronger so don't give up i'd like to share a story with you it's about this girl who she's being sick and tired of falling behind in life so while everyone else is chilling watching netflix or hanging out with friends she spent all her time working on herself she focused on learning something new every single day without fail and this then went on for eight years but the more she kept at it she learned from her failures and continue working on improving herself she eventually got better at the things that she do and got closer and closer to her goals and guess what this girl is me if there's one thing i learned from my past experiences it is to be patient to not be afraid to fail and to believe in the process the reason why i'm making this video today is to share with you how you can take baby steps to get closer to your goals just like how i did we cannot control how our life turns out to be but there is one thing that we can do right now which is to be one percent better every single day now i did not invent this idea james clear did in his book atomic habits james clear has mentioned that if you focus on making small incremental improvements every single day those small improvements can add up to become something significant so if you improve yourself by one percent every single day for 365 days you become 37 times better than day one but in contrary if you get worse by one percent every single day for 365 days you will end up this worst so that leads us to the power of compounding improvements over time improving your habits by one percent every day could bring you closer to your goals and possibly change your life so how can we be one percent better every day one of the strategy is to replace the habits that don't contribute to your goals to something that does instead of watching netflix four hours a day maybe cut it down to two hours and spend the rest of the time working on something that brings you closer to your goals you can also make good use of your lunch break when you take a dump which sometimes could take quite long during your commute or simply waking up earlier than usual reducing time spent on social media will also give you extra time which you could otherwise spend on doing things that bring you closer to your goals so focus on the hours of the day that you can control even if it's just 30 minutes a day a simple change can make a huge difference watching tutorials taking courses reading way too many books and consuming content is a form of procrastination if you don't take action maybe you want to become a designer what could you do today that brings you closer to your goals instead of watching countless tutorials perhaps it is time to start finally working on that portfolio where you've been procrastinating and putting off the average person does not take action if you take action it has already given you a massive advantage over everyone else it will not bring you closer to your goals unless you apply those learnings and take action so yeah break your goals into small actionable chunks so that you don't overwhelm yourself if you want to learn uiux design you can either stress yourself out with all the skills that you need to learn or you can focus on one small thing maybe the goal is every day spend 30 minutes learning something uiux design related and once you learn them remember to apply them and take action it's normal to face challenges when you get out of your comfort zone feeling uncomfortable is a sign that you are growing and if you run into a problem that you don't know how to solve google your problems you can ask your friends if you need help but everyone is busy with their life so instead of waiting for someone to hand you the fish learn how to fish yourself don't ask a question until you have googled your problems what i shared with you today isn't something new i did not invent any of these concepts but i hope after you've watched this video you could think of ways to improve your habits and that gets you closer to your goals and possibly improve your life so before you go i would like to leave you with one question what is that one action that you could take today to become one percent better every day i believe that when you become one percent better every day things will fall into place believe in the process that's how great people achieve great things thank you for watching my videos it makes me really happy to know that my videos have helped someone in the world and if you like what you see feel free to subscribe see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Rachel How
Views: 10,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rachel how
Id: 5cHHuJRm5_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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