Why You Should Watch Shojo Anime | Get In The Robot

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we all need some romance in our lives every once in a while especially if you're single like me and me but there's something else that can scratch that itch god shoujo anime what did you think I was gonna say of course JoJo's not all about romance it focuses on all sorts of themes like the importance of friends and family getting over trauma and anxiety or just growing up and getting stronger your next line is hey that sounds a lot like Shonen anime well that's why I'm here to convince you that they've got more in common than you might think we're all watching Fruits Basket right if not no worries I'll try and get you caught up on the premise real quick absolute cinnamon roll Tohru Honda encounters various people from the massive soma family lots of them are possessed by members of the Chinese zodiac and transform into animals if hugged by someone of another gender which is basically a meet-cute waiting to happen I mean wait is it a meet-cute cute if it like someone transforms into a flute anyway as she grows closer to this family Tohru helps them become better people because believe it or not spending centuries as a revered Zodiac creature can kind of go to your head and make it hard to have normal friends but that's where Tohru comes in if you're my hero academia fan think of toh as the all-night of fruits basket so you might not be able to do a Detroit smash but she can smash their loneliness just let me have that one guys she'll go to any lengths to help others even if it makes things harder for her and while that may not be the healthiest of attitudes it's hard not to love a character that is that generous that's why people are so drawn to her she says dedicated to kindness as all-nighters to being a hero Plus that self-sacrificing drive to do good is straight out of Shonen look at gun or deku or nada - or like a thousand other Shonen protagonists the difference here is that Tohru sacrifices aren't going to take years off her life like guns do but the basic idea is the same fruits basket is a real classic of shoujo anime and the fact that it's getting remade is a big deal as big as when Full Metal Alchemist anime got remade into Brotherhood fans are even calling this remake Fruits Basket Brotherhood and Fruits Basket is in a perfect spot to be one of the most watched show Joe anime in a long time because the show's actually got a lot of substance unfortunately a lot of people I know who would really love the show aren't actually watching it don't like I can explain sure and it's all because of one thing the show Joe labeled the sad fact is that shows him that girls and women just aren't all that popular with male identifying people I get it why would you expect a show not marketed to you to be your type of thing but trust me shows like Fritz Basket would really wow people if they gave them a chance gender specific content can lean a little too hard on certain tropes but the same can be said of well pretty much any genre if you look past the tropes you'll find that the stories at the core of show Joe shows aren't so different from your shown in faves because believe it or not we're all humans regardless of our gender identity and our basic needs are pretty much the same food water fanservice I meant to say sleep so it makes sense that our taste in media only diverges so much everyone loves good characters exciting situations and stories that resonate with our own lives but to be fair people have plenty of reasons for not checking out so Joe I'm sure some anime fans have had bad shows your experiences that turn them off the genre I'm not gonna tell you that all show Joe is great because it's not and some people just aren't into romance stories even outside of anime it's true the vast majority of show Joe puts a big emphasis on love and romance between the characters but let me make a case for letting a little-known romance into your life even if romance isn't your thing you gotta admit it's those shows up and a lot of shown in a choco and echoes romantic tension is a major plot point of my hero academia as is Buckelew and Kitty mess and buckle go and wait I should be promoting show Joe right now not my ships ahem I've been ok but seriously the list goes on everyone remembers the middle-school wars between team Sakura and team Hinata we'd argue about who Naruto would end up with because we actually cared and now that I'm no longer in middle school have an even deeper appreciation of Judas failed courtship of tsunami and how could anyone forget the adorable romance between ed and Winry and Full Metal Alchemist even Dragon Ball Z the most shown in shown in - ever shown in has some romance between boma and Vegeta even if shoujo anime shines a brighter spotlight on it romance is hardly outside of the norm when you consider shows aimed at guys that are specifically about romance like how es mi love is war Clannad or your lie in April you have to admit that writing off shoujo because of the kissy parts is kind of unfair of course just because the show is a show job doesn't mean it can't have some Shonen tropes as well the classic revolutionary girl utena definitely proves the idea of shoujo SE meanest wrong it's about as action-packed and dramatic as most Shonen with a lot of dueling like a lot anthe a girl known as The Rose bride is at the center of these clashes lieutenant fights to defend her and there's even a hint that whoever wins anthem will be granted some sort of special power or destiny but outside of the relationship there's a lot going on this is one of those shows that makes you go kids were allowed to watch this it's themes of sex power and abuse are pretty heavy so I think it's safe to say it isn't just a fluffy romance if a romance at all it's got plenty of grit and darkness and it's also beautiful in that lush Technicolor but kind of poorly animated night his way gotta love it then there's katakana or his on her circumstances directed by Hideaki anno the creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion it strays pretty far from the stereotypical shoujo story the show centers around a pretty front game of blackmail in one-upmanship between the main characters that's sort of like Kaguya sama love is war it's also a really creative show and somehow its final episodes are even more divisive than aiming galleons but in my mind that just adds to the charm I mean where else are you gonna see South Park us paper cutouts in a rom-com and who can forget Sailor Moon a show which honestly has a lot more in common with Dragonball than you might think check out their time that is messed up there are some really killer fights towards the end of each season and you can really see the direct influence from Super Sentai the Japanese series whose footage was used for Power Rangers and by the way did you know that Sailor Moon author is married to the creator of hunter hunter and you capture what Shonen rubs off osmosis and if you really want proof that shoujo can be wide-reaching then let me point you to this attack on titan spinoff that was published and showed your magazine sure this might be some seriously by fanservice but I'm mad about it I mean is anyone really mad about Levi fanservice because if you are who are you I don't think I've ever met what are you guys the whole story arc focuses on Levi's pre-survey core life and his relationships with his comrades and there's also political intrigue combat and acrobatics brought to you by the 3d maneuvering gear so all of the attack on Titan staples believe it or not letting Levi's relationships come to the fore is just another element of the story rather than something that you know stops it from being the attack on Titan we know and love so let's say you're on board you're down for some romance you know shoujo can surprise you and you're ready to pick up a new series good news I've got some shoujo recommendations that are sure to knock the socks off anyone who gives them a chance with a 100% money-back guarantee actually the number with the understanding that you're not paying us but it's the thought that counts right one of the most popular shoujo series of the past few years is Jonah of the dawn a political thriller set in a fantasy kingdom based on Korea princess Jonah must gather the human forms of four legendary dragons in order to take the country back from her cousin who killed her father there's some real political drama in this series making it an easy recommendation for anyone into attack on Titan or Full Metal Alchemist yonas development is awesome she goes from a scared sheltered girl to a committed warrior she learns about the outside world understands the problems of her father and her cousin and works with her allies to make a better nation for her people oh it's so good it is yes it's been out for a while season one and two and a cliffhanger if you're a mecha fan or a lover of you know he's a guy stuff like The Wizard of Oz then you should give the vision of escaflowne a try the main character he told me is transported to a fantasy world of medieval giant robots because of course she has accompanying a young king named Vaughn on a journey to stop the ones who destroyed his kingdom unlike the heroes in modern ISA Kai like kono Suba rezero or rising of the shield hero he Tommy spends most of the series trying to get back to earth you think that being dragged away from your friends and family would have some negative repercussions huh guess that's why the protagonists of mostly Sakai are all shut-ins with a soundtrack from Cowboy Bebop composer Yoko Kanno this shows production value is off the charts so if it sounds up your alley you should give it a chance oh and while I have your attention let me bring you to a little throwback God captors a mythic adventure cardcaptors oh why can't I groove to this killer anime theme song said no one ever yeah don't watch that one they original Cardcaptor Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura is something a lot of us probably watched as a kid if you did then what are you waiting for go watch it again this time in a not butchered version if you didn't then you should still try it unlike other series I've mentioned this isn't the kind of show that just anyone would like it's very episodic and definitely aimed at kids but it absolutely deals with mature topics has adorable lead characters and some of the best art ever seen in anime not to mention some queer overtones and a compelling coming-of-age story some of you definitely won't love it and that's okay but if any of this sounds good I can promise that like Sakura herself you are about to fall in love besides who doesn't like some lighter anime Fair every once in a while next up kaze Sun and morning glories is an hour-long ud film which also happens to run in a shoujo magazine so it counts its sickeningly adorable while still getting the problems that come when you're in a relationship if you're a fan of bloom into you or other UT stories you will love this manga now if you want an action-packed showed you BL banana fish is a great crime revenge drama with gay well you could only call these undertones if you were on top of a mountain like the way Ashton Agee make each other better people is fantastic all while ash attempts to recover from the decade of abuse he suffered it was one of the best shows of last year so it's worth looking into and now to address one of the biggest anime out there I caught the shank eyes massively popular movie your name it's heavy on the romance while also being heavy on impending doom and time-travel it's also just funny and great and beautiful and yes a love story but with its endearing cast of characters and building tension it's a pretty chill way to spend an evening on the couch but prepare to cry a lot and of course to move things back round I've got to go into a bit more depth with fruits basket because I really can't imagine a better place to get into shoujo than an ongoing series that you'll have plenty of time to catch up to I said at the start of the video that you should be watching this show for tour but the rest of the main characters are just as endearing Yuki's been so isolated from regular non magical humans that he can hardly connect with others while Kyo is a classic misunderstood black sheep sort of character who just needs to be shown some kindness so he can relax seriously he breaks all the walls he really needs it open both Yuki and Kyo are just as important to the show as Toru and it's the way these characters help each other improve that really makes this series stand out not to mention plenty of slapstick situation humor and that's part of what makes show just so worthwhile it talks about issues that other genres just don't hit on with the same consistency as a genre shoujo makes anime a fuller more well-rounded medium as hype as shown in is we can't eat a devil fruit or go super saiyan to deal with our problems in real life though for the record I still wish we could we need shows that give us examples of how to work through trauma build relationships and invest in those around us because part of growing up is learning how to deal with our problems get a lot of those and until we have to experience them firsthand we look to media like anime to learn those lessons besides isn't building strong relationships and learning to be better people something all of us should do and I don't know about you but I have a pretty much endless appetite for anime so if you're like me add some shoujo to the mix you might just like it I'm Kristin Marie with getting the robot your anime watchlist hey subscribe we'll keep these videos coming [Music] you
Channel: Get In The Robot
Views: 100,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why You Should Watch Shojo Anime, fruits basket, fruits basket 2019, shoujo anime, Revolutionary Girl Utena, sailor moon, shojo, yona of the dawn, romance anime, cardcaptor sakura clear card, akatsuki no yona, utena, cardcaptor sakura, fruits basket season 2, ouran highschool host club, romcom anime, shoujo anime recommendations, your name, shonen vs shojo, attack on titan, anime, Get in the Robot
Id: pjV7_S0UT7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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