Why YOU Should Replace Your External Hard Drives with a NAS

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have you ever wished that you could access your important files videos and photos from anywhere in the world or maybe you're tired of relying on these external hard drives that are difficult to transport and prone to failure I know that I've spent way too much money fixing these hard drives whenever they fail and then having a really hard time figuring out where to effectively store them whenever they get full because they always do as a result I've been looking for a more robust backup solution for a long time now and in particular I've been drawn to the idea of a Nas or a network attached storage device in this video I'll explain what a Nas is and five reasons why every photographer videographer or content creator should own one in case we haven't met before my name is Susie and I'm a freelance photographer and YouTube Creator who makes videos about compact camera gear for shooting travel Vlogs and videos I do all of my photo shoots in raw plus jpeg using full-frame Sony mirrorless cameras and I shoot all of my videos in at least 4K 30 frames per second but sometimes even higher resolutions than that as a result I typically fill up at least one of these 12 terabyte hard drives in a year sometimes more you can see that this is a part two there was a part one before this this was a really busy year apparently I have known that I've needed a better solution for years but I've been too intimidated to give them a try so when Synology reached out and wanted my thoughts and their latest navs I jumped at the chance they sent me over the ds923 plus I'll be doing a dedicated review of this particular unit in another video but for now we're just going to talk about what a Nas is and why you might need one by the way Synology is not paying me to say anything but if you do learn something from this video and you want to support the channel I'd appreciate it if you use my affiliate links below for your next purchase alright let's jump into it what is a Nas you're probably familiar with the hard drives inside of your computer or these little external hard drives anez takes one or more of that type of hard drive and puts them in a separate enclosure I love this because it keeps your dry lives protected from the elements and also makes it less likely that they'll get damaged I can't tell you how many external hard drives I've accidentally dropped or knocked off my desk the nas then connects directly to the internet usually via an ethernet cable plugged into your router you also power the nas directly by plugging it into a wall and then using the included software to transfer files on and off of the device so the first big benefit of using a Nas is that you can download and upload files from anywhere on your local Wi-Fi network and this NAS drive lets you access your data over the Internet even if you're working from a coffee house in your neighborhood or in another state or country you can still access it now as a photographer and Video Creator who usually works on projects with my partner Martin this aspect is very important because we use our own computers to edit files and in the past a huge bottleneck in our workflow has been trying to figure out which hard drives had our files and then having to pass that drive back and forth now with our Nas we can wirelessly access our media files even though we're still in the same house like right next to each other we can do that from the same server now if you're thinking wait this sounds like something I can do with the cloud service like Dropbox or Google drive or iCloud then yes that's true when it comes to sharing files between devices however Nas servers usually offer much larger storage capacities than Cloud servers and they end up being cheaper in the long run you don't have to pay a monthly or annual subscription price all you pay for is The Upfront cost of the Nez and the disks another reason to use a Nas is for data redundancy now if you're not already making at least one but ideally two copies of your data then you really should and this was a big problem with the small external hard drives that I used to use because I spent a lot of time manually copying that data over to multiple hard drives many NAS Drives come with multiple Bays from multiple disks so what you could do is set two of your disk to raid one configuration now essentially this means that if one drive fails the second one still has your data backed up or there are other raid configurations that you could use if this all sounds confusing then don't worry because you included software program for Synology in particular makes it much easier to understand the fourth reason why a Nas is helpful is that when one disk gets full you can easily take it out and store it in something like a hard case and then replace it with a new disk the disks themselves are more compact than these larger standard hard drives making them much easier to store now I mentioned earlier that a key benefit of a Nas is accessing media as a means of sharing and collaborating with a work partner but you can also use a Nas more passively to stream movies TV shows and music to multiple machines around your house without relying on a computer to do it all one popular way to do this is through Plex which lets you essentially set up your own private cloud-based streaming service so in conclusion Nas servers are growing going in popularity I saw a poll on my Facebook account recently where one of my photographer colleagues was asking for a good hard drive recommendation and a majority of people told him to get a Synology Nas so that was honestly one of the reasons why I decided to go with the nas system if you're thinking of going with a Nas then hopefully this video gives you the confidence to try one out because it can be a little intimidating at first but let me tell you after a month of using my Nas I Can safely say that it's become the most important device that I've gotten this year and it's really sped up my workflow anyway let me know what you guys think in the comments below and tell me how do you back up your data are you still using hard drives like this or have you looked into something like a Nas server and if so what brand are you using as I mentioned before I'll be doing a specific review on the exact Nas that I have and so stay tuned for that video but anyway thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Gemini Connect
Views: 28,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gear review, tech review, synology, nas, network attached storage, network attached storage review, what is a nas, what is network attached storage, best backup software, best photo backup, best photo backup storage, best video backup storage, video backup storage, how to backup iphone, how to backup photos, how to backup video, file backup, computer file backup, data backup, data backup strategy
Id: w8Q37IggbVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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