Why You Should Read: Mistborn By Brandon Sanderson (Spoiler-Free)

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you know what happens when you try to practice allomancy you have no idea what you're doing yeah good times huh all right guys it's ready to kickoff miss born March here but before we do let's take a quick little look at the Mistborn trilogy [Music] if men read these words let them know the power is a heavy burden seek not to be bound by his chains the hero of Ages shall not be a man but a force no nation may claim him no woman shall keep him and no key may slay him he shall be long to none not even himself it was odd how many common features they all had most claimed ultimate authority denouncing other face most thought of an afterlife that they could offer no proof most taught about a god or gods yet again had a little justification for their teachings and every single one of them is riddled with the inconsistencies and logical fallacies how did believe in something that preached love on one hand yet taught destruction of unbelievers on the other how do i rationalize belief with no clue how could they honestly expect him to have faith in something that taught of miracles and wonders in the far past but carefully gave excuses for why such things didn't occur in the present you are offered proof only once she believed but if you believe you can find proof in anything it's a logical conundrum [Music] the first glance McKean the locket Fitz may seem different different shape different function different InDesign the man who looks at them without knowledge of their true nature might thank them opposites for one has been too open and the other to keep closed yet upon closer examination he might see that without one the other becomes useless the wise man then sees that both lock and key were created for the same purpose [Music] a man can only leave when others accept him as their leader and he has only as much authority as as subjects give to him all of the brilliant ideas in the world cannot save your kingdom if no one will listen a man can only stumble for so long before either Falls or stands up straight don't worry that you aren't giving them what they want give them who you are and let that be enough [Music] hey what's up bookworms and Lord ruler Brandon Sanderson fans welcome officially to Mistborn March this is something that we've been building up to as we've been working our way through the Kazmir in 2020 where we're going through all of brain and Sanderson's works and we are finally just now getting to miss born March what this is gonna cover is all of era one of this born so that is the original Mistborn trilogy not the wax of Wayne series so guys if you have not read this yet you're okay this is gonna be a non spoiler video it's talking about why you should read the Mistborn trilogy and as we go through the Mistborn march schedule each wednesday of march i'm gonna do some new Mistborn content now obviously why you should read these are non spoiler they're try to get people convinced them to a check out the series why this you pick it up and what really made it special to me then each wednesday after that will be going through each one's with a my normal review where i talk about you know what it's about why you should read it what makes it great and then i'll do my little spoiler sections at the end so uh next wednesday is gonna be the final empire that's book 1 then the week after that - obviously well of Ascension are you getting the are you getting the pattern here and we'll be ending miss born March with the hero of Ages so the original trilogy is all in the plans for this month and I'm excited to talk about it guys because I'm gonna give you a quick little background here but again what you let you know no spoilers don't worry there's gonna be no spoilers here I have a what's the word I'm looking for I have some nostalgia for this series so it is gonna seem like a couple of times I might be letting something slide that usually I'd be critical of and I'm gonna admit that might happen here because this was my gateway to Brandon Sanderson this series is how I discovered the Lord ruler and obviously you know now if you know these books you know how I got that name the Lord ruler I had read plenty of fantasy at the time I'd never actually checked out Brandon Sanderson I didn't read will a time at that moment so I had no idea about anything about him other than he finished the Wheel of Time that's really all I knew about him a close personal friend was a very big fan and I told him this is kind of a funny story I told him I tell you what if you check out these first law books I'm always talking about I'll check out your brain Sanderson well this was in late 2016 I am now a huge brand of Sanderson fan and I believe he's on book 2 a first law so uh if he is watching he knows who he is and but I want to thank him because you know he's the one who got me into the red rising series that I love so much and he's the one who got me into Lord rumor Sanderson here so it all started with these books it was late 2016 I was just so anxious about Song of Ice and Fire just never never having any new books and you know I was like I'll never start another series it isn't done and friend was like well you know check out this Mistborn trilogy by Sanderson you know he's like the gold standard of fantasy right now and I was like well it's complete he's like well the first part is I'm I don't know he's like no don't misunderstand me it is a closed series so yes Arowana era - are they connected sure but like most cosmos stuff you don't have to read them all - for it to make sense so he convinced me to to uh to do this original trilogy and you know at the time he told me about Stormlight archive and I was like so there's two books out of a 10 book series out yeah I won't be reading that one but I'll tell you what I'll check out the the Mistborn trilogy and see what it's all about and what I got was a mix of kind of a gritty hopeless world that meets my fair lady my kind of dating myself on that one my fair lady that was actually before my time but my mom loved that movie so you know I got stuck watching it quite a bit but if you've seen that movie you kind of understand what I'm getting at there with this book but I'm gonna do my usual formula here like I said we're gonna begin by talking about what it is about and I believe that the story itself now like I said guys I read this three years ago so there are a couple of details I might still be a little fuzzy on so if I get a couple of things wrong don't get too mad me I believe I did a quick little skin and shook my memory a little bit by going through a couple of things to make sure you know some skimming in these books and make sure that I remembered everything for the most part I believe I do because like I said this is a series I've I find very dear so I remember it pretty well but you know there are some things where I'm like hey you didn't remember that blank said that no blank said this that might happen like I said it's been a few years but anyway the story of self takes place in a world within the Kazmir calls gadreel it might be scheduled Iowa says schedule but this area is kind of blackened with the ash of these these volcanoes they're just continuously flowing and to turn the land brown they're you know they're ruining the earth or they're making that the sky red and everything is just kind of covered in ash and mist so it's a society divided between what is known as the sky which are the you know the the peasants and they're basically slaves at this point to the nobles and so that it's a feudal society and it's known as the final Empire which is the name of the first book actually the first books just called MIT it's not like Star Wars how over time it's become known as a new hope this one was just called Mis born the final Empire and over time it's just kind of been called the final Empire at least that's what I've been doing because it was just you know miss form just became known as the series but yeah like I said feudal society known as a filing Empire and its head is the Lord ruler which is basically a immortal living God and again the namesake that I have given to Brandon Sanderson you know I never claimed to be entirely original on this channel it's just something I always felt like kind of kind of his fit because he's just so far in front of every other modern fantasy author in my opinion right now in quality quality plus quantity so I know some of you will probably stump for some other writer that's wrote like one book in the last 15 years you know who those are there's several of them and they all seem to be up like you know just their darling adoring fans and cultists to me I'm gonna take quantity plus quality over just quality and then nothing so that's why I put Sanderson at the top of the heap when it comes to modern fantasy except for Abercrombie but that's a conversation for another time all right so uh with this story what it's about is we primarily follow VIN she is a street urchin and she has a new mentor named Kelsey er now this is very very bare-bones here because I don't want to reveal anything but she begins to work with a large crew and I'm not gonna go all these characters names but they have an ultimate goal of overthrowing the Lord ruler in his tyrannical way so I mean right away I'm like okay well this is like a spy heist kind of thing yeah okay I'm down with this lots of undercover kind of stuff sneaking around but along the way you're introduced like I said this ensemble cast and they all have roles and they all end up important they all have their own stories and that's about as much as I can tell you about why it's great just that these characters I'm just gonna say you will fall in love with all these characters but I'll get into that now when I talk about why it's great or why it's not so good well obviously I've tipped my hand here you know why it's great I I mean I'm going to say it's great but not why it's not so good now that the books are above any criticism at all fact you know what let me talk about the criticism first before I gush over everything and it's kind of I'm gonna spin it around into a positive here is the second book does get bogged down with the in rural politics what I've said is the first book I read I was like wow that was just like a fun adventure in the second book I was like whoa okay this guy isn't just a you know a thrilled what's world like an adrenaline junkie owner of a writer here he can write some political intrigue too and I've mentioned in the last few videos I'm gonna bring it up every single time I promise about how I've got the reputation as someone who doesn't like politics and my fantasy no I love in rural politics I don't like you know political allegory to real world that we live in events I like just straight you know fiction I like I like my imaginary fantasy world to be imaginary and strictly original so no the politics are good but I can see why it would bog someone down that first time it's one of those things I feel like when you read it in hindsight or you do a reread you're gonna get a lot more out of it than that first time at first it'll seem like okay I don't really understand why there's just so much political intrigue I guess in in book two so I say that you know the second book is my least favorite series but you're talking about a series that gets four or three four star reviews from me so it's not like there's anything in these books that detract from anything you don't make it just the highest of recommends from me know did I give well off position at four or three I don't remember but I know that book 1 and book 3 are my favorite parts book 3 especially so I feel like if I was ranking them I'd go 3 1 2 but again it's one large story it's like the first law series you need to read all three of them to get this here it's one long book broke up over three volumes that's that's about all site but what makes it so good is the magic system and I feel like this is a broken record when it comes to talking about Sanderson it's a given you're gonna see there's a book there's gonna be some kind of magic system that feels a little different than anything but this magic system is what drew me to his stories made me say huh this guy is different this guy is really really different I feel like he's never this was where I discovered that he was not the type to just kind of be content to rest on old fantasy tropes is he immune to those now no but the magic system in this is the most striking quality of this series and it's try to get into it I getting too much spoilers here when I first open the first book and it has a elemental chart of metals and what metals when you combine them with other metals what they do and only huh okay so we're in chemistry class okay you know chemistry was never a subject I really particularly cared for but it managed accustomed is called allomancy and it isn't it is based on ingesting and burning these metals that give their users special like superhero powers and these powers vary by which metal is ingested you know not every alum answer has the ability to burn every metal and that's like I said all I can say without getting spoilery but just know that the elements being used everything unravels in unexpected ways and there's more to it than just okay you can burn metal I've got the magic system it's not one of those things like I said this it's super super confusing it's probably more more complex than it was a more breaker I talked about more breaker recently that the magic system was difficult at first but rather easy to grasp as far as the most Samson ones are this one's probably a little more complex than that but it's nothing that you aren't going to be able to get and I have said a couple of times that uh that while I was first reading these books I was like okay okay I'm looking at the chart like okay they're using this metal and then she's burning this metal and if you combine it with that than it's doing this after a while I'll just like you know what the fighting that's it they're fighting if you really want to get into the nuts and bolts of it you can but you don't have to you don't have to to really enjoy what is happening here next up is the characters I talked about how you would end up loving every single character I mean I did I did I felt like there was a character for everything there was the you know the the planner there was the the adventurers there was the hothead there was the the comic relief there was just everything that you want in a full ensemble cast like this it was like a like a fellowship or something like that I just there was something that checked off all those boxes that you want not those that you're like oh god they got check the boxes no I know that's become like a derogatory term now saying you gotta check the boxes but this is in a way that where it's like it's everything that you want you've got every personality type checked here and it just this crew just flows together in such a brilliant way that I fell in love with every single one of them you know in something that people know I'm a big grimdark fan there are some antihero sentiments with these characters but it is a grim dark it isn't grim dark they aren't all great characters and Sanderson does really do a good job at embracing who the good guys are and who the bad guys are there isn't a ton of grey in here but all of the main players are incredibly flawed incredibly flawed so don't be thinking okay it's just you know good goody two-shoes versus you know super mustache twirling bad guy nothing like that at all in fact the bad guys in this it'll throw you for a loop more than once but again they're incredibly flawed but never to a way when you don't relate to them you don't find yourself rooting for them you want the good guys to succeed here and you know sometimes when they succeed you think you know I don't know if that was the best plan you know and it gives you lots of things to think about next up I want to talk specifically about VIN then is the protagonist I guess you'd say of this book and she is without a doubt my favorite lady character that Brandon Sanderson has ever created daresay I put her up there with Buffy the Vampire Slayer as my favorite fantastical character of all time she is so damn good and I mean she's just like I said one of my favorite heroines ever so so relatable in a way that like it no before you ask not marry soon she's not a Mary Sue at all she's got a pass that's slowly uncovered she's got serious trust issues it complicates her relationships it complicates everything and yeah she's just wonderfully written and she has a character arc in this that's just fantastic and I can see where people might get some traditional fantasy tropes out of this I don't see it I don't see it at all other than the fact that you know you have like your main character I mean you're gonna have that in most stories or whatever but this isn't like a chosen one farm girl kind of thing this isn't anything like that so yeah yeah Ben is a spectacular character and you guys know how much I loved series series series and AB ivenna and anymore breaker how much I love chillon I got her I got her you know signed a picture up they're not signed by chillon actually it was signed by you know Brandon Sanderson but if Shillong wants to sign it I'd love it anyhow uh in this by far then as my favorite female characters ever written that's how strong of a character she is but I also want to mention Eiland here even I guess you would say if there is a male lead in this series Dallin are from the Stormlight archive that's still my favorite male character the Sanderson's created but Elin is freaking right on her shoulder he's right there with them and I feel like this guy is my spirit animal because he has no interest in being involved in politics and he loves to read I feel like this guy would be like taking a fencing lesson and be reading a book the whole time yeah I just love him so much and that's as far as I'll go with that about about his character because I feel like it would give some things away if I talked more about it but I just say by the end of the trilogy I was a full-on fanboy for elin I love them I love them to death and yeah I mean I I'm not gonna hide that I love then I love Eiland they are fantastic characters and you could not have two better leads you know to spearhead your series than these two in my opinion now let's get to why you should read it I mean obviously this is why you should read miss porn right I mean without spoiling I'll say that this is fantasy filled with twists and turns that never feel forced so much fantasy these days it either feels forced it either feels like insta-love or it feels like deus ex machina I never get any of that in this every surprise in this feels like it has been planned from the very beginning and with each twist that you get realized you see you realize it's been foreshadowed chapters and maybe even books you know earlier each revelation is just so gratifying because you can see so clearly how Sanderson build it just just built up to these moments you know he he made them matter and he was always one or two steps ahead of you the entire time it's just brilliant and something I always fear of my Wheel of Time videos is how much foreshadowing you see when you go into a reread after you've completed this series I imagine this thing I haven't read reread this but I'd like to I really would that's how much I enjoy my schedules just nuts so I didn't have time to reread this but yeah this series would definitely be the same because I mean just the preludes it has before each chapter in this first reader like what is this who was talking to me after you finish you're like oh so I felt like any when you finish a trilogy you could go back and just especially those trailers would make so much sense but so much for shadowing so many things that you'll see that you didn't see the first time and realize yo he wasn't making this up as he went he knew where he was going the whole time and that's what makes Sanderson so special in my opinion so uh lastly I think it says it's just a it's a great entry point to brain and Sanderson if you've been holding off you know you're not really sure where to start order I feel like this is the perfect place to start a lot of people want to start with Stormlight archive I feel like that's kind of a heavy read I feel like if you read like Wheel of Time you're fine you're fine you'll be fine with that I feel like that is Sanderson's Wheel of Time but if you're just you know you're a casual fantasy reader I wouldn't recommend starting with Stormlight archive because it's quite complex and it's quite large compared to this yes this has a large ensemble cast but each character is so different that you don't have a problem differentiating each one of them but uh a criticism that I do here and I can see why people say this I can see why they don't like it is a little as some people say it is kind of why Ashe and I you know I just got butchered on the discord recently for saying that you know I I'm not a big fan of ye I'm not I'm not if you are that's awesome I think it's awesome that you like it again what I always say is I have my opinions and I want you to form your own if you like why a stuff Superman that's awesome do what works for you as long as you are reading I don't care what it is I don't care if it's the freakin funny pages as long as you're reading I want people to read that's it so if we disagree on these things that's fine I know some people feel like I just completely diminished the why Asian rrah I feel the same that people do that to horror people treat core like it's not a real genre like it does it like it doesn't matter like it's you know be material so I get that I get where you're coming from I don't understand the whole tribalism between genres I think it's just gotten kind of crazy and weird but not to not to derail there but what I'm saying is if you consider this yaa I can see it because there is some kind of teeny romance moments I feel like the romance is done well but there are some kissy Kissy moments where you gonna be like okay all right you know got to do that to try to get the try to get to you know the demographics even with with this story with the readers but I wouldn't call it why a it's not grim dark and is it traditional fantasy for the most part but I usually refer to as pg-13 because there is this is not pg-13 there is a ton of violence in this a ton there is a lot of violence I dare say that there's more violence in this and there isn't storm lights there's definitely more violence in this and there is a Wheel of Time and people get me people people don't call with the time you know young adult so there is a hell of a lot of violence in this there is a hell of a lot of dark moments for me to call it why a but it also you know anytime you got a book that has a heavy romance in it with young characters people are gonna consider a young adult do I think the young adults could read enjoy this absolutely do I feel like a 40 year old man could enjoy this books yes I mean I read on mine I was 37 so you know I really think that it's it's just one of those that kind of transcends all that it really can fit just about any demographic that you're looking for here and I think I put it kind of like I did the red rising books now the red rising books did kind of slowly migrated into grimdark books 4 and 5 or straight grimdark but I felt like the earlier books were more approachable but in a way that it was an adult story with young characters more so than I'd call it why a that sounds like I'm tap dancing around it maybe I am I don't know but you know I'm looking forward to talking about each one of these books in depth because it's actually harder to do a non spoilers I think that it is to really do spoilers for these but yeah again I'm looking forward to revisiting and talking about this like I said I won't have time to actually reread it because the The Wheel of Time stuff before Jordan Khan and the the Duggar Dresden Files saying is kind of really just you know took over my schedule this year so I don't have time to reread these but I am going to be doing miss Bourne era 2 for the first time starting in May so that'll be miss born May you know so anyway won't be quite the same as that guys I know the Miss bored March tag isn't anything original I I got it from a viewer and he said he got it from another youtuber so I definitely am not trying to christen that it's just kind of what I'm using so uh if you feel like I've stole that from you I apologize it's just it's so catchy right miss more marks Mistborn money but guys I absolutely recommend these of the highest order I feel like you can get the paperback trilogy on Amazon usually for like 20 bucks I see it on sale all the time it is a great read you will not be able to put them down even with that more sluggish parts in book 2 the payoff is worth it instant just like with all Sanderson where I say that his third actual the best treat it like that book one it's the first set book two is the second act and book three yeah yeah the the whole third book is the Sandra Lynch in this series and done I'll just say you'll walk away feeling some sort of way the ending is still highly controversial and divisive among the fan base some people absolutely loved it some people did not care for it other people myself included were just absolutely devastated by it so if that's not a hook for you I don't know how well I can really sell this to you more except to just say i sanderson is the gold standard of fantasy right now and if you haven't read any of his books this is the best entry point and I will stand by that much more so than war breaker much more so than Elantras definitely more than than Stormlight archive this is the most approachable way to enter into the Kazmir and guys I hope that you will so let's try to keep the the spoilers for the individual videos so if you want to talk about the Mistborn trilogy in the comments please drop down and tell me why you love it tell me why you didn't like it or whatever like I said trying to get to spoiler in case someone is new to the series and wants to kind of continue to be sold on this series but guys I can't control that I don't delete any comments so I won't be deleting any comments to get spoilers so proceed at your own caution or whatever bit duh yeah read it read this you'll be able to read this in a couple of weeks this is a great great series and he just yelled us fly through it so thanks for watching guys and I'm looking forward to continuing Mistborn March starting with the final Empire next Wednesday so drop in the comments and I will talk to you there [Music] you
Channel: Mike's Book Reviews
Views: 32,222
Rating: 4.9341993 out of 5
Keywords: Review, Reaction, Reading, Books, brandon sanderson, mistborn, elantris, cosmere, warbreaker, white sand, stormlight archive, arcanum unbounded, read along, fantasy, wheel of time, mistborn trilogy, way of kings, words of radiance, oathbringer, hope of elantris, emperor's soul, the emperor's soul, vasher, vivenna, lightsong, nightblood, vin, elend, sazed, Lord Ruler, why you should read
Id: uljqHxHB3J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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