why you should NOT join the airline | watch BEFORE you apply | ex singapore airlines cabin crew

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like I was sort of wasting my life away the base pay is not even sufficient sometimes give me a little bit of depression you need to actually fit your life around your schedule hey there lovely Souls welcome back to my channel my name is febie and I'm here to share my stories and experiences in hopes of encouraging people to embrace their own journey and feel less alone in the process in today's video I want to talk about the top five reasons why I think you should not join the airline as a flight attendant and these are based on my personal experience flying as a flight Steward is with Singapore Airlines I have actually put out a couple videos on my flying Journey so if you're interested in checking those out please click the links that I've put in the description box down below going back to today's topic let's talk about the top five reasons of why I think you should not not join the airline as a flight attendant number one you're exchanging time for money the first thing that came to mind when I thought about what to share in this video is the fact that you are exchanging time for money like literally I know in most jobs that's what you do but I think in the airline industry this fact is especially true and the reason why I say that is because even though there is a base pay but the base pay is not even sufficient for you to survive in Singapore I can guarantee that the bulck of your pay actually comes from the flights that you operate for me when I operated a flight I would get a an hourly pay and then number two depending on the flight whether it's a turnaround or it's a layover I would get additional allowance that actually make up the bulk of my pay at the end of every paycheck and the other truth is there's no sick day what it means is that you yes you can take a sick day if you're sick but then if you happen to be sick on the day that you need to operate a flight and you end up not being able to go for that flight you won't be compensated you won't get paid because going back to what I just mentioned before the bulk of your pay comes from when you operate a flight and you only get paid when you actually go for your flight otherwise you won't get paid number two is you have little to no control control over your life so what happens when you work as a flight attendant is you would get a schedule on a monthly basis and there is a department who manages your schedule at least for major airlines this is how it typically works and then that means that you need to actually fit your life around your schedule yes you can change flights and you can try to move your schedule around but it is actually it takes a lot to to modify your schedule and there's no guarantee that you'll be able to actually change things from the schedule that you have been given there's also this thing called standby duties and regardless of how senior you are or how long you've been with a company standby duties will follow you through out your flying life forever and ever and ever and ever so this might mean that when you're on standby you can't do anything because you can get called up for flight just anytime within your standby hour hours and the length of the standby period usually would would take between 12 hours to 24 hours and sometimes there's also back toback standby so what that means is let's say you have 2 days standby and that means that you could be called up just at any time within those 48 hours period And if you think about it it is very tricky because for me at that time I felt like I was sort of wasting my life away cuz I was just playing the waiting game without really knowing if I need to report for flight or when do I need to report for flight and it's very tricky to plan my life during those 10 by days and another thing is you have to fight to get your days off and even though you do put in a request there's no guarantee that you would get it like I needed to submit a request and it would be processed through a ballot system so there's no guarantee that I would get it and I had to fight for it and if I don't get it that means I would have to miss important events such as my friend's weddings my mom's birthday or maybe like Chinese New Year or other holiday seasons I would have to go to work instead cuz I wasn't able to to secure the days off and I found that to be a bit tricky number three is the long work hours and unhealthy lifestyle so when I was working with Singapore Airlines I would get schedules that are mixed of short medium and Long Haul flights even for shest turnaround flights it would take me at least 8 to 10 hours actually from the time I prep to go to work all the way until after we landed in Singapore it's like a short flight and if it's a long flight the hours could be notoriously long as an example I did an an ultra long range flight and I did a couple actually or like quite a bunch when I was still flying as an example um I did the 17h hour flight from Singapore to New York and 17 hours is just a flight time does not include the reporting time which is 2 hours before the departure time and my prep to go for the flight so I needed to prep 4 hours before so it's 21 hours plus my post Landing Duty so it would be about 22 hours of work and yes we do get rest period on board but it's sort of different even though I'm super grateful for that rest period CU otherwise I don't know how I could survive or like even other people but at the end of the day the work hours are still long and it is not the same with um the normal typical 9 to5 job that most people do okay now let's talk about the unhealthy lifestyle so first of all when you fly you would be in the isolated air tube for many many hours and that means that you would need to breathe the circulated air and that's actually one of the reasons why we sometimes would feel so tired from taking a flight because the air is not fresh and it would make us feel jaded and low on energy and on top of that the air is very dry too I talked about my experience having skin rashes when I just started flying and the reason for that was because of the dry air last but not least is the unhealthy on board food so it might not be a secret that on board food is typically saltier than the food that we would consume on ground because of the fact that we consume the food at a certain altitude and our taste buds would get numb to a certain extent so imagine if you're a crew which means that you would have on board food available for you every day every time you go to work in and out it is unhealthy to consume on board food on a regular basis and that is also why a lot of crew would try to mitigate this by bringing their own food or choose to skip meals which is probably not the healthiest alternative fourth thing is the constant jetl which can be a risk to your mental health so I remember when I was still flying I would always feel tired like 70% of the time and at that time I was more diligent and and I exercised a lot more often than I do now which is a good reminder that I probably should exercise more often now le compared to when I was still flying you know when you lose sleep like sometimes you would feel grumpy and you're just not at your baths and sometimes you're just not like yourself and imagine if that happens on a regular basis like it's a constant in your life to me I found that to be pretty challenging honestly to really manage my emotions and my mood regardless of how much sleep I got and constantly trying to fight the Jetline let's be honest there are certain times in the day when it is not really the best time to feel awake like sometimes you just caught up in negative thoughts and rumination like imagine like staying awake at 2: 3:00 a.m. in the morning when you should be asleep and falling asleep at 10:00 a.m. in the morning instead so something to think about and I remember that those jet lags would sometimes give me a little bit of depression like I sometimes would feel a bit depressed and just didn't feel like myself overall and it sort of affected the way I operated too and the way I showed up um in my relationships I didn't really like it and last but not least is navigating The Challenge and forging meaningful relationships from work so I touched on this topic briefly in my previous video so if you're interested in checking that out please click the link in the description box down below when it comes to this one reason I find that the main thing is because a lot of people have this mindset that I'm here for a good time not for a long time and I think it's a fair principle or a fair mindset considering the fact that you would always fly with different people every sing single time and I think this is a pretty standard practice across major Air Lines considering the amount of people that you have on the operational front let's be real building relationships takes time and typically when you fly as a flight attendant you would only meet this exact people the exact same group for that particular flight and then you'll have to work together and then the next time around you would be paired with different set of people even on the same flight you would work with different set of people on the way up versus on the way back as an example there you have it my top five reasons of why I think you should not join the airline as a flight attendant that said I'm a big believer that there's always pros and cons to everything so in my next video I'm going to be talking about the reasons of why I think you should join the airline as a flight attendant so if you think that you can benefit from that video please subscribe to my channel so that you're able to check out the video the moment I put it out and your own convenience thank you for watching thank you for spending the time with me and I'll see you soon bye now
Channel: Febby Lyan
Views: 30,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Singapore Airlines, cabin crew, flight stewardess, career pivot, flight attendant, flying tips, singapore girl
Id: fWU9Dx6_cQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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