a step by step guide to acing singapore airlines cabin crew interview in 2024

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are you currently preparing for your Kevin crew interview with Singapore Airlines I got you I went for the interview once and managed to get in successfully with one try even though I managed to get in with one try I remember feeling incredibly nervous and unsure about the interview while all the resources that I found online were helpful this is a video I wish I could have found while I Was preparing for the interview hey friends welcome back to the channel my name is febby and this channel I share my stories about my nonlinear life journey to encourage you to embrace your own journey and feel less alone in the process if you don't know already I used to fly as a flight attendant with Singapore Airlines for a couple years and I've actually posted a bunch of videos about my flying Journey cool enough I actually managed to get in with one try as I mentioned at the beginning of the video and so now that the world has started to open up again and travel started to get back to normal all Global Airlines across the world including Singapore Airlines has started their recruitment process and I think this is also why I have received a couple comments and questions asking me about the tips and tricks on how to crack the ask you interview so I decided to make this video that consists of the endtoend interview process including my tips and tricks on how to clear each step of the interview I'm fully aware of how competitive the recruitment process could be during my time there were at least 400 candidates that went for the interview and at the end only 20 managed to get into the very final step after the entire entn process including medical checkup only 16 managed to officially join the airline okay in this video I'm going to structure the information into three parts the first part is the steps alongside the purpose of each step the second part would be the skills and qualifications that are needed in order to show and demonstrate that you a good fit for the job and then the third part would be the preparation that I recommend you do leading up to the interview day without further Ado let's get started the first part is the interview steps the interview consists of seven steps I'm going to break it out and walk you through step by step on what each step entails as well as my tips to increase your success in passing each of the step okay step one I call it an icebreaker step so in Step One what you will do is is you will be put in a group and there will be 10 of you as candidates and then there will be two interviewers so two interviewers and 10 candidates and what you will do in the first step is you will be given a very simple question and then you will be asked to stand up one by one and answer the question the purpose of this step is for the interviewers to see how you communicate your demer and you can call it like a Vibe check you know and for this St step my recommendation is two things number one is always remember to introduce yourself before you give out your answer to the question that was given and number two is to give your answer in a concise structured and respectful Manner and also because this job is a very people oriented job so remember to also show respect to your fellow candidates make sure that you pay attention when they speak and demonstrate that you are listening because that's also one of the skills that you will need once you start flying as a flight attendant on the first stop they're going to eliminate quote unquote four people and then the six successful candidates will move on to the next round the Second Step has two parts and I call the first part the spit dating round and then the second part the debate round so on the spit dating round what you'll do is you'll be paired in pairs with another candidate so there will be three groups two people in each group and then what you'll do is you're going to be given a short amount of time to get to know one another and then once it's your turn to speak you're going to be asked to talk about what you know about this fellow candidate purpose of this exerise is to assess your ability to really create that human connection with another person because this is going to be something that you'll have to do day in day out at your job once you start flying your passengers who are technically shortlisted strangers that you have never met before until you come on board this is a scenario that you would encounter dayto day and so they just want to assess how com able you are in managing and navigating this type of situation and then the second part of the second step or I call it the debate round is that you're going to be split into two groups so six people being split into two groups so three people in each group and then you're going to be given a statement one group will disagree and one group will agree what you need to do is when it's your time to speak you need to share your thoughts based on which group you have been assigned to the purpose of this round is to see how you can communicate your opinion and perspective in a thoughtful and concise manner so I would highly recommend you think about what you need to say and try to convey it in a thoughtful and respectful manner without bringing other people's opinion down and just stay in your own lane and communicate your perspectives that support the group that you have been assigned to and once you clear the Second Step the third step would be an English written test and for me because I went for the interview in Jakarta Indonesia and in Indonesia English is not the first language so I think the reason why they had this stop is because they just wanted to assess your level of fluency in English to make sure that you are good across all aspects including speaking reading and writing and it was literally an English test that you would typically take in school so you would be sitting in a cubicle along with other people if you pass this step we going to proceed to the next round and that is a panel interview this panel interview is like a typical job interview you'll have that interview with a group of interviewers usually two to three interviewers this round consists of both behavioral questions as well as personal questions on the behavioral questions side a lot of the questions I remember were pertaining more to the situations that you would encounter on board and they just want to see like your thought process and how you would handle the situations some of the questions I remember are how would you manage passengers that are upset when their choice of Bill is not available or how would you manage a conflict between two passengers where they both have been assigned the same seat these are the things that you would encounter on board regularly one tip I can say it's more about demonstrating your emotional intelligence and your problem solving skills and also being able to show how you are able to think quickly on your fit so it doesn't have to be perfect and on the personal question side from my experience they asked me things like how would you balance your lifestyle with the irregular working hours how would you manage the feeling of Lon being away from family during holiday season and things like that and the purpose of this round I think is they want to know if you really know what you sign up for because of course there are all the perks and all the great and glamorous things like being able to travel the world yada yada yada but at the same time do you really know what it takes to thrive at the job so my tip for this one is to really understand your why to really know why are you interested in this job and being able to articulate that in a concise and respectful Manner and make sure that that comes across as genuine if you pass the panel interview around I feel like more than half of the job is done because the next step which is step five is all the physical check so the physical check is broken out into four components the first one is height check and then followed by a weight check or a BMI check and then skin complexion check the last part would be kabaya feain starting from from the first part the first part is a height check so the minimum height to be a cabin crew member of Singapore Airlines for ladies is 1.58 M or in American measurement it would be 5'2 I know that they are pretty strict about this because they're going to measure your height and then they're going to ask you to stretch your arm to ensure that you can reach the compartment because that's also one of the things that you're going to be doing once you start flying so they want to make sure that you're able to perform that Duty and you're physically able to do that if you pass that around you're going to move on to the second part of this physical check which is a weight check I think for weight their ideal BMI between 21 to 25 and they're also pretty strict about this like if you're underweight or overweight it could actually risk your application being rejected so something to keep in mind and then the third part would be the skin complexion check so skin complexion basically they're just going to put you under like a pretty bright lamp or if you do the interview at a hotel and the room is already pretty bright they just just going to look at your face that way and they're just going to see like how your skin complexion is overall and if there's any problem or something that they think is alarming they're going to tell you and I'm going to talk about this more in the last part of my video which is the preparation part but just so you know that they do check your skin complexion then the fourth part of this step is kabaya fitting I think this is like the most exciting part for many candidates because you can finally Dawn the famous Singapore atland kabaya in this step they're going to ask you to Da the cabaya and then you're going to be asked to literally catwalk cuz they want to see how you walk they want to see how you look in the cabaya and then on top of that the other thing that they will check is to see if you have anything that's alarming usually what they try to look out for is scoliosis and even though this is going to be further checked in the medical checkup stage they just want to see if even obvious already when you Dawn the cabaya and the other thing that they will check during this kabaya fitting stage is also whether you have visible tattoos because no visible tattoos allow it's a no no you're going to be rejected right away as far as I know so in general I will say that they care about how you look overall and rightfully so because they put a lot of emphasis and they put a lot of investment in maintaining and elevating the Singapore Air girl image through the cabaya and if you pass this step The Next Step which is Step six is going to be a medical checkup in your home country if you're not Singapore in they're going to ask you to do medical checkup including x-ray they're going to also ask you to do a blood test HIV and a couple of other things such as dry eyes color blindness they are going to ask you to do this at no cost to you they're going to bear the cost if you need to do a follow-up check then you're going to have to bear the cost it actually happened to me and it actually sort of put me in a waiting game for a bit after you clear step six everything looks good they're going to send you an employment contract and also arrange for your departure to Singapore if you're not already in Singapore or if you're not Singaporean once you arrive in Singapore they going to give you a week they're going to ask you to do another medical checkup so this is like the second and last medical checkup and you need to do it in Singapore and they're going to pay for the cost as scary or risky as it might sound I also know of people who got rejected because their medical checkup in Singapore came back as not good in some way I think like rejection of this stage is like the worst because you're literally there already in Singapore and you're like almost ready to to start your training and stuff but if you don't pass a medical checkup in Singapore they're going to ask you to go home now let's move on to the skills and qualifications needed for you to crush the interview starting from the skills that are needed I think you might be able to tell already from the interview steps that I laid out it actually has a lot to do with soft skills and if I were to narrow it down to three things I will say number one is is problem solving number two is interpersonal skills and number three is situational awareness and I think a lot of this has something to do with emotional intelligence so if you are able to demonstrate this three key traits I think that will increase your chance of being successful in the interview in terms of qualifications I've alluded to it here and there you can check A full list of the requirements on their official website so you know the latest and greatest if I were to point point a couple key things I I will say number one is height which is a minimum of 1.58 M or 52 number two is within a healthy BMI range number three is skin complexion number four is no visible tattoos allowed number five is fluency in English the last part is the preparation that you need to do leading up to the interview so I think from the interview steps as well as the skills and qualifications that are needed to crush the interview and to demonstrate that you're a good fit for the job you you might be able to pick up a couple things that you think you might have a gap in so my suggestion is to take a proactive approach and making sure that these are Under Control before you go for the interview for example if you know that you have a skin complexion problem I think it's a good thing to settle that first before you go for the interview or another example could be if you think that you need to do something with your weight to ensure that you are able to to demonstrate that you're within the ideal BMI range I think that's also not an not something that you can do overnight so it's good to take a proactive approach to ensure that you have one last thing to worry about on the interview day okay friends that is all I have for today's video if you are watching this video as part of your interview preparation with SQ I am rooting for you if you're watching this video for educational or informational purposes only now you know how rigorous and lengthy the interview process to join Singapore Airlines could be if you find this video useful in any way please like And subscribe to the channel I would really appreciate that and thank you for watching I hope you have a great day and I will see you in the next one bye now
Channel: Febby Lyan
Views: 8,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: singapore airlines, cabin crew, Singapore airlines cabin crew, life journey, self help, flight attendant, stewardess, flying journey, flying life, life advice, career advice, flight attendant vlog, Sia cabin crew, sia girl, flight stewardess, millennial club, sia cabin crew interview, flight attendant interview
Id: EnEojM0ByUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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