Why You Should Never Buy Foods That Look Like This!

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cleaning my fridge always leaves me confused what items are safe to eat and which ones should I throw away it can be hard to know especially if internet hoaxes are to be believed like is that story about green potatoes being toxic really true let's find out with ten helpful tips number 10 olive oil that doesn't smell like olives I don't usually think of vegetable oils having a distinct smell because most of them don't but it turns out that olive oil does smell like olives until it goes bad some experts say olive oil that's gone rancid may taste like rancid peanuts or smell like crayons award-winning chef Marcus Samuelsson says that good olive oil should smell fragrant and fruity and that it should taste and smell like the olives it came from he also adds that oil that's gone bad or rancid often tastes like glue or even motor oil this leads me to one more question who has tasted motor oil and glue in the first place NAT don't tell me that's the latest thing a cuisine since laundry detergent number nine glued meat speaking of glue you don't want your meat to taste like it either and it might because some shops may actually glue cheaper cuts of meat to fool you into thinking they're more expensive ones you see these two steaks or are they those yellow joints show where the differ types of meat were glued together this is done with an enzyme called transglutaminase and it could be problematic if an older piece of meat gets glued in the middle and that part doesn't get heated as well while cooking the older meat may be harboring bacteria that doesn't get hot enough to die even worse bacterial contamination could spread through your piece together steak so how do you tell the difference when grocery shopping a real steak should look like this without all those suspicious lines the USDA insist that transglutaminase is listed on the ingredients of meat in stores unfortunately the most commonly glued cut of meat is filet mignon destined for the food service industry in that case you may have to ask your server if Elmer's is on the menu number eight eggs that float if you're planning to have steak and eggs you may want to toss your eggs in a bowl of cold water first this tip sounded like an old tale to me but it's actually true if an egg is bad it floats in fresh cold water and if it's okay it sinks that's because eggshells seem solid but are really slightly porous as time goes by a sac of air starts to form around the egg sac on the inside of the shell the older the egg the more air it gets under the shell if enough air has gotten the egg to make it float it's possible that it's still okay but the odds are it's probably not good anymore and you should float it to the nearest trash can number 7 fresh veggies that turn yellow if you're looking for a good excuse not to eat that salad this might just do it when fresh veggies start to go bad they lose their color often turning yellow broccoli and kale are especially prone to turning jaundice with age some vegetables like celery and onions can still be used if you cut off the yellow portion and soak them for 10 or 15 minutes in ice water wilted lettuce and greens are usually okay if you cut away the discolored portions but toss away anything with obvious mold or slime number 6 canned food it's hard to tell if canned food has gone bad because it's inside a can and when I open it the contents are usually mush even if it is fine well you may think of canning is a good way to preserve food improperly canned goods may lead to foodborne illnesses including botulism so what should you do as it turns out there are several sides canned goods have gone bad if the can is still sealed and the lid bulges moving up and down when you touch it throw it away this is common when the can is leaky or has been stored in too cold or hot environments rusting or corrosion on the can is also a concern as this corrosion will eventually lead to microscopic holes that bacteria can get through if you open the can and it explodes that's also a bad sign a can that hisses loudly or produces an acrid smell when opened that should also be canned some will hiss just because their vacuum packed but allowed hiss indicates the food inside may have already gone bad and reacted with air and cause and pressure hence the sound now what about dented cans they seem harmless especially when the grocery store is selling five of them for a dollar but the dents may also compromise the airtight seal of the can allowing bacteria to leak through if the lid is still tightly sealed it should be okay otherwise put it back in the bargain bin number five never eat in oozing overly soft Kiwi Kiwis or tropical fruits that are often found in stores during the winter months given that they keep pretty well however even these evergreen fruits will eventually go bad spoiling your winter vacation at the dinner table choose a Kiwi that's still firm with unwrinkled skin and no dark blemishes also avoid Kiwis that appear to be out of a hand lotion commercial meaning if they have very soft skin you don't want them when you squeeze the fruit it should cave slightly but not too much if the Kiwi caves too much when you apply pressure it's probably overripe a good Kiwi will also have a fragrant citrus smell while a bad one may smell pungent and sweet soft and slightly squishy fruit on the inside is another clue that it's time to retired your Kiwi to the garbage bin number four green potatoes can poison you like a lot of people I've read that green potatoes can be dangerous to eat but I also read on the internet that sexy singles in my area want to meet me and that didn't exactly turn out to be true not that I checked or anything however that green potato thing proves to be true when potatoes are still green they contain high levels of a toxin called solanine which can cause problems like nausea headaches and neurological symptoms this toxin is produced as a defense against insects and prolonged exposure to light and warm temperatures will raise its levels in the tuber most green potatoes never make it to the store but to reduce the risk of solanine developing you should store them in a cool dry place like a cabinet if you happen to see any green spots on your potatoes cut them away before cooking unless you want to feel green yourself number 3 red kidney beans that look raw I know a few people who are on a raw food kick but not all foods could be safely consumed in this state red kidney beans are one example of a food you don't want to eat even if you're a yoga teacher recommends it they contain toxins called lectins including one called Fido hemagglutinin this could be harmful to your stomach cells leading to nausea vomiting and stomach pain other beans have this toxin as well but red kidney beans have the highest concentration they need to be soaked in water for at least five hours before consumption then thoroughly cooked preferably boiling don't use a slow cooker as these may not get hot enough to destroy the lectins even beans that are slightly cooked but not to a high enough temperature can cause illness only about a half a cup of raw or undercooked kidney beans can make you sick number two bacon if it's grayish brown or slimy everyone loves bacon well except maybe the pig sorry porky but you don't want to be sorry if you eat bad bacon so here are some ways to avoid it look at the color of the bacon it should have a fresh bright pink color like the animal it came from if it's grayish brown greenish or slimy throw it away and thoroughly wash your hands spoiled uncooked bacon could be contaminated with E coli or salmonella bacteria which could cause serious illness you may be able to prolong the life of your bacon by buying it last at the store so that way it spends less time out of refrigeration definitely be sure to pop it in the fridge as soon as you get home and pay attention to the expiration date as much as you want that bacon if it doesn't pass the color test or that smells funny or off you have to say that's all folks - your beloved bacon your ticker will probably thank you - number one cracked watermelon speaking of nice pink healthy foods I still don't know what to do about eating watermelon last year a story circulated on the internet about how you should not eat a watermelon if you cut it open and see that there are cracks in the fruit turns out that was really a hoax these are often referred to as hollow heart watermelons and are typically sweeter due to the concentration of sugars within the cracks the cracks are caused by temperature spiking while the watermelon grows which is pretty common because watermelons are grown in warm areas and warm times of the year the cracks are completely harmless according to industry experts despite claims that they can make you sick the reason the hoax spread was because in 2011 people were scarred by a story about exploding watermelons in China but those were tested with a chemical that isn't allowed in the United States fake news then suggested that the cracks were a telltale sign proving you shouldn't eat them the truth is the watermelons grown with this growth chemical called for CH lore fen urine are still edible they just taste less sweet and due to their accelerated growth may have missed shape and when grown with choosing a watermelon look for one that feels heavy for its size and has a yellow spot which means it was grown to maturity also pick it up and give it a tap if it has a deep hollow sound it should be perfectly ripe and sweet while an under or over ripe one will sound dull that deep hollow sound is music to a watermelon lovers ears what's the grossest thing you've seen in a food item that made you decide not to eat it let me know in the comments section down below thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 896,068
Rating: 4.8045692 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be, amazed, top, 10, foods, products, signs, hacks, helpful, tips, potato, education, Company, Science, what's, inside, watermelons, watermelon, pringles, mcdonalds, candy, snacks, snack, Olive, eating
Id: -6V9AZyaB50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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